The Techno-Enslavement of Humanity: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Program (July 28, 2022)

The Techno-Enslavement of Humanity (Neuro (brain) warfare): Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Program (July 28, 2022)

The Techno-Enslavement of Humanity (Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Program, 7/28/22)

Dr. Karlstrom’s Notes For Program:


We have an abundance of military documents on psychological warfare, information warfare, etc. and professional papers on neurowarfare in military journals. We have an abundance of youtube lectures by academic neuroscientists who work in cooperation with governments, the military, intelligence agencies, elite scientists, and the corporate sector, and who actually train USSOCOM soldiers in the art of neurowarfare. And we have the testimonies of innumerable TIs (targeted individuals), the victims of these military-grade weapons and crimes against humanity. We have the pertinent patents, the grant numbers, the names of the government agencies that give the grants, such as NIH, NINDS, and NPP. And we have innumerable books, articles, and youtube presentations that prove these crimes are of global extent. What we don’t have yet is justice, laws, and judges that regulate these criminal activities.

More synonyms/names for gangstalking and the TI program =

24/7 Active surveillance, tracking, and tracing (“the NSA tracks em, CIA whacks em”- William Binney, ex-NSA whistleblower)
State-sponsored terrorism (= 9/11, Oklahoma City, JFK assassination, Manson murders, serial killers, mass shooters, etc.)
Fourth generation warfare, the New World War
Total Individual Control Technology….
Psychotronic warfare (psyops)
“Cleverly disguised program of torture and murder” under the pretext of conducting scientific research (as per Nazi, Joseph Mengele, “the Auschwitz Angel of Death”)
Neuro-warfare (Neocortical/brain/mind war)
cyber warfare
cyber torture (UN term for gangstalking-electronic harassment),
Bio-medical human trafficking
Civilian-military information operations against civilians,
production of a remotely and electronically controlled bio-robot slave,
Black ops (Unacknowledged Special Access Program)
human trafficking,
Electronic concentration camp,
Covert, nonconsensual bio-medical experimentation and directed energy, neuro- and “non-lethal” and other weapons testing,
Torture voyeurism,
Masonic human sacrifice

TIs worldwide, much like those who have taken the jab, are victims of non-consensual biomedical experimentation.

We Tis are covert, black operations…. (Unacknowledged Special Access Projects). Much like other kinds of human trafficking, sex trafficking, child trafficking, organ trafficking, etc. that is conducted by the same consortium of intel agencies (CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, etc.), militaries, private subcontractors, mafias, corporations, NGOs, etc.

Currently, while hundreds of international, federal, state and local laws are being violated, judges don’t enforce the laws that would protect victims. TIs need to come together as a lobby group like other victims’ groups, for example, the 400,000 atomic soldiers and other victims of human experimentation over the past 70 years, etc.

Human research and no-touch torture/murder programs degrade both victims and victimizers (the perps, gangbangers, psychologists, military, etc.).

I believe the human enslavement program can be traced directly to MIT’s Dr. Norbert Wiener’s 3 major works, among other historical sources:

1) 1948, Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. 2nd revised ed. 1961.

2) 1950, The Human Use of Human Beings.

3) 1964, God & Golem, Inc.: A Comment on Certain Points Where Cybernetics Impinges on Religion.

Dr. Norber Wiener (1894-1964) was a Jewish math genius whose Ph.D. supervisor and mentor was British atheist and philosopher, Lord Bertrand Russell. Wiener attended the top-secret Macy’s Conferences (1942-1953) that immediately preceeded the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control programs (1953 onward). He “cracked the code” of interpreting EEG (electroencephalograph) signals given off by the brain through Fourier/spectral analysis. In 1955, he invented the autocorrelator, a computer capable of sending and receiving electromagnetic signals (EEG) along 12 channels to and from the brain. His autocorrelator could read and interpret these brainwave signals. I believe that subsequent advances in “signals intelligence” (SIGINT) by the NSA, CIA, the military, and the academic and private sectors build upon this scientific foundation.

