ETK Introduction:

The following 28 email messages from Bryan Tew to this webmaster (dated August 2 to December, 22, 2017) help provide an overall explanation of the CIA/DIA global gang stalking/mind control operations and detailed and potentially extremely important. life saving information for other Targeted Individuals/mind control victims.

(August 2, 2017) Dr Eric Karlstrom,

I hope this letter finds you well and this research helps you. Feel free to use it as it is basically derived from the resources of many notable scientists in the field of cognitive research, etc., not my own.

I was able to build off of their research but do not wish to take credit away from the many brave scientists and doctors who have risked their lives to expose these atrocities.

I you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Bryan Tew


The CIA NSA perps are using a ‘fabricated or falsified stream’ to interfere with your memory and thought process. Once you become dependent (ie. you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the system’s output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate ‘subconscious responses’ which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these ‘impulse injections’ to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own.

If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided – the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers.

Why it is Necessary for RNM Mind Control to Exist and How It Works.

Mind Control technology began in the 1960’s during the Cold War and was used on unwitting citizens for non-consensual experimentation for the purpose of research and development, such as the infamous MKUltra programs run by the American CIA. The horror of what was happening was discovered and the program was allegedly shut down in the 1970’s, which we now know is a lie.

Neuroscience is essentially the study of the human mind and central nervous system. It has now been weaponized by the CIa and Department of Defense using Directed Energy Weapons and nano-scale devices.

The human body is a ‘Vibratory Organism’. It is an ‘Electromagnetic Organism’ and, as such, each organ of the body ‘VIBRATES’ at a different frequency of electromagnetic energy. By varying the frequency and intensity of each beam of energy, CIA NSA operatives can manipulate each region and organ of the human anatomy.

Everything started in the 1960’s with the Spanish scientist, Dr. Jose Delgado, who conducted his famous ‘bull experiment’ by implanting an electrode in the brain of one of these animals. Dr. Delgado agitated the bull until it became angry and began to attack, while at the same time standing motionless in front of the bull. When the bull would charge at him, Dr. Delgado had a remote control device in his hand that he would push causing the bull to come to a complete stop and then spin around in circles.

The CIA later hired Dr. Jose Delgado, and other pioneers in the field, such as the notable neuroscientist from Norway, Dr Jacobson.

At that time, non-consensual experimentations on human beings began to occur under the guise of black ops covert weapon testing programs, for which there was no accountability, transparency or oversight, and this continues to our present day in the 21st century.

The CIA DoD paradigm has perfected the manipulation of the human body’s five senses: sight, touch, taste, hearing, smell. Now they are attempting to perfect and implement a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) regime founded not on older methods of mathematical equations known as ‘If & Then’ algorithms, but on a new AI regime based on a ‘REVERSE ENGINEERING’ of the Human Mind

[I am being hit with directed energy right now to disrupt this paper].

One of the products of this new technology is the field of ‘SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY’ invented and developed by my friend, former CIA and DoD scientist, Dr. Robert Duncan., whose conscience got the better of him after he realized what they were doing to innocent Americans with this technology. he walked away from the CIA, blew the whistle on the covert program, and exposed it to the world.

With this new technology, the CIA & NSA are able to read your thoughts, see through your eyes, and maintain a direct conversation with your mind.

CIA & NSA operatives can induce directly into your brain, both visual images and auditory sequences, such as voice to skull (V2K).

The British and other European countries are heavily involved in this new weapons program, developed for the purpose of controlling the masses via ‘Censorship’., ‘Memory Management’ and ‘Direct Behavioral Control’ all of which is now possible by what is known as Nano-Technology.

A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter and these microbic composite materials are so small they can only be seen with a special microscope. On average, these microbic composite materials are around 50 nanometers in size. they interact through streams of photons (directed energy flashing) and can speak to and decode the neurotransmitters in your brain.

As such we are now able to digitally communicate with the human mind via a brain to computer interface or an electronic brain to brain interface.

With advances in medicine, chemistry, engineering, and other disciplines, Neuroscience now includes the study of Cellular, Molecular, Structural, Functional and Evolutionary development of the human mind and central nervous system.

From molecular and cellular studies of individual nerve cell to sensory imaging and basic motor tasks of the human brain, Neuroscience is no longer just a field of medicine. It has crossed the threshold of medical science and is now a chief weapons platform used by many of the national security agencies of the world.

The ability to decipher the human mind has expanded exponentially in this our 21st century and has now forever altered evolution and society as we know it. They have imposed their diabolical plans into what is most important in our society Freedom to Choose and the Human Will. They can now completely control the mind.

[Now they have switched tactics on me and are hammering me with delta wave to make me drowsy so I will make mistakes in typing this up].

Of course, controlling the human mind becomes more difficult when the Targeted Individual is aware of their schemes, but there are probably hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been exposed to this technology that are unable to determine that they are being controlled in this way.

Again, CIA and Department of Defense are seeking to achieve three things with this technology: ‘Censorship’, ‘Memory Management’ and ‘Direct Behavioral Control’. These three are the holy grail of all mind control technologies.

CNN recently reported that within 5-10 years we will be able to remotely (Keyword: ‘REMOTELY’) modify our behavior with this technology. Not then, but it is happening right now.

Again, they are seeking to create a new AI regime based on a reverse engineering of the human mind. They wish to replicate the human soul, which is essentially three things:

1) Will 2). Intellect and 3) Emotion.

They must perfect the technology behind these three parameters of the human soul in order to build the first QUANTUM COMPUTER’ which is still in R&D mode right now but which the Americans and other nations of the world are racing to develop. One day soon, this Quantum Computer will interface between the Human Mind and Soul by way of a Neurochip which will connect directly or remotely to a supercomputer.

Mankind is a triune being, meaning he is composed of three things: Body, Soul and Spirit.

This is the weakness of the new AI regime and will be its downfall. They have mastered the human body (five senses) and will master the Human Soul (Will, Intellect and Emotion), but they will never be able to replicate the spirit of man. The spirit of man is the ‘Conscience’. The conscience is the ‘Compass of the Soul’ which helps a man or woman discern right from wrong, which the new AI regime, no matter how sophisticated, will never be able to replicate, because it is not physical, but metaphysical. It is God given. It is an innate instrument every human being is born with and cannot be replicated.

The reason NSA and CIA decided to move away from ‘If and Then’ algorithms to a reverse engineering of the human mind, is because they realized its ineffectiveness, meaning it doesn’t matter how many octillion algorithms you create there will still always continually be those scenarios for which an ‘AI’ regime based on ‘If and Then’ algorithms will not cover and will subsequently fail and falter because people are so unique and different, socially, culturally and cognitively. People are too unique in their make up for the math to cover every scenario so they abandoned the math and moved to a new AI regime based on a reverse engineering of the human mind. Essentially, they are seeking an AI regime that functions just like a human brain, capable of adapting, learning, etc. (i.e.: the Quantum Computer).

This type of technology could have great benefits for society such as the ability to augment human intelligence by a thousand times, essentially turning the human mind into a supercomputer. Hence, there are literally thousands of applications that could interface with this technology.

This technology literally has the ability to alter our entire evolutionary experience in life, both positively and negatively. For example, you could literally turn the brain into a supercomputer, or encyclopedia, or a giant search engine., like Google. Unfortunately, instead of using it for good, the NSA and CIA have chosen to use it for evil.

One method of doing this is to alter our memories by way of ‘Memory Management’.

They can impose false memories by using a ‘fabricated falsified stream’ to inject memories into your subconscious which you will believe are real but are not. One way this is achieved is by way of ‘Dream Modulation’. These memories implanted in your mind can be good. or terribly bad and can be so powerful that even though you are told they are not real you will not believe it. This is a common prerequisite to electromagnetic hypnotism, such as the CIA used on the Assistant Attorney General of Alabama when they murdered him by forcing him to commit suicide. No matter what, with repetitive reinforcement you will come to believe the memories are your own unless you learn how to read active memory.

This is a weapons system and the government who is first in the world to perfect and employ this new neuro-warfare system will have an incomparable advantage over every other government on earth. In fact, we know for a fact it can be used in mass attacks against many people at one time. in Palm Springs, California they are using it right now against between 50-100 gay men, causing them to hear voices and forcing them to behave in manners which they do not wish to follow. This is an absolute fact and has been reported on by news agencies in California. There is no way 50-100 men could all be having the same symptoms, hearing the same voices etc., if this were not the NSA CIA DARPA arm behind this neuro-attack. It is absolutely happening.

People think all of these recent uprisings in the world, from Arab Spring to Venezuela to Ukraine and many others are just a new wave of cultural and social upheaval. In fact, there is much to suggest that this CIA may be behind it, but that is another story and not the content of this interview.

Soon, warfare between Russia and the USA will include Neuro-warfare tactics. It will also lead to the development of emotional and intellectual perception networks (‘thought police’) and will be gradually included in our society on the grounds of national security, terrorism, etc. Soon, the internet will be able to perceive your emotions and, by default, so will the CIA.

They will gradually implement this technology by saying it will only be used for to control terrorists and criminals. They will do this by way of a campaign of disinformation and misinformation based on lies and half truths. Effectually turning America into one gigantic Neuro-society that will include a living social conscience that people will be able to engage in by sharing their thoughts with each other simultaneously in large groups over vast geographical regions. A sort of ‘Hive Mind’ will ensue between people who collaborate on the same or similar issues. Instead of making a telephone call with your phone, you will be able to make one with your mind, hands free of course.

There are many government agencies and private institutions (harvard, yale, MIT, etc) who are involved in this new Neuro-Revolution and it is employed against Americans domestically and against civilians from other countries abroad, by way of a covert inter-government agency operation designed to diffuse responsibility if caught, meaning everything is highly compartmentalized so even if you knew the source of the technology you would still be running down the proverbial rabbit hole because the people involved in this paradigm operate in the dark crevices of government and are firmly entrenched in their positions of power and cannot be removed. Presidents and Senators are mere puppets to these people. Even high ranking generals don’t ascend to the corridors of power without their approval. The real power in America is not without elected representatives, or even our mighty military leaders. No, it lies with the upper echelon of the intelligence services, (CIA, NSA, etc). While there any many agencies involved, there are primarily two that are behind it all: CIA & Department of Defense.

Again the three main purposes of mind control are Censorship, Memory management, and Direct Behavioral Control. Memory management is achieved by way of an injection of false memories while simultaneously blocking real memories with a falsified fabricated stream by using flashes of pulsed electromagnetic energy in sync with photonic implants or remote nano-particulates which then match up wit the RNM supercomputer and the remote subconsciousness of a human mind. The RNM supercomputer hooks the Targeted individual to a mainframe and the person is then monitored to their death which is often brutal for the purposes of mind control via what they call rehabilitation by torture. In other words, ‘behaviorism’ (i.e.: Pavlovs dogs, etc). This is how thought triggered attacks occur. This supercomputer which is capable of hundreds of thousands of calculations per second kicks into gear as soon as the targeted individual begins thinking about a certain subject, etc., and the RNM computer injects those subconscious impulse at speed of light. This is why it is crucial for CIA NSA operatives to be close by the TI or within range of remote surveillance so they can watch the targeted individual in real time so as to achieve verification with the rnm system.

The supercomputer interfaces (integration completion) with the human mind and begins to inject imagery and other sequences into the human mind that the TI does not recognize seeking to establish integration completion between the rnm system and the human mind.

The human brain has been mapped. This Brain Initiative Project announced by Obama months ago was just a cover for what has already been achieved so as to help facilitate its implementation into our new neuro-society. Otherwise, there would be to many questions, such as where did this technology come from, etc. The two main protagonists are CIA and DoD but the main arm of both in this paradigm is the futuristic strong arm of DARPA. It is DARPA that is behind it all if you go to its very core. So this BAM project, known as the ‘Brain Activity Map’ is just a cover by Obama to integrate these new neuro-weapons into our mainstream society as being necessary and a boon to our high tech civilization when in all actuality it will be nothing more than a tool to control us and certain segments of populations of countries throughout the world. By reverse engineering the human mind they are developing a AI regime that will be capable of making all the important decisions for humanity by way of central planning. They will also use this technology to keep those countries that are enemies of America in internal strife so as to control them as well. They will be able to control the population of America and the world by reconfiguring the human brain and by default they will be able to reconfigure societies. This is a tool the world elite has long sought after and now finally it is within their grasp.

However, there are methods one can employ to fight back against this new technology:

1. Multi-Tasking

Learn how to multi-task as multitasking causes you to think in multiple threads.

When you are constantly thinking in multiple threads (multiple tasks or thoughts) then there is no coherent pattern for the perps to establish and integrate into RNM data. In other words, ‘integration completion’ between the RNM system and your brain is hindered and without your response to that specific ‘impulse injection’, the RNM verification process is breaks apart.

The CIA NSA perps are using a ‘fabricated or falsified stream’ to interfere with your memory and thought process. Once you become dependent (ie. you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the system’s output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate ‘subconscious responses’ which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these ‘impulse injections’ to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own.

If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided – the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers.

Again: you can defeat the RNM attacks by constantly multitasking (thinking about multiple things at once) and by ignoring random encounters with strangers you don’t know as such encounters are engineered by the perps in order to solicit an emotional response from you which their RNM system can remotely measure. Then you can not only see through the system’s attempts to manipulate you but also manage their ability to evaluate your responses by controlling the ‘verification process’ – by working through the remote neural ‘memory blocks’ – and counter the system’s ability to influence your choices. It will begin to feel as though you are thinking in two ‘threads’.

Just learn how to multi-task.

2. Spontaneity

Never follow a set pattern of conduct. Always change your behavior every day at a moments notice. Do this when you’re quickly (not slowly) on the move as it is more difficult for their remote neural system to monitor your thoughts while you’re in rapid motion.

If you decide to go to the grocery store go to the convenience store instead. Change it up everyday but don’t do the same things over and over as that establishes a set pattern of conduct.

Remember they are trying to alter your daily motives and emotional perceptions.

The remote neural monitoring system is designed to provoke you emotionally so they can generate response statistics which the system will use to determine how to interpret and link descriptions with data captured about your memory references. That is why they are constantly trying to keep you talking, or constantly stopping you and asking for directions, etc.

So always ignore prolonged random encounters with people you don’t know. You’re not being rude. Just refusing to allow them to manipulate you.

Once they have consistent statistics the system will use previous ‘choice references’ and inject them into your subconscious thought during normal activity which is also referred to as ‘impulse injections’ to convince you that the response was your own and influence you to complete or describe the reference by making the appropriate verbalizing or performing a related action, which is known as ‘Verification’. You can fight and/or control this if you learn to defeat these memory attacks by learning to read active memory.

Once they see what you respond to emotionally, or intellectually, they will fabricate ‘conversational’ or ‘situational’ scenarios (Street Theater) based on events or topics they know will capture your attention.

For example, if you are a football fan they will talk about your favorite team or will wear a t-shirt or hat with your favorite football team’s emblem. They do this with me a lot as they know I am a University of Georgia fan.

So they constantly wear UGA t-shirts, hats, etc., pretending to be a Georgia fan or be from Georgia in order to try and stimulate me towards talking with them & to keep me talking to them.

This is why the perps try to keep you talking for so long. Not just to aggravate you but to provoke you into an ’emotional response’ so they can map your thought process in order to subsequently inject impulses etc., and control your mind. This is why the feds try to get people close to you (eg by approaching you and/or befriending with a hot girl or handsome guy) with so-called ‘Honey Traps’.

Here is how you stop that from happening: ignore all prolonged random encounters with strangers you don’t know and be spontaneous.

This same remote neural attack can be used to disrupt your speech if the attackers decide to prevent you from discussing a specific topic or repeating a given word. The system can be configured to disrupt your recollection when formulating a related statement or inject gibberish [triggered substitution] while you are attempting to speak.

The goals of these attacks appear to be threefold: Censorship, Memory Management and Direct Behavior Control.

These people are not concerned with legal constraints or any particularly acceptable way of life. They simply use anything you enjoy, hate or appreciate to abuse you regardless of your behavior so if they give you a compliment, realize that they are only doing it to see how you will respond when they turn around to negate it and torture you nightly.

If you keep a constant handle on your ‘state of activity’ as well as your situational perception you will recognize conflicting impulses and although it is possible for the system to overpower your impulses, if you understand the attacks you will be able to recognize the physical changes resulting from these powerful impulses and this should prompt you to re-evaluate your current state.

Unless you have been tortured to near-incoherency you should be able to fight the system’s influences.

These remote neural attacks are most effective when you are stepping through sequenced tasks so try to avoid ‘zoning’ on your activities. How? By changing your actions and activities randomly and constantly at the speed of thought. Don’t always plan out or think out your daily itinerary, if you don’t have to. ‘Just do it’ !

Remote Neural Manipulation is accomplished via their system’s ability to interpret your thoughts and is wholly dependent on its ability to predict and influence your ‘reference choices’ or ‘impulse sequencing’ during thought composition. The system maps patterns with impulses and identifiers (evoked potentials) and uses statistical data about your ‘composition habits’ to predict how you will think or act as you begin to formulate thoughts or prepare to act. The system’s ability to define and map these references intelligibly depends on your cooperation [or ignorance] and the attackers’ ability to make sense of what they see visually or what they can guess based on your past activity.

3. Quenching

They will constantly run you through a ‘verification’ routine where the system probes you for a particular set of responses repeatedly in order to establish a pattern. If you are interacting and countering these probes the operator will vary the routine in an attempt to ‘verify’ via different methods.

Once the system ‘verifies’ the selected responses they will be used in the next wave of harassment routines – the process is endless and you will see the effects clearly if you are consistently defeating the system. If you are not defeating the remote neural system then you will not see or notice the effects. The way to defeat their remote neural monitoring system is by ‘quenching’.

You ‘quench’ remote neural monitoring by interacting with and countering their tactics.

None of what these people are collecting could ever be used in a case against you.

Every piece of information collected by their system can be considered falsified and/or fabricated because the system is designed to continuously provide ‘suggestions’ according to data which has been previously collected about your current activity and the accuracy of the reference descriptions [definitions] is extremely low since the attackers don’t really care about truth and the system will fabricate statements and/or imagery while they are abusing you. The fabrications are generally the result of misinterpretation of references and emotional indicators as well as distortion of ‘injection feedback’ in addition to false entries added manually by the attackers as a result of their inability to understand what they are viewing or their malintent.

There is no reliable way for the attackers to determine what is true even if they try to apply their observations to the aforementioned indicators. An attempt to prove guilt with their system would be the equivalent to a cop dropping a gun at a crime scene and claiming it belonged some individual who happened to be passing by – RANDOM and FALSIFIED.

There is no legal application for this system or anything generated by it. They will only capture what they want to abuse you with and when they decide to ‘censor’ your thoughts they will force you into an abusive or incoherent thought pattern using the injection and blocking methods mentioned above.

For example when you experience ‘sudden severe aggression and agitation’ its the perps, not you and is part and parcel ‘Mind Control’. They injected those impulses. Remember they want to keep you constantly thinking about them.

You can limit and counter this effect by learning to read memory while blocking their system however it takes quite a bit of skill and self-awareness. This is known as ‘Redirection’.

4. Redirection

‘Redirection’ is simple. When the remote neural attack happens and impulses and thoughts are introduced into your mind (by strong urge [high frequency attack] or slight motivation [low frequency attack]) just change your thread of thought. This hinders ‘integration completion’ between your brain and the RNM system. You do this by establishing what is known as a ‘Working Reference’.

The Bible says “…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things”. (Philipians 4:8).

You can thwart their RNM attack by establishing a ‘working reference’ each time they attempt to inject impulses and thoughts to your brain. This is done by recognizing something in life that makes you very happy and then re focusing or ‘redirecting’ back to that happy experience in life each time you are attacked through RNM.

If you can do this each day their attacks will simply be an annoyance to you as you can work around it, but it will still hinder performance tremendously as you will be forced to test and validate memory constantly and the physical sensations of the system radiating your brain will be both irritating and distracting.

