Webmaster’s Email Reply to Canadian TI, Bobbi Peitsch (2/28/2021)

Hi Bobbi,

Thanks for your message, I’ve been thinking about you lately and wondering how you are doing.

You seem to have come very close now to solving what is perhaps the greatest crime of the century. Many thanks for your efforts and brains and courage. I have posted your message to me (with your data) here:

1) Canadian TI Computer Investigations Show TI’s Are MKULTRA Victims With Black Cube/Mossad Primary Perpetrators

Canadian TI Computer Investigations Show TI’s Are MKULTRA Victims With Black Cube/Mossad Primary Perpetrators

and here:

2) Gangstalking (Crime of The Century) Solved!? Computer Investigations Show TI’s Are MKULTRA Victims; (Israeli) Black Cube & Mossad Are Primary Perpetrators

Gangstalking (Crime of The Century) Solved!? Computer Investigations Show TI’s Are MKULTRA Victims; (Israeli) Black Cube & Mossad Are Primary Perpetrators

I would be glad to talk to you about being on the European Council on Cyber Torture. But of course, being a TI, I trust virtually nobody now. I also still suspect that our data is also used in the The Human Brain Project (EU) and Obama’s BRAIN Inititiative. So as usual, I do not hold out high hopes that we will actually defeat these psychopaths. So much money, science, and effort have been devoted to these heinous projects over so many decades. But we have to try. How do you lock up, for example, 50 million people (just a guesstimate of how many perps have been involved over the decades- wittingly or unwittingly)?

Like “gangstalking,” “Cyber Torture” is, of course, a very inadequate and even misleading term for what is happening. And I’m sure that’s by design. The UN would be fundamentally involved as well- particularly in the Covid-Vaccine scam. So we should not expect help from them. I believe enough evidence has now come in that it is a “slam dunk” that we are the guinea pigs that have provided “data” which, among other uses, will now be used for the global “Covid” vaccine program; which will hook everyone up to the Pentagon Cloud. The plan would be that EVERYONE is now to be more or less totally surveilled and monitored and remotely manipulated- like we are… So we have been the test cases for Bill Gates’ 060606 (total enslavement-cryptocurrency-Mark of the Beast) patent.

I have many posts on my https://gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com website that indicate that this is what is happening….. Please check out Catherine Austin Fitts’ interviews here:

3) Mark of the Beast: The Great Reset-“Going Direct” to Cyborg Enslavement. “We are In World War III:” Catherine Austin Fitts 10 Interviews (6/21, 7/20, 8/22, 10/7, 10/9, 10/18, 10/29, 12/22 2020) & Webmaster’s Transcription and Notes

Mark of the Beast: The Great Reset-“Going Direct” to Cyborg Enslavement. “We are In World War III:” Catherine Austin Fitts 10 Interviews (6/21, 7/20, 8/22, 10/7, 10/9, 10/18, 10/29, 12/22 2020) & Webmaster’s Transcription and Notes

I am also quite convinced that all this stems from the Macy Conferences (1942-1953) and CIA’s MKULTRA programs- much of which remains classified today. If you have the time, please check out my transcriptions of Aaron and Melissa Dykes excellent 2018 documentary, The Minds of Men:

4) “The Minds of Men:” History of Cybernetics, Totalitarian Brain Science, & Satanic Technosorcerers; 2018 Documentary by A. & M. Dykes w/ Notes And Transcription by Dr. E. Karlstrom

“The Minds of Men:” History of Cybernetics, Totalitarian Brain Science, & Satanic Technosorcerers; 2018 Documentary by A. & M. Dykes w/ Notes And Transcription by Dr. E. Karlstrom

The work of Jewish genius mathematician, Dr. Norbert Weiner, was and still is pivotal to all this. He was a child prodigy schooled at MIT, his supervisor being Lord Bertrand Russell. His 1948 book on Cybernetics, his 1950 book on “The Human Use of Human Beings,” and his 1963 book, God and Golem, Inc., along with groundbreaking discoveries of how to interpret EEG patterns and his invention of the “Autocorrelator” are central to all this.

Dr. Rauni Kilde (35-year TI, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, and author of “Bright Light On Black Shadows”) made the comment that “this (gangstalking-electronic torture-illegal, non-consensual biomedical experimentation) is the main policy of the U.S. government” is probably accurate….. And we can trace this program back to the Nazis, Operation Paper Clip, and the immediate post-WWII period. This proves that countless individuals in positions of authority in our nations have been traitors and are guilty of murder and high treason. Good luck getting that one prosecuted, but again we have to try.

So again, I’m glad to talk about the European Council on Cyber Torture…. but I have chosen to work independently rather than be co-opted by this or that infiltrated group.

All best wishes, and many thanks again for your excellent work,


Addendum to above message sent 2/28/2021:


As an addendum to my last email message, here is the link to the post I have on Bill Gates’ Total Enslavement Patent (060606):

5) (Bill Gates’ Total Enslavement Patent) WO2020060606 – CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA (and explanatory videos)

(Bill Gates’ Total Enslavement Patent) WO2020060606 – CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA (and explanatory videos)

Assuming your conclusions are correct, which I cannot personally verify because I’m not skilled in computer forensics, I would say we have now pretty well solved the crime of the ages- which goes by many terms; certainly torture, murder, and high treason apply here.

All best,
