Dr. Buttar Accuses Fauci, Gates & The Media For Using COVID-19 To Drive Hidden Agenda

I. Dr. Buttar Accuses Fauci, Gates & The Media For Using COVID-19 To Drive Hidden Agenda

929,880 views•Premiered Apr 28, 2020

II. Dr. Rashid Buttar: The Coronavirus Agenda

April 27, 20200

III. Dr. Rashid Buttar Blasts Bill Gates and Dr. Faucci

Comments to Youtube #1

Sam Stray Wood
3 hours ago
I pray this guy doesn’t mysteriously commit ‘suicide’ or have a weird accident…. if he does, we know he was speaking truths.

Jan Doorn
4 hours ago (edited)

Revs Reva
14 hours ago
I like how the host isn’t bias he goes hard for truth and facts

Based Gringo
10 hours ago
Props to Patricks for risking his channel to interview this guy.

8 hours ago
If people don’t step up now the world most likely will be very different… Who thinks people need to step up?

5 hours ago
I’m pretty sure Buttar is going to have problems with his taxes if Biden wins lol

12 hours ago (edited)
The motive is to get rid of all average folks , in other words they want to make this planet a rich planet, and have human robots to do work we are doing so the rich folks just relax and keep getting richer , just a thought 💭…. getting rid of irrelevant people poor people

Eric Judge
13 hours ago
If Covid is SO DEADLY they would have stopped ALL FLIGHTS foreign and domestic. Planes are the fastest way a virus can travel.

Carmen S
12 hours ago
Whenever EVERYBODY that agrees with ONE side has an “agenda”, and everybody that agrees with YOU is for “the right thing”, I don’t trust you either. I’m with him, but dang “Anderson Cooper is in on it too”…..*skrrrrr* brakes hit right there. Nah. No vaccine? I’m with him there. And 5g is an issue, HECK yeah.

hkk jr
12 hours ago
While the whole world is focused on this scam-demic….the building of the 5G network has been going at a ferocious pace!

Annmarie Ohara
9 hours ago
I’m sick of all this freaking people out and causing anxiety I wore a face mask and ended up getting a bad chest through inhaling fibres from the mask, and thought I had the virus 😷

hawa fofana
12 hours ago

Essential Oil Queen
13 hours ago
“Bill Gates = devil incarnate”

farra ashford
8 hours ago
This is a well thought out plan, they didn’t miss a step. separating families, churches.etc.

Lawn Mower
12 hours ago
We Need to Not Let Them Make this a Mandatory Vaccine 😡💉😡

Charles Babu
6 hours ago
COVID _19 ..Certificate of Vaccination identity 2019

Anna Fontanez
5 hours ago
This doctor has not said nothing wrong !
He’s speaks on the truth and what is good for the human body !!!!

8 hours ago
Why are so many Nurses being Furloughed?!

Susan Kelly
13 hours ago
2 weeks ago my Dr wore a shield mask and gloves!!! He smiled and said “” the regular common flu kills more than this Virus but it gets more attention and I’m wondering why?” He said I wear this stuff only to ease your. Mind. Lol

Iain Collins
6 hours ago
Pandemic, vaccines and depopulation has been talked about for years . Just shocking that it’s looking like reality now. Refuse the vaccines we need to stand together on this.

johnny trucker
10 hours ago
Exactly their living longer and they know that that’s why they wanna lower the population

Ashara Holistic
12 hours ago
The outcasted truth revealing Doctor’s, is the Heroes of the future.

karekezi Etienne
4 hours ago
David Icke had said this long time ago

Lawn Mower
12 hours ago
Share this to Everyone Possible We Need to Spread This Truth!

12 hours ago
This guy is a genius. I’ve learned more from this one conversation than all other sources combined and information I can use in defense of my own beliefs.

Rudra Padhy
12 hours ago
Those are watching from India ,like here
Indian government need to be aware of this informations.

12 hours ago
Countdown until this gets removed.

14 hours ago
Gates keeps making his tv appearances about how the world economy has gone bust, smiling and saying we cant go back to normal till we are vaccinated – the agenda has been clear since day one. This comedy coronavirus, Its all about control. The MSM should all be banned. All they do is deceive with their repetitive parrot talk of fake news and fake scenes of hospitals and numbers , its all being manipulated and created as a concept of imagination to scare people and control them , to make them accept the vaccine and welcome of a police state and some people out there will willingly accept and they don’t even know whats going on.

julian clark
11 hours ago
100% true. Why are they filling babies with multiple vaccinations when they are just a few months old?