Insights from the following articles/posts on this website:

I. Protecting Brainwaves Considering Signal Intelligence Advances (International Law Journal of London, 2014)

II. “Attack on the Brain: Neurowars and Neurowarfare” by Armin Krishnan (In: “Space and Defense;” US Air Force Publication, 2016) Describes and Explains Secret Targeting, Torture, and Assassination of TIs

III. Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation by David Larson (2002, pdf)

IV. TI James Walbert’s Lawsuits Against Jerimiah Redford (2008) and Witchita Police (2011) Re: Directed Energy Weapon Attacks (10 related post; 2 videos)

V. Jeffrey Madore (TI and Electronics Expert) Explains Organized Gangstalking “Human Research” Torture-Murder Program (2); 2015-17 Video Transcriptions and Comments

I. From: Protecting Brainwaves Considering Signal Intelligence Advances (International Law Journal of London, 2014) by Dr. Parasaran Rangarajan

There are arguments that brainwaves are more anatomical in nature rather than electronic and this is explained further in this essay. The harmful effects of electromagnetic devices are of relevance in considering human rights laws. As of today, there is no universally binding or federal legislature protecting us from these harmful devices. Protecting brainwaves by law would be the first step and advancement in protecting intellectual property rights as well since we are protecting the “creations of the mind” or biological data at its very inception; the data contained in the brainwave or thought which formulates the idea and creation of the mind. The “Copyright Clause” of the U.S. Constitution, more specifically Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8[12], which many writers rely on to automatically secure their is not applicable in this scenario as we are dealing with the conception of the idea in brainwaves, not finished work of an author.

Considers issues of protecting brainwaves of ideas in relation to advances in electronic signals intelligence (SIGINT) technologies (NSA). Brainwaves here are synonymous with “biometric data” and “genetic data” and can be regarded as “electronic communications” and “data” (as by NSA, CIA, military, corporations) or as part of human anatomy and therefore in need of legal protections.

Non-lethal and neuroweapons are weapons of mass destruction and can be used to torture, steal ideas, degrade human performance, enhance human performance (super soldiers). Issues relate to intellectual property, human rights, warrantless surveillance, active (24/7) invasive surveillance.

Brainwaves and the mind can be read and thoughts re-constructed “word for word” remotely and electronically. For example, using portable devices that send and receive Wireless Electroencephalography (EEG)- similar to iBrain product. (Via EEG heterodyning, thoughts and moods can be implanted and/or captured.)

In light of advances in directed energy weapons, so-called nonlethal weapons, and neuroweapons, ….. we need laws to protect brainwaves- now being viewed by NSA and others as “electronic communications” and “data”- given there is no consent or judicial sanction. Most lovers of freedom would look at brainwaves as an intrinsic and therefore a protected part of our anatomy.

Under Patriot Act (2001), intellectual property rights can be taken away via warrantless surveillance.

Existing and relevant laws:

Katz V. United States (1935)

Electronic Communications Protection Act (ECPA)- need reforms along lines of Public Act 256 of Michigan- ban EM devices for harmful uses.

EU law has banned surveillance on “biometric” and “genetic data”- applicable to brainwaves.

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) defines “intellectual property” as:

“Creations of the mind; such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols; names and images used in commerce.”[1]

Protection Of Brainwaves Under Transnational And International Law

“The civil case of James Walbert v. Jerimiah Redford (2008) is a good example of this and was historical as for the first time, the U.S. Courts recognized that Mr. Walbert had been attacked, tortured, and harassed by “electronic means”[59] and mind changing electromagnetic radiation weapons. However, this took some political will as the government is hesitant to recognize such technologies even with such compelling evidence which is why no criminal cases have yet been brought up with the existing legislation. U.S. Congressmen Jim Guest representing the 4th District of Missouri had to intervene in this case by attesting to the fact that Mr. Walbert had been implanted with an RFID chip which caused damage via electronic means. The plaintiff used Department of Defense (DoD) documents previously mentioned to substantiate his claim upon which the defendant did not show up so redress was given. This serves as the first precedent where electronic weapons have been used in the U.S. but this was a civil lawsuit, not criminal, as prosecutor’s have not yet responded to this grave threat which many have claimed is occurring.”

(The world is) counting on the drafting of a U.N. Convention Against Electromagnetic Devices is a must and will have to start by recognizing the fact that these devices have the possibility to cause death, potential for misuse by law enforcement agencies for illegal surveillance through tapping “biometric and genetic data” in brainwaves, torture, and medical experimentation without consent which is illegal under international law.

II. “Attack on the Brain: Neurowars and Neurowarfare” by Armin Krishnan (In: “Space and Defense;” US Air Force Publication, 2016) Describes and Explains Secret Targeting, Torture, and Assassination of TIs
Attack on the Brain: Neurowars and Neurowarfare: In: Space and Defense V. 9, No. 1 (2016)

Epigraph Quotes From This Article (2016):

¨Neurowarfare promises direct external control of human consciousness through targeted manipulation of the brain.

