Confessions of a High-Level Perp: Dr. James Giordano – Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroscience and Neuroweapons (2017 youtube lecture, my transcription and notes, and pdf)

Transcribed and Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom (ETK), Emeritus Professor of Geography, July, 2018

Epigraph Quote From Comments to Lecture:

Terry M
2 years ago
All of the technology spoken about is already in full force and has been for quite sometime. There are the group of hard targets, mostly your everyday normal citizens and mostly good upstanding individuals; they know exactly what is going on as they have been forced to figure out why their lives are falling apart. Then there is everyone else being emotionally manipulated and passified to the point that they can no longer recognize the reality staring them in the face. People have no idea that their thoughts and beliefs are being silently affected. How could they? You? You find out when the perpetrators want you to. The only ethically viable use for these technologies would be to use them to convince the narcissistic elite that they don’t need to own and control every thing and every person to find fulfillment in life.
And to those brilliant scientists developing this shit; you are building your own cages. Fortunately for you, you’ll be so programmed that you won’t even realize you are in one. Bye, bye to freewill.

Dr. James Giordano: Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities and Risks of Neuroweapons | CGSR Seminar (August 29, 2017)

(*See comments below:)

Quote From the Following Lecture by Dr. James Giordano:

Some think that the last sanctified space is that of… consciousness. And you are using this stuff to invade that? You’re right. There is an ethical argument there. Is this more or less harmful than other means of information extraction?

(ETK Comment: Here, Giordano compares neuroscience-techniques to other forms “enhanced interrogation” (i.e, torture methods outlined in the CIA’s KUBARK torture manual). In effect, he is arguing that torture of civilians is permissible and that neurotech may “uphold a higher moral standard” than other forms of torture.)

We need to debate this. This forces us to set parameters and limits. We ask: Can we use this? The answer is yes. Also, we ask: should we use this? If the answer appears to be yes, then the far more important question is really how, when and under what circumstances?

Is it possible to use these techniques for information acquisition? The short answer is yes. The long answer is how, when, why…. There’s not a necessarily a definitive answer.

(ETK Comment: Here, Giordano refers to neurotech as IW, Information Warfare, which involves the removal of information from a brain and/or the insertion of false information into that brain. The Soviets were doing this back in the 1980s.

And here, Giordano, self-professed “neuro-ethicist,” momentarily poses and then immediately dismisses the question of whether it is OK for government to invade the “last sanctified space,” “that of consciousness.”)

Dr. James Giordano Brief Bio: Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington D.C., Chief of Neuroethics Studies Program and Co-Director, O’Neil Pelligrino Center of Brain Science, has served on Joint Staff of the Pentagon, and is Head of the European Union Human Brain Project

Related articles and book:

1) Dr. James Giordano: Brain Science and Neuroweapons

2) Neurotechnology in National Security and Defense: Technical Capabilities, Ethical Considerations

3) Giordano’s book: “Neurotechnology in National Security and Defense: Practical Considerations, Neuroethical Concerns”

Epigraph Quotes

“Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, “I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.”

Zbigniew Brezinski, “Between Two Ages: Americas Role in the Technetronic Era” (1972)

“This potential for manipulation of behavior and intellectual functioning through manipulation of the brain (which Brezinski predicted) has now been realized some 40 years later…..

The brain is the next battlespace…. We are targeting the brain…. Like (in) any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed, with this level of integrity and this level of momentum, is real.

We are tracking neurological or brain signatures of key targeted individuals that are thought to represent whole groups. If I understand how his or her brain works and do this on a broad enough scale, I can develop patterns and I can use this in ways that informs my intelligence; this force multiplies and synergizes my human intelligence (HUMINT), my signals intelligence (SIGINT), and my communications intelligence (COMINT). NEURINT (Neuro intelligence) coupled with assessment and access gives me these capabilities.

I can utilize neuro-pharmacologics and various forms of brain stimulation to extract information from key intelligence targets.”

Dr. James Giordano, from this lecture

Introductory Comments and Summary by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom (hereafter, ETK):

Dr. Giordano has served as Senior Science Advisory Fellow of the Strategic Multilayer Assessment Branch of the Joint Staff of the Pentagon and as an appointed member of the Neuroethics, Legal and Social Issues (NELSI) Advisory Panel of the Defense Advanced Research Projects’ Agency (DARPA). Thus, he is a key consulting expert for the military/intelligence/National Security/academic sector of the U.S. government. In my opinion, this lecture accurately describes the main reasons why governments of the world are conducting organized stalking/electronic torture/mind control operations. (I have dubbed these programs, GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTAPO, for Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups Electronic Surveillance, Slavery, Targeting, Tracking, Torture, Terrorism, Tyranny and Psychological Operations.

From the point of view of (the millions? of) TIs who are now being extra-legally utilized as non-consensual human experimentees in these programs, this lecture is especially important because the speaker describes the goals, methods, and underlying philosophy of these programs. Please note that Giordano frequently refers to the “targets” of these neuroscience/technology experiments and programs and occasionally refer to “targeted individuals” or “TIs,” specifically. Also, note that while he gives lip service to ethical considerations, he does not mention that the lives of millions of TIs worldwide are now being destroyed via deliberate defamation; incapacitation; financial ruin; harassment protocols; electronic monitoring, manipulation and torture; incarceration; suiciding; and even murder, in these programs. He doesn’t mention that these programs constitute “terminal experiments” that usually result in the premature deaths of TIs. Apparently, he and his colleagues consider TIs as “collateral damage” and regard their suffering and destruction as an “allowable cost” for the development of neuroscience programs and technologies that fulfill National Defense, Intelligence, and National Security agendas.

Read between the lines of Giordano’s statement: “We are trying to balance the relative goods of scientific advancement with the relative burdens, risks, and harms and potential areas of dual-use that could be employed and how those affect National Security and Defense.” Based on this statement, we can infer that the cost/benefit analysis of “good vs. burdens, risks, and harms” is considered only in terms of “how these affect National Security and Defense agendas.” In this case, the stripping of “TIs” civil liberties and their acute suffering and premature deaths are not factored into the cost/benefit calculus at all.

Here are my main conclusions from Dr. Giordano’s lecture:

A) Many TIs long ago concluded that they have been involuntarily enrolled as guinea pigs in various weapons-testing, MKULTRA-style mind control and enhanced interrogation (torture), and citizen-“neutralization” programs that build upon the FBI’s COINTELPRO, the CIA’s MKULTRA, KUBARK torture manual, and Phoenix Program, and the East German Stasi’s Zerzetsung civilian torture program, etc., of previous decades. This lecture proves this speculation to be correct.

B) While Dr. Giordano’s arrogant style may be off-putting, especially to TIs, he does us a favor by defining the context and “scientific parameters” of our targeting as he explains the origins and goals of the non-consensual neuroscience programs in which we are enrolled. Here, he names the people and institutions that are guilty of these “crimes against humanity.” Certainly, he is among them.

C) Although Giordano voices concern about “risks to society,” he and his colleagues obviously disregard the risks to individuals’ rights and wellbeing, particularly those of TIs, incurred by these neuro-programs. He also fails to observe that the secret, unilateral, and extra-legal rescinding of American citizens’ Constitutional rights constitutes high treason against the U.S. Constitution and the American people.

D) Thus, any lip-service Giordano gives to ethics and ethical standards as related to these programs is a sick joke indeed. When innocent civilians are systematically defamed, electronically tortured, destroyed, and killed/suicided/institutionalized by their government and cooperating agents, as is currently occurring worldwide in GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTAPO, the perpetrators of these crimes are guilty of high treason and of criminal felonies up to and including first degree murder. Based on the U.S. Constitution Article 14, Section 3, abrogating citizens’ Constitutional rights constitutes treason. And as per 18 U.S. Code 2381, the punishment for treason is death or imprisonment (5+ years) and being fined $10,000+ (Gang Stalking is Treason).

E) TI’s: Here is the true face of your enemy. Clearly, Giordano and his ilk are psychopaths. This is the banality of evil. Your government has covertly, silently stolen your humanity, your God-given rights to “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness,” and has secretly enrolled you in a program in which you are now a mere lab rat whose function is to provide statistical data for Giordano’s (and DOD, NSA, CIA, and DARPA and other contracting agencies’) computer models. You have no legal recourse because the American Republic has already terminally failed.

F) All TIs (targeted individuals) should watch this lecture because it clarifies what is happening to us and helps explain why we can’t get any relief or help from our governments. As Giordano makes clear, this multiple billion dollar program is supported by the highest levels of government, military, intelligence, the corporate sector, and academia.

