Israel’s Massacre of the USS Liberty in 1967 (Parts 1 & 2;, Memorial Day, 5/27-28/2019)

ETK Introduction: Another US government coverup of Israel’s crimes. Part 1: 5/27/19 Part 2: 5/28/19 Comments to Part 1: Beggars Tombs 1 day Read More …

I. Artificial Intelligence: Connecting human brains with devices and the Global Brain ( 5/31/19) & II. Implanted Microchips Fused to Soldiers’ Nervous Systems by 2030 (TN; 5/30/19)

I. Artificial Intelligence: Connecting human brains with the Global Brain (Trunews 5/31/19) Webmaster Introduction: Pertinent section begins at 27:00. Edward Szall: “We’re becoming the Read More …

“We’re Building A Domestic Army:” Marine Corps Colonel Before Concord, NH Town Council (8/2013) [Col. MARTINO 1:25] “What’s happening here is that we’re building a domestic military because it’s unlawful or unconstitutional to use American troops on Read More …