…“Thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, ideas, and behaviors (can) be made directly vulnerable to external threat and control for the first time in human history…” (from Robert McCreight)

“Neuroweapons are intended to influence, direct, weaken, suppress, or neutralize human thought, brainwave functions, perception, interpretation, and behaviors to the extent that the target of such weaponry is either temporarily or permanently disabled, mentally compromised, or unable to function normally.”

… neurowarfare bypasses the state altogether and might target individual civilians (political leaders), societal subgroups, or entire societies. As a result, the traditional distinction between combatants and noncombatants may become meaningless. There is already a legal debate over the question whether and under what conditions civilians can be targeted with nonlethal weapons, for example, in the context of counterterrorism and counterinsurgency operations.

…with respect to noncombatant targeting… neuroweapons may be employed covertly without the target of the attack ever being aware of the attack…. Individuals may be driven insane and manipulated into random acts of violence. Societal subgroups may be manipulated into rising against their government, and whole societies may be thrown into political turmoil and chaos.

…. such methods of war… increasingly represent the current reality of ‘hybrid warfare’, ‘political warfare’, and other forms of societal destabilization that are being employed with great effectiveness by several major nations….. There is currently no legal protection against mind manipulation, although one can argue that covert mental coercion would violate human dignity and by extension human rights.¨

… Militaries seek to dominate ¨neurospace¨ by hacking the human brain and by: a) devising new technologies that harden their own personnel against neurowarfare attacks and b) attacking ENEMY biological cognitive systems.

This may occur through some neuro-cyber interface or BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) which aims to steer consciousness and/or create of an ‘Internet for minds,’ thereby creating a ‘noosphere’ that could one day form a super-intelligent hive mind. Combat in neurospace would become a struggle over the formation and direction of collective consciousness.

**** … There is currently no legal protection against mind manipulation. Neurowarfare can be covertly conducted in peacetime or outside a declared armed conflict. Like cyber warfare, neurowarfare is difficult to define and regulate. Both warfare methods can be conducted covertly, are difficult to attribute, and often cause no visible effect or damage.

… Because their impact is greater under conditions of secrecy, there are few incentives for any nation to openly declare that they have neuroweapons and might use them.

… Currently, arms control agreements do not cover neuroweapons.

Armin Krishnan

Main Points of Article

1) neuroscience and neurotechnolgies (neuro S/T), neuroweapons and directed energy weapons can be used for torture, genocide, and high-tech repression.

2) Military brain and behavioral research goes back to at least the 1920s and dramatically expanded in the U.S. in the 1950s, as evidenced in CIA-DOD Artichoke/ MKULTRA documents.

3) Since 2001, in the aftermath of 9/11, DARPA, DOD, and other agencies, accelerated brain research, development, and deployment for the national security sector.

4) Neuroweapons, RF, brain imaging, and electrical stimulation of the brain technologies discussed include:

a) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS),

b) fMRIs (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging),

c) transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)

d) Transcranial Pulsed Ultrasound Stimulation
e) Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI)

f)) Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (FNIRS), (measures changes in brain tissue associated with neuronal activity),

g) Electroencephalography (EEG, measures fluctuations of voltage on the scalp)
h) Implanted microchips
i) Wireless EM signals
j) Nanotechnology (Dr. Mik Anderson’s Intra-body nanotech network- may now be installed with some jabs)

j) Neuropharmaceuticals

k) Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) implants
l) Biochemical Incapacitants (alkaloid drugs)

m) mind-controlling parasites

5) The European Union, the U.S., Canada, and Japan all have ongoing, major state-sponsored research programs in neuroscience and technology.

6) The same Neuro S/T (science/technology) can be used to enhance and degrade human performance but degradation is much easier to accomplish.

7) State and private sector investment in Neuro S/T is over $150 billion/year.

8) The U.S. military recently added the ‘human domain’ as the sixth domain of war apart from land, sea, air, outer space, and cyberspace.

9) Neuro S/T can readily proliferate to non-state actors, including criminal organizations, terrorist groups, and even individuals.

10) Militaries seek to dominate ¨neurospace¨ by hacking the human brain and by:

a) devising new technologies that harden their own personnel against neurowarfare attacks and
b) attacking ENEMY biological cognitive systems.

This may occur through some neuro-cyber interface or BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) which aims to steer consciousness and/or create of an ‘Internet for minds,’ thereby creating a ‘noosphere’ that could one day form a super-intelligent hive mind. Combat in neurospace would become a struggle over the formation and direction of collective consciousness.

