by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, September 11, 2018
Subtitle: Inferred Functions of the CIA/NSA/DOD/FBI/DOJ/DHS/Corporate “Counter-Intelligence” Stalking/Electronic Torture-Harassment/Mind Control Operations (aka GISTAPO-666 for “Global Intelligence Syndicate Satanic Space-based “Security-Surveillance” Stalking, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Terrorism, Termination, Transhumanism And Pentagon, Policing-for-Profit, Psycho-political, Psychotronic, Psychological Operations” and/or GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO; or “Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups’ Electronic Surveillance, Slavery, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Trauma, Terror, Tyranny, and Psychological Operations”).
Epigraph Quotes:
1) “I can pay one half of the working class to kill the other half.” – Jay Gould, 19th Century Robber Baron
2) “Beginning with the enactment of the heavily intrusive Patriot Act (2001) and creation of the colossal bureaucracy of the Department of Homeland Security (2002), which was granted virtually unlimited police powers, America had taken a whole series of giant steps towards Absolute Rule, as in such communist countries as the USSR, Red China, North Korea and so on. The DHS alone constituted the largest federal expansion in more than 50 years, which literally took over the nation´s entire law enforcement apparatus in a treasonous move to nationalize U.S. police.
This new DHS monstrosity absorbed 22 massive government agencies, including Immigration and Naturalization, the Border Patrol, U.S. Customs, the Coast Guard, FEMA, and numerous others. It kicked off with no fewer than 177,000 personnel on board, and grows bigger, costlier and more threatening by the year….. We are speaking of the communization or Sovietization of America…. In all truthfulness, the Department of Homeland Security should be re-named the American KGB, American Gestapo, or the crypto-Judaic Department of Homeland Subjugation. Then at least people would have a better idea of where they stand.
…. Here is how one writer described the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012: ¨This is one of the most tragic events I have written about… the horrendous bill that would turn all of America into a battlefield and subject American citizens to indefinite military detention without charge or trial has passed the Senate.¨
Hugh Akins, 2012, ¨Synagogue Rising: A Catholic Worldview of Anti-Christian Judaism and Counterrevolutionary Resistance¨
3) “This (global organized stalking/GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO) is the most important policy of the United States…. with this invisible and silent weapon, they can control people and populations, biological and electronic systems, via space satellites…. The elite have plans to get rid of 2/3 of the world’s population with electromagnetic warfare, chemical warfare, and psychological warfare…. Mind control, MK, is listed as a “non-lethal weapon” by the military… and is a weapon of mass destruction along with nuclear bombs… This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based super-computers…. According to the CIA Director in 1972, mind control means a world where every thought, emotion, observation, and need is controlled.
… More crimes against humanity have been committed under the shield of “national security” than the people can ever know…. possibly even more than the mafia.”
Dr. Rauni Kilde (MD), “Bright Light on Black Shadows,” 2015 (Key Insights Into Global Organized Stalking-Mind Control System From Dr. Rauni Kilde (MD) book “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015)
4) “National Security is the largest institution in the world and also the most corrupt institution in the world in the sheer volume of plunder of America’s financial assets.”
Cushman Cunningham, “Conspiracy Facts: Neocons Unmasked” (2015)
5) “We have (been led) out of the industrial society to enslavement in the Information Society…. there are frightening developments concerning the use of data surveillance, known as biomedical telemetry, mind control, optical electronic surveillance and brain-computer interaction. The properties of this technology enable the monitoring of mental functions, thought, deed and associated cerebral neurophysiological changes as well as the manipulation of behavior, values and personality from limitless geographical distance.”
6) “Gang stalking and related psychological attacks are designed to surround, isolate, and eventually destroy its victim. … the gang stalkers’ routines may develop slow over a period of months or years. The gang stalkers’ intent is to completely surround the victim, cutting him off from friends, family, and other support systems. Eventually the victim’s 24-hour daily routine is monitored and manipulated by gang stalkers and other covert operatives. The psychological attack eventually overwhelms the emotions of the victim. He becomes mentally unbalanced. His emotional reserves are depleted and he is isolated from any support systems that can bolster him. … he will eventually react to these relentless psychological attacks in a way that results in incarceration, homelessness, suicide, or death.
This gang stalking methodology falls under a system of psychological operations being developed and tested on American citizens by covert quasi-law enforcement agencies.
The basic process described above has been taught by the CIA since the 1950s.”
From Chapter 10 in the book, “Bad Experiments;” Why Gang Stalking Works:
7) “The purpose of all coercive techniques is to introduce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist. Regression is basically a loss of autonomy, a reversion to an earlier behavioral level. As the subject regresses his learned personality traits fall away in reverse chronological order. He begins to lose the capacity to carry out the highest creative activities, to deal with complex situations, to cope with stressful interpersonal relationships, or to cope with repeated frustrations.”
CIA Human Resource Exploitation Manual
8) “The use of mind hacking the greatest people of influence in a culture can accelerate the desired change of the whole. The process of finding the people of greatest influence in an organization is called ¨influence mapping.¨
The CIA and DoD groups that program minds for these illegal clandestine operations often call themselves Satanists…. …. the CIA and DoD are testing maximum pain and torture to death weapons on random people all around the globe.
‘Winning the hearts and minds strategy’ uses a scalable enslavement strategy…. Brains can be programmed while they are sleeping.
…..In order to increase S.A.T.A.N.´s (Silent Assassination Through Adaptive Networks) kill capacity using behavior modification techniques; England and the United States use human subjects chosen from every social group around the world to converge on the best kill ratio statistics.
The number of successful kills through mind hacking cannot be estimated due to the extremely large collateral damage numbers.”
Dr. Robert Duncan, ¨Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed, Volume Two¨ (2010)
9) “Microwave Surveillance is Mind Control. Microwave mind control hides government corruption as it destroys the target victims. Target victims are citizens who are a liability to the crime families and syndicates who run and control the United States.”
The New Torture/Murder Surveillance of America
10) “The “psychological operations” conducted against targeted persons pale in terms of sheer bestiality when compared to the “final solution” engineered into the fusion center Gestapo plan: silent high-tech torture, impairment, induction of fatigue, stroke, aneurysms, heart attack or other injury and disease — a slow-kill homicide — by means of covert electromagnetic attack.
The covert irradiation of unknowing citizens is facilitated by a U.S. government microwave radio frequency “directed energy” weapon system installed on cell tower masts nationwide — and capable of the precision-targeting of unique individuals — or entire populations. The existence of these weapons of mass or personal destruction in every neighborhood and along every highway in America was first revealed a year ago by this journalist, who himself continues to be a victim of these heinous attacks.”
11) “The goal is to create a nationwide system of “vigilantes” who do not think for themselves but follow orders- the Evildoing, US-Govt-paid “defense” contractors’ private army of “shooters” (not thinkers). The network is run by contractors and by DHS’s (Department of Homeland Security’s) 78 fusion centers. The propaganda is that they are fighting terrorists (and that is what they tell these vigilante suckers.) The truth is that they are constructing a nationwide GPS/cellphone-directed prison system that now contains ALL Americans.”
Why? “As a lead-up to globalization, it’s obviously necessary to perfect techniques of torture to terrorize and eventually eliminate anyone that might present opposition to the grand Satanic design. A well-known incarnation of this technique of extreme fear-based control wielded by fascist states came into the public awareness through the activities of the German Stasi and the Red Terror in Russia under the Bolshevik Cheka, which ran an arrest, internment, and execution campaign that institutionalized the gulag prison system. In America, this fear-based mind control program of torture and execution was rolled out and perfected for use against Americans and citizens worldwide in South Vietnam in a program known as the Phoenix Program.”
“Who authorized the U.S. government to produce mind-control slaves? I didn’t. Did you?”
Dr. Paul Marko, psychology Ph.D. and host of “World Beyond Belief” podcast series, The Torture-Mind Control Agenda Exposed; MK-ULTRA, Gitmo, Gang Stalking, and The Electronic Concentration Camp: Dr. Paul Marko video
12) “Gang Stalkers Specialize in Killing Without Touching. They create stress in their victims who die of a heart attack or suicide or by poison, gas or microwaves or killed in an accident. The aim of the stalkers is for the target to be destroyed; killed, made homeless & destitute, declared insane or committed to prison or murdered by doctors.
Like hundreds of millions of people we have been Targeted for Terrorism, Asset Stripping and Murder by Australian and New Zealand Criminal satanic Stalking Gang.
Criminal satanic Gang Stalkers Terrorized Us Out of Australia AND with Indonesian criminals continued the terrorism In Jakarta WITH Ethnic Cleansing, 24/7 Satanic Gang stalking, Terrorism and the Spreading of Gossip & Lies.
Organized criminals have interfered with AND CORRUPTED businesses and government operations in Australia, Indonesia, Singapore and Britain.
Military Grade Surveillance Technology & sophisticated PsyOps are being employed. Thus the local criminals who are Gang Stalking us must have foreign Intel assistance.
The real fight is for civil rights.”
