Webmaster Comment: Identifying, tracking and tracing entities which illegally hack into TI’s computer networks (and minds) may be one of the most promising breakthroughs in the ongoing battle of Illegally Targeted Citizens to comprehend and combat the complex system through which they (we) are human trafficked, illegally experimented upon, and tortured and killed with soft-kill, slow-kill, and silent-kill military-grade weapons. Bobbi Peitsch and Elizabeth Lepore (TIs from Canada and the US respectively) have been at the forefront of using computer-cell phone technologies to track illegal so-called “cyber-torture” activities and educating other TIs how to use these techniques as well.
This lengthy post documents a tremendous amount of information. In Part I, entitled “Video and Comments to Sh P Video “Who Is Behind All Targeting? Human Genome Project” With Content Transcription by Webmaster, Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom,” Canadian TI, Bobbie Peitsch:
1) demonstrates how the sitecheckertool.com and other methods allow her to identify uninvited hackers on her computer network. She believes that many of these entities are extracting data from her network and actually making financial trades (of her data) on her computer network.
2) identifies the IP addresses and ASN numbers of the hackers on her computer network.
I transcribe key sections of this youtube and list some of the entities that Bobbi Peitsch identifies in the youtube.
In Part II of this post, I report the entities I find on my computer network using the sitecheckertool.com over a period of slightly over a month. I identify over 450 uninvited hackers on my computer network. There is an astonishing degree of overlap between entities that have crashed my computer network and those Ms. Peitsch has identified on her network. In other words, the same entities are hacking both our computers. Even more astonishing are the entities themselves…. a veritable “who’s who” of international power and influence.
I am not computer savvy in the least and it is possible that I and others are being played in IIA (interactive internet activities) operations as described by Patrick Bergy in the documentary “Shadowgate” (this website). However, it seems more probable to me that this line of investigation is producing very useful and actionable information. Indeed, Ms. Peitsch and Lepore’s investigations seem to be leading to a much greater in-depth understanding of how the ganstalking-human trafficking system works.
Is this all just one more blind alley designed to confuse and confound TIs or are beginning to identify the many levels of perpetrators involved in this demonic system? I leave that for the reader to judge.
If the data here proves to be useful, it gives an overview of the interlocking entities involved in the global human trafficking-extra-legal human experimentation, man-hunting business.
Epigraph Quotes:
1. From Bobbie Peitsch, Canadian TI to Eric Karlstrom (9/24/20)
(By tracing ASN numbers of Targeted Individuals) I can confirm the private stock exchange in Ukraine is the one where targeted individuals are traded.
I have found out who is doing this to me locally: it is my employer (who is an education system in Canada) working with the department of defense in Canada for decades torturing me. They had involvement of my supervisors and communication with them regularly and it is on the ASN, the primary communication was going to California. They sold me to several countries including India which is a primary targeter, in addition to the USA DoD. (I am assaulted around the clock by DARPA Drones running in the 11000+ mhz).
This is what I believe happens:
A person gets a job, they sign off insurance papers and the like. The employer tells you it is just a regular process and welcomes you into the pension plan. Somewhere in that paperwork you signed a release to be experimented on if you have surgery, that is why the employer requires notice of when you are having procedures done. Employers are also allowed to take out life insurance on you without you knowing about it, meaning they cash in when you die. I believe it is actual private insurance lining someone’s pocket, not the companies.
Often, employers will only hire someone long enough where they can take life insurance out on an employee, they then create a lie or misery (i.e. mob stalk them) and fire them. People just think nothing of it and move on and are tortured through their lives.
My primary investor by the looks of it is George Soros. These are my investors, my ASN is 7122
This is a short version of how the routing works of my ASN:
ASN577 is the Law Society of Canada. They too have participated in selling me, with my own government experimenting on us for decades. What I believe happened is that in order to execute all of their experiments they passed the Terror Watch Act so they can kill the citizens they experimented on and then they can get a new batch to experiment on and kill.
I believe we are private investments, so while the taxpayer pays for us to be under surveillance as they kill us, the money is earned by the investors. So the public actually believes they are doing the right thing.
At some point several decades ago, I believe Jeffery Epstein invented this process with his brother who is an MBA and writes papers on Sustainable Development. IISD is directly involved in my tracking and targeting since 1993, when they came into Canada.
Everyone is involved around the target, they all know but the victim does not. How many of them know the target is an experiment is unknown, but many of them know they are being killed. When I was at my last jobsite, complete strangers would come in, swear at me and torture me with insults, the bosses would do it, all of them. I never understood why, I worked in a school. I tried filing with my Union, but got no help. I filed with Human Rights so they designed a document in collaboration with the perps and the Human Rights Investigator never investigated.
When I broke down and went off work, they told me that even though I worked full time for 22 years I would only be paid a disability rate as a part time employee. But if I agreed to I drop the Human Rights case they would reinstate my benefits as though I worked full time. Desperate, I agreed, as I needed medical help badly because they were blasting my back and legs with radiation and directed energy weapons for years.
Since I have discovered this on the ASN in Hurricane Electric, they removed the data from the page and the routing, but I traced it back decades. They have targeted my whole family in a military research and development project. As a good investigator I filmed the data and saved the pages.
Attached is the routing done by my employer’s server. They routed my data all over the world. I am going to submit the documents to the UN and to a Harvard Lawyer that reviews TIs cases. They all need to know that this is factually happening with the government of Canada’s blessings because non-state torture and murder is fine as long as it is done by military contractors.”
Bobbie Peitsch, Canadian researcher and Targeted Individual (TI)
2. “They do make (financial) trades directly on our computers; I recorded one the other day.” (Bobbie Peitsch)
3. “I’m targeted. Cybernetics. I’ve been tortured since 2001. I have MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) showing the cybernetics.
Have you read about Operation Crimson Mist? This helps you understand the potential of the frequencies being shot from the air.
The violent outbursts (street theater/gangstalking/psy-attacks) are done to make your brain waves erratic. The erratic brain waves are being sent to labs that are receiving grant money to research many brain disorders.
We don’t have those brain disorders but the “labs” want the grant money. They can’t/won’t/don’t follow FDA requirements. Instead, they kidnap healthy people and claim they are brain damaged and consented. We are being trafficked.
a. They are making money for research and development.
b: They are collecting life insurance.”
Canadian TI/researcher to Sh P in “ALL TARGETED INDIVIDUALS HAVE CYBERNETICS These are FACTS Happening in Canada; July 14, 2020”
4. “Neuroscience captures $175 billion dollars annual market space…. The brain is the next battlespace…. We are targeting the brain…. We need to recon (the) target area (the domestic population) in order to: 1) acquire viable targets and 2) avoid collateral damage. Like any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed, is real.
We are tracking neurological or brain signatures of key targeted individuals that are thought to represent whole groups. If I understand how his or her brain works and do this on a broad enough scale, I can develop patterns and I can use this in ways that informs my intelligence; this force multiplies and synergizes my human intelligence (HUMINT), my signals intelligence (SIGINT), and my communications intelligence (COMINT). NEURINT (Neuro intelligence) coupled with assessment and access gives me these capabilities….”
Dr. James Giordano, Professor of Neuroscience, Georgetown University, and DARPA/U.S. Army Consultant, in a lecture entitled: “Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons” Aug 29, 2017
5. “This is the most important policy of the U.S. government.”
The late Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, TI, author of “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015), tortured 1985-2015; murdered by (RF) radio frequencies in her home, 2015
Part I: Video and Comments to Sh P Video “Who Is Behind All Targeting? Human Genome Project” With Content Transcription by Webmaster (Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom)
I. Who Is Behind All Targeting? Human Genome Project (video; July 19, 2020)
Sh P
414 subscribers
#Genetics #Slavery #torture #Mutilation #human #trafficking
#cybernetics #Soul #proprietorship #trademarking #our #body
Post in comments section if you think we should register
Soul proprietorship over our bodies (taking control again)
and trademarking our body (enabling us all to sue)
Related paper:
Criminal and Scientific Misconduct Involving Neural Prosthesis Research Funded By NIH/NIND/NPP and the Alfred E. Mann Foundation
2002, by David Larson ([email protected])
“Articles of Evidence:
The photos contained in this document are of microstimulator devices that were surgically recovered by using microscopy and by materials characterization techniques. The recovered devices are an exact match for the devices that were developed by research scientists Joseph Schulman, Gerald Loeb, and Philip Troyk under contract from the National Institutes of Health. There are about 4 contracts involved, but the initial contract was #N01-NS5-2325 and funded by the NIH/NINDS/NPP. More information regarding these contracts can be found at the NIH Neural Prosthesis Project website. The following list briefly outlines some of the evidence presented in this document.”
Review David Larsons document from 2002, and entire cybernetic network removed from a humans, implanted without consent same company is involved today in TARGETED INDIVIDUALS
**You will note some of these companies hiring gangs to kidnap, plant and rape people have mental health branches, because they want to continue to implant torture and enslave us. Hospitals are involved, the money exchange is real, and is clearly done by governments.
Do a PING test for the following websites linking to your computer.
Free tool to get the ip:
I am connected to, and you may also be (if you find new links you are connecting to neural studies post them in comments section I will add them to this ever growing list):
(Webmaster Comment): I have placed an x next to the url entities I also found on my computer network. Please note that as of August 9, 2020 56 of the 75 uninvited entities Sh P has identified and documented on her computer network are also found on my computer network, as per section IV below!
X 1. linuxfoundation.org Online training; Linux Foundation has partnered with edX.org to provide free online-learning courses on a range of open source topics from Linux to blockchain, networking to cloud, and everything in between.
x 2. trudeaufoundation.ca Pierre Eliott Trudeau Foundation (Matches the georgetown university and others in that range)
x 3. georgetown.edu Georgetown University (same network as finance minister of Canadas morneaushepell.com)
x 4. morneaushepell.com “Morneau Shepell is a human resources services and technology company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.” (same network as georgetown.edu)he runs tons of cybernetic companies by the looks of it.
x 5. pantheon.io “#1 In Webops”
x 6. Human Genome Project 1990-2003 (this proves I was linked to the project they are connected to me and they are linked to morneaushepell and georgetown.edu, all the same network)
Source: whois.arin.netIP Address: Name: PANTHEON-IP4Handle: NET-23-185-0-0-1 Registration Date: 11/21/16 Range: PantheonOrg Handle: PS-747Address: 717 California St Fl 3
City: San FranciscoState/Province: CA Postal Code: 94108 Country: United States
x 7. harvard.edu (Harvard University)
x 8. united-church.ca (United Church of Canada) (*Same Network As Human Genome Project, Georgetown University, MorneauSchapell and TrudeauFoundation)
9. wa.gov (State of Washington)
x 10. rockefellerfoundation.org
x 11. theprincephiliptrustfund.org
x 12. royal.uk (Buckingham Palace)
x 13. unitedchurchfoundation.ca (United Church of Canada Foundation)
x 14. perpetualenergyinc.com
x 15. worldwildlife.org
x 16. anglican.ca (Anglican Church of Canada)
17. x candid.org
x 18. muskfoundation.org
x 19. wwu.edu (Western Washington University)
x 20. maxnicholson.com
x 21. swscottfoundation.org (Suzanne and Walter Scott Foundation)
x 22. darwinfoundation.org (Darwin Foundation)
x 23. sourcewatch.org
x 24. riotintoalcan.com (Rio Tinto)
x 25. utoronto.ca (University of Toronto)
x 26. upenn.edu (University of Pennsylvania)
x 27. candid.org
x 28. muskfoundation.org
x 29. worldwildlife.org
x 30. orioncybernetics.com “Program Surveillance and Governance services across a broad range of technology and facilities initiatives,” Ottawa, ON, Canada
x 31. semantischolar.org
x 32. centennialcollege.ca
33. fanshawec.ca
34. Medical Devices Research Centre CANADA (Sh P: they place you on the international trade network, clearly they EARN from YOU)
x 35. bearclanpatrol.org
x 36. internic.ca (Canadas first CA registrar spear headed by the Canadian domain industry, showing a premium level account)
x 37. onnx.ai (Open Neural Network Exchange is an open-source artificial intelligence ecosystem. ONNX is available on GitHub. Sh P: “This is the international exchange for human trafficking”)
38. University of Winnipeg
39. University of Manitoba
40. netrium.ca
41. sharedhealthmb.ca
42. monarchindustries.com
43. Reimer World Corp./ Dun & Bradstreet in USA — https://www.dnb.com/ca-en/
44. cwygtmns01.dnb.com
45. cwygtmns02.dnb.com
46. norgtmns01.dnb.com
47. norgtmns02.dnb.com
48. ns0.dnb.com
49. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Open Neural Network Exchange
x 50. universitystudy.ca (Royal Military College; military college of the Canadian Armed Forces, Kinston, ON, Canada)
x 51. scotiabank.com (Branches all over the world)
52. winnipeg school division (Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
x 53. www.pangea.ca (Canadian Geographic Eduction?)
x 54. Canada research and development
55. celonis.com (World’s #1 process/data mining software that uses A.I.)
x 56. swisscognitive.ch (The Global AI Hub)
x 57. spacex.com
x 58. marstalk.org
x 59. starlink.com
x 60. boringcompany.com
x 61. trudeau.com
x 62. dgnc.de
x 63. dgu-online.de
x 64. http://dwg.org
x 65. nih.gov (National Institutes of Health, USA)
x 66. ccc.de (Hacker club)
x 67. cia.gov (Central Intelligence Agency, USA)
x 68. fbi.gov (Federal Bureau of Investigation, USA)
69. The Canada Infrastructure Bank
70. Darlington Nuclear Generating Station
x 71. Bruce Power
x 72. clintonfoundation.org (Clinton Foundation)
x 73. obama.org (Barack Obama Foundation)
x 74. gatesfoundation.org (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA)
x 75. catholiccanada.com
email these places and let them know you are being used without consent!!!!
