Weather Wars: Geoengineered “Frankenstorms-” Hurricanes Ian, Harvey, Irma, Sandy, Erin, Katrina, etc.: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Program

Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian Webmaster Comment: In this interview with Jeff Rense, I reference these sources on my and websites: Weather Read More …

State Surveillance, Tracking, Stalking, & Whacking Of ‘Targeted Individuals’ (aka “Dissidents”/”Terrorists”) w/ PROMIS, ESCHELON, PRISM, & PALANTIR Software: Insights Of Whitney Webb and Others

Dr. Eric Karlsrom Interview on Jeff Rense Program (Oct. 27, 2022): State Surveillance, Tracking And Stalking And Much More: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Read More …

Gangstalking Is “Five Eyes’ Unconventional Warfare, Counterinsurgency Program, & Mass-Oriented Insurgency!” From: “Ramola D: Here’s Why Suzie Dawson is One of Your Biggest Allies” by Susan Sorkin Nov. 5, 2019

“Gangstalking is Five Eyes’ Unconventional Warfare, Counterinsurgency Program, & Mass-Oriented Insurgency!” Ramola D: Here’s Why Suzie Dawson is One of Your Biggest Allies: A Few Read More …

1) Scope, Structure, & Purpose of Gangstalking-Electronic Experimentation, Enslavement, Execution, Targeting, Terrorism, Transhumanism & Torture-Murder Operations (GEEEETTTTMO); 2) Psychological Profile of Perps (Weaponized People) & Destructive Cults, 3) Protocols of Zion/Kalergi Plan Now Implemented

Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, October 4, 2022 Epigraph Quotes: 1) (The Targeted Individual Program/GEEEETTTTMO) is “a secret global-level Unconventional Read More …

Cutting Through “Smokescreen Terminology:” 524 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth Of Gangstalking/Civilian Targeting/”Dissident Hunting” War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity

Cutting Through “Smokescreen Terminology:” 524 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth of Gangstalking/Civilian Targeting/”Dissident Hunting” War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Read More …

Amy Holem, Digital Forensic Investigator For Targeted Individuals: “Protestors, Whistleblowers & Dissidents Cooked By Radio Waves” & 5 Other Interviews (2021 & 2022)

Amy Holem’s Website: I. Protestors, Whistleblowers & Dissidents Cooked By Radio Waves (Stew Peters/Amy Holem Interview, 7/28/22) Excerpts From Interview: Stew Peters: Microwaves Read More …

Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries (by Ben Norton, 10/8/21) & Webmaster’s Summary

Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries ‘Cognitive Warfare’ by Francois du Cluzel Epigraph Quote: The chilling NATO document (‘Cognitive Read More …

Is January 6, 2021 A False-Flag State Terrorism Event like 9/11? Tribunal of Conscience finds FBI/Government Human Rights violations; Crimes against Humanity; June 9, 2022 U.S. Congressional Hearings akin to “Stalin-era Show Trials”

Webmaster Comment: Alfred Lamont Webre is a lawyer, author, and statesman who was charged with establishing an Exopolitics department under the administration of Jimmy Carter Read More …

International Tribunal issues Cease and Desist Order against Neural Monitoring Genocidal Conspiracy by WHO, WEF, Gates, Trudeau et al and Mandates Constitutional Law Enforcement of Tribunal Order (June 8, 2022)

International Tribunal issues Cease and Desist Order against Neural Monitoring Genocidal Conspiracy by WHO, WEF, Gates, Trudeau et al and Mandates Constitutional Law Enforcement of Read More …

The Depopulationists: Luciferic Ideology/Agenda Behind Gangstalking, aka Man-Hunting Business, Judeo-Masonic Blood Sacrifice, Military-“Intelligence” Blood Games, & Human Trafficking for Obama’s Brain Initiative

Webmaster’s Comment: As a retired geography professor who taught a course entitled Human Ecology for 22 years, I know that the depopulation agenda is the Read More …