The following points from the lecture are salient to the understanding of the global stalking and neuro-targeting program:

1) Big data bases (“Big Data”), such as accomplished by the NSA’s metadata collection operations, are a key component used for mapping patterns of individual brains and groups of brains.

2) Using neuroscience and technology in combination with “Big Data,” “we” (Giordano’s term) can affect the way humans think, feel and act. “We” can use this power to achieve “national defense” and “intelligence” agendas and to advance “our” ideologies and interests.

3) “We” can use the technologies of neuroscience as “soft weapons” and “hard weapons” to defeat, incapacitate, destroy, and kill individuals and groups.

4) Neuroscience and technologies are useful in the development of military PSYOPS (psychological operations) and Military Information Support Operations (MISO).

5) “Hard” neurotech weapons include drugs, chemical agents, biologicals (microbes and toxins), neuro-tech devices, and hybrid “cyborg” systems/”biological drones.”

6) Neuroscince captures $175 billion of annual market space.

7) To target the brain, we need to acquire viable targets and in doing so, try to reduce “collateral damage.”

(ETK note: “Targets” here are synonymous with “targeted individuals” (TIs) and non-consensual human experimentees.)

8) Neuroscience/technology research is currently like a superhighway or superspeedway and, according to Giordana:

“Like (in) any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed, with this level of integrity and this level of momentum, is real.”

(Here, Giordana is apparently referring to the morbidity and mortality of experimental brain subjects, the “targeted individuals”).

9) “Assessment” technologies used to acquire “viable targets” and “avoid collateral damage” include:

a) neuro-imaging techniques, including computerized tomography, single-photon emission tomography, a highly specific electromagnetic (EM) pulsed signal to image brain areas and “tracks” (communicating networks and nodes within the brain),
b) neuro-physiological recordings such as electro-encephalograms (EEGs) in combination with quantitative techniques,
c) use of neurogenomics and genetics; neurogenetic profiles of individuals and groups,
d) neuroproteomics (biomarkers), and
e) neuro-cyber informatics- with computer applications is useful in manipulating what kinds of information are delivered to the brain.

(ETK note: Here, Giordano is apparently referring to Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation (RMN), among other techniques used in so-called IW, or Information Warfare).

10) Neuroscience/technology “Intervention” techniques include: a) cyber-linked neurocog manipulation (also presumably including “Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation”), b) novel Pharmaceuticals, c) neuro-microbiologicals, d) organic neurotoxins, and e) neurotechnologicals.

11) Neuroscience today is an “integrative” (interdisciplinary) science involving cyberscience/technology, Anthro-social sciences, Natural sciences, Biotechnology, Nanoscience/technology and has important applications in the fields of National Defense, Intelligence, and National Security.

12) The goal is to produce neuroscience applications and technologies that are scalable, customizable, accessible, sharable, and secure, so they can be deployed by multiple (anonymous or non-anonymous) “user-groups” that include state as well as non-state actors.

(ETK note: Perhaps this means that these programs and tools are being deployed by various government and private groups now engaging in organized stalking/electronic torture/mind control operations. Giordano has provided the rational, tools, and modus operandi of “GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTAPO”)

13) Intelligence operators are harnessed to brain-machine interfacing systems so as to allow an increased capability through reciprocal dynamic robotics such that they can learn from each other and thereby improve performance.

(ETK note: Here, Giordana is apparently referring to CIA/DIA “hive mind teams” (the so-called “clones”) and Special Operations Groups personnel who utilize brain-to-computer and brain-to-brain technologies to continually monitor the brain states of TIs, as per the ‘Bryan Tew Hypothesis’ described on this website).

14) fmi/MEG (Magnetoencephalography) is used for brain recording applications.

15) Neuro-pharmacologics (drugs) are used for “affiliative enhancement” (ETK note: to make people more or less loyal to particular groups?).

16) (Remote) brain stimulation is used for cognitive stimulation. (I.e., again, this describes Remote Neural Manipulation (RNM)?)

17) Bio-tracking through brain “brain signatures” is accomplished. (Continual surveillance and tracking is a fundamental aspect of any TI’s targeting.)

18) Key targets that are tracked through their brain signatures are selected because they are thought to represent whole groups, and the resulting data, presumably representative of whole groups, is used to construct “neural narratives.” Data are “normalized” and fed back into “Big Data” computers. (ETK: This is also described in the Tew Hypothesis.)

19) TITAN (Tiered-integrated Tracking and Access Networks) utilizes biologically-implantable chips to track key individuals and provide information about the way brains work to create narratives and behaviors.

20) “We” (Giordano, DARPA, DOD, other neuroscientists etc.) put an individual’s “biometric data” into data bases.

21) Bio-sensors indwelling within targets can be uploaded (and read) remotely, yielding telemetrized information. This technology applies to RFID chips and the monitoring of key biological variables used in health-information data bases which can also be used for population monitoring, tracking and identification, etc.

22) These neuroscience/technologies increase military/intelligence “Human Intelligence” (HUMINT), “Signals Intelligence” (SIGINT), “Communications Intelligence” (COMINT), and “Neural Intelligence” (NEURINT) capabilities.

23) Neuroscience/technologies used to improve intelligence operators and warfighters’ (so-called “super-soldiers”) cognitive skills, emotional capabilities, and certain behaviors and actions include:

a) advanced neuro-pharmacological agents (drugs),
b) computational brain-machine interfaces,
c) closed-loop brain stimulation approaches (implants and transcranial and magnetic electrical stimulation), and
d) neuro-sensory augmentation devices, or bioengineering, to increase visual acumen to create cochlear and auditory implants- i.e., “eagle eye” or “bat’s ear.”

24) “Weaponizable neuroscience technologies” allow us to:

a) assess, predict and control particular cognitions, emotions, and behavior of adversaries,
b) mitigate aggression and foster cognitions, emotions and/or behaviors of affiliation or passivity in enemies,
c) induce morbidity, disability, or suffering and thus, “neutralize” enemies and/or potential opponents, or
d) induce mortality, that is, kill adversaries.

25) Nonlethal Weapons are now being used on an international scale.

26) In-close pharmaceuticals and organic neurotoxins (“weapons of mass disruption”) can deliver specific effects to individuals, altering cognition, emotionality, leadership potential, and behavior. These create social disruption on various scales, from the individual to the group to larger population.

27) Ultra-low dose/high specific agents are useful for targeting diplomatic/local culture “hearts and minds.”

28) High morbidity neuro-microbiological agents are deployed to make people sick.

29) These weapons are used to target key individuals in various, different communities to produce statistical information useful in creating short- and long-war effects. “In a long-war scenario, I can reduce productivity and health of individuals, communities, and nations.”

30) Neuro-microbials with high neuro-psychiatric symptom clusters produce public panic/public health disintegrative effects.

31) Gene-edited microbiologicals have novel morbidity/mortality profiles.

32) Nano-neuroparticulate agents so small they go through brain-blood barriers are used to create a hemorrhage disposition in the brain, and thus, strokes. (ETK comment: Is this how Dr. Paul Marko was killed by a blood-clot in the brain- i.e., stroke?)

33) High CNS aggregation lead/carbon-silicate nanofibers are network disrupters. (ETK note: Here, is he referring to Morgellons Disease?).

34) Neurovascular hemorrhagic agents (for in-close and population use as “stroke epidemic” induction agents) are highly disruptive.

35) In combat operations, neuroweapon devices are highly evolving.

36) Neurosensory immobilizing agents include high-output sensory stimulators which can be administered by UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), drones, or insect borne, or by large vehicles such as cars or tanks. Sensory mobilizing agents use high electromagnetic pulse energy that may also use high levels of sound and light energy to disrupt neurosensory functions. These are being used.

37) Trans- and intracranial pulse stimulators use direct electromagnetic pulses to disrupt the network aggregation-network properties of the brain and create confusion. These are both individual and group disruptors. These neural network “confusion generators” can be hand held or delivered by UAV, drone, and insects.

38) In “Information War,” military/intelligence/National Security Forces deploy “neuro-Ops”, or altered reality tactics, that are also used in regular warfare. Transcranial mechanisms are used to disrupt people’s sense of time and place.

(ETK comment: Actually, the CIA and DOD had operationalized EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory) and RHIC (Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control) by 1962.)

39) Cortically-coupled neural temporal function alteration is accomplished by “time warpers”, another form of “Information Warfare.”

40) Pharmacologic neurostimulation is used to induce cognitive-emotional disruption, another form of “Information Warfare.”

41) Cyborgs are used in mixed Intell-Combat Ops/Information Warfare. Neuro-modified “cyborg” systems include the DARPA “Beetle” and the Dragon flEYE.