11) Neurowarfare bypasses the state altogether and targets individual civilians (political leaders or domestic ¨enemies¨), societal subgroups, or entire societies. Thus, the traditional distinction between combatants and noncombatants becomes meaningless. Regarding noncombatant targeting, neuroweapons can be employed covertly without the target of the attack ever being aware of the attack. Individuals may be driven insane and manipulated into random acts of violence. Societal subgroups may be manipulated into rising against their government, and whole societies may be thrown into political turmoil and chaos.

12) Neuroweapons increasingly represent the current reality of ‘hybrid warfare’, ‘political warfare’, and other forms of societal destabilization that are being employed with great effectiveness by several major nations.

13) There is currently no legal protection against mind manipulation.

14) Neurowarfare can be covertly conducted in peacetime or outside a declared armed conflict. Like cyber warfare, neurowarfare is difficult to define and regulate. Both warfare methods can be conducted covertly, are difficult to attribute, and often cause no visible effect or damage.

15) Because their impact is greater under conditions of secrecy, there are few incentives for any nation to openly declare that they have neuroweapons and might use them.

16) Currently, arms control agreements do not cover neuroweapons.

III. David Larson Report: Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP and The Alfred E. Mann Foundation by David Larson (2002, pdf)

***** (All relevant to: Bill Gates’ Total Enslavement Patent) 060606 – Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data (& videos); Plus H.R. 666 (Anti-Racism in Public Health Act) & H.R. 6666 (COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act)

Also work of Dr. Pablo Campra and Mik Anderson on Intra-body Nano-networks created by self-assembling nano-tech (graphene) in injections

Dave Larson explains that he was implanted with multiple electronic devices (micro stimulator devices) with which he was illegally tracked and tortured. He had some of his implants removed. He discovered who the inventors were who implanted him. He discovered the patents they filed. He found out where the installations called repeaters were located in and around his neighborhood.

The recovered devices are an exact match for the devices that were developed by research scientists Joseph Schulman, Gerald Loeb and Philip Troyk under contract from the National Institutes of Health. There are about 4 contracts involved, but the initial contract was #N01-NS5-2325 and funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP. More information regarding these contracts can be found at the NIH Neural Prosthesis Project website.

**** Schulman and Loeb filed US Patent applications for a system of monitoring a patient and methods allowing bi-directional telemetry over greater distances that involves using one frequency typically used for communication between the number of small implants and other near-by devices (between 570Hz and 2Mhz), and then an additional frequency (such as 224.840 MHz, or higher) which carries the data over the necessary long distance to the remote location.

… My assault occurred during the same quarter in which Schulman and Loeb filed patent applications for implantable devices and patient monitoring systems which employ above mentioned methods of bi-directional telemetry. U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/039,164 was filed on Feb. 26, 1997 and U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/042,447 on Mar. 27, 1997

Timing 2: Schulman and Loeb report the first functional microstimulators in a QPR just prior to my assault and first animal implantations are planned. They subsequently report “tightening up” the accountability and traceability of prototype devices in a QPR following the assault Schulman has an FCC license and broadcasts at 224.840 MHz (K6BWA) and has repeaters operating to the North, South and East of my residence, all within a 22-mile range. Additionally, another repeater in Altadena CA (but with a call sign that begins with a “W”), operating at the same frequency is actually licensed to an individual who lives in Oak Lawn, IL., (14 miles from IIT Chicago).

Professor Wise from Univ. of Michigan reports in a QPR that because of bandwidth and impedance issues, 200MHz should be chosen for remote, wireless stimulation using a neural prosthesis. The FCC database shows that Joseph Schulman operates radio repeaters in this frequency as call sign K6BWA.

***** Schulman reported acquiring an ISDN “Connectix” phone as part of contract #N01-NS5-2325 claiming it would be used for file sharing and enhanced communication. Later, a company he founded called “NeuroDyne” markets a new system which used such an ISDN video-phone to enable multiple physicians to tele-conference while analyzing a patients biofeedback signals such as EEG and EMG (Electromyography) in real-time as the physiologic data is displayed on the screens and which can be saved for further analysis.
Schulman and Loeb file US Patent applications for patient monitoring systems and methods for long range bi-directional telemetry: Joseph Schulman and Gerald Loeb have each filed patents as well as later addition as and newer patents for a “Patient Monitoring System” and “System of Implantable Devices for Monitoring and/or Affecting Body Parameters” and I contend that the “affecting” part is painful and has been applied by Schulman and Loeb maliciously through the recovered implanted devices shown in articles 1 and 3 above. What is defined in these systems is:

**** • Telemetry using multiple modes or frequencies so that one carrier can transmit a short distance with it being processed to another capable of longer range telemetry.
• Real time interaction that includes stimulation and recording from the human nervous system
• Audio and video conferencing are integrated into the system that displays the EEG, EMG and other data allowing Schulman, Loeb and Troyk to simultaneously interact with the system and each other
• A closed loop mode that has a “default” stimulus parameter loaded into memory for each electrode so that if the subject being monitored breaks the telemetry link, he will still be subject to electrical stimulation because power can be derived and stored into the capacitor from the Tantalum capacitor-electrode/bodily tissue electrolyte interface.

