Jan. 6 Military Coup: FBI-DHS Staged Capitol “Insurrection” False-Flag Fraud Via Simulated Reality/Crisis Actors (12 videos, 1 article) & Staged Boston-Bombing Terror Fraud = IIA-Military PsyOPs/FAKE NEWS

I. Introduction:

A. Explanatory epigraph quotes:

…. “Both the old alt-media and Main Stream Media are all controlled by the same NATO and Marine psyche warfare operation run out of private data analytic companies, like Dynology and Clear Force, to name just a few. These work in tandem with private security contractor teams playing crisis actor, larpa, and johnny-on-the-spot witness for critical events. There are vast pools of registered out-of-work actors and gophers recruited in the same vein as a criminal informant for police operations. Many, but not all, of these people are literally registered pedophiles, drug dealers and users for the real dirty jobs….

This is all an expendable work force. Just as the East German Stasi recruited and maintained its RAT Lines, and a lot of them were literally rats, of street information and gangstalking teams. These are IIA operations as set up in Iraq and Afghanistan, aka military psychological warfare operations…. They’ve been around for centuries. But now it is an absolute science applied to multiple avenues of information flow. From the so-called mainstream to the Alt Media.

… We are all part of this system. We are all in the pool they can draw from, puff up, delete, suppress, and use as they wilt when the data analytics indicate short, medium, and long-term requirements for information-limited release, controlled release, or outright suppression and deletion. This is large scale military-intelligence-based psychological warfare designed and applied to the enemies of the United States overseas and now brought home and privatized, but still run by the same military personnel in private subcontractor form.

(Webmaster: This is gangstalking!!!!!)

This is the Wall Street-East India Trading Company private army and intelligence network running around the United States and elsewhere under the guise of private enterprise…. This is the old British Empire union of Queen Victoria and the UK-European Rothschild banking cartel. The East India Trading Company and its present internationalist right and left arm, the Henry Kissinger and George Soros networks, to name but a few.

Everything you see is a stage-managed or co-opted natural event designed to delete, suppress, channel, divert, and misdirect human energies, thoughts, behaviors, and actions that would threaten the status quo, i.e., bankers and their plans for a psychologically battered peasantry that is suitably conditioned for compliant, placid herd behavior, a la CCP China, ready to be herded into the electrified pen of the UN Habitat SMART cities program, where, if they are feeling benevolent, you’ll be slowly battered into sterility and placidity and die alone with your virtual reality goggles on and free high speed internet in your 200 foot square closet apartment.”

“Internet Interactive Activities is the General Jim Jones Shadowgate Dynology Network that Targets the Most Powerful Truth Tellers. While the Most Powerful Contributors are pushed down from viewers and made invisible, the controlled opposition limited hangouts are pushed to the top.—The entire system is RIGGED to push the cabal-approved narrative.”

Brendon O’Connell, from Brendon O’Connell: The IIA PSYOP (Interactive Internet Activities) How Information is Weaponized video, see below

“There is irrefutable photographic evidence that every one of these (Boston Bombing crisis actors; supposed victims and supposed responders) has lied and lied repeatedly. (The American) people should be absolutely outraged. These crisis actors should be on trial for committing high crimes. These people sold their souls and sold out their country. And they have kept up that lie for two years now. It’s a remarkable story.”

Dave McGowan, David McGowan takes us on a deep dive into the Boston Marathon bombing (# XIV. below)

B. Webmaster Comment: Wooz News Editors have hit a home-run with the brilliant video (II. below on Jan. 6 capitol riots). They prove through video footage that:

1) the Capitol “Insurrection” was staged by DHS and FBI, and U.S. Military. Yes it was an insurrection, a coup in fact, by military intelligence against the American people and American Republic. Free the civilian prisoners from the DC gulag and hang the bastards that orchestrated this coup.
2) Ashley Babbit was/is an Air Force military operative whose death was faked by a team of crisis actors.
3) Crisis actors “John Sullivan” (aka “Jayden X), and “Taylor Hansen,” among many others are identified. (Incidentally, I’ve seen this clown appear as a guest on the Alex Jones show, playing a different role, where our military’s scripted reality continues to unfold!!!!!
4) in America today, history is not only staged and fake, it is also farce. And we are all being played as fools by privatized armies, intelligence, and law enforcement. General James Jones’ Dynology company creates fake news as a strategic weapon.

Related to Wooz News video: See: a) https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com/brendon-oconnell-the-iia-psyop-interactive-internet-activities-how-information-is-wesponized/

“FALSE FLAGS” are LEGAL PROPAGANDA Produced by the Department of Defense” by State of the Nation (posted 8/17/20)

b) THE LIVES OF OTHERS – IIA OPERATIONS – JAMES O’KEEFE & PATRICK BERGY. “BRENDON O’CONNELL” (12/2/21): IIA (Internet Interactive Activities) Operations (Fake News), Privatized Armies, Gangstalking Teams, Military Psychological Warfare, Computer Network Operations (CNO), Targeted Civilians

Also see for context: 3:22 / 1:17:14 181. Silicon Valley Bank – Trump & The Cartel Drug Money Bank

Notice who’s orchestrating the false-flags. General Jim Jones of Shadowgate Dynology Network is shown with Henry Kissinger and Rupert Murdoch. (We’re in their fake news matrix.)

II. Wooze News Report: Fake Blood and Crisis Actors Used In “Capitol Riot” DHS-Military Exercise. Ashli Babbit is Ex-Air Force Intelligence, DHS Actress, and Presumably Alive and Well!

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less



Everything Wrong With the Capitol Riots in 21 Minutes or Less

TruthCollection Approximate Script of Video:

Wooz News Moderator: The simulated riots in DC was a powder-keg long in the making. The evidence for pre-planning and setting up a situation for disaster is overwhelming. In this episode, we’re going to show you how a little stage direction and fake blood became an instrumental role in furthering the division of the nation. Strap yourselves in- it’s going to be a bumpy ride… down the Babbitt hole.

originally posted in Wooz News

Partial Transcript From the video

Moderator: The evidence for pre-planning and setting up the situation for disaster is overwhelming. Film shows these types of players in simulation:

Paid Actors in Staged Capitol “Insurrection” False-Flag “Exercise”:

1) Man (lousy actor) pointing: “We can take that place.”
2) Other man: “I want to confess I was paid to pretend to protest today.”
3) Other man (very unconvincingly): “Mace. They, they, they hit me with bullets.”
4) Other man grinning with long hair and hat, pointing at the “police: “They’re not officers, man.”

Woman Witness to Staged DHS Exercise:

Woman: “There were guys… they were almost like monitors. And they were like corralling them. They were telling them what to do. And they did everything these guys said.”


Man with bullhorn, directing: “Bring the line forward!”
Woman with pink ski cap and dark glasses speaking into bullhorn, directing: “You can drop down in to a room underneath it.”
Fat guy waving people toward him, directing: “More people. This way!”
Handsome young man with good hairdo, mustache, and zip-up black sweat shirt with hood, directing: “Don’t touch the gate. Take a step back.”
Other man with glasses and goatee yelling at crowd: “Get in there. Do your job. Get out.”

And Hollywood tear gas and mace:

Man on megaphone to the crowd: “Don’t worry about the tear gas. It’s nothing.”

Moderator: “All on display for hundreds of professional photographers conveniently on scene. In this episode we’re going to analyze the climax of the story and show you how a little stage direction and fake blood became an instrumental role in furthering the division of the nation.”


Taylor Hansen: handsome Hollywood-looking young man with nice blond hair, moustache, and black sweatshirt as above who said “Don’t touch the gate. Take a step back”- later talking to into microphone for reporters with Washington DC in the the background: “And he was hiding there. She had no idea that he was aiming a gun right at her face.”

Bryanni: Young man with blue sweatshirt and backwards baseball cap, with fake conviction and holding up hand with (fake) blood on it: “It’s not talk any more!”

Woman in crowd, acting: “I didn’t see it but they shot a woman.”

Non-actor Witnesses On-Scene Testimony:

Another woman with dark coat and baseball cap raising her head above the crowd, vehemently: “They’re all acting. They’re actors!”

Red-haired woman with glasses and brown hat again: “I’m convinced it was rehearsed and orchestrated from what I saw.”

The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) (Jan. 2020) provides a set of guiding principles for large emergency response drills.

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program Doctrine 2020 pdf

In these guidelines, we read about the various roles such as:

Players: “Players discuss or initiate actions in response to the simulated emergency.”

Controllers: “Controllers plan and the exercise play, set up and operate the exercise site, and act in the roles of organizing individuals not in the exercise. Controllers direct the pace of the exercise, provide key data to players, and may prompt or inititate certain player actions to ensure exercise continuity. .. They monitor the exercise timeline, and supervise the safety of all exercise participants.”

Simulators: Simulators are control staff personnel who role play nonparticipating organizations or individuals. They most often operate out of the Simulation Cell (SimCell), but they may occasionally have face-to-face contact with players. Simulators function semi-independently under the supervision of SimCell controllers, enacting roles (e.g., media reporters or next of kin) in accordance with instructions in the Master Scenario Events List (MSEL).

Evaluators: Evaluators evaluate and provide feedback on a designated functional area of the exercise. Evaluators observe and document performance against established capability targets and critical tasks, in accordance with the Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEG).

Actors: Actors simulate specific roles during exercise play, typically victims or other bystanders. For this exercise actors may be participants that support POD operations as people needing medical countermeasures. (Ashli Babbit!)

Observers: Observers visit or view selected segments of the exercise….

Media Personnel: Some media personnel may be present at the exercise, pending approval by the sponsor organization and the Exercise Planning Team.

Support Staff: …etc. See document

Moderator: “The head directors of large emergency drills are called Exercise Controllers. Their job is to keep things running according to the master plan. Any professional emergency response drill or military drill makes use of fake blood in a variety of forms; blood capsules, sponges, syringes, and squibbs. A simple blood squibb is a pouch that is designed to break on impact. There are all kinds of squibbs using various pumps and tube assemblies. Here’s the HydraSim model. It’s basically a small pack containing a fake blood supply and some tubes and a pump.”

Shows add for HydraSim bleeding simulator by Skedco. Inc.

Moderator: “Let’s start the analysis outside the speakers lobby. We’ve added a time code to JaydenX’s (aka John Sullivan, adopted black son of white General Special Operations Forces, living in Utah) footage which we’ll call Angle 1.

You’ll notice how much chaos is happening on screen and yet our eyes are fixed to the woman because that’s what we’re here to see. No one seems to be concerned with being the next target. It’s bang, action. It should be noted that everyone in the room knows what’s going to happen and they play toward the camera.

Now let’s take a look at some of our characters:

Adam Gray, our photographer.
Taylor Hansen,
JaydenX (John Sullivan, black, son of General of Special Operations in Utah who is white),
Thomas Bryanni,
Secret Agent Man (S.A.M.), medic-controller,
Parrot Blocker,
Swat 1 and Swat 2,
Frick and Frack, and
Ashli Babbit (aka Rabbit, our star).

And we’ll analyze this with 6 different camera angles and in chronological order.

Moderator’s commentary:

This is Meta coming into the room (wearing blue mask). Notice the enormous ear piece he’s wearing. What’s that about? Now look what Red (also masked) does. He kicks the door. Now we see Red either pick up something or drop something. And it looks like Medic does the same. Here we can see Red has one glove on. And you can see JaydenX in the background. Now we’re all kind of led into this room, the Speakers Lobby. We can see Medic has one glove on as well. And you can see our star (Babbit) looking in the direction of the weapon. She seems amped up or nervous.”

Man (actor): “OK we got police coming up.”

Moderator: “Rufio takes off his hat, changing his appearance. This is Orange in the front bashing the plexiglass. You should also note that the glass isn’t glass, but plastic, or stage glass (plexiglass). Notice that this barricade was set up before they entered the room. Notice how our star (Ashli Babbit) keeps looking over to the left (toward the “gunman”). As the officers leave, they are pretending to talk to each other.

And you can see how easy the glass comes out. JaydenX (aka John Sullivan) is the first to give the command that there is a weapon at 39 minutes and 49 seconds, saying: “There is a gun!” And you can hear others chanting the same thing. Orange: “Hey, he’s got a gun!”

Notice that the gun man (short masked black man) on the opposite side of the plexiglass briefly removes his hand from the weapon. He’s replying to his ear piece. Look how long it takes him to do it. If we draw a straight line from the weapon to where our star is you will see that they don’t match up. The weapon is pointed far below her neck area. (He fires) 15 seconds after Jayden announced there was a weapon. That’s important.”

Swat 1 goes to SAM, now why would Blue be in on this conversation? Bryanny signals her (Babbit) to get into place. (Then, after she falls back out of the window opening she is apparently trying to squeeze into, after apparently being shot), no one looks in the direction of the gun man. Also, notice that when she falls back, her backpack looks fairly plump, perfect to help break the impact of her fall. Also, Yellow breaks her fall with his foot. And then Bryanny moves down to touch her backpack area just for a brief moment. Then SAM (the bearded handler in a black suit and tie- who is wearing two masks) comes down and moves her about 9 inches to his left. He’s about to reach under her right shoulder.

Then SWAT 1 briefly squeezes her right hand. Or he’s putting something in there. When SAM picks her up she puts her hands in front of her face. And she opens her eyes right there. As Data and Orange move into place. Now SAM’s going to make a big hand gesture to the room with his right hand, but his left hand is still under her right shoulder.

Here you can see her curl the side of her mouth up. (Her eyes are still wide open.) Now a little blood runs out from under her nose. That’s an interesting face to make… she apparently feels no suffering. It was 16 frames until the blood started to run down from her nose. She’s still using that backpack as a pillow.

To SAM’s right, there’s Ninja- who has been there all along. And he comes down with him (SAM). Now it looks like she has a smile on her face. And she’s holding her right hand clenched like she has something in there. ,

Now there’s SWAT 1 coming in and crouching down with his gun held as if he’s going to shoot someone. And notice how Rufio is just clammering over SWAT 3. Now look, Frick and Frack, he grabs him in the back and he puts his hands up!? (Meanwhile, people are filming all this with their cell phones.) Then SWAT 1 crouches and brandishes his weapon, then stands straight and puts thumbs up as he lowers the gun. Now Data moves in and clumsily takes his book bag off.

Now it gets really strange. At 35:21 seconds, there’s no blood, and then at 35:25 (4 seconds later) there’s so much blood on her face it looks like she’s devoured some small woodland creature. How is that possible? Let’s back it up 4 seconds.

Now watch. Notice how SAM moves his left hand from her right backpack area and he goes to grab her hand. You can see him move his hand across her face. Look, she moves her hand into his hand first. It kind of looks like she’s smearing blood on her face or putting something in her mouth.

Then he swats her hand down and then he forcefully turns her head to the right. She’s holding on to something. Then SAM stands up and points down at her. And two others, SWAT 1 and another one, are also pointing down at her. Makes good pictures, you’ve got the drama, you’ve got the pointing.

Now suddenly all this blood is just gushing out of her mouth. Then someone says: “Y’all murdered this person.” It’s only been 21 seconds since the weapon went off.

Notice that SAM has a full beard. He’s also double masked. And they just keep pointing. (Meanwhile, the camera captures several other cell phones are also busy photographing everything.)

Data looks up and says: “Medic!” Data is still fumbling through his bag not looking for anything in particular.

Taylor Hansen then yells: “We have an active shooter. Get her down!” Parrot Blocker says: “Get a flashlight!” (Meanwhile, her eyes are still wide open and her hands are next to her head.)

Hansen yells: “Where’s she hit?” That’s when she opens her mouth. Data reaches in and fixes her hair with his hand. It’s unclear what he’s doing. But by now there’s a flashlight on her- making the scene more dramatic. You can see SWAT 1 knees her right arm closer to her. And then she tucks it under her right butt cheek. Then the Medic comes in with that wonderful ear piece he has on. He puts his water bottle down.

Medic pulls down that flag that’s tied around her neck. Then she opens her mouth briefly or she says something. Then she lets some of the blood out of her mouth. And she’s looking at things. At the same time, you can see everybody just sort of hanging out. Notice how Medic tucks something that looks to be a cell phone in between Data’s knees. Data takes the cell phone away with him.

What is Parrot Blocker pulling from her (Ashli Babbit’s) hair? Parrot Blocker shouts to SWAT that: “I’m a medic!” And yet does nothing. Then you can start to see this very small pool of blood, the size of a cookie, on the floor right where SAM’s hand was… next to her head, which still rests on the backpack, on the right side.

That’s when they all come out…. And Fredo says: “We can save her! Get the f-k back! We can’t save her if you stay here. We gotta get EMS here!,” and as he shouts, he is facing into the camera. (Meanwhile, Jayden X, John Sullivan, is looking on from about 6 feet away- filming with his cell phone. Later, he reported receives $90,000 for selling his recording to the TV networks.)

Notice Ninja just randomly puts his hands up- even though nobody is pointing a gun at him and the cops have been next to him this whole time. And now he’s putting his hands up.
It’s for the camera.

Then Jayden says: “She’s dead. Her eyes… the light faded out.” He keeps saying this over and over. They’re all gas lighting because they know the audio is going to be recorded. So they’re all pointing and over-acting and fumbling in their little corners.

At 36:21 Taylor Hansen smiles. And Fredo has got nothing to do right now. He has no one to talk to. SWAT 1 and 2 are still fumbling with their bags- apparently pulling out some gauze.

That’s Medic’s hand… Do you hear the scrunch as he squeezes. There’s no expirated spray or spatter of blood, but the pool of blood gets bigger. Which makes the backpack and around her neck the most plausible explanation.

Medic says: “She’s gone.” Taylor Hansen repeats: “She’s gone, man.” Then he looks at his fingers, which seem to have blood on them, and he wipes them on the flag. That’s when SWAT 1 comes in with his little gauze that he’s been unwrapping for quite a while… Dab, dab, dab.

No one’s doing anything. There’s Adam Gray, taking all the photos. There’s Frick and Frack, still hanging out. Frick sees the camera and starts acting again.

SWAT 2 yells: “The medics will not come in here if it’s unruly. You guys got to calm down.”
Vetter smiles and says: “You guys gotta go.”
Yellow: “You got blood on the floor.”
Vetter repeats: “They will not come if it’s unruly.”

Now look at Rufio with his hand on top of his head. Bryanni puts his hand around Red. Then, there’s the famous photo of Ashli Babbit on the floor (at 37:30).

Medic says: “Has anyone seen an iPhone on the ground?”
Fredo says: “She’s going to f-king die! You wanna be next?”

Nobody’s doing anything. Now, angry lady number 1 comes in and yells something.

Jayden says: “She’s dead, she’s dead, she’s dead.”

They’re still just getting all the pictures. And there goes Adam Gray, who later gets fake arrested.

Background actor says: “Make a hole!” And then they carry her down the Capitol stairs, facing upward and head first going down the stairs, with her bookbag and flag still wrapped around her.

Now we see SAM on the other side of the door and he’s littered his latex gloves on the capitol floor next to the blood. That’s a sad pathetic pool of blood… Then a policeman steps on the crime scene, right on the blood. It adds drama to the photos.

Come on guys, is that (fat guy with a beard) really a cop? Are these cops? Now they put the black ski cap over the blood.

Now let’s take a look at the aftermath, which occurs outside as the actors talk to various cameras:

Actor: “She’s been shot!” They’re all just echoing the same thing over and over again.
Another actor: “They just killed a girl!”
Taylor Hansen (the guy with the blond hair and black sweat shirt: “They just f-king shot a girl.”
Actor: “They’re shootin’ kids.”
Another actor: “They shot a girl.”

Moderator: “This is like the cringe hour.”

Listen to what this lady says: “I didn’t see it but they shot a woman.”

Another lady witness to the play interjects: “They’re all acting. They’re actors.”

That completely validates everything we are doing here.

Coming down the outdoor steps of the Capitol, Baranyi puts his hand up and starts screaming: “They shot her and killed her! They shot her with a gun through the neck. She fell back into my hand.”

Moderator: Don’t you mean your hand fell back into her book bag? And no one pays any attention.

Baranyi yells for a camera, holding up his hand with red “blood” stains on it: “It’s not talk anymore! This is too much.” (Looking like he’s acting, almost stifling a smile.)

Here is Baranyi with backwards baseball cap talking to camera outside Capitol again: “They shot her in the neck and she fell on me and started to say she was fine, it’s cool, and then she started kinda like movin’ weird. It could have been me but she went in first. This could be you or your kids.”

(Meanwhile, there’s a Truthometer shown on screen pointing to: Mostly false.)

Moderator: And here they’re whisking her away on a stretcher. Now she doesn’t have her shirt on.
And you can see she’s clearly still alive. And notice all these van shuttles in the background. Hey look, it’s SWAT 1.

Taylor Hansen outside in front of a microphone: “And the minute she hopped up in that pane, she had no idea that he was even there. He shot her right in the neck.”

Later on CNN, Jayden (now all of sudden, John Sullivan, Founder of “Insurgence, USA”) states: “Yeah, so ummm, all the protestors kind of stormed to get into the chamber…”

Jayden at the scene: “They killed a girl, I f-king have it on camera. I seen this shit on camera”…. Talking to other actors: “I guess we’re all done, yea, so f-k it.”

Moderator: Are we being duped? Thanks for coming down the Babbit hole with me.

Webmaster’s Comment: Here we can see how our tax dollars and federal agencies are used to sabotage and destroy America with DHS and military simulated “exercises” and “drills.” Welcome to my (and all “TI’s”) world of street theater, gas lighting, staged psyops, “psycho-dramas,” “psy-acts,” “psy-attacks,” set-ups, lies, spies, crisis actors, surveillance role players, citizen-based agents (CBAs), etc. These are events are typically scripted by U.S. military psychological operations groups (POGs) and carried out by military special operations forces (SOFs), FBI and DHS agents, private subcontractors, and their paid street actors.

We are all in a Department of Homeland Security-sponsored Grade Z staged, state-sponsored, synthetic, false-flag terror movie now……Meanwhile, this phony, staged “insurrection” formed the pretext for Trump’s (2nd) bogus impeachment trial; which is a public farce meant to demonstrate to all that our leaders have torn up U.S. Constitution.