This is what I email them:
How do you obtain or confirm consent from test subjects?
What is the quality assurance you have been given that informed consent was provided by the individual you are studying?
If informed consent was not provided, that would be a hefty liability.
My family is connected to your network, we have cybernetic systems in our bodies, and no consent was provided, thus making this equal to human trafficking.
Torture, mutilation and non consenting earnings off of our bodies. I assure you we are of sound mind, body and soul, and are NOT criminals, zero convictions.
I will be sharing your details with the community of targeted individuals internationally.
Looking forward to your reply.
Webmaster’s Transcription of Youtube by Sh P:
“Hi, I hope this day finds you well. I’m not fake, I’m real. I’m just a busted up, fat, 48-year old woman being assaulted with directed energy weapons.
I found the head of the snake today. I’m disturbed. So I’m going to show you how to do a ping so you can verify that these people are in your network.
You’re going to go sitecheckertool.com. (Link posted). Then you’re going to reach down to your bottom left and you’re going to type in cmd. You’re going to right click. You’re going to run it as an administrator.
When you run it as an administrator this will pop up. Then you’ll type in ping space. And I’ve created a list of tools so that you can confirm who’s connecting to you. And there are so many more. There are TIs who have been sharing information to different neural networks.
So if you’ve noticed in your ASM, you’ll find some people in there and you’ll be provided with a name.
So we are going to go to a website. We’ll look for Trudeau Corporation (trudeau.com). I know he’s connected to me. He shouldn’t be. So we’ll go to sitecheck and we’ll type in trudeau.com and we’ll click submit. And it will populate the name of the website and the IP address.
So if you are getting replies that means they are on your network.
So then what you do is you scooth this off to the side and you copy the IP address. And you give a space between the ping and the thing and dump it in there and hit the entry button.
So if you are getting replies that means they are on your network accessing you. They shouldn’t be. This is based in science.
This is an indisputable thing. It’s not even reasonable.
I know trudeau.com is in my network. If you coming across other networks you are connected to…. TIs… please post them in the comment section. I’ll keep building this list. Because this important for everyone to collect evidence that they’ve been going through this.
So now I’m going to take you to what I believe is the head of the beast. So we’ll go into my nifty little notepad and we’re going to look for this network.
What I found is georgetown university (georgetown.edu), which is neural-Dr. Mengele capital of the world. His IP Address is
Then I went to morneaushepell.com ( who is in the same network as georgetown.edu, and has a variant of the same IP address (georgetown.edu IP address is Morneaushepell runs tons of cybernetics companies by the looks of it.
So then I thought, maybe this leads back to the Human Genome Project (ornl.gov; 1990-2003) because I’ve have a unique haplo-group DNA which you’ve heard me complain about quite a bit.
And this is their network address (same IP Address: with only the last number changed. Do you see the pattern here between georgetown.edu. and morneaushepell and the Human Genome Project.
I went down to look at at the range to find number 1. It’s actually registered to Pantheon (IP address: All of these IP address ranges (1-5, etc.). It’s all connected. They are all working together on this network.
This is how I believe they have selected Targeted Individuals. Targeted Individuals are circulated on an international network now. This is stunning. It’s absolutely. I’m on Brain Initiative. Spacex. Elon Musk. Everybody. Justin Trudeau’s webpages are connected to me. I’ve tested this. I’ve cleared my cache and cookies. This is just fact.
I’m also connected to banks I’ve never had any dealings with which is interesting because there’s a possibility that we’ve been registered as corporations. So you’ll see the linnoxfoundation.org ( and pantheon.io ( are also the same as georgetown.edu. georgetown.edu, morneaushepell.com, pantheon.io, linnixfoundation.org are all
Now this is important because they are all involved in this.
I’m going to back to this David Larson report (“Criminal and Scientific Misconduct involving Neural Prosthesis Research, etc.”, 2002).
So when we go down and we look at who’s directly involved with this way back in the day. This document is from 2002. So these devices (shown on page 23) are non-consenting tags- which is RFID chips in the body. And they were already in play nearly 20 years ago. re entire neural networks. They a
You can find vendors like AVX Tantalum Corp.. I’m connected to the Alfred E. Mann foundation as well. I’m sure that all targeted individuals are as well. They have really been suppressing this evidence on the web.
I’m really disturbed. But at least we have evidence now. This 2002 article is evidence. You can thank David A. Larson. He’s a saint. He has really opened this up. I’m so thankful for that TI messaging me the other day. And we talked a little.
Now I’ve had another message from a TI that believes we need to take ownership of our bodies. That we need to create and register sole proprietorship over our bodies. And we need to trademark our bodies. So that we can gain control on this again on our bodies.
Because they are human trafficking us. And they technically own us. We don’t own ourselves. So if we trademark as a sole proprietorship and trademark our bodies, anybody that is trading us is committing a copyright violation. And we can sue them.
I’d like to hear from other people. This has been pretty mind-blowing today for me. To see all these connections.
Also, if you want to email people, I’ve written out what I write to them and I’ll share this:
How do you obtain or confirm consent from test subjects?
What is the quality assurance you have been given that informed consent was provided by the individual you are studying?
If informed consent was not provided, that would be a hefty liability.
My family is connected to your network, we have cybernetic systems in our bodies, and no consent was provided, thus making this equal to human trafficking.
Torture, mutilation and non consenting earnings off of our bodies. I assure you we are of sound mind, body and soul, and are NOT criminals, zero convictions.
I will be sharing your details with the community of targeted individuals internationally.
Looking forward to your reply.
You (TIs) may wish to use this message or something like it when you email these entities.
This has to stop. I’m highly doubtful at this point from the things that I’ve read that the UN is going to stop this. The International Criminal Court certainly won’t. They have said that torture is not in their jurisdiction even within a ratified country.
So they have no intention of ending this. I think in October when the announcements come, they will be making a “cybernetic-neural charter” but not looking at this carefully.
So it is up to us, Targeted Individuals, to band together and find a real solution and this looks like a real solution. OK, have a great day. God bless.
II. Hacked by Trudeau Foundation/others and Military Contractors Screen Recording 7/17/2020
III. Ping Matches UNITED CHURCH and Others (8/8/2020)
Sh P: “I decided to see if the United Church of Canada is connected to my network since they are heavily involved in my targeting. Well, look at this (she uses the sitecheckertool.com)…. The United Church of Canada is on the same network as the Human Genome Project, Georgetown University, MorneauShapell, and the Trudeau Foundation. This isn’t coincidental anymore.
Here’s the moment of truth. As we see the United Church of Canada and we’re doing ping. And I’m getting a reply. Do you see the problem with this? They have the same IP address as Morneaushapell, the Trudeau Foundation. They are in the same IP ranges as Georgetown University, They are all involved in targeting.
We’ll try the Anglican Church of Canada and try to ping and see if they reply. Yes, they do… The Catholic Church doesn’t ping to me though. Let’s try the UN. UN is a no go. Let’s try the Gates Foundation… I’m getting a reply.
I notice something in the gatesfoundation.org. Akamai (Akamaiedge.net) is in their Host Name…. So Akamai is the Gates Foundation…. what the heck?
So let’s look up the Musk Foundation because it’s founded by Elon Musk. The moment of truth. Does it ping? Yes, I’m getting a reply. They are hacking my network at the moment. And I’m getting shot with directed energy weapons.
OK. worldwildlife.org (World Wildlife Foundation). I did this one because Gerald Butts, a friend of Trudeau is the CEO or something. And we are getting a reply from it. It’s in the 104 range…. It’s in Canada and the U.S. founded by Prince Bernard, Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh- all these fancy pants people.
Let’s look up this Rockefeller fellow…. There is a Rockefeller Foundation…. I’m entering the fancy pants world now…. What the heck I’m getting a ping reply… Really?!!!
Desiree Million
9 hours ago
good work detective 😉
Sheryl Lewis
10 hours ago
What are you going to do with all this information now after documenting it all?
Sh P
10 hours ago
keep documenting publishing teaching others, I have been contacted by a number of other TIs who are professors and they believe combined there is enough for an international trillion dollar lawsuit. Will work towards it with them and with the hope other tis will document upload and join into a massive international lawsuit with evidence that is fact based, that is the intent.
Nessa Praf
1 minute ago
Terrible! Believe me the day will come when they will have to face Jesus on judgement day. I am confident that he will bring justice! This is evil and to the supposedly Christians they are Judas’. They are the evil servant that Christ will throw away with the hypocrites unless they repent and turn from their wickedness. Christ will hold them accountable! He will make every One of his enemies his footstool!
IV. Webmaster’s (Dr. Eric Thor Karlstrom) Report: From July 20 to August 24, 2020, I have monitored uninvited hackers on my computer network, using the process with sitecheckertool.com that Canadian TI, Bobbi Peitsch, outlines in a series of videos posted on this website. Note that of a total of 440 url’s and associated IP addresses, etc. identified on my computer network, over 56 of these entities match those that Ms. Peitsch also discovered on her computer.
More amazing yet, we both have the same basic Harvard University-Georgetown University-Human Genome Project-Trudeau Foundation-Morneaushapell-Pantheon-Akamai (Bill Gates Foundation)-Kavli Foundation-University of California Hastings Law School network hacking our computers!!!!! This indicates that both of us (TIs) are being hacked, cyber-tortured, and human trafficked as involuntary test subjects in terminal neuro-bio-engineering experiments by these entities. Our “data” are then being shared with innumerable universities and cutting-edge research institutes and corporations. These institutions have names like the Open Neural Network Exchange, Swiss Cognitive, Brainshark, Orion Cybernetics, ICognize, Open AI (Artificial Intelligence), Human Genome Project, Advanced Brain Monitoring, Neuralink, Cyfuture, Beast2, and Beast Community.
Add to this abbreviated list the most powerful institutions in the world: the UN, the US, British, Russian, Canadian, Israeli and Greek governments, the British Royal family, European Union, Vatican, Tavistock Institute, Club of Rome, CERN, Department of Defense, US Senate, US Army and Air Force, CIA-NSA-FBI-NATO-NASA-DHS, National Institutes of Health, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, Leidos, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Max Plank Society, Amazon, IBM, AT&T, Honeywell, Federal Reserve, MorganStanley, Bank of America, BlackRock, Rockefeller Foundation, Open Society Foundation (Soros), Gates Foundation, (Elon) Musk Foundation, Obama Foundation, Clinton Foundation, Trump Foundation, Wexner Foundation, and several Jeffrey Epstein entities…. and we begin to get an idea of the power, money, brains, and yes, satanic criminality behind this cybernetic (man-machine) enslavement project.
Entities on this list that have already been directly linked with organized stalking-electronic-cyber-torture and brain targeting and mapping operations based on research presented on this website and elsewhere include FBI, DHS, Infraguard, Amazon.com, Georgetown University and MIT, Canadian Global Information Inc., and Leidos.
This post reflects the state of this investigation as of August 24, 2020. This truly remarkable assemblage of global power players includes the most powerful agencies and individuals in the world. The nature and objectives of experimentation are indicated by perusing this list of unwelcome hackers.
Clearly, this top-secret, 70-year-long, remote electronic torture and behavioral manipulation program is now related to data collection for the Human Brain Initiative, plans to enslave humanity through combined mandatory vaccines that include insertion of RFID tracking devices and Bill Gates’ Patent 666 “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data,” and the implementation of United Nations Agenda 2030. See:
As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.
William Shakespeare
Epigraph Quotes:
“It is Rothschild Zionism’s control over the U.S. Military Intelligence complex, and its total subversion of this complex, which the American citizenry must collectively be made aware of. Especially since this Orwellian complex is being used in secret to brain map the entire U.S. population in the interest of ultimately reducing us to a cybernetic race of beings, whose state of consciousness will come from a neural network of artificial intelligence driven computers.
Imagine a race of people all thinking the same thoughts simultaneously while being incapable of having an individual thought – a true slave race – and you can begin to understand the inherent evil which drives those who operate within the very hierarchy of this complex.”
James F. Marino, “The Human Species Is On The Precipice Of Becoming A Race Of Mind-Controlled Cybernetic Slaves”
This (organized stalking and nueuro-bio-engineering/cybernetics and digital brain mapping and manipulation of humans) is the most important policy of the United States government.