11 hours ago
Buttar you and your knowledge resonate with everything in me and everything I’ve studied. Thank you thank you

Doc Pixel
11 hours ago
Gates and why: Narcissistic pathology, needs adoration to survive because he has everything else, and always ALWAYS… Follow The Money

Hanska Jones
12 hours ago
Here before YouTube take this down

Katherine Simone
5 hours ago
20:00. ‘Anybody of reasonable intellect understands’.

When I go outside my house I look around and see less and less reasonable intellect.

Kem Kum
7 hours ago
Has anyone noticed how when Gates is talking about the vaccine, he always has this evil smirk on his face. Like he’s thinking that everyone is so gullible and stupid.

10 hours ago
Please invite Bill Gates himself, he could explain/answer a lot of questions 😀

Cj Boac
13 hours ago
PLEASE, watch Dr. Judy Mikovits & save it immediately! It was aired today on Gary Franci show, NEXT NEWS NETWORK! It is incredible! I do the same whenever I see Dr. Butarr, this doctor also, Dr. Berg!

Dmitri Fukov
11 hours ago
And on a regular basis I’m told I’m crazy for thinking this covid/lockdown isn’t logical

Four happiness
13 hours ago
An Italian Politician just made a speech yesterday that the numbers are fake in Italy.

Aaliyah Majestic Alexander
10 hours ago
Even the Snapchat app was pre programming us years ago with the mask on filters

10 hours ago
Isn’t it Amazing that Israel who claims to be the inventor of 5G will NOT install 5G in Israel. But they want 5G installed in every nation Globally. What does that tell you ?

Hudson Decker
4 hours ago
Dr Buttar appears to be a quack. He’s been reprimanded for bogus treatment. These type of doctors always have a big chip. Maybe what he says is legitimate but be very cautious. Just because you feel that everything said by the so called mainstream of bs, doesn’t mean that anyone criticizing the mainstream is speaking truth. That is middle school logic.

mitch govender
8 hours ago
This dr is so clued up he should take Fauci (the rats)place

Lillie Holmes
12 hours ago
Yes Dr, I am with you, I love the way you explain this pandemic,,Fauci is bad news, I remember what he did with the HIV virus,, And Gates I wish I knew what this Rich Man wanted, I know he rob Steve Jobs,, wow I believe this Dr… what coming down the road, I believe our rights are being taken away from us,,, I hope law enforcement doesn’t follow these illegal order , I pray to the creator of the universe to keep us safe and protect us,, and take VENGEANCE on the peoples that is trying to hurt us

Trusno Trusno
11 hours ago (edited)
The Dr is on point with his information period…Its just time for the people to really wake up, and see what’s going on out here..Most are afraid, and that’s normal, but sitting around waiting on the powers that be kill us off, we definitely need to create a solution.. -Trusno🖤

Gail Shmail
12 hours ago (edited)
The Deep State chose Bill Gates, made him, and owns him. THEY are his motivation.See if Gates men are Skull and Bones.

Lee Lee
13 hours ago
Somehow I am SURE that KARMA will finally sort this Deep State evil out, once and for all.

Roseanne Reddy
3 hours ago (edited)
I haven’t been so pissed off in over a decade. In my opinion, Gates is a megalomaniacal psychopath. I wish a meteorite would land on him.

13 hours ago
For the past 3-5 years I’ve been hearing other people say everything he’s saying except for corona since it has only been around for a year or less. I’ve been saying Gates was the anti Christ since windows came out although I was kidding.

Christy Vigil
4 hours ago
I love Dr. Buttar…send him love and the purple violet flames of protection…he is up against the Evil Demons of the world. Thank God for him to tell people the truth. They may be stopping his videos but they can’t stop his light. The seeds have been planted !! Source be with him !!!

Christopher Aderson
10 hours ago
What absolute hero’s you two are!!!
Brilliant reporting and this should be heard by every living person now!!!
Thank you both so much!!

10 hours ago
when I first watched a Rashid Buttar video (5-6 weeks ago) he had 4000 subs, he now has almost 250 thousand…WOW!
This guy who I think is of Pakistani origin, is the true patriot for America, while bill gates who I think is an American, is the traitor. How ironic.

