“Darth” Cheney: NWO-Neocon-Shadow Government Agentur, War Criminal, Executor of 9/11, Iraq I & II and Panama Wars, Global War on Terrorism, Torture & Doomsday Project (COG), Hunter of Humans, Mind-Controlled Slave Master, & Alleged Director of “Targeted Individual” (Black) Program (16 articles and videos)

Epigraph Quotes: 1) “Cheney and Rumsfeld were, in a sense, a part of the permanent hidden national-security apparatus of the United States—inhabitants of a world Read More …

Best Explanation For Covid-19-“Vax” Genocide” & Coming “Zombie Apocalypse”?: Todd Callender: Genetic-altering GMO “Vaccines” Could Nullify Human Rights (Trunews.com, 2/18/22)

Todd Callender: Genetic-altering “Vaccines” Could Nullify Human Rights (Trunews.com, Feb. 18, 2022) https://www.trunews.com/stream/todd-callender-genetic-altering-vaccines-could-nullify-human-rights https://www.brighteon.com/5e62c132-2414-4381-b5ef-0dcdb2b00361 Today on TruNews, founder and host Rick Wiles is joined by Read More …

From the Phoenix Program (1967-1972) to Today’s Global Gestapo (G5; Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide GESTAPO): Excerpts from D. Valentine’s “The CIA As Organized Crime” (2017)

ETK (Webmaster’s) Introduction: The following excerpts from Douglas Valentine’s 2017 book, “The CIA As Organized Crime; How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World,” demonstrate Read More …

‘Mafia States’ Targeting Innocent Civilians; 1) “Deceive and Hide- Jewish Mob Stalking Culture”; 2) “TI” As Lone-Wolf Terrorists;” Op Catalyst youtubes and text

ETK Introduction: Canadian TI, Stephen O’Keefe of the website OpCatalyt, has an extraordinarily sophisticated understanding of how the global targeting program works. https://educate-yourself.org/cn/Stephen-O-Keefe-Adroitly-Explains-How-The-Program-Frames-Targeted-Individuals-As-Lone-Wolf-Terrorist-to-Become-an-Enemy-of-the-State-18jan19.shtml I. In Read More …

Suzie Dawson Podcast/Interviews: W/ Bill Binney; Decipher You- Analyzing the Snowden Files; Diary of A Person of Interest, Anti-Spying Bill,Etc.

Suzie Dawson, New Zealand Citizen Journalist, Interviews Suzie Dawson Interview of Bill Binney (Sept. 4, 2018) https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=suzie+dawson+and+william+binney+interview&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DcREvDEVy_ak Decipher You – Analysing the Snowden Files, A Read More …

Organized Stalking/Mind Control & “Covert Social Credit System” Are “Risk Management” In “Secret Global Government’s” “Control Grid” & Coup Against Humanity: Catherine Austin Fitts, 3 Interviews (Brilliant)- 1/28 and 2/13/22

I. Dr. Mercola Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts and Aleks Svetski (Jan. 28, 2022) Webmaster’s Comment: In this interview, economist, Catherine Austin Fitts, offers many essential Read More …

Urgent! US Gestapo aka US Fusion Centers, a Private Criminal Corporation, a Large UK and Israeli-Run Secret Police Occupation Force Inside America: National Fusion Center Association Inc. (SCC ID 07179369) in the USA

Dear Friends! Americans! The Civilian Authorities of We The People of Great SOVEREIGN NATION – The United States Of America Republic! Please read below about Read More …

“Attack on the Brain: Neurowars and Neurowarfare” by Armin Krishnan (In: “Space and Defense;” US Air Force Publication, 2016) Describes and Explains Secret Targeting, Torture, and Assassination of TIs

Webmaster comment: Will the REAL PROFESSOR K please stand up? By By Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS and Crestone/Baca resident, April 2, Read More …

Coronavirus Plandemic/Scamdemic: Dr. Judy Mikovits, Scientist-Whistleblower & TI, Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Murderous Vaccine Profiteering, Medical Frauds, and Coverups (7 video interviews) With Partial Transcription By Webmaster

Webmaster’s Comment: From “fake science,” to science fraud, to criminal science. Please pay particular attention to the testimony of Dr. Judy Mikovits, former scientific associate Read More …

UK’s ‘Wellcome Leap’ Merges Baby’s Brains w/ AI; DARPA-WEF-Big Tech/Pharma’s Covid Plandemic and Planned Response Via Bioengineering, mRNA, Gene-Sequencing, Transhumanism Injections; & Connections w/ War on Domestic Terrorism & UN Agenda 2030 (W. Webb 2 Articles, 2 Interviews, Webmaster Partial Transcriptions, Viewer Comments)

Two New Articles by Whitney Webb (June 15 & 25, 2021): I. Who Is A Terrorist in Biden’s America? By Whitney Webb June 15, 2021 Read More …

War Plan For Covid “Vaccine” Depopulation Op: 2017 “SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028” Rockefeller Foundation-Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security-Gates-UN WHO Document (4/3/21 Video)

I. SPARS 2025-2028 Document Is Script For Rockefeller Foundation’s Covid-Fraud-Mass Murder (April 3, 2021) https://banned.video/watch?id=6068e6f54749bf7c6f0fcb7b The Document: The SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario For Read More …

Henry Makow: I. What a Benevolent “Reset” Would Require, II. The Foundation and Development of British-Judeo Bankster Money Power (3/30/21)

I. What a Benevolent “Reset” Would Require Henry Makow, Ph.D. https://henrymakow.com/2021/03/what-a-benevolent-reset-would-require.html https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/03/what-a-benevolent-reset-would-require.html What a Benevolent “Reset” Would Require March 30, 2021 The Covid hoax has Read More …