Protocols of Gangstalking (Jewish Mob Stalking); Protocols of Zion (1896) Compared With Testimonies of Two Brilliant “Targeted Individuals”- Stephen O’Keefe and Dr. Rauni Kilde, and Excerpt from “The Jewish Strategy” (2002) by Professor Oliver P. Revilo

Protocols of Gangstalking (Jewish Mob Stalking) FORWARD/Epigraph quotes: The following quotes essentially identify who I believe is ultimately behind the global gangstalking-genocide GESTAPO system. Particularly Read More …

Obama to Face Human Rights Complaint Before OAS Over Electronic WMD Torture: TI (“Targeted Individual”) Statement by John Nagel, 2014)

Obama to Face Human Rights Complaint Before OAS Over Electronic WMD Torture (by John Nagel, “Targeted Individual,” 2014) John Nagel, a United States Citizen Read More …

“SHADOW GOVERNMENT GESTAPO’S” (CIA/NSA/FBI & BRITISH MI6/GCHQ, etc.) Criminal, Unconstitutional Targeting Of American Citizens AND COUP AGAINST CANDIDATE/PRESIDENT TRUMP Explained by Ex-CIA Counter-Terrorism Officer, Kevin Shipp (2/20/19 youtube)

“Where Are the Whistleblowers?” (Soft Coup, Program 1) Youtube presentation by Ex-CIA Counter-terrorism Official and Whistleblower, Kevin Shipp Ex-CIA, Kevin Shipp: “Any federal agency or Read More …

GOG´S NeW GESTAPO – The Global Gang Stalkers REVEALED; Interview with Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Kev Baker Show

Notes for Kev Baker interview June 7, 2017 Recent posts of interest! 1) Four Estimates of the Size, Scope, Structure, Costs, and Personnel Requirements Read More …