Kok Meng Lew
12 hours ago
The disease don’t come from bat’s it’s Man-made to scare the rest of the world and to destroy other economies

Gman Money
2 hours ago

9 hours ago
Watch “Out of Shadows Official” on youtube b4 it’s taken down. Also, banned.video

enigmaticstatic 7
10 hours ago
I said this the other day about the nurses all dancing round on all this tv adverts. I am a key worker not for the nhs tho and let me tell you we dont even have a minute to do a slight head bop let alone full blown dances and practiced routines. Trump knows its a hoax he may be a prick but at least hes not a brainwashed prick!

johny games
5 hours ago
War has been declared on the citizens of the world and they want us to stay in our homes, and take your guns, this is America “Home of the brave Land of the free,” it’s time to wake the sleeping Giant don’t get scared get pissed it’s them that should hide in fear.

anonamas no name
13 hours ago
Vaccines many believe also cause OCD

3 hours ago
I knew from begining all this covid 19 is BS !!!

John Baran
2 hours ago
The increase in life span is most likely much better hygiene, ie safe water & “modern” sewage systems

Eshaam Mather
5 hours ago
Definately hitting the nail on the head and pulling no punches God bless him

Justice Warrior
9 hours ago
Bill Gates and GEORGE SOROS both funded Wuhan CCP labs for population control

Ra Ward
4 hours ago (edited)
Abraham Flexner developed the Flexner Report in 1910. He was “neither” a physician, scientist, nor medical educator.

Christopher Aderson
12 hours ago
Yes, here in Ireland to, I was watching the video and it stopped playing!!!

johny games
5 hours ago
Always remember that in order to make a lie believable it must have a bit of truth in it. If you stick to this you can almost always spot a lie from the truth.

Ideoform Sun
6 hours ago (edited)
Selenium, silver for infections, vitamin C, sunlight, exercise, sleep, wash your hands, take your outdoor shoes off in the house, zinc if you are low in it. Pray.

Colette Laussade
3 hours ago
One reason for taking our guns… so we can’t fight the Powers That Be.

Brandon Bell
7 hours ago
“This guy (Gates) cant keep viruses out of Microsoft but he wants us to believe he can keep viruses out of the human body.” 😂😂 shot fired Gates down that was fckin GENIUS! Should be quote of the millenia!! Incredible

Mr Robot
3 hours ago
Patrick, get Dr John Bergman on! He is an absolute legend!!!

11 minutes ago
Where’s the proof that hospitals intentionally falsified covid diagnosis?
Where the proof that virus was not properly isolated?

I Dunk
3 hours ago
For those that see some truth from this eye-opening interview, I highly recommend you check out “Dr. Eric Berg” channel for more info on health by understanding the causation of illnesses and what solutions are recommended based on research, especially through nutrition rather than pharmaceutical drugs. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3w193M5tYPJqF0Hi-7U-2g

Josette Tatiana
11 hours ago
Dr Buttar, thanks for your brilliant talk over these issues that demoralising the whole world now. My God protect and increase your wisdom

Gman Money
27 minutes ago
Maybe The evils will eventually cancel each other out

Bozorgmehr Bahmani
4 hours ago (edited)
1:23:26 “this is the misinformation to the highest order” ~ Dr Buttar took the line from Dr Martin Ssempa! “CONFUSION OF DA HIGHEST ORDA”

8 hours ago
The host kept going on and on about “motive” – isn’t it obvious??

Peter Caci
8 hours ago
People in the UK have burnt several 5G cell towers…maybe they’re on to something

Michael Duldulao
8 hours ago
whats the motive??
they want to rule the world thru technocracy….

Grammy 3G
6 hours ago
Is this going to result in a ceiling to our life span due to modern medicine and life style ? Once we get to a certain age ? Solent green ….down the road , next ?

Christine McFall
8 hours ago
Married the most beautiful woman in the world? The plastic filled Slovenian soft porn model? Dumb as a brick? Please.

Dick Johnson
8 hours ago (edited)
Refuse 5G capability in your phones and electronics from now on! Otherwise you’ll be using it without knowing it! If it’s in a new vehicle or tv, Don’t Buy It.

Vonda Berryman
10 hours ago

Ideoform Sun
8 hours ago
I remember when every other commercial was for addictive cigarettes or alcohol. These were banned for a reason. It’s like advertising gambling. I think drugs should not be advertised, either. All advertising uses a form of brainwashing. Our brainwashing should be for good things, not a patented drug.

Kimberly Thibodeaux
7 hours ago
Dr’s telling it like it is. Yes people understand what 5G is really doing and what it’s capable of doing at the push of a button. Frogman wants us all sick or dead, preferably dead. Love this Dr yea me too Doc I know enough about 5G than I want to as well. Goodnight/ morning.