Note that these attacks can be performed successfully at lower intensities and you may initially only notice them if you are frequently being tested at higher intensities: Torture!

Understanding the memory attacks (blocking your real memories and injecting false memories and impulses) are key because if you do not recognize modification of your ‘active memory’ the system will cause you to briefly lose time perception which may be enough procedural [functional] disorientation to influence you to respond to an injected impulse. Forced speech for example.

It is possible for the system to influence you to speak unwillingly or, at the very worst, without you knowing it. For example, if you are susceptible to the systems influences you may not realize that it is frequently or constantly influencing you to make minor choices. These motivational impulses can also be used to influence you in a manner that will give you the desire to speak, and I emphasize desire because you need to understand that these impulses will only make you feel the urge [at higher levels set by the attackers] or basic motivation [at baseline levels] to perform the tasks it is influencing you to do.

Now in combination with this motivation to speak the system uses past references to direct you – for example, you personal memory of turning to speak to your wife and the associated impulse – and when you react to this influence the system will block your working memory while streaming the desired output which will result in you making one or more statements under the system’s control.

They will test this on you frequently with ‘word substitution’ and if you can learn to control this in thought then you can control it while speaking but you must learn to multitask constantly and to read memory!

If you do not have a ‘working reference’ to return to after the forced speech attack it is possible that you will have no recollection of making the statement.

If you have a hard time understanding how remote neural monitoring (RNM) works, just think of how a lie detector works. In theory RNM functions in similar manner to a lie detector: by measuring physiological responses emitted by the body. In RNM, it is those physiological responses emitted via electromagnetic impulses by the brain.

As you learn to defeat the predictive capabilities of the system (quenching, redirection, multi-tasking and spontaneity) their attempts to restrict your ‘reference choices’ will become increasingly evident and you will begin to perceive what I will describe as ‘functional duality’ [it might also be described as focal duality] within your working memory. The perps system’s prediction error rate will dramatically increase and its attempts to predict your thoughts or intentions will become humorous if not simply annoying.

Thought Triggered Attacks:

Seeing the relationship between your memory references and the systems’ output [which can be a specific directed energy attack, an audible forced speech sequence, etc., is critical to understanding how to control and ultimately defeat ‘thought-triggered’ attacks in addition to preventing the attackers from deceiving you with their cognitive magic tricks.

You should be able to redirect the system during ‘formulation’ (collecting data by reading your mind) or prevent ‘predictive integration’ (interpretation of data from injected thoughts and impulses) altogether, but when you learn to stop integration, realize that the system will be waiting for completion and will ‘probe’ you for a response. It will begin to ‘inject’ again if you attempt to ignore it so unless you have extremely high memory skill and have learned the ‘quenching’ technique, redirection may be the easiest option.

They will also abuse you in every way possible to convince you that they’re in control when you will be able to see clearly that they are nothing more than idiots who need to spend more time studying the systems they are abusing people with.

If the system’s suggestions are not acceptable to you [and they won’t be if you’re consistently blocking and/or redirecting it] then this will result in you making a continuous effort to counter the imposition of thoughts and impulses while contrasting you’re ‘working state’ to maintain active focus.

Although by cooperating and allowing the system to interpret and define your daily activity you may find that the suggestions become more tolerable as the system is designed to mimic your normal cognitive behavior, I would recommend not allowing this as you will tend to more readily accept the system’s influence, and the purpose of the system influencing you in this manner is to give the attackers the ability to restrict you at will and to allow them to deceive or manipulate you subconsciously.

You can only counter these restrictions if you are able to contrast the system’s influence from your own willful activity. Everyone who is hearing “V2K” is being monitored in this manner and being influenced in this way as well. The phrases you are hearing should be related to information captured during the ‘silent monitoring period’ and will eventually be used as the foundation for your endless verbal harassment.

What they do is a game of deception and manipulation, nothing more. Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not acknowledge anything the system interrogates you about as truth. The system will take random bits of anything it captures through your senses and fabricate stories which they will use to harass and interrogate you with no intention other than to distract and torture you into submission [to the system’s influence].

If you learn to defeat the remote neural memory and thought process attacks then you can render remote neural monitoring useless or manipulate it to your advantage.

Your advantage would be to be able to document and verify it is happening in a court of law.

People who take a stand and try to oppose this evil are labeled by our government as dissidents and are punished or summarily killed. Many are victimized by the government by being forcibly and falsely misdiagnosed with a mental illness so that they are not taken seriously, pushed to the margins of society or altogether removed from society, with their credibility destroyed so no one will believe them. That is why the torture is designed to be so brutal, precisely so that no one will believe it is happening. Their whole lives are completely destroyed because they somehow became a threat to our Orwellian society

As bad as it is it will only get worse. Mind control will soon permeate every facet of our society. They achieve this by decoding electromagnetic emissions of the brain into actual thought patterns. Once those patterns are identified they are used and varied in the repeated harassment and torture of the targeted individual. The mental images of the brain can actually be seen and through this window into the soul, images, sounds and other sequences (aromas) can be encoded into the human brain. They do this with me a lot engaging in situational and conversational scenarios designed to capture the attention of the targeted individual seeking verification like yesterday afternoon and last night.

These electromagnetic impulses are sent into the brain via impulse injections, to trigger evoked potentials, for the purposes of verification. This generates sounds, images, aromas, etc., via the neuronal circuits. Essentially, they have turned the brain into a visual, verbal and auditive communications system.

For example, ‘Synthetic Telepathy’ is a denomination of DARPA that uses an electronic brain to brain interface or brain to computer interface. Just by touching the arm of another person or shaking their hand a CIA operative can communicate via synthetic telepathy to another operative without ever saying a word as those neural circuits in the hand or arm travel the same pathways to the brain. This takes special software and usually involves direct or remote contact with the human anatomy. It is very similar to cell phone technology and basically amounts to receiving a cell phone call in your head. A computer multiplexer routes the signal through microwave towers then on to a receiver The receiver is located with pinpoint accuracy and tracked to a few feet of its actual location. However the receiver is not a cell phone, it is a human mind.

Right now they are able to clone the human mind by downloading ones entire persona and psyche into a computer database. This technology is also being used by British Intelligence agencies and is known inside MI6 circles as Project Soul Catcher. This is achieved through transcranial stimulation via directed energy weapon radiation and bioelectric R&D.

Basically the NSA maps your brain and then ties you to a supercomputer which downloads your information back into a database and monitors all electromagnetic activity of your brain 24/7 for life until the day of your death. This Transcranial Brain Stimulation is also used by the military with brain to computer interfaces such as those used by pilots with the new F-35 stealth aircraft.

NSA agents use this technology to covertly debilitate people using directed energy weapons such as microwaves to slowly degrade their minds or other internal organs until they die or become incapacitated. They have done this with me continually for years. The NSA CIA paradigm against me had me forcibly and falsely misdiagnosed with a mental illness which the doctors changed quickly to Delusional Disorder. Since then they have targeted my brain (as well as other internal organs) with electromagnetic low frequency waves so that my brain slowly deteriorates and I develop dementia or some other neurological disease. Then they will say I was mentally ill. But their is a big difference between mental illness and mental injury. They have no fear of God and no fear of Man. The law means nothing to them and has no meaning for those they slowly torture and kill because the law will not help those people. The law only works where it can be applied.

Plato once said, ‘All laws are meaningless, because good people will always keep them and evil people will always find away around them’.

“The truth is stranger than fiction”. —


2) Mass email message: Sent:* Thursday, May 4, 2017 9:38 PM



Does anyone in their right mind actually believe an Oxford PhD. Physicist
(Dr. Katherine Horton) who allegedly worked at one of the top
science laboratories (CERN) in the world would be caught dead engaging in
such fanciful, fantastic and nonsensical behavior much less posting
evidence of it on YouTube? See Attached Picture of D Katherine
Horton unless email is corrupted like many others I have sent.

A favorite and highly successful tactic that has successfully been employed
by the government to help hide their secret psychotronic concentration
camps and human experimentation using mind control technologies is by
sending agents, government perpetrators, cyberstalkers, etc., to pose as
victims. Their task is to be outspoken and as crazy sounding as possible.
This is called information warfare and has commonly been used by the CIA &
U.S. DoD to discredit their victims.

It relies on the average person‟s tendency to generalize a single sample
point to a whole group and use binary thinking. These common logical flaws
have been exploited to deceive the public for many decades.

Simply by getting a couple of agents, government perpetrators,
cyberstalkers, etc., to pretend they are psychotronic slaves and then have
them talk about or act out in the most insane, fanciful and fantastic
tactics imaginable or just typically non-believable topics, the whole group
of people who now talk about electromagnetic brain manipulation is
associated with such such insanity and not believed by the average person
or persons who heard the first story. This is a simple tactic but has
proven to work very effectively on making the average person with limited
time and input come to faulty conclusions and judgments about testimony
related to the same topic.

Most people operate off the natural philosophy of the “Occam‟s Razor
Principle” which states that the simplest explanation is usually the best.
So to make someone sound paranoid, all you have to do is come up with a
sufficiently complex plan of harassment and the majority of people‟s
disbelief of that event will be sufficient not to act or care about it.
labeling someone “paranoid schizophrenic” or mentally ill. Once that label
has been attached to someone, almost all testimony will be disbelieved.

Another tactic that has successfully been employed by the government agents
to help hide their secret psychotronic concentration camps and human
experimentation using this technology is by sending stalkers or government
perpetrators to pose as victims. average person‟s tendency to generalize a
single sample point to a whole group and use binary thinking.

Simply by getting a couple of perpetrators to pretend they are psychotronic
slaves and then have them talk about evil aliens or other typically
non-believable topics, the whole group of people who now talk about
electromagnetic brain manipulation is associated with evil aliens and not
believed by the average person who heard the first story. A lie will more
likely to be believed if it is backed by lots of details. Confusing the
victims, so that their own testimony promotes misunderstanding of what is
happening works well also. Increasing the complexity of the story
significantly using absurdity and the bazaar discredits the victims.

When they choose a target to be silently assassinated and MKULTRA tortured,
they use a set of scripts that have worked in the past to confuse targets
and make them look crazy. These scripts evolve depending on the beliefs of
the target. government stalking programs, or goon squads as they are called
in slang. CIA and other agencies training their employees for intimidation
tactics abroad and in the US are one form of the members of terrorist
stalking gangs. The CIA has used these tactics to help overthrow
governments and intimidate leaders of other countries many times in

The second purpose is to play into society‟s programming that people who
think government agents are following them are crazy. Discrediting an
individual through mud slinging, black mail, or erratic behavior has been a
high priority documented skill for these agencies. stalked, tortured,
intimidated, or harassed by The stalkers that are practicing their childish
cloak and dagger games, targeted individuals

There is a stalking phenomenon occurring in America and around the world.
Read “Terrorist Stalking in America” for another perspective. If they are
able to raise your sensitivity levels to paranoid through the stalking
program and threats, you will begin to attribute every bad luck event in
your life to them. They flagrantly and boldly break stalking laws.

Remember they are trying to alter your daily motives and emotional
perceptions. The remote neural monitoring system is designed to provoke
you emotionally so they can generate response statistics which the system
will use to determine how to interpret and link descriptions with data
captured about your memory references. That is why they are constantly
trying to keep you talking, or constantly stopping you and asking for
directions, etc.

So always ignore prolonged random encounters with people you don’t know.
You’re not being rude. Just refusing to allow them to manipulate you. Once
they have consistent statistics the system will use previous ‘choice
references’ and inject them into your subconscious thought during normal
activity which is also referred to as ‘impulse injections’ to convince you
that the response was your own and influence you to complete or describe
the reference by making the appropriate verbalizing or performing a related
action, which is known as ‘Verification’.

You can fight and/or control this if you learn to defeat these memory
attacks by learning to read active memory. Once they see what you respond
to emotionally, or intellectually, they will fabricate ‘conversational’ or
‘situational’ scenarios (Street Theater) based on events or topics they
know will capture your attention.

WAKE UP! Ella, Derrick Robinson, Neil Chevier Dwight Mangum, Shelley
Hoyle, Karen Rose and many others are not only Government Perpetrators but
are controlling the Targeted Individual Support Groups. Get away from
them. Stay away from their calls or you will live to regret it.

These ‘Cyberstalking Thugs’ are being used to engage in CONVERSATIONAL
Hive Mind Teams map out the sensory and neural pathways of the victims
brain and central nervous system and when that happens it’s over for you.

by Bryan Tew
August 7, 2016


The death of this precious child (Jon Benet Ramsey) has CIA/DIA Mind Control Cult Groups and the Occult written all over it. The only way to determine if a Trauma Based Mind Control victim will commit a crime through the use of this technology is to have the trauma based mind control victim commit the crime.

The CIA has not only created but secretly infiltrated many of these cult groups and those they have successfully programmed with EEG Heterodyning, Neuroprogramming, etc., are used to engage in anti-social psychopathic acts that members of our greater society would not even contemplate, including Satanic Ritual Abuse (Violence, Rape, Torture, etc.) and Organized Stalking.

Most Organized Stalkers are recruited from cause oriented groups, but not all. Often times Organized Stalking requires the use of graphic violence against women and children which most of our society is incapable of contemplating. These psychopaths are recruited from closed groups with closed belief systems and are insular and separated from the reality that most people take for granted.

Isn’t it rather more than coincidental that these Colorado [Mind Control] atrocities keep happening just miles from a specific military base in the State of Colorado (e.g.: Aurora Batman Movie Shooter, Columbine Massacre, Colorado Serial Sniper, etc., etc., etc.)

CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL is a weapons system (Neuro-Warfare) designed to turn the trauma based mind control victim into a weapon that will inflict destruction upon others or who will self destruct.

The amount of destruction inflicted by the Trauma Based Mind Control victim upon his/her community, upon others or upon himself/herself is an important ‘metric’ in the training research and development of CIA DIA Mind Control technologies.

CIA/DIA Satanic Ritual Abuse can be easily defeated by DEPATTERNING the neuroprogramming using Christian content and Christian music provided the victims belief system is compatible with the Bible and Jesus Christ.

Other religions are easily manipulated with this technology, especially Islam and the Eastern Karma Based Religions, but born from above Christian believers have defenses to this technology, including the doctrines of the faith and the Holy Spirit.

6 Fascinating and Haunting Facts About the JonBenét Ramsey Murder Case https://www.yahoo.com/style/6-fascinating-haunting-facts-jonben-153500324.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=ma

4) Neuro-Warfare Cold War 2.0 (August 5, 2017)

This is (Neuro-Warfare) Cold War 2.0. It’s an arms race between the Americans and its allies on one side and the Russians and Chinese on the other. Other countries are involved, but the main players are the above mentioned. It is an attempt by the United Nations and other International Players (EU, etc.) to turn the industrialized nations of the world into a neuro-society, where people will not only be able to interact and communicate with each other via their brain waves, but where the sheepish masses can be censored and controlled at will by those governments.

Of course, the government controls the main stream media which is nothing more than than a government talking points propaganda machine. However, it cannot control the internet because it is to DECENTRALIZED. So it floods the internet with disinformation, misinformation and misdirection tactics, including keyword search terms like ‘Conspiracy Theory’, to drown out the truth so that the public can no longer rely on those alternative media sites as sources of truth and are forced back into the arena of the main stream media where information can be more easily manipulated and controlled.

It appears that certain alternative media sites on the internet, like Jeff Rense and his radio show, have taken that bait…hook, line and sinker.

Truly we care nothing about trivial and paltry matters like Jeff Rense, David Duke, etc., and others espouse with their issues regarding race wars, or how many Asians vs Whites get into Harvard, etc. What absolute meaningless nonsense in the face of such a deadly coming storm.

We care about knowing Jesus Christ and the power of His Resurrection. Nothing else and no One else can help us now but Jesus Christ. It is too late to stop the technology. It is too late to stop the USA from becoming a Psychotronic Concentration Camp. It is too late to stop these INTELLECTUAL BARBARIANS. Only a full blown revolution could stop it now. As one commentator stated “George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would be shooting by now”!

I respect scientists and doctors like you who have publicly demonstrated the courage to take a stand to help people like me and other innocent victims of this technology. So, if you have any questions or there is anyway I can help you please do not hesitate to ask.

In the meantime I encourage you to contact Dr Robert Duncan as he is an expert in the area of Mind Control and a friend of humanity I truly trust. Read his book ‘Project Soul Catcher’ to get a better perspective on Mind Control technologies but when you do you must also realize that he may have had to write that book as a work of fiction or they would never have allowed him to publish it. So you must ‘read between the lines’ at times to make sense of what he is saying. He speaks cryptically at times because he has to. There are hidden secrets contained within the text of that book because he is speaking not just to the reader but to his contemporaries and adversaries.

5) On Mobile Platforms,Hive Mind Teams, RNM, and Prepping Targets For the “Psychotronic Concentration Camp” (August 7, 2017)

Dr Karlstrom,

I listened to your interview on the Kev Baker Show regarding the 3.5 hour video I made with a woman named Renata. The audio is bad at times So I needed to clarify something.

Cars, vans, trucks, boats, planes ships, etc., are all used for the purposes of the Mobile Platforms and segments of entire urban populations can be targeted simultaneously with these Mobile Platforms but while those are the instruments and mechanisms they utilize, none of those things are the actual Mobile Platforms.

The Mobile Platform is a NEURO-CHIP in the body or gear (e.g: Clones) of the Hive Mind Team members. It is about the size of a grain of sand and is called the ‘Electronic Brain to Brain Interface’. They are not using screens, monitors, etc., as that is ‘old hat’ technology to them. They are using a Virtual Interface only they can physically see. Think of of highly sophisticated Virtual Reality headset which creates a virtual environment, but the Hive Mind Teams don’t need the headset.

They are using an eye gaze tracker instead of a mouse. They interface with the RNM Supercomputer (Brain to Computer Interface) to attack the victim when they wish to manually inject during each phase of EEG Heterodyning. The Clones Thoughts are the active triggering sequence which the RNM System (Conscious Computer) responds to as it locks on to your emotional state.

They pull up multiple virtual screens at a time. For example, the first screen is the brain wave patterns of the mind control victim. The second parallel screen is the brain wave patterns of Clone Member of the Hive Mind Teams. The third drop down screen is a mixture (EEG Heterodyning) of both the victims brain wave signature and that of the Clone Member, etc. Depending on their objectives additional screens can be opened and closed as needed but those screens are invisible to anyone who does not possess the Electronic Brain to Brain Interface (Neuro-Chip).

The Hive Mind Teams are not sitting in some laboratory or office somewhere. They are out in the field constantly attempting to interact with you at regular intervals, such as for the purposes of Verification of their technology etc. They are sitting next to you on the plane; the new employee sitting near you at the office, the new pastor at the church, etc. THE Hive Mind Teams don’t have to be near or next to you to attack you, but these are some examples which may help you understand what they are doing and how they use the Mobile Platforms.

The moment you are selected as a test subject for Mind Control technologies all the available apartments, homes, offices, hotel rooms, etc., near and next to your residence are sublet and the Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., move in and training research and development begins. Placing a person inside a Psychotronic Concentration Camp is no small operation so a lot of people are involved. Sometimes the sheer magnitude of the operation can overwhelm new victims.

The Clone Members of each team clone their brainwave signatures to the victims brain wave signature and engage in remote neural manipulation at regular intervals. The RNM System does the rest.

The Hive Mind Teams can be easily manipulated using bait and switch tactics with your thoughts.

In other words, you learn to read active memory and correlate the patterns (e.g beautiful women, etc.) to whatever stimuli they are using against you and create a false pattern and then break it. I do this with them a lot and find it very satisfying. Worked well this weekend.

I keep telling them to use voluptuous beautiful red heads against me, but they never listen.



Kind Regards

Bryan Tew

cc: Dr Robert Duncan.


I copied this to my friend Dr Robert Duncan to get feedback if I am wrong or confused about this subject but I believe this is how the technology works. Glitch in web page as I was typing text.



