Middle East Terrorist State: I. Palestinian Justice? ICC Opens War Crimes Investigation of Israel; 2. Mid-East Plan: Masonic Quest for Solomon’s Temple 2.0? (Trunews.com 12/20 & 17/2019)

I. Palestinian Justice? ICC Opens War Crimes Investigation of Israel (Trunews.com; Dec. 20, 2019) https://www.trunews.com/stream/palestinian-justice-icc-opens-war-crimes-investigation-of-israel II. MID-EAST PLAN: MASONIC QUEST FOR SOLOMON’S TEMPLE 2.0? (Trunews.com; Read More …

Israel’s Massacre of the USS Liberty in 1967 (Parts 1 & 2; Trunews.com, Memorial Day, 5/27-28/2019)

ETK Introduction: Another US government coverup of Israel’s crimes. Part 1: 5/27/19 https://www.trunews.com/stream/six-day-war-massacre-uss-liberty-veterans-reveal-truth-about-israeli-attack-part-1 Part 2: 5/28/19 https://www.trunews.com/stream/six-day-war-massacre-uss-liberty-veterans-reveal-truth-about-israeli-attack-part-2 Comments to Part 1: Beggars Tombs 1 day Read More …

GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence) Surveillance For Total C2 (Command And Control of Humanity) System Run by the US Military (DJ Welsh; 5/29/15 youtube and my notes)

Webmaster (ETK) Comment: This 2015 youtube presentation by D.J. Welsh is an invaluable contribution to understanding who runs the Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide Gestapo (G5)/GISTAPWO-666/Global Gangstalking Read More …

Trump’s “Gifting” of Syria’s Golan Heights To Israel Allows Rothschild-Zionist Criminal Syndicate To Steal Its Oil and Gas

https://www.trunews.com/stream/nephilim-energy-trump-administration-helping-israel-release-its-genie Webmaster’s Notes on Trunews.com podcast (3/21/2019): Who are the American and Israeli Robber Barons (aka IZCS- International Zionist Criminal Syndicate) on the Genie (Nephilim) Read More …

Official Torture Documents: CIA’s Kubark Torture Manual (1963), CIA’s Human Resources Exploitation (Torture) Manual (1983), “Torture Definition,” U.S. Code Section 2340, War Crimes Act of 1996, Military Commissions Act of 2006, UN Convention Against Torture (1994)

1) In 1963, the CIA codified their main findings on psychological torture from their MKULTRA mind control experiments (1950-1962) in the Kubark Torture Manual (1963)” Read More …

(FBI) COINTELPRO Rules for and Characteristics of Spies and Disinformation Agents (FBI, CIA, NSA, Community-Based Agents, Private Contractors, and “Change Agents”)

From https://ronaldthomaswest.com/2017/08/21/the-gentlepersons-guide-to-forum-spies/ ETK Introduction: TIs: You have been involuntarily enrolled as a “target” in a complex military-intelligence program designed to destroy your life. Chances are Read More …

Institutions/Programs Behind ¨Gang Stalking:¨ CIA, ¨Counterinsurgency-Lists,¨ Phoenix Program, Department of Homeland Security, the Phony War on Terrorism, and the National Security Enterprise

Institutions/Programs Behind ¨Gang Stalking:¨ CIA, ¨Counterinsurgency-Lists,¨ the Phoenix Program, Department of Homeland Security, the Phony War on Terrorism, and the National Security Enterprise (excerpts from Read More …