Faith Mungai
5 hours ago
This whole thing is more spiritual than most think.
The installation of the anti Christ will be proceeded by depopulation.

Grammy 3G
6 hours ago
Patents for virus, for more than one variety, the chaos, then the vaccine that has micro chips that can control the masses is the cure……

Julio C.Acevedo Diaz
5 hours ago

Brian Poland
14 hours ago
Google needs to be punished and so does Facebook

Brandon McKinney
6 hours ago
Breaking us in to the acronym covid-19 “certificate of vaccination identification”

peace out
6 hours ago
also….25% of all people that die from covid actually die from blood clotts caused from covid.

Gracie Adams
1 hour ago
Please be careful Dr. B. “They” will kill you these days for telling the truth!!! Thank you for your courage!!!!

7 hours ago
When you hear boom, these men talk beyond the speed of sound.

1 hour ago
One thing your missing in all of this. The existence of Satan, and his motives. satan has soldiers all over the world. Just like God has soldiers all over the world. Ephesians 6:10 , the answers are there, the motives are in that scripture.

10 hours ago
Goes into very critical thinking when talking about how Gates has another agenda, very reasonable & I agreed. Does the same with Fauci, I agreed. Says “Trump has done the best he can”… he lost me there. Quotes something Candence Owens said? lmao.

Talks about how nurses recorded some videos dancing (tiktok) & suggests is because nothing is going on? wow. How about using the same critical thinking on this issue? nurses are not robots, they are human beings who like many others also use twitter, facebook, youtube & yes also tiktok; he failed to think about the many states that aren’t having the same problem like NY has, so is it not possible that these nurses that you see dancing are from the states that aren’t having a surge of covid? & therefor had the time to make such stupid videos of them dancing? c’mon…

he should had just talked about what he’s good at which is medicine, he was all over the place. Dr Judy on the other hand knew how to handle the interview, she was great.

Jesus Saves
6 hours ago
There’s a government behind the government, run by half human and have reptilians..the fallen angels were cast down to earth.. what do you think they are doing?

13 hours ago
First time I watch this chanel, i like the interviewer. Good job. Greetings from Italy 🇮🇹❤️

Dora Firminpennington
1 hour ago
Fantastic Fair Interview. Thank you for treating this Wonderful conscientious doctor the forum to enlighten those who are willing to listen.

Grammy 3G
6 hours ago
They are creating chaos, so they can come in with some kind of order for an answer to it all. Even though they caused it in the first place. We need to wake up people….

13 hours ago
Wow one of the best interviews i have seen. This guy is super smart. Good for him to come out and let the world know that they are blowing this thing way out of control . They are using lies and fear. They should all be punished to the highest extent of the law. Much respect to Patrick Bet-David for putting on real people who give real answers and tell it how it is.

Be Love
8 hours ago
Btw, my message was regarding the “motives” question posed by the host.

Gabi Gabriela Dambra
3 hours ago
We have to go after Gates and Fauci….
They are dangerous!!!
Common doc!

Peace River
55 minutes ago
When someone brings you a message always research the sender and inspect the motive… Great information!

The Aware Naturopath
14 hours ago
All I can say is every single conspiracy theory is FACT in 2022

News Now Mike Copp
3 hours ago
DR NICHOLAS OPIE AND THE STENTRODE STORY this is also being done to VET’S AND PEOPLE ON disability without knowledge or consent

Idris Said
4 hours ago
There is no scientific evidence to show that the car accident was due to the lack of oxygen from the face mask.

3 hours ago (edited)
Give you father an ozone therapy for his heart find out how to get ozone IV for him. In Germany and only 3 state in the USA will put it IV . To prevent cutting legs and foot with gangrene

Jimmy van Drunen
7 hours ago
that having said I don’t fully trust this interviewer nor his energies.

Raisa Besliu
10 hours ago
Is there such a possibility to interview Dr. John Coleman, the author of the book “Conspirator’s Hierarchy : The Committee of 300”?

3 hours ago (edited)
There’s no such thing as a genetic epidemic unless
It’s Gene pool epidemic as in not human.

Nove UK
10 hours ago
27:20 valuetainment looking lol mr bean lol but this video is deep and needs to be shared

Bobby Wade
6 hours ago
This is like one of the best interviews you’ve ever done….I’m talking freaking epic

Bernadette Smith
7 hours ago
They are already making it mandatory here in the uk… scarey times ahead …lifes never gona b the same again ….

Charlotte Warren
8 hours ago
I would like to say one more thing when he dies I wonder where is he going where his evil demon Mama and Daddy and Great Grandpa are at I know one damn thing there not going to Heaven now y’all think about that shalom.

