DARPA BRAIN Initiative – Inhumane Experimentations Using Fusion Centers and Electromagnetic Fields to Control & Torture People

DARPA BRAIN Initiative – Inhumane Experimentations Using Fusion Centers and Electromagnetic Fields to Control & Torture People

DARPA BRAIN Initiative – Inhumane Experimentations Using Fusion Centers and Electromagnetic Fields to Control & Torture People

“If they want to experiment on you, by the thousands, they will. And you can be driven to insanity and death”

Because of the incredible importance of this subject, and the horrific damage that it is doing to our fellow brothers and sisters, I want to focus more on the DARPA BRAIN Initiative.

Many of us may now be aware of the absolute corruption that DARPA is engaged in, and with that it is likely to conclude that the White House/Pentagon/DoD are heavily involved in this as well.

The BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) was allegedly envisioned by then President Barack Obama in 2013, with the collaboration of DARPA.

“If we want to make the best products, we also have to invest in the best ideas… Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy… Today, our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Alzheimer’s… Now is not the time to gut these job-creating investments in science and innovation. Now is the time to reach a level of research and development not seen since the height of the Space Race.”

– President Barack Obama, 2013 State of the Union

– Fact Sheet: BRAIN Initiative

“The White House announced the BRAIN initiative in April 2013. Today, the initiative is supported by several federal agencies as well as dozens of technology firms, academic institutions, scientists and other key contributors to the field of neuroscience. DARPA is supporting the BRAIN initiative through a number of programs, continuing a legacy of DARPA investment in neurotechnology that extends back to the 1970s.“

– DARPA and the Brain Initiative

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind the readers that DARPA initiated contracts with the vaccine/pharmaceutical companies Moderna and Pfizer in 2013…


[2013] “Pfizer, Inc., has been awarded a $7,670,632 technology investment agreement. Pfizer shall perform a research and development program designed to develop a technology platform to identify and subsequently induce the production of protective antibodies to an emerging pathogen directly in an infected or exposed individual.”

– Pfizer Awarded DARPA Biodefense Contract – DoD Daily Contracts

DARPA – Advancing mRNA therapies and vaccines for biodefense

“In October 2013, DARPA awarded Moderna up to approximately $25 million to research and develop potential mRNA medicines as a part of DARPA’s Autonomous Diagnostics to Enable Prevention and Therapeutics, or ADEPT, program, which is focused on assisting with the development of technologies to rapidly identify and respond to threats posed by natural and engineered diseases and toxins.“

– mRNA Strategic Collaborators: Government Organizations

Feel free to hypothesize and explore what that might mean…

Now with that, there is no doubt that the DARPA BRAIN Initiative is a real endeavor. And the mechanics of these technologies have been in development for decades.

In an article dated August 10, 2013, Activist Post has revealed much of the transhumanist agenda, mentioning Ray Kurzweil, nanotechnology, and reverse-engineering of the brain.

– The DNA Nanobots Have Arrived

And if I am to be completely honest, had I seen this post almost 10 years ago, I might have shrugged it off as “surely that’s not possible” and “just a bunch of crazy sci-fi talk”. However, my mind was not even acknowledging that any of these types of malevolent attempts existed. I was blissfully unaware in my own bubble.

I’d imagine that’s the case with many of the people today. While I obviously hope we all wake up to this outrageous, sinister, hostile takeover, there is still a large portion of the population who are still asleep to these agendas; or even worse, a direct part of it.

Whether they have been tricked and deceived into believing it is for the better good, tricked into believing it is to cure Alzheimer’s (we really believe that the government is concerned with curing Alzheimer’s?… Seriously? Or are they more concerned with developing neurological warfare – as Dr. James Giordano admits in his lectures?), convinced that they are helping society by aiming for the so-called “bad guys” as a matter of “national security”, or whether they are entirely complicit and approve of these draconian and, quite frankly, psychopathic measures.

Another haunting prospect – what if the individuals involved in perpetrating these tests are victims of the very same program? Already controlled and manipulated and doing the bidding of their handlers?

FOIA Documents Related to Fusion Centers Reveal “Mass and Individual Remote Mind Control”

In a chilling reveal, a journalist at muckrock.com, Curtis Waltman, set out to investigate the actions of ANTIFA and white supremacist groups, and in so doing, FOIA’d the Washington State Fusion Center.

According to the Washington State Fusion Center’s own website, their mission and vision are the following:

“The mission of the Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC) is to support the public safety and homeland security missions of state, local, tribal agencies and private sector entities.”