My sample #122 is shown on the left.

Patent #6,067,474 is shown to the right and illustrates a microstimulator that uses multiple circuits in a stacked configuration (with a coil on top, #172 in patent illustration) and the stacking is done to save space, however, such stacking complicates assembly and lowers yield. Schulman and Loeb claim that no such stacking of chips was performed, nor required by the “BION” microstimulator, however my sample #122 at left,

US Patent # 6,067,474, at right, combined with Schulman reporting “unexplainable” low yields throughout his contract (as low as 30% in QPR#3) should be more than suspicious and immediately prompt inquiry followed by an investigation. And if the above wasn’t enough, the parent case documentation, U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/054,480, was filed Aug. 1, 1997 which is during the course of NIH contract #N01-NS5-2325, and not long after my assault.

Because the illegal and unethical activity of monitoring an unwilling subject involves a database, which one can assume is backed up and stored somewhere (perhaps even online for remote retrieval) and also involves the program to be housed on a server that can be accessed by Schulman Loeb and Troyk, this presents considerable evidence that could be obtained by University personnel or law enforcement agencies, yet unobtainable to me. Because Schulman, Loeb and Troyk participate in this unethical/illegal research both at home and at work, this creates considerable liability for their employers and those who fund this research.

4.1 – U.S. Patent 6,315,721: “System of implantable devices for monitoring and/or affecting body parameters”
Inventors: Schulman; Joseph H. (Santa Clarita, CA); Assignee: Alfred E. Mann Foundation (This application is a division of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/048,826, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,208,894, and claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/042,447 filed Mar. 27, 1997 and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/030,136, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,185,452, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/039,164 filed Feb. 26, 1997.) “…a system implemented using multiple communication channels, e.g., a first sonic channel at a first carrier frequency and a second sonic channel at a second carrier frequency, is also considered to be within the scope of the present invention…”

4.2 – U.S. Patent 6,208,894: “System of implantable devices for monitoring and/or affecting body parameters” Inventors: Schulman; Joseph H. (Santa Clarita, CA); Assignee: Alfred E. Mann Foundation (This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional
Application Ser. No. 60/042,447 filed Mar. 27, 1997 and U.S. Patent Application Ser. No. 09/030,106 filed Feb. 25, 1998 which in turn claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/039,164 filed Feb. 26, 1997.)

U. S. Patent: 6,175,764: “Implantable microstimulator system for producing repeatable patterns of electrical stimulation”
Inventors: Loeb; Gerald E. (Kingston, CA); Richmond; Frances J. R. (Kingston, CA) Assignee: Advanced Bionics Corporation (Sylmar, CA) Appl. No.: 490921 Filed: January 25, 2000

Grants for this research come from:

NIH: National Institutes of Health
NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)
NPP (Neural Prosthesis Project)
Alfred E. Mann Foundation

IV. TI James Walbert’s Lawsuits Against Jerimiah Redford (2008) and Witchita Police (2011) Re: Directed Energy Weapon Attacks (10 related post; 2 videos)

Excerpt of article 2:

II. Brain Implants Used In Electronic Harassment

September 4. 2010

U.S. Government Harassment – Part 2 Brain Implants Used In Electronic Harassment

Just when you think the government can’t stoop any lower, they do. The U.S. Government is now using electronic harassment to terrorize outspoken citizens they seek to silence for political reasons. One method involves brain implants. You just can’t make this stuff up. Read the links below for confirmation, as even a U.S. member of Congress, Jim Guest, wrote a letter about the subject.

I read an interesting, yet disturbing case, about a man, James Walbert, that sued over a(n RFID) chip implanted in his brain, causing him distress. What is this world coming to. Before you write it off as a frivolous lawsuit, think about this, the Defendant, Jeremiah Redford, admitted they planted the chip in Walker’s brain and threatened to use it to send him distressing jolts and “Mind altering electromagnetic radiation.” Radiation, might I add, which in excessive doses can cause cancer.
C.I.A. Headquarters in Virginia

There exists evidence that indicates the C.I.A. and FBI have engaged in similar misconduct, which marks a new level of depravity for them. They have interfered in individuals medical care, in bids at harming and controlling them. Is this really the direction we want society to go in. The answer is no.

