“American Frontline Nurses” Gangstalked & Harassed by FBI & Police For Battling COVID CORRUPTION AND CRIMINAL GENOCIDE

Live Frontline Nurses Speak Out About What Is Really Going On In Hospitals? Red Voice Media; Jan. 22, 2022 whttps://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2022/01/five-frontline-nurses-speak-out-about-what-is-really-going-on-in-hospitals-video/ Webmaster Introduction: This is an Read More …

Is Dr. Eric Karlstrom’s Targeting and Gangstalking-Electronic Torture Due to His Scientific-Environmental-Political Activism?; Some Relevant Letters, Presentations, Articles, Notes, Etc. (2006-2013)

Toto Enterprises, Inc. (Websites of Professor Eric T. Karlstrom) Gangstalking (aka Counterintelligence, Community-Based, & Contract Stalking; Counterterrorism; COINTELPRO Torture; State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism; Man-Hunting Business; Human Read More …

Report to United Nations Special Rapporteur (Dr. Nils Melzer) on Torture: Inputs for psychosocial dynamics conducive to torture and ill-treatment report

Inputs for psychosocial dynamics conducive to torture and ill-treatment report Note: Kindly request confidentiality of my report Date: 20th June 2020 https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/Individuals/Militarygrade.pdf Respected Sir/Madam, My Read More …

Ex-Military Wife, Kay Griggs Interviews (1998, 2005, 2006): US Military Is a Mind Control, Gang Stalking (Cult) Operation Run by Sexual Deviants (Homo and Bi-sexuals/pedophiles)

ETK Introduction: Political insider and historian, Kay Pollard Griggs is the former wife of Colonel George Griggs, Head of Special Operations under Admiral Kelso of Read More …