How the FBI would explain the Targeted Individual Program by Michael Barden

This is a short breakdown of the Targeted Individual Program. To learn more about my personal targeting experience, please visit my website at BARREDIN.US. There you can find my social media, interviews with former CIA, FBI, NSA, doctors, scientists, etc reporting on the mass targeting of people all around the world.

James Neilson
2 years ago
Made me burn inside when they suggested TIs want attention. I’ve been trying to balance severe harassment with my daily life and make it look like nothing is going on. My friends and family caught on, I did try to explain some aspects of it to them, but to think we’re attention seekers is just insane.

cloun man
3 years ago
Thanks for the video man. I completely agree with you, when you say targeted from young age. Looking for easy targets. Poorly informed parents and test the child under “gifted” categories. Knowing the potential in the individual.

3 years ago
It sounds like sci-fi but it is very real indeed.

K Jones
2 years ago
I am currently going through this. I found something called the Common Rule. The Rule is a protection from non consential illegal research. The Office for Human Research Protection and the Office of Research Integrity is supposed to help too. We need to also contact Human Rights Organizations to raise awareness.

James Latimer
3 years ago
Mind control is a very big part of this madness and when you know about all corruptions that go on they ATTACK take care bro

Sherry Stillings
2 years ago
Hi, I just started running into your videos recently and wish I would have back in june when I had to research what was going on in my surroundings and ran into a lot of dark web videos of “gang stalking” Which led me to a million and one other places but calm, ready to fight against this unbelievable and horrible hate crime. In which led me to many moments that lasted sometimes 4 days in a row from the time I woke til the time I went to sleep, what I call my “breakdowns” and each deeper and more distracting than the last. I am very empathetic, intuitive and many other things that people don’t like to say is real. Same as my daughter. And unfortunately she has to witness me in those moments but we understand one another at a deeper level and don’t need words to speak. and she experiences the color harassment and honestly I don’t know what else because whoever it is thats in charge has her pretty much afraid and or brainwashed which makes me think the person who put me on this “list” is much more closer to home and my heart than I could have ever imagined. I have been outspoken about my beliefs and what i know to be true about our world around us. Had a traumatic childhood, teenage life and from there I went into another direction in life that led me to more traumas… and so much more. abuse mentally and physically since I can remember and in turn I allowed mental physical and not to mention sexual abuse in many ways in pretty much every relationship outside of family ever since. I have done much research and am always interested in hearing more info from people who may know more than I as I documented what I could, learned from what I seen around me and of course videos and google … and took each with my own intuition to filter what I took from it. Ive been silent too long and although it may seem its dying down at the moment, to me its like the silence before the storm and another “phase” is for sure on its way … I want to know what I can do to move forward and link with true people that are on the same page to start a united front.

Samm E
1 month ago
I tried sharing this with my family.
I didn’t know they were in on it, too.
They began torturing me with EMF.

At least now I know who they really are

It’s hard to trust again when so many people I’ve known have joined in on the gang stalking. They offer bribes or threats to them to coerce them.

2 years ago (edited)
Nice to meet you, saw you on CTM Ep. 1277….thank you for bringing out this information. You are correct in your observations as I too share the experiences you define – wow this is a win win for me today. Hope lives on. Never ever ever ever Give Up. Fight these bullies by exposing them and speak up and fight for your selves. (No one else has the guts) We must awaken the people we meet & interact with daily who have (to coin a phrase “been brainwashed” and medicated into zombies). The SYSTEM is broken …….. Just Do It. Would love to help you with your ProSe case. I too go Pro Se.