B. Deborah Dupre’s Articles (ca. 2010):

Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case NEWS AUGUST 19, 2010 BY: DEBORAH DUPRE…


Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case … Aug 19, 2010 … Please see the follow up article and add a comment after it: “Forced brain implant MRI scan image, medical and investigative reports.…/secretly-forced-bra­in-implants-explosive-court-case – Cached

Secretly forced brain implant Pt II: MRI scan image and reports of … In Secretly forced brain implants Part I, information was provided about .. ..…/forced-brain-implan­t-mri-scan-image-medical-and-investigati­ve-reports – Cached

Secretly forced brain implants Pt III: Ex-SS, FBI contractor … Aug 26, 2010 … Part II: Secretly forced brain implants: MRI scan image, medical and investigative reports. Part III: Secretly forced brain implants: Top SS,…/top-ex-ss-fbi-agent­-shocking-war-on-terror-secret-implanted­-america-part-i

Secretly forced brain implants Pt IV: Intel expert on the doctors … Aug 26, 2010 … Part I: Secretly Forced brain implants: Explosive Court Case …. the fact that this was the means by which the 9/11 terrorists were funded. ……/ex-ss-fbi-agent-on-­rfid-implanted-walbert-and-many-others

“The RFID implantation done without people’s consent to any human completely violates everything our government is suppose to be about, what democracy is suppose to be about,” says the whistleblower..

**** … Most RFID devices contain at least two parts: 1) An integrated circuit for storing and processing information, modulating and demodulating a radio-frequency (RF) signal; and 2) An antenna for receiving and transmitting signals.

*****With the second RFID part, the antenna, implanted subject can receive sounds, even verbal orders, and thus be subjected to control against his or her best interest, a method of mind control. With the antenna, the subject can also receive electronic pain and injury meeting torture criterion. The antenna has capacity to covertly assassinate the target by directing electric energy from hand-held devices or satellite to a vulnerable body or organ part. Thus, cause of death is attributed to the subject’s vulnerability as recorded in medical records and then viewed by most people as death by “natural cause.” (For information on NSA neural remote monitoring, see NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation,

**** “Mankind has inalienable human rights that are absolute and can not be debased, nor perverted. Human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under your skin under any circumstance. By uniting on this common ground, we can send a strong message to the IBM funded Verichip that We The People Will Not Be Chipped,” is the mission statement of the group, We the People Will Not be Chipped.”

The largest deployment of active RFID (Radio Frequency Identification D) is the U.S. Department of Defense. (Wikipedia)

V. Jeffrey Madore’s Testimony/YouTube channel (2015-17)

“I’ve been followed for over 30 years by General Dynamics here in southeastern Connecticut. They do this for NSA and the Department of Defense and they use subcontractors (Electric Boat and Sonlas) to get it accomplished. So this continues on even though police are aware, the FBI is aware. I believe the state of Connecticut and the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services are involved. This is done all across the nation. I have talked to so many different targeted people that experience just what I do. …

… I talk to targeted people around the nation, I hear a lot of the same stories. Emergency psychiatric committals, chronic health problems, local police involvement, etc. Just people having their lives torn down in many different ways and given lots of different symptoms like anxiety, depression, pain, attacks to the heart, attacks to the genitals, attacks to the teeth, all kinds of attacks that I’ve experienced and experience regularly. So I feel like it’s safe to say that what I’m experiencing here other targeted people are experiencing where they are. And it’s the same government agencies, the Department of Defense, specifically the NSA, that is doing this, and defense contractors carry it out for them…

…. This technology, the equipment they are using on me, is manufactured by a company called Tetra Systems and the transducers that are used to follow me are a Model C-104. You point it at a person, it receives their brainwaves and it converts those into the visual and audible information, speech, etc., subconscious thought process. It’s just very invasive. And it can also be used to put subliminal suggestions on a person’s mind. It can alter mood, and all kinds of things.

The equipment being used is designed to produce various effects on an individual. It’s used for surveillance. It is pointed at the victim, the target, from a distance. And it produces a microwave carrier that couples with the brain. Once that carrier impinges on the brain, information can be both extracted (and delivered). We’ve all seen the EEG (electroencephalograph) where brain waves are actually monitored, kind of in a crude form and we know that the brain produces an electromagnetic signal. A microwave carrier coupling up to the brain can take that brainwave information and send it back to a receiver where it can be processed.