This current Bolshevik-style hostile takeover of America and the world is from the same people who staged 9/11, the Kennedy Assassination, virtually all the mass shootings, and more! They are certainly laughing at us now. They are beyond despicable.

The DHS Fake News-False Flag Manual is:

Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program


Comment from David Martin:

Maybe you haven’t noticed that for the first few days they told us that Ashli Babbitt was a veteran of Air Force intelligence, but I guess they began to realize that that was too big a giveaway, so in more recent articles, the intelligence part has been scrubbed from her bio. And the whole filmed shooting scene is about as hokey as it gets, it seems to me. I’m not even sure she would even fit through the space she was trying to go through in her rush to be shot. Why not let the glass/plastic bashers take the lead, they were so eager to get in, and why wouldn’t he shoot them–the big offenders–and not her? And why doesn’t his shooting of the “lead trespasser” send them all into flight? Wouldn’t that have been the object of shooting one of them?

Why would you expect him just to stop with one? And why did he stop with one? I know if I would have been one of the intruders at that point, I would have run like a scalded dog, and I don’t really think I’m any more cowardly than average, just prudent.

No, the purpose of the shooting was so they could call it a “deadly riot,” not unlike Charlottesville, and that’s just what the news was doing right off the bat. I took special note of it when I heard Fox News use that term for it just that evening, before the other curious deaths turned up. Notice, as well, the absolute lack of interest by the MSM in the actual circumstances of the shooting. Her initial “deadly riot” purpose having been served, it was just time to move on. I’ll bet Ashlii is enjoying her new identity somewhere, and it’s not as ashes in an urn.

II. A Scripted Affair (Interview with Wooz News on Caravan To Midnight, March 3, 2021) (Meaningful Interview starts about 18:00)

Staged Capital Insurrection TexasJournal.com

III. 00002 20210209 Staged Capital Insurrection Clip 1

IV. 00002 20210209 Staged Capital Insurrection Clip 2


V. Feds Caught Setting Up Jan 6th Capitol Riot and More in Bid for Civil War, Alex Jones, June 16, 2021


VI. Tucker Carlson Exposes FBI Ops Organizing Jan 6th DC Capitol Riot (June 16, 2021)

Tucker Carlson Exposes FBI Ops Organizing Jan 6th DC Capitol Riot

VII. Investigative Journalist Exposes FBI Involvement in Capitol Riot

Investigative Journalist Exposes FBI Involvement in Capitol Riot

The real terrorists on tape inciting civil war:

1) Merrick Garland, Attorney General: “In the FBI’s view, the top violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically-motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race.”

2) President Joe Biden: “According to the intelligence community, terrorism from white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today.”

3) Ex-CIA John Brennan: “Because of this growth in polarization in the United States and domestic violence in white supremacist groups. So I know that the members of the Biden team are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas.”

4) Press Secretary, Psaki: “The rise of domestic violent extremism is a serious and growing national security threat. The Biden Administration will confront this threat with the necessary resources and resolve.”

5) FBI Spokesman, Frank Figliosi: “In order to really tackle terrorism in this time domestically you’ve got to attack and dismantle the command and control element of a terrorist group. And unfortunately, and I know this is painful to hear, that may mean people sitting in Congress right now. People in and around the former president. That’s how you do this. Otherwise, recruitment, inciting, and cult-like leadership continues to recruit people to violence.”

6) Press Secretary Psaki: “Our initial work on DV will broadly fall into three areas. The first is a tasking from President Biden sent to the ODNI today requesting a comprehensive threat assessment coordianted with FBI and DHS on domestic violent extremism.”

7) Christopher Wray, FBI Director:
You can be darn tootin’ that we are focused very, very hard on how can we get better sources, better information, better analysis so that something like what happened on January 6 never happens again.”

Webmaster’s Comment: Interestingly, investigative reporter, Dr. Darren Beatty, of Revolver News, maintains the fiction that Ashi Babbit was shot and killed in the Jan. 6, 2020 fake “insurrection.” Hmmmmm. As Joe Biden would say: “Come on, maaaan.” You missed a huge part of the story. He also doesn’t seem to have a clue about the decades-old gangstalking of good citizens by the National Security Racketeering Network- that uses these same types of streat theater ruses, actors, surveillance role players, etc.

However, Beatty is correct about much of the rest of the story: Unless the rogue intelligence agencies of the National Security Racketeering Network can be brought to justice themselves, all politics is theater and Americans have lost their country.

He sums it up as follows: “The narrative here is crucial for everyone to understand. January 6 is not just about Babbit and not just about the indicted. It’s about all of us. THE MOST important trend in politics is that our national security apparatus in this country has been politically weaponized, re-purposed, and re-deployed domestically to silence, suppress, and destroy the energy associated with Donald Trump’s victory in 2016. And the narrative for 1/6 that the government and fake media have seized upon is entirely for that purpose- to serve as a pretext to advance this new domestic war on terror. This new Patriot Act is tailor made to attack patriots. What’s more, all of politics in the United States is going to be fake and performative unless and until we keep our national security agencies under control and in their proper place. If we don’t do that, we don’t have a country.”

VIII. Breaking: Court Documents Confirm FBI Planned & Executed Jan. 6th ‘Insurrection’ – Alex Jones, FULL SHOW 6/16/21

Breaking: Court Documents Confirm FBI Planned & Executed Jan. 6th ‘Insurrection’ – FULL SHOW 6/16/21

IX. Authoritarian Leftists Waging War on Americans Using Staged Events (June 18, 2021; Alex Jones)



JADEN X’S Step daddy is a Army General who is in the psyops Military aspect. It’s all a big cartoon show… The FBI needs to be dissolved..the CIA needs to be indicted and put away and R.I.C.O ed…the US Military needs defunded 80%. Most don’t get the massive corruption. Babbit was Air Force. Air Farce did 9/11. It’s all a L.A.R.P.

Webmaster Comment: Given the strong indications that the so-called “insurrection” was a staged DHS “exercise,” one must wonder if Beatty’s piece might just be a “limited hangout.” In other words, there can be no doubt that the federal government staged the entire “insurrection.”

X. “Unindicted Co-Conspirators” in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge (Revolver News)

Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge

Of all the questions asked, words spoken, and ink spilled on the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6, 2021, none hold the key to the entire event quite like what Sen. Amy Klobuchar asked of Christopher Wray.

The Democrat from Minnesota asked the Trump-appointed FBI Director: Did the federal government infiltrate any of the so-called “militia” organizations claimed to be responsible for planning and executing the Capitol Siege?

The full segment is available on YouTube.

(Appropriate Comment: Duane Steltz; 3 months ago; BS meter is off the charts)

Christopher Wray is able to uncomfortably weasel his way out of answering the question directly, partially because Klobuchar does him the courtesy of not asking him the question directly. Klobuchar instead asks the FBI director if he wishes he had infiltrated the militia organizations allegedly involved in 1/6 — assuming from the outset that there was in fact no infiltration, thereby providing the FBI director an easy way to avoid addressing the question one way or another.

Revolver News is willing to address the matter directly in the following three questions:

In the year leading up to 1/6 and during 1/6 itself, to what extent were the three primary militia groups (the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters) that the FBI, DOJ, Pentagon and network news have labeled most responsible for planning and executing a Capitol attack on 1/6 infiltrated by agencies of the federal government, or informants of said agencies?
Exactly how many federal undercover agents or confidential informants were present at the Capitol or in the Capitol during the infamous “siege” and what roles did they play (merely passive informants or active instigators)?
Finally, of all of the unindicted co-conspirators referenced in the charging documents of those indicted for crimes on 1/6, how many worked as a confidential informant or as an undercover operative for the federal government (FBI, Army Counterintelligence, etc.)?

WATCH: Check out Darren Beattie’s latest interviews

From now on, all discussion of 1/6 must give way to a laser-like focus on the questions above, with an unwavering persistence at obtaining the answers.

If the narrative about 1/6 does not conform to the questions above, the American people will never learn the most important truth about what 1/6 is, and what kind of country they’re really living in.

If it turns out the federal government did in fact have undercover agents or confidential informants embedded within the so-called militia groups indicted for conspiring to obstruct the Senate certification on 1/6, the implications would be nothing short of seismic. Especially if such agents or informants enjoyed extremely senior-level positions within such groups.

One of the key consensus points among the FBI-DOJ and the regime media is the idea that, while 1/6 is primarily the fault of Trump-supporting QAnon-infused “domestic terrorists,” it is secondarily the fault of so-called “intelligence failures.”

Klobuchar’s own question at the March 2, 2021 FBI hearing (above) reinforces this “intelligence failure” narrative, but she is not alone. A five-month “bipartisan” Senate investigation recently arrived at the very same “intelligence failure” narrative to explain the breach of the Capitol and associated events on 1/6:

A bipartisan Senate investigation of the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection found security and intelligence failures at every level of government that led to the breach of the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob as lawmakers in a joint session were certifying the 2020 election.

The 95-page report, a product of a roughly five-month, joint probe by the Senate Homeland Security and Rules Committees, found significant breakdowns ranging “from federal intelligence agencies failing to warn of a potential for violence to a lack of planning and preparation by (U.S. Capitol Police) and law enforcement leadership.” There was no overall operational or staffing plan for that fateful day, a total failure of leadership, according to the committees. [ABC News]

If it turns out that the federal government (FBI, Army Counterintelligence, or a similar agency) had undercover agents or confidential informants embedded in any of the groups involved in 1/6, the “federal intelligence agencies failing to warn of a potential for violence” looks less like an innocent mistake and more like something sinister.

Indeed, if the federal government knew of a potential for violence in or around the Capitol on 1/6 and failed to call for heightened security, the agencies responsible may in fact be legally liable for the damages incurred during that day.

It is unsettling to entertain the possibility that the federal government knew of a potential for violence on 1/6 and did nothing to stop it. It presents the question: why would agencies, or certain elements within, sit back and let something like this happen on purpose?

A still more disturbing possibility arises from a careful study of the unindicted co-conspirators listed throughout the various charging documents of individuals facing the most serious charges related to 1/6.

We at Revolver News have noticed a pattern from our now months-long investigation into 1/6 — and in particular from our meticulous study of the charging documents related to those indicted. In many cases the unindicted co-conspirators appear to be much more aggressive and egregious participants in the very so-called “conspiracy” serving as the basis for charging those indicted.

The question immediately arises as to why this is the case, and forces us to consider whether certain individuals are being protected from indictment because they were involved in 1/6 as undercover operatives or confidential informants for a federal agency.

Here it is useful to draw a distinction between two discrete categories of participants in the so-called Capitol Siege.

The first category is the group of mostly harmless tourists who walked through already opened doors and already-removed barricades, and at most were guilty of minor trespassing charges and light property offenses. The second group consists of those who were violent with police officers, broke down barricades, smashed windows, belonged to a “militia” group engaged in military-style planning prior to the event, discussed transporting heavy weaponry, and so forth.

Up until now, the overwhelming (perhaps exclusive) share of counter-establishment reporting on 1/6 has focused on absolving the first group. And this is a valuable thing. The notion that these harmless “MAGA moms” wandering around the Capitol were domestic terrorists engaged in an insurrection is absurd. That many of these people are being held in prison, without bail, under harsh conditions, amounts to an unacceptable and outrageous abuse of basic human rights.

However, the possibility that the federal government had undercover operatives or informants involved in the events of 1/6, from its planning to its execution, compels us to turn our attention to the second category of participants.

We are especially interested in the unindicted co-conspirators who belonged to any of the big three “militia groups” — the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters. Indeed, it is these militia groups whose behavior, statements and planning leading up to and during 1/6 most closely align with the “violent insurrectionist” caricature we hear about in the media, and which the government claims to be going after in its aggressive prosecutions.

If it turns out that an extraordinary percentage of the members of these groups involved in planning and executing the Capitol Siege were federal informants or undercover operatives, the implications would be nothing short of staggering. This would be far worse than the already bad situation of the government knowing about the possibility of violence and doing nothing. Instead, this would imply that elements of the federal government were active instigators in the most egregious and spectacular aspects of 1/6, amounting to a monumental entrapment scheme used as a pretext to imprison otherwise harmless protestors at the Capitol — and in a much larger sense used to frame the entire MAGA movement as potential domestic terrorists.

This is what’s at stake in getting to the bottom of 1/6.

And so we proceed, unafraid, to investigate the question on which everything else pertaining to 1/6 hinges — did the government have informants or undercover agents in any or all of the “big three” militia groups leading up to or on 1/6? How many of the key unindicted co-conspirators in DOJ prosecutions are unindicted because they are undercover operatives or confidential informants?

In short, what did the federal government know in advance about 1/6, when did they know it — and how far did any undercover operations go?

Something’s Rotten in Michigan: The Forgotten Case of the Whitmer Kidnapping Plot

Of course, we could point to countless examples in America’s history of undercover agents and informants being actively involved in various “domestic terror plots.” But for the purposes of the argument we’re making here we need only go back a few months prior to 1/6 — to the so-called “Whitmer Kidnapping Plot.”

Indeed, what if we told you that scarcely three months before the 1/6 Capitol Siege, the FBI arrested 14 people for planning to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the State Government — and that the alleged conspiracy to overthrow the State government involved storming of the State Capitol?

And what if we told you that of the 14 individuals who allegedly plotted the “kidnapping” and overthrow of the state government, at least five were undercover agents and federal informants? And as if that’s not enough, many of the individuals allegedly involved in this plot appear to belong to the “Three Percenters,” one of the very same militia groups now blamed for storming January 6.

And, as the cherry on top, what if we told you that the director of the Detroit FBI Field Office, who oversaw the infiltration operation of the Michigan Plot, was subsequently granted a highly coincidental promotion to the D.C. office, where he is now the lead FBI agent for all 1/6 cases?

As crazy as it sounds, all of this is true. A full account of the Michigan Plot and its parallels to the Capitol Siege runs outside the scope and purposes of this article. Nonetheless, it will be useful to briefly flesh out some of the most salient details alluded to above.

The left-wing blog Jacobin, of all places, provides a good description of the allegation and charges:

Since last week, the headlines have been lit up by a shocking story out of Michigan: the FBI had foiled a plot hatched by anti-lockdown protesters and right-wing militia members to kidnap and try for “treason” Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, who one of the ringleaders called a “tyrant bitch.”

According to a federal affidavit and court testimony, the plot involved surveilling Whitmer’s vacation home in Western Michigan and the surrounding area, procuring explosives and tactical gear to fight off police, taking part in armed training exercises, and even possibly blowing up a nearby bridge. The alleged plotters discussed using a fake pizza delivery to kidnap Whitmer, leaving Whitmer on a boat in the middle of Lake Michigan, and even kidnapping Virginia governor Ralph Northam, one of the “tyrants” who, they believed, were abusing their power to order statewide lockdowns in response to the coronavirus pandemic. [Jacobin]

Drawing upon entrapment cases used in the War on Terror, the Jacobin piece expresses concerns that the whole Michigan Plot itself may have been the result of entrapment of vulnerable, cognitively deficient and mentally unstable individuals by FBI informants. The following passage discusses the pathetic state of Adam Fox, the man designated by the government as the “mastermind” of the kidnapping plot:

According to the FBI’s affidavit, the bureau made heavy use of informants and undercover agents in the case. At least four took part — specifically, two informants and two undercover agents, on whose evidence gathering the criminal complaint was based on — though it’s implied that some unspecific number of additional personnel were involved.

And, as with earlier, Muslim-targeting cases, the FBI appears to have been integral to the plotters’ ability to carry out the scheme. The affidavit notes that an undercover agent told the ringleader it would cost $4,000 to procure explosives. Four of the accused planned to meet with another undercover agent posing as an explosives expert to pay for them and, they were told, to get some excess tactical gear the agent had the day they were arrested. In court, Richard Trask, the agent who authored the affidavit, said he didn’t know how much money the defendants had on them when they were put in handcuffs, aside from the $275 held by Adam Fox, pegged by Trask as the ringleader.

Even the profile of Fox is not unlike those of earlier targets like Shareef and Hester. Fox was reportedly struggling with money and had been on the brink of homelessness after his girlfriend kicked him out of her house, before being taken in by his friend and employer, who let him stay temporarily in the basement of his vacuum store. It was there in that cramped storage space, cluttered with boxes and spare vacuum parts, where Fox was living with his two dogs and meager possessions, that he at one point held a meeting to allegedly plan out the kidnapping. [Jacobin]

The possibility of an FBI entrapment-type operation is especially disturbing in light of the striking parallels between the Michigan Plot and the so-called Capitol Siege of 1/6.

The Michigan Plot did not start out as a kidnapping. According to the DOJ’s own indictment, the plot started as a plan to “storm the Capitol building” in Lansing, Michigan. And the “conspirators” would do so by amping up “at least 200 men” from an upcoming unrelated rally planned at the Michigan Capitol building (a rally that was focused on the Second Amendment, not insurrection) by agitating enough rallygoers to run inside and occupy the building.

Paragraph 10 of the FBI affidavit describes the plot to “storm the state capitol”:

10. Fox, in coordination with CROFT, met with members of the militia group at various times in June 2020. During one such meeting on June 18, 2020, which was audio recorded by CHS-2, FOX, militia group leadership, including Michigan resident Ty GARBIN, and CHS-2 met at a Second Amendment rally at the State capitol in Lansing, Michigan. In an effort to recruit more members for the operation, FOX told GARBIN and CHS-2 he planned to attack the Capitol and asked them to combine forces.

“CHS-2” refers to a “Confidential Human Source,” which means government informant. As mentioned above, the groups involved with this alleged plot were absolutely replete with undercover informants and operatives. Consider the following excerpt, from the same FBI affidavit:

4. In the course of its investigation, the FBI relied on information provided by Confidential Human Sources (CHS) and Undercover Employees (UCE) over several months. Not all CHSs and UCEs were present at all times, however, at least one CHS or UCE was usually present during the group meetings. Those CHSs and UCEs consensually recorded the meetings and conversations with the subjects. Some meetings or conversations were recorded by more than one CHS or UCE. Certain CHSs also had access to group or individual texts, online chats, and phone calls. Each CHS was vetted for reliability by the FBI agent handling the source. None of the CHSs were aware of the other CHSs involved with the groups in order to preserve the independence of their reporting. Although multiple CHSs were used over the course of the investigation, this complaint only relies on audio recordings and information provided by CHS-1, CHS-2, UCE-1 and UCE-2. [FBI Affidavit]

In the above excerpt, the FBI acknowledges the use of both confidential informants and undercover employees over the course of several months leading up to the so-called “thwarted plot.” Specifically, the complaint acknowledges two confidential informants and two undercover employees. Subsequent to the DOJ’s filing charges, however, another deep undercover informant unexpectedly outed himself (more on that later), bringing the tally of known government operatives up to five.

Here’s a clip of one of the informants talking about storming the Michigan State Capitol:

No wonder this Michigan plot didn’t take the federal authorities by surprise!

FBI infiltrators comprised, at the very least, 26 percent of the plotters. That is, at least five FBI operatives have been disclosed, against just 14 suspects indicted.

A look at the annotated indictment reveals that at every level of the plot, FBI operatives played the most important leadership roles:

-The plot’s “explosives expert,” who the plotters were accused of planning to buy bombs from, turned out to be an FBI agent.

-The head of transportation for the militia outfit turned out to be an undercover FBI agent.

-The head of security for the militia outfit turned out to be an undercover FBI informant.

-At least two undercover FBI informants were active participants in the initial June 6, 2020 meeting in which the plot to storm Capitol buildings was allegedly hatched — meaning at least three FBI informants infiltrated before the conspiracy even started.

In one of the plot’s climactic scenes, in the main van driving up to look at Governor Whitmer’s vacation home, three out of the five people in the van — 60 percent of the plot’s senior leaders — were federal agents and informants:

31. FOX, CROFT, CHS-2, a UCE, and an individual from Wisconsin traveled in the first vehicle. While in the vehicle, CROFT and FOX discussed detonating explosive devices to divert police from the area of the vacation home. They stopped at the M-31 highway bridge on the way, where FOX and the UCE inspected the underside of the bridge for places to seat an explosive charge. FOX took a picture of the bridge’s support structure, which he later shared with CHS-2 in their encrypted chat. From there, they drove to a public boat launch across the lake from the vacation home to watch for the other cars in their group. [FBI]

You may be wondering how you get “three out of five” when the DOJ’s complaint only acknowledges two undercover FBI operatives: UCE (meaning “Undercover Employee,” or full-time agent) and CSH-2.

That is because the FBI went to great lengths to hide their affiliation with the fifth person in the van, describing him only as “an individual from Wisconsin” (again, more on this later).

Let’s take stock of what we have so far. We have a group of plotters that is heavily infiltrated by FBI informants and undercover agents, who were allegedly planning to kidnap the Michigan governor and storm the state capitol.

What we also know is that many of the main figures indicted in this plot seem to be associated with a militia group called the “Three Percenters” — one of the very same “big three” militia groups primarily charged with orchestrating 1/6.

Just to take a few examples:

The FBI alleged Adam Fox and Barry Croft were the supposed masterminds of the plot, with Adam Fox described as the Michigan state leader of the Three Percenters and Barry Croft as a national leader of the Three Percenters.

The FBI secured a search warrant to tap national Three Percenters leader Barry Croft’s Facebook account in April 2020, two months before the Michigan Plot was even allegedly hatched. For almost the entirety of 2020, every time Barry Croft’s Facebook account got banned, the FBI would tap each new alt account he created under a new warrant.

Michigan Plot indicted co-conspirators Brian Higgins and Michael Null were identified as Three Percenters as well.

As was Michael Jung, who was not indicted in relation to the kidnapping plot. Jung allegedly was a member of both the Oath Keepers and second in command of the Wisconsin Branch of the Three Percenters. Jung’s 2-acre homestead in Wisconsin is where the DOJ alleges the Michigan “plotters” held firearms training and field exercises under the watchful eye of undercover informants.

And so we see the strange parallels between the so-called Michigan Plot and the so-called 1/6 Capitol Siege. In Michigan you had an alleged plot involving the storming of a state capitol, allegedly involving members of one of the very same key militia groups associated with the 1/6 plot. And we’re supposed to believe that despite massive and now publicly confirmed FBI and government infiltration of the Michigan Plot, there was no similar infiltration for 1/6?