The late Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland
The Brain Initiative: promo film:
A. Webmaster’s (Dr. Eric Thor Karlstrom) Report: From July 20 to August 27, 2020, I have monitored uninvited hackers on my computer network, using the process with sitecheckertool.com that Canadian TI, Bobbi Peitsch, outlines in a series of videos posted on this website. Note that of a total of 452 url’s and associated IP addresses, etc. identified on my computer network, over 56 of these entities match those that Ms. Peitsch also discovered on her computer. It is statistically impossible that this correspondence is by chance.
More amazing yet, we both have the same basic Harvard University-Georgetown University-Oak Ridge National Laboratory-Human Genome Project-Kavli Foundation (Brain Initiative)-Trudeau Foundation-Morneaushapell-Pantheon-Akamai (Bill Gates Foundation)-University of California Hastings Law School network hacking our computers!!!!! This proves that both of us (TIs) are being hacked, cyber-tortured, and human trafficked as involuntary test subjects in terminal neuro-bio-engineering experiments by these entities. Our “data” are being shared with innumerable universities and cutting-edge research institutes and corporations throughout the world. The names of these institutions speak volumes: the Open Neural Network Exchange, Swiss Cognitive, Brainshark, Orion Cybernetics, ICognize, Open AI (Artificial Intelligence), Human Genome Project, Advanced Brain Monitoring, Neuralink, Cyfuture, Beast2, and Beast Community.
Add to this abbreviated list the most powerful institutions in the world, including the UN, the US, British, Russian, Canadian, Israeli, Irish, and Greek governments, the British Royal family, European Union, Vatican, Tavistock Institute, Club of Rome, CERN, Department of Defense, US Senate, US Army and Air Force, CIA-NSA-FBI-NATO-NASA-DHS, National Institutes of Health, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon, Leidos, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Max Plank Society, Amazon, IBM, AT&T, Honeywell, Federal Reserve, MorganStanley, Bank of America, BlackRock, Rockefeller Foundation, Open Society Foundation (Soros), Gates Foundation, (Elon) Musk Foundation, Obama Foundation, Clinton Foundation, Trump Foundation, Wexner Foundation, and several Jeffrey Epstein entities…. and we begin to get an idea of the magnitude, power, money, brains, and yes, satanic criminality behind this cybernetic (man-machine) enslavement project.
Entities on this list previously linked with organized stalking-electronic-cyber-torture and brain targeting and mapping operations based on research presented on this website and elsewhere include FBI, DHS, Infraguard, Amazon.com, Georgetown University and MIT, Canadian Global Information Inc., and Leidos.
This post reflects the state of this investigation as of August 24, 2020. The nature and objectives of experimentation are indicated by perusing this list of unwelcome hackers.
Clearly, this top-secret, 70-year-long, remote electronic torture and behavioral manipulation program is related to data collection for the Human Brain Project/Brain Initiative, the plans to enslave humanity through combined mandatory vaccines that include RFID tracking devices and Bill Gates’ Patent 666 “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data,” and the implementation of United Nations Agenda 2030. See:
God and Golem, Inc.
In 1964, Jewish MIT mathematician, Dr. Norbert Weiner, wrote “God and Golem, Inc.” This title aptly describes the goals and structure of this diabolical and criminal enterprise. (Jewish-Masonic-satanic) elites have long planned to use these technologies to achieve godhood for themselves via digital immortality and enhancements and cyborg (hybrid man-machine) slave status (“Golum”) for the rest of us. Since the 1950’s at least, millions of innocent civilians have been secretly and extra-judicially tortured and murdered to realize the diabolical ambitions of these psychopathic parasites.
As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.
William Shakespeare
The following 452 uninvited entities have been identified on my computer network over the past month and four days. I place an x next to those entities also reported to be on the computer network of Canadian targeted individual (TI), Bobbi Peitsche:
I. Core Georgetown University, Harvard University, NIH-Human Genome Project, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Kavli Foundation, Linux Foundation, Boston Dynamics, University of California, UC Hastings Law School, United Church of Canada, Trudeau Foundation, Morneau Shapell, Pantheon.io, & Alfred E. Mann Foundation Cyber- and Neuro-Hacking and Mapping (Brain Initiative) Network (IP Address:
x 1. georgetown.edu (; Page Size: 177,592 Bytes; home of neuroscientist, “neuroweaponologist,” and “neuro-ethicist,” Dr. James Giordano; Georgetown University was always a major CIA MKULTRA research university; this is same network as Canada’s finance minister, morneaushapell (
x 2. harvard.edu (; 38,573 Bytes; Harvard University; Cambridge, MA)
x 3. trudeaufoundation.ca (IP Address and Host Name:; Page Size: 93,286 Bytes; “Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation focuses on the leadership potential of our scholars”, Canada)
x 4. morneaushapell.com (; Page Size: 58,213 Bytes; “Morneau Shepell is a human resources services and technology company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.” This is same IP address network as Georgetown University and the Trudeau Foundation; apparently this company runs many cybernetics companies)
x 5. pantheon.io (; Page Size: 112,961 Bytes; “Webops”; This is same ip address network as georgetown.edu, etc.; all the range of IP addresses – 23.185.0-6 are registered to pantheon.io)
6. uchastings.edu (; 67,234 Bytes; University of California Hastings Law School, San Francisco, CA)
7. universityofcalifornia.edu (; 87,311 Bytes; The University of California)
x 8. ornl.gov (; Page Size: 117,236 Bytes; according to Sh P, ornl.gov IS the Human Genome Project. The internet browser I checked lists ornl as Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Regardless, this is same IP address as the georgetown.edu network above, etc. All these first 5 entities are working together and sharing information from my computer as well as that of Sh P. TIs are circulated on an international network.)
9. bostondynamics.com (; 36,237 Bytes; robots, Boston, MA)
x 10. linuxfoundation.org (universitystudy.ca; IP Address: (also; host name: hybrid1030.ca.ns.planethoster.net; Linux Foundation is a non-profit technology consortium founded in 2000 as a merger between Open Source Development Labs and the Free Standards Group; online-learning courses focus on open source topics from Linux to blockchain, networking to cloud. Its IP address in the video by Sh P is listed as the same as that of georgetown.edu and pantheon.io. However, when I checked my computer a day after the above video was made, the IP address was as per shown above, San Francisco, CA)
x 11. united-church.ca (; 59,811 Bytes, United Church of Canada)
12. kavlifoundation.org (; 13,852 Bytes; associated with Kavli Society, Brain Initiative, Brain Activity Map Project (BAM), London, England)
13. akamai.com (; Akamai Technologies (part of Gatesfoundation.org; cybersecurity, China routed through the U.S., part of same block with pantheon, Georgetown University, Human Genome Project, etc.)
x 14. genome.gov (Human Genome Project;; Host Name: genome.gov; Page Size: 83,906 Bytes, NIH– National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI); “Beginning on October 1, 1990 and completed in April 2003, the HGP (Human Genome Project) gave us the ability to read nature’s complete genetic blueprint for building a human being.” Coordinated by Department of Energy (DOE) and National Institutes of Health (NIH), funding came from the US government through NIH & other groups around the world. A parallel project was conducted outside the government by the Celera Corporation/Celera Genomics. Most of the government-sponsored sequencing was performed in twenty universities and research centers in U.S., U.K, Japan, France, Germany and China.[4])
x 15. aemf.org (ip. address:; 112,691 Bytes ; Alfred E. Mann Foundation; Alfred Mann Foundation’s goal is to develop medical devices to help patients with problems of neuromuscular disorders, movement disorders, diabetes, limb loss and chronic pain; Valencia, CA.)
x 16. nih.gov (; ec2-54-235-145-223.compute-1.amaonaw…., Page Size 68,026 Bytes; National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland)
x 17. pangea.ca (; Page Size: N/A; Earth Science site from Canadian Geographical Society)
II. American, Canadian, German, and Swiss Neuro-Bio-Tech, Space, IT, AI-Cloud Institutions (Including Five Owned by Elon Musk)
x 18. neuralink.com (; Host Name: server-99-84-191-121.iad89.r.cloudfront.net; “Neuralink Corporation is an American neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk and others & develops implantable brain–machine interfaces; San Francisco, CA; founded in 2016.”)
x 19. spacex.com (; Page Size: 16,766; “Space Exploration Technologies Corp. is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transportation services company; Hawthorne, California. Founded in 2002 by Elon Musk to reduce space transportation costs & enable the colonization of Mars. SpaceX has developed several launch vehicles, the Starlink satellite constellation, and the Dragon spacecraft.”)
x 20. starlink.com (; 3,318 Bytes; “Starlink is a satellite constellation being constructed by SpaceX to provide satellite Internet access. The constellation will consist of thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low Earth orbit (LEO), working in combination with ground transceivers. Some of the satellites will be used for military, scientific, or exploratory purposes. SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmond, Washington houses the Starlink research, development, manufacturing, and on-orbit control operations.”)
21. sdss.org (, N/A, Sloan Digital Sky Survey; The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL)
x 22. marstalk.org (; Page Size: 79,349 Bytes; Mars Talk is a community podcast of the Mars Society affiliated with Elon Musk’s SpaceX)
x 23. swisscognitive.com (, Host Name: sl60.web.hostpoint.Page Size: 102,855 Bytes; Swiss Cognitive is “THE GLOBAL AI HUB; A NETWORK THAT SHARES, CONNECTS, AND UNLOCKS THE POTENTIALS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”)
x 24. onnx.ai (; Open Neural Net Exchange; Page Size: 12,900 Bytes; “Open Neural Network Exchange” Sh P: “This is the international exchange for human trafficking; their website: “The open standard for machine learning interoperability”)
x 25. orioncybernetics.com (; Host Name: pages-custom-13.weebly.com; 240 Bytes; “ORION Cybernetics, established 1988, provides Program Surveillance and Governance services across a broad range of technology and facilities initiatives,” Ottowa, ON, Canada)
26. brainshark.com (; Host Name: sitecorecm-b.brainshark.com, Page Size: 104,622 Bytes; Brainshark headquarters Chicago, IL and Waltham, MA)
27. advancedbrainmonitoring.com (; Host Name: a20b9ee60132ef283.awsgglobalaccelorator…; 30,450 Bytes; “Advanced Brain Monitoring is a neuro-diagnostics device company; products are used by clinicians, researchers and in clinical trials to interpret brain and physiological function as they relate to chronic diseases and early stage neuro-degeneration, and to improve sleep quality and enhance performance,” Carlsbad, CA)
28. miltenyibiotec.com ( 0 Bytes; Immuno-oncology research company; virus-specific T cell stimulation; 6 offices in US, 10 offices in Germany and Europe, 6 offices in China and Asia; 1 office in Australia)
x 29. dgnc.de (; 166 Bytes; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie (DGNC) e.V. Geschäftsstelle, Office of the German Society For Neurosurgery)
30. cshl.org (, O Bytes, Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory, private, non-profit institution with research programs focusing on cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, genomics, and quantitative biology, Cold Springs Harbor, New York)
31. openai.com ( Host Name: server-52-85-144-35.iad89.r.cloudfront.net; 183 Bytes; Open AI; The Path to Safe Artificial General Intelligence, San Francisco, CA)
32. g4s.org (; 200,455 Bytes; “g4s is a global leader in integrated security solutions and related services”)
33. dwavesys.com (; 162 Bytes; D Wave; The Quantum Computing Company, Palo Alto, CA)
34. biomedcentral.com (IP Address and Host Name:; Page Size: 76,535 Bytes, BMC’s leading research journals include selective titles such as BMC Biology, BMC Medicine, Genome Biology and Genome Medicine, academic journals such as Journal of Hematology & Oncology, Malaria Journal and Microbiome, and the BMC series, 65 inclusive journals focused on the needs of individual research communities; New York, Heidelberg, Germany, Basingstoke, UK)
35. beast2.org (; webroute-new.auckland.ac.nz; Page Size- 26,095 Bytes; “BEAST 2 is developed by a team of scientists around the world. This web site is managed by the Centre for Computational Evolution.”)
36. beast.community (IP Address and Host Name:; Page Size: 21,608 Bytes)
37. empressinfotech.com ( Host Name: ec2-35-177-189-189.eu-west-2.compute.amazon; 39,785 Bytes; “Empress Infotech provides Information Technology solutions and next generation software products and services,” India)
x 38. dgu-online.de (; Host Name: m16s3-2-3db.ispgateway.de; 69,667 Bytes; Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Unfallchirgurgie/German Society of Traumatology; Berlin, Germany)
39. ftdichip.com (; 34,378 Bytes; Future Technology Devices International, Ltd., androids, Glascow, UK)
40. Huawei.com (; 123,812 Bytes, Cloud and A.I., Optical networks, Shenzhen, China)
41. bostonscientific.com (; 152,213 Bytes; Boston Scientific, Electrophysiology, Remote Patient Monitoring and Diagnostic Monitoring, Retrieval Devices, Boston, MA)
42. bostondynamics.com (; 36,237 Bytes; robots, Boston, MA)
43. nec.org (; 14,902 Bytes; IT and electronics, A.I., digital identity, biometric authentication, Minato, Tokyo)
44. swedishadrenaline.com (; 12,131 Bytes, Swedish Adrenaline, Life Science, Ultra high frequency radar, Halmsted, Sweden)
45. amazonrobotics.com (; 3,457 Bytes; Reading, MA)
46. automatski.com (; 36,077 Bytes; Automatski; 50+ Human Technology and Capability Domains. … And are now creating cures for Diabetes, AIDs, Cancer and every other Disease known to man. We Created Solutions to NP-Complete Problems in Genomics… We can now Design and Engineer Drugs or even Entire Organisms, LA, CA)
47. icloud.com (; 46,562 Bytes; iCloud is a cloud storage and cloud computing service[1][2][3] from Apple Inc.)