“Technology will be used as an efficiency enabler of the WSFC’s work processes to provide services quickly, effectively and efficiently, to protect privacy and civil liberties, ensure information and operational security, and to support communications and collaboration.”


Yet, in what many websites are describing as a “mistake” or an “accident”, the FOIA response that Curtis Waltman received back also contained a document titled “EM effects on human body.zip“.

Let’s take a look at some of the pictures that entails, shall we?

*The first unclassified successful transmission of the human voice directly into the skull of a living person was performed by Dr. Joseph C. Sharp, of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Reseach in 1974

By transforming a hypnotist’s voice using the Lowery silent sound or Smirnov scramble methods, used in the Gulf War, it is possible to hypnotize a target without the target being aware, from hiding leaving zero trace evidence

General effects: sudden overheating, all-body pain, forced “caffeine field” sleep prevention, forced “drop-in-your-tracks” sleep inducement, irresistible “go here, go there” commands, microwave burns, electric shocks

Involuntary test subjects also experience: frequent break-and-enters at home and at work with clothing and furniture, business papers, computer files sabotaged, modified or stolen. Psychological warfare research is the likely motive.



– Forced memory blanking and induced erroneous actions
– Reading and broadcasting thoughts
– Controlled dreams / Forced waking visions, some synced with body motion

– Induced changes to hearing – Both apparent direction and volume and sometimes even content
– Microwave hearing*
– Artificial tinnitus


– Sudden, violent itching inside eyelids
– “Transparent eyelids”


– Forced manipulation of airways, including externally controlled forced SPEECH
– Forced movement of jaw and clacking of teeth


– Wildly racing heart without cause
– Forced “muscle quaking” of the large muscles on the back


– Remotely induced violent no-rash itching, with preference for hard-to-reach areas, often during delicate or messy work
– Forced nudging of arm during delicate or messy work, causing injury or spills
– Forced precision manipulation of hands, sometimes sync’ed to the forced waking visions


– Special attention to genital area: itching, forced orgasm, intense pain


– Intense general pain, or hot-needles-pushed-deep-into-flesh sensations
– Also – wild flailing, sometimes followed by short periods of “rigor mortis”
– Hard to reach itch site, top and bottom, never any rash, which often starts as the sensation of small electrical shocks
– “Demo” neuro-control by bending each toe backwards almost 90 degrees, one at a time, over a couple of minutes

Spectrum: Emission or wave propagation (Electronic Signal). To make communication, to identify any object emitting frequency. Human body emit very Low electronic signal as temperature/heat (Brain Wave – Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma etc.)

– Bio_Electromagnetic Field which is unique for every human body.

This is Electronic signal frequency ID of each object.
Radar Electronic Signal detect the object (Human Body) for modulation human brain wave.

Human Brain Wave:

Delta is the frequency range up to 4 Hz.
Theta is the frequency range from 4 Hz to 7 Hz.
Alpha is the frequency range from 8 Hz to 12 Hz.
Beta is the frequency range from 12 Hz. to about 30 Hz.
Gamma is the frequency range approximately 30-100 Hz.
Mu ranges 8-13 Hz.

– Supratik Saha (Software and Electronics & Comm. Engg.)
Mass and Individual Remote Mind Control via the Mobile Phone Network and Mobile Phones

– Individual Remote Mind Control via Mobile Psychotronic Weapon Carriers disguised as Communications Vehicles
– Individual and group Remote Mind Control via “Black” helicopter carrying Psychotronic Weapons
– Individual Remote Mind Control via Transportable Psychotronic Weapons

An example of ELF Brain Stimulation

Motor Control Cortex – 10 Hz – Motor Impulse co-ordination
Auditory Cortex – 15 Hz – Sound which bypasses the ears
Visual Cortex – 25 Hz – Images in the brain bypassing the eyes
Somatosensory – 9 Hz – Phantom touch sense
Thought Center – 20 Hz – Imposed subconscious thoughts

Hm… this is EXACTLY the kind of thing one would see in TARGETED INDIVIDUALS and is EXACTLY the kind of thing that Karen Stewart has been talking about for the last few years. The following quotes are a few short excerpts from the interview she recently did with Stew Peters:

Stew Peters: “Officially these fusion centers exist to encourage information sharing between state and local law enforcement and federal agencies like the FBI and the CIA.”

“Karen says that’s not at all what the fusion centers were actually for. Instead, she says that they ended up being used as test sites. Places to try out weapons or microchipping. Or using microwaves even to beam sounds into people’s heads, like the voice of God.”