From: Limasila: Australian/NZ Crime, Terrorism, and Gang Stalking in Jakarta (International Gang Stalking – Asset Stripping Operations (aka “Policing For Profit”)
13) “The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”
These weapons are more dangerous than atomic destruction. With knowledge of the brain, we may transform, we may shape, direct, roboticize man. I think the great danger of the future is that we will have roboticized human beings who are not aware that they have been roboticized.”
CIA/MKULTRA “spychiatrist,” Dr. José Delgado, Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974
14) “I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun.… Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the all-highest.”
Col. George Hunter White, CIA, OSS, received funding for MKULTRA Subprojects 3, 14, 16, and 42 (Ross, 2000).
15) “Israel was behind all four fronts in 9/11, that momentous event in our nation´s history: 1) The actual terror attacks themselves; 2) the subsequent cover-up; and both 3) ¨the U.S.-led military invasions overseas¨ and 4) the ¨domestic security state apparatus.¨
(Hugh Akins, “Synagogue Rising,” 2012)
16) “The goal of the Jewish Masonic elite is to establish dictatorial Illuministic Communism and to enslave all of mankind under the thumb of a Jewish master race led by a world messiah who is to rule from Jerusalem….. A combined NATO/U.S.A./UN Army will enforce peace and punish “rogue nations.” Special agencies will be set up to infiltrate, dismantle, and destroy dangerous “hate” and exclusivist groups like patriotic groups and the few Bible-believing Christian churches. Intelligence units will be given advanced hightech tools to root out ideological, politically incorrect dissenters and rebels, who will be either killed or sent off to “re-education centers,” also known as concentration camps.
Texe Marrs, “Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star” (2011)
17) British General Charles Cornwallis’ Surrender Speech to General George Washington at Yorktown, VA, 1781: “A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown. Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”
“Jonathan Williams, “LEGIONS OF SATAN,” 1781
18) “The net which Israel now casts over the terrestrial globe enlarges and extends… Our power is immense. Learn to turn that power to our cause. The day is not far distant when all the riches, all the treasures of the earth, will become the property of the children of Israel.”
Jew and high Mason, Cremieux, founder and president of L’Alliance-israelite-universelle, 1860
19) “We (Israel and Jews) control America and the Americans know it.” – Israeli Prime Minister Arial Sharon, October, 2001
20) “Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.” – Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, 10/16/2003
21) “Rise up and kill first.” and “By deception thou shalt do war.” – Mottos of Israel and Israeli Mossad
22) “Jews are behind the whole thing.” Jewish TI (Targeted Individual)
I. Author’s (Dr. Eric Karlstrom) Introduction:
Having studied this phenomena extensively (see this entire website) and as a “Targeted Individual” (TI) myself, I now estimate that GOG’s NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO (Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups’ Electronic Surveillance, Slavery, Tracking, Targeting, Trauma, Torture, Terrorism, Tyranny, and Psychological Operations) is a multi-billion to multi-trillion dollar global industry (aka “National Security Enterprise”) and scalable war-weapon. The program is designed to control, subjugate, “asset strip,” and incrementally genocide and “cyborg” humanity in order to usher in the New World Order/One-World-Government/UN Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century). Considerable evidence, summarized here, suggests the system is coordinated and run on a for-profit basis by elements of the Zionist Mafia/International Banking-Media Cartel which has captured and controls the U.S. Government/Corporate/Military/Intelligence/Police/National Security Establishment.
“Counter-intelligence stalking,” aka GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO, is a form of covert, state-sponsored political terrorism, or “psycho-terrorism,” executed by numerous cooperating sectors of society against targeted citizens and civilian populations. It is one of many devastating war weapons now being deployed against civilians at home and abroad by the Zionist/neoconservative criminal cabal the controls the Anglo-American-Israeli Empire. Other forms of covert, state-sponsored terrorism/low intensity warfare now being deployed include:
A) Weather Warfare/Geoengineering
B) The staging of false-flag, synthetic terror events such as 9/11, the 7/7 London bombings, the Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, and a host of mass killings carried out by “Special Forces” and/or mind-controlled victims of the CIA’s MKULTRA/GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO mind and behavioral control programs. (Piper, 2013, “False Flags: Template For Terror: An Analytical Critique of the Covert Model Utilized by the Conspirators Who Orchestrated 9-11, The Oklahoma City Bombing, the JFK Assassination, Sandy Hook and Boston”)
C) A variety of other kinds of “special forces” operations, termed “unconventional warfare,” up to and including military intervention, are conducted by “civil-military” and para-military forces to destabilize nations and terrorize domestic populations and targeted individuals (TIs) worldwide. These include the staging of coups, revolutions, toppling of duly elected governments, assassinations, and many other so-called “peace-keeping” tactics. (See: Blum, “Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower,” 2000; and Blum, “Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II,” 1995)
D) Foreign military-police cadres are trained in “low intensity conflict” (i.e., terrorism) techniques to be deployed against their own domestic populations at U.S. Army training camps such as the “School of the America’s” (now “Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation”) at Fort Benning, Georgia. (See: Nelson-Pallmeyer, J., “”School of Assassins: Guns, Greed, and Globalization,” 1970; and Nelson-Pallmeyer, J., “War Against the Poor: Low Intensity Conflict and Christian Faith,” 1989).
E) 24/7 propaganda spewed by DOD, intelligence agencies, governments, and media in support of the Zionist agenda for the U.S. military conquest of Israel’s neighbors in order to create a “Greater Israel” (“Eretz Israel”), to eventually include most of the Middle East.
And are facilitated by:
F) The subversion, corruption and co-option of the legal and police systems such that “due process” and Constitutionally-guaranteed civil rights of citizens, who are now redefined as “enemy combatants,” no longer exist.
Under the cover stories of the phony “War on Terrorism,” “law and order,” and “national security,” GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO (Organized Stalking-Electronic Assault-Mind Control/Psychological and Unconventional Warfare Against Civilian Populations) seeks to:
1) Create a for-profit authoritarian, global military-intelligence-corporate police state that controls civilian populations through secret, silent, electronic, psychological and unconventional warfare technologies and techniques.
2) Neutralize, eliminate, and/or control/modify behavior of targeted individuals (TI’s) and groups through the covert use of psychological operations and electromagnetic attacks to silently torture and impair (through “slow-kill” induction of fatigue, mind control, stroke, aneurysms, heart attack or other injury and disease) designated “targets”/”threats.”
3) Cause psychological breakdown of “targeted individuals” to induce them to act out in violent, destructive ways, such as participating in mass shootings, thus, reinforcing the false “narrative” of domestic terrorism.
4) Coerce and/or entice individuals and groups within civilian, military, police, and private security sectors into participating in the system, forcing them to adopt either the roles of “predator” (aka stalker/perpetrator/”surveillance role player,” etc.) or “prey” (target). Thus, GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO is an effective “divide and conquer” strategy that pits neighbor against neighbor, in effect, producing a covert civil war (as per 19th-century robber baron, Jay Gould’s statement, “I can pay one half of the working class to kill the other half).”
5) Militarize, weaponize, criminalize, and “satanize” societies through “targeting” operations. This process includes the corruption of our legal and police systems and abandonment of the due process and Constitutionally-guaranteed civil rights of citizens. It also involves the exponential growth of the off-books “terrorist economy” which converts domestic “societies” into criminal and weaponized “spycieties,” much as occurred under the Stasi secret state police in communist East Germany. Widespread participation in “counter-intelligence stalking” constitutes a criminal felony, up to and including murder, as well as treason, and hence, destroys civil society.
6) Create a secret, standing military-intelligence-police-civilian-private security (para-military) mercenary (and mind controlled?) army (GOG’s NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO) which can be deployed in future New World Order population control, suppression, and selective civilian culling and genocide operations, as well as wars, revolutions, coups, etc.
7) Test, develop, and perfect “Neuro-(mind) weapons” on TIs (individuals selected as human guinea pigs for covert, “non-consensual human experimentation”) for the purpose of establishing military superiority in neuro-warfare, the dominant form of warfare in the 21st century. Some targets are selected because they are thought to represent particular traits of particular demographic sub-populations.
8) Convert “targets”/”subjects”/”potential terrorist threats”/”human products” (actually, innocent American citizens) into “assets,” that is, mind-controlled slaves, spies, sex slaves, Manchurian Candidate assassins, couriers, trolls, and “counter-intelligence stalking perpetrators,” etc. through the covert use of electromagnetic (psychotronic) neuro-weapons and MONARCH mind-programming.
9) Construct a digital map of “targets'” minds and “souls” (defined as will, intellect, and emotions) through use of Remote Neural Monitoring/Remote Neural Manipulation, and “the technology.” Digital cognitive models are downloaded into conscious supercomputers and utilized for purposes of cloning the target, cyborg creation, hive-mind augmentation, etc.
10) Seize assets and/or intellectual property of “targets” once they have been neutralized, MONARCHed, rendered destitute and/or homeless, incarcerated, institutionalized, and/or eliminated.
11) Obtain mind and behavioral control of, cull, and or eliminate targeted individuals, larger civilian populations, complete nations, and ultimately, all of humanity through covert use of this “scalable” technology.
12) Bolster the shadow, black-budget “human trafficking”/”terrorism economy,” which operates outside the law and also involves illicit sales of drugs, arms as well as child and sex trafficking.