48. bctechnology.com (; 142,857 Bytes)
49. baidu.com (; 81 Bytes; Chinese multinational tech company specializing in Internet-related services and AI), HG in Beijing, China)
50. rebeccaschool.org (; 130,986 Bytes, Rebecca School, New York, NY, specializes in teaching children ages four to twenty-one who have a range of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder
51. grnet.gr (; 184 Bytes; IT-Computing; Greece)
52. iriworldwide.com (; 78,824 Bytes) Big data, Chicago, IL
53. scilab.org (; 207 Bytes; SciLab; computation fluid dynamics, cloud; Rungis, France)
x 54. dxc.technology (; 192,299 Bytes; DXC.Technology; the Cloud; enhanced digital experiences; Created by the merger of CSC and the Enterprise Services business of Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
55. gene.com (; 0 Bytes) Genen Tech, San Francisco, CA; “scientists can create computer chips that mimic how the brain works”)
56. unidata.it (; 145 Bytes; cloud and data center, IoT and Smart Solutions; Rome, Italy)
57. cyfuture.com (; N/A; cloud, block chain, digital), Cyfuture, India
58. icognize.de (; 0 Bytes) ICOGNIZE GmbH offers innovative biometric solutions in the field of physical and logical access control. … Our palm vein recognition devices ensure the highest level of security and unsurpassed user-friendliness in the entire spectrum of biometric access control!Germany
59. akamai.com (; 112,691 Bytes) Akamai Technologies, Inc./Akamai Foundation, China, is a global content delivery network (CDN), cybersecurity, and cloud service company
60. cgi.org (; 23,044 Bytes; Canadian Global Information Inc., more commonly known as CGI, is a Canadian global information technology (IT) consulting, systems integration, outsourcing, and solutions company headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
61. tata.com (; 167,885 Bytes; The Tata Group, IT, Health, Mumbai, India)
62. bioworld.com (; 91 Bytes; BioWorld MedTech; China)
63. microbeworld.org (; 75 Bytes; American Society For Microbiology; Washington, DC)
64. kavlifoundation.org (; 13,852 Bytes; The Kavli Foundation, Brain Initiative, London, England)
65. crisil.com; (; 192,906 Bytes; data science and modeling; S&P Global Company, India)
66. iot-inc.com (associated with B-Scada) (; N/A) Internet of Things, Inc. (probably in Israel)
67. korrectlab.com (; 3,390 Bytes; BKORRECT LAB DATA
68. qnulabs.com (; 169,964 Bytes; Quantum, Cloud, QNU LABS INC, Cambridge, MA)
69. advsol.com (; 151,556 Bytes; the Cloud, Advanced Solutions International, England and International)
70. advantagesolutions.net (; 51,301 Bytes; digital commerce, Irvine, CA)
71. flfe.net (; 0 Bytes; Focused Life-Force Energy, Nelson, BC)
72. imperva.com (; 106,964 Bytes) Cloud cybersecurity
73. eset.com (; 44,944 Bytes) Enjoy Safer Technology
74. digitalocean.com (; N/A) Digital Ocean, cloud, big data, all TIs have this entity on their networks.)
75. mql5.com (; 77,391 Bytes; MQL5/Udemy web traders, robotics, Britain)
76. accessbiodiagnostics.net (; 670,001 Bytes) REVOLUTIONIZING DIAGNOSTIC TESTS
ACCESS BIO – HEADQUARTERS 65 Clyde Rd. Suite A Somerset, NJ 08873 USA
III. American, Canadian, British, Russian, Israeli, and Greek Governmental & Private Political, Intelligence, Scientific Agencies
A. United States
77. usa.gov (; 115,661 Bytes, Washington, DC)
x 78. cia.gov (; Host Name: a104-104-76-61.deploy.static.akamaitchn…; Page Size: 62,787; Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, VA)
x 79. fbi.gov (; Page Size: N/A; Federal Bureau of Investigation; Department of Justice, Washington, DC)
x 80. nsa.gov (; Host Name: a23-5-237-184.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.co; National Security Agency)
81. nasa.gov (; Host Name: ec2-52-0-14-116.compute-1.amazonaws.com; 11,611 Bytes; National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
82. natointernational.org. NATO
83. federalreserve.gov (; 0 Bytes) The Federal Reserve Bank
84. defense.gov (; 0 Bytes; Department of Defense)
85. army.com/goarmy.com (; 103,831 Bytes) U.S. Army
86. airforce.com (; 3,247 Bytes; U.S. Air Force)
87. dodea.edu (; 61,162 Bytes; Department of Defense Education Activity; International; robotics)
88. dhs.gov (; 252 Bytes) Department of Homeland Security
89. senate.gov (; 37,539 Bytes; U.S. Senate, Washington, DC)
90. csis.org (; 62,387 Bytes; Center For Strategic and International Services, Washington, DC)
91. lbl.gov (; 0 Bytes; Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory, Livermore, CA)
92. inl.gov (; N/A) Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
93. nih.gov (; 68,824 Bytes) National Institutes of Health
94. genome.gov (; 83,828 Bytes) Human Genome Project
95. meudna.com (; 5,759 Bytes; MeuDNA; genetics, Brazil)
96. osti.gov (; 261,137 Bytes; U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information; Oak Ridge, TN)
97. nationalacademies.org (; 3,673 Bytes; The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (also known as NASEM or the National Academies) is the collective scientific national academy of the United States, Washington, D.C.)
98. pnas.org (, 109,833 Bytes; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America)
99. nps.edu (; 200 Bytes; Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA)
100. archives.gov (; 24,304 Bytes; National Archives, Washington, D.C.)
101. nps.gov (; 40,524 Bytes; National Park Service)
102. eeoc.gov (; 60,054 Bytes; U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Washington, D.C.)
103. https://nnw.org (; 224 Bytes; National Neighborhood Watch)
104. usip.org (, 651,638 Bytes; US Institute of Peace; Washington, DC)
105. feb.gov (; 19,091 Bytes; Federal Executive Boards, located in cities across America)
106. govtjobsalert.in (; Government Jobs Alert, 103,027 Bytes)
107. dea.gov (; 0 Bytes; U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency; U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC)
108. nleomf.org (; 294,179 Bytes; National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, Washington, D.C.)
109. gov.com (; 30,318 Bytes)
B. United Kingdom
110. gov.uk (gov.uk; 41,207 Bytes) Government of the United Kingdom, London, England)
111. royal.uk (; Page Size: N/A; Royal Family; Queen of England)
112. rsc.org d(; 43,795 Bytes; Royal Society of Chemistry, London, Cambridge, Washington, and multiple international locations)
C. Europe- European Union
113. europa.eu (; 11,701 Bytes; European Union; Brussels, Luxembourg)
114. cern.ch (; Host Name: drupal8lb01.cern.ch; Page Size: 226 Bytes; European Organization For Nuclear Research, Meyrin, Switzerland)
115. mpg.de (; 158,964 Bytes; The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science (German: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e. V.; abbreviated MPG) consists of over 80 research institutes. Founded in 1911 as the Kaiser Wilhelm Society then renamed the Max Planck Society in 1948)
116. grnet.gr (; 184 Bytes) Greek Research and Technology Network; Athens, Greece
D. Canada
117. gc.ca (canada.ca) (; Host Name: DC03ADC007-008-PROD-VIP-79-24.infra.global.gc.; 9,870 Bytes; Government of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
E. Israel
118. gov.il (; 160 Bytes; Government of Israel)
F. Russia
119. government.ru (; 53,348 Bytes; Government of Russia)
G. Greece
120. gov.gr (; 185 Bytes; Government of Greece)
H. Ireland
121. gov.ie (; 33,074 Bytes, Government of Ireland; )
IV. National & International Agencies, Foundations, And Think Tanks
122. un.org ( Page Size: N/A; United Nations, New York, New York)
123. ohchr.org (; 298,937 Bytes; United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner)
124. unwto.org (; 306 Bytes; United Nations World Tourism Organization, Madrid, Spain)
125. clubofrome.org (; 295 Bytes) The Club of Rome, Rome, Italy
126. tavistock.com (; N/A; Tavistock Group, Tavistock Foundation; London, England)
127. tavinstitute.org (; 162 Bytes; Tavistock Institute, London, England)
128. aphasiatavistocktrust.org (; 22,544 Bytes; The Tavistock Institute for Aphasia, Toronto, CA)
129. natointernational.com (; 0 Bytes) NATO International
130. wwf.org (, Host Name:; 111,761 Bytes; World Wildlife Fund)
131. darwinfoundation.org (aphasiatavistocktrust.org; N/A; The Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands)
x 132. gatesfoundation.org (; Host Name: a104-96-228-51.deploy.static.akamaitechnolog; Page Size: 0 Bytes; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
x 133. rockefellerfoundation.org (; 99,335 Bytes, The Rockefeller Foundation)
134. opensocietyfoundations.org (; O Bytes; George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, Manhattan, NY)
135. muskfoundation.org (; 934 Bytes; Musk Foundation)
136. trump.org (; Host Name: server5.chinesepod.com; Page Size N/A; Trump Foundation)
137. obama.org (; Page Size: N/A; website of former President Barack Obama)
138. clintonfoundation.org (; Page Size: N/A; Clinton Foundation, New York, New York)
139. wexnerfoundation.org (; 0 Bytes; Wexner Foundation, New Albany, OH)
140. cfr.org (; 0 Bytes; Council on Foreign Relations)
141. nationalgeographic.org (; 126,072 Bytes; National Geographic)
142. kofc.org (; 61 Bytes; Knights of Columbus)
x 143. Iso.ca (IP Address and Host Name:; 57,494 Bytes; ISO = The Law Society of Upper Canada)
V. Major Defense-Military and Security Contractors in the U.S., Canada, Germany
144. lockheedmartin.com (; Page Size: 146,398 Bytes, “Lockheed Martin Corporation is an American aerospace, defense, arms, security, and advanced technologies company; North Bethesda, Maryland.”)
145. leidos.com (; Host Name: ec2-34-202-179-105.compute-1.amazonaws; 231 Bytes; “Leidos, formerly known as Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), is an American defense, aviation, information technology, and biomedical research company headquartered in Reston, Virginia, that provides scientific, engineering, systems integration, and technical services. Leidos merged with Lockheed Martin’s IT sector in 2016 for Information Systems & Global Solutions business to create the defense industry’s largest IT services provider.”)
146. northropgrumman.com (; 92,661 Bytes; “Northrup Grumman Corp. designs, develops, builds and supports some of the world’s most advanced products, from cutting-edge aircraft and next-generation spacecraft to unrivaled cyber security systems and all-seeing radars.”)
147. Raytheon.com (rtx.com) (; 203 Bytes; Ratheon Technologies; Intelligence, Aerospace, Missiles and Defense)
148. boeing.com (; 206 Bytes; Boeing, defense, space, global positioning station; cybersecurity products; surveillance suites, advanced weapons)
149. airscan.com (AirScan: “Air Force private subcontractor: In Manned and Unmanned Tactical ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance), the keys to success are: • Smallest Footprint, • Longest Time-Over-Target • Highest Full Mission Capability • State-of-the-Art Sensors • True Real-Time (and Secure) Video/Data Downlinks/Uplinks; IP Address:; Host Name: acmkoiegso.gs02.gridserver.com; Page Size N/A)
150. ctas.ca (; 121,990 Bytes; Canadian Tech Air Systems
Toronto, ON, Canada)
151. infraguard.org (; 272 Bytes)
152. level3.com (centurylink.com) (; 182 Bytes) digital Century Link; all TIs are handled by Level 3 Parent (British intelligence front)
153. vinnellarabia.com (IP Address:; Host Name: host1.ebox-solutions.com; Page Size: 35,158 Bytes; HTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 200 OK; Vinnell Arabia is a military knowledge transfer company)
154. thepalacegroup.com (The Palace Group: Senior Living facility that offers jobs to military tactical operations and air/weapons specialists, among other things; IP Address:; Host Name:; Page Size: 19,721 Bytes)
155. kbr.com (; Host Name: ec2-52-42-137-152.us-west-2.compute.amazon; 227 Bytes; Kellog, Brown, and Root; engineering solutions and digitalization)
156. globalsecurity.org (; 27,453 Bytes; nonprofit think tank, research and consultancy group focused on national and international security issues; military analysis, systems, and strategies; intelligence matters; and space policy analysis, Alexandria, VA).
157. f5.com (; 130,829 Bytes; “F5 Networks, Inc. is a transnational company that specializes in application services and application delivery networking (ADN). F5 technologies focus on the delivery, security, performance, and availability of web applications, including the availability of computing, storage, and network resources. F5 is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, with additional development, manufacturing, and administrative offices worldwide. It has expanded to include acceleration, application security, and DDoS defense. F5 technologies are available in data center and cloud environments. “Code connects us all. Our human code and our digital code drive innovation.”)
