Cutting Through “Smokescreen Terminology:” 534 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth of Gangstalking/Civilian Targeting/”Dissident Hunting” War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity
Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, CSUS, Dec. 13, 2022 – June 2, 2024
Epigraph Quotes
1) “Memorandum: 19 June, 1964, Subject: Soviet Research and Development in the Field of Direction and Control of Human Behavior
“Current research indicates that the Soviets are attempting to develop a technology for controlling the developmental behavioral patterns of the citizenry of the USSR in accordance with politically determined requirements of the system… Furthermore, the same technology can be applied to more sophisticated approaches to the coding of information for transmittal to the population targets in the ‘battle for the minds of men.'”
Richard Helms, CIA Director
Webmaster comment: Helms stated that the US was always 5 years ahead of the Soviets in “the battle for the minds of men.” So he is talking about “population targets” in America!!!! Are these “population targets” among the original “targeted individuals” (TIs)?!!! Are some of these people still alive and still being targeted by the CIA?!!!!. In 1972, CIA Director Richard Helms also stated: “To spy on ‘dissidents,’ just call them ‘terrorists.'”
2) “Despots of the world take note: If you categorize torture and murder as classified medical and scientific experimentation on “willing” human subjects, you too can justify crimes against humanity on the basis that they advance human knowledge.”
Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, TI, and author of “Bright Light on Black Shadows”
3) “Gangstalking is a self-harm term for what is actually a government no-touch torture eugenics program.” – Ted Gunderson, ex-FBI
4) “All future wars will be fought on the electronic battlefield.” 1969, General William Westmoreland, Commander of United States forces during the Vietnam War
5) “As early as the Vietnam War, the Military-Intelligence-Industrial Complex was using the internet and technology as a way of surveilling the population for the purpose of “dissident hunting”, what we now see as the ‘War On Domestic Terror,’ that they are now trying to foist this upon the public using Silicon Valley products as the means of doing that. This is a very long-standing agenda.”
6) “As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; They kill us for their sport.”
From William Shakespeare’s King Lear
7) “A rose by any other name is still a rose” – From Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
A. Introduction
The global gangstalking-electronic torture program is partly covered up by the Orwellian use of “smokescreen terminology.” This “linguistic cover-up” is also known as “mislabeling” as depicted in George Orwell’s book, 1984, for example, “Ministry of Truth,” “war is peace,” freedom is slavery,” “ignorance is strength,” etc. Indeed, “loading the language” is one Dr. Robert Lifton’s Eight Criteria for Thought Reform (i.e., brainwashing, coercive control) in totalitarian societies:
“VI. Loading the Language: The “group” interprets and uses thoughts and phrases in new ways so that often the outside world does not understand. The jargon consists of thought-terminating cliches which serve to alter members’ thought processes to conform to the group’s way of thinking.”
For example, official legal federal and state documents refer to these procedures as: CounterTerrorism, pro-active policing, human test subject, human experimentation, investigation, military assisting police, research, health codes or health code violations, eugenics program (no longer used), threat assessment evaluation, threat assessment teams or plan, psychological warfare or operations (psyops), behavioral modification, psychotherapy, psychiatric referrals, extrajudicial punishment, and occupational health codes. Whereas police typically refer to targeted individuals as “Code 4, Silent Hits,” FBI refer to us as “non-investigative subjects.”
In this post, I present 534 official and unofficial synonyms and short descriptions of “the program” and its perpetrators that should help clarify it’s nature, history, and purposes. I’m sure this is only a partial list of descriptors for a military weapons system that ex-CIA researcher Dr. Robert Duncan calls “the most complex weapons system that humans have ever devised, ever.” My favorite short description is “cleverly disguised torture and murder to remove opponents of the New World Order” (Mark M. Rich, The Hidden Evil; “The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population,” 2008).
Central perpetrators of these illegal activities in the United States are CIA, CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), IEEE (Institute of Electricians and Electrical Engineers), FCC (Federal Communications Commission), Aspen Institute, NIH (National Institutes of Health), NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology), DHS (Department of Homeland Security), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), Citizen Corps, Corporation for National & Community Service, FBI, FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), and FBI-DHS Fusion Centers and National Fusion Center Association (NFCA), DOJ (Department of Justice), NSA, DoD (Department of Defense), innumerable other government agencies (the “Interagency”), privatized intelligence and security agencies, corporations, federal, state, and local law enforcement, ham radio operators, Silicon Valley tech people, and legions of paid and/or volunteer, non-deputized, civilian informers, agents, and spies. Organized crime is intimately involved; indeed these operations are very much related to and funded by the illicit trafficking of children, sex, humans, drugs, arms, etc., and they are often supported/carried out by the same criminal institutions, aka “The Enterprise”/”The Organization”/”The Brotherhood.”
Research reveals that the program commonly termed “gangstalking” and “targeted individual program” is actually the “New World War” against the civilian population. Electronic warfare and development of non-lethal (directed energy and neuro) weapons created a “Revolution in Military Affairs” from the Vietnam War period (1964-75) onward. This new type of warfare consists largely of “hybrid/unconventional/asymmetrical warfare” that deploys, among other methods, cognitive warfare (CW) (aka neuro/Neocortical/brain warfare), total individual control technology, psychotronic and pycho-political warfare against civilians, the Havana Syndrome, NSA’s total population control, and world domination through covert no-touch torture and psychological warfare.
Short Definition: Organized stalking-electronic harassment (ganstalking/covert harassment/organized harassment) is a systematic form of harassment and control done by a group of people in an organized fashion using unethical means to harass and control somebody to have devastating effects in that person’s life.
Purpose of Attacks: To render the target (TI) homeless, destitute, unemployed, discredited, institutionalized, incarcerated, to incite the TI to commit suicide, to use the TI in a behavior modification study, or to kill the TI in a way that cannot be traced to the perpetrators, for example, through continual provocations, “set-ups”, entrapments, radiation torture, and/or mind control/influencing technologies.