1400-1830 hrs

Ears ringing in head and ears in pulsating pain high pitch screeching sound acoustic trauma and nerve damage to ears caused by CIA DIA trauma based mind control directed energy torture attacks targeting ears

1830 hrs

For the last 15 minutes the RNM SYSTEM has turned up the torture of pulsating pain high pitch screeching sound to ears and head from mild to now moderate/severe to DE-PATTERN the cognitive effect of the Christian music just listened to by me which is not only breaking brain entrainment with their RNM system but DE-PATTERNING the satanic ritual abuse contained within the neuro-programming.

This is is called CENSORSHIP using a pain stimulus.

this is called in simple terms erasing short term memory using trauma and pain to head and ears. Last night severe attack on ears again to keep the nerves in my ears severely damaged so christian music remains severely distorted and painful to listen to no longer being pleasing in nature and by default therefore no longer constituting a dominant external stimulus breaking brain entrainment with their RNM system and DE-PATTERNING the satanic ritual abuse.

the Christian music jostles the indicators for integration completion with the RNM System and prevents the RNM Supercomputer from locking on to my emotional state.

it also creates additional electromagnetic energy inside the neural pathways of the brain lighting up the brain like a pinball machine making it impossible for them to identify develop and integrate coherent patterns of thought back into RNM data.

it also temporarily alters my brain wave signature which their technology is dependent upon and if listened to every day for a 180 (one hundred and eighty) days straight will permanently alter my brain wave signature permanently defeating their fragile mind control technology, forcing them to start all over again or walk away from the victim and admit defeat of their technology.

CIA DIA Mind Control technologies are based on what are called THOUGHT TRIGGERED ATTACKS, meaning the RNM Supercompúter your brain is tied to, by way of a bidirectional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves called the INFORMATION and INJECTION FEEDBACK LOOP, must be able to PREDICT and INFLUENCE your reference CHOICE during THOUGHT COMPOSITION or their technology fails.

Pleasing music defeat that by creating a DOMINANT EXTERNAL STIMULUS and entraining your brain away from the constant visual and verbal entrainments the RNM System is using to keep your brain entrained to its system and to interfere with your MEMORY and THOUGHT PROCESS. It shifts the victims FOCUS OF ATTENTION away from the RNM System meaning the RNM Supercomputer can no longer LOCK ON to your EMOTIONAL STATE. It can still attack you and it will to try and stop the music from defeating its technology, but mind control fails.

It is not just music but lyrical music which disrupts CIA DIA mind control technology, because as the victim follows along with the pleasing music and the lyrical content together with the musical tune – a form of multi tasking – which entrains the brain away from the CIA DIA RNM Supercomputer defeating their mind control technology.

The ‘Pleasing Music’ becomes the ‘Dominant External Stimulus’ and the brain tends to align itself with the ‘dominant external stimulus’. The brain aligning itself with any dominant external stimulus is called ‘Brain Entrainment’.

So, then, listening to pleasing music defeats CIA DIA mind control technology because the Remote Neural Monitoring\Manipulation (RNM) system is designed and dependent on its ability to keep the brain of the mind control victim continuously entrained to the supercomputer and the pleasing music entrains the brain away from the supercomputer because it becomes the ‘dominant external stimulus’. That is because brain entrainment is not a one time event but a continuous daily process.

This is why CIA DIA so severely decimated my hearing with directed energy attacks at higher levels, so that the lyrics would be so distorted the song becomes to painful to hear and no longer becomes the dominant external stimulus.

Again, this is because the brain tends to align itself with the dominant external stimulus. The brain aligning itself with a dominant external stimulus is called ‘Brain Entrainment’.

Hence the pleasing music entrains the brain away from the CIA DIA RNM Mind Control system thereby defeating the CIA’s and DIA’s mega-billion dollar technology with a free song on the internet. Think of the irony of that!

How? Because that dominant external stimulus alters your brain wave signature. In fact, listening to pleasing music everyday permanently alters your brain wave signature which is why they must monitor all of your electronic devices in real time by daisy-chaining them together, remotely.

The pleasing Christian music lyrics are severely distorted right now because of the severe acoustic trauma and nerve damage caused over the years by the CIA DIA directed energy ultrasonic infrasonic attacks. It will be even more distorted tomorrow or very soon, because the CIA DIA operatives continue attacking my ears in my sleep to stop me from using pleasing lyrical songs to defeat their mind control technology. They will not allow my ears to heal. This is CENSORSHIP using a pain stimulus.

The CIA DIA have no choice. If they don’t stop the pleasing music then in a short six month period of time it will permanently alter my brain wave signature rendering more than 19 years worth of training experimentation research and development of mind control technologies – using me as the guinea pig – absolutely useless. The damage to my hearing is a testament to just how truly fragile their technology is and marks a fatal flaw in their entire RNM system.

Everything the CIA & DoD do with mind control technologies falls into one of three categories:


The use of pain, trauma, etc., and remote neural attacks such as dizziness, drowsiness, etc. to disrupt the mind control victims continuity of thought (train or narrative of thought) and erase short term memory is a form of CENSORSHIP. They use such methods to CENSOR the victims ability to engage in external activities which interfere with their neuro-programming, brain entrainment, etc., using a pain stimulus not only to modify the mind control victims Active Memory, but to achieve Behavior Modification To Death techniques.

Mind Control technology is being slowly scaled up to achieve world control of the entire populations of the industrialized world. Neurowarfare between the USA & Europeans, including the Five Eye countries on one side, and Russia and China on the other side has already begun. It is a fact which is evinced clearly with the Ukraine, Arab Spring, etc.

I just left Russia last year (2015) which was my third trip into Saint Petersburg, Russia. The Russians and Americans are leading the way in this new Neuro-Cold War and the battle ground are the so called second and third world countries, particularly those which are allied with Russia or China.

Ecuador is already under attack, as is Nicaragua with Armed rebel groups backed by the CIA already assembling in the mountainous North of Nicaragua. Venezuela will soon follow.




Bryan Tew


State of the Art Mind Control differs from Trauma Based Mind Control in that the former is based on the ignorance of the victim who is unaware they are even targeted with this technology, whereas the latter is brute force mind hacking and depends on the infliction of extreme physical and psychological trauma and pain over a long period of time. Trauma Based Mind Control is not dependent on the ignorance of the victim, which is why they must discredit the victim at all costs so no one will believe the atrocities are occurring.

As such, sounds and voices can be forced into the targets perception as can thoughts, real and fabricated memories and impulses using a combination of directed electromagnetic energy and nanotechnology.

Hence, the CIA DoD operatives can read your thoughts, see through your eyes, hear through your ears and maintain a direct auditive conversation with your mind, once your brain has been entrained and fully mapped into a cognitive model..

Essentially, they have turned the brain of the mind control victim into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communications system.

The CIA NSA perps are using a ‘fabricated or falsified stream’ of electromagnetic energy that contains a carrier frequency specifically tuned to the unique one of a kind brain wave signature of the mind control victim to interfere with your memory and thought process. They obtained the brain wave signature by moving close to the victim and entraining his or her brain wave EEG pattern

Once you become dependent (ie.: you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the system’s output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate ‘subconscious responses’ which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc., and they will use these ‘impulse injections’ to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own.

If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided ­ the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers.

These remote neural attacks include Voice of God Weapons as well as Impulse Injections designed to make you believe God is speaking with you verbally or intuitively, or by way of thoughts, images, symbols, etc., and is entirely believable by those who have never heard of or experienced bio communications technology before.

So the mind control victim is convinced that God, angels, demons, devils, or aliens are trying to speak to him or her because the technology is to advanced to be from earth. They used this technology on me before in 1997 and 1998 after I returned from Nicaragua to the Cayman Islands.

As I was walking past the police station in route to the British West Indies Campus of the University of Liverpool, I passed at a distance a man and a woman standing in the entrance of a police station and I audibly heard a male omnipotent voice say SPEAK TO HIM. No one was around anywhere near me so I knew the voice had not come from anyone. Immediately I received thoughts and impulses about God.

Believing it was the Lord speaking to me I walked back and forth past the entrance of the police station watching the man but saying nothing to him. Then thinking I was hearing things I continued my walk to the University of Liverpool campus. I always regretted that thinking it was God speaking to me only to realize much later in life I had become a non consensual human experimentee by CIA and DoD research and development in mind control technologies. That started in 1997/1998, eighteen years ago. It could go back even to my childhood.

The day after I filed a federal lawsuit in 2011 against the federal government for it they moved me from State of the Art Mind Control to Trauma Based Mind Control and it has been brutal systematic torture ever since with specific emphasis on targeting my heart, ears and brain, although all of my internal organs have been damaged with this technology including severe acoustic trauma and nerve damage to both ears so that I can no longer hear properly and everything sounds distorted.

The reason the CIA and DoD operatives are able to get away with these atrocities and crimes against humanity is because there is a perceived 70-80 year gap between military and civilian technologies. Indeed, a lot of these haunted houses and demon possessions are nothing more than fabrications of the CIA and DoD to determine what society and the common person can maintain as truth.

Many of these haunting, possessions, etc., are falsified and fabricated, though not all. The effects are real, but the demon possessions, for example, are nothing more than trauma-based mind control multiple personality disorders brought about by CIA/DoD operatives. Demon possession does happen here in the USA, but not to the extent that the religious believe it to happen.

Trauma-Based Mind Control is based on Neuroscience, Psychology and Systematic Torture and Ritual Abuse, effectively marrying science to the occult.

They use SCRIPTS based on the haunted house, God, angels, satan, demons, etc., a lot with mind control technologies. The objective is to create extreme psychological fear and paranoia in the victim which is necessary for Trauma-Based Mind Control to be effective. The main objective is to so traumatize the mind control victim that they can no longer function in society causing them to physically and psychologically begin to shut down so that the mind control victim will begin to isolate themselves from everyone including family and friends. This is necessary because they must isolate the mind control victim in order to minimize all external interference in order to force the trauma-based mind control victim to ‘internalize’, or internally focus, on the Neuro-programming for it to be effective.

This Trauma-Based Mind Control technology is based off the opposite of the theme of the movie called ‘ Clockwork Orange’ where scientists, using a combination of psychological conditioning (e.g: hypnosis) and behavior modification techniques, tried to turn a bad person into a good person. They tried to take a violent person and turn him into a peaceful person who would shut down in the face of extreme violence.

Trauma-Based Mind Control works the opposite of the movie ‘Clockwork Orange’. CIA & DoD operatives use the technology to try and turn a good person into a bad person or a bad person into an evil person. A peaceful person into a violent person who will inflict damage and destruction on their community, family, etc., on command, such as by trigger stimuli.

CIA DoD Mind Control is a weapon system based on cognitive warfare and psychological warfare.

The objective is to turn the Trauma-Based Mind Control victim into a weapon who will inflict destruction on others or who will self destruct. The amount of damage and destruction the Trauma-Based Mind Control victim inflicts on his community and upon others is an important metric for determining the effectiveness of the CIA & DoD’s Research & Development behind the cognitive warfare strategies which Trauma-Based Mind Control is based upon.

Mind control remote neural manipulation and remote neural monitoring works very well when accompanied by, say, dream modulations induced visions, etc., to make the mind control victim believe God, angels, demons etc., is speaking to them, such as in the form of a dream or vision.. Of course, for many trauma-based mind control victims those dreams will become nightmares. Objects in the house will begin to move on their own, which the CIA DoD operatives accomplish by use of a concentration of energy known as synthetic telekinesis which is very real and can be replicated by a common person using cellular radiation and organic material found in the common home, though to much less of a degree.

Hot and cold sensations, voices, sounds, images, objects moving on their own, etc., are replicated to create a haunting based on the mind control victims belief system. if the mind control victim is Christian it will be Demon based hauntings. If he or she is Muslim it will be Jinn-based hauntings, and so on.

This allows the CIA DoD operatives to SPOOF a targeted individual or community into some type of emotional response or into an action or access sequence for the purpose of remote neural manipulation and ultimately direct behavioral control.

In the first Gulf War in 1991 many thousands of Iraqi soldiers surrendered with their arms raised and weapons dismantled stating ALLAH TOLD US TO SURRENDER AND DISMANTLE OUR WEAPONS. It was not their false god allah. It was the CIA DoD mind control technologies at work. This is a good example of how they mass manipulate a populations religion against them and as we can see was possible even back in 1991.

This technology manipulating the belief systems of a population is very effective on religious countries as most Middle East countries are. Indeed, just about the whole population is religious to some extent.


This also allows the CIA DoD operatives to manipulate entire populations of nations at a time, about a square kilometer in width and size at a time because that is the width of the bit stream of fabricated and falsified energy after it is routed from a computer multiplexer to a tower, satellite or mobile platform and then on to the targets or should I say victims. So, for now, is about that size in diameter. This allows them to manipulate a country’s populace against governments which the CIA and DoD deem hostile to American hegemony while simultaneously allowing for degrees of Indirection and Plausible Deniability.

Of course, mind control has been going on for thousands of years in the form of organized religion and more recently by governments with their propaganda machine known as mass media programming and especially religious programming. They control the main stream mass media but cannot control the internet because it is too DECENTRALIZED.

So, they flood the internet by manipulating key search terms, search engines; forums, etc., with disinformation, misinformation and misdirection tactics to such an extent that the truth is drowned out with the intent that the populace will not be able to rely on those internet sites as a source of truth thereby forcing them back into the public arena of mass media programming and the government talking points propaganda machine where information can be more easily guarded controlled and manipulated.

While mind control by way of organized religion has been around thousands of years, mind control by directed energy and nanotechnology is rather recent, starting around the sixties and early seventies – 1960s-1970s.

The thoughts, impulses and memories implanted in the mind control victim are very subtle and subliminal, more so at first, to make the mind control victim believe the god of their religion is speaking with them, wanting them to do something or say something, or to pitch them unwarily into an action or access sequence which is almost always tied to the doctrines of their belief system. Those who know nothing or very little about mind control and even less about their religion are easily susceptible to the cognitive magic tricks of the CIA DoD operatives, especially as they play into their previous religious experiences. This is because religious experiences are – by human nature – intense and life changing.

So the idea is to make the mind control victim believe their god of choice is speaking to them. The CIA DoD operatives artificially inject impulses, thoughts or emotions, into the mind control victims brain accompanied by a directed energy pulse causing a goose flesh experience to make the religious target believe they spiritually came up with the idea or that it truly is a religious theophany, giving them a EUREKA or HALELLUYAH experience. This makes the fabricated and falsified religious experience seem more intense and important in nature

These mind control remote neural manipulation and remote neural monitoring tactics work very well when accompanied by impulse injections and memory management tactics to make the mind control victim believe gods, angels demons, etc., are speaking to them in the form of a dream or vision. The effect is amplified when an Omnipotent Voice calls your name and begins to tell you what you are thinking about. If this Omnipotent voice can read your mind it must be God, right?

Wrong. It is called Remote Neural Monitoring which is only effective once they have entrained your mind to their RNM system and fully mapped out your brain. Only then can they effectively read your thoughts, minus any significant external interference. The system is full of fatal flaws and can easily be defeated by, say, listening to pleasing music which effectives jams the incoming information and injection feedback loop as they try and manipulate your brain. This is because the brain aligns itself to the dominant stimulus, which is the pleasing music away from the fabricated and falsified information contained in the stream of energy. With electromagnetic emissions spiking up all over the place because of the thoughts and memories you associate with the pleasing music there is no coherent pattern for them to decode and integrate back into their RNM system.

Remote Neural Manipulation is even more difficult and is accomplished via their system’s ability to interpret your thoughts and is wholly dependent on its ability to predict and influence your ‘reference choices’ or ‘impulse sequencing’ during thought composition. The system maps patterns with impulses and identifiers (evoked potentials) and uses statistical data about your ‘composition habits’ to predict how you will think or act as you begin to formulate thoughts or prepare to act. The system’s ability to define and map these references intelligibly depends on your cooperation [or ignorance] and the attackers’ ability to make sense of what they see visually or what they can guess based on your past activity.

Their RNM Mind Control system is designed to constantly mentally interrogate the mind control victim. In all interrogations, the first step is to always confuse and disorient the target which is much easier to accomplish when the victim is unaware it is happening and believes he is demon possessed or the victim of a haunting.

Everything they do is a game of DECEPTION and MANIPULATION, nothing more. Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not acknowledge anything the system interrogates you about as truth.

The RNM MIND CONTROL system will take random bits of anything it captures through your senses and fabricate stories which they will use to harass and interrogate you with no intention other than to distract and torture you into submission [to the system’s influence].

Just about the whole world is religious to some extent so they use God, angels, devils or demon scripts which are specifically tailored to the targets religion or belief system. If the target is an atheist or agnostic then they may use another cognitive stimulus such as aliens, which will also be believable because, again, the technology is to sophisticated to be from earth or because, say, the target looked up and saw a UFO over their house which was actually a hologram.

These remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation tactics targeting a persons faith belief system is also very effective when combined with Voice of God weapons or synthetic telepathy on the unknowing victim. They can even make the victim, or the victims friends or family, believe he or she is demon possessed.

For example they can manipulate the body in such a way as to change your facial expressions over a period of time by damaging the muscular tissue in the face or other area of the victims body.

Also, they can make the victims eye pupils become dilated giving the victim a sense they are demon-possessed when they look in the mirror.

Additionally, by using a continuous fabricated and falsified stream of directed electromagnetic energy specifically tuned to the victims brain wave signature they can manipulate the visual cortex of the victims brain and can make the victim see objects, images, symbols, etc., which are not really there such as by using WAKE UP VISIONS.

For example they were monitoring my television and internet viewing habits and saw I was interested in ghosts, demons, spirits, etc., as they relate to the Bible. So, one morning I woke up to the words TIME TO GET UP BRYAN and I immediately woke up and a tall giant of a man dressed in eastern middle-aged clothing with a giant medallion around his neck was standing over me smiling and then in a few seconds he disappeared. Again, the next night I suddenly woke up to find an old lady standing over me with outstretched hands and within a few seconds she to disappeared from my visual field. This happened every night in various ways for weeks until I researched how they use directed energy waves to manipulate the visual cortex of the brain to create temporary visual images, objects, etc.

Of course, when all of this is combined with nightmares, dream modulation, objects moving on their own, etc., it can be scary, but I was never fearful because i am a born again christian and knew my God was and is greater than all of it, especially their technology which doesn’t even work half the time effectively and can easily be defeated such as by spontaneity, multi tasking, quenching or redirection but that is beyond the scope of this article. This however exposes the fatal flaws in their mind control technologies.

You see, man is a triune being made up of BODY and SOUL and SPIRIT.

In simple terms, the Human Body is the five senses such as taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell. The Human Soul is the Will, Intellect and Emotion. The Spirit is the Conscience.

It is not the Soul but the Spirit, or conscience, which drives human behavior. It is the conscience, or lack thereof, from which the guiding impulses and emotions spring forth. Remorse, Guilt, Compassion, Regret, etc., are all driven by the conscience.

The Body says I want to do this and the Spirit, or Conscience, says you shouldn’t do that. Where is the decision made? In the Soul, or in the Will, Intellect and Emotion. It is not the Soul but the Spirit which guides and drives human behavior and this is a fatal flaw in their technology because while they have mastered the Human Body, or five senses, and while they will soon master the Human Soul, or will, intellect and emotion – they will never be able to master the Human Spirt, or conscience. This is because it is not physical but metaphysical, meaning it cannot be replicated and duplicated.

No matter how sophisticated their technology gets in the future their CONSCIOUS COMPUTERS will never be able to master, understand, or control the true driver behind human nature – the Conscience.

This is because it does not exist physically but spiritually. It is a metaphysical gift from God to help a person discern a spiritual, moral or ethical matter and cannot be replicated or duplicated because it exists not in the physical realm but in the metaphysical realm and is personal and proprietary to the individual.