Such a position appears still less plausible when we consider a final, suspicious connection between the Michigan Plot and 1/6.

The head of the FBI field office in Detroit, Steven D’Antuono, who oversaw the infiltration (and incitement?) operation into the Michigan plot was quickly and quietly promoted to lead the coveted Washington, DC field office:

Steven M. D’Antuono, who was named chief of the Detroit FBI office a year ago, has been promoted to head the Washington Field Office, a coveted post in the bureau.

FBI Director Christopher Wray made the announcement Tuesday, just several days after D’Antuono’s agents and state police busted up a plot to abduct Gov. Gretechen Whitmer. His official new title is assistant director in charge. [Deadline Detroit]

If you’ve been following along so far, you can probably take a guess as to what Steven D’Antuono is up to in his new, coveted perch…

That’s right, he’s one of the key figures overseeing the investigation into the 1/6 Capitol Siege. What a coincidence!

Let’s recap what we’ve established. Just months prior to the U.S. Capitol Siege on 1/6, the FBI thwarted a similar plot involving a siege at the Michigan State Capitol, whose plotters belong to one of the three main militia groups associated with 1/6. The FBI was able to thwart this on the basis of an astonishing infiltration rate of said groups involving undercover operatives and informants who had been working in such capacity, just in one tiny Michigan network, for more than seven months. They were so well-infiltrated that they already had three informants embedded in this random Three Percenter network before any plot was even hatched. Furthermore, just days after the plot was foiled, FBI director Christopher Wray quietly promoted the FBI Special Agent in Charge of the Michigan Plot operation to a coveted D.C. field post, where he now oversees the investigation into 1/6.

The Special Agent in Charge, by the way, is who establishes, extends, renews and supervises all FBI undercover operations.

The above parallels between the Michigan Plot and 1/6 do not necessarily mean that the the FBI had undercover informants and operatives who were involved in 1/6. But it sure as heck reinforces our intuition that it’s a distinct possibility. And it forces us to ask the question once again — if the government foiled the Michigan Plot, why didn’t they step in to stop the so-called siege on 1/6?

It is now imperative for anyone who cares about the truth to demand that Christopher Wray answer the question — to what extent did the FBI or any other government agency infiltrate the key militia groups associated with the U.S. Capitol Siege?

And more pressing still, a question to which we now turn our attention: how many of the unindicted co-conspirators in 1/6 prosecutions are unindicted on account of a prior arrangement with the federal government as an undercover operative or informant?

Shock and Awe: The DOJ’s Standard of Prosecution

Revolver News’s investigative team noticed from the very beginning a highly unusual and hard-to-explain feature of the conspiracy indictments filed against the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys.

Revolver took special notice of not only the unusual volume of unindicted co-conspirators, but a still more unusual feature that the statements and actions of the unindicted co-conspirators in many cases seemed far more egregious and aggressive than those of the persons actually indicted.

It is essential here to make an important note of clarification. The purpose of this analysis here is not to aid in the prosecution of any of these unindicted co-conspirators. Rather, our aim is to point out that, given the standards of indictment applied to those actually indicted, it is very strange and indeed suspicious that certain unindicted co-conspirators have managed to avoid indictment. This does not necessarily mean that we approve of the standard of indictment itself. Quite the contrary, the aggressive standard of indictment and prosecution, through an unimaginably broad application of “conspiracy” charges, is immoral, unjust, and absurd.

We hope that one consequence of this seismic exposé will be a serious and prompt reform of the justice system to prevent such aggressive and politically motivated prosecutions on the part of the government.

Broadly speaking, there are three primary reasons to see an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal complaint: grants of immunity, pragmatic considerations, and evidentiary concerns.

Grants of immunity are traditionally only issued as the result of a plea deal reached between a defendant and prosecutors. Specifically, in exchange for agreeing to testify against “Big Fish” in the conspiracy, a “Little Fish” may remain an unindicted co-conspirator and never be charged.

But there are two reasons this possibility is far less likely in the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys indictments.

First, the timing doesn’t add up. The first indictment in the Oath Keepers case, already containing multiple key unindicted co-conspirators, was filed on January 27.

The First Superseding Indictment was filed on February 19. The Second Superseding Indictment was filed on March 12. The Third Superseding Indictment was filed on March 31. But the first plea deal in the Oath Keepers case was not struck until April 16. This means that none of the unindicted co-conspirators in the first three months of filings could have gotten a grant of immunity.

And even then, only one guy so far has copped a plea. Informal plea negotiations among the broader group didn’t even start until last week.

There are what appears to be upwards of 20 unindicted co-conspirators in the Oath Keepers indictments, all playing various roles in the conspiracy, who have not been charged for virtually the exact same activities — and in some cases much, much more severe activities — as those named alongside them in indictments.

The timeline and fact pattern suggests therefore that the only unindicted co-conspirator who could be unindicted as the result of a grant of immunity would have to be the single person from the Fourth Superseding Indictment onward, which was filed on May 26.

The other reasons to typically see unindicted co-conspirators — pragmatic concerns and evidentiary concerns — seem far less likely in this case as well.

The DOJ kicked off what has become one the largest and most aggressive prosecutorial dragnets in American history by announcing a campaign of “Shock and Awe.” No one gets off the hook. No one gets leniency. And everyone playing a bit part gets maximum time because this is about sending a message.

Listen to then-Acting U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Michael Sherwin describing this remarkably merciless “Shock and Awe” prosecutorial campaign:

Here’s a partial transcript:

I wanted to ensure, and our office wanted to ensure, that there was shock and awe. That we could charge as many people as possible before [January] 20th. And it worked because we saw through media posts that people were afraid to come back to D.C., because they were like, ‘If we go there, we’re going to get charged.’

We saw “Shock and Awe” in action in the DOJ’s terrifyingly twisted “conspiracy” case against George Tanios, discussed at length in a previous Revolver report.

READ MORE: Assault Charges Spell Problems for DOJ, FBI in Officer Sicknick Case

RELATED: One Month Later, CNN Finally Admits What Revolver Reported All Along

George Tanios and his companion Julian Khater have been charged with nine criminal counts for actions taken on 1/6 just outside the steps of the U.S. Capitol building. The most serious charge was assault on an officer with a dangerous weapon, arising from Khater’s alleged use of Tanios’s chemical spray to tag Officer Sicknick and two other officers in the face.

MORE: MAGA Blood Libel: Why Are They Hiding the Medical Report?

There, Tanios: (1) did not go in the Capitol; (2) did not use any bear spray himself; (3) had bear spray in his backpack and when his buddy Khater reached in to take it out, Tanios actively tried to stop him; and (4) in the end, it turns out, as prosecutors now acknowledge, his buddy never even used the bear spray.

And still, the DOJ has slapped this 39-year-old sandwich shop owner, George Tanios, with 60 years worth of stacking “conspiracy” charges because he said, “Hold on, hold on, not yet, not yet.”

As we proceed to consider the following unindicted co-conspirators, keep in mind this George Tanios “Shock and Awe” standard of prosecution.

The Unindicted Co-Conspirators

The first suspiciously unindicted co-conspirators we will consider are the “Person Two” and “Person Three” who are unindicted co-conspirators in the indictment against Oath Keeper Thomas Caldwell (and the 15 named co-defendants).

For those unfamiliar, Thomas Caldwell is a 65-year-old from Virginia and an alleged member of the Oath Keepers, which the DOJ refers to as a “paramilitary” or “militia” group. The Caldwell case served as one of the first major indictments following the January 6 incident.

The DOJ press release provides more detail:

Jessica Marie Watkins, 38, and Donovan Ray Crowl, 50, both of Champaign County, Ohio; and Thomas Caldwell, 65, of Clarke County, Virginia, were indicted today in federal court in the District of Columbia on charges of conspiracy, obstructing an official proceeding, destruction of government property, and unlawful entry on restricted building or grounds, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 371, 1512, 1361, and 1752. Watkins and Crowl were arrested on Jan. 18; Caldwell was arrested on Jan. 19. All three individuals originally were charged by criminal complaint. The maximum penalty for Obstructing an Official Proceeding is a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

According to the charging documents, Watkins, Crowl, and Caldwell communicated with each another in advance of the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion on the U.S. Capitol and coordinated their attack. Watkins, Crowl, and Caldwell are all affiliated with the Oath Keepers, while Watkins and Crowl are also members of the Ohio State Regular Militia. Watkins claimed to be a commanding officer within the Ohio State Regular Militia in a social media post. [Department of Justice]

A careful read of the indictment against Caldwell reveals that a certain “Person Two” was a key co-conspirator alongside Caldwell in nearly every dimension relevant to the charges in question.

Person Two planned logistics with Caldwell days in advance of 1/6, stayed in the same hotel room for days together, and when Caldwell allegedly “stormed the barricades” into restricted areas outside the U.S. Capitol, Person Two is alleged to have “stormed the barricades” right beside him.

But five months since the acts both co-conspirators allegedly committed, only Caldwell has been charged. Person Two, for some mysterious reason, remains an unindicted co-conspirator.

For example, the DOJ alleges:

48. Meanwhile, CALDWELL, who was positioned on the west side of the Capitol, joined with PERSON TWO and others known and unknown in storming past barricades and climbing stairs up to a balcony on the West side of the Capitol building. [DOJ – Fourth Superseding Indictment]

Person Two is with Caldwell side by side, doing the same actions, going into the same restricted areas of the Capitol, coming out, every step of the way from the beginning of the day until they return to a hotel they share together. But for some strange reason, Person Two, who could not have gotten a plea deal, is not indicted, named, or pursued at all. From the government’s brief against reconsideration of detention:

Did you see us storm the Capitol today? [Person Two] is exhausted and will give you the long version later… I will send you now a sequence of pics as we get bearer, climb through the construction and scaffolding meant to stop us, up the stairway where they were shooting teargas and the grins after we were in as well as the view looking out from the balcony.

Hell yeah! [Person Two] and I rolled with the Oathkeepers and some other militia.

On my side another round of indiscriminate tear gas shots. I gotta say, I was carrying my American flag and I got up on that fountain and I said let’s go. Patriots forward! And people were screaming it and we surged forward. I will neve forget the feeling. And [Person Two] I said . . . do you want to go and [Person Two] said something like let’s go!

We got to the level where they do the inauguration and I gotta say it was exhilarating to stand there with thousands, some even hanging from the scaffolding, waving my American flag and [PERSON TWO] waving the flag singing America the beautiful and the Star spangled banner with hundred of thousands of people I didn’t know.

On my side the cops showed up on a level above us with riot guns and about this time I had left [PERSON TWO] and [name omitted] one of our other pals by the railing about 20 yards back.

And more, from the fourth superseding indictment:

52. On December 30, 2020, WATKINS and CALDWELL exchanged the following text messages:

WATKINS: Looks like we are greenlight to come to DC on the 6th. The Rally Point still at your place?

CALDWELL: Not that I am aware… Here’s the rub: [PERSON TWO] and I will be in a hotel within striking distance of the city starting on the 4th so we won’t even BE here.

Even more suspicious than Person 2 described above is Person 3, who is yet another unindicted co-conspirator in the Caldwell indictment.

Note that in the Michigan Plot described in the previous section, both the main van driver and explosives supplier were undercover FBI operatives.

Here, the Oath Keepers’ main bus driver and supposed explosives supplier remains an unindicted co-conspirator. That person is simply listed as “Person 3” in the complaints.

Consider the following from paragraph 64 of the Caldwell indictment:

On January 1, 2021, CALDWELL wrote to CROWL, “Check with Cap. I recommended the following hotel to her which STILL has rooms (unbelieveble).” CALDWELL then sent a link to the Comfort Inn Ballston, the same hotel that he recommended to others on January 1. CALDWELL continued, “[PERSON TWO] and I are setting up shop there. [PERSON THREE] has a room and is bringing someone. He will be the quick reaction force. Its going to be cold. We need a place to spend the night before minimum. [PERSON ONE] never contacted me so [PERSON TWO] and I are going our way. I will probably do pre-strike on the 5th though there are things going on that day. Maybe can do some night hunting. Oathkeeper friends from North Carolina are taking commercial buses up early in the morning on the 6th and back same night. [PERSON THREE] will have the goodies in case things go bad and we need to get heavy.” [DOJ – Fourth Superseding Indictment]

In arguing defendant Caldwell should be denied bail, the DOJ cites Caldwell’s “leadership role in planning the events of January 6” as including “finding lodging” for Person Three. They even explicitly refer to Person Three as “a third co-conspirator.” Why is this “third co-conspirator” still unindicted?

Perhaps most significantly, the government has proffered, and the indictment alleges, that Defendant Caldwell played a leadership role in planning the events of January 6, 2021: by (1) finding lodging just outside Washington, D.C. for himself, co-defendant Watkins, co-defendant Crowd, and a third co-conspirator, Person Three, whom Caldwell said would be serving as part of the “quick reaction force” to support the operations on January 6 (ECF No. 18 at 7-9); (2) distributing maps to the quick reaction force to help it find the quickest route to the Capitol, should its services be required (id. At 9); and (3) by discussing whether it would be possible to recruit people with boats to join the plan, so that they could participate in the quick reaction force and ferry “the heavy weapons” across the Potomac River, should that become necessary during the events of January 6 (id. At 9). [DOJ – Caldwell Bond Motion]

In the Michigan Plot, an undercover FBI operative was the recipient of hand-drawn maps from the “plotters” doing reconnaissance missions. Here in 1/6, it is once again the mysteriously unindicted co-conspirator “Person 3” who receives hand-drawn maps:

75. On January 4, 2021, CALDWELL emailed PERSON THREE several maps along with the message, “These maps walk you from the hotel into D.C. and east toward the target area on multiple roads running west to east including M street and P street, two of my favorites…” [DOJ – Fourth Superseding Indictment]

Further, in the Michigan Plot, defense counsel alleges it was an undercover FBI operative who actually organized and paid for the hotel rooms during the key planning meeting on June 6, 2020.

Here, our mysteriously unindicted “Person Three” reserved and paid for various Oath Keeper hotel rooms:

68. KELLY MEGGS paid for two rooms, each for two people, at the Comfort Inn Ballston from January 5-6, 2021. The rooms were reserved under the name of Person Three.

69. Person Three paid for one room at the Comfort Inn Ballston from January 5-6, 2021. [DOJ – Fourth Superseding Indictment]

From the indictment, Person 3 was tasked with stashing the heavy weapons at the “QRF hotel”, and standing by as QRF operator in case he was summoned to take the weapons directly to protesters at the scene. [Indictment, paragraphs 83, 84 and 90 and Bond Hearing, pp. 13-14]

This same pattern applies to the booking of most Oath Keeper hotel rooms:

82. On January 4, 2021, PERSON TEN checked into the Hilton Garden Inn in Vienna, Virginia. The room was reserved and paid for using a credit card in PERSON ONE’s name.

95. MINUTA, using his personal email address and his personal home address, reserved three rooms at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., under the names of MINUTA, JAMES, and PERSON TWENTY. A debit card associated with PERSON FIFTEEN was used to pay for the room reserved under MINUTA’s name. [DOJ Indictment]

Indeed, the curious lack of indictments filed against the entire gamut of Persons referenced as playing leadership roles within the Oath Keepers on 1/6 raises red flags. This includes: Person 2, Person 3, Person 10, Person 14, Person 15, Person 16, Person 19 and Person 20, along with many co-conspirators listed only as “an individual.”

For example, while transgender bar owner and Ohio Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins is inside the mezzanine of the U.S. Capitol, she is being directed, encouraged and egged on by “an individual” whose identity the DOJ clearly knows, since the DOJ stipulates the “individual” had “participated in at least one prior Oath Keeper operation:”

141. An individual who had participated in at least one prior Oath Keeper operations with WATKINS responded, “Get it Jess. Do your fucking thing. This is what we fucking [unintelligible] up for. Everything we fucking trained for.” [DOJ Indictment]

Among such individuals, consider the alleged administrator of the “Stop the Steal J6” Zello channel.

The Zello channel in question was populated by patriot/militia personalities who were variously monitoring and participating in 1/6 activities in real-time. For those unfamiliar, Zello is an app that allows for walkie-talkie functionality on a cell phone. Because phones signals were “jammed” by law enforcement in the Capitol area, Zello’s walkie-talkie function was useful (and pre-planned) to stay in communication.

The DOJ alleges:

114. At 2:03pm, the administrator of the “Stop the Steal J6” Zello channel directed the group, “You are executing citizen’s arrest. Arrest this assembly, we have probable cause for acts of treason, election fraud.” [DOJ Indictment]

The DOJ point-blank says this Zello channel administrator “directed the group” as it was carrying out the alleged Capitol attack. If the group is carrying out a conspiracy (and that’s what the defendants are charged with), this Zello channel administrator is directing the conspiracy in real-time. Further, applying the George Tanios “shock and awe” standard, it would certainly appear that direct instructions and active encouragement to co-conspirators in real-time to perform “citizens arrests” on the assembly (presumably Congress) is far worse than George Tanios merely saying “Hold on, hold on, not yet,” which was the sole hook needed for the DOJ to jail him without bail facing 60 years of charges.

An important reminder for the reader: the point of this exercise is not to encourage the prosecution of this or any other unindicted co-conspirator. The purpose is to suggest the oddity that such co-conspirators have not been indicted, given the absurdly severe “Shock and Awe” standard applied to those who have been. To the extent that this double-standard suggests that the unindicted co-conspirator remains such because he or she has a relationship with the federal government, this is of profound public interest.

We do not mean however to legitimize or condone the “Shock and Awe” standard applied to those indicted, or the wide scope and abusive application of “conspiracy” statutes to target political dissidents.

Under the same (absurd and unjust) standard of prosecution applied to this and every other 1/6 case, this statement, made in real-time over private walkie-talkie to the Oath Keepers inside the Capitol is immediately sufficient to charge this “individual” with conspiracy as well. Is this person being protected? If so, why?

Turning to the Proud Boys side, it appears that the individual who set up the Proud Boys’ communications infrastructure is still being protected by the DOJ. The DOJ refers to this person only as “UCC-1” (UCC meaning an explicitly spelled out “unindicted co-conspirator”):

47. At 9:09 p.m. UCC-1 broadcast a message to the New MOSD and Boots on the Ground channels that read: Stand by for the shared baofeng channel and shared zello channel, no Color, be decentralized and use good judgment until further orders” UCC-1 also wrote, “Rufio is is in charge, cops are the primary threat, don’t get caught by them or BLM, don’t get drunk until off the street.” UCC-1 then provided a specific radio frequency of 477.985. [DOJ – First Superseding Indictment]

Note that the “baofeng channel” here refers to encrypted two-way Chinese Baefeng radios.

Recall in the very beginning of this report, the Senate hearing exchange (in which Sen. Amy Klobachar asks FBI Director Wray if he wishes the FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys) begins with her exasperation over the Proud Boys having “Chinese radio”:

“And they show up, we now know in this complaint, with encrypted two-way Chinese radios…”

What a dark irony if it turns out that the very radios in question here were supplied to the Proud Boys group by an informant or undercover agent!

UCC-1, as well as two additional unindicted co-conspirators referred to only as “Person-One” and “Person-Two” in the Proud Boys indictment, were all in Proud Boys “upper tier leadership,” and appear to have been the most prolific planners and incendiary advocates of “insurrection” in the run-up to and on the day of 1/6.

For example, the DOJ cites statements made almost exclusively by unindicted co-conspirators as statements that “revealed a plan to storm the Capitol and to let the crowd loose.” Below is a direct quote from that DOJ motion. Note that only a single statement in this entire exchange, cited as the DOJ’s proof of an ongoing conspiracy, is made by a conspirator the DOJ actually indicted (Charles Donahoe). Even then, the indicted conspirator’s statements are orders of magnitude less specific, conspiratorial and incendiary than those made by unindicted co-conspirators UCC-1, Person-1 and Person-2:

Statements made contemporaneous to the event, however, revealed a plan to storm the Capitol and to let the crowd loose, e.g.:

UCC-1: I want to see thousands of normies burn that city to ash today
Person-2: Would be epic
UCC-1: The state is the enemy of the people
Person-2: We are the people
UCC-1: Fuck yea
Person-1: God let it happen . . . I will settle with seeing them smash some pigs to dust
Person-2: Fuck these commie traitors
Person-1: It’s going to happen. These normiecons have no adrenaline control . . . They are like a pack of wild dogs
DONOHOE: I’m leaving with a crew of about 15 at 0830 to hoof it to the monument no colors
Person-2: Fuck it let them loose
Person-1: I agree . . .

[May 13 DOJ filing, p. 7]

For this exchange, made on 1/6, in the exclusive, encrypted senior leaders-only chat of the Proud Boys, the DOJ has sufficient grounds to indict UCC-1, Person-1 and Person-2 as co-conspirators.

But the roles of UCC-1, Person-1 and Person-2 look even worse when you understand the structure and hierarchy of the Proud Boys chain of command on 1/6.

First, there were only a very small handful of people in the “upper tier leadership” private Telegram chat of the Proud Boys. When the channel was set up on December, 29, 2020, it was just six people, including Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, longtime Proud Boys “thought leader” Joseph Biggs, Proud Boys Auburn chapter head Ethan Nordean, and Proud Boys Philadelphia chapter head Zachary Rehl. That’s four named individuals and two-unnamed.

On December 29, 2020, the Proud Boys Chairman announced the leadership and structure of the Ministry of Self-Defense. The leadership and structure included an “upper tier leadership” of six people, which included Proud Boys Chairman, Nordean, Biggs, and Rehl. Later that evening, Donohoe explained the structure with reference to the upcoming trip to Washington, D.C. Among other things, Donohoe explained that the MOSD was a “special chapter” within the organization. The “special chapter” was not to have any interaction with other Proud Boys attending the event. Other Proud Boys attending the event were to coordinate with their own chapters and “do whatever you guys want.” [May 13 DOJ filing, pp. 3-4]

After 1/6, it came to light that Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio had been a “prolific” FBI informant for years, and Proud Boys “thought leader” Joseph Biggs had been an FBI informant for several months.

