Excommunicated From Crestone/Baca, CO (NWO ‘Potemkin Village’ For MKULTRA Cults)! Covert Ops, Mind Control, Nonconsensual Experimentation & Targeted Individual Program/Cognitive Warfare

By Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS and Crestone/Baca resident, April 2, 2023 Toto II Enterprises, Inc. (Websites of Professor Eric T. Karlstrom) Read More …

The “Lifeline Project” Is Complete and Online! “Lifeline: Essential Insights & Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens” by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom (September 16, 2020)

“Lifeline: Essential Insights & Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens” by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom (September 16, 2020) Lifeline: Essential Insights and Healing Music For Read More …

42 Original & Informational-Musical Narrations That Explain The Global Gangstalking – Electronic Torture – Nonconsensual Human Mind-Behavior Experimentation Program (by Dr. Eric Karlstrom)

Forty-Two Informational-Musical Narrations That Explain The Global Gangstalking – Electronic Torture – Nonconsensual Human Mind-Behavior Experimentation Program (Part 2 of “Musical and Informational Lifeline For Read More …


[gview file=”https://911nwo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/DoD-HUMINT-Legal-Workshop-Fundamentals-of-HUMINT-Targeting2.pdf”] DoD HUMINT Legal Workshop Fundamentals of HUMINT Targeting(1) copy Related Global Gestapo Job Descriptions- Be A Spook and Spy On and Covertly Harrass, Read More …

Max Williams and Jeffery Bahry TI Testimonies: ‘TI’s are owned and rented (human trafficked) to multiple entities for multiple purposes’ & Webmaster’s Response; 4 Nominations Of ‘Known or Suspected Terrorists’ (KST)

I. Email from Max Williams: (Feb. 20, 2023) Friends, As a result of my experiences with targeting over the many years, I now believe that Read More …

COVID-19 “Vaccines” Are a U.S. Dept. of Defense Project Says Australian Pharmacologist (Trunews.com Jan. 11, 2023)

COVID-19 “Vaccines” Are a U.S. Dept. of Defense Project Says Australian Pharmacologist https://www.trunews.com/stream/covid-19-vaccines-are-a-u-s-dept-of-defense-project-says-australian-pharmacologist https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1RDGlakWgNgJL Newspapers, TV news channels, and news websites are ramping up again Read More …

Totalitarian State Repression Via Satanic Brain Science: Obama-Biden administration legalized ‘neurological surveillance’ after Trump’s Election (Robert L. Kinney III, Jan. 27 2023)

Epigraph Quotes: 1) “The CDC’s National Neurological Conditions Surveillance System (NCSS) is an integrated system that uses state-of-the-art data sources, tools, and analytic methods to Read More …

Targeted Justice’s $1.3 Billion lawsuit on Behalf of TIs (Targeted Individuals) against M. Garland (AG, DOJ), DHS, FBI, C. Wray (FBI Director), A. Mayorkas (Sec. DHS), C. Kable, Jr., (FBI TSC Director), K. Wainstein (DHS Sec. Intelligence and Analysis) w/ Bullet Point Summaries & Preliminary Injunction

I. Preliminary Injunction (Feb. 5, 2023) TJ-PreliminaryInjunction-5Feb2023 II. Bullet Points of Information Provided in Preliminary Injunction 1. Hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans and Read More …

Dr. Eric Karlstrom and Freeman Discuss The Targeting-Mind Control Program and Dr. Karlstrom’s New Free Audiobook: “Lifeline: Essential Insights and Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens” on the Freezone (Dec. 24, 2022)

Free Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture: “Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens” (Experts’ Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Read More …

Free Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture: “Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens” (Experts’ Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Eric Karlstrom)

Introduction: The U.S. government and other governments have been captured by 5th column enemies and are waging hybrid/unconventional war against their own citizens. “High value Read More …

Sandy Hook Hoax/False Flag/FEMA “Capstone Community Exercise”: 1) How Quickly The Zionist Targeting Program Can Infiltrate Your Neighborhood (video & partial transcription), 2) WHAT REALLY HAPPENED; Wolfgang Halbig’s Analysis (2 videos)

Epigraph Quotes: 1) The government makes money off of (trafficking) children, drugs, prostitution, satanic activity… They make the mafia look like a Sunday School class. Read More …