Indeed, some people have ignored their conscience so long they no longer have one. Their hearts became so hardened that not even God could reach them. At that point, the Holy Spirit is recalled from them forever, and the tears and prayers of a thousand saints can’t help them. Its over.

Gods Words says, He who ignores My repeated conviction shall be cut off forever, suddenly, and that without remedy. He who, being often reproved, hardens his neck shall suddenly be destroyed–and that without remedy – Proverbs 29 verse 1

So, as you can see, the belief system, faith or religion of the mind control victim is a favorite target of CIA DoD Trauma-Based Mind Control operatives for the purposes of non-consensual human experimentation research and development.

Indeed, they are constantly seeking to destroy my faith using remote neural manipulation techniques such as Neural Linguistic Programming. Each day and night as my ears ring from the fabricated falsified stream of directed energy specifically tuned to my brain wave signature, I hear many of the words they are using such as demons, devil, God, darkness, etc.

One morning I awoke to remain motionless in my bed with my eyes closed and could see the images and horror videos they were playing over and over in my head, such as a bright disk of light brighter than the sun being totally slowly eclipsed with a disk of total darkness. Simultaneously they CIA DoD operatives were using a chatterbox special language software program to say the following words over and over, repeatedly, in a looping pattern:


Here is how they are doing it:

The brain and the central nervous system which controls the cardiovascular system of the victim can be manipulated and controlled by the nanotechnology, etc., in the body of them victim and the stream of directed energy specifically tuned to the victims brain wave signature.

So, again, a Computer Multiplexer ROUTES the signal to a Tower, Satellite or Mobile Platform, then the Tower, Satellite or Mobile Platform RELAYS the signal to the Digital Receiver, similar to how cell phone technology works. The Digital Receiver is tracked and pinpointed in Real Time just like a cell phone. However, the Digital Receiver is not a phone. It is a Human Mind.

The brain of the mind control victim has been Digitalized by the nanotechnology, etc., in his body, which they placed in my body by causing me to ingest it in my food, drink, etc.

Hence, the CIA DoD operatives are able to tune into the brain and central nervous system of the mind control victim similar to how a person can tune into another person’s cell phone by dialing a specific number or frequency

Isn’t it rather more than just coincidental that many of these so-called Haunted Houses all have one thing in common: all possess a high electromagnetic energy field when measured for paranormal activity.

Coincidence? I think not!

August 13, 2017:


Any method or technique that lowers a person’s energy level or vitality (sleep deprivation, torture, directed energy torture, etc.) will make the person more susceptible to mind control manipulation, including for sexual programming methods. This is because it makes it more difficult for the victim to recognize modification of his active memory and fight back against the system’s influences.

BETA programing, which is sexual programming, is a necessary and important element of Trauma-Based Mind Control and relies on the manipulation of the victims sexual energy level.

CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams inject your previous (fabricated) memories of sexual experiences and using the RNM system’s ability to interpret your thoughts seek to predict and influence your ‘reference choices’ or ‘impulse sequencing’ during thought composition about those fabricated or falsified (artificial) sexual memories, be it pornography or a previous sexual experience with your spouse, etc.

This RNM system then maps patterns with impulses and identifiers (evoked potentials: electromagnetic emission patterns of previous sexual activities) and uses statistical data about your ‘composition habits’ (previous sexual experiences) to predict how you will think or act as you begin to formulate thoughts or prepare to act, with the objective being to pitch you into an action or access sequence regarding obsessive sexual activity (masturbation, sexual intercourse, etc.).

In other words the RNM System creates and/or amplifies whatever destructive habits you have (sexual addictions, drug addictions, alcohol addictions, etc.) and uses them as a weapon to destroy the victim.

The CIA/DIA RNM system’s ability to define and map these references intelligibly depends on your cooperation [or ignorance] and the attackers’ ability to make sense of what they see visually or what they can guess based on your past activity. If they cannot make sense of what they see on their screen (Virtual Interface) then they have no choice but to revert back to your past activities to predict your next response, which is a fatal flaw in their RNM technology allowing the Mind Control victim to control the Verification Process and decimate their prediction rate.

A mind control victim’s sexual energy is heavily manipulated in trauma-based mind control because there is a relationship between sexual energy and mind control/remote neural manipulation. Medical and scientific findings provide data that shows that there is a huge connection between mental functions and sexual functions.

Scientists discovered if you could hold the point where the person was about to have an orgasm but not have the orgasm, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind would lock together as one which is why forced orgasms by obsessive masturbation are induced repetitively upon the mind control victim.

The mental functions associated with orgasms are replicated and duplicated by injection feedback into the remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation system (supercomputer) and scientists are then able to use those findings for memory erasure and layering in of false memories into an individual, such as the false and fabricated memory of being sexually molested or raped as a child. There are several methods of achieving this but it is not the subject of this article.

The more intense and horrific the sexual abuse and sexual terrorization programming (rape, etc.) is then the easier it is to layer in the mind control and false memories, as the person being brutally tortured to the point of near incoherency becomes super-suggestible.

CIA & DoD operatives have also developed neuro-programming techniques that induce the orgasmic state electronically and hold it there after they have developed and integrated coherent patterns in their cognitive model. The person being programmed is thrown into the orgasmic state, and then a huge variety of mind control programs are installed into the individual through post-hypnotic suggestion.

Speeding up or slowing down the artificial model within the remote neural networks is how this is achieved.

The CIA\DoD have made up the words like “conspiracy theory” and thrown it out into the public to brainwash uneducated people with disinformation (lies) and misinformation (half-truths). These mind control programs are no theory; they are deadly real.

They also sexually torture and brutally traumatize small children between the ages of 3-6 years of age to help achieve the fragmentation of their core personality with this type of BETA programming using rape, sexual molestation, etc., because children exposed to this sexual trauma at a very early age, before their core personality develops, are more likely to develop ‘Alter Personalities’ through artificially-induced Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). The brain seeks to protect itself from long term extreme trauma and begins to fragment from the person’s normal core personality to MPD Alter Personalities. ‘Alters’ are then located with psychological probing techniques, walled off with extreme trauma, and re-programmed.

These rape and sexual molestation experiments on extremely young children are based on Satanic Ritual Abuse and are truly the stuff of nightmares. Hundreds of thousands have been targeted in American alone.

It is said the CIA has a program in place for the selection and grooming of these extremely young children which is identified by the moniker ‘The Finders’. Many children have been initiated into these brutal sexual rape and molestation mind control programs based upon extreme physical and psychological violence and torture and most don’t even know the real reason why. They think it’s just evil people doing it to them and to some extent they are right. They are inherently evil!

Yet, the real reasons are that many of those children have been selected by the CIA\DoD for long term experimentation, research and development for mind control programs and the projects those programs are based on require the satanic ritual infliction of brutal psychological and physical torture starting at a very early age.

The CIA & DoD contractors chosen groomed and selected as handlers, operators, etc., (Hive Mind Teams) for these mind control programs are themselves placed through rigorous mind programs through new PSYCHO-SEXUAL protocols with de-sensitization programs using, for example, drug-assisted de-sensitization techniques before starting the hands-on work of brutal torture and murder of the innocent, as everyone does who works at those facilities must undergo.

By the time these people are finally selected for the positions of operators and handlers (Hive Mind Teams) of mind control victims who are young children, especially female children, they have been carefully selected, groomed and put through a vigorous indoctrination campaign which is voluntary, of course, because it has to be, given that very few people are capable of such extreme acts of violence to begin with, especially against children, and to make matters worse, it is all done for the love of money as these private contractors and the private companies they work for aren’t ‘doing it for their country’. Rather, they are doing these extreme acts of brutal violence for money and, of course, a government pension.

For example, the potential mind control handlers are drugged with other potential candidates and placed in a room, in front of a monitor and they then are instructed to sit through intense video scenes of horror and death.

As the days of their voluntary de-sensitization process continues, the drugs and the level of horror on the screen is increased until they can just watch a little child or an old granny get killed in the street, and just sit there and eat a bacon sandwich and it would not even bother them. Nightmares photos are shown to them over and over of extreme acts of the most brutal violence such as a girl of sixteen or a boy of six who had their genitals removed, eyeballs removed, lips removed and directly half of their skin missing.

Scenes and video of graphic violence are used to de-sensitize the potential Hive Mind Team members and only those who are deemed to obey without conscience regard to human rights in the face of such gratuitous horror and who follow orders blindly without moral conviction, who are capable of inflicting extreme brutality on another innocent human being, especially women and children, without remorse or regret, are selected.

In other words they are sociopaths who are programmed into psychopaths who have a propensity towards extreme acts of violence. Without emotion. They could kill you and then go have lunch or a beer! I call them INTELLECTUAL BARBARIANS!

For most effectively forcing a mind control victim to dissociate, de-personalize and finally de-realize from reality, allowing for total control of their mind, many of the victims are brutally tortured with directed energy attacks, electro-shock, etc., to the point of near total incoherency.

There are hundreds of other mind control programs ranging from Trauma-Based Mind Control, State of the Art Mind Control, Omega Programming, etc.

For example, Omega Programming is suicide programming and Omega Alters are programmed to commit suicide using fault triggers thereby aiding in the CIA\DoD experimentation, research and development for silent, slow kill methods using a process known as SILENT ASSASSINATION THROUGH ADAPTIVE NETWORKS (S.A.T.A.N.).

Omega Programming is suicide programming and is cold-blooded murder of the mind control victim. The point at which the Omega Alter Victim commits suicide is an important METRIC in the CIA & DoD’s research into silent slow kill methods.

BETA programming is just as deadly. They cause dissatisfaction with sexuality, dysfunctional sexual fears, perverse sexual acts, sexual aggression, etc., that their operatives generate within the victim’s psyche for hyper sexualization and graphic sexual relations, thereby creating misery, pain and torment for many humans.

Sexual programming is very real and dangerous. They don’t just watch and lead you, but cause you to obsessively masturbate, obsessively seek to have sex, etc., using MEMORY MANAGEMENT tactics (previous sexual experiences or images) & IMPULSE SEQUENCING (lust). The RNM supercomputer follows up the injection of previous memories of sexual experiences, which the CIA/DIA RNM system captured from the mind control victim during the ‘SILENT MONITORING PERIOD’, with Impulse Sequencing of lust to force the mind control victim into an action or access sequence (masturbation, pornography sex, etc).

They don’t force you. They just give you the desire to masturbate, have sex, etc. A strong urge to masturbate, have sex, etc., at higher levels (high frequency attack) and a low urge or motivation to masturbate, have sex, etc., at baseline levels (low frequency attack). This can also be achieved through EEG CLONING.

Sexual programming is extremely destructive because it is designed to leave the mind control victim DEVOID of all inhibitions, etc. They use the technology to amplify destructive sexual habits, like masturbation, pornography, etc., and other sexual addictions, giving the victim an ‘insatiable sexual appetite’. They then use that sexually insatiable appetite as a weapon to lure the victim into unwanted and undesirable and destructive sexual behavior.

Even illegal sexual behavior is developed in the victim, which they use as a tool of entrapment to set the victim up. Prostitution is a good example, especially where it is illegal, such as in New Orleans, LA. They can cause you to commit a sexual crime through hypnosis and then erase any memory of it through bio-amplification of the acetylcholine levels in the victims brain, EDOM, etc.

They used this tactic on me with beautiful call girls and butt ugly prostitutes (lol) but each time my Jesus delivered me from their hand.

On one occasion, off the coast of Honduras, on a beautiful island called Roatan, they tried to lure me into a trap with a voluptuous Colombia beauty, who was not a prostitute. Just a beautiful young woman who invited me to go to the beach with her so she could get a suntan, ‘topless’, of course. The implication was that sex on the beach was mine if I wanted it. It almost worked, and I don’t know how that story would have ended, but I can imagine it would not have been good.

At the last second, a cute English girl I knew previously, who I had no chance of sex with, called my name from a distance. saying ‘Come with me to the beach’! Now, what choice would any single male have made? I chose the company of the cute English girl over the sexual encounter with a voluptuous Colombian beauty queen. LOL! Jesus to the rescue again! This happened back in the year 2000. I am not saying the technology has always failed against me but more times than not I have been able to defeat the Beta Programming.

So watch out for entrapment schemes. They use sexual programming to achieve DIRECT BEHAVIORAL CONTROL over the victim. It is the most visible form of Neuro-programming.

Direct Behavioral Control over the Trauma-Based Mind Control victim, for sexual programming, is achieved by the CIA\DoD operatives using a ‘fabricated or falsified stream’ of electromagnetic energy that contains a carrier frequency specifically tuned to the unique one-of-a-kind brain wave signature of the mind control victim to interfere with your memory and thought process. They obtained the brain wave signature by moving close to the victim and entraining his or her brain wave EEG pattern to build a cognitive model of the victims brain.


They need you to become dependent on the RNM System. Once you become dependent (ie., you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the system’s output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate ‘subconscious responses’ which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these ‘impulse injections’ to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own.

If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided. ­The interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers.

They also use sexual programming as a CENSORSHIP tactic, using it as a remote neural manipulation tool to restrict you at will when you start doing something or thinking something that interferes with their mind control technology. When you do, they inject with sexual programming of previous sexual relationships, two dimensional images, etc.

Again, this programming eliminates all learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive instinct, devoid of inhibitions. “Cat” alters may come out at this level. It is also known as “Kitten programming.”

It is more successful on women than men. In fact, CIA/DIA Mind Control technologies in general are much more successful on women than men. Women make better victims because they are more emotionally tied to their environment.

Sexual programming is known as BETA programming and is extremely destructive, especially if the mind control victim is ignorant of the fact they are targeted with this Remote Neural Manipulation mind-control technology.


If the Hive Mind Teams hiding behind and using law enforcement agencies to do their dirty work cannot provoke you tangibly then they will do so electronically through massive interference with your communications, financial transactions, etc.



by Bryan Tew


Dr Karlstrom

Here is some more information on Mind Control technologies, specifically how EEG Cloning works which I was also able to glean from the writings of Dr Robert Duncan:

EEG cloning means to copy someone else‟s brainwaves onto another person. The discovery made by Robert Malech allows this to be done wirelessly anywhere in the world. The correct terminology to describe what is happening is called EEG heterodyning.

Heterodyning is an engineering term which means to mix signals. So EEG Heterodyning (cloning) is just a special case of the mixing of brain wave signals between the Clone Members of the Hive Mind Teams and their victims. They have caused my arms hand and legs to involuntarily jerk. Caused me to involuntarily open an shut my mouth cutting my gums causing them to bleed.

EEG Cloning feels like what is portrayed by Hollywood movie psychic channelers. It is a hypnotized, disassociated state that makes you feel that you are watching a movie but not participating in it.

The reason for this subjective feeling of disassociation while fully cloning someone else‟s brainwaves is due to the psychophysics phenomena of “choice”. If one has no “choices” of how their electrical brain wave patterns proceed because there were few decision nodes that were close to the firing threshold, they will not subjectively experience choice and feel like they are not participating in any decision.

This is how the subjective experience changes, all due to the neuronal firing probabilities. The conscious subject experience is mapped to that probability.

I can also notice a change of mental state resembling a feeling of being disassociated while I am being electromagnetically influenced, i.e. EEG cloned. EEG CLONING uses strategic deception and mental manipulation to create errors of judgment and reasoning and vocabulary confusion by every means possible.

However, they are targeting the autonomous systems of my anatomy such as my cardiovascular system, respiratory system, etc., forcing me to breath/exhale involuntarily, etc.

CIA/DIA EEG cloning experiments are used to create demented mind models which create the worst mentally deranged psychopathology that the CIA/DoD monsters could come up with turning the Trauma Based Mind Control victim into a deadly weapon who will inflict destruction on others or who will self destruct.

EEG cloning is most effective on subjects that are sensory deprived which is why they constantly use sleep deprivation on me or force me into drowsy Theta State level with each attack. This prevents the victims from recognizing modification of their active memory and fighting back against the RNM Systems remote neural attacks. There are many hundreds of thousands of victims of brutal EEG cloning weapons testing in the USA alone.

EEG Cloning (i.e. mind melding) is the synchronizing of brainwaves between the Clone Members of the Hive Mind Teams and the victims to achieve direct behavioral control. Cloning someone‟s mind onto someone else changes their personality and behavior. But in the best conditions, the entire body and will, intellect and emotions are taken over.

“Forced speech” is one of the unsettling capabilities of the technology and the term used by people who have been given demonstrations of it.

The best way to describe what a neural link feels like in a medium intensity cloning signal. It is like a cell phone call with the callers voice, emotion, and some physical urges are transferred while they speak. This is why many victims “talk to themselves” as the walk down the street or sit at home on the couch, etc. They are not actually talking to themselves, although they don’t know it. They actually are talking to someone else, such as by Forced Synthetic Telepathy conversations.

Everything you feel, the Hive Mind Teams feel amplified and vice versa. They have developed a few brain wave filters for certain types of brain activity but on the most part, you both are of one single mixed mind.

EEG cloning allows the psychic attackers to read every little fear that crosses your mind and they are trained to use them against you which is why they keep threatening me with death using synthetic telepathy.

EEG cloning can capture the moment of a guilty response feeling hold and continuously replay those brain signals to try and stimulate the memories surrounding the associated response. This is why they keep targeting my Christian faith and forcing me into Forced Synthetic Telepathy conversations. To probe my memories.

Again, any set of brain waves can be captured, help and replayed continuously in the victims brain.
essentially talking the victim to the death or insanity. They are able to clone their thoughts, emotions, sensations, motor cortex reactions, etc., to the trauma based mind control victim and do so on a daily basis.

Controlling and reading a person’s mind requires a program specifically with their cognitive configuration. This is the rationale behind the EEG Cloning and Cataloging operations. Directed Energy weapons can be used to induce diabetes and other diseases, disorders, etc. Even organ failure, stroke, congestive heart failure, etc. One victim got diabetes from their attacks and then was manipulated into insulin shock.

Again, CIA/DIA EEG cloning experiments are used to create demented mind models which create the worst mentally deranged psychopathology that the CIA/DoD monsters could come up with turning the trauma based mind control victim into a deadly weapon that will inflict destruction on others or self destruct.

Again, EEG Cloning (i.e. mind melding) is the synchronizing of brainwaves between the Clone Members of the Hive Mind Teams and the victims to achieve direct behavioral control.

There was massive interference with this text as I copied it and pasted it from Dr Robert Duncan’s book ‘Matrix Deciphered’ months ago for research. This is what they are doing to me.

Bryan Tew



It can be said that there are good people in the FBI, NSA, etc., and that would be true. Not so in the CIA. There are no good moral people in the CIA. They may come into the Agency as Idealists, but they are slowly corrupted in the process of their development and training.

The problem is that in this – our imperfect world – there are always and only the good people and the bad people, but some of them are on both sides. God calls them hypocrites, play actors, disguising the horrific truth of who they are and what they do by hiding in plain sight.

They are the doctor at the local hospital; psychiatrist at the local mental ward; psychologist at the local children’s clinic; neuroscientist at the university, etc. These INTELLECTUAL BARBARIANS which are engaged in the daily wholesale TORTURE and MURDER of innocent men women and children, for the purposes of training, research and development in MIND CONTROL technologies, are hiding in plain sight.

We are no longer dealing with Artificial Intelligence. We are now faced with a concept that could never have been conceived by our forefathers. We are now dealing with the creation of ‘ARTIFICIAL LIFE’.

Living breathing Cybernetic human beings who are not human at all, never born and without mother or father, created inside a top secret labratory from SYNTHETIC GENOMES. They will become a new species of super human cyborg beings who will use this technology to manipulate time, matter and space with their brain waves; who will be able to obtain knowledge by mere contemplation and who will be able to engage in inter-dimensional communications, such as remote viewing, synthetic telepathy, etc.

