Who Is Behind Global Organized Stalking Operations?

Who Is Behind Global Organized Stalking Operations?

Global Gangstalking-Electronic Torture Operations are being run as a for-profit business by those who are committed to bringing in the so-called “New World Order”/UN Agenda 2030/Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution/”Full Spectrum Dominance/Total Population Control/Tikkun Olam (Hebrew for Repairing the World)/Technetronic Era/Jewish Utopia/Antichrist Kingdom/Post-Human Era/Transition to Total Depopulation and Cybernetic Alteration of Man and Nature/New World Religion/New Age/Overthrow of Christ, Christianity, Christians… and their many, myriad paid lackeys, dupes, etc. I regard these entities as interlocking destructive (satanic) cults. Once we understand this dynamic, it becomes a relatively simple matter of identifying the groups most invested in bringing about this Utopian vision.

A. Groups Most Commonly Identified With Ushering in the “New World Order”

1. World Jewry
2. Jewish International Banking families and institutions (World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, International Monetary Fund) of City of London and Wall Street, etc.
3. Freemasons and other secret societies, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, Rosicrusians, etc.
4. British Royal Family- Milner Group- British Illuminati- Round Table Groups- Royal Institute of International Affairs
5. American Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, secret societies
6. Jewish lobby groups and think tanks (neoconservatives, Project for a New American Century)
7. Rothschild, Rockefeller and elite Illuminati families
8. “The Enterprise”- partnerships between intelligence agencies, organized crime, and satanic cults for arms, drugs, sex, human trafficking
9. New Age cults and religions (the creation of Jews and British intelligence)

B. Groups Most Commonly Identified With Ushering in United Nations Agenda 2030:

1. United Nations, UK, US, Anglo-American establishment
2. World Jewry with UN as “world instrument”
3. New Age Movement and New Age Religions (cults)
4. Rockefeller family
5. Intelligence agencies

C. Groups Most Commonly Identified With Ushering in the Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution

1. World Economic Forum
2. United Nations World Health Organization
3. Rockefeller Foundation
4. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
5. Bilderberg Group

D. Groups Most Commonly Identified With Ushering in “Full Spectrum Dominance”/Total Population Control/Mastering the Human Domain

1. US Govt., intelligence agencies, Department of Defense, CIA, FBI, DHS, FEMA, NASA, etc.

D. Groups Most Commonly Identified With Ushering in Jewish Utopia/Tikkun Olam:

1. World Jewry
2. World Freemasonry
3. Jewish Bankers

E. Groups Most Commonly Identified With Ushering in the Technetronic Era (Technocracy/Cybernetic Era/Post-Human and Post-Natural World:


F. Groups Most Commonly Identified With Ushering in the New Age/New World Religion

H. Groups Most Commonly Identified With Ushering in the Overthrow of God, Christ, Nature