The purposes of the continual psychological warfare (i.e., psyop and perception management) attacks are to: 1) constantly keep the TI in a state of fear, confusion, hopelessness, 2) no-touch torture the TI, 3) continually attack the TI in public without others knowing this is occurring, 4) turn the TI’s environment and everyday stimuli into his enemy, 5) get TIs falsely diagnosed with a psychological illness they don’t have, 6) artificially induce a psychological illness onto TIs, 7) make the TI snap, go crazy, and/or commit crimes, 8) amplify the effects of other components of the gangstalking attacks, 9) reduce TIs’ cognitive functions and autonomy, 10) keep TIs’ focus of attention on the attacks, 11) distort TIs’ worldview through constantly negative street theater set-ups, and 12) separate and isolate TIs from real people and real reality.
German terms for this program include:
Zersetzung (German for “decomposition”-“disintegration” of political enemies’ lives and psychological/physical/life-support systems) carried out by Stasi military police in communist East Germany in the 1970’s and 1980’s
STRAHLENFOLTER STALKING (radiation torture/electronic surveillance and abuse)
Weltanschuungskrieg (worldview warfare/science of coercion).
Other revealing descriptors listed here include:
– “The Manhattan Project For Counterterrorism” (term by Ex-Admiral John Pointdexter, Creator and Director of Total Information Awareness (TIA), convicted felon, member of Iran-Contra criminal “Enterprise”)
– State-sponsored terrorism
– GEEEETTTTMO (Gangstalking Electronic Experimentation, Enslavement, Extermination, Targeting, Terrorism, Transhumanism, Torture-Murder Operations) or Open-Air Guantanamo- Webmaster’s term
– “The most important policy of the United States Government” (Dr. Rauni Kilde)
– CIA, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), EU Human Brain Project, U.S. B.R.A.I.N. (Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative, and N.I.H (National Institutes of Health) brain-mapping projects to digitize human consciousness, improve cybernetic (human-machine) capabilities to enhance human (supersolders), and increase AI capacities, etc.
– Beta Test Bio-Engineering Experiments for Central Bankers’ “Go-Direct to Digital Currency” System and Microsoft’s (Bill Gate’s) 060606 “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data” patent
The 534 Synonyms/Descriptions for the Organized Gangstalking-Electronic Harassment/Targeted Individual/Civilian Targeting Program presented here help reveal its horrific, criminal nature and totalitarian purposes. These descriptions also reveal the importance of this program for the implementation of the Federal Reserve’s “”Go-Direct” to Digital Currency” system now being pushed on the human population by the United Nations Agenda 2030, World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, and cooperating governments and militaries throughout the world.
B. Official (legal) terms used by perpetrator individuals and organizations for organized stalking-electronic harassment (OS-EH) used in federal and state legal documents:
1) counterterrorism
2) Continuous, Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL) of Human Targets by US Special Operations Command (US Special Operations Command: Continuous Clandestine Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (CTTL); by Doug Richardson SOAL-T WSO, Sept. 5, 2007 pdf (and 4 related pdfs)
3) pro-active policing
4) human test subject
5) (nonconsensual) human experimentation
6) investigation
7) military assisting police
8) research
9) health codes or health code violations
10) eugenics program (no longer used)
11) threat assessment evaluation
12) threat assessment teams or plan
13) psychological warfare or operations (psyops)
14) behavioral modification
15) psychotherapy
16) psychiatric referrals
17) extrajudicial punishment
18) occupational health codes
19) entrapment
20) defamation
21) harassment
22) false investigation
23) “controlled offensive behavior”
C. Some official and unofficial military, intelligence, government bureaucracies, law enforcement, medical (National Institutes of Health, etc.) academic, and corporate terms/jargon for handling extra-judicially and secretly blacklisted American citizens for human research, torture, abuse and murder include:
24) “Distributed Interactive Simulation” (DIS)
25) Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) based on deployment of exotic, “non-lethal,” directed energy and neuroweapons on the “electronic battlefield”
25) Low Intensity Conflict (LIC) (military term for asymmetrical warfare against civilians)
26) state-sponsored domestic terrorism
27) “targeted individual” (TI) program (“TI” used to de-humanize citizen)
28) war against the individual
29) warfare by assassination
30) counterinsurgency doctrine
31) Global War on Terror
32) TI = “Code 4 Silent Hit” (police/law enforcement classification for targeted individuals)
33) target = “non-investigative subject” (FBI classification for targeted individuals on Terrorism Watch List)
34) target = test subjects for Pentagon Torture Protocols 1-5 (at least)
35) target subject to active surveillance (“uberveillance”)
36) target subject to counter-surveillance (“uberveillance”)
37) target subject to bio-hacking
38) target utilized for electronic and biometric data gathering
39) target is test subject for human experimentation and exotic (non-lethal) weapons testing
40) Monarch (DOD/CIA mind-control slave/Manchurian Candidate/sleeper) tracking
41) multi-domain warfare
42) electronically-induced Black Magic
D. “The program” is also commonly known as:
43) organized stalking-electronic harassment (OS-EH)
44) gangstalking
45) contract stalking
46) security-services stalking
47) counterintelligence stalking
48) STRAHLENFOLTER STALKING (radiation torture/electronic surveillance and abuse)
49) terror stalking/terrorist stalking
50) predatory gangstalking
51) cause stalking
52) flash mobbing
53) workplace bullying
54) workplace mobbing
55) social mobbing
56) bullying on steroids
57) hate stalking
58) multi-stalking
59) covert warfare
60) ritual gangstalking (as with jewish/masonic/satanic ritual abuse)
61) cyberstalking
62) cybertorture (United Nations term for gangstalking)
63) cyber warfare
64) cyber terrorism
65) vigilante stalking
66) domestic terrorism
67) spook stalking (Webmaster’s term)
68) witch-stalking (satanic, spiritual targeting from the supernatural realm)
69) satellite terrorism
70) spiritual warfare
71) citizen-based stalking
72) organized harassment
73) vehicle stalking and harassment
74) air stalking and harassment via planes and helicopter, etc.