Stew Peters: ” – harassment emanated from a fusion center. Karen says that both she and her parents were harmed by radiowave weapons, and she believes that agents operating out of the fusion centers are knocking people out with gas or radiowaves, and then putting microchips on them to track them.“

Karen Stewart: “And some people say, “Why don’t you just move out of that town?” You can’t. You actually get followed, by car, to anywhere you go, and they set it up all over again. And they are – and if you are declared a domestic terrorist, remember, from the NDAA and the PAA, you can be killed without any type of legal action. Okay? So they say, “Well, if we can kill them, we can certainly experiment on them with poisons, gases, war grade poisons and gases, or electromagnetic weapons. And if they die, they die.”

Just an “accident” that those mind/body weapons, electromagnetic fields/human brain wave, “Mass and Individual Remote Mind Control via the Mobile Phone Network and Mobile Phones” documents got released along with looking up ANTIFA and Fusion Centers? … Really?

Could this be implying that those in the ANTIFA groups are being electromagnetically mind-controlled to enacting violence and chaos?

I want the readers to be reminded of Operation Crimson Mist – the Rwandan genocide:

Creating Electronic Rage

“What the Hercules crew had just achieved has been an open secret since the late fifties, when researchers accidentally discovered that there is a precise “control” brain wave for literally everything we do, and for everything we feel. The problem back then was that each of these control brain waves [rage, fear, panic, lethargy, vomiting and so on] had to be transmitted with an accuracy taken out to three decimal places, or they simply did not work at all. But as the years rolled by, and with the advent of transistors and microprocessors, the operational application of precise control brain waves became practical reality.”

– Operation Crimson Mist, Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda

“What the C-130 crew were actually engaged in was “electromagnetically augmenting” a pre-existing state. Remember that the agents and security service personnel first had to point the Hutu tribesmen in the direction of the Tutsi, induce reasonable anger, and make sure they were appropriately armed. Only then could the C-130 go to work with the precise control brain wave of “rage”, augmenting and thus upgrading crowd behavior from that of angry demonstrators to uncontrollable genocidal maniacs. Although not “classic”, this was and is unquestionably mind control, for the simple reason that external means were being used to force an irresistible change in behavior.”

– Operation Crimson Mist, Electronic Slaughter in Rwanda

Now compare that to inducing reasonable anger:

– protestors for/against the 2020 United States Presidential Election

– the verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse, accused of shooting 3 black men because of “white supremacy” – according to social media and insinuated by several mainstream media sources… (which, it actually turned out none of the 3 men he shot were black and Rittenhouse was in fact trying to defend his family’s establishment during a riot…)

and finding conspicuously placed bricks to help further the rage and violence… Would it be a stretch of the imagination that these riots were, in large part, concocted by fusion centers and their electromagnetic brain wave manipulation?

– Photo: Stashes Of Bricks Are Being Found In DC Near Freedom Plaza – Officially They Are For Construction Work But Locals Say They Were Left There Over Night (January 5, 2021)

– Police: Stacks Of Bricks Found In Kenosha As Rioters Prepare For Rittenhouse Verdict (November 18, 2021)

Not to mention coordinated attacks brought on by ANTIFA…

– VIDEO: Coordinated Attack By Antifa Leaves 49 Chicago Officers Injured

(Keep the word, “Chicago“, in mind, by the way.)

If that’s not enough, let’s hear directly from some of those individuals who are/were involved with this technology and fusion centers, and know EXACTLY what these targeted individuals are going through:

Government Agents on Targeted Individuals and Mind Control

Barry Tower (Ex-MI5 Microwave Scientist / Whistleblower):

“If they want to experiment on you, by the thousands, they will. And you can be driven to insanity and death, and you’d just become a tick in a box.”

William Binney (Ex-NSA Technical Director / Whistleblower):

“Though if you’re a target there’s virtually nothing you can do.”

Robert Duncan [CIA/DARPA Neuroscientist]:

“Hyper game theory. How do you… they want to see if they can manipulate people to do things that are irrational, but also walk them to their death. And so, you can call it a eugenics program even. And they need to sample all cultures, language, throughout the world, to define their probability matrices, of which tricks, techniques, deception, works.” [Editor’s note: Project Blue Beam?]

CNN News Segment (1985): “Real life experiment where I was the subject of a prototype device designed to project images into the mind without electrodes.”