wein klent
3 years ago
I’ve known all of this without knowing. The knowledge just came to me randomly. A little studying, but it doesn’t take a genius to know what’s truly going on behind closed doors, and beyond that. Although the battle seems impossible to win, we gotta keep rising up and finding the best ways to keep fighting. Like fightimg Goliath, we need to find the right rock. We’ve been picking the wrong ones for centuries. With that said, fear has bern driven into all of our minds, like the media tricking our minds into fearing death. That fear drives us to keep fearing and being more vulnerable to the darkness. In turn, will make the people gullible to their words. Minds that doesn’t wanna comprehend change, like the matrix, due to corruption, manipulation of what you see and perceive in life. Mandela effect finally gotta name to it and a definition, after centuries. What you see after being born in life is what they want you to believe happened. What happened before your birth is all made up in history books. Maybe the incidents did happen, but the details were switched around. Like jfk getting assassinated, and the reasons behind it were made up. Why was he targeted? We don’t know, but the how is there. But that how, is a made up story. What i am trying to get at is, we’ve been taught hatred through racism and sexism. Made to be isolated from the people we need the most to fight the good fight. I’ll have to say, that’s a really good idea, i mean, if i was evil minded myself. Being real here. Take away their power and they can’t join forces to overthrow us. The trust for humanity has been tarnished. Who do we trust? It’s hard to trust anyone, even family. If you can’t trust family, than who can your trust? But family isn’t everything, from my experience. Family can be us targeted individuals, which in turn, could be more of a family than your actual, biological family itself. Threatening your family to turn on you, as well as your closest friends. That’s where all the fear they’ve put into us for ages kicks in. No one wants to stand up with you because they are afraid. Afraid of death, which we shouldn’t let the media trick our minds into thinking death is to be feared. What can we do in this situation? We can’t give up. Our future generations depend on us. If we don’t fight, who will? Let our newer generations suffer the same fate as us? That will be to unbearable to watch.

K Jones
2 years ago
My name is Kharisna Jones and I am going through this now. I had to move to Minnesota because my mom had cancer. It happened while I was working at Abbott Northwest Hospital and living at Midtown Exchange apartments. I was harrassed in Portland but it really became worse in Minnesota. I was insulted with fowl and perverse language and they laugh at the images produced. No privacy in the shower or bathroom. They say I am going to be roped for my heart and mind. I get threats. It was 24/7 for months but it’s quieter now. They say they can give me a heart attack. They say they are going to find some kind of way to rope me because they need my heart. I am innocent and have no criminal record. Someone put me on some type of list. I have concerns my kids father his ex and or network system my have something to do with how it started. I am writing this just in case something happens to me, someone will know why.

3 years ago
Thank you for your courage.. You are truly a hero. God bless you and keep you.. Amen💯😔🎯

Chronic Liberation
3 years ago (edited)
I liked your description of targeted individuals – high IQ, intuitive, creative, etc.

Many of us are starseeds. You’re probably familiar with that term. If not, perhaps it would sound crazy to you. However, being targeted individuals, I’m not so sure that much sounds crazy to us.

I also agree with you about them trying to induce DID/MPD and to set us up as patsies.

Short version of my story:
I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis about four years ago.
The naturopathic doctor that I went to ended up (not coincidentally) being a CIA doctor who used MK Ultra on me in order to wake me up.

I’ve been gangstalked for over one year now. It started right as I was getting close to remission from MS (diet, supplements) and wanted to put up social media to help others with MS. I also blew the whistle on the doctor, but I do feel that this is more about my social media.

It’s part of my mission to bring down the pharmaceutical industry, so they don’t like me very much. That’s okay because I don’t like them either. They made me sick with their vaccines and left me undiagnosed for years. They would have left me to die except that they are afraid of me, so they made sure that I ended up seeing the aforementioned doctor.

And now here I am. Thanks for the video!

Trucker P
3 years ago (edited)
Sucks that My name has to be slandered in such a way. Sucks my life had to be flipped upside down..and for what ? Years of this shit. Man I appreciate your vids though

Theresa Lester
4 weeks ago
I am a TI since 2017. I recently went to a garage sale and no sooner than I pulled up there were 3 cars with multiple people that pulled up and followed me in. I could feel they were my stalkers the moment I got out of my truck. Went into a barn where the sale extended but was so uncomfortable with the group of men sitting around in a circle that I turned around and walked out. As I got out the barn doors I heard one of the men say to another, “Is that her? Is she the one?” About that time, I turned around and one Of those guys came right toward me and walked beside me to the end Of his yard. Then just like that, he turned and and walked back to the barn. Of course, being alone, I said nothing; just quickly got back in my truck. I wasn’t aware of a lot of what you shared in his video but I certainly need to follow you. I am in need of someone who understands this bc it has left me in a solitary environment. I feel that my own family is in on this but they won’t acknowledge my cries for help. I’m glad to have found you on TikTok!