4 hours ago
I’m amazed how people like spiting on someone that try to help others instead of just enjoying his money!

39 minutes ago
Understanding the metaphor of Eve eating from the tree of knowlege: Once you bite the apple, you can no longer be controlled; therefore, you recieve free will.
Of course we have some medicine that works. If pharmacudical did not provide medicines that work, we would no longer buy products. This allows them to hide the true corrupt within the medical medine. Buttar is right, there are many good doctors who practice good ethics, but those higher up only see the corrupt greed of the business. That is why they monopolize the industry like Gates. Now explain to me why Gates is so high in medicine when he is no doctor?

Nous Numen
8 hours ago
Considering human life within the concept of the last few hundred years is just foolish, and that’s a Doctor making that statement. We have limited understanding of the ancient Greeks let alone the Egyptians, to assume life based on limited information is rather pointless. And whilst it is claimed that 5G impacts cells, so does earth based radiation or even radiation from the sun. You can’t give one possible negative without offering that same consensus to other risks that do exactly the same, and in some cases more. People are being fed half logic or so called truths, and these are often just opinions; and the guy mentions that he’s involved in actuary, he knows full well that things are subject to risk assessment, and yet there’s no mention of the A.I. having attained genius levels and already far superior to even the brightest humans. This seems more like A.I. driven propaganda than it does information that can be quantified with any degree of certainty..

Angel Lee
5 minutes ago
If the rich guys are all playing in the game somebody has to be the evil doctor gates who controls the world, especially if the savior is Donald Trump
.. there’s why… because the game calls for it…

brad ledger
8 hours ago
I heard of agenda 21 a long time ago and now I am starting to believe in this. The elites plan to save the environment only instead of limiting the amount of children, kill off the deplorable’s and folks that most of us!!!

george scott
11 hours ago
boycott the mainstrem media now

Chris Noland
6 hours ago
This is the best interview and guest you could possibly have on your show to date! You are helping humanity and the resistance and spreading truth! 🙏🏽

10 minutes ago

Gracie Adams
38 minutes ago
I think B. Gates’ motive is the same as Satan’s…”I will be like God” !!!

Mark Winter
4 hours ago
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell
We need more revolutionaries, the deceit/ lie’s told to ordinary people all over the world casts a veil of darkness over our lives, it is in darkness that truth dies so what kind of decisions will ordinary people make in the absence of the truth.

Alessandra Ponticelli
7 hours ago

Christopher Shreiner
6 hours ago
Maybe Gates wants love and adoration. He wants to secure his place as the one that saved the world with a virus. Simultaneously, he can capitalize on it.

3 hours ago
This man is a great man. God bless you Dr Buttar

Diana Holland
7 hours ago (edited)
Listen!!!! I’m a nurse and the safest place for me to be is the HOSPITAL!!!! There’s NO ONE there! I NEED work! I even have a fellow RN that left to NY and is working the front lines, ($6000/wk) and she stated “ITS TIME TO OPEN THE COUNTRY!”

6 hours ago
Selenium – birth control pill for viruses 200mcg✅💥💥💥
Silver- antiviral✅
Vitamin C ✅
Exercise ✅
Mindset/Hygiene 🔥🔥🔥🔥

4 hours ago
Motive: Control – The less people, the easier to control. Vaccine with chip implants, easier to control.

Gary’s ImpaLOW
8 hours ago
Before my kids can enter middle school they “Have to get a vaccine” before they can attend school on day 1. Otherwise they cant attend and the parents can get fined. Black River Falls, WI 54615. Explain that!

prakash daftari
7 hours ago
Great thought : what the motive for super achieved like gates… but ask the same question for buffett…

Samuel Rene
7 hours ago
“Technology helps us live longer” …..”technology killing us” 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️ 5g bad for our health…..so is fastfood but ppl still eat it daily…..America eats tge worse foods in the world but we pointing the finger at 5g 🤦🏿‍♂️….ppl need too take a chill pill

Lisa Fredell
5 hours ago
I agree. There’s something more behind this.

Irish Kelly
13 hours ago (edited)
Monsanto, furthered by the largest shareholders, Bill Gates, Sr., and Bill Gates, Jr., for years (before sold to Bauer at a tremendous profit), with GMO foods (glyphosate poisoning/toxicity) would also be something to add when looking at the vaccine, virus patents, etc., to support the depopulation/eugenics agenda motivation of this family.
Dane Wigington’s site, geoengineeringwatch.org could also provide answers as to why depopulation is now so urgent and time sensitive to these people, and their network.