158. lansdowne.com (IP Address and Host Name: 209:17.116.160; 179 Bytes, security, emergency management, and communications interoperability programs and exercises, Ottawa, Canada)
159. att.com (; N/A) AT&T internet, 5G, Aerospace, IT)
160. garda.com (; 231 Bytes), GardaWorld; Global Security Services; Is equivalent of Infraguard)
161. nextdimensioninc.com (; Host Name: Webserver-L01-1.nextdimensioninc.com; 44,645 Bytes; CIO (Corporate Intelligence Operations Strategists, Managed IT, located in Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan.)
162. daemondefense.com (; 162 Bytes; Canadian IT Corporation)
163. dynology.com (; 0 Bytes) Dynology, Inc. (CEO is ex-NSA Head, Michael Hayden)
164. clearforce.com (; 0 Bytes)
165. obnsecurity (; Page Size N/A; Toronto, Ontario)
166. adga.ca (; Host Name: ps605487.dreamhostps.com; 228 Bytes; ADGA delivers strategic consulting, professional services and world-class technology in Defense, Security and Enterprise Computing.)
x 167. ccc.de (The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) (Hacker Club) is Europe’s largest association of hackers with 7700 registered members. It is incorporated as an eingetragener Verein in Germany, with local chapters (called Erfa-Kreise [de]) in various cities in Germany and other German-speaking countries.
168. academi.com (; Host Name: ec2-54-243-51-249.compute-1.amazonaws.co; Page Size: N/A; Academi A Constellis Company; formerly Blackwater; supply chain logistics, unmanned aerial systems)
169. ibm.com (; O Bytes; International Business Machines)
170. osgeo.org (; 227 Bytes; OSGeo; Open Source GIS/Geographic Information Systems, Beaverton, Oregon)
171. ricoh.com (; 44,532 Bytes; Ricoh Institute of Sustainability and Business, neurology, AI, scanning the brain, global locations)
172. informa.com (, 182 Bytes, London, England)
173. hl7.org (; 49,275 Bytes; Health Level Seven International (HL7) is a not-for-profit, ANSI-accredited standards developing organization for the exchange, integration, sharing and retrieval of electronic health information that supports clinical practice and the management, delivery and evaluation of health services; Ann Arbor, MI)
174. deloitte.com (; 0 Bytes); Deloitte; cybersecurity, biometric data, life sciences, financial services, UK
175. caida.org (; Center For Applied Internet Data Analysis,
176. honeywell.com (; 239 Bytes; Honeywell International Inc., Aerospace, “the future is digital”
177. wizardslab.net (; 3,137 Bytes); Mr. Wizard Consulting, Martinsville, Indiana
178. kalyanigroup.com (; 16,319 Bytes; Kalyani Group, A Leading Industrial House in India, renewable energy,
179. grnet.gr (; 184 Bytes) Greek Research and Technology Network; Athens, Greece)
180. linode.com (Linode, AI, the Cloud;; 178 Bytes; Linode; International)
181. helmholtz-hzi.de (; 63,890 Bytes; Center For Infection Research; Hamburg, Germany)
182. cea.fr (;; CEA focuses on defense and security, low-carbon energies (nuclear and renewable), technological research for industry and fundamental research; France)
183. amazon.com (; Host name: s3-console-us-standard.console.aws.amazon.com; 6,592 Bytes; Seattle, Washington, Jeff Bezos, CEO)
184. pbs-silberbauer.de (; 217-160-0-197.elastic-ssl.ui-r.com; 86,634 Bytes; German company, electro-technical)
185. merip.org (; 83,278 Bytes, Middle East Research and Information Project, Tacoma, WA, but affiliated with Israel?!)
VI. Energy, Power Generation
x 186. brucepower.com (; Host Name: ec2-54-172-123-171.compute-1.amazonaws.com; Bruce Nuclear Generating Station is a nuclear power station located on the eastern shore of Lake Huron in Ontario)
187. nbpower.com (; 4,642 Bytes; NB Power, formerly known as the New Brunswick Power Corporation and the New Brunswick Electric Power Commission, is the primary electrical utility in the Canadian province of New Brunswick.)
188. snclavalin.com (; Host Name: wwwpr.snclavalin.com; 146 Bytes; SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. is a Canadian company based in Montreal that provides engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) services to various industries, including mining and metallurgy, oil and gas, environment and water, infrastructure, clean power; engineering, nuclear power generation, cyber risk assessment, “we connect people, technology and data to deliver solutions”)
X 189. perpetualenergyinc.com (; N/A; Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
190. aronab.com (; Arun Ab Engineering Company; energy and water treatment, Tehran, Iran
191. opg.com (; Host Name:, 152,294 Bytes; Ontario Power Generation; Cortice, Ontario)
192. thetitangroup.ca (; Host Name:; 71,111 Bytes; Saskatoon, SK, Canada)
193. evonik.com (, 31,228 Bytes, 2nd largest chemicals company in Germany, chemicals, energy, and real estate, Evonik Industries, worldwide, based in Germany)
VII. Telecommunications
194. naziyfc.ru (; 28,842 Bytes; Naziy Fuel Co., Leningrad area, Russia)
195. vodafone.com (; Host Name: server-99-86-154-69.mxp64.r.cloudfront.net, 82,249 Bytes; leader in technology communications; Vodafone Group plc /ˈvoʊdəfoʊn/ is a British multinational telecommunications company. Its registered office is located in Newbury, Berkshire, England and its global headquarters is based in London, England. It predominantly operates services in the regions of Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.)
196. sourceforge.net (; 157,460 Bytes) SourceForge; AI, Complete Open-Source and Business Software Platform;
197. pccwglobal.com (; 211 Bytes) PCCW Global, telecom, digital solutions
198. broadcom.com (; 3,744 Bytes
199. swisscom.ch (; 158,280 Bytes)
200. libertyglobal.com (; 45,751 Bytes; London, Denver, CO)
201. ligowave.com (; 299 Bytes) global
202. core-backbone.com (; 238 Bytes)
203. egroupware.org (; 123,480 Bytes, Germany)
204. alstom.com (; 262,369 Bytes; Digital Mobility)
205. linuxfoundation.org (; 0 Bytes)
206. 3gpp.org (; 84,945 Bytes; 5G; Global Initiative)
207. hurricaneelectric.com (; N/A) Hurricane Electric; global internet services; Santa Rosa, CA)
208. genexis.eu (; 63,857 Bytes; Genexis, leading European product and technology supplier that enables and improves the delivery of fiber-speed broadband connectivity for communication operators and service providers. … Genexis Group is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and Eindhoven, The Netherlands.)
VIII. Jeffrey Epstein Related Operations
209. epsteinglobal.com (; 238 Bytes; Jeffrey Epstein, Chicago, IL)
210. mapleinc.ca (; 232 Bytes; Maple Group Inc. CA Epstein related; Edmonton, AB)
211. meoverseas.com (; 197,225 Bytes; Associated with Maple Group Inc.)
212. Fandom.com (; 233,574 Bytes;
VI. American, Canadian, German, Italian, and Israeli Universities
213. berkeley.edu (; Host Name: li495-52.members.linode.com; Page Size: N/A)
214. mit.edu (; Host Name: a184-26-74-209.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com; 35,085 Bytes; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
215. jhu.edu (; collaborate.johnshopkins.edu; 169 Bytes; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland)
216. centerforhealthsecurity.org (Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security (JHCFHS) (; 23,329 Bytes; “The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (abbreviated CHS; previously the UPMC Center for Health Security,[4] the Center for Biosecurity of UPMC, and the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies) is an independent, nonprofit organization of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and part of the Environmental Health and Engineering department. It is concerned with the areas of health consequences from epidemics and disasters as well as averting biological weapons development, and implications of biosecurity for the bioeconomy. It is a think tank that does policy research and gives policy recommendations to the United States government as well as the World Health Organization and the UN Biological Weapons Convention.”)
217. umd.edu (; 183 Bytes; University of Maryland)
218. stanford.edu (; 209 Bytes; Stanford University, Stanford, CA)
219. columbia.edu (; 121,954 Bytes; Columbia University, New York City)
220. princeton.edu (; 234 Bytes; Princeton University; Princeton, NJ)
221. universityofcalifornia.edu (; 87,311 Bytes; The University of California)
222. udacity.com (, 192,017 Bytes; Cloud Computing, AI, associated with Stanford University and Georgia Institute of Technology, Stanford, CA)
223. gatech.edu (Georgia Institute of Technology)
224. uga.edu (; 228 Bytes; University of Georgia, Athens, GA)
225. bcm.edu (; 247,136 Bytes; Baylor College of Medicine; Houston, TX)
226. farmingdale.edu (; 236 Bytes; Farmingdale State College State University of New York)
227.udel.edu (; 86,627 Bytes; University of Delaware)
228. nyit.edu (; 114,498 Bytes; New York Institute of Technology; Long Island, NY)
229. uri.edu (; 51,396 Bytes; University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI)
230. binghamton.edu (; 235 Bytes; Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY)
231. montclair.edu (; 210 Bytes; Montclair, NJ)
232. bu.edu (; 82,977 Bytes; Boston University, Boston, MA)
233. catholic.edu (; 113,180 Bytes; The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC)
234. ku.edu (; N/A; University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS)
235. uiowa.edu (, 71,281 Bytes; University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa)
236. uidaho.edu (, 48,325 Bytes; University of Idaho, research university, Moscow, Idaho)
237. washington.edu (, 62,225 Bytes; Washington University; St. Louis, MO)
238. spu.edu (; 299,392 Bytes; Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Washington)
239. khanacademy.org (; Host Name: server-52-85-144-36.iad89.r.cludfront.net; 223,589 Bytes; American non-profit educational organization in Mountain View, CA)
240. dbu.edu (; 34,613 Bytes; Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, TX)
241. geneseo.edu (; 0 Bytes; Geneseo State University of New York, Geneseo, NY)
242. xula.edu (; 0 Bytes; Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA)
243. nnu.edu (; 198,927 Bytes; Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, ID)
244. nmsu.edu (; 0 Bytes: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM)
245. bates.edu (;; Bates College, Lewiston, Maine)
246. coml.edu (; 57,236 Bytes; Census Of Marine Life, University of Rhode Island)
247. mc.edu (; 39,449 Bytes; Mississippi College; a Christian University; Clinton, Mississippi)
248. washington.edu (; 62,997 Bytes; University of Washington, Seattle, WA)
249. arizona.edu (, 89,737 Bytes) The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
250. usc.edu (; 101,721 Bytes) University of Southern California
251. iit.edu (; 85,844 Bytes; Illinois Institute of Technology
252. ucsc.edu (; 326 Bytes; University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA)
253. sdsu.edu (; 144 Bytes; San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
254. sonoma.edu (; N/A; Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA)
255. semo.edu (; 225 Bytes; Southeast Missouri State):
256. acu.edu (, 150,528 Bytes, Abilene Christian University)
257. psu.edu (; 63,313 Bytes; Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania)
258. usi.edu (; 37,999 Bytes; University of Southern Indiana; Evansville, IN)
259. bcm.edu (; 247,136 Bytes; Baylor College of Medicine
260. udc.edu (; 140,133 Bytes; University of District of Columbia)
261. utc.edu (; 0 Bytes; University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN)
262. unr.edu (; 199,048 Bytes, University of Nevada, Reno; Reno, NV)
263. yu.edu (; 120,314 Bytes; Yeshiva University, New York, New York)
264. dartmouth.edu (; 161 Bytes; Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire)
265. stonybrook.edu (; 235 Bytes; Stony Brook University, New York)
260. newhorizonacademy.net (; 162 Bytes; New Horizon Academy, Plymouth, MN)
266. sfasu.edu (; 92,470 Bytes, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas)
267. tsu.edu (; 34,912 Bytes; Texas Southern University; Houston, TX)
268. dcccd.edu (; 132,856 Bytes) Dallas College, TX
269. smc.edu (; 93,775 Bytes; Santa Monica College, Santa Monica, CA)
270. xula.edu (; 0 Bytes; Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA)
271. williams.edu (; N/A) Williams College, Amherst, MA
272. eku.edu (; 228 Bytes) Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY)
273. nais.org (; 68,499 Bytes; National Association of Independent Schools, Washington, D.C.)
274. rebeccaschool.org (; 130,986 Bytes, Rebecca School, New York, NY, specializes in teaching children ages four to twenty-one who have a range of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder
275. oit.edu (; 38,496 Bytes; Oregon Institute of Technology, Klamath Falls, Oregon)
276. cnu.edu (; 224 Bytes; Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA)
277. drew.edu (; 48,534 Bytes; Drew University, Madison, New Jersey)
278. vmi.edu (; 204 Bytes; Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA)
279. wofford.edu (; 136,840 Bytes; Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC)
280. colostate.edu (; 111,421 Bytes; Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO)
281. devry.edu (; 195 Bytes; DeVry University, Arlington, VA)
282. okcu.edu (; 170 Bytes; Oklahoma City University)
283. byu.edu (; 228 Bytes) Brigham Young University, Salt Lake City, Utah
284. stanthonyshs.org (; 212,825 Bytes) Saint Anthony’s High School, New York
285. liu.edu (; 90,150 Bytes; Long Island University, NY, New York)
286. farmingdale.edu (; 236 Bytes; Farmingdale State College, New York)
287. ieje.org (, 162 Bytes, Institute For Experiential Jewish Education, Brooklyn, NY)
288. nyu.edu (; 43,588 Bytes, New York University)
289. fordham.edu (; 28,608 Bytes; Fordham University The Jesuit University of New York)
290. muhc.ca (; Page Size: N/A; McGill University Health Care. Dr. Ewen Cameron and other top CIA spychiatrists worked at McGill University.)