13) Integrate the criminal “Terrorism Economy” and the “Mainstream Economy” in the new “Global Economy.”
14) Create a two-tiered “cyborg” society wherein: a) the relatively small upper class will enjoy the benefits of radically enhanced, “bio-neuro-engineered” mental and physical capacities, becoming, in effect, immortal and omniscient, and b) the vast majority will be genocided or become cyborg slaves for the elite.
15) Degrade and destroy nations by devolving societies into two main classes (predators and prey).
16) Usher in the “Jewish Universal Empire”/”Jewish Utopia,” i.e., Satan’s Anti-Christ Kingdom on earth. (See: Akins, 2012, “Synagogue Rising;” Marrs, 2011, “Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star;” Marrs, “Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbi’s Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion,” 2017).
DOD/DARPA/Unconventional Warfare/CIA technologies and strategies deployed in GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTAPO include psychological warfare, satellite surveillance, profiling, targeting of “potential terrorist threats,” and the use of crisis actors/surveillance role players, staged street theater/false flag terror events, and directed energy (nonlethal) weapons for torture and behavior modification of “targets,” etc. Military “net-centric warfare” tactics, including “swarming” of “targets” by civilian “perpetrators”/”surveillance role players,” etc., are apparently being coordinated by military-C4-ISR mobile “command and control” centers within cities and towns across the world. Thus, based on the technologies, tactics and strategies it deploys, GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO is clearly an integral part of the larger (Zionist Anglo-American Empire) military-intelligence-corporate (phony) “Global War on Terrorism”-“world takeover” project. Through cooperative agreements between government and non-government agencies, the program has now converted civil societies into a war weapon used against designated “targeted individuals” (TIs).
Meanwhile, the plight of TIs today is much like that of the dispossessed Palestinian people within Israel: Officially, they (we) do not exist. Indeed, these semi-secret programs are officially denied at all levels. How long can such systemic and outrageous criminality persist?
In my opinion, a nation that secretly places law-abiding citizens on “terrorism watch lists” without due process and covertly uses them as “non-consensual human experimentees”/mind control and electromagnetic weapons-testing subjects in “terminal experiments,” “slow-killing” them with military-intelligence-based-organized stalking/psychological warfare and “no-touch torture”-electromagnetic assaults is a criminal, doomed, and damned nation.
In this summary-synopsis article, I attempt to deduce, deconstruct, and describe the ways that GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO fulfills the objectives of the New World Order-criminal syndicate elite.
1) Manual For Organized Gang Stalking Operations…. FBI’s COINTELPRO, Operation Gladio, NATO Stay Behind Armies, and Ongoing Global U.S. Military “Unconventional”/”Civil-Military”/” Psy-War”/”Information War” Operations
2) Laws, Military-Intelligence Papers, and Media Reports re: the New War (on Civilians)
3)The CIA, Tavistock Institute, and the Global “Intelligence-Police Gestapo” State
3) The “Manhattan Project of the Mind”
4) Confessions of a High-Level Perp: Dr. James Giordano – Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroscience and Neuroweapons (2017 youtube lecture, my transcription and notes, and pdf)
5) Confessions of a Mid-Level Government Perp: Ex-Army “Counter-Intelligence Officer,” Fake Patriot, Real Traitor, C.J. Grisham (youtube interview and transcription)
6) “The Immortality Project:” Neuroscientists Want To Upload Humanity To A Computer
7) How They Operate: All The Evidence is Here; From Gang Stalking Australia Website:
8) Organized Gangstalking/Mind Control Predicted and Justified in New Global War Against Individuals and Groups Called For In “NASA 2025: Future Warfare” (Strategies and Technologies, 2001)?.
9) Satellite Genocide by Mike Patrick (pdf)
10) “Gang stalking”/Electronic Torture as Asymmetric Warfare Against Political Dissenters (M. Thomas)
11) Beastiary of Military Terms in the New War (Against Civilians); Its Weapons Systems and Perpetraitors
12) Capabilities of Military Electromagnetic Weapons (To Target American Civilians): pdfs and Figures
13) Petition to White House: End (Israeli) Dual Citizens From Serving in US Government
14) The 2000 PNAC Manifesto for American World Conquest (Pax Americana): “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”
15) The “Yinon” (later PNAC) Plan: Zionist Policy For The Middle East, ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties’
16) ‘Poland Blames Jews For Crimes of Communism’ and Related Articles
17) The Deep State is the Jewish State
18) World Chaos Diagnosis: Acute Zionist Infestation
19) 2015 Summary and Progress Report of 9/11, New (Jew) World Order, and American-Israeli Wars of Aggression; by Texe Marrs
20) (Quotes re:) Jewish/British/American Plan for World Conquest: ‘Protocols’ As Blueprint for Psychopathic Judeo-Masonic Satanists
21) Department of Homeland Security “Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism against U.S. Citizens:” Gang Stalking, Fusion Centers, and the Post-9/11 Corporate Police State
23) Hurricane Harvey Was Weather Warfare and State-Sponsored Terrorism Directed Against the American People by the U.S. Government
24) Geoengineering: Man-Made Climate Change in the Skies (Karlstrom)
III. Who Runs and Benefits From GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO? (Qui Bono?)
A. The United States “Interagency” coordinates major elements of USG/intelligence (CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, etc.)/military (DOD)/police/corporate/private security contractors/NGOs/”first responders”/civilian “vigilante” groups such as Neighborhood Watch, etc. with their counterparts in most other nations of the world.
1) “TOP Secret America, The Rise of the New American Security State,” by Dana Priest and William M. Arkin, 2011
2) “A Government of Wolves, The Emerging American Police State” by John W. Whitehead, 2013
3) “Spies for Hire: The Secret World of Intelligence Outsourcing,” by Tim Shorrock, 2008
4) “The Watchers: The Rise of America’s Surveillance State,” Shane Harris, 2010
5) “The Private Sector; Rent-a-cops, Private Spies, and the Police-Industrial Complex,” by George O’Toole, 1978,
6) “Police State America: U.S. “Civil Disturbance” Planning, 2002, by Tom Burghardt
7) Ex-FBI Whistleblower, Geral Sosbee: FBI/CIA/DOD Responsible For Collapse of Constitutional Government of USA; Calls for New Nuremberg Trial
8) Intelligence Guide For First Responders (i.e., “counter-intelligence stalking,” GOG’S NEW GESSTTTAPO, Hell, USA)
9) 2017 Gangstalker Recruitment Video from Highlandville, MO; with Dialogue, Explanations, and Comments
10) “Gang Stalking:” Organized and Electronic Targeting the “Domestic Enemy.” Notes from Books, Youtubes, and Blogs.
11) Gang Stalking is Torture Funded Through Entitlements and Government Jobs
12) FBI is Secretly Targeting, Surveilling, and Gang Stalking Innocent Americans Using Fraudulent “Anti-Terrorism” As Pretext (youtube interviews and transcriptions)
13) Institutions/Programs Behind ¨Gang Stalking:¨ CIA, ¨Counterinsurgency-Lists,¨ Phoenix Program, Department of Homeland Security, the Phony War on Terrorism, and the National Security Enterprise
14) (FBI) COINTELPRO Rules for and Characteristics of Spies and Disinformation Agents (FBI, CIA, NSA, Community-Based Agents, Private Contractors, and “Change Agents”)
15) Behind ¨Global Organized Gang Stalking: Operation Phoenix¨ (GOG´S OP): The ¨Secret Team¨ (CIA), the ¨High Cabal,¨ and Enemy ¨Fifth Column¨ Groups
16) Timeline of Human Experimentation & Population Control AND Resources Re: Top-Secret CIA/NSA/FBI/DOD Operations
B. “The Organization”/”The Syndicate”/”The Firm”/”The Brotherhood”- a merger of the (international Rothschild-Jewish) mafia with upper eschelons of the government-military-intelligence-corporate-media-academic-Hollywood complex. This international criminal syndicate was exposed during the Iran-Contra drugs-for-arms scandal of the 1980s.
1) Kay Grigg’s interviews, transcribed and posted on this website (“The Firm”/”The Brotherhood”/”The Syndicate” Described by Kay Griggs). In these interviews, political insider and ex-military wife, Kay Griggs, describes the “The Brotherhood,” a cabal of mafia and mind-controlled military operatives run by sexual deviants (homo-sexuals, bi-sexuals, pedophiles) and ultimately controlled by Jews.
2) “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015) by the late Surgeon General of Finland and Targeted Individual (TI), Dr. Rauni Kilde
3) “Inside the Shadow Government,” Declaration of Plaintiff’s Counsel by The Christic Institute (1988).
4) “The CIA As Organized Crime” (2017) by Douglas Valentine.