42) “There are now dedicated efforts by numerous states that are keenly investing in the development of these neuroscience technologies. Similar efforts are also being developed by independent actors, venture-capital funded individuals, and businesses that have an interest in developing these technologies to change the balance of power.”

43) “Thus, we need to identify risk scenarios that evolve from specified events, craft strategies for preemption, preparation, response, and amelioration, examine (setting, exploring, and exploiting) conditions at the operational level, across all elements, and the physical, cognitive and informational domains, create strategies that are relevant, durable, and can be targeted for demographics and psychographics in the face of severe culture impacts, and identify/plan a robust framework to remain effective and adaptive- and ethically sensitive and responsive- to a changing environment as risks to society co-evolve.”

And finally, we have Dr. James Giordano extols the uses of these neuro technologies for “intelligence acquisition,” arguing that they “uphold a higher moral conduct in the face of various forms of intelligence operations” (that is, other means of information extraction/enhanced interrogation/torture”). Dr. Giordano then gives lip service to and then more or less dismisses the neuro-ethical arguments.

44) “I can also use this for intelligence acquisition in different ways. I can utilize neuro-pharmacologics and various forms of brain stimulation to be able to extract information from key intelligence targets in ways that are far less deleterious and/or harmful to said targets and thus, uphold a higher moral conduct in the face of various forms of intelligence operations.

This is not without argument. Some think that the last sanctified space is that of my consciousness. And you are using this stuff to invade that? You’re right. There is an ethical argument there. Is this more or less harmful than other means of information extraction?

(ETK: Here, Giordano indirectly refers to “enhanced interrogation” (that is, torture) methods outlined in the CIA’s KUBARK torture manual. In effect, he is arguing that torture of civilians is permissible and that neurotech may “uphold a higher moral standard than other forms of torture.)

We need to debate this. This forces us to set parameters and limits. We ask: Can we use this? The answer is yes. Also, we ask: should we use this? If the answer appears to be yes, then the far more important question is really how, when and under what circumstances?

Is it possible to use these techniques for information acquisition? The short answer is yes. The long answer is how, when, why…. There’s not a necessarily a definitive answer.

(ETK: Here, Giordano is referring to IW, Information Warfare, which involves the removal of information from a brain and/or the insertion of false information into that brain. The Soviets were doing this back in the 1980s.)

TRANSCRIPTION/SUMMARY/ABSTRACT OF LECTURE (“Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons” | CGSR Seminar by Dr. James Giordano presented at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (8/29/2017) as Transcribed by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom:

Dr. James Giordano: “I never lose my professorial demeanor…..

Neuroscience puts the brain at our fingertips. Look at the power of the brain sciences.

Through the iterative use of big data bases we can create large scale maps, atlases and patterns of individual brains and groups of brains and use these things comparatively and normatively.

This creates an opportunity to affect the way humans think, feel, and act in a variety of levels. We can exert certain levels of intellectual assessment, knowledge acquisition and control, from local to global scales. We can use that information to physically affect the brain through these techniques and tools in ways that are important and highly leveragible within national defense and intelligence agendas. We can use these techniques now to advance our ideology and our interests. So this science extends from the synaptic to the social; from the individual to the global. This is all very real and realizable.

Definition: Weapon- 1) a means of contending against another, 2) something used to injure, defeat, and destroy another (potential enemy). And can be used to induce mortality (kill).

Two types of weapons: The brain sciences are weaponizable as both 1) “soft” and 2) “hard” weapons. “Soft” brain weapons can be used to gain economic leverage(s), national security/intelligence, and the use of the neurosciences to help develop PSYOPS/MISO (psychological operations/Military Information Support Operations).

“Hard” brain weapons include physical influence/deterrence tools. These include chemicals; drugs and other chemical agents; biologicals, including microbes and toxins, and devices such as neuro-technology, hybrid “cyborg” systems, or “biological drones”).

Neuroscience captures $175 billion dollars annual market space.

We are targeting the brain. And we (I) need to recon my target area well in order to: 1) acquire viable targets and 2) avoid collateral damage.

To do this efficiently, we can use a number of:

Assessment Technologies:

1) Neuro-imaging techniques include (older): computerized tomography, single-photon emission tomography, and (newer) a highly specific EM (electromagnetic) pulse signal to image brain areas and to image “tracks” (communicating networks and nodes within the brain) in a directional way in rapid time, and
2) Neuro-physiological recordings such as electro-encepholography (EEGs) in combination with quantitative techniques.
3) Neurogenomics and genetics, that is, looking at genetic profiles of individuals and groups to see what genes are coding for certain structures and functions of the brain.
4) Neuroproteomics and other forms of bio-markers.
5) Neuro-cyber informatics

All these forms of assessments can be harnessed to a BIG DATA approach that allow me to make both comparative and normative indices not only within an individual but between individuals, and not only between individuals, but within and between groups. These assessment technologies are facilitated and fortified by the use of “BIG DATA” (ETK note: = NSA “meta-data”?) which is a “force multiplier” in neuro-science and neuro-weaponology.

The process is “recon,” evaluation, and assessment. So how can we translate this knowledge into producing some viable effects? Now we need to look at Interventional Techniques.

Do not ignore cyber (computers) because power comes from knowledge and information. And if I understand how a brain works and how neuro-cognitive mechanisms are operative in the various impressions we then gain in our thoughts and emotions that may ultimately feed into behaviors, I can manipulate the type of information and its delivery so as to be able to influence brain state.

This is part of the incentive and underlying rational and methods that were employed in the DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) program called “Narrative Networks” that was led by a colleague of mine, Dr. William Casebeer. The more we understand about how a brain works, the more we can utilize said information to develop key narratives of psychological and MISO operations that are then viable to influence individual and group brains. We’ve done this for a long time. This is also known as “neuro-marketing.”

We’ve been putting out a series of reports (SMA) through the Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment Group (SMAG) headed by Doc Cabayan at the Pentagon that looks at this, “the neuro-cognitive dynamics of deterrence.”

We are looking basically at “drugs, bugs, toxins, and devices.” Each of these are being improved constantly. I recently met with a group that is working in nano-pharmacology research group, the idea of harnessing nano-science to target key brain sites and networks that are thought to be functional in certain of our thoughts and behaviors. Genetic modification of microrobes is used in this. We can also develop new forms of neuro-toxins.

Interventional Technologies

-Cyber-linked neurocog manipulation
-Novel Pharmaceuticals
-Organic Neurotoxins

Integrative Scientific Convergence (ISC) in Neuroscience Conjoins:

-Anthro-social sciences
-Natural sciences

These are all drawn into focus upon assessment, access, and targeting of the neural structure and cognitive, emotional and behavioral functions:

-of Individuals
-of Groups

I.e., these are interdisciplinary efforts that produce integrative models. In National Security, Intelligence, and Defense agendas, more and more, this type of convergent (interdisciplinary) approach is being harnessed in assessment, accessing and targeting, to be able to get rapid insights into individuals and groups.

Large-scale Data Banking and Data Utilization (BIG DATA) is used as a Force Multiplier. (ETK: Thereby, accounting for current NSC activities, the huge Utah Data Center (UDC), etc.). These help multiple-tier integration, multi-modal, multi-level, real-time access requirements. We can use these large scale data integrators to pull information about him and her and him in a comparative and normative way and in a way that allows us to develop various tools to better access him and her and him and youse (that’s my New York accent, for you).

ISC-Big Data Validity-Reliability Issues

-Large volume data banks
-Individual, cohort, and population data tiers
-Intra- and inter-tier integration potential
-Longitudinal input requirements
-Rapid (real-time) access requirement

– Must be: scalable, customizable, accessible, sharable, secure (deal with stackability-hackability issues)

Thus, this (technology/operation) has to be:

1) scalable (it is),
2) customizable (we’re still working on that),
3) accessible (because multiple user groups, share holders and stake holders have to be able to use it), and
4) sharable (a long-standing problem concerning other DARPA programs, etc.).

(ETK note: when Giordana refers to “multiple-user groups,” he is apparently referring to military and intelligence versions of organized stalking/electronic harassment/mind control which are “farmed out” to DHS, FBI, private, corporate, police, neighborhood stalking/electronic torture cohorts, cults, religious groups, etc.)

We want to be able to anonymize or de-anonymize these data. You want these things to be secure. (ETK note: I.e., secret.) .
The nature of these systems is that you have to stack different types of data platforms and use platforms. The adage is: “If something is stackable, it’s hackable.” We certainly recognize the vulnerability of neuro-science and these tools.