These cybernetic humans are already walking among us now and possess no human soul or conscience (spirit). Their understanding of morality, truth, good and evil, etc., will be corrupted from day one, because all they will possess is a digital imprint that was downloaded to them from a conscious computer. They are not coming soon. They are here now, among us, laughing, working, singing, dancing, drinking, playing, etc., with us, but their offspring and the offspring of any humans which cohabit and interbreed with them are doomed.

Once these cybernetic humans begin interbreeding with real humans then humanity is destroyed. No longer human but TRANS-HUMAN.

All future offspring from that moment will be eternally damned the moment they are conceived in the mothers womb according to Isaiah 26:14 who speaks of the eternal fate of hybrid beings (Nephilim) not created by God.

The Book of Isaiah says that the Nephilim Hybrids and their descendants will not participate in a resurrection as is the portion of ordinary mortals. Isaiah 26:14 reads: “They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise.” The original Hebrew word translated “deceased” here is the word “Rephaim.”

It would have saved a lot of misinterpretation if the translators had left the word as it was in the original Hebrew. The verse actually reads: “Dead, they shall not live; Rephaim, they shall not rise.” The Rephaim are generally understood to be one of the branches of the Nephilim, and God’s Word makes it clear that they are to partake in no resurrection. But with humans it is different: all humans will be resurrected either to life or to damnation (John 5:28-29).

These Hybrid Cybernetic Human Beings will possess no conscience and will therefore be unable to ever understand or identify with the main driver of human behavior: the ‘Conscience of Man’. Remorse, guilt. compassion, regret, love, etc., are now and will continue to be foreign to their understanding. They are not here and there. They already exist and are interbreeding right now with true humans into the millions, and in a hundred years into the billions.

These Hybrid Cybernetic Individuals are the iron spoken of in the Bible in the Book of Daniel as “mixing with the clay (mankind) and combining together in the seed of men”, meaning taking real human embryos and removing the natural human genomes (DNA) and replacing them with synthetic genomes. Google ‘Synthetic Human Genome Project’ and you will see its been going on for quite some time:


Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all things, so, like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces. 41 In that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have in it the toughness of iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with [as]common clay. 42 As the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle.43 And in that you saw the iron mixed with [at]common clay, they will combine with one another [au]in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.

Long have the so called ‘Illuminati’ sought the power and methods to control the populations of the world. They now have it. Mind Control technologies are being developed for this new race of Super Cybernetic Hybrid Humans to engage in ‘Inter-dimensional Communications’ (synthetic telepathy, remote viewing, etc.), the Manipulation of Energy, Matter and Space’ with their brain waves and the ‘Acquisition of Knowledge by Mere Contemplation’, such as turning the brain into a supercomputer or giant search engine like Google.

The governments of the industrialized world will lie to the sheepish masses and tell them this technology will be for the betterment of humanity when in fact it will be a weapons system for control to censor the masses and restrict them at will.

The highest death rate in the world among scientists is in Britain and the USA. What will they do when it is decided they know to much to retire? What will their children do? The ones who are doing this are sealing the fate of their own children and especially their own grandchildren.

The 15 MINUTE VIDEO ON ORGANIZED STALKING THAT EXPLAINS HOW IT WORKS they think that they will be protected because they are part of the powers that be. What they fail to realize, until it is too late, is that there is no ‘Loyalty’ and no ‘Good Guys’ in the ‘Black World’.



Dr. Karlstrom,

I think this video would greatly help victims of organized stalking understand how it works and how to counter it. Just thought I would mention it to see if you cared to post it on your website.

Organized Stalking involves not just organized stalkers, obviously, but Surveillance Teams dedicated to the victim every 8 hours, with some degree of overlap. They are also government contractors employed by government agencies, unlike the organized stalkers, who are mostly recruited from ‘Cause Oriented Groups’, Chain Gangs, Secret Societies, Cults, and of course jails and prisons. Some are paid while others are not.

I have learned from experience that Organized Stalking is not a job for most of these thugs. It is actually a ‘LIFESTYLE’ which they live day in and day out.

Remember, their Organized Stalking tactics are based off the mathematical model known as the ‘Hyper Game Theory’.

Kind Regards

Bryan Tew

First thing they always do is spread out,” They wouldn’t stand in a parade behind me because that is what the organized GANG STALKERS are for, to divert the targets attention away from the CIA DOD operatives

They keep entire wardrobes in their cars — a business suit in case they need to go to Wall Street, gym shorts in case surveillance of me requires them to go for a jog through the Park, a backpack in case they need to pretend to be a tourist, etc

They usually key in on something I am wearing, whether a bright color I have on or a particular item that might be unique. They then relay that to other team members so they can see me when I come to the next corner, so they would be able to identify me, because they are often using foreign operatives in the countries I visit

They use PICKET SURVEILLANCE in the surrounding area wherever I am, to box me in. This tactic is called the FLOATING BOX

This picket surveillance would have the team covering all the entrances and exits where I am moving towards or away from, wherever I go. They would be stationed at various corners. They keep me in constant visual surveillance using a tactic called LEAP FROGGING

Leapfrogging is exactly what it sounds like: local operatives will follow the target up to a certain point, then pass the target off to another person or group up ahead, and then leapfrog to pick up the surveillance of me farther down the street, etc

By operating with Leapfrog surveillance, they would be telling the people ahead of me that the target was coming up to them, telling the surveillance team members my next movement, so they don’t have to run and pullback

CIA DoD operatives have their agents, informants, provocateurs, GANG stalkers, etc., don’t just follow you, they surround you, using a team made up of a command, backup, outriders, and advance members which make up the Surveillance Team

For example, if I am driving the cheating command vehicle is located in front of me. and they have a commit vehicle located at a decision point they think I will make while the marker vehicle is behind me so that I am boxed in (FLOATING BOX). The commit vehicle is used to cue a layup vehicle to enter the situation and assume command if I throw them off with a u-turn, for example. Same, if I am walking down the street. Instead of vehicles they use foot soldiers

The reason why you never see them communicating is because they are communicating by SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY. Their agents, informants, etc., are also trained to conceal their voice communications. That’s the CIA DIA operatives. Not the thug gang stalkers who use ordinary pedestrian forms of communications, such as cell phones, etc

This is because Real-Time communication is critical for their Surveillance Team, not to mention Mind Control technology, to work effectively, so agent-to-agent communication in real-time is a vital component of their surveillance and verification operation. Real-time communication gives the surveillance team a tactical advantage over the targeted individual

They are using a standard stakeout box set up with layup vehicles or STALKERS facing away from me or my vehicle, ready to pick me up and follow me and also to assume command of me – the targeted individual – no matter which direction I take

Equally important is the trigger vehicle or informant if I am walking. One of the ruses the CIA DoD operatives use is to pull in and park ahead of the target’s parked vehicle. This is called a Cheating Trigger

Being in front of the target, the operatives or agent is less likely to attract suspicion, but he is still in a position to cue other members of the surveillance team when I begin to walk or drive away. This makes for a seamless transition from the foot surveillance team to the vehicle surveillance team and vice-versa

The trigger vehicle, or trigger foot soldier, transmits my start-time, direction of travel, and speed my vehicle to the other members of the surveillance team. The nearest layup vehicle or foot soldier can then smoothly pick me up and follow me as well as assume command of the me, the target, because he has advance knowledge of the my direction of travel, etc., thanks to the communication from the agent or operative in the trigger vehicle

In other words my adversary is the entire surveillance team

They also use a lot of camouflage which is an important component of any foot or vehicle surveillance operation

Their operatives or agents drive anything and everything, including sedans, coupes, utility vehicles, vans, trucks, four-wheel drives, minivans, commercial trucks, taxis, motorcycles, and even 18-wheelers. They love old cars and trucks.

CIA DoD agents and operatives themselves come in all shapes and sizes. You’ll see many different silhouettes. (That’s spy-talk for the personal appearance of an agent.) When you’re under surveillance, you can expect to see singles, couples, families, seniors, disabled, rappers, and so on. Anyone with a pulse.




The RNM Systems Remote Neural Attacks can be used to disrupt your speech if the attackers (RNM System and Hive Mind Teams) decide to prevent you from discussing a specific topic or repeating a given word.

The RNM system can be configured to disrupt your recollection (memory and thought process) as you begin formulating a related statement or inject non-sensical words [triggered substitutions] while you are attempting to speak. You go from a logical conversation to suddenly going blank and not being able to remember what you were going to say, followed by the price of tea in China (nonsense).

As such, the RNM Mind Control system (Supercomputer) can influence you to speak without you realizing it or unwillingly, without you understanding the reason why or realizing the motivation behind your strong desire to suddenly speak about something. This is how FORCED SPEECH works. They don’t force you to speak about a particular subject. No, they give you the DESIRE to speak, which are fabricated motivational impulses injected into your subconscious in a looping pattern at regular intervals called Impulse Sequencing. Quite suddenly, you have a strong urge to speak at higher levels (high frequency attack) and a low urge or motivation to speak at baseline levels (low frequency attack).

With this sudden strong motivation to speak – achieved by modification of your active memory – the RNM Mind Control system uses your own real past memory references to direct you – for example, you own personal memory of turning to laugh at a friend and the associated impulse – and the moment you react to this influence the system will block your working memory while streaming the fabricated output which will result in you making one or more statements under the system’s control.


The CIA\DIA Hive Mind Teams are using your own real memories – and falsified memories layered in with neuro-programming – against you which the supercomputer (Brain to Computer Interface) captured from your Memory & Thought process, during the ‘Silent Monitoring Period’ and is now injecting repeatedly back into your subconscious at regular intervals to deceive and manipulate you to pitch you the victim into some type of action or access sequence, such as engaging in spoken words or a related action about whatever previous memory reference it is injecting.

They will test this on you frequently with ‘word substitution’ and if you can learn to control this in thought then you can control it while speaking but you must learn to maintain situational and conversational awareness, constantly, and to read your own active memory!

Mind Control victims who are not able to READ ACTIVE MEMORY (testing and validating real memories from fabricated and falsified memories) can can easily be fooled by the as the RNM systems influences you constantly to make minor choices in speech or behavior. These are motivational impulses called ‘IMPULSE INJECTIONS’ injected into your subconscious in a repeated looping pattern, say, for example, every thirty seconds (IMPULSE SEQUENCING) and can be used to influence you in a manner that will give you the desire to speak.

‘DESIRE’ means fabricated mental suggestions because these fabricated impulses will only make you feel the strong urge to say, think or do something [at higher levels set by the attackers] or basic motivation [at baseline levels] to perform the tasks it is influencing you to do. This is how they manipulate your daily motives and emotional perceptions to achieve DIRECT BEHAVIORAL CONTROL over you.

To defeat Mind Control technologies you must learn to read ACTIVE MEMORY.

Reading active memory means one thing: testing and validating your own memory (thoughts, senses, etc.) to determine if it is artificial or your own normal memory and thought process. You achieve this by looking for patterns. Are you obsessively and compulsively thinking about the same thing over and over at regular intervals? Then that is a pattern. It is not you it is the RNM System which captured that memory in real time and is now fabricating stories injected back into your subconscious at regular intervals to pitch you into some type of action or access sequence.

If you do not learn to read active memory then, after the forced speech attack, it is possible that you will have no recollection of ever making the statement or the reasons behind why you made it.

Look for patterns (Pattern Recognition). Much of what the CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL Hive Mind Teams are doing to their victims is based on pattern recognition . From mind control (decoding thought patterns) to organized stalking (choice reference patterns), you can identify their remote neural attacks and street theatre by looking for repetitive patterns of trigger stimuli and fabricated and falsified memory and impulse injections.


For example, Ella and her stable of so-called ‘regular guests’ are government perpetrators who are there to destroy you, not help you. I care for American targeted individuals because I am one, even though I no longer live in the USA.


Bryan Tew


Be extremely wary of anyone who claims to have developed a cure against CIA/ DIA Mind Control technologies. There is absolutely no way a CD, comprised of binaural beats and other irregular beating patterns and rhythms, can permanently defeat an automated active and adaptive RNM System of remote neural networks which is capable of hundreds of thousands of calculations per second.


by Former U.S. Department of Defense Contractor Bryan Tew

Find out which district court has the grand jury. I counties with more than one judicial district, the courts will rotate grand juries. So you find out which court has a grand jury then go to the court’s coordinator, or clerk, or secretary (whatever they call the person in your jurisdiction) and check the court calendar to find out when the grand jury will next meet. You then show up when the grand jury is in the building. They will meet in a special room and will have a sullen looking bailiff in front of the door. You can tell the bailiff that you have business with the grand jury, but that often gets the bailiff to call the prosecuting attorney who will often try to interfere. You can do that but it often creates allegations against the prosecutor. I only do that when I want to file charges against the prosecuting attorney in order to disqualify him so that I can go to the grand jury with complaints against him.

If I have complaints against another public official, this is often a good strategy, as the prosecutor will try to talk the grand jury out of indicting fellow officials. If you file against the prosecutor then go before the grand jury with charges against him, or her, the prosecutor will not be present, neither will any of his or her minions. Then you present the prosecutor and when you are done you can say, “Oh Yes, I just happened to have these complaints as well.” You then present the ones you really care about.

When you go to the grand jury, you need a verified (notarized) criminal complaint in hand. That gives the grand jury notice that a crime has been committed. It is also a good idea to have a written statement of facts, also verified so they can read it at their leisure.

This is all you need. It is not difficult and will be a very rewarding experience. What you will find is, when you charge into this lion’s den, he was a pussycat all along.

Let me talk now about grand jury access. It was intended by our founders that grand juries be a primary protection against abuse of power. They, therefore, set grand juries aside from all other branches of government. Gran juries are in fact a forth branch, not beholden to the judiciary, legislative, or executive branches. They are intended to be a primary protection for the people and no restrictions were enacted to interfere with access to them. Any rule making by any other branch of government means nothing when it would have the effect of abridging access the grand jury. If a judge or prosecutor, or any other official tries to in any way interfere with your access to the grand jury, you simply prepare criminal allegations against them. I have yet to have any public official try to deny me access to a grand jury. They huff and puff, but when you instruct them to stand aside, they do.

There are a number of ways of getting to a grand jury, some better than others. You can file a complaint with the local police, but the police will simply forward the complaint to the prosecuting attorney who will throw it in the trash. You could also present the complaint to some magistrate, but he will simply forward it to the prosecuting attorney who will throw it in the trash, or you can present it directly to the prosecuting attorney who will also throw it in the trash.

Those are methods I obviously don’t recommend. I suggest you ask around and find out which district court is hosting the grand jury then go to the Judges co-ordinator, or clerk, or whatever they call the Judges secretary and ask her to check the court calendar for the date the grand jury is scheduled to meet next. If you get any questions tell the clerk you are helping your child with a term research paper or some other nonsense.

Once you know when they are going to meet, you can approach the bailiff when the grand jury is in session and tell him to instruct the foreman that you have business with the grand jury. The one potential problem with this is, the bailiff may go get the prosecuting attorney. This can often generate criminal allegations against the district attorney and unless you want to disqualify the district attorney, I suggest another strategy.

The grand jury deliberated in secret, however, once they finish, they come up to the court and present the indictments to the court in open court. I suggest you go sit in the court and wait for the grand jury to assemble for the purpose of presenting the indictments to the clerk in open court. Once the hearing is completed the judge will ask the foreman if the grand jury has any further business. When the foreman responds that he does not you rise and address the grand jury telling them you have business with them. You can then advise them that you have criminal allegations to present to them.

Remember, the grand jury is a fourth branch of government and not beholden to the court. At this point, the judge is without jurisdiction or control. If he attempts to interfere, you simply ask him to stand down and inform him that the business you have is with the grand jury and none of his.

I know this may sound a bit outrageous, but remember, you are not bound to the court in this instance, the court is bound to you. Most of us only experience the courts when the court has some charge hanging over our heads. We are accustomed to having the judge tell us what to do and when to do it. When you address the grand jury, the business there is not that of the judge or the court and the judge will usually know it. Besides, the last thing he wants to do is look like a jerk in front of his grand jury, just in case you are there to complain about him.

When you actually go before a grand jury, I suspect you will be surprised. You will find an exceptionally receptive audience. Grand juries are accustomed to prosecutors coming before them and presenting cases, then they go into deliberation and vote on the indictments, then they go into court and present them to the court and go home until the next time.

When you appear before them it is a new experience and you will have their attention just by the fact that you went to the trouble of being present. When you start making allegations against public officials, you will have their rapt attention. They really do care about the system. If what you are telling them would sound wrong to an ordinary citizen, it will sound wrong to the grand jury members, as they are ordinary citizens.

After your first presentation, your whole perspective will change. You will realize that the silver bullet we all have been looking for has been there all the time. When we start presenting public officials on a regular basis, things will change fast.

If you present to the grand jury and do not get an indictment, do not feel as though you have lost. I assure you, just getting there is a win, a big win. Consider the public official you are presenting. He has simply done what they always do and all of a sudden some citizen is in front of a grand jury trying to get him arrested, not fired or simply reprimanded, but put in jail. Sure, he figures they probably won’t indict him but you never know what a grand jury will do and he has now idea what you are telling them. Heck, you could be lying to them, just like prosecutors do.


Bryan Tew
University of Liverpool School of Law


Dr. Karlstrom

Here is more additional research content on how CIA/DIA Censorship works with Mind Control technologies.

Remember, the RNM System is designed to remotely capture random bits of your senses and then to fabricate stories based on whatever it captures injected back into the subconscious of the victim at speed of light to drive by force the trauma based mind control victims train and narrative of thought, meaning to INTERROGATE and harass the victim with no other intention than to distract and torture the victim into submission to the systems influence.

Kind Regards

Bryan Tew



The RNM System is right now engaged in a tactic called CENSORSHIP forcing me into a continuous abusive pattern of thought to disrupt the cognitive effect of the Christian content which is breaking brain entrainment with their RNM system and DE-PATTERNING the satanic ritual abuse contained within the neuro-programming.

Any set of brain waves can be captured, help and replayed over and over in a perpetual looping pattern to interrogate and harass the victim with no other intention than to distract and torture the victim into submission to the systems influence.

It uses pain, drowsiness, etc., to accomplish this as well. Interestingly, it is attempting to create delusions of grandeur, etc., each time I listen to Christian music. The objective is to disenfranchise the Trauma Based Mind victim from his faith and belief system (religion). Happening everyday and night with me for many years.

This is a common break down tactic of the belief systems and the human will of the victim. In no-touch torture the techniques are more psychologically specialized for each target (scripts). It is just a mechanism to alter belief systems for control and non-consensual human experimentation research and development.

Repetition is not just a CENSORSHIP tactic but an important neural linguistic programming interrogation tactic to influence the target mind during sleep hypnosis. During the breakdown process, threats to kill and to torture the target (fear of death) and target’s family or friends are common as is the brutal torture of pets or anyone else the victim holds dear. Repetitious questioning and breakdown phrases are automated in both the physical and no-touch versions of torture. This is especially true of Forced Synthetic Telepathy conversations used to probe the memories of the victim after they have pushed the trauma based mind control victim down into Theta State somewhere between conscious and subconscious state where the victim cannot recognize modification of his active memory and fight back against the systems influences.

With CENSORSHIP the objective is to use repetition to disrupt the victims continuity of thought and/or to erase short term memory to stop the musical content, etc., from disrupting their technology. The pleasing music temporarily alters the brain wave signature of the victim which their technology is dependent upon, and if listened to daily for a period of 180 days would permanently alter the brain wave signature of the victim permanently defeating their mind control technologies.

An interesting technology that is used for no-touch torture is called chatter bots. Chatter bots, an artificial special language intelligence software program, automate much of the repetition so that the interrogators (Hive Mind Teams) don’t drive themselves crazy during the neural linguistic torture and other programming phases. Remember Chinese Water Torture, where a single drop of water is used on the forehead of the detainee for months. Repetition is a form of torture.

It is also a form of Sensory Overload and Sensory Deprivation which is a technique of overloading or depriving the trauma based mind control victim of sensory stimulus and is ubiquitous in torture around the world not just with CIA/DIA Mind Control technologies.

