National Defense Magazine Report on Directed Energy Neurological Weapons Used on US Diplomats in Cuba

National Defense Magazine Report on Directed Energy Neurological Weapons Used on US Diplomats in Cuba

ETK Introduction: Having examined the reports of the directed energy neurological attacks from various sources over the past year+, and having experienced such attacks myself in my own home, I find the report to be extremely credible. However, given the Pentagon’s extensive experience with both testing and deployment of these weapons over the past several decades, I find the concluding remarks of the Editor in Chief of National Defense Magazine (below), to be highly disingenuous, or more likely, spin, disinformation, and a “limited hangout:”

Stu Magnuson’s concluding paragraph below:

“The possible applications for directed energy neurological weapons should have the Pentagon concerned. The weapons could be used in any number of scenarios to degrade the cognitive abilities of warfighters in the field or their leaders. It’s not easy to fight, fly an aircraft, drive a tank, or make command decisions while experiencing dizziness, vertigo, or suffering from neurological damage. State actors, terrorists groups, or lone wolves, can easily acquire this technology. The Defense Department will have to quickly find ways to detect such attacks, thwart their use, and mitigate their effects. As one of the doctors said, “Pandora’s box has now been opened.”

However, this “Pandora’s Box” was opened well over a half century ago! In America, CIA and DOD researchers have been testing the effects and the means of countering such attacks since the early 1960s Meanwhile, American military-intelligence personnel were aware that Soviet scientists targeted American diplomats in the US Embassy in Moscow with Microwave Directed Energy Weapons, termed the “Moscow Signal,” a reported microwave transmission, varying between 2.5–4 gigahertz, from 1953–1976, resulting in an international incident.

Directed Energy Weapons Moscow Signal

Incidentally, based on my research, I had already independently concluded that the targeting and symptoms I experienced on at least two occasions were most probably the result infrasound attacks.

Text of Podcast:

Welcome to “What’s New In National Defense Magazine” a podcast of military-homeland security and technology training. This episode is brought to you by NDIA; National Defense Industrial Association, the publisher of National Defense Magazine. (

In this podcast, National Defense Magazine looks at …. and the new details surrounding the neuro-weapons attacks in Havana, Cuba.

Doctors Reveal Details of Neuroweapon Attacks in Havana.

Three doctors familiar with the case say directed energy weapons intended to damage victim’s brains were likely the source of a series of attacks singling out US personnel assigned to the US embassy in Cuba in 2017. After the State Department called on the experts to investigate the 25 cases of government employees suddenly complaining about hearing noises, pressure in their ears, and symptoms such as headaches, vertigo, dizziness, and loss of cognitive functions, the three experts concluded that the incident involved the wide-scale use of electronics to carry out a so-called neuro-weapon attack.

The attacks occurred at the victim’s homes with the exception of two cases that took place in a hotel known to accommodate diplomats and other US personnel. According to one neuro-ethics expert, neuro-weapons can take the form of biological agents, chemical weapons, and in the Havana case, directed energy. The effects highly disruptive and attribution is difficult. They are not weapons of mass destructions but they have the potential to disrupt everything from individual cells in a body to societies and geopolitics.

After examining the case, the doctors came up with several possibilities. Drugs alone was deemed unlikely. Ultra-sonic exposure, they judged, very possible and likely. Electromagnetic pulsing was also rated very possible and probable. Microwave energy was deemed possible but unlikely.

The case has drawn a great deal of attention at the Pentagon and at Special Operations Command. The trio plans to publish a paper as soon as possible with the results for all to see.

One theory is that the victims were being used as a test, basically human guinea pigs, and the perpetrators are hoping the US publishes test results that can help them fine tune or better understand how to use these weapons. One official confirmed that kind of data will not be made public.

Commentary From National Defense Magazine’s Editor in Chief, Stu Magnuson:

National Defense Magazine online and in its October issue, ran a story on a series of mysterious incidents involving personnel assigned to the US embassy in Havana, Cuba. Victims of this apparent attack first heard a mysterious sound seemingly emanating from their own ears. Pain, feelings of vertigo, nausea ensued and later some were diagnosed with neurological damage.

Information about these mysterious attacks over the past year has come out piecemeal in the mainstream media, usually citing unnamed intelligence sources. National Defense, however, conducted three on the record interviews with the three physicians whom the State Department tasked with examining the case. One of them was the first and only doctor to examine victims in Cuba shortly after the incidents. He also had the opportunity to see the locations where the attacks took place, which were in residences and a hotel, not at the embassy itself as sometimes reported.

The three experts examined the data collected from the victims then came together to share their findings with each other. They all came to the same basic conclusions. First, they ruled out some of the common causes of inner ear disturbances, such as high does of aspirin, mercury poisoning, or head trauma.

They concluded that the victims had been subjected to one of four possible directed energy weapons. They did not have enough data to say precisely which one. Nor were they asked with assigning responsibility for the attacks. It should be noted that these victims were not sitting in the same place at the same time. They were either at their individual residences or a hotel known to be frequented by US personnel.

Of course, with stories of this nature, there will be doubters and conspiracy theorists. It could all be made up as an elaborate disinformation campaign. Or their symptoms were something accidental, or produced in nature, that the doctors were missing.

Well, pretend the Havana attacks never happened. One is still left with two worrisome facts. One, that the effects of directed energy on the inner ear have been well documented by a body of research dating back to the early 1960’s, one of the neurologists interviewed noted. The other is that the devices that can project such energy in a concentrated beam are readily available for sale on the internet for a few hundred dollars.

The Havana incidents show how this little understood and little known class of neurological weapons work. As one of the doctors noted, it is the perfect example of “gray warfare.” Gray warfare is defined as hostile acts directed at a nation that don’t meet the criteria for responding with conventional military force. For example, meddling in elections, cyber attacks, or cyber theft. Directed energy in this case was used to disable the victims, not kill them, although it could possibly induce a stroke, which could lead to death.

The possible applications for directed energy neurological weapons should have the Pentagon concerned. The weapons could be used in any number of scenarios to degrade the cognitive abilities of warfighters in the field or their leaders. It’s not easy to fight, fly an aircraft, drive a tank, or make command decisions while experiencing dizziness, vertigo, or suffering from neurological damage. State actors, terrorists groups, or lone wolves, can easily acquire this technology. The Defense Department will have to quickly find ways to detect such attacks, thwart their use, and mitigate their effects. As one of the doctors said, “Pandora’s box has now been opened.”