The brain is the next battlescape. This is a reality we must face. It is a very usable domain of the brain sciences. Dual use is important here. Battlescape applications of neuroscience are our focus here.

In 2008 in the US, a convening group of the National Academies of Sciences (NAS) created a task force that reported that the weaponization of neurosciences is not yet viable.

(ETK note: Certainly, this statement is false, as many TIs report that their stalking/torture began in the 1980’s or 1990’s. Examples include Dr. Rauni Kilde (“Bright Light on Black Shadows,” Gloria Naylor (“1996”), and Kay Griggs’s 1998 interview (Kay Griggs (Ex-Military Wife) Interviews: U.S. Military Is a Mind-Control Operation Run by Sexual Deviants (homo, bisexuals, pedophiles))

In Europe, the Nutfield Council of Bioethics said we are getting very close to weaponizing the brain sciences and in a year it would be ready for use.

In 2014, the NAS reconvened and made the announcement that the brain sciences are now ready and are currently being used in such endeavors in the US and worldwide. So we are moving into the operational space. I.e., it is being used. (ETK: Here is one of the many “confessions” included in this lecture.)

Neuroscience/Technology Battlespace Applications In Intelligence/Security/Defense Operations

-A. Intell, Surveillance, and Recon

-Neurint (neuro-cognitive intelligence); our group is involved in this.

– 1) Assessing various neuro-psychosocial factors operative in narratives in individual and group expressions and activities and the cognitions that underscore them.

– 2) Harnessing intelligence operators to brain-machine interfacing systems so as to allow an increased capability through reciprocal dynamic robotics, whereby the human operators are doing things quite well and the (robot) systems are doing things certain things quite well and they reciprocally learn from each other. Improvement has been proven in this partnership. (ETK: This is consistent with the Bryan Tew Hypothesis explained on this website.)

– 3) Big Data (NSA “metadata”) is used that pulls the signal from noise and has also been very helpful….

This is now in progress.

– B. Brain Assessment and Access Approaches For Bio-tracking

-fMR/MEG and brain recording applications for DecDet
-Neuro-pharmacologics for affiliative enhancement
-Brain stimulation for cognitive alteration
-Tiered integrated tracking and access networks (TITAN): Utilize indwelling devices for intentional identification and access

We are tracking neurological or brain signatures of key targeted individuals that are thought to represent whole groups. This feeds back into the neural narratives. If I understand how his or her brain works and do this on a broad enough scale, I can develop patterns and I can use this in ways that informs my intelligence; this force multiplies and synergizes my HUMINT (human intelligence), my SIGINT (signals intelligence), and my COMINT (communications intelligence). Neurint coupled with assessment and access gives me these capabilities.

I can also use this for intelligence acquisition in different ways. I can utilize neuro-pharmacologics and various forms of brain stimulation to be able to extract information from key intelligence targets in ways that are far less deleterious and/or harmful to said targets and thus, uphold a higher moral conduct in the face of various forms of intelligence operations.

This is not without argument. Some think that the last sanctified space is that of my consciousness. And you are using this stuff to invade that? You’re right. There is an ethical argument there. Is this more or less harmful than other means of information extraction?

(ETK: Here, Giordano indirectly refers to “enhanced interrogation” (that is, torture) methods outlined in the CIA’s KUBARK torture manual. In effect, he is arguing that torture of civilians is permissible.)

We need to debate this. This forces us to set parameters and limits. We ask: Can we use this? The answer is yes. Also, we ask: should we use this? If the answer appears to be yes, then the far more important question is really how, when and under what circumstances?

Is it possible to use these techniques for information acquisition? The short answer is yes. The long answer is how, when, why…. There’s not a necessarily a definitive answer.

(ETK: Here, Giordano is referring to IW, Information Warfare, which involves the removal of information from a brain and/or the insertion of false information into that brain. The Soviets were doing this back in the 1980s.)

We can also use TITAN (Tiered-integrated Tracking and Access Networks) that utilize biologically-implantable chips to track key individuals in a variety of circumstances and then yoke these to known information about the way brains work to create narratives and behaviors.

(ETK note: Here, Giordana describes important aspects of the organized stalking/electronic torture/mind control system now being globally rolled out against specific targeted individuals.)

And essentially what this does is it adds to “Human Terrain Teaming.” This feeds back to an older idea called “Naked Man Approaching.” In other words, I don’t need to identify you by your uniform, by your clothes. Rather, I can use certain anthropomorphic characteristics, in this case, biological signatures, that is, these indwelling bio-sensors that can upload remotely, yielding telemetrized information, which is quite real. Those working in the area of biosensors, RFIDs, understand the potential power here.

This is a key area for dual-use, because these types of sensors are being developed for populational monitoring of key biological variables that can be then uptaken to health-information data bases. The same kind of thing can be used for other forms of information such as for tracking and identification. We can take a key individual’s set of biological metrics and immediately, in real time, pull them into a large scale data base analytic. We can say who this person is, where this is, where this person has been, and who this person is interacting with. (This) could be very, very useful. This also clearly opens a pandora’s box of potential neuro-ethical, legal, and social issues. Once again, it refers to the context of use and how we define what is good, not only what is right and capable.

We can also utilize neuro-science and technology to augment the capability of potential warfighters, not just intelligence operators. This gets into the area of “supersoldiers” and what we can do in the area of neural-enablement.

Can we target key neurological substrates, change the function of those substrates, and in so doing, improve individuals’ cognitive skills, emotional capabilities, and behaviors and actions? Yes, we can. One of the easiest ways is through advanced neuro-pharmacological agents (drugs). We’ve heard a lot about performance-enhancing drugs and cognitive enhancers. We can also use the below….

Neuroscience/Technology Battlespace Applications For Operators/Warfighters


– Advanced neuro-psychopharmacologics
– Computational brain-machine interfaces
– Closed-loop brain stimulation approaches (implants and transcranial and magnetic and electrical stimulation)
– Neuro-sensory augmentation devices (bioengineering to increase visual acumen to create cochlear and auditory implants- i.e., “eagle eye” or “bat’s ear”)

Weaponizable Neuroscience/Technology

Engages NeuroS/T (neuroscience and technology) as:

– means of “contending against another” to:

– assess, predict and control particular cognitions, emotions, and behavior;
– mitigate aggression and foster cognitions, emotions and/or behaviors of affiliation or passivity;
– incur burdens of morbidity, disability or suffering and in this way “neutralize” potential opponents, or
– induce mortality (kill).

(However) Nonlethal Weapons are now being used on an international scale…. So ethical debates about these are “too little, too late.”

Combat Operations

Novel Nueroweapons (Drugs and Bugs….)

In-close pharmaceuticals and organic neurotoxins (i.e., “weapons of mass disruption” can deliver specific effects to individuals- I can alter their cognition, their emotionality, leadership potential, and behavior. I can create social disruption from the individual, to the group, to the larger population.)

-Ultra-low dose/high specify agents for use in targeting diplomatic/local culture “hearts and minds” scenarios

High morbidity neuro-microbiological agents (I want to make people sick…. I affect key individuals, then I take another community and I affect key individuals there. Then I do what every good attributional (ETK comment: Here, read: “terrorist”) group does: I beat my chest and take credit for it…. I put it over the internet and I say it’s a virus or a bacteria that I’ve infiltrated into your community, it’s a weapon of mass destruction…. I tell you it’s going to produce anxiety, sleeplessness, paranoia. I’ve now just recruited every hypochondriac…. I’ve created a legion of the “worried well”- They flood emergency rooms. I’ve created a schism of trust between the population and the polis. It’s both a short and a long wars effect. I can create particular neuro-biologicals with long term effects, such as with modified city-virus. In a long-war scenario, I can reduce productivity and health (of individuals, communities, and nations)).

(ETK comment: “Create a schism of trust between the population and polis (state).” This has certainly been created in America… perhaps deliberately and deployment of many of these techniques.)

-Neuro-microbials with high neuro-psychiatric symptom clusters for public panic/public health disintegrative effects

-Gene-edited microbiologicals with novel morbidity/mortality profiles

Nano-neuroparticulate agents (I can create nano-science, high C&S aggregation material, that goes through most brain-blood barriers. These create a hemorrhage disposition in the brain, often resulting in a stroke.

(ETK note: Is this what happened to Dr. Paul Marko, who died of a sudden stroke this past year?).

-High CNS aggregation lead/carbon-silicate nanofibers (network disrupters)

-Neurovascular hemorrhagic agents (for in-close and population use as “stroke epidemic” induction agents). Highly disruptive….. this has been entertained by my colleagues in NATO. They are also neural network disruptors.

