Georgetown Univ. Prof./DARPA Consultant, James Giordano, on Electromagnetic Field to Induce Mental Illness, Thoughts and Ideas

Karen Kingston On “Neuro-weaponologist” Dr. James Giordano (Part 1)

Karen Kingston Plays Video of Prof James Giordano, Georgetown Univ, Chief of Neuroethics Program Discussing How to Hijack Leaders and Create Nanotech Cloud to Create Epidemic Strokes (Part 1)

5 hours ago
Sounds like she could be describing a form of Morgellons Disease. Some sources say it can be in conjunction with a tick bite and/or Lyme Disease – another condition believed to be lab-created. I did not get the jab, but the week that 5G was turned on, I was so dizzy I could hardly stand. The dizziness was in the back of my head (cerebellum?). I’ve never experience dizziness there before. I got Faraday fabric to drape over my bed at night and wear as a lining in my hats. Haven’t had a problem with dizziness since. I also take NAC to deal with possible blood clots, but Durbin is trying to get it banned or only available by Rx. Lord, these people need to be stopped before they destroy everyone and everything.

2 days ago
Jesus said except those days are shortened, no flesh shall be saved, but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened. Matthew 24:22-24

Karen Kingston on “Neuro-weaponologist” Dr. James Giordano (Part 2)

Georgetown Univ. Prof. on Electromagnetic Field to Induce Mental Illness, Thoughts and Ideas