Barry Tower (Ex-MI5 Microwave Scientist / Whistleblower):
“The government, the English government, has been lying to the people. And the American government, the Canadian, the Australian, they have been lying. They’ve been lying to protect industry, protect their profits, to protect themselves from lawsuits.”

Robert Duncan [CIA/DARPA Neuroscientist]: “Well now it’s the human mind project. The global brain project. You know, President Obama just recently funded a whole bunch of scientists to decipher the mind. Well our previous president did the same thing. George Bush said the same thing. They’re trying to decipher every possible thought and uniqueness due to culture and language and – “

SLIDE: “Deciphering the Audio and Visual Cortex

– Brain decoding of dreams
– Decoding of “imagined” speech
– Brain decoding of visual images

Robert Duncan (continues): “- so researchers at the University of California Berkeley invented a brain decoder device, that’s able to work out what you’re thinking, based on neural activity inside of the brain. Now they use mostly what’s called functional MRIs. But you can use any of these technologies that I’ve talked about.”

Putting the pieces together, it would seem that these Fusion Centers are secretive and glorified/government installed “Assassins/Stalkers-for-Hire” who respond to those in their inner circle and/or monetary donations…

– Fusion centers don’t find terrorists, filled with ‘crap’ that violates privacy
– It’s time to pull the plug on fusion centers!
– New Open the Government Report Finds DHS Fusion Centers Violate Privacy & Civil Liberties, Resist Public Accountability, and Produce Useless Information

Speaking of… can we guess an organization who has provided technologies and funds to the development of fusion centers?

– Microsoft provides fusion center technology and funding for surveillance
– Microsoft | Solutions Center for Government

The same company who was founded by Bill Gates? The same company who wants to invade our very own DNA cells and program them?

Source: BrandNewTube | Silview Media | Microsoft, 2016: “We can program complex behaviors using DNA”
Alternative link: Bitchute: Microsoft Research Programming DNA (2016) – The basis for mRNA COVID ‘vaccine’ technology
Terrorized DARPA BRAIN Initiative Victim Speaks Out

Lastly, I want to bring your attention to an unwitting test subject of this program; brought upon, it is surmised, by her disagreement with a former, incredibly prominent employer. This particular ex-employer has close connections with those in the government, as well as other unsavory figures.

Take a look at some of the connections her former employer is/has been engaged in:

– Global ObamaCare & the “Good Club” Billionaires (Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, George Soros, David Rockefeller, World Economic Forum, etc.)

– Oprah Exposed: What She Knew About Weinstein is Shocking

– John Of God Was Once Hyped By Oprah. Now He’s Accused Of Abusing Hundreds Of Women.

– Barack Obama Enjoys A Post-Birthday Brunch With Oprah In Martha’s Vineyard —Photos

In my view, for anyone wanting to dissolve dissenting opinions, especially ones that are threatening to their own establishments and/or personal reputation, and who have the money to do so, the Fusion Center/DARPA BRAIN Initiative would be a perfect way to shutdown opposition. Especially if they happen to be friends with the very President who enacted it.

Below is a tragic example of the horrors that have been initiated onto this targeted individual, presumably because of her clashes with this infamous celebrity, as she believes, “Like all TIs claim, Coady believes the targeting is revenge, in her case for suing Oprah to challenge her confidentiality agreement. She didn’t win.”

“My name is Elizabeth Coady and I am a nonconsensual subject in the darpa brain initiative. I have been tortured with remote weapons for 10 years and have been recently made homeless because the FBI had military embedded around my apartment releasing chemicals on me to force me to suicide. I have 16 nonconsensual implants including brain chips and am routinely assaulted with nanoparticulates. I have been experimented on for 10 years in brain studies but now they seek to force me disability or suicide. I literally have wifi chips in my skull and my left ear through which they are assaulting me with chemicals, nanoparticulates and radiation. I am trying to find someone who will remove these wifi chips from me which are being used to disable me mentally and physically.”

“The 5G interacts with the tech and they are constantly dumping nano on me. I literally am on the run for my life. They use ‘decision architecture’ to create stress conditions in your life. I literally had to flee my apartment after months of being gassed.”