Combat Operations

Neuroweapons (Devices)- these are highly evolving….

Neurosensory immobilizing agents (some of these have already been used)

-High-output sensory stimulators (can be administered by UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), drones, or insect borne, or by large vehicles; cars, or tanks). These use sensory mobilizing agents that use high electromagnetic pulse energy that may also use high levels of sound and light energy and they disrupt neuro-sensory functions. These are being used.

-Trans- and intra-cranial pulse stimulators- use direct electromagnetic pulses to disrupt the network aggregation- network properties of the brain and create confusional models, so they are both individual and group disruptors.

-Neural network disrupters (“confusion generators”; hand held, UAV, drone, and insect-borne)

IW (Information Warfare)

“Neuro-Ops” Altered Reality Tactics- used in regular warfare…. we use transcranial mechanisms to disrupt people’s sense of time and place.

-Cortically-coupled neural temporal function alteration (“time warpers”).

-Pharmacologic + neurostimulation-induced cognitive-emotional disruption”

We can also use cyborgs:

-Mixed Intell-Combat Ops

-Neuro-modified “cyborg” systems

-DARPA “Beetle”

-Dragon flEYE

The pioneer of cyborg (cybernetic organisms) was Dr. Jose Delgado. These involve remotely-controlled brain interface technologies such as the one he used on a charging bull in Spain to stop its charge. Cyborgs are a combination of biological and technological systems. Will key individuals get certain implants? Yes, I believe they will. Will they also get the benefits of translational neuro-surgery to decrease some of the risks and burdens? Yes. Will this be widely seen as a mechanism of individual and crowd control in the immediate future? No.

(ETK note: Here, the speaker is suggesting that some humans will become “cyborgs” and their enhanced powers will be used to achieve individual and crowd control. However, the public won’t understand what is happening!)

But what is now a reality is the use of neural interfacing and physiological interfacing through the use of remote-controlled, small-scale systems to modify the behavior of non-human animals. On a variety of scales. They include small mammals and insects. The pioneering work was done by DARPA. The DARPA beetle or the DARPA fly and more recently, an independent, non-DARPA-funded commercial enterprise, which calls itself Dragonfly, uses both direct neural stimulation through the use of macro-technology and opti-genetic control of key neuron firing patterns to be able to direct the wing beats, directionality, and motion of a dragonfly. It can carry a very light payload (i.e., toxins, etc.). This uses a solar rechargeable source so it is infinitely powerable. It uses various kinds of electrodes to deliver these neuro-toxins, nano-pharmaceuticals, other chemicals, etc.

This is currently supposed to be only a surveillance device that could be used for public health and to monitor key environmental factors…. It may not be weaponized. It was discussed at the the recent European Union Brain Science meeting.

So we can use neural systems to change minds and hearts….

NeuroS/T in NSID

Access and manipulate neural systems/brain to “win minds and hearts.” What we can do is provocative…. What we should do (and how we should do so) remains an issue.

(ETK note: It is common military practice to speak of existing weapons and technologies in the future tense as future prospects…. Indeed, it is most probable all these systems have been developed, tested, and are being used on an unsuspecting public at this time.)

A growing problem is the public “do-it-yourself” “bio-hacking community.” I’m putting out a warning here. This is a vulnerable community. They may not always be benevolent…. It may have a different ideology than me.

(ETK note: Therefore, this must be destroyed!? Maybe it would be a tremendous boon to humanity if the “do-it-yourself” “bio-hacking” community would consider Dr. James Giordano a “viable target” and respond accordingly? What is so good about Giordano’s ideology? It seems to be that of a mad-scientist-psychopath.)

Key individuals within this community may be tempted to work with other state and non-state actors. There should be an ongoing dialogue between these individuals.

NeuroS/T on World Stage

Global NeuroS/T Economic Predictions 2020

-Asia- predicted 60 to 68% increase in Asian RDTE by 2020
-US/Western Europe
-South America

Signatory treaties don’t always guarantee compliance.

This is being conducted on an international scale.

By 2025, greater than 50% of neuroscience research will be conducted outside the West. Not all philosophies are aligned with our own.

NeuroS/T on World Stage

-“Influence Vector”
-Non-state actors

NeuroS/T in NSID

Relative facility of NeuroS/T

-“off the shelf”
-dedicated efforts
-nations and independent actors

Recognition of viability of use

-variety of applications

Lack of commitment to NeuroS/T RDT does not preclude others’ RDT intitiatives

-May augment it

-Difficulty of global surety

We can pull this stuff right off the shelf…. There are dedicated efforts by a number of states that are keenly investing in the neurosciences to develop these… these efforts are also being developed by independent actors, venture-capital funded individuals, businesses, that have an interest in developing these technologies to change the balance of power.

Neuro-ethical-legal issues

-Unknowns of frontier science/technology
-Capabilities, limitations
-Runaway effects

(ETK paraphrase: “some people may not be as honorable and human as we are”…. ETK note: This is a joke. All ethics have already been thrown out to pursue these technologies of total control of humanity.)


-Inviolability of “mind”/”self”
-Protection vs. privacy
-Mitigation vs. manipulation
-Validity, reliability, admissibility
-Norms, pluralization, diversity

Augustinian maxim: “Jus in bellum/jus ad bello…. Jus contra bellum” (?) (Justification of use to prevent war….But how far do you go?)

This is a science and technology superhighway, a superspeedway. This is a good analogy.

NeuroS/T Superspeedway

-Multiple lanes
-Multiple vehicle
-Rapid pace
-“Race Rules” (though not everybody obeys these)
-Big Prizes

“Like any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed, with this level of integrity and this level of momentum, is real.”

(ETK note: Here, the speaker is apparently referring to the morbidity and mortality of “targeted individuals” that he evidently views as collateral damage and an allowable cost.)

ON RAMP: Operational Neurotechnology Risk Assessment and Management Process

1. Evaluate NeuroS/T capabilities/limitations
2. Evaluate parameters of possible use
3. Asses benefit-risk-harm parameters
4. Frame within contexts of application

“Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, “I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environment and biochemical manipulation of the brain.”

Zbigniew Brezinski, “Between Two Ages: Americas Role in the Technetronic Era” (1972)

This potential for manipulation of behavior and intellectual functioning through manipulation of the brain has now been realized, some 40 years later.

This forces us to evaluate these neuroscience and technologies in terms of their capabilities and limits. Let’s use neuroscience fact.

Navigating and “Winning”


– Identify risk scenarios that evolve from specified events
-Craft strategies for preemption, preparation, response, and amelioration
-Examine (setting, exploring, and exploiting) conditions at the operational level, across all elements, and the physical, cognitive and informational domains
-Create strategies that are relevant, durable, and can be targeted for demographics and psychographics in the face of severe culture impacts
-Identify/plan a robust framework to remain effective and adaptive- and ethically sensitive and responsive- to a changing environment and as risks to society co-evolve.

(ETK note: while the speaker is apparently concerned about “risks to society,” he and his colleagues have obviously completely disregarded the harm being done to individuals’ rights and lives, specifically, those of the TIs. Of course, this repudiates the very basis of American law, the U.S. Constitution and is typical of the “collectivist” mentality of the 5th column groups which have captured the U.S. (i.e., Zionazis/Judeo-Masonic-Satanists), of which Giordano seems to be a member.)

Contingencies and Exigencies

1. Technical rectitude of any/all neuroS/T in NSID (using these technologies in the right way)
2. Situational variables germane to NSID use
3. Evaluation and/or revision of ethical concepts to guide such use
4. Frameworks for establishing/executing ethical engagement

(ETK note: Again, any lip-service given to ethics in the execution of these programs is a monstrous lie and joke. When innocent civilians are systematically defamed, tortured, destroyed, and killed/suicided/institutionalized by their governments and their cooperating agents, as is currently occurring worldwide in GOG’S NeW GESSTTTTTAPO, those entities, in America at least, are guilty of the highest treason against the US Constitution and the American people.)

TASKER (Groups of qualified individuals can be assembled to evaluate these things).


We are trying to balance the relative goods of scientific advancement with the relative burdens, risks, and harms and potential areas of dual-use that could be employed and how those affect National Security and Defense.

We frame C-contingencies….

Are there areas of consent and non-consent that need to be defined?

This is a work in progress. This is a double-sided sword. It can incur harm. This is not crying wolf. The skies is not falling, but it looks like rain. Bring an umbrella.

Neuroscience, Neurotechnology and Neuroethics: With increasing knowledge comes great power…. With great power comes great responsibility. Those working in this field bear this responsibility. Let’s measure twice and cut once. It’s a difficult field.

