Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Richie Allen Show (June 21, 2022) on “Targeted Individuals” As Beta Tests For Banksters’ “Go Direct” To Digital Currency System

https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/richieallen/episodes/2022-06-21T11_47_45-07_00 Richie is joined by Mad Mix and Martin Noakes and also by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom. Mad Mix will release a new single this Read More …

Global Gangstalking-Electronic Torture & COVID Plandemic Are Both Hybrid Warfare To Implement: 1) “Great Reset,” 2) Mass Depopulation Via No-Touch Torture/Medical Murder, 3) Go-Direct” To Digital Currency-Cyborg Slavery System, 4) Totalitarian Military-Police State, 5) UN Agenda 2030; & 6) Antichrist Kingdom

Webmaster Comment: In 2021, Dr. Pablo Campra identified graphene oxide within Covid-19 “vaccines.” In late 2021, Dr. Mik Anderson identified what appear to be self-assembling Read More …

International Tribunal issues Cease and Desist Order against Neural Monitoring Genocidal Conspiracy by WHO, WEF, Gates, Trudeau et al and Mandates Constitutional Law Enforcement of Tribunal Order (June 8, 2022)

International Tribunal issues Cease and Desist Order against Neural Monitoring Genocidal Conspiracy by WHO, WEF, Gates, Trudeau et al and Mandates Constitutional Law Enforcement of Read More …

What is a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL? Targeting is Murder of a Human Being’s Life

What is a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL? Targeting is Murder of a Human Being’s Life Citizens Against Harmful Technologies https://www.citizensaht.org/targeted-humans-1#:~:text=%20TARGETED%20INDIVIDUAL%3F%20%201%20Choose%20the%20Target.,pay%20their%20bills%20so%20they%20lose…%20More%20 A Targeted Individual (“TI”) we are discussing Read More …

117 Posts Here PROVE Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture IS Neuro/Cyber/Hybrid Warfare & State-Sponsored Terrorism Against Targeted Civilians: Elements, History, Goals, and Perpetrators

The Mind Is The Battlefield: Dr. Eric Karlstrom On Jeff Rense Program (1/20/22) Epigraph Quotes: The U.S. military recently added the ‘human domain’ as the Read More …

Dr. James Giordano videos: 1) Battlescape Brain: Military & Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science (11/20/20), 2) The DARPA Pandemic Assassination Program

I. Dr. James Giordano: Battlescape Brain: Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science (Nov. 20, 2020) https://www.usna.edu/NewsCenter/sites/Ethics/Dr._James_Giordano_Battlescape_Brain_Military_and_Intelligence_Use_of_Neurocognitive_Science.php This presentation is part of the ‘Brain Science Read More …

TIs: Meet Your Cyberstalkers: Deciphering UK’s JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group of GCHQ)- Suzie Dawson, Opening The Five-Eyes Series, Episode 9; Nov. 17, 2019); Source Docs & Video Transcription

Episode 9: Opening the Five Eyes: Deciphering Britain’s JTRIG – Suzie Dawson, Nov. 17, 2019 NSA Global Spy Network aka NSA Global Information Grid Webmaster Read More …