75) community harassment
76) criminal harassment
77) organized harassment
78) social harassment
79) adult bullying
80) touchless torture (no-touch torture)
81) secret blacklisting
82) sanction listing
83) enemy of the state targeting
84) organized community surveillance
85) threat assessment
86) risk assessment/risk management
87) social engineering
88) “peacetime operations”
89) blood games
90) jewish mob stalking
E. “The program” is also:
91) NSA’s Global Spy Network; Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) EMF Scanning Network Satellite Tracking, Targeting, Torture of Innocent Civilians Based on Brain Fingerprinting
92) Authoritarian political warfare
93) “the Manhattan Project For Counterterrorism” (term of John Pointdexter, Creator and Director of Total Information Awareness (TIA), ex-Admiral, 5 times convicted felon, part of Iran-Contra “Enterprise”) combined with the “Manhattan Project For Mind Control” (MKULTRA, etc.)
94) invasive electromagnetic brain experimentation
95) cyber and cybernetic warfare against targeted individuals and groups
96) electronic biophysical information transfer
97) electromagnetic mind control operations
98) electronic warfare
99) creation of cyborg (bio-robot) slave
100) neuro-cybernetic technology to entrain and manipulate the thoughts of others
101) the Domestic War On Terror = domestic war OF terror
102) “total submission of one’s will to some outside force”
103) “dissident hunting”
104) “cleverly disguised torture and murder of people thought to oppose the New World Order”
105) Unacknowledged Special Access Project (USG black project)
106) covert, extra-legal human experimentation-neutralization-disposal-elimination program
107) Zersetzung (Version 2.0) (German for “decomposition”-“disintegration” of political enemies’ lives and psychological/physical/life-support systems) carried out by Stasi military police in communist East Germany in the 1970’s and 1980’s
108) “identity suppression”/”de-personing”/”de-platforming”/”cancelling” a citizen via psycho-political warfare by Special Forces’ “Signature Reduction” (SIGREDUX) Program and other civilian-military special forces (USSOCOM)
109) bounty hunting
110) democide (murder by government/National Security Racketeering Network)
111) systematic community stalking/harassment/abuse by CitizenCorps and its 5 partners (Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), Fire Corps, USA on Watch, Medical Reserve Corps, and Volunteers in Police Service)
112) Community-Oriented Policing & Citizens on Patrol (COPs) Federal-, State-, and County-Run Gangstalking Program by Department of Justice (DOJ), FBI, DHS, NA, CIA, White House, Sheriff’s Departments, local police, etc.
113) Neighborhood Watch spy-stalking-targeting activities
114) political suppression, retaliation, and persecution of “domestic enemies” (activists, whistleblowers, dissidents, Christians, etc.)
115) psychotronic (psychological + electonic) warfare
116) psychopolitical (psychological + political) warfare
117) *cognitive warfare (CW) (aka neuro/brain/Neocortical warfare) against innocent civilians using the C-BAN (Cognitive Body Area Network) and Adversarial Neural Networks (ANN) (Sabrina Wallace videos)
118) covert neuroweapons (NeuroS/T) testing, research & development, and deployment against nonconsensual civilians as a means of punishment/neutralization
119) CIA no-touch torture via soft-kill, slow-kill, silent-kill “non-lethal” and neuroweapons
120) electronic concentration camp
121) open-air Guantanamo (GITMO) Concentration Camp
122) open-air MKULTRA/MONARCH trauma-based mind control
123) covert “cruel and unusual punishment” on civilians and others without due process of law
124) bio-hacking
125) Havana Syndrome
126) non-consensual human experimentation for secret, weapons-testing and bio-engineering programs
127) NSA’s “total population control”
128) covert technological murder
129) U.S. Government’s Secret, Selective, Depopulation/Culling/Purging Program (Operation Zyphr?)
130) hybrid (5th Generation/assymetrical/unconventional) warfare against watchlisted (blacklisted) innocent civilians
131) The Suicide Project
132) The Control Grid
133) Attempted Murder/Murder
134) Depopulation Purge
135) total information control
136) weapons of mass destruction
137) war crimes
138) crimes against humanity
139) high treason
140) remote brain targeting
141) expanding, privatized, for profit-business by the National Security Racketeering Network
142) “covert physical and psychological intervention ops” as “risk management” for “central banking/warfare system’s” “global control grid”
143) depopulation by microwave radiation
144) Mentocaust/Menticide (mind holocaust/mind genocide)
145) unconventional psychological/electronic warfare against civilians stripped of civil and reclassified as “enemy non-combatants”/”potential terrorist threats/”TIs”
146) Fourth/Fifth Generation Warfare (hybrid, unconventional war against non-state actors (i.e., anyone, anywhere, any time) as justified by “national security” and “war on terrorism”
147) The New World War and New World Order’s military-policing system
148) UN Agenda 2030-New World Order-SMART City “geo-spatial intelligence” (GEOINT) military-intelligence-policing system
149) “torture voyeurism”/”radical gaming” by elites and organized crime wherein victims’ sufferings are viewed online or closed circuit TV by countless subscribers online
150) CIA PROMIS/NSA PRISM/ECHELON/PALANTIR computer Tracking/Hunting/Targeting/Murder of Civilians Designated as “enemy non-combatant,” “potential domestic terrorist,” “whistleblower” or whatever
151) electromagnetic neuro-telecommunications (Dr. Rauni Kilde)
152) bio-neuro-electromagnetic cybernetic control of humans and animals
153) Pentagon’s Cloud-Brain (Hive mind) System
154) remote mind-influencing technology
155) “Electrical Stimulation of the Brain” (ESB)
156) remote electronic torture
157) cybernetics (“steersman”)/man-machine integrations
158) bio-telemetry (telemetry)
159) remote neural monitoring and manipulation (RNM)
160) brain-to-brain interface
161) brain-to-computer interface (BCI)
162) Voice of God/voice-to-skull (V2K)/synthetic telepathy/microwave hearing weapons
163) Radio-Hypnotic Intra-cerebral Control (RHIC) (deployed during JFK assassination, 1963?)
164) Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM) (deployed during JFK assassination, 1963?)
165) brain mapping via EEG (electro-encephalography), fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and other brain imaging techniques
166) cognitive and emotional studies
167) Google’s AI “Deep Mind” Project
168) DARPA’s (Obama’s) B.R.A.I.N. (Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative in partnership with EU’s “Human Brain Project”
169) recording lives for simulations (clones), digital twins (avatars), algorithms, and products
170) brain mapping for augmented reality simulations (Sentient World Simulation)
171) brain mapping to create “Rosetta Brain”
172) brain research for personality studies
173) brain research for perception studies- semiotics
174) brain research for training AI, robotics, etc.
175) directed energy weapon (DEW) terrorism
176) CIA’s S.A.T.A.N. (Silent Assassination Through Adaptive (Neural) Networks)
177) Computer Network Operations (CNO) with both military and civilian applications
178) electronic warfare (EW) deployed by military, corporate, and civilian agencies
179) (Department of Defense’s) Information Operations (IO)/Information Warfare
180) Total Individual Control Technology
181) covert transhumanism
182) cyborg project (plot)
183) world domination through psychological warfare
184) Weltanschuungskrieg (worldview warfare/science of coercion)
185) “the most complex weapons system that humans have ever devised”
186) “largest black and black market operation in history”
187) “Global War On Terrorism” + “National Security Racketeering Network”
188) “bad-guy hunting business”
189) Institutionalized DARVO (Deny, Attack and Reverse Victim and Offender)
F. Other descriptions for “the program” include:
190) CIA, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), EU Human Brain Project, U.S. B.R.A.I.N. (Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative, and N.I.H (National Institutes of Health) brain-mapping projects to digitize human consciousness, improve cybernetic (human-machine) capabilities to enhance human (supersolders), and increase AI capacities, etc.
191) technology to entrain and monitor human brains and nervous systems to AI-based Pentagon Cloud-AI-quantum supercomputers and create neural “hive mind”/total control grid
192) technology to create immortal, digital, “godlike,” omniscient, silicon-based robot replacements for humanity
193) bio-engineering experimentation for developing life-extension/immortality technologies for use by elites such as futurist Dr. Ray Kurzweil
194) biometric tyranny
195) shadow government gangstalking-citizen elimination program
196) ESCHELON-electrical bioweapons system-Havana Syndrome-Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
197) social engineering and research and development program run by U.S. government that utilizes all elements of society to advance eugenics, haze, racism, and total control of population
198) giant, for profit, international ponzi scheme run out of FBI and DHS-affiliated National Fusion Center Association (NFCA)
199) State Crime Against Democracy (SCAD; like Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, JFK assassination, and other false-flag terror events)
200) Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) “Hunter-Killer Teams”/Covert Civilian-Military Death Squads
201) TETRA Systems brain-computer interactive operations
202) Social Media Influence Operations
203) stress-conditioning techniques/gaslighting
204) remotely-induced learned helplessness
205) induced psychological “learned helplessness” as conducted at Guantanamo Bay torture facility
206) lethal and non-lethal targeting in COIN (US COunterINsurgency) cyber warfare
207) comprehensive coercion/brainwashing/thought reform
208) Project Beta
209) “military operations other than war” (MOOTW)
210) human trafficking for weapons testing and biomedical engineering experiments
211) ritual abuse and mind control
G. Descriptions of “the program” that reference its precursor black projects
212) Ongoing global CIA Phoenix Program (1968-1972 in Vietnam); i.e., “interagency” citizen-targeting-torture-suppression-elimination program applied throughout the world by American Empire aka Operation Condor/Salvador Option/Pink Plan/”dirty war” in Latin America, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other US military-invaded and occupied war zones
213) Modern Operation Gladio/Stay Behind Secret Armies (covert CIA, MI6, NATO program of terror waged against leftist, domestic political enemies in Western Europe/Italy between 1956-1990); Version 2.0
214) NSA-CIA-FBI-DHS’ SIGINT (signals intelligence) and HUMINT (human intelligence) tracking and targeting of “enemies”/”potential enemies”/”threats”/”potential threats”/”enemy noncombatants”/”non-investigative subjects”/”code 4-silent hits”/black project experimentees
215) DoD’s domestic and global hybrid-psychological-electronic-civilian-military-cyber warfare against civilians
216) secret, government no-touch torture program targeting civilians watchlisted as domestic, political enemies by FBI and Department of Homeland Security. All civil liberties secretly removed from “targets.”
