Dr. David Dr. David Nixon – Nanotech DISAPPEARING – What Else Are They Hiding in the “Vaccines”? (Video w/ Maria Zee,

https://rumble.com/v1vtew0-dr.-david-nixon-nanotech-disappearing-what-else-are-they-hiding-in-the-vacc.html Nov. 20, 2022 Webmaster Comment: The beginning of this video, with the dramatic, high quality graphics of the objects in the “vaccine” with music Read More …

Free Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture: “Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens” (Experts’ Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Eric Karlstrom)

Introduction: The U.S. government and other governments have been captured by 5th column enemies and are waging hybrid/unconventional war against their own citizens. “High value Read More …

Sandy Hook Hoax/False Flag/FEMA “Capstone Community Exercise”: 1) How Quickly The Zionist Targeting Program Can Infiltrate Your Neighborhood (video & partial transcription), 2) WHAT REALLY HAPPENED; Wolfgang Halbig’s Analysis (2 videos)

Epigraph Quotes: 1) The government makes money off of (trafficking) children, drugs, prostitution, satanic activity… They make the mafia look like a Sunday School class. Read More …

The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime- Interview with Whitney Webb and Dr. M (Sept. 19, 2022)

The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime- Interview with Whitney Webb and Dr. M (Sept. 19, 2022) I. https://articlefeed.org/the-sordid-union-between-intelligence-and-organized-crime/ II.https://rumble.com/v1kp35n-the-sordid-union-between-intelligence-and-organized-crime-interview-with-wh.html I. Introduction to Interview Read More …

State Surveillance, Tracking, Stalking, & Whacking Of ‘Targeted Individuals’ (aka “Dissidents”/”Terrorists”) w/ PROMIS, ESCHELON, PRISM, & PALANTIR Software: Insights Of Whitney Webb and Others

Dr. Eric Karlsrom Interview on Jeff Rense Program (Oct. 27, 2022): State Surveillance, Tracking And Stalking And Much More: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Read More …

1) Scope, Structure, & Purpose of Gangstalking-Electronic Experimentation, Enslavement, Execution, Targeting, Terrorism, Transhumanism & Torture-Murder Operations (GEEEETTTTMO); 2) Psychological Profile of Perps (Weaponized People) & Destructive Cults, 3) Protocols of Zion/Kalergi Plan Now Implemented

Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, October 4, 2022 Epigraph Quotes: 1) (The Targeted Individual Program/GEEEETTTTMO) is “a secret global-level Unconventional Read More …

Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries (by Ben Norton, 10/8/21) & Webmaster’s Summary

Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries ‘Cognitive Warfare’ by Francois du Cluzel Epigraph Quote: The chilling NATO document (‘Cognitive Read More …

Is January 6, 2021 A False-Flag State Terrorism Event like 9/11? Tribunal of Conscience finds FBI/Government Human Rights violations; Crimes against Humanity; June 9, 2022 U.S. Congressional Hearings akin to “Stalin-era Show Trials”

Webmaster Comment: Alfred Lamont Webre is a lawyer, author, and statesman who was charged with establishing an Exopolitics department under the administration of Jimmy Carter Read More …

Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Richie Allen Show (June 21, 2022) on “Targeted Individuals” As Beta Tests For Banksters’ “Go Direct” To Digital Currency System

https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/richieallen/episodes/2022-06-21T11_47_45-07_00 Richie is joined by Mad Mix and Martin Noakes and also by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom. Mad Mix will release a new single this Read More …

Global Gangstalking-Electronic Torture & COVID Plandemic Are Both Hybrid Warfare To Implement: 1) “Great Reset,” 2) Mass Depopulation Via No-Touch Torture/Medical Murder, 3) Go-Direct” To Digital Currency-Cyborg Slavery System, 4) Totalitarian Military-Police State, 5) UN Agenda 2030; & 6) Antichrist Kingdom

Webmaster Comment: In 2021, Dr. Pablo Campra identified graphene oxide within Covid-19 “vaccines.” In late 2021, Dr. Mik Anderson identified what appear to be self-assembling Read More …

The Depopulationists: Luciferic Ideology/Agenda Behind Gangstalking, aka Man-Hunting Business, Judeo-Masonic Blood Sacrifice, Military-“Intelligence” Blood Games, & Human Trafficking for Obama’s Brain Initiative

Webmaster’s Comment: As a retired geography professor who taught a course entitled Human Ecology for 22 years, I know that the depopulation agenda is the Read More …

117 Posts Here PROVE Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture IS Neuro/Cyber/Hybrid Warfare & State-Sponsored Terrorism Against Targeted Civilians: Elements, History, Goals, and Perpetrators

The Mind Is The Battlefield: Dr. Eric Karlstrom On Jeff Rense Program (1/20/22) Epigraph Quotes: The U.S. military recently added the ‘human domain’ as the Read More …

TIs: Meet Your Cyberstalkers: Deciphering UK’s JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group of GCHQ)- Suzie Dawson, Opening The Five-Eyes Series, Episode 9; Nov. 17, 2019); Source Docs & Video Transcription

Episode 9: Opening the Five Eyes: Deciphering Britain’s JTRIG – Suzie Dawson, Nov. 17, 2019 NSA Global Spy Network aka NSA Global Information Grid Webmaster Read More …

Neuroweapons, Havana Syndrome, “Dark Network Supply Chains,” “Man-Hunting Business” (aka GANGSTALKING) & “Hybrid Warfare;” Presentation By Dr. James Canton (Video, Transcription, and My Commentary)

2) Dr. James Canton Presentation Title: “The NeuroFuture: Emerging Technologies, Actors, and Geopolitics” Dr. James Canton is CEO and Chairman of Globalinc. He runs a Read More …