5) The Controllers
6) The ‘Highlands Group/Forum’/SAIC/NSA/Google: Inside The Pentagon’s Secret Network Behind Mass Surveillance, Endless War, and Skynet
7) Key Insights Into Global Organized Stalking-Mind Control System From Dr. Rauni Kilde (MD) book “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015)
8) FBI is Secretly Targeting, Surveilling, and Gang Stalking Innocent Americans Using Fraudulent “Anti-Terrorism” As Pretext (youtube interviews and transcriptions)
9) Gang Stalking is Torture Funded Through Entitlements and Government Jobs
10) Government Targeted Killing (Murder) in America
11) Daniel Sheehan Exposes Shadow Government: Iran-Contra Scandal (Christic Institute Youtubes)
C. The 5th column cabal/criminal syndicate that has infiltrated, corrupted, captured, and now controls America and most of the world’s nations, banks, corporations, intelligence agencies, military’s, press, media, judiciary, etc. This cabal is known by many names, including: “The Illuminati,” “Deep State,” “Cryptocracy” (rule by secrecy), “Shadow Government,” “Corporatocracy,” “Global International Elite,” “City of London-Wall Street Money Power,” “Jew Money Kings” (See Woolfolk, 1890), “International Bankers,” “neoconservatives,” etc. An apt term that describes America’s one-party political system is the “permanent warfare, corruption, and pedophilia party.” I generally refer to this ruling cabal as “Judeo-Masonic-satanists.” Others call them the “Synagogue of Satan.”
This criminal cabal rules the U.S. President and Congress through their powerful lobby groups in Washington D.C. and their networks of secret societies, notably including Freemasonry. Their “Trojan Horse,” United Nations Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st century), now ratified by the vast majority of nations, calls for the complete restructuring of all political and economic activity under control of the UN as prototype world government. The ultimate goal of this criminal syndicate is to:
a) Destroy existing nations, religions, private property, the family, and the social structure of societies
b) Establish a One World Government headquartered in Jerusalem under Judaic-Masonic-satanic “theocratic” rule
c) Bio-neuro-engineer new species of humans (enhanced human-computer cyborgs)
d) Genocide and/or enslave the vast majority of humans
1) “The Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star,” by Marrs, T., 2011
2) “Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis’ Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion” by Marrs, T., 2016,
3) “The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme: A Panoramic Overview of the Historical, Religious, and Economic Origin of the New World Order,” by Piper, M.C., 2009,
4) “Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks,” by Forwood, A.K., 2011,
5) The Controllers
6) Who and What is “The Brotherhood”/”Firm”/”Syndicate”? How Does It and Their Organized Stalking System Work? Highlights From Kay Griggs Interviews of 1998/2005
7) Organized Gang Stalking Is Part of UN Agenda 21?
8) Communitarianism, “Global Policing” (Gang Stalking), UN Agenda 21, and the New World Order (2 N. Raapana youtubes and notes)
9) (Quotes re:) Jewish/British/American Plan for World Conquest: ‘Protocols’ As Blueprint for Psychopathic Judeo-Masonic Satanists
10) Historical Jewish-Gnostic-Satanist Control Of Illuminati, Masonic, Rosicrucian, Jesuit, Communist Fifth Columns (World Revolutionary Movement) (Winrod,1935)
11) The Shadow Government: Notes from Fletcher Prouty’s “The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World”
12) Corrected History: (London) “Jew Money Kings,” Nazi Cartels, The Protocols, Zio-nazis, “Anti-Semitism,” American Traitors, and Illuminati Families
13) Insights from ¨The World Order; Our Secret Rulers, A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism¨ (Mullins, 1992) Pertaining To Gang Stalking (Global Organized Gang Stalking: Operation Phoenix; or GOG´S OP)
14) Project Lucifer: Two Different Viewpoints on the Current World Crisis (with Commentary)
15) ‘COMMUNITARIANISM: A THREE LEVEL CON JOB’ and ‘CAFTA, the EU, & Communitarian Law’ by Niki Raapana (2006)
16) Corrected History: (London) “Jew Money Kings,” Nazi Cartels, The Protocols, Zio-nazis, “Anti-Semitism,” American Traitors, and Illuminati Families
IV. Inferred Major Components of GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO
Notably, “National Security Enterprise”-global “counter-intelligence” stalking-electronic assault operations integrate the use of numerous classified and declassified military technologies with numerous military-police-intelligence-civilian-academic-private sector programs. These components include:
a) Military and intelligence agencies fund and oversee these targeting and mind control projects more or less as the modern extension of the FBI’s COINTELPRO (“COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE PROGRAM), CIA’s MKULTRA (mind control) programs, and Department of Defense (DOD) psychological and unconventional war operations. We may surmise based on revelations of the Church Committee Senate Hearings of 1977 that these modern programs, like MKULTRA, include hundreds or even thousands of “sub-projects” (See References).
b) Israel and America’s NSA (National Security Agency) and various other government agencies conduct mass surveillance of civilians to collect and store “meta-data” on all citizens.
c) FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) Centers/Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Fusion Centers identify “persons of interest”/”potential threats” and place these usually law-abiding civilians on the ‘Terrorism Watch List’ or other watch lists. These people are now re-classified as “Targeted Individuals” or “Silent Hits.” This “selection” process is followed by the surveillance, profiling, defamation, gang stalking, electromagnetic attack, and monitoring phases of the operations.
d) Military, civilian, or private security services personnel coordinate operations in the field, often working under cover of federal, state, and local police, to isolate, harass, deprive, and disrupt the lives “targets.”
e) Teams of psychologists (military and civilian/academic) construct psychological profiles of “targets” that are used in subsequent stalking, street theater, and electromagnetic attack phases of the operations.
f) Most government and private sector agencies as well as federal, state and local police, first responders, and the legal sector of society cooperate and/or are complicit in these operations.
g) Artificial intelligence (AI) and conscious supercomputers are used to help implement, coordinate, and store all data associated with global organized stalking/mind control/electronic torture/mind-hacking and mind-cloning operations.
h) (Conscious) supercomputers maintain permanent linkups, through steady streams of electromagnetic frequencies, to the brains of selected “targets.”
i) Satellite GPS tracking systems are used for surveillance and tracking of targets.
j) Targets are tracked and electronically attacked through satellites, cell towers, and mobile platforms/devices.
k) C4-ISR (Command, Control, Computers, Communication; Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) mobile military command center systems are used to coordinate the timing and modalities of the attacks of stalkers (nodes) against targets.
l) CIA/DIA-paid teams of neuroscientists (aka “hive mind teams,” normally located at universities or medical facilities) continuously monitor brain signals of targets, injecting thoughts, voices, images, when deemed appropriate for “re-programming” targets’ minds and obtaining behavioral control of the “targets.”
m) Thousands of neuroscience researchers at university neuroscience/psychology departments, funded largely through military and other government agencies, participate in the implementation of these projects and in the subsequent data analysis phases.
n) Military grade nonlethal weapons (directed energy weapons) and other neuroweapons are deployed against “targets” in these operations.
o) A secret army comprised of military, paramilitary, and private security firms’ “special forces” operatives, as well as many cooperating civilian groups, aid in the selection, stalking, and electronic targeting of TIs. This private, international army includes criminals, dupes, mind-controlled (MONARCHed?) slaves, and paid and volunteer “surveillance role players,” “stalkers,” “spotters,” “spies,” and “agent provocateurs,” etc. These street “perps” called upon to harass, perform “street theater” and scripted conversational and situational scenarios that capture “targets'” attention and deliver pre-scripted messages to targets. “Street-level” communications used in “psy-attacks” are generally accomplished by cell phone, cell phone apps, and other electronic communication devices.
p) In America, the system integrates civilian-military-police cadres associated with numerous government programs, including Clinton’s COPs (Community Oriented Policing) program of the 1990’s, the Department of Homeland Security (whose stated goal, in 2003, was to enlist 100 million civilian spies), and Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force.”
q) Using their Statistical and Diagnostic Manual (DSM V) as guide, the psychiatric and law enforcement/judicial professions commonly diagnose TI’s as mentally ill.
In 2008, Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama stated: “We’ve got to have a national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the U.S. military.
Cooperative agreements between intelligence/military/police/legal sectors of most nations ensure that “targets” are tracked, surveilled, targeted, tortured, and/or utilized as “non-consensual human experimentees” in these “terminal experiments” virtually everywhere they go in the world.
1) “Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psycho-Civilized Society,” by Delgado, J.M., (M.D.), 1971
2) “Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness, Adventures Unlimited Press,” by Keith, J., 1999
3) “Mind Control World Control,” by Keith, J., 1997
4) “The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence,” by Marchetti, V. and Marks, J.D., 1974
5) “The Search For the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control; The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences,” by Marks, J., 1979
6) “Operation Mind Control: The CIA’s Plot Against America,” by Bowart, W., 1978
7) “A Nation Betrayed: The Chilling True Story of Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People,” by Rutz, C., 2001
8) “Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America,” by Constantine, A., 1997
9) “The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population,” Lby Rich, M.M., 2008
10) “Healing the Unimaginable: Treating Ritual Abuse and Mind Control,” by Miller, A., 2012
11) “Bluebird; Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists,” by Ross, C.A., 2000
12) “Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.,” Constantine, A., 1995
13) “Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks,” by Forwood, A.K., 2011
14) “Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse,” by Thomas, G., 1989
15) “Project: Soul Catcher Volume Two: Secrets of the Mind Hacking Strategy Group,” by Duncan, R., 2010,
16) “Guinea Pigs; Technologies of Control,” by Hall, J., 2014,
17) “Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans,” by Moreno, J.D., 2000
18) “Project MK-ULTRA and Mind Control Technology: A Compilation of Patents and Reports,” by Balthazar, A., 2017
19) “L.A. Secret Police: Inside the LAPD Elite Spy Network,” by Rothmiller, M., and Goldman, I.G., 1992
20) List of government mass surveillance projects
21) Illegal Domestic Spying in America (ACLU Reports)
22) Satellite Genocide by Mike Patrick
23) Military Use of Satellite Communications, Remote Sensing, and Global Positioning Systems in the War on Terror (2014)
24) C4ISR Systems Used in U.S. Military Stalking/Electronic Tracking and Torture/Mind Control Operations Are Made by Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, and Boeing!