217) Global Government Gangstalking Genocide Gestapo-Gulag (G6) (Webmaster’s term)
218) Ongoing covert, in-community MKULTRA/MKDELTA (Nazi-CIA) human medical and mind control projects
219) Ongoing covert, in-community human disposal program for involuntary subjects used in “terminal,” nonconsensual medical experimentees (as in CIA’s Project MKULTRA, 1953 onward)
220) Ongoing global MONARCH program (DoD militarized and operational MKULTRA mind control; trauma-based mind control-cybernetic enslavement) for creation of multiple personality and Manchurian Candidates, assassins, mass shooters, terrorists, sex-slaves, couriers, spies, and supersoldiers through a variety of electronic directed energy, chemical, neurological, and biological weapons and trauma-based mind control techniques
221) Ongoing FBI COINTELPRO (COunter INtelligence PROgram, 1956-1971) Version 2.0, covert terrorism against political enemies
222) Ongoing CIA MHCHAOS Program (1967-1974) Version 2.0; covert, illegal watchlisting and terrorism against domestic political activists (“dissidents”), termed “domestic terrorists,” in America
*H. Descriptions of Cognitive Warfare (CW):
223) “a new form of combat that makes everybody a weapon”
224) “militarization of all aspects of human relationships and human society”
225) “integration of hybrid warfare (economic, cyber, information, and psychological warfare), disinformation/misinformation, psychological, and social-engineering capabilities.”
226) “perpetual warfare with no geographic boundaries, time limit, beginning or end, or respite”
227) psycho-political warfare against civilians
228) “a whole of nation approach for acquisition of information for actionable entities (civilian-military forces to) target (and) mitigate adversaries’” (Dr. James Giordano, Georgetown University neuroweaponologist and DARPA advisor)
229) 6th (human) domain of warfare of Department of Defense (DoD) and NATO (*weapons of ALL 6 warfare domains (air, land, sea, space, cyberspace, and cognitive) are secretly deployed against innocent civilians (“Targeted Individuals” or “TIs”), individually and in combination.)
230) “the battle for your brain”
231) “the militarization of brain science”
232) “the weaponization of people”
I. More descriptors and descriptions of “gangstalking“”
233) “Full-Spectrum Dominance” = Department of Defense’s control over all dimensions of the “battlespace” (defined as everywhere, including the brain) via terrestrial, aerial, maritime, subterranean, extraterrestrial, psychological, and bio- or cyber-technological warfare
234) “Mastering the Human Domain” (US Army’s Jade Helm 15 excercise) using metadata and DARPA-sponsored A.I. computing technology to use predictive algorithms against all adversaries foreign and domestic
235) unconventional warfare exercise (US Army’s UWEX 16)
236) IIA (Interactive Internet Activities) operations deploying crisis actors, surveillance role players, street theatre, Barham Psychodrama Technique, etc.
237) “domestic security architecture concentrating on offensive measures against single adversaries” (Aspen Institute)
238) FBI and DHS’s (Department of Homeland Security) National Fusion Center Association (NFCA) secret “hunt and kill contracts” on innocent civilians granted to private security services
J. Some Hollywood and “elite” terms for “targeted individuals” and “the program” include:
239) “the surviving game”
240) “the most dangerous game”
241) “hunger games”
242) “the hunting game”
243) “expensive experiment” to collect “valuable data” from TIs
K. More descriptions of “The program”:
244) 24/7 active (full spectrum) warrantless surveillance of secretly designated “TIs”
245) Jewish (Kabbalistic/Occult) Ritual Murder/Blood Sacrifice/Human Sacrifice (termed ‘Ekhad’)
246) “Stalking Someone To Ruin: A Jewish cultural phenomenon known to all Jews above a certain age”
247) “less noticeable and more satisfactory sentences of death, necessary to maintain the terror which tends to produce blind submission” (from Protocol 1 of Protocols of Zion)
248) Masonic Ritual Murder/Blood Sacrifice/Human Sacrifice
249) the “white glove”-silent dagger-slow dagger-secret dagger of Masonic ritual murder and revenge
250) Satanic Ritual Murder/Blood Sacrifice/Human Sacrifice
251) asset stripping & forfeiture of TIs’ (targeted individuals) property by organized crime (theft of physical, intellectual, creative property, inventions, and souls) and partners
252) Scientology’s (UFO cult created and controlled by British and American intelligence) “fair game”
253) “The most important policy of the United States Government” (Dr. Rauni Kilde)
254) “A boot stomping on a human face, forever” (per George Orwell’s “1984)
255) organized crime
256) cannibalism
257) silent holocaust (Hebrew term is “shoah” for “burnt offering” to Satan)
258) silent genocide
259) selective culling of whites and intellectuals to accompany “replacement migration” (Kalergi Plan)
260) the Kalergi Plan
261) Techno-enslavement of humanity
262) Experiments in Remote Torture and physiological control
263) Beta Test Bio-Engineering Experiments for Central Bankers’ “Go-Direct to Digital Currency” System and Microsoft’s (Bill Gate’s) 060606 “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data” patent
264) Electronic Bioweapons System
265) International Gang Stalking – Asset Stripping Operations (aka “Policing For Profit”)
267) human trafficking (TIs are “owned” and “rented out”)
268) CIA-FBI-DHS-FEMA-DOD’s Reign of Terror
269) Monarch: The New Phoenix Program
270) The Invisible War: 21st Century Targeting
271) Murder of a Human Being’s Life
272) “Project Soul Catcher” (Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare)
273) asset stripping through abusive conservatorships
274) The New World War: Revolutionary Methods of Political Control
275) communist purge, per East German Stasi program that began in 1950
276) Electromagnetic Signals- (NSA Signals Intelligence; SIGINT) Monitoring and Signals-Attack Scandal
277) (admitted) ADL Methodology to “cancel”/neutralize (track, monitor, train and tip off law enforcement, litigate, bankrupt, & re-educate) “anti-Zionists,” “white supremacists,” “extremeists” (opponents of Jewish Great Reset/UN Agenda 255) Antichrist Kingdom
278) (possibly) Project Zyphr (?): Zionist plan to kill those who are aware of Zionist crime network
279) (possibly) “AI Plot”/”AI Plan” of Project Zyphr to “create fake online personas… (so) you’ll have a lot of people ‘disappeared’, but no one will really know…. they will find someone they don’t like, kill them, then replace them with these AI avatars that serve to convincingly replicate everything about them online, over the phone, and in video, except for their actual physical existence.”