Targets of no-touch torture often hear endless tinnitus which is designed as a basic ‘DENIAL OF SERVICE’ designed to interfere with the trauma based mind control victims normal memory and thought process. So when your hear the tinnitus the RNM System and Hive Mind Teams are not targeting you with remote neural manipulation. When you do not hear the tinnitus they are targeting your memory and thought process.

This is because Trauma Based Mind Control training research and development is achieved in segments as they simply do not possess the storage capacity to capture hold and store – for the purposes of remote neural manipulation- in teal time every single thought pattern of the millions of victims who are actively targeted with this technology.

15) On the Significance of Artificial Tinnitus

Bryan, can you explain your next to last statements that: “So when your hear the tinnitus the RNM System and Hive Mind Teams are not targeting you with remote neural manipulation. When you do not hear the tinnitus they are targeting your memory and thought process.”

Of course, this is vital information…. and I get the opposite message from Dave Case…. so I’d really to understand the technical reasons you say that, if possible.

Thanks and best,

Eric Karlstrom

Tew’s Answer:

Dr Karlstrom,

I am getting serious interference with emails, etc. sorry if you are are getting repetitive emails.
It’s all part of the game.

Yes, do you remember back in the days before digital television when cable offered HBO for subscription each month? Those who had not paid for it could only get a scrambled picture. They could not make sense of what they could hear and see. This was called a ‘DENIAL OF SERVICE ‘

The tinnitus is a by product of the stream of energy of electromagnetic low frequency waves. In order to prevent the victim from engaging in random and chaotic conversations and situations which cannot be remotely measured, or at least to minimize those external activities, they increase the tinnitus. It doesnt stop the victim from engaging in external activities which interfere with their RNM system but it does minimize the cognitive effect of the external interference caused by those external activities. This is actually a form of mental torture called SENSORY OVERLOAD.

It is done to censor the normal memory and thought process of the victim when remote neural monitoring is not in full effect for training research and development such as the first stage of remote neural monitoring called FORMULATION: collecting and cataloging data remotely captured from the memory references of the victim; second stage called PREDICTIVE INTEGRATION: interpretation of that data regarding your memory references, etc., shifting in real time speed of light remote neural attacks (remote neural manipulation), etc., to establish memory anchors, etc.

The tinnitus is used as a form SENSORY OVERLOAD to censor your normal memory and thought process. This is called CENSORSHIP.

Remember, all CIA/DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL falls into one of three categories:


Kind Regards

Bryan Tew


Approach Dave Case with extreme caution. Beware all targeted individuals who don’t quite fit in and who are always ready to volunteer for anything, especially those who claim a cure to a technology more sophisticated than the 2017 NASA Space Program. There is simply no way a PASSIVE cd comprised of binaural beats, etc., can defeat an automated ACTIVE & adaptive system of remote neural networks capable of hundreds of thousands of calculations per second.

Even a Dominant External Stimulus like pleasing music listened to everyday for six months, which will permanently alter your brain wave signature defeating their technology doesn’t mean they will give up. The system is ADAPTIVE so they will either start over with the victim, or write the victim off as a failure and assassinate or mind hobble the victim. They do not allow trauma based mind control victims to simply walk away as the victim could become a loose cannon, come back in the future to testify against them, etc. Dave Case is no paradox. He falls into one of three categories:

Dave Case is either entirely ignorant of this technology, delusional or a government perpetrator masquerading as a targeted individual. I believe he is the latter (perpetrator) but you must decide that for yourself.

You have my permission to post this warning about Dave Case on your website.


Eric Karlstrom email to Tew: Thanks Bryan for the answer…..

So, to get this right, the tinnitus is evidence that the electromagnetic energy stream is targeting your brain and it’s a form of sensory overload, low grade torture and censorship (that’s bad)….. but the RNM is not advanced at this Formulation stage and really hasn’t started yet (that’s good)…..

So to keep the RNM programming from becoming more advanced to predictive integration stage….. use the strategies you have outlined already, such mental shielding, multi-tasking, listening to pleasing Christian music, etc., yes?……



16) Tew Reply: Dr Karlstrom,

Yes, just keep an MP3 player with you playing music at all times. It stops much of the Organized Stalking (Conversational Scenarios) leaving them with nothing but Situational Scenarios to use against you which still doesn’t work effectively when brain entrainment is broken between the RNM System and your brain and your brain wave signature is constantly altered by the pleasing music. So even though they can engage in Situational Scenarios (Street Theatre) against you they still cannot effectively measure the cognitive effect of that street theatre to verify their technology, etc.

Listen to the pleasing music with earphones, not external speakers, as this creates an ‘overpowering stimulus’ disrupting their ability to effectively utilize remote neural monitoring because the pleasing music also creates all of this additional electromagnetic energy inside the neural pathways of your brain. Without remote neural monitoring then remote neural manipulation fails. They can still attack you and will, as a behavioral modification to death tool to stop you using a pain stimulus, etc., but their mind control technology is severely hindered.

Pleasing music literally lights up just about every area of your brain with electromagnetic energy, like a pinball machine, making it impossible for the Hive Mind Teams and the RNM System to make sense of what they see, meaning there are no coherent patterns for them to identify, correlate and integrate back into RNM Data.

At night listen to it as you sleep. Listen to the pleasing music especially as you surf the Internet, read a book, exercise, etc., which are forms of multi-tasking that also wreak havoc with their system.

I recommend using some form of chemical shielding as well, such as Valium, XANEX, etc., to help you relax. This limits their ability to constantly provoke and solicit emotional responses from you. It’s does work, but if you do use it make sure you take it only as directed by your doctor as such substances can be highly addictive if abused. I take XANEX everyday. I also take ANDROSTAT to cut down on their remote neural attacks of lust. They use remote neural attacks of lust with me daily to break down my Christian faith and belief system.

Many people are targeted differently so you must decide whether/which shielding method is right for you.

Contact your contemporaries at the university for the best and cheapest alternative to obtain superconductor materials and how to construct a faraday cage with those materials. Tell them you are just conducting experiments. You may not be able to stop fully the attacks but you should be able to disrupt the return training signal with superconductor materials, property constructed and grounded, thereby defeating their technology. Superconductor materials should – theoretically – block the directed energy attacks.

Bear in mind they are not just going to stand around and let you defeat their technology. They will increase the attacks and their bag of dirty tricks, not just to stop you, but to continually provoke you to into emotional responses. In other words they will attempt to turn it into a deadly game (Hyper Game Theory tactics) by constant vandalism, theft, etc., So don’t spend a lot of money on passive shielding.

Strategically relocate to Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia or Nicaragua if you can, or at least make strategic plans to get you and your family out of the USA to one of those countries if things get worse.. The attacks won’t completely stop there but it gets much better. Paul Marko should be able to help you if you choose Ecuador. You are wasting your time in Mexico.

The tinnitus is a bi-product of the attacks, just like Phosphenes. The pleasing music must exceed the level of sound of the tinnitus, V2K, Synthetic Telepathy, etc., to be effective which why is you should use headphones. The higher the variation of the musical notes, tones, beats, etc., the more effective it is as a mental shielding method.

Perhaps you best mental shielding method are Christian music and Christian content on YouTube, like bible sermons of Holy Spirit filled pastors, like David Wilkerson. This is because it not only breaks brain entrainment with the RNM system but DEPATTERNs the Satanic Ritual Abuse contained within the neuroprogramming they target you with at night and during the day at the subliminal level with their Visual and Verbal Entrainments. Without Satanic Ritual Abuse CIA/DIA Trauma Based Mind Control fails.

This sermon from Pastor David Wilkerson called ‘The Awful Consequences of Backsliding’:

If you are a born again Christian whose belief system is compatible with the Bible it will immediately DEPATTERN neuroprogramming containing the satanic ritual abuse. Understand, immediately, the Hive Mind Teams will try and stop or interfere with your ability to use the Christian music and especially the sermons of David Wilkerson to defeat their technology. It must be listened to and watched daily because the attacks are nightly, for the most part, as you are sleeping.

Dr Duncan basically states this in his book ‘Project Soul Catcher’ and he is not even a Christian.

Kind Regards

Bryan Tew

17) Tew Reply

Dr Karlstrom

You are being RNM monitored 24/7, but training research and development by the Hive Mind Teams using RNM mind control technologies happens in segments, not 24/7, as they do not have the storage capacity – at least not yet – to remotely capture, hold, etc., in real time every thought, memory, etc., pattern of every one of the tens of millions of victims targeted with this technology in the USA and around the world.

The RNM Supercomputer continues the remote neural monitoring, downloading and injecting in real time, as they slowly turn the brain of the mind control victim into their very own visual verbal and auditive communications system which takes time as the have to build a cognitive model (copy-cat parallel twin personality of the victims soul) by reverse engineering the victims Will, Intellect and Emotion. This doesn’t happen overnight and can often take many years to achieve.

So the Situational Scenarios and Conversational Scenarios designed to achieve that depend on the RNM System and the Hive Mind Teams. They must map out all vectors of your personality.

During the intervals the trauma based mind control victim is tortured, etc., to the point of near incoherency using directed energy torture, sleep deprivation torture, etc., to make them more susceptible to the next round of the neuro-programming and training research and development. This is done so that the victim is so incoherent from the torture he is unable to recognize modification of his active memory and fight back against the systems influences. This is because anything that reduces a persons energy level and vitality makes that person more susceptible to mind control technologies.

This is what I mean when I say they are not targeting your memory and thought process 24/7, but they are targeting the mind control victim 24/7.

You defeat their mind control technologies in some of the many ways we talked about in previous emails but all that is contingent on one thing: the victims ability to READ ACTIVE MEMORY and recognize the remote neural attacks are happening , which is impossible when 97% of those who are being targeted with this technology have no idea they are targeted with this technology!


To: Dr Karlstrom, Dr Patch and the Kev Baker Show (Sept. 19, 2017)

The CIA DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL Hive Mind Teams targeted me heavily on Royal Jordanian Airlines plane, from Ecuador in South America into Central Europe at Frankfurt Germany through the Middle East (Amman, Jordan) across the Arabian Sea and Indian Subcontinent before a sharp turn North West from Bangkok Thailand in Hong Kong…all while at 42,000 ft (forty two thousand)in the sky. I made it to Hong Kong but have yet to make it into China or Siberia in North East Russia.

My furthest trip North towards the Arctic Circle got up into Keflavik, Iceland and Reykjavik, Iceland but stopped there in the middle of winter (January) unfortunately.

Apparently the CIA/DoD RNM technology breaks down near the magnetic belt of the North Pole but I’ve no proof of that Hypothesis. Still, I follow the curious path of those who do including a highly regarded and notable Neuroscientist who believes it to be possibly provable or at least is curious to know if the Hypothesis will hold up under further physical scrutiny.

Chinese know my story from my last trip into Beijing, China, last year, in 2016, requesting help. I received no help worthy of any mention but I imagine they are watching and listening.

So, maybe if you want to try and redo that interview it might actually work this time (*smile*) although I still expect interference. Maybe a pre-recorded do over is a better option. If we can save lives then I am ready to help however and whenever. [Glitch while typing]!

Kind Regards

Bryan Tew

Remember, a computer multiplexer routes the signal containing a hidden carrier frequency to a Tower, Satellite or Mobile Platform (Keyword: MOBILE) and the Tower, Satellite or Mobile Platform relays the signal to the digital receiver similar to how cell phone technology works. The digital receiver is tracked and pinpointed in real time just like a cell phone as CIA/DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL also depends on two things: Timing & Location.

However with CIA/DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL technologies the digital receiver is not a phone. It is a human brain. The victims brain has been digitalized by the nanotechnology in the victims brain which adheres to, speaks to and decodes the neurotransmitters of the victims brain. This is crucial information to know or you will never understand how you are being attacked.

Cars, vans, trucks, boats, planes ships, briefcases, etc., are all used for the purposes of the Mobile Platforms and segments of entire urban populations can be targeted simultaneously with these Mobile Platforms but while those are the instruments and mechanisms they utilize, none of those things are the actual Mobile Platforms.

The Mobile Platform is actually a NEURO-CHIP in the body or gear (e.g: Clones) of the Hive Mind Team members. It is about the size of a grain of sand and is called the ‘ELECTRONIC BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE’. They are not using screens, monitors, etc., as that is ‘old hat’ technology to them. They are using a Virtual Interface only they can physically see. Think of a highly sophisticated Virtual Reality headset which creates a virtual environment, but the Hive Mind Teams don’t need the headset.

They are using an eye-gaze tracker instead of a mouse. They interface with the RNM Supercomputer (Brain to Computer Interface) to attack the victim when they wish to manually inject during each phase of EEG Heterodyning. The Clones’ Thoughts are the active triggering sequence which the RNM System (Conscious Computer) responds to as it locks on to your emotional state.

They pull up multiple virtual screens at a time. For example, the first screen is the brain wave patterns of the mind control victim. The second parallel screen is the brain wave patterns of Clone Member of the Hive Mind Teams. The third drop down screen is a mixture (EEG Heterodyning) of both the victims brain wave signature and that of the Clone Member, etc. Depending on their objectives additional screens can be opened and closed as needed with the blink of an eye but those screens are invisible to anyone who does not possess the Electronic Brain to Brain Interface (Neuro-Chip).

The Hive Mind Teams are not sitting in some laboratory or office somewhere. They are out in the field constantly attempting to interact with you at regular intervals, such as for the purposes of Verification of their technology etc. They are sitting next to you on the plane; the new employee sitting near you at the office, the new pastor at the church, etc. THE Hive Mind Teams don’t have to be near or next to you to attack you, but these are some examples which may help you understand what they are doing and how they use the Mobile Platforms.

The moment you are selected as a test subject for Mind Control technologies all the available apartments, homes, offices, hotel rooms, etc., near and next to your residence are sublet and the Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., move in and training research and development begins. Placing a person inside a Psychotronic Concentration Camp is no small operation so a lot of people are involved. Sometimes the sheer magnitude of the operation can overwhelm new victims.

NO TOUCH TORTURE LOG OF CIA/DIA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL VICTIM BRYAN TEW SEPT 18/19 2017 on Royal Jordanian Airlines Jet over Mediterranean Sea, Arabian Sea, etc.,

0001-1700. Ears ringing head and ears in pulsating pain pain high pitch screeching sound acoustic trauma and nerve damage to ears caused by the directed energy torture severe; 1706 hrs. Sudden rapid drowsiness designed to minimize the cognitive effect of the music which is breaking brain entrainment with their RNM system and DE-PATTERNING the satanic ritual abuse contained within the neuro-programming (psychological trauma); 1700-2359 hrs Ears ringing head and ears in pulsating pain high pitch screeching sound acoustic trauma and nerve damage to ears caused by the directed energy torture. Forced down into super drowsy disoriented state but not allowed to fall asleep. Then constantly RNM System interrogating me with forced synthetic telepathy conversations as it probes my memory and thought process. This was going on approx 2334 when I was able to come back up out of semi conscious state and look at my watch as I was laying on the airport terminal floor. Woke up with heart vibrating beating vibrating rapidly entrainment into irregular beating pattern hands pulsating partially numb; 0417- 0700 hrs Trying to read Bible and RNM System and Hive Mind Teams hiding behind and using law enforcement agencies to do their dirty work are causing me severe rapid split second Theta State vision blurring almost passing out remote neural attacks as I try to read my bible and listen to Christian music. Crossing over the Indian Subcontinent; 0750 hrs Sudden rapid drowsiness as I read Bible and listen to music simultaneously. This is called CENSORSHIP and is a supercomputer which is attacking me with electromagnetic low frequency waves to stop or minimize the cognitive effect of the external interference caused by the Christian content and music which is defeating/disrupting their RNM technology; 0950 hrs Massive remote neural attacks causing me to have vision blurring almost passing out symptoms approx every three minutes. Theta state attacks causing severe disorientation. Severe drowsiness, brutal Torture Hive Mind Teams on plane with me as always. The attacks to ears just increased to stop downloaded music on iPad from disruption of their technology; 1020 hrs Now being pushed down into between subconscious and conscious state where RNM System is forcing me into FORCED SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY CONVERSATIONS. It is one of the many ways they test and probe the victim’s memories as the system continues (JUST ATTACKED MIND BLANKED COULD NOT REMEMBER ANYTHING I WAS TRYING TO TYPE). 1035-2359 hrs Ears ringing head and ears in pulsating pain high pitch screeching sound acoustic trauma and nerve damage to ears from directed energy torture (JUST ATTACKED AGAIN SPLIT SECOND SEVERE ALMOST PASSING OUT DROWSINESS). The music is creating serious problems for them as I don’t fly all that much and these scenarios are crucially important to their training research and development.


What they do is a deadly game of deception and manipulation, nothing more. Their entire technology. It is nothing more than a game of life and agonizing death based on the mathematical model known as the ‘Hyper Game Theory’!

Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not acknowledge anything the system interrogates you about as truth. The RNM system is constantly monitoring (probing) your emotional state and will take random bits of anything it remotely captures through your senses and fabricate stories (Keywords: FABRICATE STORIES) which they will use to harass and interrogate you with no intention other than to distract and torture you into submission to the system’s influence.

These fabricated stories or falsified conversations are called ‘FORCED INDUCED SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY CONVERSATIONS’ and are used to map out the sensory and neural pathways of the victims brain, to probe the victims memories, etc. This is one of the ways they layer in falsified memories.

So the RNM Supercomputer will inject with an auditory sequence, such as a question, using synthetic telepathy, to force the victim into a series of scripted conversations with the supercomputer. The victim is pushed down into somewhere between 4-7 hz Theta State using Theta Waves so that the victim is so drowsy and disoriented he cannot recognize modification of his active memory in real time and fight back against the systems influence. These remote neural attacks can occur at anytime but often are programmed at speed of light as the victim lies down, or sits down, to relax, etc., so as to ensure a quiet environment which is free from external interferences that might dampen the neural link and disrupt their technology.

The CIA DIA perpetrators are using a ‘fabricated or falsified stream’ of electromagnetic low frequency waves to interfere with your memory and thought process. Once you become dependent (ie. you believe their impulse injections are your own) on the system’s output (or they believe your responses to it are consistent) they will begin to fabricate ‘subconscious responses’ which they will pretend are indicators of honesty/dishonesty, positive recognition, anxiety, etc, and they will use these ‘impulse injections’ to convince you that the fabricated responses are your own.

If you are unaware of this constant mental manipulation the system will begin to shape your thoughts and behavior. They will use this to [attempt to] restrict your thoughts and behavior by blocking [interfering with] your memory and thought process while these suggestions (injected impulses) are being provided – the interference is triggered and can be activated at will by the attackers.

With this RNM.Mind Control technology, the CIA & DIA Hive Mind Teams (e.g.: government subcontractors) are now able to read, speak to and decode your thoughts, see through your eyes, hear through your ears and maintain a direct auditive conversation with your mind. CIA & DIA operatives can now remotely induce, directly into your brain, both visual images and auditory sequences, such as voice to skull (V2K), synthetic telepathy, etc.

One day soon, these Conscious Computers will interface between the Human Mind (Brain) and Soul (Will, Intellect & Emotion) by way of a Neurochip which will connect directly or remotely to the ‘Internet of Things’ (the Cloud). Mind Control of the Sheepish Masses will be achieved globally by use of Mind Viruses.

This type of technology could have great benefits for society such as the ability to augment human intelligence by a thousand times, essentially turning the human mind into a supercomputer. Hence, there are literally thousands of applications that could interface with this technology.

This technology literally has the ability to alter our entire evolutionary human experience in life, both positively and negatively. For example, you could literally turn the brain into a supercomputer, or encyclopedia, or a giant search engine., like Google. Unfortunately, instead of using it for good and the betterment of humanity, the Shadow Government and Deep State have chosen to use it for evil.

The human brain has been mapped. This Brain Initiative Project announced by Obama years ago was just a cover for what has already been achieved so as to help facilitate its implementation into this our new neuro-society. Otherwise, there would be to many questions, such as where did this technology come from, etc.

