Gangstalking is Domestic Terrorism by US Government and Violates 18 US Code 2331: Successful Lawsuit by John Christiana

Gangstalking is Domestic Terrorism by US Goverrnment and Violates 18 US Code 2331: Successful Lawsuit by John Christiana John Christiana’s first presentation on: The Read More …

How Israel Has Destroyed America: Epstein Teen Sex-Political Blackmail Scandal (Trunews July, 2019)

I. Israeli Collusion Will Trump Be Trapped in Epstein Teen Sex Scandal II. Sextortion World Order: Is Epstein Pedophile Operation a Mossad Front Read More …

The Soul War and Targeting People W/ Directed Energy Weapons! Ex-NSA Whistleblower William Binney and Dr. Katherine Horton Describe “Crown Program”(?) of secret, electronic torture of individuals

The Soul War and Directed Energy Weapons! June 9, 2020 (William Binney and Dr. Katherine Horton begin at: 29:04) Published on Jun 9, 2020 Read More …

So-Called “Natural Disasters” Strategically-Timed To Advance Israel’s Interests: Caused by God Or By The Zionist-Controlled US Military’s Geoengineering (“Jew-Engineering”) & False-Flag Terrorism and Jewish Banksters?

Webmaster’s Introduction: A humorous piece by David Martin entitled “George Bush’s Secret Letter to Iran” contains the following “information.” In this article, President George Read More …

Guantanamo Bay Torture Center (youtubes and photos): America’s Shame:

1) Life in Guantanamo Bay (Prison Documentary HD 2017): 2) Guantanamo Bay: Untold History of Torture and Resistance (Part 1) 3) Gitmo Torture, Read More …