280) state-sponsored, domestic terrorism implemented to create mass shooters, Manchurian Candidates, remove American’s Second Amendment right to own firearms, etc.
281) Expanding, for profit business of National Security Racketeering Network
282) “the perfect crime”
283) one-on-one war
284) man-hunt
285) “the mother of all black ops”
286) “a high-powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate, or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence” (from 2014 NSA memo)
287) biocommunications
288) Trauma-based mind control/SRA (satanic ritual abuse)
289) “white slavery for the CHOSEN ONES (Jews) IN THE 21ST Century”
290) a living hell
291) “scientifically adjusted scheme of sustained sadism to subject the victim to unimaginable suffering over a long and sustained period of time”
292) biophysical information transfer
293) military psychological warfare operations
294) torture programs as behavior modification
295) the worst form of slavery ever in mankind’s sinful history
296) tracking Monarch (DOD-mind controlled slaves/sleepers)
297) means by which satanic elites steal others’ souls, cheat death, and avoid judgement
298) technological “possession” of innocent civilians by powerful elites
299) “termination,” the final phase of 7-phase CIA agent recruitment process (including 1) Spotting, 2) Evaluation, 3) Recruiting, 4) Testing, 5) Training, 6) Handling, and 7) Termination, from Marchetti, V. and Marks, J.D., “The CIA and The Cult of Intelligence” (1974))
300) a “life sentence” for others’ crimes (Fiona Barnett, “Eyes Wide Open,” 2020)
301) State-sponsored (New World Order) eugenics for and disposal of seniors, other “deplorables”/useless eaters, truth-tellers, “cognitive offenders,” dissidents, etc.
302) “Satanic (Illuminati), Illegal, US Government Rogue, Criminal Enterprise” run by “New World Order Boys” aka “Junior High School Boys” recruited out of Special Forces (Ex-FBI agent, Ted Gunderson)
303) Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW)
304) Citizen Warfare
305) Computer networking through the human body (IEEE Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) 801.15.6)
306) Brute force hacking and manipulation of the human biofield, an essential body part that accounts for 80% of immune system, through RF frequency communication with and control of in-body biosensors made of people’s own body tissue using WBAN 801.15.4/5/6
307) Network killing
308) video game operators remotely log into human body area networks with and OM.NET and play people like SIMs (Subscriber Identity Module) through remote electronic control using radio frequencies
309) Routing data through your tissue doing biomedical wireless tissue engineering
310) Dept. of Defense selling human bodies to venders and customers for data labeling services and data curation (From DOD Artificial Intelligence Symposium Sept. 10, 2020)
311) Electronic telemetry
312) Electronic warfare on the Global Information Grid (GIG) architecture. They log into people’s bodies GITHUB.
313) AI to ANN (Artificial Neural Network), Geomancer aligns NTS-3 data sets. FIRE.
314) Bio-digital Enslavement System
315) Bio-terrorism
316) Biological-Technological Weapon of Mass Destruction
317) Project Lasso (Low-Altitude Stalking and Strike Ordnance)
318) Bio-cyber terrorism
319) Bio-digital Enslavement System
320) Bio-cybernetic communication
321) Psychiatric reprisal, a method of retaliation by the state against its critics.
322) Open-air psych ward, wherein military psychological groups and others are paid to drive targets crazy via incessant interventions (street theater, etc.)- in order to induce them to “act out” in a way that can be diagnosed as crazy so they can then be institutionalized, drugged, and removed from society.
323) Human harvesting/human energy harvesting
324) cannibalism
325) cruel and unusual punishment
326) open-air prison
327) wireless tissue engineering (Sabrina Wallace videos)
328) wireless total piezoelectric control (Sabrina Wallace videos
329) neural mitigation for behavioral modulation (inflict brain damage in subtle areas of the brain to keep your behavior under control) (Sabrina Wallace videos)
330) electromagnetic done warfare
331) cyber security run through the human body (you are the node, the network, a node on the computer network for netcentric warfare)
332) human asset management (Veterans Affairs term)
333) Agenda 2030 Smart City surveillance-enslavement system
334) Industrial system for ISR (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance)
335) Dual use system of AI Precision Health Care (biomedical telemetry) and electronic warfare
336) Cisco DNA-DAA converged internet or Converged Interconnected Network (CIN)
337) energy harvesting through the body with SOSA (Sensor Open System Architecture)
338) Telemetry system for electronic warfare
339) The civilian targeting program
340) the wireless death
341) euthanasia on a button press
342) genocide on a button press
343) electrocution from the inside out and outside in
344) digital enslavement
345) digital rape
346) Full-body domination
347) Government-sponsored demonic possession
348) WRECT-SSTTEPs: Wireless Remote Electronic Civilian Targeting – Surveillance, Stalking, Torture, Termination & Experimentation Program(s)
349) dissident hunting
350) government no-touch torture eugenics program
351) targeted killing
352) netcentric targeting using the Global Information Grid (GIG)
353) 5th Generation Warfare
354) gentile killing machine
355) identity management, de-personing, de-platforming
356) Manhattan Project of the Brain + Manhattan Project of Counterterrorism
357) techno enslavement
358) the game (i.e., THEIR game, which is, “full spectrum dominance” (from space to the microbiome) as central to “role playing defense” and “role playing financial markets”- both of which are fed by signals intelligence and cause individuals to lose their own agency!)