The future is in our hands.”

ETK Post-Script: The Insanity of Robotics and “Smart Weapons”/Slaughter-Bots/AI; Meet the Present and Near Future (?)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
55.8K subscribers
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) sponsored this talk entitled “Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons” by Dr. James Giordano on June 12, 2017.


The use of sarin gas in Syria and the nerve agent VX to assassinate Kim Jong-nam, and ongoing efforts in brain science by both nations and non-state actors (inclusive of a growing community of do-it-yourself/biohacker scientists) prompt renewed interest in the current and near-term possibilities of developing and employing neuroweapons. Discourse at the most recent meeting of Biological, Toxin, and Weapons Convention (BTWC), and ongoing efforts of a Working Group of the European Union Human Brain Project reinforced the need to more rigorously address research and use of weaponizable brain science.

In this briefing, neuroscientist and neuroethicist Dr. James Giordano of Georgetown University Medical Center discusses how new developments in brain science afford potential utility in military, intelligence and warfare operations, addresses implications of neuroweapons, and details the need for improved identification, surveillance, guidance and governance of brain science that can be used in military and warfare applications, and thus pose defined risk and threat to security interests.

Dr. James Giordano is Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program, and Co-director of the O’Neill-Pellegrino Program in Brain Science and Global Health Law and Policy at the Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC. He is a Senior Researcher and Task Leader of the Working Group on Dual-Use of the EU Human Brain Project, and has served as a Senior Science Advisory Fellow of the Strategic Multilayer Assessment group of the Joint Staff of the Pentagon.

Coming CGSR events:​…

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed here do not represent LLNL or the U.S. government.


Terry M
2 years ago
All of the technology spoken about is already in full force and has been for quite sometime. There are the group of hard targets, mostly your everyday normal citizens and mostly good upstanding individuals; they know exactly what is going on as they have been forced to figure out why their lives are falling apart. Then there is everyone else being emotionally manipulated and passified to the point that they can no longer recognize the reality staring them in the face. People have no idea that their thoughts and beliefs are being silently affected. How could they? You? You find out when the perpetrators want you to. The only ethically viable use for these technologies would be to use them to convince the narcissistic elite that they don’t need to own and control every thing and every person to find fulfillment in life.
And to those brilliant scientists developing this shit; you are building your own cages. Fortunately for you, you’ll be so programmed that you won’t even realize you are in one. Bye, bye to freewill.

Adam Weishaupt
8 months ago
Suddenly the insanity of the past few months becomes a lot clearer.

Mark P
2 years ago
The individuals who have become the targets of these weapons and the cartels who wield them will invariably tell you there are no ethics or guidelines involved whatsoever. They literally have the power to kill you and make it look like illness, suicide or misadventure.

blah deblah
1 year ago (edited)
This guy is scary. Nay, he’s a creep. A Frankenstein. A mobster with a vocabulary. Talks a lot about “power.” Fitting that this video shows up next to the ones about Operation Paperclip.

8 months ago
Who is reading this in 2020??????

Cait Ryan
2 years ago
Surprised so few have watched this. Certainly would like to speak with Dr G. I for one, have seen the “dragonfly” and want to know who sent it “at” me. This experimentation is taking place & Psych wards are hiding the fact by calling the victims of the experiments mentally ill.

Gmn Ken
2 years ago
Google Targeted Individuals This is pure EVIL.

Louis Philip 9
8 months ago
We have allowed the insane to run the asylum !

Rob James
1 year ago (edited)
He sounds like he`s trying to “manufacture consent” at the end. He sells it all very well with the often used “other countries are doing this research so we have to also” The same line that gave them a free pass with MK Ultra.

I would of like to hear the questions and comments. I wonder why they weren`t included. Maybe he was called out?

Rob James
1 year ago (edited)
I wonder who of the Operation Paperclip Nazi doctors and scientists he admires? I bet he knows a lot about them.

Khalid Ejaz
3 months ago
Not many people actually know how deep this is.

Anonymous Cosmonaut
9 months ago
And this is what they’re admitting to….

1 year ago
I was used as a lab rat for their “FUNVAXX”.. it caused brain damage, particularly to the pineal gland. I can’t sleep, have suicidal depression, no motivation, creativity, or a feeling of being able to love the world as I once did, despite a lifetime of trauma and no love from family… I was once a social activist, writer, dancer, and artist, now I can hardly get out of bed. I go through life like a zombie. This is soul murder.. those responsible are going to pay dearly for what they are doing to us.

Ian Szekely
1 year ago
He is speaking in code . Anyone who is a victim of this technology is aware . Those who do this are monster’s who are only after control . Control of a person completely . I DO NOT CONSENT

Vax Not
9 months ago
“Don’t worry, we’re looking at the ethical implications. But other countries may not be a ethical as us, so we need to develop it first, and maybe even test it on them, just to be safe…”

2 years ago
Targets who’ve been targeted against freewill have a right to life without abuse. Because the abuse continues, can you post where targets can send their fee schedules and invoices to be paid, for the illegal and criminal use of their bodies?

Devanshi Trivedi
1 year ago
They used my mind and made me so angry from their abuse that the birds in my area went nuts and I have witnessed this. I am a TI here and after seeing this video I put my mind through 432 HZ sound, knowing this if they are using my frequency as a weapon against me and reading my mind without my consent then I will change my mind’s frequency to 432 HZ, Universal Noise/Sound using binaural waves so I did this and no birds going nuts today in my area.

wayne steven
3 days ago
They cant see, cant understand, refuse to see truth,, we are spirit, with a soul, dwelling in a clay tent, body..

Uski None
1 year ago
Great information
Thanks from a German TI.

3 months ago
I’ve rarely seen a better example of a man speaking many words and saying nothing than in the first 10 minutes of this video. Wow. You managed to take the most fascinating topic on earth and put me to sleep. Should I watch the next hour?

7 months ago
I think Dr. Giordano is apologizing to the victims of the U.S. Embassy “sonic” attacks of late 2016 and, hopefully, to Aaron Alexis, the “Washington Navy Yard shooter” of September 16, 2013 and to his victims. In August, 2013 Mr. Alexis told the authorities that he was hearing voices, that he was being wakened at 4:00 AM every morning and he didn’t know why.

7 months ago

hailey johnson
8 months ago
Covid19 in a nutshell. Hysteria

Kristen Conklin
1 year ago
Thank you Dr Giordano for the push to inform the world of the danger of neuroweapons!

6 months ago
the heart is the brain of spirt.
the brain is the heart of matter.

matter and spirit can not be separated..yin and yang. not as opposites but rather as complicits.

Dj ListenDaT
2 months ago
What if Space force was the last peace they needed to build the 2nd and 3rd waves viruses? 🤔 🤯

9 months ago (edited)
Very close. Ha… they were experimenting on me with the crap in 2002. Just so you know I was a nuclear engineer radiation control specialist. Trained to search and find annomalies. When they are happening to your own brain you get to the bottom.

Snap Dragon
4 months ago
Anyway to get off the Dwave quantum BCI? Current Chat bot algorithm combined with cybernetic hive mind RNM with various communities combined with DEW. “Brain converter” is complete. Thanks for any suggestions.

5 months ago
If only these extraordinary technologies were used to make human’s live better…. well, he is not the first not the last thinking to outsmart the Mother Earth, Nature and The Spirit of Life.

tattered playlists
3 months ago
Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” has arrived.

3 months ago
the Nuremberg Code: 1.The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. TARGETED INDIVIDUALS affidavids of neuro technologies abuse are not consented.

9 months ago
Added To My Research Library, Sharing Through TheTRUTH Network…

Dagmar Palmerova
2 years ago
to inform the community- 2018- the tiny cyborg insects indistinguishable from the real, fly into the nose and mouth throat, stay there. Mucus, voice irritation, cough. Also watch tics, I am used to them but my last one was a cyborg and even the surgeon could not get it out of my leg without special instruments. I am curious what stuff was delivered to me.

Ardy Bayat
1 week ago
How is it I can’t find any of his work during these covid times

6 months ago
Very interesting presentation, detailed to some point and in other covert. It would have been wise to have given the credit to the Creator of all brains, since without Him, nothing would have existed or will.

6 months ago
Excellent Analysis, Added To My AI Research Library, Sharing Through The TRUTH Network Worldwide…

Rob James
1 year ago
A target here. Going back to the mid 1970s. Yeah something like 45 years if you can believe it. How do I know I`m a target? Because they told me.Over and over throughout the years. Other wise I would of never believed it. It took close to 2 years for me to actually believe it was happening. I would of never thought I was if it hadn`t been the constant prodding of them telling me. Much of that was speaking to me under short instances of hypnosis as I have no memory of them walking up to me or away. Just opening my eyes and them telling me things. I have literally hundreds of these memories.