25) Beastiary of Terms in the New War (Against Civilians); Its Weapons Systems and Perpetraitors
26) Confessions of a High-Level Perp: Dr. James Giordano – Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroscience and Neuroweapons (2017 youtube lecture, my transcription and notes, and pdf)
27) “Community-Based Policing” IS Organized Gang Stalking (Enforcement Arm of UN Agenda 21-Communitarian New World Order?!); Four Articles, One Youtube
28) Declassified “CounterSpy” Magazine (1973-1984) Issues Expose U.S. Government-CIA-FBI Criminal/Terrorist Operations Worldwide
29) Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Operations Manual; US Army (FM 34-1- 1983-2009)
30) Intelligence Guide For First Responders (i.e., “counter-intelligence stalking,” GOG’S NEW GESSTTTAPO, Hell, USA)
31) The “Psychiatric Reprisal” (aka “Totalitarian Psychiatry”) in the communist Soviet Union, China (and in Modern America)
32) Barack Obama’s Civilian National Security Force (= gang stalking-community-oriented policing?)
33) The University and the Security State: DHS Joins Pentagon and CIA On Campus
34) From “Operation Garden Plot” To The Phoenix Program and CHAOS To “REX 84” To 9/11 To DHS To U.S. NORTHCOM: The Multiple-Decade DoD-CIA-DHS Plan For Perpetual War Against Dissidents (aka ”Counter-Terrorism” and “Gangstalking”), Totalitarian Military Dictatorship, and Martial Law
And many other posts on this website.
V. Today’s USG/Shadow Government/NSA/CIA/DHS “Global Gestapo” incorporates operational elements deployed in many earlier police-state programs and agencies in various authoritarian states, including:
1) United States: Red Squads of early 20th Century
2) Soviet Union: Cheka/KGB/”Red Terror”
3) East Germany: Stasi State Police
4) Germany: Nazi Gestapo
5) United States: FBI COINTELPRO Version 1.0 (1950s-70s)
6) United States Occupation of Vietnam: CIA’s Phoenix Program (late 1960s)
7) United States: CIA’s MHCHAOS (late 1960s)
8) Global Projection of United States power: Military-“counter-intelligence” training of “terrorist-police-death squads” in Latin America at the “School of
Americas” at Fort Benning, Georgia (now “Western Hemisphere Institute For Security Cooperation”).
9) Global Projection of U.S. Colonial Power: Death Squads and torture centers (Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, rendition sites) worldwide of the last 50+ years
10) Generations of research in British-Nazi-Russian-CIA-U.S. Military/intelligence-sponsored mind control programs, including the CIA’s MKULTRA, Artichoke, Bluebird, MKSearch, MKDelta, etc. Operational uses of this research include:
a) implementation of KUBARK Torture (Enhanced Interrogation) Manual in torture, rendition centers and in “Unconventional Warfare/Special Operations” worldwide
b) electronic, remote creation of MONARCH-mind-control slaves for military-intelligence-corporate purposes and in GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO.
TIs (“Targets”) in America are normally selected through DHS Fusion Centers/FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) Centers staffed by civilian, military, police, intelligence personnel and private security contractors. An estimated 3 million citizens, generally innocent of any criminal wrongdoing, have been secretly and extra-judicially placed on the “Terrorism Watch List.” Although the FBI maintains that the identities of those on the list is “classified” information and protected by “national security” imperatives, it may be inferred that most TIs were selected for targeting in this manner. Additionally, the surveillance, tracking, targeting, and torture of such “targets” is international.
The “National Security Establishment,” now a multi-trillion dollar business (“National Security Enterprise”), is justified and funded largely through military/defense budgets ear-marked for waging the phony “War on Terrorism.” I.e., it is largely tax-payer supported. In reality, the system functions as a part of the larger, permanent global “War of Terrorism” through which the U.S. government (and it’s state and corporate partners) targets enemy nations and designated “enemy combatants,” “persons of interest,” or “terrorists” within domestic populations.
1) EX-CIA Whistleblower, John Stockwell: “US Fascist Shadow Government, CIA Secret Wars and Drug Running, Gulf War I and NWO, JFK Assassination, etc. (1986, 1989, 1991)ttapo-qui-bono/”>Precursors, Components, and Inferred Structure and Goals of “Syndicate”-Corporate-Government-Military-Intelligence’s GOG’S NeW GESSTTTAPO / TECC: Qui Bono?
2) Ex-FBI Whistleblower, Geral Sosbee: FBI/CIA/DOD Responsible For Collapse of Constitutional Government of USA; Calls for New Nuremberg Trial
3) COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Provocation)/Gang Stalking/”Touchless Torture:” Dr. Webster Tarpley, 2016
4) Growing Terrorism Watchlisting in Everyday Policing: ACLU Report 2016
5) The ‘Highlands Group/Forum’/SAIC/NSA/Google: Inside The Pentagon’s Secret Network Behind Mass Surveillance, Endless War, and Skynet
6) “Gang stalking”/Electronic Torture as Asymmetric Warfare Against Political Dissenters (M. Thomas)
7) C4ISR Systems Used in U.S. Military Stalking/Electronic Tracking and Torture/Mind Control Operations Are Made by Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, and Boeing!
8) DHS Technology Used For Gang Stalking Operations
9) Military Use of Satellite Communications, Remote Sensing, and Global Positioning Systems in the War on Terror (2014)
11) Beastiary of Terms in the New War (Against Civilians); Its Weapons Systems and Perpetraitors
12) (Ex-FBI Whistleblower, Lawyer, Judge) Geral Sosbee Statement on FBI/CIA/NSA’s Global Intelligence Stalking Operations
13) Government Targeted Killing (Murder) in America
14) British Commander, Frank Kitson’s (1971) “Low Intensity Operations; Subversion, Insurgency, and Peacekeeping”: Blueprint For American State-Sponsored Terrorism Against Internal Enemies
15) My Notes on “Psychotronic War and the Security of Russia” Materials (ETK)
16) COINTELPRO 101 Youtube
17) Declassified “CounterSpy” Magazine (1973-1984) Issues Expose U.S. Government-CIA-FBI Criminal/Terrorist Operations Worldwide
18) Barack Obama’s Civilian National Security Force (= gang stalking-community-oriented policing?)
19) Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control (Ron Patton, 1999)
20) Mind Control: History and Applications
21) EX-CIA Whistleblower, John Stockwell: “US Fascist Shadow Government, CIA Secret Wars and Drug Running, Gulf War I and NWO, JFK Assassination, etc. (1986, 1989, 1991)
VI. The Pretexts for GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO are the Phony “War on Terrorism,” “Law and Order,” and “National Security:”
This excerpt from “The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism” by Trevor Aaronson (2013) itself proves that the FBI was instrumental in manufacturing the phony “War on Terrorism:”
“By August 2011, with nearly ten years of terrorism prosecutions since 9/11, we had a database of 508 defendants whom the U.S. government considered terrorists. The way the data broke down was illuminating. Of the 508 defendants, 243 had been targeted through an FBI informant, 158 had been caught in an FBI terrorism sting, and 49 had encountered an agent provocateur. Most of the people who didn’t face off against an informant weren’t directly involved with terrorism at all, but were instead “Category II offenders, small time criminals with distant links to terrorists overseas. Seventy-two of these Category II offenders had been charged with making false statements, while 121 had been prosecuted for immigration violations. Of the 58 cases, I could count on one hand the number of actual terrorists, such as failed new York City subway bomber Najibullah Zazi, who posed a direct and immediate threat to the United States.” (Himself probably a foreign agent posing as an Arab- ETK).
In sum, the “War on Terrorism” is fraudulent. Hence, the approximately 3 million American “targets” who have been extra-judicially placed on the equally-fraudulent “Terrorism Watch List” are, in fact, “political enemies” and/or “non-consensual human experimentees.” (See “War of Terror” subheading of this website for more information.)
1) Introduction to Terrorism: Theirs and Ours
2) Close the SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape), the U.S. Military School For Torture
3) Ex-FBI Whistleblower, Geral Sosbee: FBI/CIA/DOD Responsible For Collapse of Constitutional Government of USA; Calls for New Nuremberg Trial
4) Startling Number of Americans Are On the Terrorism Watch List/Look Who’s On the Terrorism Watch List!