359) CIA-backed mixed-reality video game
360) social engineering
L) Jobs for gangstalkers may be advertised as:
360) drone operator
361) sensor operators
362) surveillance role player
363) crisis actor
364) sensor hunter
Current Job Openings Of One “Vendor” (Core One) From: Jobs For Gangstalkers (aka Signature Reduction/SIGREDUX Technicians) at Core One, Washington, DC:
365) Signature Reduction Technician, Washington DC
366) Acquisition Intelligence Analyst, Tampa, Florida
367) Air Operations and Intelligence Planner, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
368) All-Source Analyst, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
369) All-Source Intelligence Analyst, Tampa, Florida
370) CI/HUMINT Reports Officer & Threat Analyst, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
371) CI/HUMINT Source Operation Manager, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
372) Command Group Linguist, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
373) Computer Network Defense (CND) Analyst, Fort Meade, MD
374) Computer Scientist, Tampa, FL
375) Counterintelligence Surveillance Instructor, Northern Virginia
376) Counterintelligence UTS Instructor, Northern Virginia
377) Course Director and Technical Curriculum Developer, Northern VA
378) Current Operations Manager, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
379) Data Analyst, Tampa, FL
380) Data Scientist, Tampa, FL
381) Desk Officer, Tysons Corner, Virginia
382) Digital Network Exploitation Analyst, Fort Meade, MD
383) Engineering, Electronics, and Applications Instructor, Northern VA
384) Expert Linguist_CAT I (Afrikaans, Dutch, Flemish, Danish, French), McLean, Virginia
385) Expert Linguist_CAT II (Albanian, Bengali, Finnish, Greek, Hindi, Turkish, and more.), McLean, Virginia
386) Expert Linguist_CAT III – Mandarin, Russian and Ukrainian, McLean, Virginia
387) Exploitation Analyst, Fort Meade, MD
388) Facility Operations Specialist, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
389) Financial Intelligence Exploitation Analyst, Tysons Corner, Virginia
390) Financial Intelligence Exploitation Analyst, Tysons Corner, Virginia
391) Financial Intelligence Targeting Analyst, Tysons Corner, Virginia
392) Foreign Disclosure Representative, Fort Liberty, NC (Fort Bragg)
393) Foreign Disclosure Representative, Tampa, FL
394) Foreign Disclosure Representative, Hurlburt Field, FL
395) Full-Stack Developer, Fort Belvoir
396) GCP-V Transregional Synchronization Team Analyst, Tampa, FL
397) General Analyst, Tampa, FL
398) General Strategist, Tampa, FL
399) Geo-Spacial Analyst, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
400) Global Force Management Technician, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
Help Desk/ Support Specialists L1-6, Tysons Corner, VA
401) Identity Management Technician, Washington, D.C.
402) Identity Operations Manager, Various Locations
403) Information Management Officer, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
404) IT Program Manager L1-6, Tysons Corner, VA
405) Joint Combined Exchange Training Manager, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
406) Joint Operations Center & AMHS Technician, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
407) Journeyman Linguist (Afrikaans, Dutch, Flemish, Danish, French), McLean, Virginia
408) Journeyman Linguist_CAT II (Albanian, Bengali, Finnish, Greek, Hindi, Turkish, and More), McLean, Virginia
409) Journeyman Linguist CAT III (Russian, Ukranian, and Mandarin), McLean, Virginia
410) Journeymen Operations Research Analyst, Fort Gordon, GA
411) Journeymen Operations Research Analyst (VA), Charlottesville, VA
412) Jr. Data Scientist, Tampa, FL
413) Korean Linguist, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
414) Local Role Player, Sterling, VA
415) Mechanical Materials and Manufacturing Instructor, Northern VA
416) Mechanical Metalworking and Fabrication Instructor, Northern VA
417) Mid-Senior SCA Analyst, Tampa, Florida
418) Operation Research System Analyst (ORSA), Tampa, FL
419) Operations Advisor, McLean, VA
420) Operations Specialist II, McLean, Virginia
421) Operations Specialist III, McLean, Virginia
422) Operations Specialist IIII, McLean, Virginia
423) OSINT Analyst, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
424) Personnel Security Services Specialist, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
425) Physical Security Policy Expert, TBD
426) Physical Security Services Specialist, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
427) Primary Linguist CAT I (Afrikaans, Dutch, Flemish, Danish, French), McLean, Virginia
428) Primary Linguist CAT II (Albanian, Bengali, Finnish, Greek, Hindi, Turkish, AND More), McLean, Virginia
429) Primary Linguist CAT III (Russian, Ukrainian, Mandarin), McLean, Virginia
430) Recruiter, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
431) Regional SME, China, DPRK, Russia, Iran and VEO, Tampa, FL
432) Regional SME – VEO, Tampa, FL
433) Reports and Collection Manager, McLean, Virginia
434) Senior All-Source Analyst (Information Operations Support), Tampa, Florida
435) Senior All-Source Analyst (UW/IW), Tampa, Florida
436) Senior Force Protection Instructor, TBD
437) Senior Force Protection Professional, TBD
438) Senior Linguist_CAT I (Afrikaans, Dutch, Flemish, Danish, French), McLean, Virginia
439) Senior Linguist_CAT II (Albanian, Bengali, Finnish, Greek, Hindi, Turkish, and more.), McLean, Virginia
440) Senior Linguist_CAT III – Russian, Ukrainian, Mandarin, McLean, Virginia
441) Senior Linguist Social Media Analyst, McLean, VA
442) Senior Operations Research Analyst, Ft. Carson, CO
443) Senior Operations Research Analyst, Quantico, VA
444) Senior Physical Security Policy Expert, TBD
445) Senior SCA VEO Analyst, Tampa, Florida
446) Senior TSSC Engineer (TSCM), Tampa, FL