Changes Me
2 years ago
Wow, that’s me..My psychiatrist and mother worked together she said dying..Your right about the medications and my son just wanted to go to CPS when my mom died.I get SSI and they don’t want me around anymore..For 17 years, I never realized what it was because my mom was so abusive as my son was growing up..she called me crazy and said I would be homeless like the psycho lady on streets..for years I fought her but then the police got involved and I noticed I could never make friends..
I cant explain it all..sometimes I hope I’m not writing to NARCS..
I don’t know about frequency but I know about I’m a target of gas lighting which is real and street theater which lead me to gang stalking..or understanding it..
After my mom died and son is with state I have suffered extreme isolation..I can’t buy cars, or land etc..I couldn’t buy a homeless person friend if I wanted..And the cops hate me and the doctor turned his back on me ..just like you said in your last sentence..He wants to lock me up I think..put me on worse meds all that bad stuff..
I’m all Alone..horrid..but every time I comment anywhere if its a Christian site on You Tube or TI site I found recently..I get harassed.. somebody writes stuff like”lol ya nobody cares about you and your fake story”. It is NOT fake and I am very scared..
I keep writing never knowing 8f its police or police site..that’s who orchestrates the street theatre has to be at a high level like doctor/Big Pharmacy but Police carry out street teatre and gangstalking..There is no other people who could spread the Lies about Me like this them..They were involved in my life all the time..but not much before my son was mom wanted me destroyed in the end..Anyway thanks for video..Hope you aren’t the Law Enforcement..First video I found..I looked up some more channels..But I do know who that FBI agent is..He talks but he never spills very much …Some..but I think he holds back..I’ll check your other videos out.Thanks..I hope!

Ann Miller
1 year ago
You know they put people in your life to fuck it up. Some of those people dont even realize they are put in that position to fuck that persons life up. Meeting people that end up bring negativity into your life is not a accident. They are put in your path. They help with the control. They end up being narcissis. They want to isolate you from your friends. Make you hate yourself more then you already do. Make you feel bad for who you are or for trying to help others. Making you feel you do to much for others and not enough for them. They slander you, judge you, put you down to help with your mental instability Call you crazy. Do things like take your phone watch you look for it for hours or days go through it. Contact people on it pretending to be you. They tell you your a bad person when your not and they are. I know and When i was seeing this guy if I googled him I could find all sorts of info on him. Now when i google him, Its like he never existed. Makes you thing was that hole year 1/2 just all in my head. Being beaten. How do they disappear? Have all that info wiped from the internet?

Deepfake video Rob T.I. gangstalking
2 years ago
Love this video man very informative

Goerge Clinton
2 years ago
I was 15 year in 2005 and i kept having small incidents with the police i never was gang member or even had in any form problem with cops and in 2005 like four incidents that happen very minor but i realized those incidents was being staged to put me in the current i am in now and thats over 15 years ago and almost seems like the police knew i would walk into these situations

denny Barton
3 years ago
I’ll try to explain that to the next freak that is sitting on my property in a red vehicle ( my property is posted by the way ) and even if I can get them to function on a human beings level of logic and actually talk to me without driving away ignoring the fact that I’m a few feet away asking what are you doing, I’ll ask him what is the definition is of a targeted individual

3 years ago
Hi, I’m new to figuring out that I am a targeted individual. I can’t trust my family because of their backgrounds and I live in a densely-populated military town and I don’t know who to reach out to or how to talk about this without being ostracized or ridiculed, which has already happened. Anyone who has resources for me and others like me, please post or dm.

T.I. Wayne
3 years ago
My situation is very much aligned with the info you shared in this video. Over the past few years I’ve lost absolutely everything. And currently I feel like they have complete control of my (sane) mind. They even led me to my current job where my coworkers are perps.
I would like to Share an experience that I haven’t heard from other TIs. And it is in regards to changes with my eyesight and things I’m seeing. I wear corrective lenses and when I look at certain directions to a light source I can see some strange things that are not natural. They look like round prisms…. they vary in color, both warm, and cool colors. And within these prisms there is activity. It looks like a circuit board or an intricate maze. And within that I can see tiny translucent circular things floating much like falling snow. I think this is some sort of result of light reflecting off my eyes and my glasses somehow but I don’t know. I can see these things at any time and I first noticed them about a year ago or more. Anyone else have this experience? Much love to all.

Zersetzt in Germany
3 years ago
Michael Barden, did you post this article?

By the by, do you use a stereo microphone? If so, I think I get more volume on the right channel.

Andrea H
2 years ago
These drone stars are intense I don’t know any way to mitigate it for relief.
You can actually see the energy in my weighted blanket video.

K Jones
2 years ago (edited)
I am being harrassed and non consentially researched on. My mind and my heart are being researched. I worked for Abbott Northwest Hospital/Allina in Minnesota and lived at Midtown Exchange Apartments. I now live in Oregon. I’m concerned I am going to die from a heart attack or be kidnapped. If something happens to me or I die from a heart attack, you know why. I wish they would just leave me alone.