5) British Commander, Frank Kitson’s (1971) “Low Intensity Operations; Subversion, Insurgency, and Peacekeeping”: Blueprint For American State-Sponsored Terrorism Against Internal Enemies
6) Declassified “CounterSpy” Magazine (1973-1984) Issues Expose U.S. Government-CIA-FBI Criminal/Terrorist Operations Worldwide
7) US Government Is Assassinating American Citizens (Blackstone Report youtube, May 7, 2018)
8) The Secret Government Rulebook For Labeling You A Terrorist
VII. Inferred Functions of GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO For Governments and the New World Order Criminal Syndicate/”Deep State”/”Shadow Government:”
GOAL 1: Installation and maintenance of a fascist, totalitarian global government.
“Gistapo 666″ is a part of a larger, historical “social engineering”/”information warfare” program carried out by intelligence-military-police-private security agencies on behalf of wealthy elites and their puppet governments against the people of the world. The system is designed to extra-judicially and secretly silence, neutralize, discredit, and/or soft-kill/slow-kill/silent-kill civilian, political, and military “targets” using “no-touch torture” (including organized stalking in combination with “nonlethal,” directed energy weapons) methods developed and perfected by the CIA, Department of Defense, DARPA, and military-industrial complex. “Targets” typically include dissidents, whistleblowers, and other political enemies of the New World Order, UN Agenda 21, states, corporations, or powerful individuals. The program itself comprises “explicit terrorism” against TIs and “implicit terrorism” against all others. Due process of law and constitutionally-guaranteed rights of “TIs” have been secretly, silently suspended. In contravention of 1000 years of judicial progress, “TIs” are not informed of the charges levied against them and are not permitted to defend themselves against these charges or face their accusers.
Today’s programs evolved from covert “counter-intelligence”/”counter-terrorism”/”counter-insurgency”/psychological warfare/mind control/behavior modification operations developed over the past century primarily by British, American, Russian, and German military-intelligence agencies. They are now being deployed against individual citizens as well as entire civilian populations.
1) Mark M. Rich’s “New World War: Revolutionary Methods For Political Control” (2011)
2) Dr. Rauni Kilde’s “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015)
3) Mind Control: History and Applications (Dr. Eric Karlstrom, 2012)
4) References on Gang Stalking, Mind Control, and Cults
5) htIn the Post 9/11 Era, Understanding the Targeted Individual Phenomenon is No Longer Optional (T. McFarlan)
6) Some Patents, Inventors, and Scientific Papers Pertaining to Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control, and Gang Stalking
8) Beastiary of Terms in the New War (Against Civilians): Its Weapons Systems and Perpetraitors (From Rich, 2011)
9) Community-based Policing IS Organized Gang Stalking (Enforcement Arm of UN Agenda 21-Communitarian New World Order!)
10) Gang Stalking is Torture Funded Through Entitlements and Government Jobs
GOAL 2: Negative eugenics.
In addition to eliminating dissent by neutralizing dissidents, these programs are used to extra-legally and secretly target, torture, terrorize, and disable/destroy other specific groups of people; including intellectuals, unwanted employees, patriots, Christians, Constitutionalists, militias, the elderly, veterans, the infirm, “good people,” people of conscience, or any group the elite wishes to target, neutralize and/or eliminate.
Other military terms for these kinds of military domestic destabilization and “peace keeping” operations include “Counter-insurgency Operations,” “Counter-Intelligence Operations,” Fourth Generation Warfare,” “Low Intensity Operations,” “Low-Intensity Conflict,” Military Operations Other Than Warfare” (MOOTW), and “Unconventional and Assymetrical Warfare,” among others. Again, the military-intelligence strategies, tactics, terms, and technologies deployed in the “Global Gestapo”/”GISTAPO-666” operations PROVE that it is a component of military-intelligence operations at home and abroad.
Goal 3: Entertainment for powerful psychopaths and to perpetuate the cycle of violence, torture, and terror.
Through secret deployment of 24/7 surveillance, trauma-based-mind-control, and street and psychotronic harassment techniques against TIs, the system is designed to create a “hell on earth” for TIs to drive TIs to commit suicide and other crimes of passion and desperation. Thus, the continual harassment and torture of high- and low-value targets via this system is designed to:
a) turn good people into criminals, including stalking perpetrators, and/or
b) isolate, deprive, and drive targets crazy or to commit suicide or other crimes for which they can be incarcerated and/or institutionalized.
c) create a profit for the perpetrator system through asset stripping of “targets” and designated “threats.”
Through deploying this organized system of street theater harassment in combination with “no-touch torture” by electronic “nonlethal weapons,” the system is designed to push “targets” (TIs) to the breaking point so that TIs will:
d) lash out and commit politically-useful violent crimes (for example, the innumerable mass shootings that have terrorized the populace during the last half century and have had the effect of destabilizing civilian populations.
1) British Commander, Frank Kitson’s (1971) “Low Intensity Operations; Subversion, Insurgency, and Peacekeeping”: Blueprint For American State-Sponsored Terrorism Against Internal Enemies
2) The “Psychiatric Reprisal” (aka “Totalitarian Psychiatry”) in the communist Soviet Union, China (and in Modern America)
4) Declassified “CounterSpy” Magazine (1973-1984) Issues Expose U.S. Government-CIA-FBI Criminal/Terrorist Operations Worldwide
5) Scott Hensler on Mind Control, Gang Stalking, DEW, Psyops, and “Electric Armageddon”
GOAL 4: To expand the now vast, for-profit “National Security Establishment”/”National Security Enterprise,” in which thousands of private security firms and university programs partner with the military/intelligence/police/judiciary/DHS/FBI, etc. and civil society itself to strengthen local, state and federal economies through providing millions of new jobs to numerous sectors of society.
TI’s are (human) trafficked (sold) and used as “non-consensual neuro-experimentees” in “terminal experiments” conducted by government-military-intelligence-university-corporate projects devoted to neuro-experimentation, data collection, personality profiling, NLP and RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neuro Manipulation) Behavior Modification, complete behavioral control, social engineering, and mind-mapping (including cloning of digital copy-cat identities of mind control victims). These programs are the modern extension of decades-running mind control projects and sub-projects (MKULTRA and others) that have been running in America and elsewhere since the close of World War II. Today’s goals include the testing of exotic, military “nonlethal weapons” (Directed Energy Weapons) and neuroweapons systems in order to achieve (DOD-military) “full spectrum dominance” of the “human domain” at home and abroad. Pentagon and intelligence planners deem that the sacrifice of millions of human beings is required to achieve (New World Order) hegemony over all nations and mind and behavioral control of all peoples. Neuroscience and neuro-warfare technologies now being tested and deployed are now deemed more potent than nuclear weapons and include these components:
a) Satellite (space-based) and conscious super computer “communications”/”information” technologies are being used to map and digitize brains of selected TIs, using NSA/CIA/DIA Remote Neural Monitoring/Manipulation techniques. (The system digitally reverse engineers, captures, and copies the target’s “soul” (defined as intellect, will, and emotions).
1) Satellite Genocide by Mike Patrick (pdf)
2) Confessions of a High-Level Perp: Dr. James Giordano – Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroscience and Neuroweapons (2017 youtube lecture, my transcription and notes, and pdf)
2) Predictive Neuroscience: Facts, Fictions, and Fears of Scanning Brains and Reading Minds: Dr. James Giordano 2013 National Science Foundation Lecture:
3) Conscious Computers & Mind Control: ¨The Tew Hypothesis¨ (Part 1) with Notes; Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show (4/16/16)
4) Gangstalking/Electronic Mind Control System Explained: 1992 Lawsuit of Akwei V. National Security Agency (NSA)
b) According to neuroscientist and self-proclaimed “neuro-ethicist,” Dr. James Giordano (2017), the neuroscience/neurotech industry is a $175 billion/year industry that involves military contracts, extensive academic and corporate research, and corporate profit-taking.
c) This technology has obvious implications for the transhumanist (man-machine or mind-computer), “Immortality Project” that was launched after WWII by Dr. Norbert Weiner (Cybernetics) and continues today by figures such as Dr. Ray Kurzweil:
We may speculate that targets’ souls (mind, will, and emotions) are mapped, digitized and downloaded into conscious super computers and then used in digitized group or hive mind configurations or for clones or cyborgs, or to animate engineered and immortal cyborgs….. the future master race? etc.
GOAL 5: The global mafia uses the system to steal intellectual and physical property of TIs in a process commonly known as “asset stripping.” (For example, see the youtubes by “Seven” in England).
See: (International Gang Stalking – Asset Stripping Operations (aka “Policing For Profit”)
GOAL 6: Just as the stated goal of the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control programs was to find ways to get individuals to do “our” bidding even when it conflicts with their self-interest and sense of self-preservation (i.e., to create mind-controlled slaves), modern neuro-warfare technologies and programs also seek to achieve complete remote/electronic mental and behavioral control of targeted individuals/victims.
It may be inferred that some sub-projects of GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO are designed to create MONARCH mind-controlled slaves….. through remote electronic programming of TIs using Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Gamma programming in order to produce super-soldiers, Manchurian Candidate assassins, spies, sex slaves, psychics, couriers, etc. In this manner, designated “adversaries”/”threats” (actually innocent civilians) could be turned into “cyborged” “assets.”