So it can do surveillance on a person in the form of listening or receiving the information that is both audible and visual. In other words, that which a person hears can be heard and recorded and that which they see can be seen and recorded remotely. What it can also do is transmit various effects, audible effects. Where that carrier is actually impinging on the nerves that go to the ears in the target. And then electrical impulses placed on those nerves that would be consistent with speech, or other audible forms of information, various sounds can be placed on the ears.

So it very much deprives a person of privacy as well as can communicate with a person at a distance. In addition to communicate, it could be used to harass.

**** Once coupled to the central nervous system, the sky is the limit as far as what one can do. And this equipment is used to simulate mental illness in the target. That is really what the stalkers want to do. They want to produce symptoms in that person that cause them to seek out help for mental illness. Quite possibly medication counceling. They want others to see them as mentally ill. So they produce symptoms like depression, anxiety, tremor, pain. Heart symptoms. In my opinion, it can cause life-threatening attacks to the heart. Other sensations. So it’s a seriously invasive tool.
Now why would you want to cause a person’s symptoms of mental illness? Well, in a stalking-type situation, they want to cause a person difficulties in life. And I believe it’s done for human research.

Now, what I’ve seen in the people using this equipment, and I started noticing some of these things back in 2012, since these operators are over-exposed to microwaves and are in the microwave field itself, it appears as if there’s a passive thought transfer going on. This device is capable of coupling to a brain and listening to the thought process and interpreting it as audible speech. It’s very invasive in that way. And the subconscious thought process comes out of a speaker on the device. It’s as though these people using the device are sharing thoughts, them with each other, them with me. And I’ve seen that happen a lot.

They would start talking about things that were on my mind. And it was quite obvious that they were hearing them. They convinced me some time ago that they can do this, that it has this capability.

And for them it comes out of the speaker. It is formulated into speech and they are hearing these things. However, with all of us in the same microwave field that’s processing what’s in my mind, and I’ve seen a lot of data that supports this…. my theory is that they are all coupled up and connected to the microprocessor in this device along with myself. Many times, they would start talking about things I was thinking about. And it’s quite obvious that they were hearing them. And I thought for a while: “wow, my mind must be in the gutter more than I know. There must be some horrible things in my mind that I originate.”

And it was a while before I started understanding that a lot of what they were hearing audibly weren’t originated by me, they were originated by their own thinking. And I’m hearing it. And therefore, that device is processing into audio just what I’m hearing. So they’re hearing it coming out of the speaker, and they believe it’s me. Especially a lot of the homosexual type of things that would come out, because as I stated, the people on the other end are having sex with each other. Often they’re just men. And I had no interest in that area, so why were all of things coming out?

I look for consistency, repeatability, consistency of message over time. And repeatability over time. So I try to take things that I conclude and shake them down to those that are reasonable to believe. And I think that I have some of it.
What I’ve seen on the other side of this, what seems most attractive to those that carry this out, is the mind-altering effects of the equipment itself. Not so much on me, but on them. You see, it’s capable of producing depression, anxiety, pain, all kinds of horrible feelings. It can also be used, in a drug-like way, to produce euphoria and for them, hyper sexuality. And I’ve heard a lot about this from the people on the other end.

And they all seem to enjoy using that equipment. Anyone that begins using it feels like they have to do it for the rest of their life. They enjoy it that much. They love the euphoria and they love the hyper-sexuality. And the hyper-sexuality, I believe, is an extreme attraction. I watched them, starting in 2012, learning how to make that device cause them hyper sexuality. And then they began having sex with each other, the men with the men. And then in 2013, the women, some women got involved and they determined how to make it cause the women to be hyper sexual.

And ultimately, it was as a big orgy on the other side. All day long. And it’s hard to believe but it was as if I was coupled up here to a big orgy. Men with men and men with women. And all of them desiring sex all day along. Nothing very normal. And it seemed as if the crowd kind grew on the other side because of that. And I began referring to it as the “sex club” because that’s indeed what it was. And to some degree, may still be.

So that’s what got me to start to theorize as to how it was happening. A lot of things that did not appear to originate with me, indeed, I was thinking about, and they were stating that it was coming out of the speaker. And I started realizing what was happening. We were all in this microwave field together and that processor was processing everything that was in all of our minds. It’s what one might consider “synthetic telepathy.” (Webmaster: also, “hive mind.”)

I know the equipment that follows me produces a digital packet radio signal on 157.740 MHz. If I go up to East Hartford, where my targeted friend Mary lives, that frequency is being emitted from a number of homes near hers. When I go up to Massachussetts where my friend Kate lives, that same packet radio signal. And earlier this year in January, I went to Canada for seven weeks. I was followed, stalked, and attacked in a very painful and difficult way. What was there the whole time was that digital packet radio signal on 157.740 MHz.