292. mcgill.ca (; O Bytes; McGill University)
293. uottawa.com (; xn--gnie-bpa.uottawa.ca; 3,388 Bytes; University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
294. utoronto.ca (; 37,877 Bytes, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)
295. ubc.ca (; 0 Bytes; University of British Columbia)
296. dal.ca (; 0 Bytes; Dalhousie University)
x 297. universitystudy.ca (; Host Name: hybrid1030.ca.ns.planethoster.net; Royal Military College of Canada)
298. stclaircollege.ca (; 0 Bytes; Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
x 299. centennialcollege.ca (; 162 Bytes; Ontario, Canada)
300. cftau.ca (; Host Name: ip-107-180-2-52.ip.secureserver.net; 0 Bytes; Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University; Global first at TAU: MRI scan of the brains of 130 species of mammals, including humans, indicates equal connectivity in all of them; The research reveals a universal Law: Conservation of Brain Connectivity; Researchers at Tel Aviv University, led by Prof. Yaniv Assaf of the School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry and Biophysics and the Sagol School of Neuroscience and Prof. Yossi Yovel of the School of Zoology, the Sagol School of Neuroscience, and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, conducted a pioneering study – advanced diffusion MRI scans of the brains of mammals representing about 130 species, designed to investigate brain connectivity. The intriguing results revealed that brain connectivity levels are equal in all mammals, including humans; several locations in Canada.)
Other Nations
301. aftau.org (; 41,031 Bytes; Tel Aviv University American Friends; “Israel is the largest net exporter of academic human capital in the world.”)
302. uniroma1.it (; 77,822 Bytes; University of Rome)
303. uoa.gr (; 99,575 Bytes; University of Athens, Greece)
304. ceu.edu (; 228 Bytes, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary)
305. jove.com (; 229 Bytes ; Faculty Resource Center; MyJoVE Corporation, 1,000+ universities, colleges and biopharma, Cambridge, MA; London, England, UK)
306. ei-ie.org (; 230 Bytes; Education International, Brussels, Belgium)
307. cdac.in (; 54,948 Bytes; Center For Development of Advanced Computing; Pune University Campus, Ganesh Khind, India
308. tudelft.nl. (; 85,139 Bytes) Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
309. becej.net (; 22,268 Bytes) Serbia
VII. States, Cities, Tribes, Power Companies, Hospitals, Human Rights Groups, Churches, Environmental Groups, Biological Gardens, and Other Organizations in U.S, Canada, and England
310. ny.gov (; 227 Bytes; Government of New York)
311. ohio.gov (; 162 Bytes; Ohio Government)
312. az.gov (; N/A, State of Arizona)
313. alaska.gov (; 89,589 Bytes) Alaska Government, Juneau, Alaska
314. nyc.gov (; 205 Bytes, New York City)
315. opkansas.org (; 67,256 Bytes, City of Overland Park, Kansas)
316. sccgov.org (; 94,789 Bytes; County of Santa Clara, CA)
317. milwaukee.gov (; 11,729 Bytes) City of Milwaukee
317. evansvillegov.org (; 9,998 Bytes; City of Evansville, Indiana)
318. tampagov.net (;; City of Tampa, Florida)
319. phila.gov (; 282,979 Bytes; City of Philadelphia)
320. cabq.gov (; N/A) City of Albuquerque
321. riversideca.gov (; 60,902 Bytes) City of Riverside, CA
322. suffolkcountyny.gov (; 3,420 Bytes) Suffolk County, NY
Other Countries
323. winnipeg.ca (; 59,306 Bytes); City of Winnipeg, Capital and largest city in Canadian province of Manitoba, Canada)
324. rome.net (; 235,976 Bytes; City of Rome, Italy)
325. rafina-pikermi.gr (; 76,171 Bytes; Municipality of Rafina-Pikermi; Greece)
326. spata-artemis.gr (; 233 Bytes; Municpality of Spata-Artemis, Greece)
327. neasmyrni.gr (; 296,944 Bytes Municipality of The Nea Smyrni of Parea; Greece)
Hospitals and Medical Centers
328. wyckoffhospital.org (; 179 Bytes; Wyckoff Heights Medical Center; Brooklyn New York)
329. longislandjewishhospital.com (; 1,552 Bytes) Long Island Jewish Hospital, NY
330. stbonifacehospital.ca (; Host Name: galeriebuhlergallery.ca; Page Size: N/A; St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba; western Canada’s largest hospital)
331. sharedhealthmb.ca aka manitoba-ehealth.ca (; 172 Bytes)
332. fairfaxhospital.com (; N/A; Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax, VA)
333. tpmgphysicianed.org (; N/A) (The Permanente Medical Group; California)
334. seimens.com (; 246 Bytes; Siemens AG is a German multinational conglomerate company Munich and the largest industrial manufacturing company in Europe with branch offices abroad; Siemens AG (German pronunciation: Industry, Energy, Healthcare (Siemens Healthineers)
335. smith-nephew.com (; 34,820 Bytes; Smith + Nephew British Medical Technology Company, Watford, England)
336. trackyourcme.com (; 12,856 Bytes; Track Your CME, Society For Vascular Ultrasound, Landham, MD)
XI. Environmental/Sustainable/Indian Tribes
337. edenproject.com (; 25,034 Bytes; Eden Project, Cornwall, England, UK)
338. thegef.org (; 231 Bytes, Global Environment Facility; The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established on the eve of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit to help tackle our planet’s most pressing environmental problems. Since then, the GEF has provided close to $20.5 billion in grants and mobilized an additional $112 billion in co-financing for more than 4,800 projects in 170 countries. Through its Small Grants Programme, the GEF has provided support to nearly 24,000 civil society and community initiatives in 133 countries.)
339. bgci.org (; 145 Bytes; Botanical Gardens Conservation International, global)
340. chicagobotanic.org (; 37,350 Bytes; Chicago Botanic Gardens
341. polarbearsinternational.org (; 42,181 Bytes), Polar Bears International, Bozeman, MT, Winnepeg, CA
342. iisd.org (International Institute for Sustainable Development), 150 Bytes
XII. Religious Organizations
343. vatican.com (; 48,791 Bytes; The Vatican, Rome, Italy)
344. peterboroughdiocese.org (; 59,976 Bytes; Roman Catholic Diocese of Petersborough; Peterborough, ON Canada)
345. catholicanada.com (; 80,113 Bytes, Catholic Canada
346. prri.org (; 318 Bytes, Public Religion Research Institute, Washington DC)
347. united-church.ca (; 59,811 Bytes, United Church of Canada
348. congregationetzchayim.ca (; 0 Bytes) Congregation Etz Chayim, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
349. dalailama.com (; N/A)
XIII. Human Rights, Tribal Organizations, Trade Unions
350. amnesty.org (; 78,927 Bytes) Amnesty International
351. amnestyusa.org (; N/A; Amnesty International)
352. humanrights.ca (; 170,487 Bytes; Canadian Museum for Human Rights; Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
x 353. bearclanpatrol.org (; i-192-169-221-188.ip.secureserver.net; Page Size N/A; in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, a charity-security service for an Indian Tribe)
354. afn.ca (Assembly of First Nations; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
355. trcm.ca (; 211 Bytes; Treaty Relations Committee of Manitoba)
356. mfnerc.org (; N/A; Manitoba First Nations Resource EducationCentre, Inc.)
357. unifor.org (; 231 Bytes) TheUnion/leSyndicate, largest trade union in Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada
XIV. Media
358. foreignaffairs.com (; 0 Bytes) Foreign Affairs Journal
strong>359. britannica.org (; Encyclopedia Britannica; 329 Bytes)
360. economist.com (; 183 Bytes; The Economist, London, England)
361. bbc.com (; 242,360 Bytes) British Broadcasting Company
362. antonmediagroup.com (; 93,749 Bytes; Long Island, NY)
363. ydr.com (; 113,172 Bytes York Daily Record, England, UK)
364. skai.gr (; 376,608 Bytes; Skai Group is one of the largest media groups in Greece; Athens, Greece)
365. ksbw.com (31,228 Bytes; 202,145 Bytes, KSBW TV, Monterey, CA)
366. espn.com (; 571,224 Bytes; Bristol, CT)
XV. Financial, Life Insurance, Real Estate Institutions
367. bankofamerica.com (; 293,554 Bytes; Bank of America)
x 368. scotiabank.com ( 0 Bytes; Scotia Bank has branches worldwide)
369. home.barclays (; 0 Bytes, Barclays Bank, UK
370. fmtrust.bank (; 32,770 Bytes; F & M Trust Bank; Chambersburg, PA)
371. BlackRock.com (; 91,009 Bytes) BlackRock Inc. (California) (according to Catherine Austin Fitts, is running the Global Economic Reset/”Go Direct” (turn humans into bio-robots)/fake pandemic Project) in U.S., Canada, and Sweden
372. unionbank.com (; 234 Bytes; Union Bank California, Washington, Oregon)
373. towerfinancialgroupinc.com (; N/A) Tower Financial Group, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA
374. dandb.com (; 304,946 Bytes; Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp, Malibu, CA)
375. oldnational.com (; 204,796 Bytes; Old National Banking Center, Evansville, IN)
376. amtrustfinancial.com (; 79,996 Bytes) AM Trust Financial, New York, NY)
377. wellsfargo.com (; 61,210 Bytes) Wells Fargo
378. morganstanley.com (; 138,018 Bytes) Morgan Stanley
379. citi.com (; 0 Bytes; CitiGroup, New York, NY)
380. binance.com (; 135,360 Bytes; crypto-currency)
381. bankofcanada.ca (; 236 Bytes, Bank of Canada)
382. rabobank.com (; 53,146 Bytes) global
383. orbis.com (; 1,388 Bytes) South Africa’s largest privately-owned asset manager
384. hdfcergo.com (; 137,623 Bytes, Insurance, Mumbai, India; All TIs have this entity in their networks.)
385. aetna.com (; 122,765 Bytes; Aetna Health Care Life Insurance Company, Hartford, CT)
386. uhc.com (; 167,119 Bytes; Insurance, United Health Care; for-profit managed health care group, Minnetonka, Minnesota
387. greatwestlife.com (, 262 Bytes; The Great West Life Assurance now The Canada Life Assurance Company, Canada)
388. cbre.us (; 142 Bytes; CBRE Group, Inc. is an American commercial real estate services and investment firm. The abbreviation CBRE stands for Coldwell Banker Richard Ellis. It is the largest commercial real estate services company in the world.)
389. prudential.com (; 247 Bytes, Prudential Life Insurance, Pruco Securities, LLC, C/O National Financial Services, LLC, Cincinnati, OH)
390. travelers.com (; 153,635 Bytes) Travelers Insurance, TX
391. uiic.in (; 9,465 Bytes; United India Insurance Company Ltd., India
392. bajajallianz.com (; 49,434 Bytes, Life Insurance, Health Insurance; Maharashtra, India
393. bedfordtaxservices.com (; 243 Bytes; Hazlet, New Jersey)
394. blockchain.info (; 0 Bytes)
395. bitmex.co (, 16,300 Bytes Bitcoin Mexico
XVI. Big Business/Food/Manufacturing/Chemicals/Drugs
396. monsanto.com (bayer.com) (; 185 Bytes; Bayer Global)
397. volvo.com (; 41,717 Bytes) Auto manufacturing, Sweden
398. dominos.ca (; 21,667 Bytes) Dominos Pizza CA
399. lamtec.com (; 19,142 Bytes) Lamtec Corporation,
400. pfizer.com (; N/A)
401. pcl.com (, 125,106 Bytes, PCL Construction; Canada/International)
402. porsche-design.com (; 178 Bytes; Porsche Design; Germany)
XVII. Legal
403. wagey.com (; 1,492 Bytes; Wagner and Geyer, Intellectual Property Lawyers; Germany, Europe, American, China and Japan)
404. uchastings.edu (; 67,234 Bytes; University of California Hastings Law School, San Francisco, CA)
x 405. Iso.ca (IP Address and Host Name:; 57,494 Bytes; ISO = The Law Society of Upper Canada)
406. newyorklawgroup.com (; 55,952 Bytes; Gruenberg, Kelly Della, Attorneys and Councilors at Law, Long Island, NY)
407. herzfeld-rubin.com (; 14,956 Bytes; Herzfeld + Rubin Law Firm, Manhattan, NY, LA, CA)
XVIII. Individual Entrepreneurs
408. lesterchan.net (; 162 Bytes)
409. oprah.com (; 4,430 Bytes) Oprah.com
410. nra.org (; 130,418 Bytes, National Rifle Association
x 411. westgrid.ca (; 314 Bytes; “WestGrid brings together computing facilities, research data management services, and a network of technical experts to meet the needs of today’s researchers. Together with Compute Canada’s three other regional organizations, WestGrid is helping Compute Canada lead the acceleration of research and innovation. As one of Compute Canada’s largest regional organizations, WestGrid works collaboratively with Members & Partners across British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba”)
412. chinatoday.com (; 117,850 Bytes; “A China information base”)
413. publico.gr (; 3,388 Bytes; Athens, Greece)
414. archiexpo.com (; 63,263 Bytes) archiexpo by Virtual Expo Group,
415. buhlergroup.com (; 177,848 Bytes) Grains & Food, Advanced Materials. The Bühler Holding AG is a Swiss multinational plant equipment manufacturer based in Uzwil, Switzerland.