The two main protagonists are CIA and DoD but the main arm of both in this paradigm is the futuristic strong arm of DARPA. It is DARPA that is behind it all if you go to its very core. So this BAM project, known as the ‘Brain Activity Map’ is just a cover by the government to integrate these new neuro-weapons into our mainstream society as being necessary and a boon to our high tech civilization when in all actuality it will be nothing more than a weapons system to censor and control the masses.

The Shadow Government and Deep State will use their mind control tools to control us and certain segments of populations of other countries throughout the world. By reverse engineering the human mind they are developing a AL (Artificial Life) regime that will be capable of making all the important decisions for humanity by way of central planning.

They will also use this technology to keep those countries that are enemies of America in internal strife so as to control them as well. They will be able to control the population of America and the world by reconfiguring the human brain and by default they will be able to reconfigure societies. This is a tool the world elite has long sought after and now finally it is within their grasp. It is too late. Too late to stop it!

The ability to decipher the human mind has expanded exponentially in this our 21st century and has now forever altered evolution and society as we know it. They have imposed their diabolical plans into what is most important in our society Freedom to Choose and the Human Will. They can now completely control the mind.

Neuroscience is no longer just a field of medicine. It has crossed the threshold of medical science and is now a chief weapons platform used by many of the national security agencies of the world.


Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO) is a program used by the federal government agencies of the USA for decades to deal with people who take a stand against the atrocities of the American Government or for whom the government deems a threat to this our Orwellian Society. It has been around since long before J. Edgar Hoover infamously codified its meaning in the 1970’s.

The program was successfully kept secret until 1971, when the Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI burgled an FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania, took several dossiers, and exposed the program by passing this material to news agencies.Many news organizations initially refused to publish the information. Within the year, Director J. Edgar Hoover declared that the centralized COINTELPRO was over, and that all future counterintelligence operations would be handled on a case-by-case basis.

We now know, of course, this is a lie, or we wouldn’t be here in 2017 and while the declared purposes of these programs were to protect the “national security” or prevent violence, Bureau witnesses admit that many of the targets were nonviolent and most had no connections with a foreign power. Indeed, nonviolent organizations and individuals were targeted because the Bureau believed they represented a “potential” for violence—and nonviolent citizens who were against the war in Vietnam were targeted because they gave “aid and comfort” to violent demonstrators by lending respectability to their cause.

The imprecision of the targeting is demonstrated by the inability of the Bureau to define the subjects of the programs. Of course, the Shadow Government and the Deep State have had decades to improve that ‘target to kill’ ratio.

The idea is to basically use a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other alphabet agencies aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting American targeted individuals. Agents disrupt, misdirect, discredit, neutralize or otherwise eliminate” lie cheat steal stalk, etc., the activities of these innocent people. Medical COINTELPRO is simply the use of doctors, nurses, etc., and others within the medical field to achieve the same or similar results. The basic idea being to force the victim into an endless series of counter moves trying to function and survive as each counter move is an evoked potential which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data.

People who take a stand and try to oppose this evil are labeled by our government as dissidents and are punished or summarily killed. Many are victimized by the government by being forcibly and falsely misdiagnosed with a mental illness so that they are not taken seriously, pushed to the margins of society or altogether removed from society, with their credibility destroyed so no one will believe them. This is exactly what they have done to me for the last 21 years. That is why the torture is designed to be so brutal, precisely so that no one will believe it is happening. The whole lives of the innocent are completely destroyed because they somehow became a threat to our Orwellian society

As bad as it is it will only get worse. Mind control will soon permeate every facet of our society. They achieve this by decoding electromagnetic emissions of the brain into actual thought patterns. Once those patterns are identified they are used and varied in the repeated harassment and torture of the targeted individual. The mental images of the brain can actually be seen and through this window into the soul, images, sounds and other sequences (aromas) can be encoded into the human brain. They do this with me a lot engaging in situational and conversational scenarios designed to capture the attention of the targeted individual (i.e.: me) seeking verification, etc., of their technology.

Electromagnetic impulses are sent into the brain via impulse injections, to trigger evoked potentials, for the purposes of verification. This generates sounds, images, aromas, etc., via the neuronal circuits. Essentially, they have turned the brain into a visual, verbal and auditive communications system.

I came to Hong Kong to seek medical treatment which I am now no longer able to receive because of the heavy organized stalking and Medical COINTELPRO tactics of the CIA/DIA Hive Mind Teams hiding behind and using law enforcement agencies to do their dirty work for the last twenty one years. I first became aware of my targeting back in 1997 when they first used ‘Voice of God’ weapons against me in the Cayman Islands, but my targeting probably goes back much further than that, even, possibly, to my childhood.

Heavily Stalked inside doctors offices over the last four visits to Hong Kong including by same man they used against me last time I was here, last year. He came into office and sat next to me. Recognizing him, I walked out of doctors office after they told me it would be thirty minutes before they could get my actual medication delivered to doctors office instead of just writing the prescription and letting me get it filled at pharmacy. Coming from USA, I thought this strange, but agreed to come back in half an hour to pick up medication.

So I left the office and the organized stalker followed me out into the hallway. When I slightly bumped into him with my shoulder he ran back into doctors office screaming to staff I attacked him for no reason. Now I cannot return to doctors office to pick up medication. In fact, the Hong Kong government has made it clear to me this trip, and the previous four trips, that their is no where I can go for medical treatment in their country.

Every piece of information collected by their Remote Neural Monitoring/Manipulation Mind Control system can be considered falsified and/or fabricated because the system is designed to continuously provide ‘suggestions’ according to data which has been previously collected about your current activity and the accuracy of the reference descriptions [definitions] is extremely low since the attackers don’t really care about truth and the system will fabricate statements and/or imagery while they are abusing you. The fabrications are generally the result of misinterpretation of references and emotional indicators as well as distortion of ‘injection feedback’ in addition to false entries added manually by the attackers as a result of their inability to understand what they are viewing or their mal-intent.

There is no reliable way for the attackers to determine what is true even if they try to apply their observations to the aforementioned indicators. An attempt to prove guilt with their system would be the equivalent to a cop dropping a gun at a crime scene and claiming it belonged some individual who happened to be passing by – RANDOM and FALSIFIED.

There is no legal application for this system or anything generated by it. They will only capture what they want to abuse you with and when they decide to ‘censor’ your thoughts they will force you into an abusive or incoherent thought pattern using the injection and blocking methods mentioned above.

They have no fear of God and no fear of Man. The law means nothing to them and has no meaning for those they slowly torture and kill because the law will not help those people. The law only works where it can be applied.

Plato once said, ‘All laws are meaningless, because good people will always keep them and evil people will always find away around them’.


Force the victim to respond. Capture the victim’s attention.. Force the victim into a series of endless counter moves as each counter move is an evoked potential which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data. These interferences with my booking of tickets and other travel arrangements and other financial transactions have been going on for years.

They hack the text (RNM Supercomputer) as the victim is typing it up. My computer is remotely hijacked by the RNM System using radio frequency waves piggybacking off law enforcement agencies.

The remote neural monitoring system is designed to provoke you emotionally so they can generate response statistics which the system will use to determine how to interpret and link descriptions with data captured about your memory references. That is why they are constantly trying to keep you talking, or constantly stopping you and asking for directions, etc.

So always ignore prolonged random encounters with people you don’t know. You’re not being rude. Just refusing to allow them to manipulate you.

Once they have consistent statistics the system will use previous ‘choice references’ and inject them into your subconscious thought during normal activity which is also referred to as ‘impulse injections’ to convince you that the response was your own and influence you to complete or describe the reference by making the appropriate verbalizing or performing a related action, which is known as ‘Verification’. You can fight and/or control this if you learn to defeat these memory attacks by learning to read active memory.

Once they see what you respond to emotionally, or intellectually, they will fabricate ‘conversational’ or ‘situational’ scenarios (Street Theater) based on events or topics they know will capture your attention.

They hack the financial transaction in real time by targeting it at its source, meaning the victim’s computer, etc. My computer is remotely hijacked by radio frequency waves and they are hiding behind and using law enforcement agencies to do their dirty work.

Their entire technology is nothing more than a deadly game of deception and manipulation, nothing more. Everything is made to look common ordinary and expected to the casual observer but the sheer number of times such tactics occur each day defies the NULL HYPOTHESIS OF PROBABILITY meaning it has been going on for so long and for so many times that as far as proof is concerned it is a mathematical fact it is happening.

It is all predicated off the mathematical model known as the Hyper Game Theory which is basically Game Theory applied to Decision Tree Modeling mathematically proving that by constantly and perpetually altering any value in that mathematical model one can constantly and perpetually alter that model’s expected outcome. With CIA/DIA Mind Control technologies the model is the Mind Control victim. So by constantly and perpetually altering any value in the daily life, daily activities, etc., of the mind control victim they can continually and perpetually alter the expected outcome of the victim’s daily life, daily activities, etc., thereby forcing the trauma-based mind control victim into an endless series of counter-moves trying to function and survive as each counter-move is an evoked potential which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data.

Kind Regards

Bryan Tew

0033 hrs September 23 2017 Hong Kong Intl Airport Hong Kong China

22) Dr Karlstrom,

I hope this additional research helps people.

The CIA/DIA Hive Mind Teams want their victims to think they are omnipotent but I assure you they are not. Their technology is extremely fragile and easily disrupted.

It can be defeated by permanently altering your brain wave signature using brain entrainment methods , etc., but that is beyond the scope of this article.

Kind Regards

Bryan Tew


There is no legal application for this system or anything generated by it.
They will only capture what they want to abuse you with and when they decide to ‘censor’ your thoughts they will force you into an abusive or incoherent thought pattern using the injection and blocking methods

These people are not concerned with legal constraints or any particularly acceptable way of life. They simply use anything you enjoy, hate or appreciate to abuse you regardless of your behavior so if they give you a compliment, realize that they are only doing it to see how you will respond when they turn around to negate it and torture you nightly.

None of what these CIA DoD Operatives are collecting could ever be used in a case against you in a court of law.

Every piece of information collected by their system can be considered falsified and/or fabricated because the system is designed to continuously provide ‘suggestions’ according to data which has been previously collected about your current activity and the accuracy of the reference descriptions [definitions] is extremely low since the attackers don’t really care about truth and the system will fabricate statements and/or imagery while they are abusing you. The fabrications are generally the result of misinterpretation of references and emotional indicators as well as distortion of ‘injection feedback’ in addition to false entries added manually by the attackers as a result of their inability to understand what they are viewing or their mal-intent.

There is no reliable way for the attackers to determine what is true even if they try to apply their observations to the aforementioned indicators. An attempt to prove guilt with their mind control system would be the equivalent to a cop dropping a gun at a crime scene and claiming it belonged to some individual who happened to be passing by: RANDOM and FALSIFIED!

Everything they do is a game of DECEPTION and MANIPULATION, nothing more. Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not acknowledge anything the system interrogates you about as truth. The system will take random bits of anything it captures through your senses and fabricate stories which they will use to harass and interrogate you with no intention other than to distract and torture you into submission to the system’s influence.

Remote Neural Manipulation is accomplished via their system’s ability to interpret your thoughts and is wholly dependent on its ability to predict and influence your ‘reference choices’ or ‘impulse sequencing’ during thought composition. The system maps patterns with impulses and identifiers (evoked potentials) and uses statistical data about your ‘composition habits’ to predict how you will think or act as you begin to formulate thoughts or prepare to act. The system’s ability to define and map these references intelligibly depends on your cooperation [or ignorance] and the attackers’ ability to make sense of what they see visually or what they can guess based on your past activity

Essentially, they have turned the brain of the mind control victim into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communications system by a science called ‘PSYCHOPHYSICS’ and a technology called ‘PSYCHOTRONICS’!



Everything the CIA DoD Operatives are doing to their mind control victims falls into one of those three categories.

People who take a stand and try to oppose this evil are labeled by our government as dissidents and are punished or summarily killed. Many are victimized by the government by being forcibly and falsely misdiagnosed with a mental illness so that they are not taken seriously, pushed to the margins of society or altogether removed from society, with their credibility destroyed so no one will believe them. That is why the torture is designed to be so brutal, precisely so that no one will believe it is happening. Their whole lives are completely destroyed because they somehow became a threat to our Orwellian society.

CIA & DIA Hive Mind Teams use this technology to covertly debilitate people using directed energy weapons, such as microwaves, to slowly degrade their minds or other internal organs until they die or become incapacitated. They have done this with me continually for years targeting my internal organs. The point at which the victim dies or becomes incapacitated by this technology is an important metric in their research and development into how to SILENTLY ASSASSINATE people THROUGH ADAPTIVE NETWORKS (S.A.T.A.N.) such as by heart attack, stroke, etc.

Actually the S.A.T.A.N. system is more accurately described by the words ‘SILENT ASSASSINATION THROUGH AMPLIFIED NEURONS, rather than adaptive networks as they slow kill and soft kill the victim by amplification of brain waves or vice-versa.

Bryan Tew


Remote Neural Monitoring is an actual military defense system using satellite- and tower-based relay devices by way of electro-optics (virtual interfaces: brain-to-computer interface and electronic brain-to-brain interface) utilizing microwaves (think laser imaging and tracking systems) to measure, image, and transmit brain and neural activity of a targeted individual.

A Computer Multiplexer routes the signal (hidden carrier frequency) to a Tower, Satellite or Mobile Platform and the Tower, Satellite or Mobile Platform then relays the signal to the digital receiver, similar to how cell phone technology works. The digital receiver is then tracked and pinpointed in real time, just like a cell phone. However, with CIA/DoD Mind Control technologies, the digital receiver is not a phone. It is a human brain. The brain of the victim has been digitalized by the nanotechnology inside of it.

Remotely, the system of Conscious Computers, with a Will, Intellect and Emotion of their own, then takes those machine-learning algorithms and correlates communication and behavior data (impulses and identifiers) with the brain activity data sampled from individuals who are targeted.

The victim is tied to the system of Conscious Computers, remotely, by way of a bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves called the INFORMATION & INJECTION FEEDBACK LOOP specifically tuned to the victim’s own brain-wave signature. The RNM System then remotely monitors all electromagnetic activity of the victim’s brain until the day of the Trauma Based Mind Control victim’s untimely death (cold-blooded murder). How? By a process called ‘Transcranial Brain Stimulation’ to map out and reverse engineer the victims Will, Intellect and Emotion as it builds a cognitive model (copy-cat parallel twin personality) of the trauma-based mind control victims human soul (Will, Intellect and Emotion).

So, it is a bi-directional stream of photons which they use to stimulate neuronal activity, or should I say electromagnetic energy, across the neural pathways of the brain. The Hive Mind Teams then read the RETURN TRAINING SIGNAL of the bi-directional neural link relayed via that stream. This can be accomplished from many thousands of miles away.

This is achieved by an automated, ACTIVE, and adaptive system of remote neural networks used by the RNM System as it routes that stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves – containing a hidden carrier frequency – that is specifically tuned to the brain wave signature of the victim, which interfaces with nanotechnology inside he victims mind. The nanotechnology inside the victims brain migrates through the blood stream and adheres to the neurotransmitters of the victims brain. This is how the victim ingested the technology in his food, drink, breathed in by way of smart dust, etc.

Once the nanotechnology adheres to the neurotransmitters of the victim’s brain, that nanotechnology then speaks to and decodes those neurotransmitters allowing the Hive Mind Teams to turn the brain of the mind-control victim into their very own visual verbal and AUDITIVE communications system as the cognitive model is developed, using those two interfaces: Brain-to-Computer Interface (Conscious Supercomputer) & the Electronic Brain-to-Brain Interface (Neuro-Chip).

Remote Neural Monitoring is dependent upon two things: timing and location. Using three dimensional Geo-Location technology the RNM System must run in sync with the brain-wave signature of the victim. So, the correct modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy is crucial for their technology to be effective.

This is why Mental Shielding is so incredibly effective at defeating their Mind Control technology as it disrupts the Return Training Signal, meaning there are no coherent patterns left for the Hive Mind Teams to identify and develop. The CIA/DIA Hive Mind Teams and RNM System can’t make sense of the disrupted patterns and because the System can no longer lock-on to the emotional state of the victim, the error rate to Predict and Influence the Reference Choices and Impulse Sequencing of the Mind Control victim during Thought Composition increases dramatically.

As such the Verification Process breaks apart and Mind Control technologies fail. Why? Because ‘integration completion’ between the RNM system and your brain is hindered and without your response to that specific ‘impulse injection’, etc., the RNM verification process breaks apart. There are no coherent patterns for them to be able to Verify.

Without Remote Neural Monitoring there is no way for Remote Neural Manipulation to be accomplished as their ability to interpret the victim’s thoughts is entirely dependent on the RNM Systems ability to predict and influence that victim’s ‘reference choices’ or ‘impulse sequencing’ during thought composition. In short, Thought-Triggered Attacks fail because there is no coherent pattern to be triggered. The various stages of Remote Neural Monitoring (‘Formulation’: Collection & Cataloging of the victim’s Memory References, ‘Predictive Integration’: Interpretation of Data regarding the victim’s Memory References, etc.) fails by the Verification Process itself breaking apart. Without Verification there can be no Mind Control.

The RNM System maps patterns (pattern recognition) with impulses and identifiers (synaptic responses) and uses statistical data (response statistics) about your ‘composition habits’ to predict how you will think or act as you begin to formulate thoughts or prepare to act. The RNM System’s ability to define and map those choice references accurately depends on either the victim’s cooperation or ignorance of the fact that he/she is targeted and the Hive Mind Teams ability – utilizing a Virtual Interface – to make sense of what they see visually or what they can guess based on your past activity.

Using Spontaneity, for example, the mind control victim can then turn the tables on his/her attackers sending them running in circles trying to keep the victim from defeating their technology. This means that if the Mind Control Technology cannot predict and influence the victim’s reference choices during Thought Composition then the Hive Mind Teams have no choice but to fall back on previous patterns of those similar references to determine the victim’s next move or response.

Without consistent response statistics the RNM system simply cannot use the previous ‘choice references’ – captured during the Silent Monitoring Period – of the victim by injecting, remotely, those references back into the victim’s subconscious thought during normal activity (memory and thought process) to convince the victim that the response were his/her own so as to influence that person to complete or describe the reference by making the appropriate verbalization or performing a related action which is the basis of Verification.

The Hive Mind Teams can still attack you with directed energy torture, etc., to disrupt your continuity of thought and to erase short-term memory, but their mind control technologies fail, and they most certainly will, but Mind Control technologies fail.

This is the simple definition of how Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation is achieved with Mind Control victims. Remember the RNM system is monitoring all electromagnetic activity of the victim’s brain. So it uses physical and psychological trauma to map out the sensory and neural pathways of the trauma-based mind control victims brain and central nervous system. All of which is based on their ability to make sense of the patterns they can see visually.

Bryan Tew


1. To discredit the victim
2. To provoke the victim into emotional responses which can be remotely measured and integrated into RNM data (Memory Anchors).

The Neuro-programming contains two dimensional images of human faces and biomorphic faces staring back at the victim. So the organized stalkers are trained to stare at the victim, meaning the staring is TRIGGER STIMULI used to verify the effectiveness of the neuro-programming.