As I talk to other victims, I see a picture. I think these are human research programs. They like a person that is resourceful and motivated. They like to take a person and knock them down and watch them get back up and they record that data. And they knock them down again and they watch them get back up and they record that data. Ultimately, they get to a point where that person’s life is so torn down that they don’t get back up. At that point, they start yielding little to no useful data. It’s my understanding at that point they are often driven into suicide so that they won’t unwind and normalize again and maybe be able to tell the story. They call this forced suiciding of targets “taking them down hard.”
The people that come together to do this to me all seem to take on the same attributes.

Priorities of Perps

Their # 1 priority is to “hurt him.”
Those that stalk me, typically are single and have no family… their highest priority in life is “hurt him.” Their highest satisfaction is gained by hurting me.

They are given an incredible positive reinforcement for hurting me. I’ve heard it said that just remembering hurting me gives them a rush.

If my accusation stands, this is both a criminal and civil case…. These companies seem to have a lot of pull in high places- and they seem to be able to keep attacking me, hoping I’ll have a heart attack and die before the case is complete. And it would be for money.

And there are two police that have been involved with the stalkers. The police know about it and they don’t seem to want to act to stop it.

#2. “Worship him.” They want to know everything about me.

#3. “Sexually assault him/her. Have sex with each other.” They have to be involved in perpetual sexual offense. It’s more of an assault really motivated by the electronics.

#4. “Hurt one another/Raise hell.” They like to cause any disturbance anywhere and anywhere they can. They like hurting each other. So they’re all rascals to each other. They like to cause upset wherever they are.
FBI agents are running interference between the DOD people, the NSA people, and law enforcement. (They are keeping law enforcement back). The transducer produces a microwave signal that couples up to the targets central nervous system. I could take the power of that transducer very high. I could drive it so high that anyone else in the vehicle that’s following me get burned. I’ve heard that some people have lost their eyesight because of this.

***** In 2017, Soundlist, who works for General Dynamics, were supplying people to help out. The FBI is kind of up front. I still believe NSA people are controlling things. And the Soundlist people were in a vehicle with that transducer and they would be following me. The FBI would use subliminals and V2K would talk the Soundlist people in very close behind me where they got burned all over on their bodies. Some lost their eyesight or got extreme eye damage. The FBI love hurting people. The eye damage that comes from microwave exposure, happens slowly over time. The FBI used the opportunity to hurt each other.

#5. “Perpetuate this.” They will do anything they can to keep all of this going. When I call police or someone… it always starts with people wanting to help me. Then they are interrupted- and after the interruption, the people are no longer helpful. These stalkers know when I’m making a call and sabotage it. They do this to perpetuate this.

#6. “Simulate work.” It seems like anyone that gets involved with this wants to do this forever, and they have to make it look like it’s their job. They need to pull things out of my investigation showing that something is being accomplished here.
The first four are more unique to DOD following me. Maybe the last two are more applicable to FBI. They seem to be driven by intense fear. Re: #1, they are scared that I’m having fun. If I just think, that I feel better or happier today (because they send constant emotional pain), they react by turning up the pain. They are scared of my pleasure.
If I do anything to relieve my pain, that scares them. They have to respond by giving me more. This is a powerful fear in them.

Priority 2, they will put themselves at considerable risk to prevent losing me. They are afraid that if I lose the influence of that signal that I’ll feel better.

Priority 3, they fear my sexual pleasure. Even glancing at an attractive woman upsets them. Their jealousy is the fear of losing the beloved.

Below those 6 for the people doing this are their family, their wealth, their reputation, their job, all of these are lower priorities than these top 6.”

2) Historical Context of “The TI/Covert Human Research Program:” 1949 Statement By John Stroud, psychologist/engineer at Naval Electronic Laboratory, Macy’s Cybernetics Conference (1949) Guest, author, “Psychological Moment in Perception;” From: The Minds of Men” documentary by Aaron and Melissa Dykes:

“Man, which we have put in between two already known machines. Man is a predictor and says I shall continue to do whatever my last solution predicted will be right so long as no detectable difference arises. I’m very curious to know just how far we can push this human operator…. Would you please describe which part of the brain should they screw the spark plug in? Heh, heh, heh.
So we have the human operator surrounded on both sides by very precisely known mechanisms. The question comes up: What kind of a machine have we placed in the middle? What kind of a machine is man?”