The day before 1/6, the Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, a known FBI informant, was arrested on weapons charges and ordered by a Judge to stay away from D.C.

Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the right-wing group the Proud Boys, has been ordered to stay away from Washington, D.C., after he was arrested on vandalism and weapons charges. The ruling comes one day before pro-Trump demonstrations are planned in Washington as Congress convenes to count the Electoral College votes ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20.

Tarrio was released from custody on Tuesday, but Judge Renee Raymond ordered him to stay away from Washington. Raymond said the government’s request for Tarrio to stay away was reasonable given his prior statements about burning anything associated with Black Lives Matter, Raymond also ordered that Tarrio not possess a firearm or ammunition while in Washington.

Tarrio was arrested Monday after he arrived in Washington on a charge stemming from the destruction of a Black Lives Matter banner at a historically Black church. He was found to be in possession of several high-capacity firearms, stemming in felony charges. [CBS]

A full discussion of Tarrio is outside the scope of this piece. For now, we will simply note how remarkably convenient it is that the head of the Proud Boys, a known FBI informant, just happened to get arrested and banned from D.C. the day before the January 6 protest, in which Proud Boys were involved.

What better excuse for the leader not to be present on that fateful day?

Upon Tarrio’s arrest on January 4, the “upper tier leadership” of the MOSD Telegram channel was “nuked” and a channel, “New MOSD” took its place. We now know this top leadership Telegram group included unindicted co-conspirators UCC-1, Person-1 and Person-2 (as well as Proud Boys North Carolina chapter leader Charles Donahoe).

On January 4, 2021, shortly after Proud Boys Chairman’s arrest pursuant to a warrant issued by D.C. Superior Court, DONOHOE expressed concern that encrypted communications that involved Proud Boys Chairman would be compromised when law enforcement examined Proud Boys Chairman’s phone. DONOHOE then created a new channel on the encrypted messaging application, entitled “New MOSD,” and took steps to destroy or “nuke” the earlier channel. After its creation, the “New MOSD” channel included NORDEAN, BIGGS, REHL, DONOHOE, and a handful of additional members. [DOJ – First Superseding Indictment]

The DOJ cites Person-1 as saying the following:

Person-1: God let it happen . . . I will settle with seeing them smash some pigs to dust
Person-1: It’s going to happen. These normiecons have no adrenaline control . . . They are like a pack of wild dogs
Person-2: Fuck it let them loose
Person-1: I agree . . .

[Bond Motion]

Furthermore, DOJ cites Person-1 as belonging to Proud Boys’ “upper tier leadership”:

A video call was held with prospective members of the MOSD on December 30, 2020. The self-proclaimed leadership of the MOSD introduced the chapter and explained the expectations, including the strict chain of command. As one member (“Person-1”) of the upper tier leadership explained…

[Bond Motion]

This unindicted co-conspirator, Person-1, then explained that all Proud Boys leaders must obey the orders of any person in the senior leadership chat. That means UCC-1, Person-1 and Person-2 had directorial authority over indicted defendants in the group:

“[Directions] could come from any single person that you see on your screen right now… but the one thing that everyone has to understand, is, yes, you might be getting told things from different people, but it’s all information from the same plan. [Joe] Biggs] is not going to tell you something different than I’m gonna tell you. [Proud Boys Chairman] is not going to tell you something different than Zach [Rehl] is going to tell you. It’s all one operational plan, so don’t get hung up on the delivery. The information is all the same. [Bond Motion]

So if UCC-1, Person-1 and/or Person-2 were undercover informants or agents, note that instruction given by them to other Proud Boys in the chat was to be taken as a direction coming straight “from the top.”

40. On January 4, 2021, at 7:15 p.m., DONOHOE posted a message on various encrypted messaging channels, including New MOSD, which read, “Hey have been instructed and listen to me real good! There is no planning of any sorts. I need to be put into whatever new thing is created… DONOHOE then wrote, “Stop everything immediately” and then “This comes from the top.”

And in fact, these unindicted co-conspirators did appear to override indicted defendants:

41. On January 4, 2021, at 8:20 p.m., an unindicted co-conspirator (“UCC-1”) posted to New MOSD channel: “We had originally planned on divying them up and getting baofeng channels picked out.” [DOJ – First Superseding Indictment]

The next day, UCC-1 did in fact set up and distribute the Baofeng Chinese radio frequency [paragraph 47].

While UCC-1 set up the Chinese radios and walkie-talkie teams, and Person-1 gave operational instructions, Person-2 was repeatedly posting into the senior leadership chat the most inflammatory and inciting comments of anyone in the organization:

On January 4, prior to his arrival in Washington, D.C., Proud Boys Chairman communicated his expectation that he would be arrested upon entering Washington, D.C. Shortly thereafter, UCC-1 wrote, “We should tell our guys and double down.” Another member of MOSD leadership (“Person-2”) subsequently wrote, “I say fuck it. Let’s set it off[.]” Person-2 then posted “J20” and then “Drag them out by the fucking hair” and then “If they steal it[.]”

Notably, Person-1 and Person-2 were the same participants in the Telegram message chats on January 6 who expressed their hope that the “normies” would “burn that city to ash” and suggested that those on the ground should “turn them loose.” In addition, Person-2 was the individual who posted an alert in the Telegram messages: “Storming the Capitol now” and directed participants to “Get there.” [DOJ Motion]

By the severe “Shock and Awe” prosecutorial standard applied to George Tanios, it is difficult to understand how the unindicted co-conspirators described above have not yet been indicted.

As yet another reminder, we are not advocating for the prosecution or indictment of anyone. Rather, we are pointing out the seeming double standard applied to certain indicted persons (George Tanios, for example) and a number of highly suspicious unindicted co-conspirators, with a view toward the strong possibility that the latter categories contain federal informants and undercover operatives.


By way of conclusion, let us return to a curious feature of the Michigan Plot described earlier in this report.

During one of the plot’s climactic scenes, in the main van driving up to look at Whitmer’s vacation house, three out of the five people in the van — 60 percent of the plot’s senior leaders — were undercover agents and operatives:

31. FOX, CROFT, a CHS-2, a UCE, and an individual from Wisconsin traveled in the first vehicle. While in the vehicle, CROFT and FOX discussed detonating explosive devices [DOJ Indictment]

The FBI and DOJ went to great lengths to conceal the fact that the fifth man in the van, “an individual from Wisconsin,” was actually a deep undercover federal informant.

This “individual” allegedly organized the initial June 6, 2020 meeting in Dublin, Ohio where the entire Michigan Plot was allegedly hatched. He even allegedly paid for the attendees’ hotel rooms to travel there.

No wonder that the FBI-DOJ tried to conceal the central role of their mole in setting in motion a conspiracy blamed entirely on patriot/militia groups!

The “individual from Wisconsin,” also referenced variously throughout the Michigan Plot courts documents as “an individual”, is the longtime government mole Steve Robeson. We know this, because in November 2020, one month after the October 2020 indictment was filed, Steve Robeson blew his cover by spilling on a livestream: “I am the individual from Wisconsin.”

The criminal complaint describes a late-night surveillance run in mid-September from the group’s remote training site in Luther to Whitmer’s vacation home in northern Michigan. Three vehicles made the trip, including a truck containing five people: accused ringleader Adam Fox, Croft, an informant, an undercover FBI agent and “an individual from Wisconsin.”

“That’s me,” Robeson tells members during the online meeting. “I’m the individual from Wisconsin.” [Detroit News]

Steve Robeson, 58, had been penetrating right-wing patriot/militia groups as a secret informant for the Federal government for over 35 years.

Robeson has a history of testifying for the government. In 1985, he testified against a suspect in a murder and arson case involving members of the Ghost Riders motorcycle gang, according to a Wisconsin State Journal article. The article portrays Robeson as a jailhouse snitch who shared a county jail cell with one defendant in the case. [Detroit News]

In a possible preview of what might come for some of the unindicted co-conspirators in 1/6, the FBI-DOJ burned Robeson, their own secret informant, by hitting the man they paid to infiltrate patriot groups with a 10-year charge for owning a gun (as a convicted child molester, he was not allowed to own a gun, which the FBI obviously knew in advance). Perhaps this is the price that Robeson paid for blowing his cover?

There is a fascinating moment in the October 14 preliminary hearing where Detroit FBI Field Office Special Agent Richard Trask brings personal notes to the stand, which he only consults when talking about key events concerning the “individual from Wisconsin”. When questioned on cross-examination about the contents of the notes and why they weren’t disclosed to defense counsel, Special Agent Trask says his admits his notes were prepped in a joint meeting the night before between the FBI and DOJ. When defense counsel Mr. Graham motions the judge for a copy of the notes, DOJ prosecutor Mr. Kessler rushes in to specify that defense counsel will only get a redacted version of the notes because they relate to unindicted co-conspirators and concealed-identity informants. [Preliminary Hearing Transcript – also see image sequence 1, 2, 3, 4]

Steve Robeson (“an individual”) being outed as a deep undercover FBI mole just months ago in the Michigan Plot, among other incidents, calls into question every major unindicted co-conspirator in the 1/6 case docket referred to only as “an individual.” Indeed, in the case of Robeson, the FBI and DOJ conspired to use this exact language trick to hide the existence of secret FBI informants from the judge, defense counsel and the public.

In the end, we are left with burning questions that ought to entirely reshape the way the nation thinks and talks about the events of 1/6.

From now on, every politician, commentator, and concerned citizen who cares about 1/6 has a duty to put the pressure on FBI director Christopher Wray to come clean.

In the very beginning of this piece we drew attention to Senator Klobuchar asking Christopher Wray about infiltration, but formulating the question in a way that assumed there was none. Don’t you ever kick yourself, she asked the FBI director, for not having infiltrated these groups that planned to do violence on 1/6?

Now, armed with the formidable research in this article, any politician in Senator Klobuchar’s shoes ought to kick themselves if they don’t ask the following:

Director Wray: How many of the unindicted co-conspirators in January 6 cases are now, or have been, undercover agents or confidential informants?

Indeed, pulling on the thread developed in this ground-breaking report could unravel the full story of what the FBI really knew about 1/6 — a potentially extraordinary scandal.

Stay tuned. We’re not done yet.

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VI. The Rest of the Story: Explanation for Black Operation on Infowars.com (Feb. 21, 2021)


The Alex Jones Show

Newly revealed footage of ANTIFA leader John Sullivan admitting to organizing the January 6th riot directly contradicts the Washington Post article blaming Alex Jones and Roger Stone


an hour ago
Clown world. Take this shot now Im going to cut your kids balls off then Im going lock you down tell you what you can do in your house. Well scuse me tide pod user. We built this country better look out you might just get awake up call

2 hours ago
Hey Alex, that’s a good newspaper pix of you, wearing your RayBan Aviator shades and the “Space Force” NASA logo t-shirt. TopGun, yeehaa.
Nasty Nancy P needs to direct her “punch” towards the San Francisco mess in that city…clean up your turf Nancy and get those homeless folks housed so they no longer crap on the sidewalks.

3 hours ago
Where did the ladder come from?

6 hours ago
These COMMUNIST CRIMINAL PAEDOPHILE DEMOCRATS are all PSYCHOPATHS!! Now they’re making up sh** about Justice Thomas’ wife!! A bunch of DAMN EVIL CRIMINALS!!

6 hours ago
When you see a man wearing a Flintstones Water Buffalo Hat. You know immediately this is BS . But no problem come right on in and walk around . Where would you even get one of those outside of a props dept. David Crockett was banned from the Capital for wearing a raccoon on his head. And since then it is forbidden to wear a hat in Congress because of Davie Crockett . But a Flintstones water buffalo lodge hat no problem. Try wearing that at the airport or a casino see what happens

9 hours ago
The lady at 10:15…
How is she not being raided by the FBI??
How is she not a domestic terrorist??

18 hours ago
There are a lot of talk but no action people. Chicken POOP

18 hours ago
Why isn’t this illegal and arrest made this is a crime toward the public and the law bidden citizens. So if we organize the republics of all 80 million people who votes were stolen we can go in with guns taking over the capital as a revolution to over take our republic. The resentence would stand up to take our country back. To resent what illegally happened to WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. If no one is going to be held accountable why cant we make them accountable as a citizens arrest? Where are the ture Attorneys to uphold the right to undo the wrong?

a day ago
The more 6th January is presented as contentious , the more 3rd November needs fought for.The reson for the 6th entirely , was the 3rd !

a day ago
fake ass motherfucker…go hide in your cabin with your storable food…

2 days ago
I think Pelosi and Cooper planned to murder some Trump supporters.

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago
These people are domestic terrorists, were is the crack down on these M/Fs!

2 days ago
The Evil is so searing in this country that to turn your head in its opposition direction is willful blinding of oneself.

2 days ago
Confess? Demons don’t confess — they BRAG!

3 days ago
Where’s that douchebag Marcopolo? I don’see his moonbat blathering comments here. Definately refreshing.

3 days ago
only they can say if Pelosi had it planed , yes testify Alex

3 days ago
we have to start Citizen arrest even deep state must be charged gates and Harris are Fools

3 days ago
hey im unable to watch this video… i get this error *The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.* any fix?

3 days ago
The Q boards are suggesting Trump will be inaugurated on March 4th is false. Q has not posted since December. Quit making this shit up about Q Alex.

3 days ago
Alex that green energy shit sucks

3 days ago
Alex that green energy shit sucks

3 days ago
See youtube Z6Fxs54kV1Q

3 days ago
Everyone ever realize that a Meteor Coming towards us would cause Storms Climate changes and Earthquakes do to its gravity effecting us as it gets closer. They don’t want to admit that they are going to Mars because earth is going to get hit by a Meteor. They know.
3 days ago
only stupid leftist care about the capitol story .
What main stream media say don’t matter anymore only the leftist who wont change there mind still trust them .
i don’t expect those stupid leftist who voted biden or still believe mainstream media to switch side they are to stupid to change .
3 days ago
ReHire Millie. She was the best and bravest reporter you ever had !!
3 days ago
I thought you fired Millie ?? Millie was absolutely GREAT !! She would go deep and get the goods. I wonder if Millie knows you are using her footage. Hmm
3 days ago
You should never have fired millie, knight, gun girl or watson.

3 days ago
They are using this staged attack to take loyal Americans out of the military & police. We MUST seek to expose & persecuted them legally for their treason against America. The traitors are on the left and the right.

3 days ago
They are using this staged attack to take loyal Americans out of the military & police. We MUST seek to expose & persecuted them legally for their treason against America. The traitors are on the left and the right.

3 days ago
I saw a video on rumble that showed CNN using Hollywood filming and organizing with paid crisis actors & fake blood, to create the scene at the capital. That’s why you saw them being led in. Some real Patriots were tricked. That was the point. Antifa & BLM, along with crisis actors were bussed in. Pelosi, Schumer. Mcconnrl & Graham HAD to be involved with planning this. This was about getting power out of the people’s hands by removing trump. Trump won that election. Don’t prople understand that even if there was a REAL maga attack at the capital, that didn’t give congress the right to deny the votes being audited. They did this to prevent us from finding out thry cheated, and to justify calling true loyal Americans terrorists, persecuting anyone with Christian values, taking our free speech & guns under those red laws.

3 days ago
May seem off-point, but search bitchute for 0Zbssrm7lezw/ The kike of JewTube, Susan Wojcicki, banned this on the basis of “HATE SPEECH” despite the fact that it CONTAINS NO SPEECH !!!!!!!!!!! Chuck Schumer of the Capitol Hill attack would be proud.
3 days ago
u do realize if we just did the q thing then took it back by force weed be in 1776 not this bullshit stand down Lilly liveried dog shit right.
3 days ago
nov 3 recount district 7 nh windham hand recount finds 300 aprox votes removed by machine count. from multiple candidates the requester of recount lost 100 votes. www.windhamnh.gov/DocumentCenter/View/8092/Election-Recount-Matter-20202021 https://patch.com/new-hampshire/concord-nh/windham-democrat-raises-questions-nhs-accuvote-machines dom-in-ion owns this system

3 days ago
Nancy Pelosi hasn’t been ready to throw punch or take a punch for at least 40 years!

3 days ago
I feel a mass great awakening happening soon dont mean to sound like a Qtard but these demonkkkrats are exposing themselves more and more these scumlords have no idea what they’re up against 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸🙏🏾🙌🏾

3 days ago
Ok, so we have the admitted culprits..now what? I do want to shed some light on something, the impeachment for a moment. In a round-a-bout way, they opened Pandora’s box. Here’s how. So, legally you can’t impeach a private citizen. But, you can impeach someone in official office in official capacity. You’d think, if he wasn’t in still in office in official capacity. It wouldn’t have even made it to the senate floor. It would’ve been DOA big time. The fact it was even entertained but still aquitted means a whole lot. Why even entertain it if he isn’t in any position of power to do something? Has it stopped right there? No, they’re still attacking him and going after him as if he is still president. They view him and his supporters as massive threats. Far beyond just a mere threat of being the face of populism. I mean hell, Trump’s words himself. “A new administration.” “The best has yet to come.” “A peaceful and orderly transition of power.” Not one word about a Biden administration and that Biden is president. If they really were as powerful as they say they were. They would’ve already done everything they said they were gonna do. The truth is, they’re weak. They’re imploding and self destructing. Be prepared for anything. Keep your eyes peeled, ears open, and head on a swivel. Right now anything is possible and probable.

3 days ago
Alex Jones, is lying why did he just show the @18:50 or picture of the OKC city building bummer, I served with with him, him was two Blg over from me, and his group used to get into with others all the time. At least put up the right people.

3 days ago
I watch INFOWARS and I read Q posts. Q has NEVER said be violent or Trump will be inaugurated on March 4th. Q’s last post was DURHAM. Q hasn’t said anything in 3 months.
LOVE Y’ALL !!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤

3 days ago
I’m about to go live with call of Duty with Alex Jones here in a few minutes at https://youtube.com/channel/UC7yoJWhlnBjd6PVtlEor2vA

3 days ago
Think about this:
1. Trump had the biggest Coat Tails of any President in our History
2. The Republican Party handed the House over to the Democrat Party in 2018 despite #1
3. The Republican Party handed over the White House to the Democrat Party on Nov 3rd despite #1
Who are the real enemies?

3 days ago
You know the intelligence agencies, FBI, CIA must know who was there on Jan 6th inside the Capitol – Antifa. The Police knew Antifa was there dressed as Trump supporters the afternoon of Jan 6th.
3 days ago
What did the Secret Service and FBI tell Trump? Was Trump part of the set up? I still think he is a double agent. I did not think the lady was really shot after seeing your video showing the fun draw and pointing in her direction and she just sat there.
3 days ago
3 days ago
Organizations paid a terrorist $70,000? Is that right?
3 days ago
The Proud Boys didn’t have shit to do with it Alex.

3 days ago
Infowars why did you not use any of your interview of Jayden X with Owen Shroyer on the Alex Jones Show? Just wondering

3 days ago
Roman Baber in Canada introduced a bill to let politicians feel the pain of not being able to make a big salary like they are doing to all citizens during lockdown.
Baber said:
“Today I will introduce a Bill, the “We Are All in This Together Act” to cut the pay of Members of Provincial Parliament to $500 per week, an amount equal to the CERB, until all Emergency Orders, except orders relating to hospitals and long-term care homes are revoked.”

The politicians here in Ontario declined his act, and then turn around and made a bill that would only cut Babers salary down as much as the rest of Canadians during covid.
Thankfully the speaker of the house declined the motion against Baber as unethical.
The “leaders” really dont want to be questioned at all and im sure wouldve liked to make an example out of Baber.

Also here in Canada, all politicians do not need to abide by any laws put down by health officials forcefully to the rest of the population. All politicans are outside the law of regular citizens and face no consequences for doing things that theyd arrest a regular citizen for.. Stuff like visiting family is criminal here for us but not for them.

Theyre also taking all of our guns now
3 days ago
I am sure glad you were able to put that all together.. I have seen it all and hoped you would put it together. Excellent job Infowars crew
3 days ago
Yeh, but without Alex, nobody would have showed up. Then alex went to meet with the handlers in park city

3 days ago
The DOJ are going after the oath keepers instead of the real instigators

3 days ago
I thought the same thing on Jan 6th, what better way to put the Trump voters in a bad light than infiltrating them and causing riots and disorder on Capitol Hill?

3 days ago
This country feels like its falling! Or did it fall already? Also feel like they want to silence all voices they believe hinder their plans and “hidden” secrets.

3 days ago
everyone knows about the fraud and corruption but nothing will ever be done it will only get worse never seen such as a bunch or cowards trump and jones are amongst them

3 days ago
Jews drink your childrens blood an feed there scraps back to you thru slaughterhouse pork 4 breakfast beef4 lunch fktheJews☠️👀😖

3 days ago
Warren B. committed murder as bohemian grove Real Executioner of Virgin sacrifice 🎭🤑🔥

3 days ago
Real enemy are people in shadows and Sorosz (Schwartz) is just one of them. So-called Jews (because they are not real Jews) are the real enemy of the US but you Alex will never admit that, just because you are involved with them as Trump is. You came and operated within their kabals, but you rejected to be a part of them and now you are paying the price.

3 days ago
Jayden X?Hahahahaha Funny..Malcolm X wannabe?

3 days ago
I wonder how many other people noticed that JaydenX aka John Sullivans video footage was used by the Democrats during their opening statement during the impeachment?

3 days ago
DemonRats are Thieves…99% Of them along with Rhinos..Tulsi is probably the only one who is OK…

3 days ago
Jones and his crew and a VAST MAJORITY of folks present had NOTHING to do with any crimes in Washington…..the commie bolshevik kike scum like Chuck Schumer primed that pre-planned rime spree

3 days ago
Criminals? Jones’ zionist commie buddies over in what bozos call “israel.” Today’s headline “Israel: Pfizer vaccine prevents 98.9 percent of COVID-19 deaths” search that phrase THE HILL, a kike run shit hole is pumping it.

3 days ago
I wish you would Hire Millie Back!! She is hot and good for bussiness!!

3 days ago
Why do all these leftists talk with weird tones or high octave voices ?

