Neuro-Cyber Hackers, Traffickers, & Torturers Documented on Computer Networks of Canadian TI & Webmaster Include UN, Governments, CIA-NSA-FBI, Universities, Military-Space-Cybernetics-Medical-Neuroscience-A.I. Contractors, Foundations, Banks, & Human Genome Project (3 Explanatory Videos & Data; July-August, 2020)

Webmaster Comment: Identifying, tracking and tracing entities which illegally hack into TI’s computer networks (and minds) may be one of the most promising breakthroughs in Read More …

Insights from ¨The World Order; Our Secret Rulers, A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism¨ (Mullins, 1992) Pertaining To Gang Stalking (Global Organized Gang Stalking: Operation Phoenix; or GOG´S OP)

Commentary and transcription by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Geography, California State University, Stanislaus (June, 2017) Epigraph Quotes: ¨The two aims of Read More …

Zionism 666: Netanyahu Plots to Implant Microchips in Children…Israel Launches Rothschild “Shield” Contact Tracing App (, May 11, 2020)

Zionism 666: Netanyahu Plots to Implant Microchips in Children…Israel Launches Rothschild “Shield” Contact Tracing App (, May 11, 2020)

Episode 10: Global Targeting Program; Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing The Spies; Suzie Dawson (Nov. 24, 2019); Transcription

Episode 10: Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing The Spies – a #1vs5i Live Event Webmaster Introduction: “The Global Network” (aka “NSA Global Spy Network”) Read More …

Report to United Nations Special Rapporteur (Dr. Nils Melzer) on Torture: Inputs for psychosocial dynamics conducive to torture and ill-treatment report

Inputs for psychosocial dynamics conducive to torture and ill-treatment report Note: Kindly request confidentiality of my report Date: 20th June 2020 Respected Sir/Madam, My Read More …

Colorado Gangstalking Boss: Kevin R. Klein; San Luis Valley Region Field Manager: David Osborn (and more details)

Colorado Gangstalking Boss—gangstalking.html Message from RL of (Dec. 31, 2019) I would like to organize an effort to locate these people and Read More …

Jewish Racial Supremacy: Israeli Rabbi Says Jews Born to Rule Over Goy (Non-Jews); Who Want to Be Their Slaves (Trunews 5/1/19) “Jews are behind the whole (organized stalking-electronic torture) thing.” Jewish TI, Alan Landis to webmaster. Choice Comments-Responses to “Jewish Racial Supremacy” program: 1) world Read More …

Targeted Individuals, Gang Stalking & MKULTRA/The Psychopath Machine – 2 Documentaries/Article

Targeted Individuals, Gang Stalking & MKULTRA – Documentary Steve Smith: The Psychopath Machine: MKULTRA-Linked Torture At Oak Ridge Hospital