Targeted Individual Program Is DoD’s ‘Distributed Interactive Simulation’ (DIS)* For MITRE & NATO’s Simulation, Experimentation, Analytics, and Testing (SEAT) Program?!!!!: 3 Sabrina Wallace videos

Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS)* Definition: See below Epigraph Quote: Sabrina Wallace, summarizing the techno-perps basic message to TIs:  “We’re going to bail you out of Read More …

Human Energy Harvesting, RF, Microwaves, Network-Centric & Meta Warfare, Electrical Engineers, Computer-Driven Targeted Killing, Covid, & Related JOBS- 29 Psinergy Videos

Webmaster Introduction: Sabrina Wallace is a self-described DARPA non-invasive N2 (black projects) survivor and former IT (computer engineering) professional and expert. Can we believe her Read More …

DARPA Brain Initiative & C40-SMART Cities (Military-Intelligence Techno-Enslavement Program)- 13 short videos w/ summary quotes, comments, & related links

I. DARPA B.R.A.I.N. ( Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies®) Initiative (videos 1-7) See: Juxtaposition1’s Odysee channel: Epigraph Quotes 1) from Juxtaposition1 in videos 7 Read More …