3 days ago
They also can minipulate the weather

3 days ago

3 days ago
You’re in a real live episode of Magnum PI? Do you have Zeus and Apollo chasing after you to chew your hind end off?

Sadly you’re only after the useful idiots… The REAL perpetrators will remain sheltered in their roles as funding banksters, never being called out by anyone….

III. Emergency Saturday Broadcast! January 6 False Flag Confirmed (June 5, 2021)


Comments to I.


What’s a total give away is the fact that nobody even jumped or hit the deck when the gun went off!
If someone shoots a gun next to you and your not ready for it I guarantee you that you will either jump or hit the deck!
They all just ignored it basically!
Hell watch them after the shot they never even tried to find who was shooting!!!

2 days ago

Fake as it gets! Nobody even removed the bandana around her neck so they could get to the supposed bullet hole! The first thing we are all taught is to apply pressure to the wound to stop the blood and if that asshole is a medic I’m the president!!!These are all Freemason crisis actors or have been paid [show more]
Edited 2 days ago

6 days ago

Strongly reminds me of the Boston Marathon ‘incident’ and the impeccable research done by Dave Mc Gowan. I suspected a staged event after seeing a woman climbing up a window for no apparent reason and then being shot by the invisible shooter who’s name until today is being kept secret.
Very good video.
2 days ago

Chauvin was at the Boston bombing and Sandy Hook!!!
So was the boss woman that had the bar that chauvin and Floyd worked as bouncers!
She was a blonde then and said that they shot her child 5 times!!!
They are Freemason crisis actors! The Asian cop that was at the fake killing had a iron-on badge on his shirt and Floyd’s tattoo on his chest is the Freemason symbol!!!
7 days ago

>Can debunk fals fags
>Can’t debunk gravity


7 days ago

They would all get shot like dogs if it was any real (any real = not false flag). Good thing is that far right sits home and laughs.

10 days ago

The government will use everything at its disposal to stay in power so they need to get everyone to turn against those who are a danger to them being ousted and that is God fearing patriots .

10 days ago

I already knew this was another false flag event to demonize patriots and to justify future legislation Trump stopped Americans from doing what they should have done a long time ago and that is to oust this government and replace it with a new one that is our right we created it and we can get rid of [show more]
Edited 10 days ago
2 days ago

This government is actually illegal and shouldn’t be in power at all! A man named Russell J Gould took back our country and our flag from the UK when our last bankruptcy ended back in 1999!
It’s been nothing but a corporation since they sold us out a long time ago!
We are nothing but collateral on the [show more]
13 days ago

lol 3rd time trying ti share and the feed gets frozen

23 days ago

One thing i was curious about after watching this video was at the inauguration there was Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg. Did they play a role in orchestrating this event? At least how this video portrays how it all played out.

24 days ago

Think of it as a game of thrones production act, or the filming of a fight scene in braveheart or gladiator. The amount of money it takes to film something like this or to do it the way it was is tiny considering the return of power that is gained. Look what Nancy Pelosi did a few days later basically [show more]
View all 3 replies
18 days ago

Oh my gosh, you’re probably right‼️

Thank you for bringing that to my attention, they likely do have everything, including their practice rounds‼️‼️
2 days ago

Yes with Trump’s money and the pillow man plus others they should be able to run down everyone of those damn actors and make them talk!
You know bastards like piglosi set the whole thing up!
24 days ago

So that’s Ashley Babbitt who got shot? I mean it looked ridiculously fake. And where is the blood? She would have got shot in a throat there would have been blood everywhere. The weirdest thing was the people working on her, obviously they had no clue what they were doing and they were exaggerating to make everything look more dramatic.

a month ago

I hope you’re still with us, Wooz…. This is one of the best analyses I have seen in a long time. It was so informative it made all the players and plays obvious, and explained why I felt suspicious of it in the first place.
There is probably really big money involved in this operation, so if you were [show more]
15 days ago

aww what a sweetheart! Yes we’re still here, we have completed our Capitol Investigation and moving into the editing stages. thank you for your patience. woof!
4 days ago

That was nice of you to respond to Shannon2. I love this video, I’ve watched it over 50 times. So well done and your voice is amazing.
a month ago

How come SWAT guys are not administering aid…or pushing anyone out ….or doing anything useful? And how come she isn’t choking on blood,shaking, crying, in pain, anything? You would think that if you were dying, you’d at least be sad or scared.
24 days ago

That’s an easy one, because they are role-playing, they are just acting out the situation. If you look at them closely they don’t have a clue what they are doing lol, they don’t even know how to hold their guns, the whole thing is suspicious so I believe that’s why they’re just there to be filmed and [show more]
a month ago

Im sharing everywhere I can…
18 days ago

15 hours ago

I didn’t even bother sharing to FB when I first saw it months ago, even though I think everyone needs to see it. But I just shared it and it let it through, without even a “fact check” or whatever, then shared in a friend’s comment and PM. It showed up as if it shared. Whether it’s just shadow banned [show more]
a month ago

Hey, ZOOM in on the shooter . . . bald or slicked back hair? . . . in a suit, what’s that watch or bracelet on his wrist? . . . shorter and stocky stature? . . . dark skinned or was it the shadows?

a month ago

It’s obvious no one knows how to respond to an ‘injured’ person. Who moves a critically injured person 9″?!!! Why didn’t they loosen her clothes or move her to her side so she didn’t drown on blood? And, NO cops ‘cleared’ the area as they usually would.
24 days ago

Because they were actors or people just role-playing. Some of them might not even know plus it’s possible it could have been filmed another day.
a month ago

People are waking up

a month ago

Thank you WoozNews! Been sharing everywhere I can.
15 days ago

my plej 😉
15 hours ago

Have you been able to line up anyone who might be able to get it more to the people who need to see it on a bigger scale? I realise it’s a risk that getting it more on the radar could just somehow lead to it being blocked even here too. I saw Patrick Byrne shared it on Telegram a couple of months ago, [show more]
a month ago

View all 4 replies
15 days ago

15 hours ago

There’s a great movie you’d probably love called “The Room”. Acting’s almost as good as this.
a month ago

How do you not have a million subs? This was incredible – and terrifying.

So, what happened to her and her family if she is still alive?
View all 4 replies
2 days ago

They have been taken care of! They have either been paid off and the Traitorous bitch is living in Argentina or something with some plastic surgery or they killed her later and threatened her family!These are truly pure evil bastards and capable of anything!Eventually you will see some of those actors [show more]
Edited 2 days ago
15 hours ago

her husband’s been doing the rounds. Either he doesn’t know and thinks she’s dead, or he’s in on it and a good enough actor to get through the interviews until it quietens down enough for him to join her and live it up on an island with the booty. Or he’s not her husband at all and another operative. [show more]
a month ago

The music was very distracting and annoying. i know you think it makes it all cool and fun but its a mistake. make a new video with out the music. Have more still frames, slow motion and maybe people will care.
View all 3 replies
a month ago

Maybe YOU should make your own video.
4 days ago

I LOVE the music….its fricken perfect!
a month ago
[email protected]

Thanks for sharing. I would also like to be honest and share the real truth ref: Japan and what we Americans are facing. We cannot continue to ignore the truth. Americans are in danger see: [show more] The video can also be found on my FB. Please share and pray from American family in Japan.

a month ago
Jam Bos

Dude, you are the best!

a month ago

I re-post this video all the time! They are now Buffering the shit out of it. Be patient!
a month ago
Daniel B·

Here’s a direct link to a BitChute video stream, which can be downloaded (in Windows, right click and select “Save video as” from the popup menu): https://seed111.bitchute.com/7pnW7bckCQes/DYlb92zMkj41.mp4
a month ago

Well done video. Would be a lot easier to watch without all the buffering compliments of PoopChute. I this video available on any other platforms that don’t censor videos? *

2 months ago

This was really well put together. Good job on the editing & the commentary too 👍
View all 5 replies
a month ago

You sound like a bitter old man.
a month ago

I think we know where the 12 year old behavior is coming from. Get lost!
2 months ago

Here’s Ashli Babbitt potentially popping a blood capsule right after she fell:

View post on imgur.com

This helps explain why they picked her up only to set her down in basically the same place – to give her cover to move her arms.

Similar [show more]
a month ago
Daniel B·

But on THE FIGHT PODCAST’s video, that’s Mickey Mouse compared to his NEW discovery, where the new video angle REMARKABLY shows the PATH OF THE BULLET, where it hits some broken off “wooden window trim” a good few feet in front of TRAITOR “Babbitt” (this was very likely a wonderful stroke of luck, where [show more]
Edited a month ago
15 days ago

2 months ago

Rabbits family should see her acting skills or lack their of. Curious how you got this footage, as if you were there.????? looks like Sandy Hook all over AGAIN
a month ago
Daniel B·

On the footage, he was just used the widely available videos posted by the crisis actors themselves, including BLM / Antifa member John Sullivan.
Edited a month ago
2 months ago

Thank you, much appreciated!
2 months ago

WOOZ, You have to look at this link and see all the great content to examine, the fakery. This is DC crisis actor news station…WOW, it’s all so scripted and bad actors always looking down at a script.


2 months ago

Attention Wooz News. I just decided to re-watch “The Boston Unbombing”, and I want to know why you blatantly stole some of the guys commentary from that documentary. Specifically the “Spells SHEEP, I mean HSEEP” line, and the nicknames “Frick and Frack” for a couple of the crisis actors. I’m half way [show more]

View all 6 replies
15 days ago

Actually, you’re correct re: HSEEP joke. At the time I was going to include segments of his Boston Unbombing (which is terrific) in the capitol video (bc both of these psyops have a lot of similarities) mainly the intro on the Homeland SecEEP. I learned all about the hydro-SIM from that guy. Unfortunately, [show more]
2 days ago

Please look up how chauvin was at the Boston bombing and Sandy Hook playing a cop both times and how the boss woman of Floyd and chauvin that supposedly owned the bar where they worked together was also at Sandy Hook saying her child was shot 5 times.
She was a blonde then!
Check out Floyd’s tattoo on [show more]

2 months ago

You’re woozy all right.

2 days ago

Didn’t your mommy ever teach you your mouth wasn’t made for breaking wind?

2 months ago

Does anyone know what this is on Ashli Babbitt’s left shoulder where she was allegedly shot?

View post on imgur.com

View all 3 replies
2 months ago

Here’s everything in one place for convenience:

View post on imgur.com

15 days ago

damn, good find!
2 months ago
[email protected]

What idiots, we want our money back from the fake impeachment trials, what a joke. Horrible actors. These actors need to be taken to court and put under oath. We want to see death certificate of that girl. We should demand this be taken to court. And they all charged with treason.
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago
THE Marcus Aurelius

I enjoyed the performance they all gave on 9/11/01 much better but it’s good to see them still active and working on their acting skills!

2 months ago

When is the A.B Funeral?

2 months ago
Kitten Britches

Where’s the volume control?

a month ago

The side of your phone most likely

15 days ago


2 months ago

Has anyone analyzed the condition of the wall through which the bullet would have passed after going through her neck? I don’t see any damage to the wall.

2 months ago
Daniel B·

See The Fight Podcast video, where he shows that “wooden window trim”, a good couple of feet in-front of “Babbitt” (merely her crisis actor name), is hit by the bullet, where we see a chunk fly off (for further details, see my comments on the video).
Edited 2 months ago

24 days ago


2 months ago

Quality content man. I like your style.

2 months ago
The Fight Podcast

Great Job On the Video!! Your supper funny bro!!
I’ve also been analyzing the Ashli Babbitt footage for a ridiculous amount of hours.
Check out this video. I think you’ll love it Wooz!! Feel free to use it and pass it on. I cant get it out anywhere. I’m being censored to death.
[show more]
Pastor Brian

2 months ago
Daniel B·

That was a VERY interesting new discovery you made there, on the “wooden window trim” (see my comment on your video) 👍.

15 days ago

thank-you for your contribution, Pastor

2 months ago
The Fight Podcast

Great Job On the Video!! Your supper funny bro!!
I’ve also been analyzing the Ashli Babbitt footage for a ridiculous amount of hours.
Check out this video. I think you’ll love it Wooz!! Feel free to use it and pass it on. I cant get it out anywhere. I’m being censored to death.
[show more] Brian

2 months ago

Wow. Why is this kind of analysis nowhere in the news? I have right wing yappers talking to me nonstop but nobody actually does any investigative work. What strikes me as most bizarre is first is that the falls backward. The force of the bullet from a 9mm at that range isn’t meager it should knock her [show more]
15 days ago

2 months ago

What is wrong with BitChute. No fluid motion in the playblack?
Looks great so far but this jerking on/off playback is annoying at best.

2 months ago

Great video! Thank you for putting this together🙏🙏🙏

2 months ago

Glad I saved this video, WOOZ! If only Beck, Carlson, Levin, Hannity, OANN and NewsMaxx had the courage and brains to show it!!
If you were my doggie you’d get lotsa great treats for your hard work!! Good boy!! 🦴

2 months ago
Bitter Pills

it was MAGAtards.
View all 3 replies
2 months ago

Sorry, I was busy-throabanging your mom, Bitter, she just can’t get enough of it. It’s as though she’s addicted to schlong. What was it you wanted again?
Edited 2 months ago

2 months ago

Shut up Establishment warmongering ass kisser!

3 months ago

You are AMAZING! I thought some of the behavior that day in this scene was strange. I did feel that the girl was not dead when they announced it. What type of handgun was used. Taking the distance into account, the force of this particular bullet, (obviously, there was no projectile,) , and find what [show more]

3 months ago

After watching, I think this is ridiculous. I agree lots of shady happenings that day but weaving together as a scripted act…. I don’t think so

2 months ago

well, all the costume changes out in the open says otherwise to me at least ??

3 months ago

You need a better editor.

3 months ago

Meanwhile Trump knew all this is bullshit and did nothing. He’s part of the game.

View all 5 replies
2 months ago

one thing I really noticed as very odd…I read all the basic “invites” on their page…it never felt right to me at all…no effort really. just like a home page with zero substance…anyway, there were only a HANDFULof the supposed “guest speakers” that showed up…i do recall groups on those boards [show more]
24 days ago

He might have known it was coming and made sure to film everything. Anything’s possible though.
3 months ago

Think you may have made one error. At the end, right before Jayden says “I guess we’re all done, yeah, so fuck it,” you have his interlocuter saying “Lehme see.” But I don’t think that’s right. Sounds to me like he’s saying something like “Lemon Tree.” I think that instead of asking to see the video, [show more]

3 months ago

I found you!! I have watched this about 20 times and have showed everyone I know. They all agree it’s total bull shit.
15 days ago

muchos gracias! ole!
3 months ago

Out-Freaking-Standing Work – Bravo!

3 months ago

This shit reminds me so much of the fake ass Boston Bombing hoax. Completely staged.
3 months ago

Yes. And the Sandy Hook false flag event and the Christ Church NZ mosque “massacres” hoax.
2 months ago

Also Aus Port Arthur 20 years ago.
3 months ago

On side issue of US Capitol Guard: Possible mystery hoax of side distraction for the so called passing away of person connected with the US Capitol on Jan 6, or shortly afterwards as related to event on Jan. 6, 2021. This video link has some interesting clues that make things even more suspicious. [show more]
Edited 3 months ago

3 months ago

Where’s the cop that supposedly shot her?
View all 4 replies
3 months ago
Daniel B·

Also, notice who wrote that story identifying the shooter, lol.
3 months ago
Daniel B·

That article was previously posted by PastorShadilay, and Wooz also pointed out that it was written by Tayler Hansen (@TaylerUSA https://twitter.com/TaylerUSA), but what’s the lowdown on this guy (I see him making fun of PIss Pants on Twitter, [show more]
Edited 3 months ago
3 months ago

Blame democrats and their fraudulent election for all of this. How convenient she was cremated. No way to do an autopsy now. Family “considering” a lawsuit. Should there be any doubt, except good luck taking on the corrupt DC swamp. Even Trump couldn’t defeat these criminals who now run the nation.
View all 5 replies
15 days ago

what he said
7 days ago

I don’t know why Trump was pushing the Covid shot. Maybe he was being threaten to?
3 months ago

i was watching live the day it happened. it was immediately evident that the whole thing was fake. lol the person with the pistol,the killer cop, was moving the weapon around like something from a silent movie or Hitchcock. the whole thing was childishly done. i hope everyone involved get prison time or a death sentence.
3 months ago

There are pictures of the killer cop running around with the weapon in his hand, finger on the trigger. A killer cop without trigger discipline. Seems he missed some hours in the drama school.
3 months ago
Daniel B·

If you think that was childish (I wouldn’t go that far, but the “shooter” could have done an infinitely better job aiming in the general direction of crisis actor “Babbitt”, as opposed to nowhere near her, but we should be thankful he and “Sullivan’s” footage easily make our case 👍), you have to see [show more]
Edited 3 months ago
3 months ago

Saw you video before awakening my friends now so glad I found you again

3 months ago

Wooz this is a great interpretation of what really happened and I actually found a Bitchute clip while also playing the clip in super slow mo. The trajectory of the bullet would have hit the wall on the other side impossible to even hit Ashli’s body never mind the neck. If this incident was staged the [show more]
Edited 3 months ago
View all 3 replies
2 days ago
Daniel B·

Chauvin was at the Boston bombing and Sandy Hook also playing a cop both times!
Also the boss woman of Floyd and chauvin was at Sandy Hook saying her child was shot 5 times!
The Asian cop had a iron-on badge on his shirt and Floyd’s tattoo on his chest is the Freemason symbol!
They are all Freemason crisis actors!
2 days ago

Chauvin was at the Boston bombing and Sandy Hook and so was the boss woman of Floyd and chauvin at Sandy Hook saying that her child was shot 5 times!
She was a blonde then, the Asian cop at the fake killing had a iron-on badge on his shirt and Floyd’s tattoo on his chest is the Freemason symbol!!!
They [show more]
3 months ago

wheres the comments?
View all 4 replies
3 months ago

They weren’t showing up for me for a couple days. (I check from time to time to see if anyone has new information to add). They seem to be fine now though.
3 months ago
Daniel B·

Did you not also encounter just the comments loading gif in the past couple days (perhaps working hard on your next vid)? I was thinking, “Oh crap! Has BitChute had to lock down the comments?” (had same issue on at least two of my videos). BTW, I responded to your reply in the adrianazzopardi thread, [show more]
Edited 3 months ago
3 months ago

[comment removed]

3 months ago

Other thing is that around a dozen or so cops/guards/EMTs appear on camera and every single one of them is white. In DC, that’s probably about as likely as getting struck by lightning.
3 months ago

Good social meta observation. Can someone ask polite questions to local agencies, or send in FOIA requests to agencies of exactly what jurisdictions agencies were on duty in the US Capitol, and how many were assigned, and possibly who was on duty to that location ?

3 months ago

word is that the corporation of the usa has been bankrupt for awhile and that is why the supreme court is not ruling on trumps stuff or anything else. because they don’t have jurisdiction over anything at this point. haven’t researched this but hope its true. were getting closer.

3 months ago

They were staging this women’s death trying to incite Trump supporters to retalliate and get violent so the would have grounds to trash Trump and His supporters. Didn’t work and their planned our 2nd impeachment failed. Playing chess but the moves are to obvious looking back. Show the autopsy. Interview who did an autopsy. Wont see it, because its all fake.
View all 3 replies
3 months ago

Crisis actors normally pop up under another name. Maybe this time not, this was too important for the deep state, they don’t like loose ends. Maybe she is really dead now.
3 months ago

– That is a really lame question. Do you really believe that people can’t be hidden in plain sight? Epstein isn’t dead either, but where is he? Challenger Crew Alive and Well- https://christianobserver.net/challenger-crew-alive-and-well-just-another-false-flag-lie/
Edited 3 months ago
3 months ago

I think that if you look hard enough, it’s not difficult to cherry-pick a relatively small number of “anomalies” from any video with thousands of frames of footage, and then claim the whole incident was staged. Question is, if you took this video “evidence” to a court of law, would the judge launch an [show more]

View all 32 replies
3 months ago
Daniel B·

On the “blank shot theory”, we don’t need to do any of that, where the theory is based on, in order of importance, 1) in an entirely staged event you wouldn’t use live rounds (for obvious reasons), unless absolutely necessary, where in this instance there is ZERO reason for doing so (a blank is perfectly [show more]
Edited 3 months ago
3 months ago

Indeed. But what if the bullet entered her upper chest and exited on the right side of her neck. That is where the people tending to her seem to be focusing.
Edited 3 months ago
3 months ago


3 months ago

I watched the video of whatever her name is….the day of….in slow mo and knew it was fake from the get go….I’m still fighting with my hubby over this lol he thinks she actually got shot and died I say it was completely fake and VERY POOR acting!!!

3 months ago

Worst acting EVER…..ty for the video!

3 months ago

Excellent analysis of the actual scene, the really bad acting, the even worse scripting. Having been an firefighter, and been to many accidents, THAT was not real police, responses or blood. The gurney scene really clinches it when you can see the gizmo. Also there were some claims later no obit was ever published, either.

