Fascist-Communist Takeover & Club of Rome Depopulation Goals Via Economic Lockdowns, Social Distancing, Masks, and Mandatory Vaccinations; Trunews.com May 18 & 19, 2020

I. New Normal: Lockdowns, Social Distancing, Masks, and Mandatory Vaccinations Trunews.com May 18, 2020 https://www.trunews.com/stream/new-normal-lockdowns-social-distancing-masks-and-mandatory-vaccinations II. ECONOMIC LOCKDOWN: IS THE CLUB OF ROME IMPOSING LIMITS Read More …

Culling the human population with deadly bioweapons and toxic vaccines: The “great reset” is medical tyranny and cashless economic communism (video, 11/23/ 20)

Culling the human population with deadly bioweapons and toxic vaccines: The “great reset” is medical tyranny and cashless economic communism (November 23, 2020) http://whoolisblog.blogspot.com/2020/11/culling-human-population-with-deadly.html?m=1


I. CORONAVIRUS WORLD ORDER (Corbett Report, April 11, 2020) CORONAVIRUS WORLD ORDER Corbett: “This agenda is really about the total and complete control over every Read More …

Please Connect These Dots If You Can: 1) Historic Plan for Jewish Supremacy/Perversion of Christianity, 2) Zionist Controlled-Air Force Satellite Surveillance 3) Military Research Of Hive Mind and Swarming 4) Jewish Satanist-Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, and the “Order of Bees”

ETK Introduction: Here are some very important dots to connect that concern: 1) Historical Judaic falsification of Christian religion, 2) Modern Air Force satellite surveillance Read More …

International Campaign To End Human Rights Violations Involving Classified New Weapons of Mass Destruction: Electromagnetic and Neurological Technologies (book by Cheryl Welsh, 1999)

camp International Campaign To End Human Rights ViolationsInvolving Classified New Weapons of Mass Destruction: Electromagnetic and Neurological Technologies April 1999 with 2000 update By Cheryl Read More …

China Weaponized Covid to Cause Internal Bleeding and Neurological Damage (Trunews.com 4/15/21)

China Weaponized Covid to Cause Internal Bleeding and Neurological Damage (Trunews.com 4/15/21) https://www.trunews.com/stream/china-weaponized-covid-to-cause-internal-bleeding-and-neurological-damage Webmaster’s Notes From Program: Governments, militaries, pharmaceutical companies know that Covid-19 is Read More …

“American Frontline Nurses” Gangstalked & Harassed by FBI & Police For Battling COVID CORRUPTION AND CRIMINAL GENOCIDE

Live Frontline Nurses Speak Out About What Is Really Going On In Hospitals? Red Voice Media; Jan. 22, 2022 whttps://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2022/01/five-frontline-nurses-speak-out-about-what-is-really-going-on-in-hospitals-video/ Webmaster Introduction: This is an Read More …

Covid-19 RNA Vaccine Genetically Modifies Humans & Turns Us Into Bio-Robot Slaves

Urgent Information On Covid Vacc!ne Vaccine Information on Covid19, nanotechnology, smart phone health apps, rDNA, rRNA, patenting GMO Dr. Carrie Madej Jul 13, 2020 https://sagaciousnewsnetwork.com/urgent-information-on-covid-vaccne/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sagaciousnewsnetwork%2FVdbA+%28Sagacious+News+%29 Read More …

America’s Secret Government: Part 2; Additional Information (on Secret Directed Energy Weapons and Guerrilla Warfare Deployed Against Civilians)

America’s Secret Government: Part 2; Additional Information http://www.angelfire.com/nj4/hightechharassment/secretgov2.htm America’s Secret Government: Part 2; Additional Information From Hightechharassment Up to the late 1960’s, the secret government Read More …

Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment: Protection Order for James Walbert, December 3, 2008

Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment: Protection Order for James Walbert, December 3, 2008 (pdf) https://organised-crime-of-covert-electronic-assault-nz.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/james_wolbert_protection_against_electronic_harassment_court_order_document_december_20082.pdf https://organised-crime-of-covert-electronic-assault-nz.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/james_wolbert_protection_against_electronic_harassment_court_order_document_december_20082.pdf

Gangstalking Diagrams Indicate: As In Op 9/11, CIA/CFR-Led USG “Interagency” is Primary Perpetraitor: Thus “Gangstalking” = 1) USG Coverup of USG Crimes & 2) USG Purge of Potential NWO Resisters.. BUT…. Who Controls USG?

Sometimes a Diagram or a Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words! The Following Four Diagrams of the Gangstalking Program Are From Targetedjustice.com. Webmaster’s Introductory Comments: Read More …

Is Dr. Eric Karlstrom’s Targeting and Gangstalking-Electronic Torture Due to His Scientific-Environmental-Political Activism?; Some Relevant Letters, Presentations, Articles, Notes, Etc. (2006-2013)

Toto Enterprises, Inc. (Websites of Professor Eric T. Karlstrom) Gangstalking (aka Counterintelligence, Community-Based, & Contract Stalking; Counterterrorism; COINTELPRO Torture; State-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism; Man-Hunting Business; Human Read More …