Thomas, M., 2007, “MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program.”
A. What is the New Phoenix Program? Quote from “MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program” (2007) and youtube of the same name:
“The Vietnam war was the formative experience for a generation of CIA and military intelligence personnel involved in the Phoenix program. They viewed the military defeat in Vietnam as a betrayal on the home front, a loss of will by domestic political enemies, not a military failure against a nationalistic revolution fought as a guerilla war.
The Phoenix program, assassinating suspected VC (Viet Cong) sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well and is the blueprint for the current black operation (aka gang stalking) targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state of the art microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons. The motivation to suppress domestic dissidents and to assassinate loyal American opposition stems from the perception of dissent against the war as treason. This philosophy is stated very clearly in the “Mind War” (1980) paper written by Michael Aquino.
The Department of Defense has a huge stake in futuristic technology that kills by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, leaving little or no trace. The indiscriminate killing of the Phoenix program continues on American soil. The terms “soft kill,” “slow kill,” and “silent kill” refer to the new way of killing the enemy in conflicts short of war and in small wars of the future. The counterinsurgency doctrine has now been applied to the home front so that the perceived betrayal of the military in Vietnam will not be repeated.
The generation of CIA and military intelligence led by Ted Shackley, Richard Helms, (CIA Director) William Casey, Maj. John Singlaub, Richard Secord, Maj. John B. Alexander, Col. Michael Aquino, Paul Vallilee and others have built the perfect beast, using selective assassination that leaves no trace. The ability to cull the human herd with “silent kill” technology allows a few personalities to remake the entire society in their own image.
Extremely low frequency (ELF) technology slowly drives the target crazy with silent sound, similar to the CIA MKULTRA psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron’s, “psychic driving” technique, used to break down the target’s personality. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are “synthetic telepathy” and “psychotronics.” Another means of attack on targets is the Smirnoff patent, that uses subliminal suggestion to manipulate human behavior. This patent was purchased by the remote viewing company, Psi Tech Corporation.
Military intelligence officers involved in developing these “non-lethal weapons” also control Psi Tech. Emotional manipulation is accomplished using Dr. Michael Persinger’s work to remotely project emotional states that the brain entrains or locks onto and emulates. One can broadcast rage or fear at an individual target to manipulate and control them. As if these methods were not enough to torture and murder people, add to this nightmarish toolbox, active gang stalking. CIA-created cults and other cause-oriented groups are used by actively harassing them in public in neutralization techniques described in counterintelligence operations manuals that are aimed at enemy agents.
In the race to develop a new weapon it has always been necessary to test it on human beings. Perfecting the latest weapons designed to kill slowly and silently as well as perfecting the process of controlling the human mind are no different. Once the weaponry has been perfected on these few thousand people, the same techniques will be applied en mass to the general population and then to humanity as a whole.”
B. What is the MONARCH program? (From Patton, Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control)
Levels of MONARCH Programming
ALPHA. Regarded as “general” or regular programming within the base control personality; characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity. Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victims personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of L and R through neuron pathway stimulation.
BETA. Referred to as “sexual” programming. This programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “cat” alters may come out at this level.
DELTA. This is known as “killer” programming, originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.
THETA considered to the “psychic” programming. Bloodliners (those coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems.
OMEGA. A “self-destruct” form of programming, also known as “Code Green.” The corresponding behaviors include suicidal tendencies and/or self-mutilation. This program is generally activated when the victim/survivor begins therapy or interrogation and too much memory is being recovered.
GAMMA. Another form of system protection is through “deception” programming, which elicits misinformation and misdirection. This level is intertwined with demonology and tends to regenerate itself at a later time if inappropriately deactivated.
1) Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control (Ron Patton, 1999)
2) Thomas, M., 2007, “MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program”
3) MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program (Marshall Thomas)- youtube, notes, and book link
4) Mind Control: History and Applications
Conclusion/Speculation: Are gang stalking/electronic mind control (GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO) operations being used to “modify/control” behavior of “targets” to such an extent that these targets are turned into “Manchurian Candidate” assassins, sex slaves, super-soldiers and super-spies, etc? It would appear to be the case.
GOAL 7: Stalking/harassment/mind control/mind-mapping programs are structured in such a way that if TI’s complain of their symptoms they are typically diagnosed as mentally ill (paranoid/schizophrenic/delusional) and institutionalized. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union similarly targeted political enemies via “psychotronic warfare” accompanied by this “psychiatric reprisal,” i.e., producing false diagnoses of mental illness (delusional, paranoid, schizophrenic) that are used to institutionalize, drug, and destroy “political enemies.” The “psychiatric reprisal” insures that victims can be disappeared by society and mainstream media and dismissed as “mentally ill.”
Hence, this for-profit system also guarantees profit for the pscyhiatric and medical professions.
1) The “Psychiatric Reprisal” (aka “Totalitarian Psychiatry”) in the communist Soviet Union, China (and in Modern America)
2) Roots of Weaponized Mind Control and Gang Stalking In British Intelligence, British Psychiatry, Scientology
GOAL 8: Social Control. To create a “psycho-civilized society” as per the vision of CIA “spychiatrist,” Dr. Jose Delgado, as articulated in his 1969 book, “Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psycho-civilized Society.”
See: Mind Control: History and Applications
GOAL 9: To train and establish a global civil-military-corporate mercenary standing army comprised of criminal perpetrators/civilian warfighters (including “surveillance role players,” trackers, spotters, agent provocateurs, counter-intelligence and special operations operatives, CIA-DIA hive-mind neuro-scientists, university academics, and military and para-military participants) to:
a) target and neutralize individuals and populations to ensure compliance to New World Order dictates
b) control the responses of populations to engineered economic collapses, geoengineered climate and “natural” disasters, and/or other contrived emergencies.
(Past examples include the CIA-MI6-NATO “Stay Behind Armies” of Western Europe after WWII, including Operation Gladio in Italy; current examples include Jade Helm 15 and UWEX-16.)
According to TI, author and researcher, Mark M. Rich, “the mass base of the civilian population has already been recruited.” (Mark Rich: Organized Stalking Operations)
1) “Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy” by Philip Willan, 2002)
GOAL 10: At the same time, this system militarizes, weaponizes, criminalizes, and “satanizes” (i.e., “Judaizes”) civil societies. Trauma-based-mind-control-torture techniques deployed in this program include elements of Satanic Ritual Abuse that were also incorporated into the CIA’s MKULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs, beginning immediately after WWII.
See: Mind Control: History and Applications
GOAL 11: To destroy the United States Republic (as well as other nations) through imposition of this “divide and conquer” system that divides society into the two classes of predator and prey. Destruction of the U.S. Republic is to be accompanied by the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and all functioning civil institutions.
GOAL 12: Another goal of these programs and this technology is mass depopulation, as per the mandate of UN Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century). While “climate change” and “overpopulation” are the commonly-used justifications for mass depopulation, the modern depopulation agenda is merely the modern extension of the elite’s “eugenics” agenda which emerged in Britain and the U.S. during the late 19th century.
See my website: Natural Climate
GOAL 13: Another longer term goal is the creation of a two-tiered race of immortal cyborgs: Removal of independent thought from society (by targeting and neutralizing independent thinkers) facilitates the creation of a two-tiered feudalistic caste system: Following mass depopulation, a) the upper class elite minority would enjoy all wealth and scientific enhancements, up to and including cyborg immortality, and b) and the lower class that remain after depopulation of the majority of the humanity would be comprised of a race of cyborg slaves.
GOAL 14: The system will help usher in Satan’s (Judeo-Masonic-Satanists) “Anti-Christ Kingdom”/”Jewish Utopia”/”Jewish Universal Empire”/”British Israel” on earth by:
a) Targeting, neutralizing, eliminating, and/or satanically transforming via MONARCH programming truth-tellers, Christians, and other people of conscience and intellect,
b) Creating what amounts to a secret army of satanically-inspired soldiers, MONARCH super-soldiers, mind-control victims, zombies, clones, and dupes that can be deployed in the final battle against Jesus Christ.
1) Disdair, R., 2009, “The Black Awakening: Rise of Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos,” Preemption Products and Services, 664 pp.
2) Russ Disdair Revisited: “Targets” of Satanic Super Soldiers Are NWO “Resisters” (2018 youtubes)
VIII. Some Obvious Questions For Consideration:
1) Why should American taxpayers fund CIA/NSA/DOD/DHS/FBI/corporate military-intelligence-police-civil operations that:
A) Secretly target them, use them as disposable lab rats, and/or covertly kill them?
B) Could be used to genocide them?
C) Could be used to usher in the Kingdom of the Antichrist?
2) Why should American taxpayers continue to fund:
A) Israel; which has received over a million dollars of US aid since it’s birth in 1948 and which receives billions/year of aid from the US?
B) Middle Eastern Wars (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, etc.) that have cost trillions of dollars and millions of lives and only benefit Israel?