Chinelo Blessed
6 hours ago
Yes a few friends have confirmed relatives have died and they added Covid 19 as cause of death which was incorrect

Salesforce Training Tutorials
4 minutes ago
Gates motive: He is simply keeping his end of the bargain. Success, fame, wealth, power, position, comes with strings attached, if it was handed over to you. If God blesses you with it, no strings attached. But not so, if it is from His arch-enemy.

11 hours ago
If 5G hurts us then wouldn’t it hurt the people pulling the strings also?

johny games
4 hours ago
The nurses on the front line and in the hospitals I’m sure are real. The nurses on CNN. ABC, and more probably are actors, they are notorious for doing this.

Joseph G.
3 hours ago
Dr. Buttar is definitely the best guy to get through Patrick’s conspiracy doubting mind.

5 hours ago
What is the “5 min agenda video” he refers to?

Mare Mia
11 hours ago (edited)
I’ve understood, thank you so much- Martina from Germany!

Bob Digi
3 hours ago
If you die because you get shot in the head, the reason for death wont be recorded as coronavirus.
And if someone believes 5G is causing more cancer they are a charlatan.

10 hours ago
Love this man… watched a video last night that’s already gone? And my family say I’m mental, I say I’m not gullible

4 hours ago
Also we leaving longer because we understand more about natural medicine….👍

Snook Berry
2 hours ago
Why does this interviewer look totally disinterested.

Gail Shmail
11 hours ago
You have to realize that the George Bushes were not conservatives but liberals, ELITE liberals, meaning OLIGARCHS. Any of their neighbors in Houston would tell you that.

3 hours ago
Thank God for brave Doctors like him that stand up for humanity.

11 hours ago
5G is the modern holocaust, meant for everybody.

3 hours ago
This channel is the best!!!! You have the best content. Absolutely!!! Hands down.

Arya Kalali
2 hours ago
One of the best and most amazing interviews on a great, knowledgeable and honest Dr in the name of BUTTAR.

Tee S
1 hour ago
We should give these so called “journalists” that write these pathetic hit piece articles a piece of our mind!!! Maybe then they’ll stop putting out nonsense…

Josip Tumapa
9 hours ago
I wonder how Patric sleeps, knowing all the things he knows…… seriously.
Share some tips in a video. Because some of these thins are so insane.

Shafi Sarvari
5 hours ago (edited)
You are the Hero Dr. Buttar
Please do not give up! keep on telling the world the truth about the #Devil #Worshipers who are hidden behind the law and force!

BareJokes TV
11 hours ago
Shoutout to Dr Buttar for mentioning the burning of 5G towers in U.K.,

Some of which were in Birmingham, my city!😎🇬🇧

Leicester City F.C. Fan
11 hours ago
Been out exercising on my bike, some places are like a ghost town. Ive out more times in the last 6 weeks, than I have in the last 5 years..

Tee S
2 hours ago
“Conspiracy theories put lives at risk”…no, that’s the GOVERNMENT’S job!!!!!!!

Mayron Duarte
5 hours ago
We need more AMERICANS like this guy.

Robbie Hamilton
7 hours ago (edited)
Doc needs to watch Planet of Humans, Bobby is complicit in the ‘renewable energy’ scam.

Joseph Smith
15 minutes ago (edited)
i’m so addict to patricks interviews. Another great interview/guest. Must have to agree even you you don’t agree. Two Knowledgeable and extreme thinkers. Carefully listen to Patrick. He knows what he knows, but he’s the first the ask questions and admit he doesn’t know. Priceless.
In closing his agenda is conveying knowledge not a agenda.

4 hours ago (edited)
Funny how “private” clubs and organizations have been forced to except others who wouldn’t have ordinarily been excepted, for example the Boy Scouts having to accept girls when there is already a Girl Scout organization. Yet when it comes to media that is considered “private” like FB, YT, and Twitter they are allowed to directly interfere with peoples rights to speak freely, and even kick out/off people that don’t go along with their agendas.
As far as life expectancies, people aren’t living as long. People that were raised before GMO’s, cell phones, etc… had a chance to start out healthier so a lot have made it to their 80’s and 90’s. Boomers aren’t living as long as their parents or grandparents. And boomers kids probably won’t live as long as them. So if you look at charts of those people that are in their 80’s now it makes it appear a longer life span. To get an accurate picture you’ll have to wait and see how long the next generation and there after live.