Once they establish the Memory Anchors using organized stalkers they then inject themselves repeatedly into the visual field of the victim. They then use the Hyper Game Theory to then discredit the victim by perpetually basing their next move or response off the victims last move or response. It is done to force the victim into an endless series of counter moves trying to function and survive as each counter move is an evoked potential which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data:


First thing they always do is spread out,” They wouldn’t stand in a parade behind me because that is what the organized GANG STALKERS are for, to divert the targets attention away from the CIA DOD operatives

They keep entire wardrobes in their cars — a business suit in case they need to go to Wall Street, gym shorts in case surveillance of me requires them to go for a jog through the Park, a backpack in case they need to pretend to be a tourist, etc

They usually key in on something I am wearing, whether a bright color I have on or a particular item that might be unique. They then relay that to other team members so they can see me when I come to the next corner, so they would be able to identify me, because they are often using foreign operatives in the countries I visit

They use PICKET SURVEILLANCE in the surrounding area wherever I am, to box me in. This tactic is called the FLOATING BOX

This picket surveillance would have the team covering all the entrances and exits where I am moving towards or away from, wherever I go. They would be stationed at various corners. They keep me in constant visual surveillance using a tactic called LEAP FROGGING

Leapfrogging is exactly what it sounds like: local operatives will follow the target up to a certain point, then pass the target off to another person or group up ahead, and then leapfrog to pick up the surveillance of me farther down the street, etc

By operating with Leapfrog surveillance, they would be telling the people ahead of me that the target was coming up to them, telling the surveillance team members my next movement, so they don’t have to run and pullback

CIA DoD operatives have their agents, informants, provocateurs, GANG stalkers, etc., don’t just follow you, they surround you, using a team made up of a command, backup, outriders, and advance members which make up the Surveillance Team

For example, if I am driving the cheating command vehicle is located in front of me. and they have a commit vehicle located at a decision point they think I will make while the marker vehicle is behind me so that I am boxed in (FLOATING BOX). The commit vehicle is used to cue a layup vehicle to enter the situation and assume command if I throw them off with a u-turn, for example. Same, if I am walking down the street. Instead of vehicles they use foot soldiers

The reason why you never see them communicating is because they are communicating by SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY. Their agents, informants, etc., are also trained to conceal their voice communications. That’s the CIA DIA operatives. Not the thug gang stalkers who use ordinary pedestrian forms of communications, such as cell phones, etc

This is because Real-Time communication is critical for their Surveillance Team, not to mention Mind Control technology, to work effectively, so agent-to-agent communication in real-time is a vital component of their surveillance and verification operation. Real-time communication gives the surveillance team a tactical advantage over the targeted individual

They are using a standard stakeout box set up with layup vehicles or STALKERS facing away from me or my vehicle, ready to pick me up and follow me and also to assume command of me – the targeted individual – no matter which direction I take

Equally important is the trigger vehicle or informant if I am walking. One of the ruses the CIA DoD operatives use is to pull in and park ahead of the target’s parked vehicle. This is called a Cheating Trigger

Being in front of the target, the operatives or agent is less likely to attract suspicion, but he is still in a position to cue other members of the surveillance team when I begin to walk or drive away. This makes for a seamless transition from the foot surveillance team to the vehicle surveillance team and vice-versa

The trigger vehicle, or trigger foot soldier, transmits my start-time, direction of travel, and speed my vehicle to the other members of the surveillance team. The nearest layup vehicle or


‘Do not allow RNM system’s suggestions are not acceptable to you and they won’t be if you’re consistently blocking and/or redirecting their remote neural attacks. If you keep continuously listening to pleasing music with headphones as the head are necessary to create an…’

The above statement is broken and makes no sense. Everything they are doing to trauma based mind control victims can be summed up in one sentence:

‘It is a DEADLY game of deception and manipulation nothing more’. NOTHING MORE!


Pleasing music works, but pleasing Christian music works best because the pleasing Christian music not only breaks brain entrainment, temporarily altering your brain wave signature and creating additional electromagnetic energy inside the neural pathways of the brain making it impossible for the system to identify, develop and integrate coherent patterns of thought back into RNM data but the Christian music also DE-PATTERNs the satanic ritual abuse contained within the neuro-programming, etc.

It must be played with headphones because the music must overpower the V2K, Synthetic Telepathy, Tinnitus, etc., or it doesn’t work. The pleasing music becomes the dominant external stimulus entraining the victims brain away from the visual and verbal entrainments of the RNM System to the pleasing music, with the cognitive effect being the RNM System can no longer lock on to the emotional state of the trauma based mind control victim.

Again, the integration of stereo sound, which consists of lyrical pleasing music at higher beats per minute disrupts and jostles the cognitive indicators preventing he RNM System from locking on to the emotional state of the victim.


Dr. Paul Marko, Ella Free, Dr. Matthew Aaron, Dr Sean Andrews, etc., are PhD’s or Graduates in Psychology and other related fields, and are Cognitive Researchers.

Accept or reject what I tell you. It’s up to you. Better to be safe than sorry and you will be sorry if you are targeted because the RNM System is a death machine. There is no escaping this technology. If you don’t learn to read active memory (testing and validating memory constantly) it will lead you down the proverbial rabbit hole into a virtual Hell.

“You are silently being assassinated and are standing at the decision point of your eternity”. (per Dr. Robert Duncan).

Jesus Christ alone is the only One who can help you now!

Bryan Tew


A computer multiplexer routes the signal to a tower satellite or mobile platform and the tower satellite or mobile platform then relays the signal to a digital receiver similar to how cell phone technologies work. The digital receiver is tracked and pinpointed in real time just like a cell phone. Except with CIA and DoD mind control technologies the digital receiver is not a phone. It is a human mind. The brain of the victim of their technology has been digitalized by the nanotechnology inside of it. The nanotechnology speaks to and decodes the neurotransmitters in the victim’s brain allowing the CIA DoD Hive Mind Teams to turn the mind of their victims into their very own visual and verbal communications system once they have mapped the brain of their victims into a cognitive model.

‘MIND’ is the acronym for the technology which stands for Mind Integrated Neuron Duplicator. ‘TAMI’ is the second generation system built on top of ‘MIND’ and stands for Thought and Memory Interface. ‘SATAN’ is the acronym for the weapons system of this software and stands for Silent Assassination Through Amplified Neurons, which is what they are remotely targeting my heart and other internal organs with slow-kill, soft-silent assassination. They can cause all types of diseases and organ failure this way which is what they are doing to me pushing my metabolism to dangerously high levels. Drs even prescribed beta blockers and they are still, able to do it.

Attacks on heart, ears and other internal organs are based on Hyper-Game Theory to discredit me when I complain. This allows for greater degrees of Indirection and Plausible Deniability.

REMOTE NEURAL MANIPULATION is achieved by the RNM System’s ability to PREDICT and INFLUENCE your Reference Choices during THOUGHT COMPOSITION. The system uses impulses and identifiers to determine how to link CHOICE REFERENCES with data captured about your MEMORY REFERENCES.

The CIA and DoD operatives are using two interfaces to target their victims:


Everything the CIA and DIA are doing to their victims is based on a deadly game of deception and manipulation, nothing more. Do not accept anything they say as truth and do not accept anything the RNM system interrogates you about as truth. The system is designed to remotely capture random bits of your thoughts, senses, etc., and to fabricate stories based on whatever it captures to interrogate and harass the victim with no other intention than to distract and torture the victim into submission to the system’s influence.

All 800 million Europeans and 300 million Americans are infected with this technology. The governments of the industrialized world have been spraying the nanotechnology along storm patterns into the hydrosphere for the last 25 years. The nanotechnology filters down from the hydrosphere into the water supply and food chain.

The CIA DIA RNM Mind Control technologies can be defeated by creating a Dominant External Stimulus higher than the threshold of the Synthetic Telepathy, V2K. For example, listening to pleasing music creates additional electromagnetic energy inside the neural pathways of the victims ms brain. It literally lights just about every area of the human brain effectively jamming the information and injection feedback loop.

They illumine the brain of the victim with electromagnetic low frequency waves (photons) and then read the return training signal. The nanotechnology interfaces with the Brain-to-Computer Interface

The CIA DoD Subcontractors are using a FABRICATED and FALSIFIED stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves specifically tuned to the digital brain wave imprint of their victims. The system is designed to mimic your normal cognitive behavior to provoke the victim constantly into emotional responses which can be us to generate response statistics which can be correlated into coherent patterns of thought and integrated back into RNM data.

The CIA and DIA Hive Mind Teams are using physical and psychological trauma to map out the sensory and neural pathways of the victim.

Any set of brain waves can be captured, held and relayed over and over in a perpetual looping pattern in the victim’s brain, remotely, from thousands of miles away, by modulation of the PHASE FREQUENCY & AMPLITUDE of the stream of electromagnetic low frequency specifically tuned to the brain wave signature of the victim.



Building a Cognitive Model means the process of scanning the mind control by illuminating the brain of the victim with a bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves (photons) to read the mental state of the victim (including short and long-term memory and “self”), meaning the targeted Individuals mental substrate, and copying i(downloading) it back to a supercomputer.

Once the cognitive model (copy-cat parallel twin personality of the human soul) is near completion the RNM supercomputer then runs a simulation model of the brain’s information processing, such that it responds in essentially the same way as the original brain of the victim (i.e., indistinguishable from the victims brain for all relevant purposes) and experiences having a conscious mind similar to that of the victim.

At that point the mind control victim is in serious mortal and eternal danger as that copied substrate is the actual Will, Intellect and Emotion (Human Soul) of the victim. So simply by speeding up or slowing down the simulation model they cannot only control the brain of the victim, achieving DIRECT BEHAVIORAL CONTROL over the mind control victim, but they can turn the kindest sweetest most moral person into the worst satanic monster imaginable, or the finest athlete into a human vegetable, simply by speeding up or slowing down that simulation model.

Remember, the CIA & U.S. Department of Defense have been spraying the nanotechnology into the hydrosphere for the last twenty five years, along storm patterns. Once the nanotechnology filters down into the water supply and food chain everyone is infected as it is consumed by every man woman and child.

Once inside the body that nanotechnology migrates to the brain and adheres to the neurotransmitters of the human brain. The nanotechnology then speaks to and decodes those neurotransmitters by interfacing with streams of electromagnetic low frequency waves allowing remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation to occur by Conscious Supercomputers. This is how the CIA and DoD Operatives (contractors) turn the brain of their victims into their very own visual verbal and AUDITIVE communications system. All of this can be accomplished from thousands of miles away. They don’t need to be near the victim anymore to obtain a digital copy of the victims brain wave signature. All they need to do is establish the Timing and Location of the victim, which they can now do from thousands of miles away.

This technology is being scaled up to cover all three hundred and eighteen million Americans and segments of populations (billions of innocent people) throughput each country in the world. Once the system goes fully operational everyone in the world with the American nanotechnology in their bodies will have that nanotechnology activated (scalar waves are longitudinal) in their brains and will be targeted unless those governments can shield certain segments of their population with electronic jamming.

That means even every foreign man woman and child who has ever even visited America or passed through American Airports, etc., and consumed the water or food, or who ate or drank American products imported into their country will have the technology activated in the bodies the moment the system goes fully operational as scalar waves are longitudinal. That includes countries targeted with this technology that are hostile or indifferent to American Hegemony.

As for now they still lack the storage capacity, but that will change very soon as they have completed development of inter dimensional methods of virtual storage. This means that once the system become fully operational, and the signals begin their emission patterns by tower satellite or mobile platforms, billions will be targeted simultaneously. Not millions. Billions of people, by the American CIA DoD alone. Hundreds of thousands of Conscious Supercomputers will begin monitoring and manipulating the electromagnetic emission patterns of those people’s brains no matter the individuals location in the world and no matter whether American or not.

The so called third world countries will become a NEURO-WARFARE battleground between the Russians and Chinese on one side and the Americans, Europeans and Five Eye countries on the other side. This Neuro-War has already begun between the Russians and Americans: Ukraine, Arab Spring, Syria, etc. The Russians are presently outmatched by the Americans in this new neuro-war but that will change soon.

They illuminate the brain of the victim with a stream of photons and then read the RETURN TRAINING SIGNAL which is all automated active and adaptive as it is accomplished by Conscious Supercomputers. That is why MENTAL SHIELDING is so effective at disrupting and eventually defeating their Mind Control Technologies, because it disrupts the RETURN TRAINING SIGNAL.

There are many ways to mental shield but nothing works better than PLEASING MUSIC which becomes the Dominant External Stimulus breaking brain entrainment with their RNM System by entrainment of the brain away from the 24/7 visual and verbal entrainments of their RNM System to the new dominant external stimulus (pleasing music). The pleasing music also effectively jams the information and injection feedback loop (neural link between conscious computer and victims brain) by creating all of this additional electromagnetic energy inside the neural pathways of the human brain. Pleasing music literally lights up just about every region of the brain with electromagnetic energy, like a pinball machine, so there are no coherent patterns of thought for the RNM System and Hive Mind Teams to identify, develop and integrate back into RNM data.

Pleasing music works incredibly well by also temporarily altering the brain wave signature of the mind control victim which their RNM Mind Control Technologies are dependent upon.





That’s why they keep attacking my ears with ultrasonic low level attacks to keep the nerves injured

Nov 22 2017 1435 hrs


The CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams are serializing their trauma based mind control victims thoughts into the spoken word meaning they are programming the brain of their victims into neuronal activity which causes them to think in words rather than images because it is easier for the RNM Supercomputers and Hive Mind Teams to discern words rather than images.

The RNM system rewrites the victims’ memory and thought process by decoding the brain activity caused by words that they hear. This means they operate off how the brain processes language.

The RNM Supercomputer deciphers their brain activity and plays back words they here at speed of light in real time. The brain decodes what we hear into neural activity meaning it decodes the actual words as a person imagines it as that person recognizes audible sounds it is encoded in the brain waves.

The human brain breaks down sounds into their constituent acoustic frequencies. The most important range for speech is 1-8,000 Hertz and especially audio video music etc., which plays back at higher frequencies of 6000-8000 Hz which is why the Hive Mind Teams destroyed my hearing with ultrasonic acoustic attacks at higher levels to keep me from using pleasing music to break brain entrainment with their RNM System, meaning my ears are so severely damaged that the musical lyrics are so severely distorted as I hear them so that the music is no longer pleasing in nature and therefore no longer constitutes a dominant external stimulus breaking brain entrainment with their RNM System.

This is a form of CENSORSHIP using a pain stimulus (torture). Remember that all CIA DIA Trauma Based Mind Control falls into three categories:


The RNM Supercomputer uses precise algorithms to pick out and repeat recognizable words. This mathematical (cognitive) model can then reproduce the sound the mind control victim hears by actually recognizing the words in real time.

This is because the human brain works by translating aspects of the external world into neuronal activity, which is how the victim sees, hears, etc., and relates to his environment. This includes the translation of spoken words into patterns of electrical, or electromagnetic, activity. It translates these activity patterns back into the original sound.

The Hive Mind Teams do not want their trauma-based mind control victims thinking in images because it is much harder for them to decipher those electromagnetic signals in the brain. So they use neural linguistic programming, etc., to force the victim to think out loud in words rather than images.

The victim is tied to the system of Conscious Computers, remotely, by way of a bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves called the INFORMATION & INJECTION FEEDBACK LOOP specifically tuned to the victims own brain wave signature. The RNM System then remotely monitors and manipulates all electromagnetic activity of the victim’s brain until the day of the Trauma-Based Mind Control victims untimely death (cold-blooded murder).
How? By a process called ‘Transcranial Brain Stimulation’ to map out and reverse engineer the victim’s Will, Intellect and Emotion as it builds a cognitive model (copy-cat parallel twin personality) of the trauma-based mind control victims human soul (Will, Intellect and Emotion).

So, it is a bi-directional stream of photons interfacing with the nanotechnology in the victim’s brain which they use to stimulate neuronal activity, or should I say electromagnetic energy, across the neural pathways of the brain. The Hive Mind Teams then read the RETURN TRAINING SIGNAL of the bi-directional neural link relayed via that stream.

This can be accomplished from many thousands of miles away.

29. July 2, 2018


You can defeat their CIA/DIA Mind Control technologies by learning how to control the Verification Process. This is why it is crucial for CIA DoD operatives to use Organized Stalking with LINE OF SIGHT Verification with the Targeted Individual so they can watch the targeted individual in real time so as to achieve this with the RNM system.

Otherwise without the victim’s response to their specific stimuli, to their specific situations and conversations, to their specific Street Theater, to their specific noise, specific color, specific object, specific trigger stimuli then the verification process breaks apart and mind control fails. The verification process does not just happen once a day it happens many times a day many times in each 8 hour Hive Mind Team shift because the victim can easily break brain entrainment with the RNM system by engaging in external activities which dampen the neural link between the victim’s brain and the supercomputer forcing the Hive Mind Teams into a new verification routine each time which is why the organized stalkers are constantly making noise constantly acting irrational and erratic, constantly engaging in the most bizarre and strange behaviour, pretty women, etc., to capture the victims attention constantly because each one of those situations and conversations is designed to capture the victim’s attention (Verify the RNM System is locked on to the Emotional State of the victim in real time) to continuously produce a synaptic response to achieve and re-achieve and maintain integration completion the Supercomputer which can be verified with the RNM system.

They must constantly run the victim through a continuous set of new Verification Routines (street theatre) each day and night to maintain and Verify Integration Completion with the RNM System. Each time you break brain entrainment with their RNM System they must start all over with a new Verification Routine. This happens many times a day.

Verification of Mind Control Technologies is achieved by using organized stalking Street Theater situational and conversational scenarios to force the victim into verifiable synaptic responses to those specific script sets which is how they determine and verify integration completion with their RNM System.

The Trauma Based Mind Control victim can literally continually force the Hive Mind Teams into an endless series of Verification Triggers and Verification Markers trying to maintain Integration Completion between the victim’s Brain and the RNM System because each time you break brain entrainment with their RNM System they must start all over with a new Verification Routine. This is one of the many ways you disrupt/defeat their RNM Supercomputer technlogy

That’s why Organized Stalking is crucial for their technology because without it they simply cannot maintain Integration Completion throughout each cycle because of the constant breaks in brain entrainment, and there are many ways to break brain entrainment, not just with music.

The hive mind teams work in 8-hour shifts with some degree of overlap. Each time a new shift comes on they must automatically start a new verification process for the next phase of integration completion to verifiably maintain the brain-to-computer interface connection with the victim’s EMOTIONAL STATE as they must verify that which they do by producing synaptic responses throughout each 8 hour shift and if anything breaks brain entrainment with the system they must start all over again with a new verification routine.

The rnm supercomputer is vulnerable and their entire technology and the system itself is vulnerable by looking for patterns of remote neural attacks and organized stalking to determine the shifts which the hive mind teams operate under and it’s easy to do. The RNM System is extremely fragile.
Then you can not only see through the RNM system’s attempts to manipulate you but also manage their ability to evaluate your responses by controlling the process – by working through the remote neural ‘memory blocks’ – and counter the system’s ability to influence your choices during Thought Composition.

They will constantly run you through a ‘verification’ routine where the RNM system probes you for a particular set of responses repeatedly in order to establish a pattern of thought (Synaptic Responses). If you are interacting and countering these probes the operator will vary the routine in an attempt to ‘verify’ via different methods.

Once the system ‘verifies’ the selected responses from you they will be used in the next wave of harassment routines – the process is endless and you will see the effects clearly if you are consistently defeating the system

For example, right now the hive mind team that’s monitoring me came on in a new shift sometime between 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. That was the mark of a new shift. I was able to determine the new shift by looking for patterns of the organized stalking combined with patterns of the remote neural attacks.

At that point where I can tell the new shift their technology becomes extremely vulnerable because the hive mind teams which are coming onto the new shift do not have continuity of thought and continuity of the victims Memory and Thought Process that the shift that’s currently finishing up their shift and going home does.

It’s at this point where the Mind Control victim can have it in their technology by controlling the verification process at the beginning of each new shift change

They want you to believe that they are omnipotent when in fact they are nothing but idiots who need to spend more time studying the systems they’re torturing and killing people with.

Of course they base their torture and harassment on the mathematical model known as the HYPER GAME THEORY so their tactics with me will be based off of this last response of mine (email). The last response of the victim becomes the pattern for the next wave of torture and harassment. The process is endless and can be triggered at will by the attackers.

That’s the reason for the noise campaign, street theatre, etc. To constantly force your brain into synaptic responses which can verify integration completion with the system through each 8-hour shift of the hive mine teams.


Bryan Tew