447) Sensitive Activities CI Support, Tampa, FL
448) Sensitive Activities SME, Tampa, FL
449) SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) Contract Team Lead, Fayetteville, NC
450) SERE Deputy Program Manager, Fayetteville, NC
451) SERE Instructor, Fayetteville, NC
452) SERE Program Manager, Fayetteville, NC
453) SOCKOR Exercise Planner, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
454) SOF Posture Subject Matter Experts, Tampa, FL
455) Software Developer L1-6, Tysons Corner, VA
456) Sr. Foreign Disclosure Representative, Tampa, FL
457) Sr. Technical Security and Signals Countermeasure Practitioner, Tampa, FL
458) Staff Operations Officer, Tysons Corner, Virginia
459) Strategic Policy Analyst, Tampa, FL
460) Surveillance Role Player, Northern Virginia
461) Systems Engineers L1-6, Tysons Corner, VA
462) Systems Integrator L1-6, Tysons Corner, VA
463) Target Digital Network Analyst, Fort Meade, MD
464) Targeter, McLean, Virginia
465) Targeting Analyst, Pyeongtaek, South Korea
466) Targeting Analyst II, McLean, Virginia
467) Targeting Analyst III, McLean, Virginia
468) Targeting Analyst IIII, McLean, Virginia
469) Targeting Instructor, McLean, Virginia
470) Targeting Officer, McLean, Virginia
471) Technical Editor, Tampa, Florida
472) Technical Security and Signals Countermeasures Analyst, Tampa, FL
473) Technical Security and Signals Countermeasures Practitioner, Tampa, FL
474) Training Administrator, Northern VA
475) Vendor Mitigation Analyst, Tampa, Florida
476) Video Documentation Support, TBD
477) Virginia Role Player, Northern Virginia
478) Virtual Operations Specialist, McLean, VA
479) Technical Solutions, Senior Network Engineer, Sterling, VA
480) Senior Software Engineer, Sterling, VA
481) Systems Engineer / Windows Systems Subject Matter Expert, Sterling, VA
482) Advanced CI Investigations (ACIIC) Instructor, Northern Virginia
483) Advanced Foreign Counterintelligence Operations Course (AFCIOC) and Advanced Operations: Seminar Instructor, Northern Virginia
484) Analytical Support to Counterintelligence Functions Course (ASCIFC) Instructor, Nothern Virginia
485) Computer Network Engineer, Northern Virginia
486) Counterintelligence (CI) Training Expert, Northern Virginia
487) Counterintelligence Collection in a Cyber Domain Course (CCDC) Instructor
Northern Virginia
488) Counterintelligence Research, Development, and Acquisitions Course (CIRDAC) Instructor, Northern Virginia
489) Counterintelligence Surveillance Course (CSC) Instructor, Northern Virginia
490) Countersurveillance/Surveillance Detection Course (CSSDC) Instructor, Northern Virginia
491) DoD CI Agent Course (DCAC) Instructor, Northern Virginia
492) Electronics and Communications Technician, Northern Virginia
493) Investigations in a Cyber Domain Course (ICDC) Instructor, Northern Virginia
494) Joint Military Counterintelligence Collection Course (JMCCC) Instructor, Northern Virginia
495) Quantico Program Manager, Northern Virginia
496) Source Operations in a Cyber Environment Seminar Instructor, Northern Virginia
497) Threat Seminars Instructor/Facilitator, Northern Virginia
498) Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance (UTS) Instructor
499) AI Precision Health Care
500) telemedicine
501) tech-enabled abuse
502) government-sponsored civilian-military “domestic terrorism” and torture/murder of innocent civilians (felony up to capital crime (murder) per 18 U.S. Code 2331 and 75 other federal laws)
503) “crown jewel of the deep state” – a public private partnership with so many people profiting (Ana Toledo, lawyer for Targeted Justice)
504) government-assisted (actually coerced) suicide
505) the spy war
506) the destruction of societies through community-spy networks
507) MKULTRA “terminal” experiments
508) Disposal/elimination of MKULTRA “terminal” test subjects (so-called “population targets” in the CIA’s “battle for the minds of men” in CIA Director Richard Helm’s June 19, 1964 memo; see Epigraph Quote #1) as cover-up/destruction of evidence of CIA’s historic crimes against innocent, unwitting American civilians.
509) Office Information Warfare Technology
510) Human Body Communication (HBC)
511) Intra-body Communication
512) EEG Heterodyning
513) Neurological cloning
514) Forced re-education
515) Stealing someone’s soul
516) torture, destruction of life, and destruction through misery
517) earthly hell
518) slow-motion murder
519) Luciferic Initiation
520) Human-Machine Interface Weapons System
521) Battlespace Persistent Surveillance (US Air Force term); more or less equivalent with “deep surveillance,” “active surveillance,” “uberveillance,” “under the skin surveillance,” and FISA Court 702 “warrantless wiretapping.”
522) Transhuman Genocide
523) Future Warfare (circa 2025) (2001 NASA Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare (Circa 2025) document by NSF Chief Scientist, Dennis Bushnell)
524) “Non-Explosive Warfare”- includes IW/IO, PSYWAR “In the Large”, Anti-functionals (Microwave, Chem, Bio, Micro-Mechanical, Anti-Personnel MW/RF, Micro-Mechanical (from: 2001 NASA Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare (Circa 2025) document by NSF Chief Scientist, Dennis Bushnell)
525) Controlled Offensive Behavior
526) Influence Technology
527) Precision Bureaucratic Terrorism
528) Coercive Persuasion
529) Influence Operations
530) Satanic Ritual Abuse
531) The Invisible War
532) Telepresence Surveillance System (of CIA and NASA)
533) Socially-Oriented Blood Games (from Report From Iron Mountain, 1967)
534) Modern, Sophisticated Slaver (from Report From Iron Mountain, 1967)
Those who would deliberately impose a living hell on others and participate in such “operations” are demons, devils, pure and simple. There is no other explanation. We are ruled by devils. This is the true nature of the military-intelligence-industrial complex. They are psychopathic killers.