“Everything Karen talks about I have endured and endure. But also MUCH more due to being a subject of the Darpa brain initiative. I have had my head bashed for 10 years with dews and lasers and am now being POISONED with nanoparticulates to handicap me. I have multiple nonconsensual chips.“

“They do it with nanoparticulates and radiation delivered via 5G and wifi implanted in my ear and skull. Attempts to have the tech removed is denied by all doctors. Some acknowledge feeling a hard material while others pretend nothing is there. Just as Giordano talks about in his talk, several have made fraudulent narratives in their notes to insinuate mental illness.“

“Yes they assault me with drones. Yes they have vandalized my car numerous times. Yes they kidnapped and killed my cat like Karen mentions in her interview last year. BUT THEY DO SO MUCH MORE.“

“The NIH has published a paper saying that people with invasive chips may need longterm care because of the invasiveness of the chip. What THEY HAVEN’T SAID IS THEY ARE FORCING THEM INTO LONGTERM CARE BY HANDICAPPING THEM.”

“I HAVE CONTACTED DOZENS IN THE GOVT. and CONGRESS — they DO NOTHING. One Congressional aide outright lied to create a false narrative. A second suggested I apply for a gun to ‘see what pops up’ — a red flag for me that suggested he was taking direction from the FBI. The FBI through falsified police and suspicious activity reports want to paint a picture of me as dangerous or crazy — because THEY FALSIFIED INTELLIGENCE TO PUT ME IN PROGRAM. When a Congressional aide tells me to apply for a gun permit alarm bells went off in my head BECAUSE THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE FBI WOULD WANT ME TO DO TO CLAIM I WAS DANGEROUS.“

“More than anything, I need the tech OUT. Congress knows this is occurring and is silent. It seems to stems from the NIH & HHS’ adoption of the ‘greater good’ rationale in research. And once you look at that closely, you realize it’s the rationale for expending one group for the profit of another. In a word, it’s eugenics. And there are millions profiting off targeted individuals, in particular the elites in tech, biotech, medicine, academia, and industry. I have so much information. They are stealing the brain waves and biology of a lot of people.“

“Also their psychological torture. This is our FBI doing this. So after they chip you, steal your cognition and emotion and property and biological data and feed you out via video, after they’ve rung everything out of you, they then destroy your body and brain to make you a ward of the state. Because my body is a literal crime scene.”

In addition, there are some terrifying links that gives extra credence to Elizabeth Coady’s testimony.

Remember this picture? From the “accidental” leak of FOIA Fusion Center documents?

It can be tracked to this website TECHNICAL CONFIGURATIONS: Directed Energy Attacks & Mind Assault which states the following:

“Telemetry of the EEG and radio braodcast directly into the brain and nervous system is a technique being used in Chicago Illinois as verified by this author personally since 1996. The technical configuration examples reported by other victims in the following web page may be in fact the technologies being mis-used. Despite and paradoxically compared to the advanced technological accomplishment of neurological interfacing and two way neurocommunication and telemetry the configuration is being used in the worst way possible. The system is being used to spy, harass and torture the implanted victim. These actions include remote electroshock, burning of the skin near postulated implant sites, radio broadcast of voices into the skull involving insults for twenty four hour periods as well as sexual harassment by groups of ten and more people who work in round the clock shifts while the victim is at home at work or college.”

Chicago just happened to be the place of residence at the time Elizabeth Coady started experiencing her harrowing stalking.

If we don’t approve of the actions of those of the “rich and famous” or abusive “authority figures”, then we need to stick together and help each other out; come together and find solutions. Not turn a blind eye and pretend all of this doesn’t exist. The tyranny is getting out of hand, and who knows where it ends. How much further will they abuse this technology? Will it reach to a point where no one can say (or think) anything that contradicts those actually committing the crimes?

It certainly seems that is the goal, especially with the World Economic Forum’s 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset agendas.

If there’s anyone who knows about these technologies and knows how to counter it, please reach out and get the word out. There are many others who are suffering in silence because so few will listen to them, and they are being continuously attacked and oppressed.

Regardless if we are next on the list, (we are), let us do the right thing and help solve this dilemma. The future of humanity (and our sanity) is at stake.

Fact checking is extremely important. I want to reiterate not to take everything at face value; no matter what you read, where you read it from, or who you hear it from. And to be clear, do not rely on “fact checking” websites to give you accurate information either. These are just as likely, (if not even more likely…), to feed false information and false debunking accounts to manipulate the reader. Please take everything into consideration before adhering to a certain narrative – and always keep your mind open to other possibilities.

Fair use disclaimer: Some of the links from this article are provided from different sources/sites to give the reader extra information and cite the sources, but does not necessarily mean that I endorse the contents of the site itself. Additionally, I have tried to provide links to the contents that I used from other sites as an educational and/or entertainment means only; if you feel that any information deserves further citation or request to be clarified, please let me know through the contact page.

Featured image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay