Jewish Racial Supremacy: Israeli Rabbi Says Jews Born to Rule Over Goy (Non-Jews); Who Want to Be Their Slaves (Trunews 5/1/19) “Jews are behind the whole (organized stalking-electronic torture) thing.” Jewish TI, Alan Landis to webmaster. Choice Comments-Responses to “Jewish Racial Supremacy” program: 1) world Read More …

Takedown of America’s Freedoms: 1) How the CIA, Mossad, and “the Epstein Network” are Exploiting Mass Shootings to Create an Orwellian Nightmare, 2) FBI Foreknowledge of El Paso Shootings, 3) William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program 4) Coronavirus: What Newsweek Failed to Mention About “Continuity of Government”, 5) U.S. Intel Agencies played unsettling role in classified and “9/11-like” Coronavirus response plan (by Whitney Webb, 2019 & 2020)

Epigraph Quotes: Comment to Article 4: You guys profess to be for truth and fearless reporters but you have yet to write about targeted individuals Read More …

Secret Global Surveillance Network Intelligence Sharing Between Governments and the Need For Safeguards (2018 pdf)

Secret Global Surveillance Network Intelligence Sharing Between Governments and the Need For Safeguards (pdf, 2018) Webmaster comment: The need for safeguards?! These state-sanctioned criminals, Read More …

Proof Of Treasonous Military and Corporations Testing Directed Energy Torture Weapons On Innocent Civilians in America and Worldwide (Ramola D Tweet Thread 4/19)

From: April, 2019 Thread Showing Record of Military Testing DEW Weapons On Americans #DisclosureOnTargeting Post 1: Remember, no-one in the world can be harmed, Read More …

Lawsuit filed against Google, Bill Gates, H. Clinton, Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, John Brennan, James Comey, Gates: Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes, etc… 

Lawsuit filed against Google, Bill Gates, H. Clinton, Obama, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, John Brennan, James Comey, Gates: Genocide, Crimes against Humanity, War Crimes, etc…  Attention! Read More …

I. Jonestown And The Covid Suicide Cult; II. Globalist Revolution; III. The Ten Stages of Genocide (Greg Reese, 5/19, 6/17, & 7/2/21)

I. Jonestown And The Covid Suicide Cult (Greg Reese, May 19, 2021) “Damn good show!” (fist slam on table) Just shup an shoot Read More …

NWO, 9/11 False Flag, Global Warming Fraud, UN Agenda 21, Cults (Crestone), 4th World Collective Mind-Transhumanism, & Gangstalking Connections; From “MKULTRA & Intel Community Database”

NWO, 9/11 False Flag, Global Warming Fraud, UN Agenda 21, Cults (Crestone), 4th World Collective Mind-Transhumanism, & Gangstalking Connections: From “MKULTRA & Intel Community Database” Read More …

Ex-Military Wife, Kay Griggs Interviews (1998, 2005, 2006): US Military Is a Mind Control, Gang Stalking (Cult) Operation Run by Sexual Deviants (Homo and Bi-sexuals/pedophiles)

ETK Introduction: Political insider and historian, Kay Pollard Griggs is the former wife of Colonel George Griggs, Head of Special Operations under Admiral Kelso of Read More …

Gangstalking is Domestic Terrorism by US Government and Violates 18 US Code 2331: Successful Lawsuit by John Christiana

Gangstalking is Domestic Terrorism by US Goverrnment and Violates 18 US Code 2331: Successful Lawsuit by John Christiana John Christiana’s first presentation on: The Read More …