Michael Kummer
5 hours ago
WOW, Homeopathy !!!!! and science, and medical establishment,

Eshaam Mather
5 hours ago
We need to ask Gates why he gave 27 million dollars to Africa in January 2020 for this covid 19 virust time the virus was not in Africa

News Now Mike Copp
4 hours ago

Sam Afgan
5 hours ago
Crazy to hear this I just found out my grandma has cervical cancer today, and my other grandma died of stomach cancer in Iran. I’m taking her some cannabis oil, broccoli sprouts and fresh turmeric in a hour.

3 hours ago
I think a lot of these people (like gates) are being promised immortality, and that’s their motivation.

Rick Grovijohn
1 hour ago
why does he keep asking about threats to his license

Sandy Ridout
2 hours ago
Hey Patrick, Fauci said that he wanted to be on the tonight show years ago. Just sayin…

Peter Ericsson
14 hours ago
demon possession …..worship of S…..that is the reason why

True Truth
12 hours ago
So Prophet Muhammad pbuh was 1400 ahead of his time when he directed his followers to wash there hands minimum of 5 times a day and to wash there nose and mouth 🤔

Mojgan Mottaghi
12 hours ago
You guys talk of Motives on Gates as if none of you Ever faced the Egotistical Greedy, Controlling freak in your lives !!!!!??? Aie!? They Don’t Make Sense!?

4 hours ago
YouTube is owned by the Elite! We’ll know who did it if they try to kill or destroy his career and character! They are going to try to destroy Rashid!

ANC Nutrition
3 hours ago
The moment this gets past 3 million view it’ll be removed from youtube.

Julie Mackinder
12 hours ago
Thomas Jefferson,
the blessings & security of self-government. that form which we have substituted, restores the free right to the unbounded exercise of reason and freedom of opinion. all eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. the general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view. the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride them legitimately, by the grace of god. these are grounds of hope for others. for ourselves, let the annual return of this day forever refresh our recollections of these rights, and an undiminished devotion to them.

It may be necessary to note that in
Jefferson’s day “man” and “mankind” meant every member of the human race.

14 hours ago
Move to LBRY. Open Source and decentralized alternative.

Cole Chillen
13 hours ago
I know PBD from interviewing former mobsters. When did he start giving voice to the right wing COVID-19 conspiracy theories and antivaxxers?

Carmen S
14 hours ago
I see a motive, that you’re not looking at. We always think people have some deep evil motive, when the truth is, they have the money and power and THINK they’re doing good. You put something in place for the RIGHT reasons, and it ends up turning on you in the end.

14 hours ago
Thank you so much! I’ll take the bullet with u Doc! And thank u for doing this interview to finally open peoples eye!!!

Jonathan Moore
5 hours ago
Dr mercola has been anti vaccine for a long time, you should interview him.

Betsy Smucker
7 hours ago
Dr Barrie Trower has been warning us for Decades about microwaves, like 5G!

Gisle Andre Ulvøy
29 minutes ago
Eyeballs in the ” endgame” is a nother thing!

jo tub
3 hours ago
See if bill gates will come on your show
Let’s hear his side of the story

Black Knight Gaming
4 hours ago
The Awakening is Now!
“In quantum mechanics, electric charge is conceived as being created by the subquantum emission and absorption of virtual photons. E.G. by extinguishing the virtual photons on an electron, the electron loses its charge, being converted to a neutrino and moving away through matter or anything else at the speed of light with essentially zero probability of interaction.

For an electron locked in orbit by integral DeBroglie waves (Bohr theory, which is sufficient here), its charge cannot normally be extinguished, but an electron in a current flowing along a wire is not so protected and it can therefore be extinguished. I.e., currents in electromagnetic circuits — automobile systems, radars, radios, lasers, satellites, human nervous systems, etc. — can be interfered with or even extinguished by this means. (As has been amply demonstrated by Flying Saucers over the years. RHC)

“The effect can be modulated upon electromagnetic carriers, but in an unusual sense. I.e., this type of modulation is virtual state, so it does not simply gate photons as does normal electromagnetic modulation (AM) or change frequency of the photons produced (FM) — rather it is modulated onto each individual photon itself, in its unseparated ΔT portion (a photon is comprised of action, ΔEΔT without any separation).

“The virtual state may be thought of as nested shells of physical reality contained or enfolded inside the element of time contained in each quantum of action. It is thus contained in, and carried by, the photon.”

Mind over matter is a Hyperfield over an Electromagnetic Field and this is the basis of Spiritual Healing or Absent treatment, with the mind or augmented by a Radionic broadcast treatment instrument.