416. mccain.com (; 40,094 Bytes; Canadian Food company located in Toronto, Canada and Hartland, New Bruswick, Canada)
x 417. boringcompany.com (; Page Size: 77,564 Bytes; “Boring Company is an American infrastructure and tunnel construction services company founded by Elon Musk in December, 2016”)
418. terrorspring.com (; 4,897 Bytes)
419. epo.org (; 42,352 Bytes; European Patent Office) European Patent Office, Munich, Germany
420. tavistockdevelopment.com (; 54,318 Bytes) Tavistock Development Company, Orlando, FL)
421. lp.org; 92,159 Bytes; Libertarian Party
422. cpahkltd.com (; 343 Bytes; China Patent Agent (H.K.) LTD.
423. sjsconstruction.us (; 162 Bytes) SJS Construction, NY
424. suffolkbus.com (; 9,021 Bytes) Suffolk Transportation Service, Inc. England
425. allseasonschiro.com (; 178 Bytes) All Seasons Chiropractic, Manitoba, CA
426. roblox.com (; 53,079 Bytes;
427. san.org (; 1,208 Bytes; San Diego International Airport
428. warhol.org (; 53,208 Bytes) The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, PA
429. sitedossier.com (; 1,835 Bytes)
430. cloudlock.com (Cisco Cloud) (; 162 Bytes)
431. pymnts.com (, 2,216 Bytes, Payments
432. nucleusadv.com (; 8,829 Bytes, Nucleus Advisors;
433. broward.org (; 101,770 Bytes)
434. prijet.com (; 60,920 Bytes; Private Jets)
435. guidestar.org (; N/A)
436. intercontl.com (; 279 Bytes; San Antonio, TX)
437. kilian-net.com (; 235 Bytes; German)
438. rbz.es (; 11,610 Bytes; RBZ Embedded Logics, Madrid Spain)
439. uli.org (; 63,198 Bytes; Urban Land Institute, Washington, D.C.)
440. enics.com (; 226 Bytes) electronics manufacturing; Zurich, Switzerland
441. studentsoftheworld.info (; 9,704 Bytes)
442. tenthousandvillages.com (; 162 Bytes)
443. monetate.com (; 86,408 Bytes; global)
444. clearcoli.com (; 178 Bytes ; Expression Technology; Tucson, AZ)
445. proxmox.com (; 185 Bytes; Virtualization platform)
446. pechk.com (; 0 Bytes; Premier Education center, Hong Kong
447. hamradioscience.com (; 212 Bytes)
448. molex.com (, 9,580 Bytes)
450. imercer.com (; 117,124 Bytes)
451. riotinto.com (; 199,473 Bytes) Rio Tinto Alcan
452. sourcewatch.org (; 0 Bytes)
B. My (Webmaster’s) Uninvited Cyberstalkers and Human Trafficking, Targeting, Tracking, and Torturing Networks, Then, Evidently Include the Above Entities (recorded July 20 to August 24, 2020):
One may posit that this is an incomplete list. However, entities identified herein suffice to provide a snapshot of many of the higher levels of perpetrators carrying out the military/neuroscience/academic research and concomitant human trafficking/torture-subjugation/nonconsensual human experimentation of perhaps the greatest crime in history:
organized stalking/electronic torture/covert use of nonconsensual human test subjects for brain-behavioral research.
C. Summary of Entities Identified on My Computer Network:
I. Core NIH-Human Genome Project, Georgetown University, Harvard, & Alfred E. Mann Foundation Cyber- and Neuro-Hacking Network
1. Georgetown University
2. Harvard University
3. Trudeau Foundation
4. MorneauShapell
5. Pantheon.io
6. University of California Hastings Law School
7. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Human Genome Project)
8. Linux Foundation
9. United Church of Canada
10. Kavli Foundation
11. Akamai Technologies
12. Human Genome Project
13. Alfred E. Mann Foundation
14. National Institutes of Health
15. Pangea.ca
II. American, Canadian, German, and Swiss Neuro-Bio-Tech, Space, IT, AI-Cloud Institutions (Including Five Owned by Elon Musk)
16. Neuralink (E. Musk)
17. Spacex (E. Musk)
18. Starlink (E. Musk)
19. Sloan Digital Sky Survey
20. Mars Talk
21. Swiss Cognitive
22. Open Neural Network Exchange
23. Orion Cybernetics
24. Brainshark
25. Advanced Brain Monitoring
26. Milteny Biotec
27. German Society For Neurosurgery
28. Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory
29. Open AI
30. g4s
31. D Wave
32. Biomed Central
33. Beast 2
34. Beast Community
35. Empress Infotech
36. German Society of Traumatology
37. Future Technology Devices International, Ltd.
38. Huawei
39. Boston Scientific
40. NEC Corporation
41. Swedish Adrenaline
42. Baidu
43. Rebecca School
45. IRI
46. Scilab
47. DXC Technology
48. Genen Tech
49. Unidata IT
50. Cyfuture
51. ICognize
52. Akamai Technologies, Inc.
53. Canadian Global Information Inc.
54. The Tata Group
55. BioWorld Med Tech
56. American Society For Microbiology
57. The Kavli Foundation
58. Siemens AG
61. Advanced Solutions International
62. Advanced Solutions
63. Focused Life-Force Energy
64. Imperva
65. Enjoy Safer Technology
66. Digital Ocean
67. MQL5
III. American, Canadian, British, Russian, Israeli, and Greek Governmental & Private Political, Intelligence, Scientific Agencies
68. USA government
69. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
70. FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
71. NSA (National Security Agency)
72. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
73. NATO International
74. Federal Reserve Bank
75. Department of Defense
76. U.S. Army
77. U.S. Air Force
78. Department of Defense Education Activity
79. DHS (Department of Homeland Security)
80. U.S. Senate
81. Center For Strategic and International Services
82. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
83. Idaho National Laboratory
84. National Institutes of Health
85. Human Genome Project
86. U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information
87. The National Academies of Sciences
88. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
89. Naval Postgraduate School
90. National Archives
91. National Park Service
92. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
93. U.S. Institute of Peace
94. Federal Executive Boards
95. Government Jobs Alert
96. National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund
97. Gov.com
98. Government of the United Kingdom
99. British Royal Family
100. European Organization For Nuclear Research
101. The Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science
102. Greek Research and Technology Network
103. Government of Canada
104. Government of Israel
105. Government of Russia
106. Government of Greece
IV. National & International Agencies, Foundations, And Think Tanks
107. United Nations
108. United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner
109. United Nations World Tourism Organization
110. The Club of Rome
111. Tavistock Group
112. Tavistock Institute
113. The Tavistock Institute for Aphasia
114. NATO International
115. World Wildlife Fund
116. The Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands
117. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
118. The Rockefeller Foundation
119. The Open Society Foundation (George Soros)
120. (Elon) Musk Foundation
121. Trump Foundation
122. Obama Foundation
123. Clinton Foundation
124. Wexner Foundation
125. Council on Foreign Relations
126. National Geographic
127. Knights of Columbus
128. The Law Society of Upper Canada
V. Major Defense-Military and Security Contractors in the U.S., Canada, Germany
128. Lockheed Martin
129. Leidos (formerly SAIC)
130. Northrop Grumman
131. Raytheon
132. Boeing
133. AirScan
134. Canadian Tech Air Systems
135. Infraguard
136. Level 3
137. Vinnell Arabia
138. The Palace Group
139. Kellogg, Brown, and Root (KBR)
140. Global Security Group
141. F5 Networks, Inc.
142. Lansdowne
143. AT&T
144. Global Security Services
145. Next Dimension, Inc.
146. Daemon Defense
147. OBN Security
148. ADGA Group
149. The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) (Hacker Club)
150. Academi (formerly Blackwater)
151. IBM
152. Open Source GIS/Geographic Information Systems
153. Ricoh Institute of Sustainability and Business
154. Informa
155. Health Level Seven International (HL7)
156. Deloitte
157. Center For Applied Internet Data Analysis
158. Honeywell International Inc.
159. Mr. Wizard Consulting
160. Kalyani Group
161. Greek Research and Technology Network
162. Linode
163. Center For Infection Research
164. Le CEA
165. Amazon
166. pbs-silberbauer
167. Middle East Research and Information Project
VI. Energy, Power Generation
168. Bruce Nuclear Generating Station
169. NB Power
170. SNC-Lavalin Group Inc
171. Perpetual Energy Inc.
172. Arun Ab Engineering Company
173. Ontario Power Generation
174. The Titan Group
175. Evonik Industries
VII. Telecommunications
176. Vodafone
177. SourceForge
178. PCCW Global
179. Broadcom
180. Swisscom
181. Liberty Global
182. Ligowave
183. Core-Backbone
184. E Group Ware
185. Alstom
186. Linux Foundation
187. 3GPP
188. Hurricane Electric
VIII. Jeffrey Epstein Related Operations
190. Epstein Global
191. Maple Group Inc
192. Me Overseas (Associated with Maple Group)
193. Fandom, Inc.
IX. American, Canadian, German, Italian, and Israeli Universities
194. University of California, Berkeley
195. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
196. Johns Hopkins University
197. Johns Hopkins Center For Health Security (JHCFHS)
198. University of Maryland
199. Stanford University
200. Columbia University
201. Udacity
202. Georgia Institute of Technology
203. University of Georgia
204. Baylor College of Medicine
205. University of Kansas
206. University of Iowa
207. University of Idaho
208. Washington University
209. Seattle Pacific University
210. Khana Academy
211. Dallas Baptist University
212. Geneseo State University of New York
213. Xavier University of Louisiana
214. Northwest Nazarene University
215. New Mexico State University
216. Bates College
217. Census Of Marine Life, University of Rhode Island
218. Mississippi College
219. University of Washington
220. The University of Arizona
221. University of Southern California
222. Illinois Institute of Technology
223. University of California, Santa Cruz
224. San Diego State University, San Diego
225. Sonoma State University
226. Southeast Missouri State
227. Abilene Christian University
228. Pennsylvania State University
229. University of Southern Indiana
230. Baylor College of Medicine
231. University of District of Columbia
232. University of Tennessee
233. New York Institute of Technology
234. University of Nevada, Reno
235. Yeshiva University
236. Dartmouth College
237. Stony Brook University, New York
238. New Horizon Academy
239. Stephen F. Austin State University
240. Texas Southern University
241. Dallas College
242. Santa Monica College
243. Xavier University of Louisiana
244. Williams College
245. Eastern Kentucky University
246. National Association of Independent Schools
247. Rebecca School
248. Oregon Institute of Technology
249. Christopher Newport University
250. Drew University
251. Virginia Military Institute
252. Wofford College
253. Colorado State University
254. DeVry University
255. Oklahoma City University
256. Brigham Young University
257. Saint Anthony’s High School
258. Long Island University
259. Farmingdale State College, New York
260. Institute For Experiential Jewish Education
261. New York University
262. Fordham University The Jesuit University of New York
263. McGill University Health Care
264. McGill University
265. University of Ottawa
266. University of Toronto
267. University of British Columbia
268. Dalhousie University
269. Royal Military College of Canada
270. St. Claire College
271. Centennial College
272. Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University
273. Tel Aviv University American Friends
274. University of Rome
275. University of Athens
276. Central European University
277. Faculty Resource Center; MyJoVE Corporation,
278. Education International
279. Center For Development of Advanced Computing; Pune University Campus
280. Delft University of Technology
281. Becej, Serbia
IX. States, Cities, Tribes, Power Companies, Hospitals, Human Rights Groups, Churches, Environmental Groups, Biological Gardens, and Other Organizations in U.S, Canada, and England