Walter George
1 year ago (edited)
There was a test in the 6th grade that everyone had to go into the Cafeteria to take, the year was. 1973 I scored higher than most and then the troubles began

Woodie Edsel
2 years ago
I was 19 . Old employer told me they let you out on good behavior but we’ll see about that. I asked the wife and she said he needs to shut his mouth. It’s been 20+ years. Another employer says the horse industry doesn’t want to miss this technology

2 years ago
Thank you for the explanation.

Kathy Marghin
3 years ago
Very well put, THANKYOU

James Latimer
1 year ago
I have been through the same crap you are going through Mike for some strange reason you don’t talk to anyone who’s going through the same ATTACKS

denny Barton
3 years ago
They play that gun game with me , once a woman standing next to me got hit in the arm and that was totally covered up by the cops and the hospital

Mechelle H
3 years ago
Thank you for sharing
God bless

James Latimer
3 years ago
When I was young they made me have Accidents cars and at work they broke my back in an industrial ACCIDENT at work and the compensation was just peenuts and hospital never told me that my back was broken along with my hips and damaged neck and I went through the windscreen of a car doing head knee and chest damage I tried to claim dissabilty and they turned me DOWN and said we are sorry we can’t give you NOTHING I had to go back to work for 17 years with broken EVERYTHING good luck takecare bro and I think bill is REAL but just parra you have to understand what bill is going THROUGH Mike, I am the same they make us parra and ATTACK each other god bless bill if your watching you take car as well love from a t,i, in Old Blighty ,UK

Kimberly Paul
2 years ago
A life insurance policy was put on me….by someone whom shouldn’t have been able to

Empowered PPBUK
3 years ago
Hi Micheal. Please could you provide a link to the article.

Michael Barden

Ashanafi Pal
1 year ago
How come I can’t access or read the comments from this fantastic clip?

James Latimer
3 years ago
They have the technology and like to use it ,,

Michael Barden
3 years ago
I don’t know how many people watching this know what gun fire sounds like. If you want to know, start listening at 7:08 of the video. That’s what it sounds like.

Amie D
3 years ago
I was targeted on FB by 2 pima county sheriffs. It’s not cool.

Victim Of Harassment
2 years ago
Thanks for sharing

Grace Grace
2 years ago
Oh yeah my ex husband father was a politician.

MGT0W Targeted.1. Agent
2 years ago
also is it wise if you know how and who set you up reveal the info to a civil righs lawyer cause i know my web of people and how its connected?

Goerge Clinton
2 years ago
At no time ever care about being no leader i placed into this program as a child by those with pure ambition for themselves and concern for my feelings and i hope they reep death and destruction for it i swear…..

Indika W
2 years ago
I’m shaking right now, I don’t want to comment about too much but I saw you on TIk Tok and went to =your website and now I’m here. IS there a way to talk to you privately?

Kathy Holly
2 years ago
After I realized I was targeted I found out my targeting started as a child because I accidently ffigured ou that tthe guy who lived across the street from me growing up is the one doing my targeting! I have no idea why but I realized my father was a target as well! This is Crazy Shit!

Jason DeLappe
2 years ago
I was targeted from birth. I’ve been told many things and shown the nwo. Thru v2k and videos. I also destroyed the us flag

James Latimer
1 year ago
Last week they blew up my new TV 😣 and they think it’s funny

3 years ago
Hi! What do you think about them using airplane there’s one following me everywhere i go. What a waste of taxpayers money following me.

Nataniel Guerra
3 years ago

K Jones
2 years ago
Michael is there anyone who can help ?

Che Was
2 years ago
Google” U.S Embassy Havana Cuba Sonic . cbs reported was openly admitted about technology

Ruhl O’Flaw
1 year ago
Strange 🎞️

Goerge Clinton
2 years ago
I never believe you on it happening to you since a child i thought you was crazy i agree with you now

3 years ago
This is beyond fucked up!!!

Nataniel Guerra
3 years ago
Want i can do to stop this?

Dona1d Trump
2 years ago

James Latimer
3 years ago
Transfer of consciousness look it up and wake from are sleep ,, !

Blake Shroyer
3 years ago
They can patsy on deeze.

Rauckz McCarron
3 years ago

Goerge Clinton
2 years ago
In 2015 i kept on seeing Nelson Mandela come up on my youtube and gosh i wish death and distruction on anyone whether family or stranger who chose this for my life

2 years ago