The point is “there exist more fundamental component fields than electromagneticfields, and these ‘hyperfields’ produce electromagnetic field itself. These hyperfields can also Just as easily extinguish electromagnetic fields or virtual photons.”

The dematerialization of a human form in a seance room — or of a Flying Saucer in our atmosphere, are good examples of the “extinguishing” of electromagnetic fields — also the regression of a cancer tumor!

The Truth shall set you free.
“If therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light” – Matthew 6:22

Do not fear, We are here to help mankind rediscover its ancient history and classified sciences, The knowledge of the Lemurians will be revealed after the Three Days of Darkness occur and the Dark Night of the Soul begins.

This is an Edict from the 12th Density deity known as Chirst, Yahweh, God, ∞
You cannot stop the light, Penance will be served to the sovereign entity’s whom Evil, and Greed Dwell within thy Soul. Your Physical Vessel, will be taken and they will Descend to the lower vibrational Density.

“No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.”(Isaiah 54:17)

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)

God is calling all of you to not be afraid. Fear not, because God is with you. Fear not, because God is your God. Fear not, because God will strengthen you. Fear not, because God will help you. Fear not, because God will support you and hold you up by his victorious right hand.

“I am your God.” That is, I am above you. I am over you with my mighty hand. Over you. I am with you. Beside you. I will help you from whatever angle the enemy may come — or the attack or threat. I am all around you as your help. I will strengthen you from inside out. I will be your strength. And I will uphold you from underneath you. Do not be afraid.

And there is one great ground for fearlessness: God. You have a God who is infinitely more powerful! He is God! He is God! Do you believe him? Do not be afraid.

Jesus said, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God” (John 14:1). What else can we say? “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Mshlnuegu Galacct
14 hours ago

Brent Mosey
5 hours ago
Please please please interview Tucker Carlson. You’re my favourite hosts

Norsk Nordmann
13 hours ago (edited)
Someone please pay this man for the hotel room for the day he will get the sars-cov-2 virus, then interview him again.

Cristina Taminiaux
3 hours ago
Fauci wanted Brad Pitt to play him. How interesting when saying that he doesn’t want any recognition!?

Grand Roofing
8 hours ago (edited)
This is why we have the second amendment. This is the closest to the truth, in my opinion

5 hours ago

5 hours ago
Watching this awesome interview by Patrick, I’m not sure who to believe anymore. 😥

bradley dixon
1 hour ago
Wooooo! (In my Rick Flair Voice) The world should see this!

Gail Shmail
13 hours ago
With strong O3 (ozone) generators such as the ones used to clean cigarette smell out of a car, you can clean a hospital of all COVID every day. It dissipates back to O2, and you just have air with no pathogens in it. Oxygen kills pathogens including viruses.

19 minutes ago
DDT is an insecticide, bro.
Doctors are trained in Allopathic (Rockefeller) medicine.

Angelic g
5 hours ago
Watch YouTube video “ The end of the world as we know it , the fall of cabal “”

Chris Carfagno
1 hour ago
this is so great…Quinine is in Tonic water just a reminder.

10 hours ago
The TRUTH needs to be spread. Great interview!!!!

chas armo
3 hours ago
Is Dr Buttar David Icke`s brother?

tim lines
10 hours ago
would u bend for a friend ? these 2 would.

Mimi Rades
9 hours ago
THANK YOU from 🇨🇭, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR COURAGE AND SINCERITY. I will fight as much as I can againts these new autoritarismes

Keman m
13 hours ago
Pat you are the best interviewer ever you treat everyone with respect and you remind them that there human as well your better then vlad,drink champs and everyone else. You gained a fan today keep up the great work

Daniel Arenos
5 hours ago
Dr. Buttar is right… Every immunologist will attest to that radiations from 5G contributes as Immunity deterent

mur B
13 hours ago
@1:30:55 lil bit nlp. othar than that, can’t disagree with anything else buttar’s said, much of which i believe myself.

truth bless

Der_Der_ Ich_Bin
10 hours ago (edited)
1:30:18 I have an different thougt. What if they use the 5g Technologie to connect all those implanted chips. Just one 5G Tower could provide enough power for over over one Million deveices simultaneously.
I live in Germany and our cellular network isn´t the best because our government gave a shit about it. And now all of a sudden its really important to build this kind of infrastructur? Even though it wasn´t really tested whether its dangerous for people or not? It´s just a thougt, but the issues right now kind of relate to each other.

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