C) A global system of criminal organized stalking and electronic assaults designed to target and kill innocent civilians and ultimately, them? (GOG’s NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO)
IX. Conclusions
On a practical level, intelligence agencies have functioned as an extremely well-funded private army that have violated all laws, Constitutional and otherwise, to carry out the dictates of the families, banking and corporate cartels, and secret societies that rule the nations. Whereas intelligence agencies have historically identified the “subversives”/”threats”/”targets” within domestic populations, military units have traditionally been deployed to eliminate those “targets.” Today, however, due largely to the extremely illegal and unconstitutional nature of these operations, the tasks of identifying, harassing, and neutralizing “targets” are being outsourced to a multitude of civilian, private, and state and federal agencies (DHS, Neighborhood Watch, FBI, etc.), so that, in effect, society itself executes the crimes of elites.
To understand today’s “deep state” operations, including GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO (global stalking/electronic assault/mind control operations), one must look deeply into history. I was a geography, not a history professor. However, I have read extensively on this topic and have studied the work of others who have read considerably more. Based on my research and experience, I agree with author, ex-Air Force officer, and Christian pastor Texe Marrs, who states:
“The goal of the Jewish Masonic elite is to establish dictatorial Illuministic Communism and to enslave all of mankind under the thumb of a Jewish master race led by a world messiah who is to rule from Jerusalem….. A combined NATO/U.S.A./UN Army will enforce peace and punish “rogue nations.” Special agencies will be set up to infiltrate, dismantle, and destroy dangerous “hate” and exclusivist groups like patriotic groups and the few Bible-believing Christian churches. Intelligence units will be given advanced hightech tools to root out ideological, politically incorrect dissenters and rebels, who will be either killed or sent off to “re-education centers,” also known as concentration camps.” (From: “Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star” (2011)).
Note that in the above statement, Marrs provides a skeleton outline of GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO!
In “Synagogue Rising,” Hugh Akins also succinctly summarizes our present plight: “Israel was behind all four fronts in 9/11, that momentous event in our nation´s history: 1) The actual terror attacks themselves; 2) the subsequent cover-up; and both 3) ¨the U.S.-led military invasions overseas¨ and 4) the ¨domestic security state apparatus.¨
(Hugh Akins, “Synagogue Rising,” 2012)
Thus, I tend to agree with Marrs and others that the world today is undergoing the third, greatest and now global, Jewish/Communist revolution. The French and Russian Revolutions of 1989 and 1917, respectively, were the first two.
My view is that World War III has progressed incrementally since the close of WWII. World War III began with:
1) the innumerable “Third World Wars” (neo-colonial wars of imperial aggression against Third World nations) (See: EX-CIA Whistleblower, John Stockwell: “US Fascist Shadow Government, CIA Secret Wars and Drug Running, Gulf War I and NWO, JFK Assassination, etc. (1986, 1989, 1991)) and
2) the top-secret mind control programs conducted by the superpowers (U.S.A. and Soviet Union) during the Cold War, which in turn, built upon the earlier mind control programs carried out in post-WWI Britain and in Germany, under the Nazis in WWII.
Today, WWIII is building to a climax, as scripted by US, Israeli, and British intelligence agencies in cooperation with Israel, the Pentagon, and various think tank war-planners such as the American (Jewish, neoconservative) think tank, “Project For a New American Century” (PNAC). The PNAC plan, an updated version of two Israeli plans devised in the 1980’s and 1990s (“Oded Yinon Plan” and “A Clean Break: A New Strategy For Securing the Realm,” respectively) was to radically increase U.S. defense spending in order to balkanize and destroy Israel’s Middle Eastern neighbor nations. The PNAC manifesto, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” (2000) even called for a “catastrophic event, such as a New Pearl Harbor,” to galvanize public support for the pre-scripted wars in the Middle East that benefit Israel, not America. (9/11 was the state-sponsored terrorist “trigger event” used to launch the radically-enhanced “Global War On Terrorism.”) Concurrent with prosecution of the wars of aggression and occupation that have decimated Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, and now threaten to destroy Iran, the “global war on terrorism” includes radically expanded “Fourth Generation”/electronic warfare and organized stalking/MIND CONTROL operations that are being rolled out against individuals and groups, both foreign and domestic, in GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO.
My acronym, GOG’s NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO, has embedded within it the words “Gog” and “Gestapo”. “Gog” is the Biblical antichrist system and “Gestapo,” of course, was the draconian secret state police of Nazi Germany. Thus, the acronym has embedded within it clues as to the identity of the masters of the current system, who may accurately be described as “Zionazis,” or alternatively “Zio-commies,” and perhaps most accurately, “Judeo-Masonic-satanists.”
A very short history of the (self-) “Chosen People” is in order: During their so-called “captivity” in Babylon approximately 700 BC, “the Levite Priests” of Judea began developing a plan to conquer all nations through their collective and coordinated stealth, cunning, theft, murder, financial manipulations, revolutions, etc. (See: “The Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed, 1956).
Jesus Christ confronted the Pharisees (equivalent to today’s Orthodox Jews) of his day, charging them with being Satan’s children: “Ye are of your father the devil, and his lusts ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.” (John 8:44).
Jesus further stated: “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:23). In Revelation 2:9, He prophesied that the end times system would be ruled by the “Synagogue of Satan” (“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”). The Jews, of course crucified Jesus Christ, thereby committing deicide. Matthew 27:25 states: “Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.”
Many Bible scholars, including Texe Marrs, conclude that the Jewish people are under Satanic oppression/possession and this is why they are driven to help Satan establish his Antichrist Kingdom on earth. This would certainly appear to be the case. Indeed, their most sacred scriptures, the Babylonian Talmud and the Jewish Kabbalah, both feature the worship of the serpent, satan, as god. The Kabbalah is a system of Babylonian witchcraft, black magic, and satanism.
In 1776, Jewish/ex-Jesuit professor, Adam Weishaupt, founded the Bavarian Illuminati, a powerful JEWISH secret society, and presented a plan for world conquest. The Rothschild family and a group of wealthy “Frankist” (satanist) Jews, probably the Sanhedrin, were also present at the Illuminati’s founding. Illuminati documents reveal their goals were/are the destruction of all nations, Monarchies, religions, the family, and private property. Since the founding of the Illuminati, the Rothschild family has been “King of the Jews.” At the Council of Wilhelmsbad in 1784, the Illuminati took over the highest degrees of Freemasonry and henceforth have controlled Freemasonry, the umbrella organization for all secret societies. In 1789, Illuminati-Freemasonic agents, including the Jacobins, fomented the bloody French Revolution as a first strike against the civilized Christian world.
Despite their self-imposed “diaspora,” World Jewry, guided by their rabbis, has remained a “people apart” from all their various host nations throughout history. Throughout this time, Jewish leaders have secretly nurtured and implemented their plot to take over all the wealth, land, assets, etc. of the world by infiltrating, sabotaging, and destroying their host nations. For this reason, “the Jews” have been expelled from over 100 nations in the last two millennia.
“The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion” emerged about the time of the First World Zionist Congress in 1897 and is their declaration of war and battle plan against all goyim (non-Jews). While both the Jews’ most sacred scriptures, the Talmud and Kabbalah, express virulent and undying hatred toward all non-Jews (gentiles), their greatest and most intense hatred is reserved for Christians, the Christian Church, and Christian civilization.
In the mid-19th-century, Mordecai Levy (aka Karl Marx), a paid Rothschild agent, teamed with Frederick Engels to write “The Communist Manifesto.” The Bolshevik/Communist Revolution of 1917 was the Jew/Communists second attempt to foment a bloody global takedown. Author, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, estimated that under Soviet communist rule, at least 66 million white Christians were exterminated.
After years of incremental “satanization,” America now seems to be under assault by “neo-Jacobins” (paid street revolutionaries) funded by Hungarian-born Jew, George Soros, the media, Hollywood, and a host of Jewish-owned institutions in our midst.
Although there is considerable disagreement regarding the roles now being played by “rank and file” Jews, my experience suggests that most Jews self-identify as Jews first and foremost above all other national loyalties. Hence, many, if not most, Jews are willing to play whatever roles are assigned to them by their leaders, including the role of stalking perpetrators, etc., in order to usher in their “Jewish Utopia” and receive their portion thereof. (See TI, Gloria Naylor’s book, “1996”).
A nation that secretly classifies law-abiding citizens as “national security threats” and then proceeds to torture and kill them and/or use them as lab rats in “terminal experiments” is a damned nation indeed.
X. Postscript:
Rick Wiles ( Sept. 18, 2018) stated:
“Israel has been stealing American National Security secrets and has been selling them to China for decades…. Could it be that after Israel uses the United States to knock off Iran, are they anticipating that the US will be so weakened by a confrontation that will involve Russia, that we will be so weakened, or how about, we don’t even exist. They’re done with us, they’ve milked us for all that we can do for them and now they are switching allegiance to China. Is that’s what’s going on? I want to ask the Christian Zionists: Why is Israel turning over all of the shipping at their port to China and kicking out the U.S. 6th fleet? And building a new super-port so that the Chinese will have control of all shipping in that area.
I really believe that the Israelis believe that they’ve milked us for all they can get. When they use us for war with Iran that involves possibly a global world war there won’t be an America worth using anymore. We’ll be so crippled, if we even survive it. If we even exist.”
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