3 months ago
Aaron Kasparov

What’s the motive to allegedly stage the killing of a Trump supporter? Why would they want to make a martyr out of a White mother who supported Trump? Why did the media largely bury the story if it was supposed to be part of a big PsyOp? In the past, if someone involved in a political movement was killed [show more]
Edited 3 months ago
View all 10 replies
3 months ago
Daniel B·
Aaron Kasparov

I can’t help you man if you refuse to trust your “lying eyes” (for a second PUT ASIDE the rationale behind the event, and PURELY consider the evidence), just like ALL you need to prove that 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB is to show building 7 collapsing at freefall speed (because it was obviously demolished, [show more]
Edited 3 months ago
3 months ago
Daniel B·

Quit the movement? You probably haven’t revealed a single truth in your entire existence!
Edited 3 months ago
3 months ago

IN THE NAME OF ZION (FULL DOCUMENTARY): https://www.bitchute.com/video/cssXkCAPV3jY

3 months ago

also check out psyop the steal by millie weaver on the capital hill incident

3 months ago
Daniel B·

That features deep-state player Michael Yon, and here ‘s my comment on another mirror of that video:

Michael Yon, “war correspondent”, undermines the credibility of the whole documentary with his BOGUS reporting on the 100% STAGED Babbitt shooting, where ALL the participants on the scene, INCLUDING [show more]
Edited 3 months ago

3 months ago

Many different clues and angles, and leads to suspects. Event of Jan. 6, 2021 at US Capitol looks like multilayered operation with many disguised agitators and mercenaries. The link below is just one example. Ideally, need many citizens to look at many different videos and compile the different clues [show more]
3 months ago

Part 1 (main) of Analysis to Alleged Shooting at US Capitol on Jan 6, 2021. — What looks unusual to you? – Looking for clues and any identifications of persons. – Ask questions. – Video posted on Brighteon platform. https://www.brighteon.com/22375a2f-1f93-44fe-8fb5-4a2d0b27298c
3 months ago

Part 2 of Analysis to Alleged Shooting at US Capitol on Jan 6, 2021. — What looks unusual to you? – Looking for clues and any identifications of persons. – Ask questions. – Video posted on Brighteon platform. https://www.brighteon.com/125b19fe-518a-45f5-9fa1-820600a9e145
3 months ago

Usually when people die they lose control of their bladder and bowels.
3 months ago

Her face has lots of color (normal blood flow) which shows she is not likely losing any major blood, nor in any major distress. Just another subtle clue. Also, there is not any entry markings of a bullet in her clothes nor on her body. Not any damage to any clothes nor to any body from a supposed bullet. Is that typical? Was there any exit wound?

2 months ago

How Dangerous Is Getting Shot in the Shoulder?

3 months ago

yep just like the borders in fall cabal coverage,,..

3 months ago

Thank you!

3 months ago

Yahoo. Gotcha Everywhere !! TxU !

3 months ago


3 months ago

So good man. Everybody needs to see
This. Good work. Woof.

3 months ago

3 months ago

When I first saw clips of this “shooting” when the incident happened I thought it was odd that no one around her was giving her any sort of medical attention. Just standing around making the situation more confusing and chaotic. Isn’t law enforcement at any level given CPR or at least basic medical training? [show more]
3 months ago

More clues and video on the woman who was supposedly shot on Jan. 6, 2021 at US Capitol. – Do the actions and facts seem consistent? Can you see the clues and unusual abnormalities at the scene? What about the odd back story? – Does this look like the work of Agent Provocateurs’? – What do you think? [show more]
3 months ago

Did anyone see any of the photos of the congress people hiding and shit in the chamber?
3 months ago

Yes, and it doesn’t make sense since Capitol Police clearly let people in the building through the door. Was Congress involved in creating the false flag? Mitch McConnell’s response to quickly blame Trump is highly suspect.
3 months ago

I just figured out Wooz News!

3 months ago

I saw about two minutes of this when it went down and couldn’t stand watching any more. Seriously! I was so obviously staged, and I don’t even have any police or emergency training. It’s not that I don’t care about my country, I just can’t stand watching any of these pathetic scumbags in action. It absolutely [show more]

3 months ago
Daniel B·

Spon on, on the 100% STAGED Las Vegas shooting (there were videos of people in the crowd saying NO ONE is getting shot), which was covered in-depth by patriot The Sane Progressive (Debbie Lusignan), who was subsequently forced to take a back seat as she was too good at exposing FALSE FLAGS. If you want [show more]
Edited 3 months ago
3 months ago
Daniel B·

Ah, yes, the memory of that Chinese uniform collapsing dead in the street of Wuhan. How about those Chinese workers still at their desks while they were fogged by little guys in full hazmat suits? And here we are, a year later, and I’m surrounded by people wearing their face diapers, some of them doubled [show more]
3 months ago

Good job wooz ! The collective is growing 😎 It’s too bad there isn’t some type of ancient Alien technology that could release the DMT in the human brain in mass crowds lol Instant red pills for everyone 🤙

3 months ago

We need this analysis and coverage of these events and I miss Jeff C too, however,your presentation and background music make it seem trivial – sounds very juvenile and like a dumbed down game show. Maybe it’s me. I’ll check some of your other stuff. God bless TRUTH AND JUSTICE… Will we EVER see any of it???
3 months ago
Daniel B·

The light hearted nature of Wooz’s excellent video is in PERFECT keeping with this amateurish FALSE FLAG!
3 months ago

Great work, man!

4 months ago

She was killed by the cop.
View all 4 replies
3 months ago

Nobody was killed

3 months ago

David Bailey

4 months ago

Beijing Biden bombed Syria, here’s a song how his foreign policy sucks as much as his speeches:
Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/97ei5e5hhtnm/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REGT7i0kDhM

4 months ago

To help further investigation, please check out this recent video. It has great clues, analysis of agent provocateurs and those disguised as supporters on the Jan. 6, 2021 even in the US Capital. — Please keep seeking clues and analysis. —- More info needs to come to light. Very interesting [show more]
View all 4 replies
4 months ago

More clues and video on the woman who was supposedly shot on Jan. 6, 2021 at US Capitol. – Do the actions and facts seem consistent? Can you see the clues and unusual abnormalities at the scene? What about the odd back story? – Does this look like the work of Agent Provocateurs’? – What do [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago
Daniel B·

I wouldn’t characterize his BOGUS analysis of this 100% STAGED shooting as “a mistake or two about certain clues”, and it’s very interesting they’ve brought out the “big guns” to largely push the establishment narrative, that a “Trump supporter” was shot by a Capitol security officer, when partently, [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

Notice the guy in front of Jayden says “we have to fight” and everyone all the sudden springs into action. Was that the key phrase to start the show? Weren’t they trying to impeach Trump for saying “we have to fight”? Coincidence?

4 months ago
Chirpin Cricket

Well, this was my 1st visit to your channel. I pray the gal didn’t die & u are right! I just subbed!
4 months ago
Daniel B·

The crisis actor “Babbitt” (not her real name) is alive and well, and you should know that the so called Antifa leader “John Sullivan”, who filmed the obviously STAGED shooting, indicated in his own words that this, along with his “Jayden X” handle, is just one persona, and isn’t his real identity: href=” [show more]” target=”_blank”>https://www.bitchute.com/video/8cz9ybJQzMBn/ (man, it looks like something went wrong with a CommentFreely update, but at least double edits gives you a working link…)

I also covered this FALSE FLAG over a month ago, where the KEY takeaway from my video is that the “shooter’s” aim is level with HIS head (and CLEARLY to the LEFT; he moves parallel to the crisis actors, maintaining his distance, and shoots straight ahead in direction he was moving), so it’s physically IMPOSSIBLE Babbitt was shot, let alone “in the neck”, as she was high up pretending to step through the window: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bG73LnjOjI8J/
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago
Daniel B·

More clues and video on the woman who was supposedly shot on Jan. 6, 2021 at US Capitol. – Do the actins and facts seem consistent? Can you see the clues and unusual abnormalities at the scene? What about the odd back story? – Does this look like the work of Agent Provocateurs’? – What do [show more]
4 months ago

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/02/breaking-exclusive-police-lieutenant-shot-killed-ashli-babbitt-lead-murder-suspect-ashli-babbitt-case/ czech it out, fren
View all 3 replies
4 months ago

LOL The article is written by TAYLER HANSEN
3 months ago

More clues and video on the woman who was supposedly shot on Jan. 6, 2021 at US Capitol. – Do the actions and facts seem consistent? Can you see the clues and unusual abnormalities at the scene? What about the odd back story? – Does this look like the work of Agent Provocateurs’? – What do you think? [show more]
4 months ago

Thank you for putting this together. Mr. Truthbomb made the introduction.

4 months ago

When is her funeral?
4 months ago

It was never o’clock on never 2021 at the Never Funeral Home
3 months ago

I know right?
4 months ago

The whole Capitol riot was a set up from the word go. Nancy Pelosi and the Dems coordinated with Antifa and BLM to pull it off. Ashli Babbitt (If that’s even her real names) is still alive and enjoying her stunt woman pay.
3 months ago

I found only one deceased Ashli Babbit..with two other names between Ashli and Babbitt..who died in 1985.
3 months ago

Trump and the Retardlicans were in on it too bro. Had to be. Everyone in the joint session of Congress that day knew that has going to happen. It was all completely staged and the Retardlicans and Trump had to have known for them to be able to pull it off.
4 months ago

Congratulations, you managed to waste an entire hour in an interview with John B Wells. Stuttering and stammering, you made a complete fool of yourself. What a scatter brain idiot !
View all 5 replies
4 months ago

Someones jealous
24 days ago

What a colossal douche bag you are. Now go take your psychotropics moron.
4 months ago

On point. Thank you.

4 months ago




4 months ago

We’re breaking down our Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting video LIVE on Caravan To Midnight! HAPPENING NOW!
View all 3 replies
4 months ago

It’s been censored : (
4 months ago

The video on YouTube was taken down. Can you post it on BitChute? Can you get some more clues and analysis done on the US Capitol event? Who else may help? What else can citizens do to find our more? — Was there security camera video inside the US Capitol? If so, how can we obtain review of the video? Can many citizens do a FOIA request?
4 months ago

Most obvious was that no one tried to stop the bleeding

4 months ago

Found major new clues and pictures with some video on the scene. — Important clues on the supposed victim at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Are these true or not? what do you think? Looks like a good set of clues on trying to identify the person known as Ashit Babbit, and it has new pictures of [show more]
View all 6 replies
4 months ago

To help further investigation, please check out this recent video. It has great clues, analysis of agent provocateurs and those disguised as supporters on the Jan. 6, 2021 even in the US Capital. — Please keep seeking clues and analysis. —- More info needs to come to light. Very interesting [show more]
4 months ago

More clues and video on the woman who was supposedly shot on Jan. 6, 2021 at US Capitol. – Do the actins and facts seem consistent? Can you see the clues and unusual abnormalities at the scene? What about the odd back story? – Does this look like the work of Agent Provocateurs’? – What do [show more]
4 months ago

REMOVE your racist comment. No one on here wants to see that shit.
4 months ago

holy crap, I actually agree with rabbit on something. rabbit, whats a divisionfag? I fkn hate hot pockets. when my parents left me alone when i was younger, that is all I had for dinner some nights…. Gman must love my rhetoric but fell a chromosome short between his incest parents to have a good comeback.
4 months ago

Hey Wooz, I haven’t watched all of this version, I somehow came across another version (I can’t remember where) on Bitchute, which I assume is probably the same, that has yellow writing saying “VETERAN SHOT AND KILLED … EVERYTHING WAS STAGED” and it zooms in full screen, so there was no way to get [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

Important clues on the supposed victim at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Are these true or not? what do you think? Looks like a good set of clues on trying to identify the person known as Ashit Babbit, and it has new pictures of her on Jan. 6. Ideally, need to identify others at the scene as well. [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

Jeff is deceased?

4 months ago

Excellent work

4 months ago

Important to review other videos of this scene at different speeds to find different clues. Please keep looking for clues and doing analysis. This is not the only video of course. Ideally, would like to find other details and to find out about each person who was at the scene.
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

Important clues on the supposed victim at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Are these true or not? what do you think? Looks like a good set of clues on trying to identify the person known as Ashit Babbit, and it has new pictures of her on Jan. 6. Ideally, need to identify others at the scene as well. [show more]
4 months ago

Swat One is wearing a mask. His neck and face aren’t the same color in the side shots and his chin and side straps on his helmet look like they’re connected (like the face is part of the helmet.)

4 months ago

Cops would have moved in and attempted to separate parties, into (with number of ‘cops’ outside of doors) into 3 groups. G-1 ‘Injured party’, ‘medic’ and 1 officer. G-2 ALL others outside of doors, with 2 officers to keep them as separate as possible w/ minimum conversation. G-3, shooter w/ 1 cop. They [show more]
4 months ago

Good points. Please keep pointing out abnormalities and keep asking questions. Why was not any attempt made to stop woman? Not any attempt to arrest persons breaking windows? Need to identify everyone around the scene. Especially need to identify the persons who seemed to be with the woman, or assisting [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

Yes, hate the left, Trump does nothing wrong! 🤭
View all 8 replies
4 months ago

LOL….REAL_TROLL calls everyone tweens thinking he is on discord with his gaming buddies. Democrat REAL_TROLL encourages everyone to question everything…but don’t question capitol shooting, don’t question election fraud, don’t question Biden corruption, don’t question taking away guns, don’t question [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

LOL. OMG. Rabbit has a crush on me…. discord??? you must be a tween to know of gaming platforms if that is one. wow. you are a kid. Couple of questions, since I have to spoon feed you, you know, otherwise its ‘democrat this’ ‘real_troll that’… How does a staged shooting, push for Biden acceptance? [show more]
4 months ago

And Alex Jones conveniently interviewed that young guy right after it happened. Either Alex is in on it or he’s too stupid to know when he’s been had
4 months ago

what he said.
4 months ago

Important clues on the supposed victim at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Are these true or not? what do you think? Looks like a good set of clues on trying to identify the person known as Ashit Babbit, and it has new pictures of her on Jan. 6. Ideally, need to identify others at the scene as well. [show more]
4 months ago

Exposing the Enemy

4 months ago

First time I looked at this footage it was clear that they were actors. As a combat veteran, people’s reaction around them seemed so hollywood perspective. All swat are trained in basic combat life saving, and if she was shot in the neck she would have bled out very quickly even if it missed the main [show more]

4 months ago

Now the question is, “What’s going to be done about it? ”
View all 3 replies
4 months ago

Keep asking questions. Need to identify everyone around the scene. Especially need to identify the persons who seemed to be with the woman, or assisting the woman who was supposedly shot. Like need to find out who is the guy with the fussy hat who was latter given a helmet. Also, need to find [show more]
4 months ago
Daniel B·

Awesome Daniel…GO!
4 months ago

All those “cops” and no one goes after the “shooter” or even asks “which way did he go?”
23 days ago

But that one SWAT dude did a little dance and did the thumbs up sign. lol
Exactly. The first instinct when someone is shooting is to look toward the direction of the shooter to find out where the bullets are spraying. NO ONE DID!
4 months ago

I like that Bitchute is free speech but it should have more copyright laws, wilparanormal is reuploading your content with no credit at all.
4 months ago

It’s a slippery slope. That’s how YouTube started and look at them now.
4 months ago

Like another post said, funny how the gunman knew exactly which direction to aim the gun.
4 months ago

before they even broke out the glass in that window!!!
4 months ago

Good Job

4 months ago
[email protected]

Fantastic work! It’s now being reported that John Sullivan received $35,000 from CNN & NBC for his footage. This is coming from court records.
View all 10 replies
4 months ago

I’m just gonna put it out there, you might be too far down the conspiracy path… just a little bit. I watch about ‘0’ hrs a week of tv/news. Realistic- journalist get advances for stories all the time. that’s just common sense. I voted Biden, first time democratic vote, registered republican, and I [show more]
23 days ago

YOU should be ashamed of yourself. So sweetie looking at the way our country is going right now, do you think you made the right choice Establishment ass kisser?? SHAME ON YOU!! Fucking Biden everything that is going on right now with BLM can be traced back to his 94 Crime bill. Don’t you research or is it just easier to parrot whatever Brian Stetler says???
4 months ago

As a former EMT/EMTP Instructor & CEN, one thing drew my immediate attention and concern. A medic/EMT is UNABLE to enter the scene of a shooting, stabbing, incident, etc UNTIL the SCENE is SECURE by law enforcement. Nothing about that scene was secure nor would have a lone emergency personnel entered [show more]

4 months ago

According to the web, Babbitt quit the DC National Guard when Trump was elected. If she was such a fan, why would she not serve under him? “Real_Hood” who obviously has no military experience, no law enforcement experience, no medical experience, and whose only income probably comes from George Soros, [show more]
View all 15 replies
23 days ago

Tell you what, if you are EVER in a situation where you need the cops or a gun, lay down and pray that the criminal doesn’t see you, cause you don’t deserve for your life to be saved. Fucking commie!
23 days ago

Your commitment is to your fellow Establishment warmongering boot lickers.
4 months ago
[email protected]

Where is she now? This was a good video… you did a great job.
4 months ago
Daniel B·

Very likely sunning herself on Epstein’s island, along with Epsten, Alison Parker and Heather Heyer: https://newtube.app/user/Daniel_B/jIhaCUQ (have to use alternate video source as mysteriously my BitChute video is permanently broken..,).
4 months ago

Shill bullshit channel.
23 days ago

Could you do better?? Now bugger off to suckle at the Establishment teat.
4 months ago

I knew that Ashli Babbit was in on this Antifa crap! They had to find the right person to “shoot.” A woman, someone who was previously in the military, was a wife or mother but was willing to do this and go into hiding and then change up her look afterwards all because she thought it was a sacrifice [show more]
View all 3 replies
4 months ago
Daniel B·

Did you see the Boston Unbombing? Even Sandy Hook is looking questionable.
4 months ago

You knew?
4 months ago

Wooz News……. finally found ya!
4 months ago

…geez what took ya so long
4 months ago

A few things about this that you would know if you are a cop or resident in DC. There was no effort to create a perimeter or a crime scene. Evidence was tampered with by “officers” on scene. There was no attempt at trauma care by “SWAT officers”, there is no evidence of transport, there is no evidence [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

what he said.
4 months ago

Keep asking questions. Need to identify everyone around the scene. Especially need to identify the persons who seemed to be with the woman, or assisting the woman who was supposedly shot. Like need to find out who is the guy with the fussy hat who was latter given a helmet. Also, need to find out the [show more]
4 months ago
[email protected]

now FB saying im banded for 3 hours for trying to post this. i never heard of someone getting band for a few hours.
4 months ago

thank you for letting us know!
4 months ago
[email protected]

they wont allow me to post this to FB.
View all 6 replies
4 months ago

4 months ago

what is a divisionfag? serious.
4 months ago

I was digging Jeff C too. Thank you for what you’ve uncovered. I cannot WAIT for your NEXT upload!!! I am “jammingalways” on youtube by the way. 🙂 Being shut down at EVERY turn!!! Downloaded this because you were ALL OVER IT!!! 🙂
4 months ago

wait til the next one 😜
4 months ago

The guy talking on your video has a perfect voice and diction – the way he speaks, which you can’t really teach that, its a natural thing. Should have went into broadcasting.
4 months ago

Yeah, when they said they were all unarmed I knew it was a bunch of crisis actors. They’ve done this sh*t once or twice.
View all 3 replies
4 months ago

4 months ago

again. what is a divisionfag.
4 months ago

I knew I smelled a rat! It’s so obvious.

4 months ago

I found this video really compelling when I watched it about a week ago. Now, it seems Ashli’s family held a memorial service for her Saturday (link below), so I’m not sure what’s true and what isn’t. Thoughts? [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
View all 16 replies
4 months ago

again. Cant correlate facts to your argument, just amused by political parties. Wasnt for obama, applaud him for the good work he did though. When you’re old enough to earn a paycheck and provide for a community, you’ll understand the importance of budget allocation and realize how important the economy is…
4 months ago

