Barbara Hartwell, CIA-Whistleblower and TI, Discusses CIA History, Targeting, COINTELPRO, Punitive Psychiatry, and Black Propaganda on Ramola D Reports #61, 64, 66, 68, 71, 72, and 74; Ramola D article; My Notes on #61

“No Morals, No Scruples”: Barbara Hartwell on CIA’s Mission of Psychological Warfare, Propaganda, Illegal Domestic Covert Operations, and Extreme High-Tech Retaliation Against Whistleblowers ramola d Read More …

“ASN 112 Project”- G5- NWO Military Targeting Of Innocents: Communism, Military Contractors (Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, etc.), Hacked Out Networks & First Nations using DEW (ShP Video, 12/21/20)

Communism, Military Contractors, Hacked out Networks, First Nations using DEW (ShP, 12/21/20) Webmaster’s Comment: This video presentation by TI and Canadian researcher, Bobbi Peitsch (partially Read More …