United States
282. New York State
283. Ohio
284. Arizona
285. New York City
286. Overland Park, KS
287. County of Santa Clara, CA
288. Milwaukee, WI
289. Evansville, IN
290. Tampa, FL
291. Philadelphia, PA
292. Albuquerque, NM
293. Riverside, CA
294. Suffolk Co., NY
295. Winnepeg, CA
296. Rome, Italy
297. Municipality of Rafina-Pikermi; Greece
298. Municpality of Spata-Artemis, Greece
299. Municipality of The Nea Smyrni of Parea; Greece
X. Hospitals
300. Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY
301. Long Island Jewish Hospital, NY
302. St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
XI. Environmental/Sustainable/Indian Tribes
303. Eden Project
304. Global Environment Facility
305. Botanical Gardens Conservation International
306. Chicago Botanic Gardens
307. Polar Bears International
308. International Institute for Sustainable Development
XII. Religious Organizations
309. The Vatican
310. Roman Catholic Diocese of Petersborough, ON Canada)
311. Catholic Canada
312. Public Religion Research Institute
313. United Church of Canada
314. Congregation Etz Chayim, Winnipeg, MB
315. The Dalai Lama
XIII. Human Rights, Tribal Organizations, Trade Unions
316. Amnesty International
317. Canadian Museum for Human Rights; Winnipeg, MB, Canada
318. Bear Clan Patrol
319. Assembly of First Nations
320. Treaty Relations Committee of Manitoba
321. Manitoba First Nations Resource EducationCentre, Inc.
322. TheUnion/leSyndicate
XIV. Media
323. Foreign Affairs Journal (marching orders for the CFR)
324. Encyclopedia Britannica
325. The Economist
326. British Broadcasting Company
327. York Daily Record
328. Skai Group
329. KSBW TV, Monterey, CA
330. ESPN, CT
XV. Financial, Life Insurance, Real Estate Institutions
331. Bank of America
332. Scotia Bank
333. Barclays Bank
334. F & M Trust Bank
335. BlackRock Inc.
336. Union Bank
337. Tower Financial Group, Inc.
338. Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Corp
339. Old National Banking Center
340. Wells Fargo
341. Morgan Stanley
342. Binance
343. Bank of Canada
344. Rabo Bank
345. Orbis
346. Hdfcergo Insurance
347. United Health Care
348. The Great West Life Assurance
349. CBRE Group, Inc.
350. Prudential Life Insurance
351. Travelers Insurance
352. United India Insurance Company Ltd.
353. Bajaj Allianz
354. Bedford Tax Services
355. Blockchain
356. Bitcoin Mexico
XVI. Big Business/Food/Manufacturing/Chemicals/Drugs
357. Monsanto/Bayer
358. Volvo
359. Lamtec Corporation
360. Pfizer
361. PCL Construction
362. Porsche Design
XVII. Legal
363. Wagner and Geyer
364. University of California Hastings Law School
365. The Law Society of Upper Canada
XVIII. Individual Entrepreneurs
366. Lester Chan, China
367. Oprah.com
368. National Rile Association (NRA)
369. WestGrid
370. Chinatoday
371. Publico
372. Archiexpo
373. Buhler Group
374. McCain
375. Boring Company
376. Terror Spring
377. European Patent Office
378. Tavistock Development Company
379. Libertarian Party
380. China Patent Agent
381. SJS Construction
382. Suffolk Transportation Service, Inc. England
383. All Seasons Chiropractic
384. Roblox
385. San Diego International Airport
386. The Andy Warhol Museum
387. Shared Health MB
388. Site Dossier
389. Cloud Lock
390. Payments
391. Nucleus Advisors
392. Broward
393. Private Jets
394. Guidestar
395. Intercontinental
396. Kilian-Net
397. RBZ Embedded Logics
398. Urban Land Institute
399. Enics
400. Students Of The World
401. Ten Thousand Villages.
402. Monetate
403. Clearcoli Expression Technology
404. Proxmox
405. Premier Education Center
406. Ham Radio Science
407. Molex
408. Imercer
409. Rio Tinto Alcan
410. Source Watch
D. Conclusions: Hypotheses to Explain These Data
I offer the following two hypotheses as probable explanations that could account for the myriad entities from all sectors of society, including extremely powerful governmental, corporate, scientific, military and intelligence agencies, listed above being attached to my computer network:
1) These entities are financially or operationally connected to illegal human experimentation, torturing, trafficking, and murder of innocent civilians for The Human Brain Project/BRAIN Initiative and/or related joint military, medical, academic, and corporate projects. We may speculate that these programs involuntarily “enroll” many human subjects who were previously used in earlier programs such as the Human Genome Project, MKULTRA, etc.
2) Many of these entities are co-extensive with “THE ORGANIZATION”/”THE BROTHERHOOD” described by the late TI Dr. Rauni Kilde (“The Organization” And Its Methods and Goals Exposed by Dr. Rauni Kilde (M.D.)) and TI Kay Griggs (Who and What is “The Brotherhood”/”Firm”/”Syndicate”? How Does It and Their Organized Stalking System Work? Highlights From Kay Griggs Interviews of 1998/2005).
Currently, I believe the weight of the accumulated evidence presented on this website and elsewhere supports both these hypotheses.
Hence, many of these organizations are directly or indirectly connected to the organized crime syndicate which runs human trafficking-illegal human experimentation-human torture/murder operations throughout the world. Human subjects are trafficked and sold into military-corporate-academic programs after which they are terminated and their physical, intellectual, and creative property is stolen, via insurance fraud, by THE ORGANIZATION/BROTHERHOOD, and
These data suggest both Bobbi Peitsch (“Sh P”) and myself are non-consensually enrolled in these illegal human trafficking and experimentation programs.
Finally, it may be hypothesized that many of these powerful entities are co-extensive with the networks behind the global Bolshevik-style revolution now unfolding under the guise of the response to the Covid-19 “plandemic”/”scamdemic.”
The insanity of the torture never seems to end.
This appears to be speeding up, I suspect that in the future there will be a war over neuro tech, the right people have not been assaulted yet.
Fantastic comparative notes and detailing!
Agreed, Dr. Maelstrom.
When will this barbaric torture end? All that’s needed is for our names to be taken out of their super computers.
Hi Eric,
It is Patty from Los Angeles. This whole ping thing can be disproven by the most basic IT knowledge. You can ping any website. It just means you are connected to the internet and can reach their ip.
Try it. Any ip can be pinged if one is connected to the internet. Something I learned in my first tech class.
Please prove me wrong.
Ping is a computer network administration software utility used to test the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol network. It is available for virtually all operating systems that have networking capability, including most embedded network administration software. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ping_(networking_utility)
Hope you are well – still targeted here in LA but coping and found a decent job.
All the best,
First, my apologies for typing your name incorrectly, above. I meant no harm.
That said. I thought you’d find this of interest. Its a video of Celeste Solum, the FEMA/HDS whistle-blower, describing in great detail Georgetown University’s Dr. James Giordano’s arrogant and hateful discussion regarding targeting, and in greater detail than prior.
Its shocking, disgusting, treasonous and purely evil. He actually threatens all targeted individuals in this video. Giordano is a bastard to humanity and all TIs.
Celeste Solum’s site can be found here: https://celestialreport.com/. She deserves our attention and respect.
Also — How You & Your DNA are Being Targeted – Humans Are Free: https://humansarefree.com/2017/08/heres-how-you-your-dna-are-being-targeted.html.
Well, Dr. James Giordano, Professor of Neuroscience, Georgetown University, and DARPA/U.S. Army Consultant is at it again.
Thanks to former HDS/FEMA turned whistleblower, Celese Solum, she has it all on her blog and was was possibly microwaved, as well as being threatened by another Dr. from
Note:they took down the original files from Wikileaks.org./ however I saved multiple copies. The targeting has went up, drastically, especially when I go near my site, and if I post the AI system comes at me from the literal sky w/DARPA. Kubak Torture is mentioned in a linked PDF file. DOWNLOAD/COPY from my pg before they delete that, too.
Grant code ‘MDA904’ NSA funding of academic research
In the same way that CIA sponsored research into stress models were used by the CIA to design torture and interrogation techniques, NSA sponsored research into branches of what seem to be pure mathematics are used for global surveillance of communications — the end result of which is to further general U.S. war and intelligence objectives, including handing people over to the CIA for interrogation or torture.
Over the last decade, U.S intelligence funding of academic research has taken on cavalier, even brazen qualities. This article reveals over 3,000 National Security Agency and over 100 Defense Intelligence Agency funded papers and draws attention to recent unreported revelations of CIA funding for torture research.
‘THE” File — Assange released these –
Wikileaks: On the Taken and Loving It https://wikileaks.org/wiki/On_the_take_and_loving_it
On the take and loving it
A science is said to be useful if its development tends to accentuate the existing inequalities in the distribution of wealth, or more directly promotes the destruction of human life…
Academic recipients of the U.S. intelligence budget.
By Julian Assange ([email protected] – Advisory Board)
Date October 7, 2007
Over the last decade, U.S intelligence funding of academic research has taken on cavalier, even brazen qualities. This article reveals over 3,000 National Security Agency and over 100 Defense Intelligence Agency funded papers and draws attention to recent unreported revelations of CIA funding for torture research.
1 Covert CIA-funded torture research
2 The National Security Agency
2.1 NSA funding of academic research
3 Grant code ‘MDA904’ – National Security Agency
3.1 Example documents
3.2 Mass surveillance research is not academic
3.3 Additional documents
4 Grant code ‘MDA908’ – Defense Intelligence Agency
4.1 Example documents
4.2 Additional documents
5 Conclusion
6 See also
Covert CIA-funded torture research
The June 2007 edition of Anthropology Today contains a paper Buying a piece of anthropology, Part 1: Human Ecology and unwitting anthropological research for the CIA by David H. Price, an Associate Professor of anthropology and sociology at St. Martin’s University. The article details how during the 1960s the CIA used the Human Ecology Fund to push a covert research agenda into torture and interrogation techniques.
Julianne Assange: on my site — https://lissahumanelife.wordpress.com/2020/06/14/wikileaks-on-the-taken-and-loving-it-repeat-for-clarity-whos-behind-targetedindividuals-suffering-over-3000-nsa-and-over-100-dia/
Plum Island a few years ago, when she was investigating him. This explains a lot. No wonder some good people with authority cannot stop this multi-billion dollar business and why they dragged poor Assange into prison now court and they say he is being tortured.
Current Neurological Operation is Changing the Trajectory of Mankind by Dr. Goridano – Shepherds Heart
Dr. Goridano – Celese Solom, the FEMA HDS whistleblower reports his abuse on targets again. She has access and went to conferences and/or meeting of military oriented issues.
Its unreal. This ‘fill in the blank’ military neural MD, Dr. Geiorgio of DOD/D.C./Georgetown Univ and more.. is now threatening TIs if we continue to go public.. He already did everything he states. She advises we stop … maybe we’re triggering attacks (algorithms).
I take this very personal. All of its been done to me and most if not all victims aka TIs.
Here’s Pt 1 — even more chilling. Pt 2 is all about targeted Individuals.Celese and the Common Sense gentleman, who’s name escapes me, also calls himself targeted in this discussion: https://youtu.be/FDeQRmqzPVY
And another chilling revelation from inside FEMA HDS Celese Solom: In this revelation they discuss FEMA”s plans for TARGETED INDIVIDUALS.FEMA’s plans for us are horrid. I live up the road from a FEMA facility.
The plans for us, by Celeste Solum
Its horrid. https://youtu.be/9K8B9XlJdws
Her review breakdown of Dr. Evil on neuro-weapons. Its unreal, this Dr. is in charge of the weaponization of brain science and threatens Targeted Individuals.
Video here: https://shepherdsheart.life/blogs/news/breaking-news-dr-evil-returns-with-neuroweapons
Celeste Solam relents:
“The Dark Side is in fact utilizing neuroscience and neuro technology as science and technology have been used since time immemorial, to be able to preserve particular values, Integrity’s and populations that one community holds dear, so as to defend against others who may threaten it.”
“Goridano promises the neurology can eradicate all pain, suffering, disease, human condition, and basically all the worlds problems. He then says there will be a “new normal” that we are, in fact, all experiencing right now.”
“What will you do on a personal level against this physical and existential threat? Your eternal future is on the line; you cannot afford to be complacent and go along the with the flow of society, for society is being lead by the Pied Piper off the cliff into the abyss. There is no turning back.”
PEACE be with you Dr. Eric and anyone reading this, and my your God be with you always. These are perilous times.– Chris Myers, curator of Lissa’s HumaneLife I, and now II.
Targeted over big multi-million dollar award monies I should had been awarded for a major cover up when they murdered my husband on a Military industrial Wall Street Site.They sent him to his death; lied about it; then came after me. The evidence was 99-100% OSHA proven, they sent him to his death, Beth Steel supervisor and another from Waste Mgt. — all depositions said that, meaning they killed him.
To prevent me from ever seeing the light of day of a court room, 2 weeks promised, state level, they got their 4th generational weapons system on me, the AI SKYNET simulation. Its been horrendous, having almost died from these attacks.
To think, they hired one of the top 10 law firms in the US, out of DC, to ‘destroy me’ their words. Their own depositioner’s after investigating me for three weeks returned with their judgement: They said ‘No court in the land would turn me down.’
Hence, they targeted gangstalked psyop’ed me, and with brain neural weapons, laser, microwaves, and after returning home to Maryland, where I was seeking peace, they flew over low one night, or the AI, and dumped ticks everywhere giving me a biological Lyme disease of mycoplasma and fibers and more. Its horrid. I refuse to die speechless, stand by my Constitution, and will leave this world on my feet. — Chris Myers
Correction:Thanks to former HDS/FEMA turned whistleblower, Celese Solum, she has it all on her blog and was was possibly microwaved, as well as being threatened by another Dr.from Plum Island after investigating him a few year ago, I will assume when she worked for FEMA as a Mgr.