LOL Oh yes REAL_TROLL, now you are going to fan girl over Obama’s “good work”. Ok, let’s see, which was your favorite ? Mine was 8 years of Obama waging war all across the globe taking lives and putting us further into debt. Think. Oh, another good one was the total castration of the police force resulting [show more]
4 months ago
[email protected]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nvqvvsqJ_s <<< analysis of Ashli Edited 4 months ago ·· 4 months ago Q7teen I originally watched this on Vimeo and now it’s gone. I’m so glad to have found it here 🙌 ·· 4 months ago [email protected] i just got banded from FB for 3 hours for trying to post it. i didnt even know you could be banded for a few hours. ·· 4 months ago Angel Presence Another BS issue with their ‘production’ is that they carry her down the stairs (no back board) HEAD FIRST! No professional, no one with common sense, or any sense, would ever do that! Anyone with sense would carry her feet first...ESPECIALLY if there was a neck wound (even though her squib belt was [show more] ·· 4 months ago SLSPatriot My medical family members noticed that immediately. ·· 4 months ago Corny4EVR You definitely missed a few things. Go back and watch synced videos by FOE channel frame by frame. While they are waiting for gunslinger to arrive and rabbit is “amped up” she is taking her cues from camouflage- they make eye contact at least 4 times and she acknowledges when he indicates for her to [show more] Edited 4 months ago ·· 4 months ago kek.freedom Important to review other videos of this scene at different speeds to find different clues. Please keep looking for clues and doing analysis. This is note the only video of course. Ideally, would like to find other details and to find out about each person who was at the scene. ·· 4 months ago kek.freedom Important clues on the supposed victim at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Are these true or not? what do you think? Looks like a good set of clues on trying to identify the person known as Ashit Babbit, and it has new pictures of her on Jan. 6. Ideally, need to identify others at the scene as well. [show more] ·· 4 months ago SUGBUG Very definitely faked since when the shot was made, there should have been an instantaneous freezing then fear, then large scale fleeing and soon a search for the gunman by the more experienced. The acting was 2nd rate Hollywood - on a par with a shootout in 'Archer'. ·· View all 8 replies 4 months ago BoBrown1313 REAL_HOOD You’re fos. You’re just an internet shill. Fuck off ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD BoBrown1313 how BOBO, elaborate please. Having my own perceptions of human reactions. I'd freeze. And Rabbit, tsk tsk, Rachel Maddow and Sanos (?) two people you've introduced me too... either way. mind on my money, money on my mind. ever heard of that? corruption/getting rich/politicians all the same, some people [show more] ·· 4 months ago cadu1995 19:00 FAT FUCKING LYING JOOBASTARDS. FAKE AS FUCK. ·· 4 months ago BoBrown1313 Totally fake 😒 ·· 4 months ago cadu1995 ARE YOU PEOPLE ALL FUCKING BRAINDEAD STUPID ASSHOLES? I KNEW IT WAS ALL FAKE WITH THE RELEASE OF COVID19 ON HALLOWEEN NIGHT IN WUHAN CHINA WHERE THEY TURNED ON , FOR THE 1ST TIME EVER- THE ENTIRE CITY OF WUHAN CHINA TO 5G "TECHNOLOGY". SO STRONG WAS THE RADIATION FROM THE 5G CHINESE PEOPLE FELL DOWN [show more] ·· View all 6 replies 4 months ago REAL_HOOD doeeyeddevil cell phone radiation? Thats why we're all dead on our cell phones?... there are many types of radiation. Be smart. 5g to 100g. We'll all be fine. We'll all have service. Its a myth. Like this video. For mush heads like yourself.... ·· 4 months ago BoBrown1313 Those people in Wuhan, “falling down dead”, were also acting. Those videos were even faker than this Capitol “iNSuRrEcTiOn” bs ·· 4 months ago cadu1995 19:50 TELL ME THAT ASSHOLE FAKE PIGBOI ISN'T A FAKE ACTOR & A COMPLETE REPTILIAN SHAPESHIFTER LIZARD. JUST LOOK AT HIS FACE & HEAD. TOTAL LIZARD BLOOD DRINKER. ·· 4 months ago [email protected] also.. you said "she was nervous.. I think, she was part of the "drill" only in this case as a "real in a drill without knowing it" ... same with "Boston bombers" Edited 4 months ago ·· 4 months ago [email protected] I mean, you do have a good eye! ·· 4 months ago [email protected] great analysis ...plz check one more times on the guys who carry her out, they look fake to me... or at least we need to know who was it exactly, the girl was alive hmmm ·· 4 months ago [email protected] blm=baal lucifer moloch evil, evil evil ·· 4 months ago [email protected] Rabbit joined twitter in 2016....only pics with girlfriend and a few army....I think she was planted via antifa to look like one a Maga supporter....I dont think she died...I think it was a set up and there has been no obit of her...imagine that ·· View all 6 replies 4 months ago kek.freedom Important clues on the supposed victim at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Are these true or not? what do you think? Looks like a good set of clues on trying to identify the person known as Ashit Babbit, and it has new pictures of her on Jan. 6. Ideally, need to identify others at the scene as well. [show more] ·· 4 months ago BoBrown1313 She was government. This staged event was a government production ·· 4 months ago [email protected] They should all be hung for treason. ·· 4 months ago [email protected] Nice work. The lady at about 1;50 who says, "Im convinced it was rehearsed..." I say her directing Portland fake cops in 2016. ·· 4 months ago WoozNews I didnt know who she was...lol I still dont ·· 4 months ago Dphelan955 Great work man, keep it up! God speed to you ·· 4 months ago emptystill You are correct. I was there. ·· 4 months ago skunkman55 The entire crew will have a new acting gig soon trying to survive G-Bay in the jungle at night with real monsters ready to devour them on command. ·· 4 months ago [email protected] Acadamy nominations for worst supporting actors.. And best film editing,,,, This is Brilliant.. Hopefully makes it to the History Channel.. Some people were put on this planet for a reason... And you know yours...... ·· 4 months ago HereticZ See, I wasn't exactly convinced of this being staged before, but I did find their acting odd... on closer inspection, holy shit, this was staged. The thing that drives home the point is that police officers should know first aid per their job description, so they should be able to identify if someone [show more] ·· 4 months ago jarod.mulder This just confirms what i immidiately knew after this whole thing. Its staged. I became aware of crisis actors after the syrian russia-american proxy war psyops under obama. Actually i kind of became aware of it after osama but kind of forgetten about it after that. Now i am at a point where i can immediately [show more] 4 months ago HenryRudolph Shameless fake protesters . This stuff is the real evil plan of the globalists. Warning to anyone reading this do not take any PCR tests they are loaded with virus's and tech the test is as bad as taking the vaccine. 4 months ago ZRebecca Hi Wooz. Where's Hunter? Biden's features seem to change subtly. Compare public photos of Biden from day to day. Hollywood makeup used on Hunter, and he performs as Joe? Observe Hunter's skin lately, pastey and grey, like Michael Keaton after he filmed Batman. Strange to see, Joe's structure similar [show more] ·· 4 months ago doeeyeddevil What? ·· 4 months ago BoBrown1313 Well, Hunter is a crackhead so it’s not surprising that he looks bad ·· 4 months ago UkWoodcarver It makes me wonder if the powers that be are doing the same to BLM, Antifa, proud boys etc too. They want us to hate in each other 🤢 Edited 4 months ago ·· 4 months ago WoozNews yes, they are all paid via the Open society foundation (George Soros) ·· 4 months ago UkWoodcarver This has been removed from Rumble and doesn’t play for me in here now (started playing now so false alarm). How can I download a copy of this video guys?! Edited 4 months ago ·· View all 3 replies 4 months ago ys4chute Bitchute Video Downloader - https://freedownloadvideo.net/bitchute-video-downloader ·· 4 months ago WakeUpStandUp ys4chute Thanks a lot for the link! ·· 4 months ago MAGGOT VOMIT Great vid WOOZ. Some of these nay-saying Stuck on Stupids need to work Triage in an ER for 10yrs and learn something. First we never see any blood bubbles coming from her nose. You would never bother with gauze on an abdominal entry wound cause they rarely bleed very much. Plus being shot in the abdomen, [show more] Edited 4 months ago ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD There he is again, spreading medical knowledge. Love it vomit. Im an astronaut on the weekends... ·· 4 months ago Mph322 I’ve shown people this video that still insist the shooting was real- ughhhhhh. I want this info blasted out to the world! Great job! ·· 4 months ago UkWoodcarver Same here... it’s massively frustrating. They also refused to watch further than around 3 mins in cause they’ve already made their minds up 🤦🏻‍♂️ ·· 4 months ago BoBrown1313 UkWoodcarver It’s like people are under some kind of spell 😕 ·· 4 months ago DrFowcheeLize It’s been going on for years. Prepackaged news stories. No mass concert shootings. No mass school shootings. Control, depopulation and communism is the plan. Don’t get the vax and don’t take the test. The test is much more than just a test. ·· 4 months ago hamyncheese This video is worse than garbage. The assertions in this video will corrupt your ability to be a thoughtful and intelligent person. Don't be a victim of this manipulation. ·· View all 5 replies 4 months ago BoBrown1313 Lmao 😂 ·· 2 days ago spongehead If you're really to ignorant to see the truth I feel sorry for you but if you're a damn troll then fuck you and any POS Traitor like you! Enjoy your eternity in hell!!! ·· 4 months ago @93A4Jules It won’t load for me either 💁‍♀️ ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD Wooz chases down lady handles... 🤣🤣🤣 ·· 4 months ago MAGGOT VOMIT Ummmm.............no ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD MAGGOT VOMIT umm yea... wooz is a predator. You must have not followed the comments below. Lady handle names are at the top of his responses... 😁 ·· 4 months ago jasonkilanski What keeps sticking in my head is that at the end when the shooting victim is being wheeled out on a gourney, she has a gauze taped to her abdomen implying she was shot in the stomach. Who dies instantly and quietly from a small caliber gut shot? ·· View all 4 replies 4 months ago REAL_HOOD MAGGOT VOMIT lol. Yes, because you somehow work er triage but yet get the gunshot victim immediately. Guys must have shootouts in the waiting room all the time. Stop playing yourself. 🤣🤣🤣 ·· 4 months ago BoBrown1313 REAL_HOOD It’s fake as fuck and everyone knows it. Why are you trying so hard to get people to believe this shit theater is real? Lmao ·· 4 months ago ITV_John_Doe Incredible work that you have done here man ! I took the liberty to post your vid on my BC channel with a source link. I translate and dub anglo-saxon videos on fringe subjects for my french audience. Keep up with the great work ! https://www.bitchute.com/video/OUxl6X6tofOq/ Edited 4 months ago ·· 4 months ago Madeline_Mardigan This got banned from YouTube quickly ·· View all 5 replies 4 months ago MAGGOT VOMIT WoozNews Some of these Stuck on Stupids need to work Triage in an ER for 10yrs and learn something. First we never see any blood bubbles coming from her nose. You would never bother with gauze on an abdominal entry wound cause they rarely bleed very much. Plus being shot in the abdomen, she would remain conscious [show more] Edited 4 months ago ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD MAGGOT VOMIT lmao. Stop. Just stop maggot vommit rn. You took cpr class for 15 bucks at moms work, you dont know nothing about triage in er. 🤣🤣🤣 ·· 4 months ago IPfreely Bitchute buffering is a pain in the but. Why does this happen? This platform has had the time to sort this out, its very poor. ·· 4 months ago DroopyDog It's frustrating and unwatchable. ·· 4 months ago fdocc Thomas Baranyi, a "Peace Corps" infiltrator too, the "Bloody Hand" actor and "Shooting" organizer guy, acquainted with all the actors, patting them on the back, and cue director of such operation was released with a $100,000.00 bond: https://lbry.tv/Baranyi-DC:9, [show more] ·· View all 7 replies 4 months ago REAL_HOOD N2theRabbitHole and he fell down the rabbit hole. Tried to save you. ·· 4 months ago BoBrown1313 UkWoodcarver They’re definitely collaborating against American citizens and that includes Trump. Same kind of shit they pulled after 9/11. He’s an actor playing a role. ·· 4 months ago LeoGirl This video blew my mind. Wow. ·· 4 months ago WoozNews amiriteladies? ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD WoozNews lol. Dont hide the fact you're a predator wooz... flag again... ·· 4 months ago MrMrsZengerite Insurrection, courtesy of Castlerock Entertainment. What a bunch of meatheads! ·· 4 months ago ChevigirlDMD67 I have 💯pictures what a joke! ·· 4 months ago WoozNews care to elaborate? ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD WoozNews see what i mean... ·· 4 months ago PastorBeSharp You can tell she isn’t shot by the way she falls back ever so gently onto her back pack. Watch any real footage of a shooting with a 9mm or higher caliber and you’ll know the difference...she would have been pushed back forcefully if hit in the chest, and if in the neck there would have blood all over [show more] ·· View all 4 replies 4 months ago kek.freedom There is not any evidence of any entry of a bullet in her clothes or her skin. Not any any damage to any clothes or skin. also her face is looking very good with blood with no major blood loss. ·· 4 months ago BoBrown1313 UkWoodcarver He’s got an agenda 4 months ago theyknowweknow Fabulous work and commentary! Anyone watching this has to come to the conclusion of being staged. 4 months ago ligmaballz Thomas Baranyi signals for the gunman to shoot Ashli Babbitt at 6:45-6:48. At 6:45, he looks at the gunman. He then extends his right arm two times; first at 6:46-6:47, when the gun is fired. Baranyi doesn't react to the shot but instead extends his right arm again at 6:47-6:48 as Babbitt falls to the floor. ·· View all 3 replies 4 months ago BoBrown1313 REAL_HOOD This shit is fake af. You don’t even have to watch this video to realize how phony the entire episode is. I don’t know why you’re trying so hard to provide cover for it. Do you work for the gov or something? 😂 ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD BoBrown1313 yes. CIA. push agenda for elites.. you're pretty smart BOBO.... what are you? 10? ·· 4 months ago ManyFires You’re such a good boy Wooz! This is incredible work and I applaud your skill set and you, for bringing such irrefutable truth to the rest of us. I noticed the shooters face...anyway your mad skills can zoom in and bring his identity into the Light as well? I’ve never known Cap police to dress in business [show more] ·· View all 9 replies 4 months ago Skeptic1776 ligmaballz Look one of the cops who enters the room a couple minutes after the shooting and compare him to the gunman. ·· 4 months ago ManyFires Daniel B· Thank you! Nice work with the screen shot! So...you guys think you might know his identity or? Oh and REAL_HOOD, just an FYI- ya might want to re-read my comment before ya take a snarky tone with me...Truth will set you free only if you have eyes to SEE. 😉🙄 ·· 4 months ago BigBang This is CRAZY!!! She is Waaaaaaay to calm for just being shot through the neck but not dead! If you're shit in the neck but not dead you wouldn't be so serene and calm! Her face hasn't lost ANY palor!! Complexion still pristine!!! This is 100% fraud!!! People who believe this are total retards!!! ·· View all 7 replies 4 months ago BoBrown1313 REAL_HOOD To pass domestic terrorism laws and take what constitutional rights Americans have left away. It’s not very hard to understand the governments motive here. They did lie us into a fn war back in 2002 so 🤷‍♀️ ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD BoBrown1313 BOBO, domestic terrorism... exists right?... and what constitutional rights??? did you get lost on your web search for 'how to impress your sister'.... i think you might be too ignorant to hold a debate with. I mean, you also have to have basic knowledge of US history and economics to stand in this ring.... ·· 4 months ago squanchy This fucking site is garbage, videos buffering for days ·· 4 months ago MysticWanderer Is this documentary shown anywhere else? I can't hardly stand to watch it here. It stops and starts every other 15 seconds. I don't have all day to listen. ·· 4 months ago WoozNews theres a mirror on YT ·· 4 months ago BrutalPreacher If she had been shot, with no application of force to wound, she would've died right there, and she didn't. ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD Yes. Because no one has ever survived being shot with a gun, ever... they always just die, right there, on the spot, card punched.... ·· 4 months ago Live Free or Die Look how the communists inside the senate have turned it into a full blown docu-drama. Nothing but lies and fabrications that will hopefully wake up millions more people. 4 months ago RachaelJean How does someone fake blood coming out of their nose? I'm confused. 🤔 ·· View all 5 replies 4 months ago REAL_HOOD BigBang yes. Hollywood, because WoozNoob made this video in LA. Cant say the riot happened on greenscreen because too many videos... yes, anyone that doesn't automatically assume media is lying given poor evidence is somehow a rodent. Carry on. ·· 4 months ago WoofieProductions BigBang calm down man, calling people retarded doesn't change their life view except to see you as an ass. ·· 4 months ago Soakupthesun Simulated riot for sure. ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD For sure. 🤭 ·· 4 months ago Marnieandbrian Nobody even TRIED to find the wound to staunch the bleeding? That is the 1st thing any medically inexperienced bystander WOULD do. ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD I wouldnt... see the guy wipe the blood off his hand? No one is free willingly going to get another ones blood on them. And throw me a bone. What do you mean YT? ·· 4 months ago JoshuaTree Rip this and save it. This is what America believes is legitimate? I can understand why it's been banned from other platforms. Thanks wooz news. Subd Edited 4 months ago ·· 4 months ago djdzaxy They should play this at president trumps court thing ·· 4 months ago roadkill367 Between my wife and I, we have over 50 years of law enforcement experience including being at many shooting scenes and we have never seen one like this. ·· 4 months ago Isaac79 https://tinyurl.com/y2knkzc5 David Bailey BLM militant Trump hater-threatener. Bailey hid behind a doorway afraid for being identified. Other Capitol Police ordered intruders to lie face-down while held at gunpoint. This was a premeditated, hate-crime, BLM brutal murder! ·· 4 months ago BoBrown1313 Isaac79 She wasn’t killed, though. These were actors putting on a show ·· 4 months ago LetTheArrestsBegin I'm in. I recognize the effort it took to produce this. Noice job. The Good Word is spreading fast these days. ·· 4 months ago italianprincess You need to do this for the inauguration. Totally fake. 4 months ago Sherrybooberry This is awesome! I have been looking at video non-stop practically trying to put it all together since the fake storm. Something you didn't point out, I noticed the guy smiling in he background outside on the porch as the women are saying they are actors before the guy said f it we are done. 4 months ago jmagil Great job. I enjoyed how the police officer gave the thumbs up sign (good job!) to the shooter or whomever was on the other side of the door. Also, the police, who are armed and wearing helmets and possibly body armor, stand around doing nothing until after the shooting. ·· 4 months ago ShawnyS I didn't realize you responded to my message I sent to you on your YouTube video of this version, yes I was one of your subscribers on here. And thank you for posting this here! Keep up the great work!! ·· 4 months ago ChrisKat67 When are 'Sam' and 'Swats' doing the Jerusalema dance? ·· 4 months ago Bd246062 Dude you nailed it after seeing all the B-rated actor's fumble their way through their scripts They weren't even high school quality did they come up with this shit on the van ride to D.C? They need to water board a couple of them and get the truth out then they with all talk Political party bullshit enough of the games Drain the swamp. 4 months ago Nadezkaogay We need to find her!!! 4 months ago stechatte This is a great quality production! Congrats. So I guess the only way to confirm or debunk your theory would be to find "Rabbit's" body, that is, whether that body is alive or dead. Sadly, if she is dead, then that, too, could have been accomplished shortly after this "exercise," such as in the ambulance. [show more] 4 months ago QAnon2021 This makes total sense since I do this type of work myself for video production 😉 ·· 4 months ago emelio When are we going to see a video like this about all the fake shootings that have made the media headlines? ·· 4 months ago CycleChris Great video guys! ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD Holy cow it worked, i thought wooz news just singled me out because i stumped their audience, but guess its pretty easy to flag comments. Lol. Trash video, you guys are morons, 1776 needs more evidence then a 'tattoo' theory... ✌ ·· 4 months ago N2theRabbitHole Hahahahahaha Yes REAL_TROLL you would think cows are holy, as much as you worship BULLSHIT. Open your mind just a crack and let some light in. Start by asking yourself a simple question like, hmmm, is it possible my Democrat leaders are lying to me? If you answer yes, then ask yourself why that might [show more] ·· 4 months ago 46 Gibs Stopped watching the moment I saw Sandi Bachom. She’s an insane Jewish cat lady. Fuck her and fuck this garbage. 4 months ago fdocc Jayden records and declares that people behind him were offending very badly the police (such as the black BLM guy with the red MAGA hat (one more of the hundreds of the very "fake", just like the 2020 Election, Trump "supporters" gathered there to sow mayhem and falsely putting the blame on Trump, [show more] ·· 4 months ago REAL_HOOD Lmao. Real MAGA dont act like that??? Didnt know you losers had a code of conduct... ·· 4 months ago Marnieandbrian REAL_HOOD you tube is boring now, huh? ·· 4 months ago GADEE I have searched every where for obituary for Ashley babbitt the only thing I found was on grave.com it had no information regarding funeral. HMMMM ·· 4 months ago kek.freedom Here is one item, but it is very suspicious. Can this article be unraveled? Can we get more investigators on this memorial service and on the article about it? Some of the pictures and the wording in the article seem very strange, and just like it is not quite right. --- target="_blank">target=”_blank”>target=”_blank”> [show more]
4 months ago
Don Ricardo

Space Babes from Outer Space had worse acting. But the space ship was boob-shaped… therefore more realism than Capital shooting.

4 months ago
Don Ricardo

This video has been copied on Rumble, renamed with additional commentary. They’re not citing WOOZ NEWS as the source.
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

Already deleted
4 months ago

Deleted faster than youtube. Without any notification.

4 months ago

Kids will be the future so that is not a bad thing. 😉

4 months ago

That was excellent glad I found you

4 months ago

I tried to find Babbitt’s obituary or funeral information… nothing! No video interviews of her spouse, family or friends. Anybody got any info? This is all so suspicious!
View all 5 replies
3 months ago

The guy who wrote the article you linked is in this video. He is Taylor Hansen. At the 18:30 mark of this video, there is a red head guy with a mustache saying she was shot in the stomach….then compare that guy with the author of the article you linked. Scroll down to the bottom of the article you [show more]
3 months ago

and at 19:57
4 months ago

subbed out of respect, thank you so much for making this. I can tell how much effort went in and someone needed to show this. I got ridiculed like hell when I called “fake” early Jan 7th.

4 months ago

I called that shit as fake the first time I saw it. So glad you made this video so I can send it to everyone who said I was nuts. No I’m an observant researcher, not a sheep following signs to the slaughter. Thank you for this!!

4 months ago

Find both Democratic and Republican LEO’s, nurses, MDs (anyone w authoritative credibility) and have them do a reaction video with commentary. That should do the trick.
Edited 4 months ago
View all 3 replies
4 months ago

Public Investigation of US Capitol Events on Jan. 6, 2021: Alert to all concerned public. Review the evidence, the videos, the analysis, the persons involved with the US Capitol. Important to continue with identifying and researching all persons who were near the alleged shooting, and also who they are [show more]
4 months ago

tell me about that font!
4 months ago

Y’all got a sub from me. Fab reporting. Well done.

4 months ago

P OMEGALUL rn acting.

4 months ago

Good work by Wooz News – More details in analysis on this event show it is looking like a FF and/or staged special scene. Review the many videos and persons near her. Ask Questions: For the woman who looked like she was shot, who supposedly was with her at the time? Why did not anyone show real [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
View all 3 replies
4 months ago

IMO, get both Democratic and Republican LEO’s, medics, MDs (anyone w authoritative credibility) and have them do a reaction video. That should do the trick.
4 months ago

Public Investigation of US Capitol Events on Jan. 6, 2021: Alert to all concerned public. Review the evidence, the videos, the analysis, the persons involved with the US Capitol. Important to continue with identifying and researching all persons who were near the alleged shooting, and also who they are [show more]
4 months ago
[email protected]

I saw the original footage when it was first posted. I always wondered if this really happen why did no one go after the shooter. Or why didn’t the shooter come in after he shot? If he worked for the Capitol or government or something he would follow through. Why only hit one person and leave? Looked [show more]
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

thank you for your insight! I hope many other nurses, medics, analysists, and LEOs will chime in on the matter
4 months ago

Good questions and points. — Ideally, need even more persona and tech tools to look at all available clues and videos. Would like to get expert opinions, and lists of odd observations and key questions. We posted many related items on MINDS under a group. [show more] But need to form new group specific to the US Capitol incidents. –
4 months ago

When the shot was fired, no one else ducked, hit the floor or ran. No one. no one thought hey wait a min, i didn’t see that or where it came from and might be next or in the way. not one person in that mob of random people even flinched.

Also. how many time is there an “active shooter” and no one with a badge moves to confront the shooter?
Edited 4 months ago

4 months ago

Great job! The thing that struck me as weird the first time I saw the footage was the fact that after a gun shot went off at close range, everyone except for Babbit just stood in pretty much the same spot. In a REAL shooting, people would either fall to the floor or panic and push their way out. The [show more]
View all 4 replies
4 months ago

“Red” even plugged his ears with his fingers – almost like he KNEW a gun was gonna go off-IMAGINE THAT
22 days ago

The biggest thing I noticed about the shooting was that it was a fairly small space, and I’ve been shooting and training shooters for decades, I can tell you that shot would have had almost everyone with their hands over their ears from the pain from the loud report from the firearm. They would have [show more]
4 months ago

Why did the two cops standing guard at the doors leave??? And the police on the steps just stayed there?? This is just so effed up!!!