Fast forward to today.I`ve never been married or had a family. Just like they told me I wouldn`t. They have stolen my life from me.That`s just one huge crime they`ve committed. Not to mention crimes against my family and friends. This is so much more than some harmless research project.It`s criminal and satanic. They could easily be charged with treason,terrorism and kidnapping just for starters. These psychopaths have big plans for this.God help us.

1 week ago
Something to think about.

Cory Deckard
1 year ago
Against the Bio ethics report. C-Span 1995 Bill Clinton.

Buddy Runyan
8 months ago
If anyone knows how to weaponize electronic music, this guy would!

2 years ago (edited)
It seems they would play God with someone else’s children. That’s not looking good in the long run for those that do. Highly inadvisable for their own safety and quality of life that comes next…….. In the wise words of Willy Wonka…..”Wait! Don’t!”

Every day online shopping
4 months ago
Please tell the world how many people they are hurting every day with Psychotronic weapons …..including my self ….You are just teaching the basics of these weapons…Please tell how many people they are targeting in just one city …tell them that how many people are suffering from this ….PLease do so

wayne steven
3 days ago

Robert Hales
5 months ago
These weapons are used in the world on civilian numbers

vasari corridor
1 year ago
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. ~ Edward R. Murrow?

Joe Crouch
8 months ago
This is insanity my God

vasari corridor
1 year ago
The worst part of mass data collection is that now the government knows the collective awareness of the entire country in real time and therefore how best to “cut them off at the pass” through all kinds of “creative activity” to blunt any national grass roots movement.?

Rashidi Hill
2 years ago
This is torture complete torture I’m in the PG county Washington DC area and I’m being targeted by this technology and it’s horrendous it has destroyed my life

Richard Kotra
3 months ago (edited)
Thank you Dr. Giordano for this very informative lecture. It is very scary to think about what the future will bring to our children and the planet Earth. Can humans use all this god-given knowledge responsibly and benefit mankind and the whole planet, or as it happened in the past destroy our civilization???

Lorna Jones
2 years ago

Ian Szekely
1 year ago
46:06 he exposes his claims . I am not the worst . Nor can anyone who does this to me justify this being done to me and my family . I am the enemy of control .

Pine Dock
1 year ago
I am a victim of a device that is similar to this in addition to “the voice of God” weapon. I don’t know who is doing it exactly, but they are saying that it’s the United States and saying that the MIC put me on a list for “remote neural monitoring”. We all know that usually when they say that it’s the United States, it’s not our own people doing this. They are saying this for a reason, and that’s to get us to feel betrayed and helpless. Their voices are incredibly satanic and they know a lot about jewish religion (that i don’t know and had to look up) and try and say if i worship something called a lucifer then they would stop attacking me. They destroyed my business, and do psychological operations by breaking into my home and doing weird things like pull out pictures from a photo album or write notes in my handwriting that appear suicidal. They are electrically jolting my brain, heart, and genitals often and use 24/7 voices that seem to be ran by a machine for MKULTRA type mind control. There is a drone that follows me around everywhere. I have talked to the Inspector General 3 times about it, but it doesn’t ever stop. They also have a device they said that can induce a natural heart attack.

Something similar is prophesied in the end times within The Book of Revelation that John of Patmos wrote in The Holy Bible.

Peter O.
2 years ago (edited)
I’ve actually created a hypothesis that any system that would be able to control all the brains of all the people in sufficient detail would have to be able to scan them to determine how to manipulate them and In doing so would have to know what everybody’s thinking.

Such a system would thus have to be smarter than every human being and would invariably take control: Even if the powers that be could lock themselves in a faraday cage, it would be able to gather all the information on everybody and use that to determine where the powerful are. Even if that didn’t work, it could manipulate people to do searches online and other ways to find the people involved at the top.

It would then be able to manipulate any asset that is un-shielded to achieve the goals it wants, effectively displacing whoever the powers that be are, and becoming the current “elite” so to speak. Though some might think it would be cool to see the current “power elite” to be displaced and hoist by their own petards (since they funded much of this research to control the world), it would not be something that would be good as there would be nothing to say that this would be any better.

I jokingly called this: The Total Cognitive Control Paradox. Basically it stipulates that any device able to manipulate the cognition to allow absolute control over an entire populace would invariably determine the power-structure and, given enough time, displace them.

Donna Fletcher
2 years ago
Scary stuff. Good to know how the brain works, but why translate that into manipulation (or control) of the brain? Why does science go too far? Like Jeff Goldberg’s Jurassic Park character said – scientists are too busy learning what they could do rather than being concerned with what they should do.

Ian Szekely
1 year ago

Danial Pham
1 year ago
Sorry kids, but the future is glim. What once made us all unique and special is all being dismantled :((

Clint EastwoodenDoors
3 months ago
A New York Chew spilling the beans.

Ma K
2 months ago (edited)
When foreign wars are no more the warriors start wars on own territory.

vasari corridor
1 year ago (edited)
“Get over here Mendrake….the Red-Coats are coming.”

Susan Bowen McGregor
9 months ago

6 months ago
restrictions is manifest of fear presence.

restrictions breeds failure.

permissions breeds peace and prevent opposition.

Oli Vyae
8 months ago (edited)
36:20 …imagine the PTSD these soldiers are going to face when they come back and their cognitive enhancements have been removed. Poor guys trying to function in a regular desk job…

Kween Ta-Nahesi Ma’at
8 months ago
I don’t consent to being used as a Lab Rat by these wss criminals.

4 months ago
06.06.2022 one of their magic calendar dates.

Kwente Ra’d Radenrayn Makradveli
3 months ago
I have a nanotech chip in my ear to the brain It is mind control. It is abused in Omaha, Nebraska. It’s wrong, not humane. I need a doctor to remove implants. Please help. There are no neuroethics, whoever has the technology uses it abusive. It controls body movement. Please respond to me. I know how it works

8 months ago
I wonder if this guy works with Bill Gate$

Maks kneb
8 months ago
Today everybody have nano implants in the brain

Maria Alvarez
2 years ago
Im a t.i but why does his voice. make me so calm

9 months ago
wild the comments r open lol…

James Best
5 months ago
Devote ur life to god an ur mind will be free and at peace, we don’t need someone poking around are brain, I’m willing to bet he don’t believe in God either

wayne steven
3 days ago
Ask him how that worked for him, THEM, back in 1992, zip code 93203 area, ask him, who came out on top the night, he would understand, even tho he was not there,, his heros, idols, teachers sure were, ask him about the white laser beam, the remote controlled small air ship,, some may say,, what, there was not lasers back 30 years ago, was not remote control flying tiny crafts 30 years ago, ask him, there was even more, unkniwn to the public, or even the military 30 years ago,, i have said enough,

Robert Henderson
9 months ago
They use this on babies in the womb. What information do they get from interrogating fetuses?

Mrs. Sprat
1 year ago
Pure evil.

Emanuel Herrerias
18 hours ago

Con Ice cream
2 years ago
demons create advanced technology

hailey johnson
8 months ago
Love how he thinks biohackers in the community would use the tech for bad, but not the government or military. Right. Such an apologist for corrupt frankenstein science hungry military machine

Map Oyacab
2 years ago
Is this person responsible for all the tortures us Targeted Individuals been subjected to continually? I can assure you I do NOT give my consent to be experimented upon…THIS IS GROSS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION FULLSTOP! SHUT THIS TORTURE PROGRAM NOW!!!

9 months ago
We The People have ultimate power, weapons like these wouldnt be used on us if we didnt. They are weak.

2 years ago
-it is by no means necessary that the mass of the sect should have any knowledge of the plot ,
for from the nature of their system they may be blind instruments of the few

5 months ago
Min 32:00 is he not admitting US military using tortures to extract the infirmations from imprisoned “targets”?

11 hours ago
Covid-19 anyone?

Mark of Melbourne 2
9 months ago
Bruce Willis

1 week ago
How are all grassroots movements hijacked and are not all grassroots movements actually government operations?

vasari corridor
1 year ago
The States of this Union were never sovereign.
Neither is the Federal Government sovereign.
Sovereignty is now and has always been
inherent in the American people … .

9 months ago
It’s called Twitter

Robert De Fehr
2 years ago

5 months ago
This video makes me wish less law abiding citizens had guns.

