Targeted Individuals, Gang Stalking & MKULTRA/The Psychopath Machine – 2 Documentaries/Article

Targeted Individuals, Gang Stalking & MKULTRA – Documentary Steve Smith: The Psychopath Machine: MKULTRA-Linked Torture At Oak Ridge Hospital

Takedown of America’s Freedoms: 1) How the CIA, Mossad, and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare, 2) FBI Foreknowledge of El Paso Shootings, 3) William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program 4) Coronavirus: What Newsweek Failed to Mention About “Continuity of Government”, 5) U.S. Intel Agencies played unsettling role in classified and “9/11-like” Coronavirus response plan (by Whitney Webb, 2019 & 2020)

Epigraph Quotes: Comment to Article 4: You guys profess to be for truth and fearless reporters but you have yet to write about targeted individuals Read More …

Breaking Your Will (Via CIA’s “No-Touch Torture” & Tavistock’s “Learned Helplessness”) and Cracking Your Skull (Via CIA’s LSD, Technocracy, US Army-Controlled Counter-Culture, US Army) (Amazing Polly, 2/20 & 25/20)

I. Breaking Your Will Feb. 20, 2020 Amazing Polly II. Cracking Your Skull, Amazing Polly, Feb. 25, 2020

Secret Global Surveillance Network Intelligence Sharing Between Governments and the Need For Safeguards (2018 pdf)

Secret Global Surveillance Network Intelligence Sharing Between Governments and the Need For Safeguards (pdf, 2018) Webmaster comment: The need for safeguards?! These state-sanctioned criminals, Read More …

Top-Secret Neuroweapons Torture Exposed by Celeste Solum; July 10, 2020

by Celeste Solum July 10, 2020 Electromagnetic harassment with torturous patterns (electromagnetic torture, cybernetic torture or cybertorture): “the crime that people complain most about on Read More …

Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation by David Larson (2002, pdf)

Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP* and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation by David Larson (2002, pdf) Read More …

Hypergame Theory: A Model For Conflict, Misperception, and Deception (2015; Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) Pertinent Message by TI and Former DOD Employee, Bryan Tew (5/27/19): GOVERNMENT PERPETRATORS ARE INFILTRATING TARGETED INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT GROUPS WORLDWIDE. I know this personally Read More …