NWO, 9/11 False Flag, Global Warming Fraud, UN Agenda 21, Cults (Crestone), 4th World Collective Mind-Transhumanism, & Gangstalking Connections; From “MKULTRA & Intel Community Database”

NWO, 9/11 False Flag, Global Warming Fraud, UN Agenda 21, Cults (Crestone), 4th World Collective Mind-Transhumanism, & Gangstalking Connections: From “MKULTRA & Intel Community Database” Read More …

Battlespace Neuroethics: Bio Hacking & Brain Hacking from MK ULTRA to “Targeted Individuals” – How Emerging Brain Technologies and Weaponized Neuroscience Point to Loss of Individual Human Mental Privacy, Autonomy, Sanctity, Sovereignty, Control, & Liberty for All Humanity (Ramola D investigative podcast series)

Webmaster’s Introduction: For the record: I probably did about 30 or so podcast interviews with Ramola D between about 2016 and 2019. These were placed Read More …

Ex-Military Wife, Kay Griggs Interviews (1998, 2005, 2006): US Military Is a Mind Control, Gang Stalking (Cult) Operation Run by Sexual Deviants (Homo and Bi-sexuals/pedophiles)

ETK Introduction: Political insider and historian, Kay Pollard Griggs is the former wife of Colonel George Griggs, Head of Special Operations under Admiral Kelso of Read More …


Epigraph Quotes: “Dr. Ross Adey has found out that by using 0.75 milliwatts per square centimeter intensity of pulse modulated microwaves, at a frequency of Read More …

“Merchants of Souls”/”They Hunt the Souls of God’s People” Message By Dr. David F. Reagan, Pastor (audio and commentary)

http://www.learnthebible.org/sermon-outlines/merchants-of-souls.html Scripture Passage: Ezekiel 13:17-23 Attached audio files: Merchants of Souls by David F. Reagan 10.79 MB Webmaster’s Comment: I include this Bible-based sermon from Read More …

Gangstalking is Domestic Terrorism by US Government and Violates 18 US Code 2331: Successful Lawsuit by John Christiana

Gangstalking is Domestic Terrorism by US Goverrnment and Violates 18 US Code 2331: Successful Lawsuit by John Christiana https://www.lifeofjohnchristiana.com/domestic-terrorism-by-us-govt.html John Christiana’s first presentation on: The Read More …

The Soul War and Targeting People W/ Directed Energy Weapons! Ex-NSA Whistleblower William Binney and Dr. Katherine Horton Describe “Crown Program”(?) of secret, electronic torture of individuals

The Soul War and Directed Energy Weapons! June 9, 2020 (William Binney and Dr. Katherine Horton begin at: 29:04) https://www.facebook.com/TheSteelTruth/videos/1115302705516314/ Published on Jun 9, 2020 Read More …