Lawsuits Against Pres. Obama, DOD, CIA, SPAWAR, and Others For Violating Rights of Electromagneticially-Controlled, Non-Consensual Experimentees, R.L. Cain and E. D. Taylor (2014 and 2010)

Complaint for Damages, Civil Rights Violations; Declaratory, and Injunctive Relief. ETK Introduction: These two lawsuits could provide templates for other lawsuits filed by “Targeted Individuals” Read More …

GEOINT (Geospatial Intelligence) Surveillance For Total C2 (Command And Control of Humanity) System Run by the US Military (DJ Welsh; 5/29/15 youtube and my notes)

Webmaster (ETK) Comment: This 2015 youtube presentation by D.J. Welsh is an invaluable contribution to understanding who runs the Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide Gestapo (G5)/GISTAPWO-666/Global Gangstalking Read More …

Israel’s Top Secret Operation Talpiot Seeks to Globally Dominate AI and IoT (Internet of Things) (, 1/30/2019) Rough transcription of highlights of this Trunews podcast: “Operation Talpiot is a top-secret Israeli project to enable Israel to dominate Artificial Intelligence and the Read More …

Deliberate Corruption of Christianity in America (The Zionization and Satanization of The Evangelical and Catholic Churches; 5 youtubes, 2 articles)

I. Zionisation and Satanization of the Evangelical Church A. End Time Delusions: Are U.S. Evangelicals Todays Sadducees (, 3/11/19) DIPZISM: Dispensionalism: John Nelson Read More …

Trump’s “Gifting” of Syria’s Golan Heights To Israel Allows Rothschild-Zionist Criminal Syndicate To Steal Its Oil and Gas Webmaster’s Notes on podcast (3/21/2019): Who are the American and Israeli Robber Barons (aka IZCS- International Zionist Criminal Syndicate) on the Genie (Nephilim) Read More …