4 months ago

I PM’d two ppl I know who were involved in the medical field and
asked them what they thought of the video? All fake staged shit. Medics acting like fools. (close friend who is a
retired nurse and hospital admin)

Having been in healthcare (ICU), none of it was believable. I
think actors, for sure. (cousin who is a retired

4 months ago

amazing analysis put together to keep our attention. even though its like the most important thing ever heh. i want to give you some money to support your work
View all 4 replies
4 months ago

Try to stay DL as possible for certain things since the video is very good that may upset certain actors. Ideally, it may help to see if James Corbert (of Corbert Report) or someone like that could help you stay DL.
22 days ago

If you can, stay away from money in any form from anywhere. There is always a money trail, always.
4 months ago

A federal agent posted this.
4 months ago

lol Oh yea, I’ve got my earpiece in. Copy that, Roger?
4 months ago

Its very normal that riots seem like a exercise, since an exercise is meant to look real.
-no fake police but capitol police badge
-this (internal) blood pattern is quite normal
-crazydecisions during major chaos, yeah..
I do concur it all seems very amateuristic and staged, and its highly remarkable that nobody fears the shooter, and that heavily armed police would leave them destroy..
Edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

I don’t know what to think either. We can thank the media for that. I have to say I showed this to a bunch of family members old to young. The people in the medical field were most skeptic. They just didn’t believe any paramedics could be that incompetent. They flagged several reactions or lack there of.
4 months ago

You Tube removed this video citing “BULLYING”!!! 😨😁🤣🤣🤣 Yes! WOOZ NEWS is a BIG BULLY NOW!
View all 3 replies
4 months ago

I’m the one on YouTube who said they would stifle your growth. We’re not supposed to notice certain things.
4 months ago

If anything, it backfired 😉
4 months ago

These Crisis Actors are as bad as those at the FAKE Boston Bombings! 🤦‍♀️😨 SHOCKING.
At least they got so-called ‘acting’ jobs during C-19. 😁🤣🤣
2 days ago

Chauvin was at the Boston bombing and Sandy Hook!!!
4 months ago

Fake CPR as well. Ridiculous

4 months ago

now, that is some BAD acting.

4 months ago

Thank you! This had me so mad I was going to make my own video, which would have been total crap.
She tucked her hand under her right buttcheek! LMAO!!!

4 months ago

BTW I believe it was some kind of safety glass in those doors, it did fall out weird though.
4 months ago

Will this video make it to the impeachment trial?
View all 3 replies
4 months ago

Trump is a part of this scam. Sadly, he’s just another actor, playing a role. This is an attack on American citizen’s constitutional rights, not him so much
23 days ago

He definitely is not an actor. They had to get him out of the way to more easily perform the coup on the USA. (coup de tat) This is far more than constitutional rights. This is every bit of how you live or don’t live. We are in the middle of a marxist communist takeover of the USA. So fight, of give [show more]
4 months ago

Hahaha nice work! Figured this “capital building insurrection” shit was fake…the left activists are so disorganized. But you made it comical and I love it! I wonder if anyone will randomly see her somewhere and expose her…one can hope
4 months ago

Already two capitol police were Arkancided, probably Babbitt too. Inconvenient people disappear.

4 months ago

I highly doubt they killed themselves or are dead at all.

4 months ago

You not only perfectly analyze the fake azz situation but make it funny as well. Your reporting on the event is better than anyone at all the major news networks lol. What a sorry time we live in.

4 months ago

well thanks for noticing 😉 woof
23 days ago

TO Skeptic 1776; Are you suggesting that we live in a sorry time because WoozNews is better than the major networks? I believe it’s a wonderful time, we get to show the world that we can beat down an attempt to make the USA communist. We also nationally can discover people like WoozNews, who would not [show more]
4 months ago

Ideally this video needs to be highlighted in an article that shows false efforts to make anyone questioning the election to look bad, and it can be in response to the TIME article about the shadow forces in the US 2020 Election. Great analysis by Wooz News.
Edited 4 months ago
View all 7 replies
23 days ago

The democrats are actively searching for those of us who believe there was an election steal. I think in normal times that might work, but then you wouldn’t have to do it in normal times. Now the 1st Amendment is being eliminated. They will checkout all links.
23 days ago

I’ve posted it elsewhere and it is fabulously welcomed. You have to search hard, and remember censoring anything is a violation of free speech. I guarantee that my postings have been seen by millions.
4 months ago

PERFECT Thank man!!!!
Only thing I seen that u didn’t see. Was the black hose that went from her stomach up from her left side to the right side.
You might have been looking to much on that guys hand on her breast. That also was a distraction
4 months ago

i saw it too 😉 I didn’t put all findings in the video- I left out quite a bit
23 days ago

May I please ask you, when you can find the time, I know you work like crazy and your quality shows it, it’s 100% awesome! I love watching every single one of your videos, but as I started to ask, would you entertain making another “Capitol” video including some or all of what you left out? Or maybe a video of only what you left out and why. That would be fascinating.
4 months ago

You are to be congratulated sir! You have done some wonderful work here that needs to be shared all over the damn place. Just hoping it can reach some of the right people in time.
Keep up the great work!
4 months ago

thank you for your support!
4 months ago

I’m glad I was able to find this here. YouTube took it down.

4 months ago
MTCali 70

Looks like that Trump flag is UN Light Blue..get it..the UN control America and pretty much, the world..
View all 3 replies
23 days ago

@MTCali 70 Obviously you need a bit more education in politics and world events. The UN is controlled by the money MEMBER NATIONS pay to it. The U.S. has not made a payment in decades because we don’t feel they are worth it. No,the UN does not control America. The UN is having an exceptional day if they can control themselves.
23 days ago
Agri Decumates

I know exactly what, how and why NATO was created, and what they are now. I know the same about the UN. What the hell you are saying in your statement IDK? What in hell is Lord Ismail,UN.? Sober up and explain please?
4 months ago
MTCali 70

Freemason Orange..

4 months ago

I regret to inform y’all that YT has removed our video. Thank-You for all of your comments and support.
View all 7 replies
2 months ago

Love the dedication to Jeff C. Great video.
2 months ago

Bullying & harassing the public maybe.
4 months ago

Just this vid on youboobs, but now its gone. Im going to watch all your stuff!
View all 4 replies
4 months ago

Hey there… Rumble has removed this video. Do you know why?

Also… we’re did this footage come from ( where was it originally released and by whom ). The BLM guy?
23 days ago

Did you actually think Wooz was going to give you their source for the footage? Duh……..I wonder who you are and where you’re from.
4 months ago

This video uploaded tomorrow

4 months ago

good vid

4 months ago

Hey, you finally got it to load. Take care Wooz you deserve all this viral attention. You work your ass off.
4 months ago

well shucks, thanks mister. time for my nap. woof
4 months ago

Jesus Christ I called this shit, the second I saw it. The fake shooting and all.
4 months ago

when i saw the horn guy on my news feed i yelled red flag!!
4 months ago

X. Military Insider Exposes Federal Involvement In Overseeing January 6th False Flag (Jan. 5, 2022)



Northern Woodsman
6 hours ago
Facebook never fact checked me about Jan 6 last year .

Northern Woodsman
6 hours ago
I Reposted this video on YouTube it’s still up . I made a live about health and COVID and got a 7 day ban and strike .

2 days ago
You guys are spot on. I have a Patriot friend who was there and said all the Patriots were not storming the White House, but the people who did were Antifa dressed as Patriots. They planned this in advance. They didn’t wait to see how many showed up, they didn’t need ANYONE from the Patriots to show up; they had their own “patriots” ready to create a false narrative.

2 days ago

2 days ago
White race; you better put your dam cell phones down and rise up and take back our country government from these political zionist NAZI LUCFERIANS who has hijack our country from top down. The privately own federal reserve bank by the Rothschilds sence 1913 = central bank who is the British deepstate takeover using APEC to payoff or bribery by never firing a shot. And Please don’t take big pharma fake vaccine kill shots it all by design to kill the white European white race.

3 days ago
There is an old video showing ANTIFA/BLM changing into Trump gear from the back of a U-Haul truck.

3 days ago
This Rally was specifically to SHOW how many voters Trump has, and this was a fraction of them. It was to make people think about our STOLEN VOTES.

3 days ago
I knew it was a setup when the officers where waving them in.. I was watching News Nation live

3 days ago
It was clearly a setup to demonize and discredit their opposition. However, they were not afraid when they saw the numbers of “red blooded patriots” that had gathered. They were very happy to see you. That’s exactly what they wanted. They war gamed this and setup a giant clusterfuck of legal traps. You fell for their trap. And I find it strange that Alex and that other guy were sidetracked by a sudden rally when they were on their way to the Capitol building.

3 days ago
I don’t believe the Oath Keepers attended the rally, because the Oath Keepers, John Birch Society & others warned, “do not go to D.C. on 1/6/21, it’s a setup.”

3 days ago
MSM is trying to make fun of people wanting to protect themselves with cheap and proven drugs. Ivermectin has been FDA approved for human use since 1996. It also beats Pfizer’s new wonder drug hands down, and costs next to nothing. Ivermectin doesn’t make tons of money. So they know the Covid shot is on its final gasp, so they take it add something different to it, rebrand under another name and charge 20 times what they would for ivermectin. I cannot wrap my head around this nonsense. When I explain this to my relatives they label me as crazy and ask me if I know better than science. I don’t make up these information out of my ass. All this information is true and proven. For some people it is near impossible for them to wake up. They are comfortable in their clown world life. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit ivmcures/com (Looks like I can’t post links, replace / with .)

3 days ago
Yep, no question people were and are being baited by the enemy.

What happened on January 6th was effectively a trap. I saw it coming, though I didn’t want to believe they would do it. ALL the signs were there. And people fell for it.

THAT is how socialism works in trying to overthrow a country. And they toss in some provocateurs for good measure.

These people need to be dealt with. They won’t just get bored and go away.

Time to take a position…Do you want to save the Republic, or do you want to save the Democracy?

3 days ago
To Jones: You’re screaming you can’t do it anymore, *Then you say, *Our Jesus put you in Austin, TX for a time like this.
I wonder what your ‘KIN Folk said at the Alamo watching Santa Anna coming at them with 5K Troops with around 120 men left, *Been there lately Alex, C’mon now. Ask that Dr Pete that was sitting next to you yesterday if he ever said he can’t do it anymore, you’re in the Lord’s day, rejoice in it, our world never stops:-) remember that, & act like you been there before.

3 days ago
Did a million people actually turn up?

3 days ago
The Jan. 6’ers did nothing wrong.

3 days ago

I have tried to copy this and post it to Facebook… Alex, you’ve been hobbled, unless people actually listen to you, this information is mute.

Time Bandit
3 days ago

3 days ago
To Alex: Por Favor, ‘WE’ walked right into it? are you kidding me? There wasn’t a room within 60 miles of DC three weeks prior to the 6th, & every Right-wing radio station- was telling the world every group was coming, C’mon now, SET up, This was a ‘Wet-Dream’ for the Feds, it’s like telling the ‘ATF’ that The Hell’s Angels & five other crazy MC clubs are all meeting in Waco Tx on a Sunday, hmm I wonder what is going to happen? C’mon now, nothing to see here. Joey should have been telling ‘YOU’ to TELL your world ‘ALEX’ that the ‘FEDS’ will or definitely going to try something, which they did. I like the ‘FACT’ that you are warning the US that the Globalist the CCP/DNC/GOP are going to ‘PLAN’ something prior to November of 22. You have that right. Scream that every day. They can’t afford for those elections to expose their secrets. Puke

3 days ago
Facebook has you figured out. I can’t share your videos even in messenger. They removed 3 yesterday that were posted months ago. At least some got to see them.

3 days ago
The opening caller is completely oblivious. He says we have the best military. We have the most expensive military but they are completely useless. Our military has lost every modern war, even when they win the battles, and they just surrendered 80 billion dollars of their gear to the Taliban. The Taliban are stronger then they were at the beginning after surviving 20 years of our Military trying to fight them.

If you are still in denial, just think about this, kids are being medically experimented on in the United States, despite WW2 victory asserting we would never do medical experimentation again. So our modern military even figured out to to reverse wins of prior wars.

Yes our military has nice uniforms and flag ceremonies have good coordination. Detroit Lions also have clean looking uniforms and run good plays in practice camps. Detroit Lions still can’t beat any other team.

Our military talks about how they are the reason for our freedoms. Exact opposite. Our military is the reason our freedoms are jeopardized. Future generations will have to reap the echoes of the wars they sowed just so they could steal some resources and pick fights with regimes they wanted to bully. The real men and women defending your freedoms are the working class Americans actually building up society. People like HVAC technicians, Truckers, Carpenters, Store Clerks, Accountants etc etc etc. All their work actually helps other people have freedom from needing to do everything on their own. Truck drivers delivering all our product so we have the freedom to do other activities while its being transported, they die in horrible highway accidents spending their last breaths serving our country.

I have never met a modern soldier that has done anything to help our freedoms, they only destroy our freedoms. They are all guilty of stolen valor riding the coattails of past real warriors while they sit back and watch kids get played with like lab rats. Enjoy your warp speed vax

4 days ago
Incorrect video summary as usual. Jan 6 2021, not 2020.

4 days ago
trump aint gonna do shit

4 days ago
Looks like Freeworldnews.tv URL got banned on FB. Just received 100+ warnings LOL. When are we getting a new URL?

4 days ago

4 days ago
False flag operation mode = LIHOP. Let It Happen On Purpose, while controlling the planning, execution and framing the media narrative of the outcome.

4 days ago
Gen Millie makes futhermuckers look bad.

4 days ago
state troopers—local and other state regular police—-military—-WTP—-with prayer and belief in our Father in heaven and his son Jesus can get this mess fixed quick ya know….

4 days ago
Look out for the changes happening to phone companies. They planned to ramp up their forcing of 5g tomorrow. And again February 5th. Let’s not get blinded, there are multiple facets to freedom of speech, they are essentially trying to surround us…

4 days ago
Whats 10000 Nat Gaurd at the capital? Thats 10000 uniformed soldiers on our soil

4 days ago
Alex needs to stop interrupting guest. It’s like a mental illness, high jacks what they arentalking about so he can get credit.

4 days ago
Guys pray for me I’m covide positive omricron no vax… and took symbbicort to breath because I was having problem breathing this morning and bimectine 200lb apple paste, what is next or better for me?

4 days ago
Coming from a strong family of red-headed males- it is very suspicious that the man holding the ‘barber shop’ flag pole has such a strongly colored ‘red’ beard but his hair is dark brown/blonde. The beard looks fake. and the ‘ear pods’ are for no other reason than to communicate with other feds. nobody has that shit in in the middle of a crowd. this guy looks a little too ‘tacti-cool’ to not be a fed. he’s got shears tucked into the MOLLE and a biner for an IV next to it. Plus the shemags?. this guy SCREAMS fed or contractor.

4 days ago
Thats a lie, they did that and got what was coming to two them, jailtime

4 days ago
Another $hit $how $taged Fed Propaganda Event which Republi-Crats CONgress was in on to ensure certification of the fraudulent election. AOC beats out her competition for Drama Award for 2021. AOC, Pelosi and fiends must be brought to trial.

4 days ago

4 days ago
Delta nor CIA Ground Branch is lawful, or constitutional, let alone allowed to operate domestically, but they obviously exist, and operate domestically routinely sheep-dipped within CONUS. Govt TERRORISTS will ALWAYS use ‘well-meaning’ men for their needs. And the ‘Well-Meaning Men’ almost always both knowingly and unknowingly go along to get-along, and rationalize. So WTF is new?

4 days ago
look at those goons…no wonder they wanna suppress the footage, ha ha…but it’s not funny, it’s un-american-as-frack

Ashli Babbit ALIVE and WELL The FALSE FLAG Shooting (Jan. 8, 2021)

XIII. Owen Shroyer of Infowars.com Continues the Scripted Charade/Fraud by Interviewing Crisis Actor, Taylor Hansen in this Clip:

Witness to Ashley Babbit’s Murder Ignored by J6 Committee Because He Won’t Lie for Democrats

Webmaster Comment:
Nincompoops! Ashli Babbit was a Crisis Actor, a surveillance role player just like Taylor Hansen was/is. She is alive today, as proven by the video evidence above. As Forest Gump so sagely put it: “Stupid is as stupid does.” In this case, infowars.com is complicit in the false-flag fraud.

Hansen and Shroyer are BOTH ACTORS who are political operatives, apparently! Hansen’s upcoming documentary will continue the cover up of what actually occurred on January 6, 2020, which was a made-for television, scripted political event.

Ashli Babbit is ALIVE or at least she was after leaving the Capitol Building on Jan. 6.

From the text transcription of the Wooz News video above which was made shortly after Jan. 6, 2020.


Taylor Hansen: handsome Hollywood-looking young man with nice blond hair, moustache, and black sweatshirt as above who said “Don’t touch the gate. Take a step back”- later talking to into microphone for reporters with Washington DC in the the background: “And he was hiding there. She had no idea that he was aiming a gun right at her face.”

Bryanni: Young man with blue sweatshirt and backwards baseball cap, with fake conviction and holding up hand with (fake) blood on it: “It’s not talk any more!”

Woman in crowd, acting: “I didn’t see it but they shot a woman.”

Non-actor Witnesses On-Scene Testimony:

Another woman with dark coat and baseball cap raising her head above the crowd, vehemently: “They’re all acting. They’re actors!”

What kind of satanic clown world do we inhabit?

XIV. David McGowan takes us on a deep dive into the Boston Marathon bombing. (April 14, 2015)

David McGowan Talks Boston Marathon Bombing | Caravan To Midnight

Episode 269 David McGowan Talks Boston Marathon – 14 April 2015 | Caravan To Midnight
David McGowan was an investigative journalist, author and internet activist, with a focus on deep politics.

McGowan was an early critic of the US government’s official narrative about the events of September 11, 2001. He died aged 55, on the 52nd anniversary of the assassination of President John F Kennedy, 6 months after being diagnosed with an unusually aggressive form of lung cancer.

Since 1990, McGowan ran a small business in the greater Los Angeles area. He was a dogged veteran of deep politics and deep events well before the term “Conspiracy theory” became ubiquitous in the wake of the 9-11 attacks. He has published a number of books on various aspects of occult power. He has also published many studies of controversial events, notably the Apollo moon landings, MK-Ultra and the Laurel Canyon milieu of the late 1960’s, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, The Pedophocracy, the Boston Marathon bombings, and many others. He can fairly claim the title of The First 9-11 Sceptic, having published a thorough, sceptical analysis of the events of 9-11 less than 24 hours after the collapse of the towers, still a good introduction to 9-11. He had three daughters who republished his work from the former, now deactivated, website.
Dave sent this message before his death:

“On 14 April 2015, I presented a lengthy video deconstruction of the 2013 Boston Marathon incident through the Caravan to Midnight radio show/podcast. About a week later (on 20 April of all days), the nearly four-hour video presentation was uploaded to YouTube. Not long after that, someone using the username Phoenix Archangel posted an interesting comment: “John [Wells, the host of the show] always signs off with some of the best advice ever. Speaking of advice: this David McGowan fella really ought to quit smoking. With all the elitist feathers he’s ruffling, he’s likely to come down with a spontaneous case of hitherto undiagnosed stage 4 inoperable Pancreatic cancer.”

If you haven’t watched the video yet, by the way, you really need to do so. And have all your friends and family members watch it as well. It’s a little on the long side and could use some serious editing, but it does succeed in completely laying waste to the official story of what happened in Boston on 15 April 2013.

As for Mr./ Ms Archangel, he/ she wasn’t too far off, though I’ve been told that it’s actually incurable small-cell lung cancer that has already spread to my liver and bones. And no, that’s unfortunately not a joke. It’s my new reality as of just a few short weeks ago, when my entire world was turned upside-down and I suddenly found myself being admitted to the oncology ward at Glendale Adventist Medical Centre. Four days later, I was beginning my first round of chemotherapy infusions. The second round began on 15 June.”

“I’m still having a very hard time processing all of this. Despite not having the healthiest diet and not making the most healthy lifestyle choices, I have been remarkably healthy throughout my adult life. Until a few weeks ago, I’d never been hospitalised as an adult. Never had any surgical procedures performed. Never had a major illness or significant injury. Never broke a bone in my body. Haven’t ever been reliant on any prescription drugs of any kind. Haven’t even had a primary care physician for many, many years.

But now, literally overnight, that reality has been replaced with a painful and, if I’m being perfectly honest, terrifying new reality. Based on what my doctors have told me and what I have read, the prognosis is not good. My oncologist seems to be of the opinion that I only have a couple years left on this planet, if that. The odds of surviving for even five more years are very, very low.

But I’ve never been one for taking advice or believing what I have been told. And I can be exceedingly stubborn. So if the medical community tells me that there is virtually no chance that I can survive this, I will do everything in my power to prove them wrong. But it is going to be a long, tough fight against a formidable foe. And any support that readers can offer, whether financial or moral, will be greatly appreciated.

In closing, thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement over the years. I hope to be able to continue to expose the crimes of the elite for many years to come. Stay tuned…”
Dave McGowan – JUL 2015 | A very personal message from Dave.

RIP Dave, you made an immeasurable contribution to our understanding of how the world works. Thank you.

XIV. THE LIVES OF OTHERS – IIA OPERATIONS – JAMES O’KEEFE & PATRICK BERGY. “BRENDON O’CONNELL” (12/2/21): IIA (Internet Interactive Activities) Operations (Fake News), Privatized Armies, Gangstalking Teams, Military Psychological Warfare, Computer Network Operations (CNO), Targeted Civilians

THE LIVES OF OTHERS – IIA OPERATIONS – JAMES O’KEEFE & PATRICK BERGY. “BRENDON O’CONNELL” (12/2/21): IIA (Internet Interactive Activities) Operations (Fake News), Privatized Armies, Gangstalking Teams, Military Psychological Warfare, Computer Network Operations (CNO), Targeted Civilians