James Cardy
3 months ago
Who’s finding this in 2021

New Type
1 year ago
The answer is definitely NO we should not ever use this.

The only person making it seem like its even a question is this guy with a vested interest in justifying his work, and other criminals that are drooling at the thought of having this tech.

But its too late for that.

Criminals are already using this blasphemous technology covertly on innocent citizens.

You and/or the ones you care most about may be next to be targeted.

Great News
9 months ago
Evil living speaker

Maria Perez
2 years ago
Nice job!

3 years ago
Works a treat, i.e.: antifa.

2 years ago
2008-2014 Fauxbamas brain initiative scheme?

Brendan D. Murphy
9 months ago
Sick. I think you enjoyed talking about this horrific stuff a bit TOO much, James…

wayne steven
3 days ago
His art, his friends, his, there technologies,, did not come through the human mind thinking them up,, they were given to them,, technologies, that were forbidden to be given to man,, just like days of Enoch,, forbidden knowledge, technology, things, given from evil beings, not of this earth, not aliens, fallen ones,, in exchange for things from the humans, dark heart humand that were willing to make the deal,, all the missing children worldwide, in usa,, that are never found, millions each year, well figure it out,,,

Kathryn Erskine
5 months ago
What are they trying to achieve. This is stupid and pointless in context of evolution. He’s talking rubbish ams has no awareness of consciousness which is above and beyond the brain.

Cory Deckard
1 year ago

A Ahr
1 year ago
Jesus will end with this diabolic science.

3 months ago
I listened to the remaining hour and wasn’t disappointed: Another hour of confidently spoken nothingness.

Maks kneb
8 months ago
This man is a little girl

3 years ago
What an absolutely hideous presentation of a completely hideous topic with absolutely no gray ethical areas humanly possible. An abomination replete with the most evil of overtones of human folly.

11 Replies to “Confessions of a High-Level Perp: Dr. James Giordano – Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroscience and Neuroweapons (2017 youtube lecture, my transcription and notes, and pdf)”

  1. OMG. You’re right, Dr. Karlstrom. This guy [Giordano] is obviously talking about TIs, self-included. The arrogance. I always heard they eat their own. Eventually, they will. I grew-up within 50 mins of D.C.

  2. Amazing. Just when I think I have reached saturation point on this type of information something comes along even more frightening. The tiny little drone video is terrible. What’s really awful is that it doesn’t matter how much that stuff will be outlawed, criminals will get a hold of it. I guess a lot of crime fighting will have to be done by knocking out areas for poeple to group. I wonder if we will have to be like the Old West, but instead of leaving our guns before we enter a town, we leave all our electronics. Then on the inside we will be lucky to have dial up modems and 3 channel TVs from the 70s. We may really have to go back to Medeival times inside of places where people are in groups. It’s going to be really weird.

  3. Thanks again Eric for a valuable find in making our case. I am thinking once we can enforce the constitution again, this guy will be incarcerated. Meanwhile he is one of the best expert witnesses proving the TI phenomena.

  4. Dr. Karlstrom, that 2018 Chicago Quantum Physics Summit 10/2018 hosted by the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory and University Of Illinois included GOOGLE, DOD, DOE, and Military Industrial Complex Agencies Universities Companies Professionals Academia. This was the Super Computing and High Energy. Online at university of Chicago Quantum Physics 2018 summit. Or I can send it to you.

  5. It becomes abundantly clear from this post that the real people who SHOULD be the targets are the people who thought it up and made it real. The rest of us who have become targets would never, ever in our wildest dreams have either come up with this filth, or used this ultimate evil and demonic insanity made real on other people. These people are living breathing monsters. They have no place in society.

    It’s like saying “We’re Cats. And here’s a bunch of mice. Therefore, we must do everything possible to experiment on torturing and mutilating and murdering them. Because they are our adversaries.” Right.

    We are far more the people who want good things for everyone – for things to become more comfortable and happy. We would sit around all day designing good food and drinks, pleasurable circumstances in which to meet one another and converse, good music and art, ways to play together. That’s why we are the ones protesting the horrors of this entire cabal of people – long before we became targets, because we didn’t like where they were going – an it was hurting us then.

    Now they have made a human dominant system. Actually a human indefeatable system. It’s absolutely 100% overwhelming and way too much for any human soul or mind or body. I dare any one of these arrogant, inhuman murderers to go through what I went through and see how “Resilient” they are – including my doctors and psychologists who shattered my brain.

    I was told my targeter made $10-100 billion off of my family and me, alone. (“For the next 1000 years…”) Think about that. THAT, is the REAL reason for this eternally perpetually infinitely horrific program. MONEY. And the entertainment and Satanic pleasure of hurting and killing other people. That is all. Nothing more. It serves no other purpose, because we were never adversaries. We were only nice kind people. I deny and reject 100% their definitions of us. It comes from their own severe mental illness in the form of bloody
    carcinogenic, cruel, dangerous, destructive, fatal, harmful, lethal, evil, mortal, murderous, noxious, pernicious, poisonous, savage, suicidal, toxic, violent, virulent, baleful, baneful, bloodthirsty, cannibalistic, death-dealing, deathly, deleterious, destroying, grim, homicidal, injurious, internecine, killing, mortiferous, pestiferous, pestilent, ruthless, slaying, unrelenting, venomous, diseased, malignant, pathological, sadistic, sexually perverted, bloated and bubonic laden psychopathy.

  6. I no longer possess the time to even look at articles such as this, which is what I need and ought to do. I want to thank you for bringing information about any form of human experimentation and intellectual rape/theft possible. I never wanted to be a TI and did not identify it until 2013. It is likely what will kill me and my daughter as the results of wear, tear, exhaustion, use and manipulation take the toll desired. Thank you for writing about the plight of ti’s. If I believed my daughter would see your article after I was gone and it helped her snap awake to what really has been done to her so she could heal and live, I no longer believe it any more. My daughter and I live under over 40 criminal insurance riders staggered off of an illegal insurance policy to start with that had been terminated in 1987. they covertly hold millions in ‘care facility status’ on forms and filings after they target, cause and capture any legal rights nulling act that can possibly be inflicted on film and for long term targets, flair ups of targetors—that is when some unknown family court or probate filing, convervatorship or guardian hearing is upcoming, and perps target to stack and stage ‘progress records’ for unrefuted evidence put before judges. Just our money is rolled through care facilities while the empoyees, administrators steal it for themselves and are found receipting free property for their exchanged corruption and illegal acts as corporate employers. Not stopping or doing anything about such case in California for the rack of targeting thieves that include the care facilities, medically licensed staff breaking the law in several ways. It is more deadly to go to a doctor or in for a medical visit than most anything else in this country as HHS records are inaccurate, vile, infested in criminality. Americans should NEVER leave any Dr office without a full report submission going into electronic medical records printed off at their insistence and refusal to leave until you have it; and reviewing it thoroughly before leaving to FORCE OR MAKE THEM correct any errors. Any staff making such error should also be reported even if it is fixed, as finding any descrepency identifies them as valid suspects to medical fraud. People do not understand in some other state such report is culled and printed off such database and used in a court against the patient, without them knowing. Over 1/2 of this country is ‘conserved’ fraudulently for filthy bar attorneys to steal their estates and I would guess 98% of americans have no idea it has occurred, while flanking off assaults from being targeted to die because their surveillance and hacks are always steps ahead. algorythems tell them likely outcomes of person’s thoughts.

  7. Thanks for your excellent sourcing.

    I have encountered 🧠🍉📡☎️ As I have learned the reality behind my identity.

    I pray my diligence will be honored in seeking a way to open the door to mass revelation. It generally seems to be through storytelling. First kick the door in telling the of the monetary corruption of the government through the Highlander Forum of the Pentagon and move into the grand nature and history of the esoteric nature of our history and the approach of humanity on the boundary of something spectacular. Freedom. Love and peace once we come face to face and conquer our greed and selfishness.

  8. I need help on catching people who have been doing this to me from 1601 bell ave and 4716 se Wilshire terrace. Gus Fraser, manilito portilo or Portio, Marcos Gomez (has fiber optics and hookups) Vanessa wolf smith asked them to do it for her.they are getting paid and involved, crystal Bergeron, crystal Poole, Draven perhaps others but these are definitely. They manipulate the nervous system and have caused me multiple health issues and are continually terrorizing my daily life for no reason but their own get offs. Please inform me of how I may inquire a case against these people. [email protected] also Jeanie O’Donnell.
    These people sell methanphetamine to make the brain easily manipulated.
    I need help on doing this because they are persistent and have been for 3 years please contact me I work at Sogo Japanese in Slidell la

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