Miranda to Webmaster via email (November, 2018)
I am Miranda. I am writing to request that my children _________ (my oldest)and ________ (my youngest) be placed on the Targeted Justice Civil Suit due to they have been and are hitting my oldest for the last year where she is experiencing constant pain in chest, heart palpitations, pain in legs as she walks, hair loss, fatigue for the last year (same as I). (Setup for possible heart attack). She just told me about the chest pain. My youngest gets marks on her skin and extreme hair loss. They are attacking my children as a result of me. Please add them to the list. If they cause a mysterious heart attack on my 27 and 25 year old healthy daughters I want this documented.
Thank you. Miranda.
My targeting began this time in summer 2016….
My point is when this partnership began with the state, I was selected as a subject. It is not about the SmartState Blockchain Initiative; it’s about the Department of Defense and that list. I believe with all my heart it is the NSA and/or Darpa Contracts with Universities in Illinois. So I’ve been looking for Contracts because the coworkers played roles of targeting and gangstalking with bringing bags of rotten fruit, spraying every time Taney walked past my cubicle, state workers from other offices and my office knowing where I lived and honking horns, following me in traffic. Before, no one knew where I lived. Co-workers staying after work everyday when the office closes at 5. So there’s a contract somewhere and I’ve been looking for it. It’s not about the Blockchain, it’s about the time the SmartState Blockchain started and how everything pertaining to targeting began with me during that time. That’s the correlation.
Webmaster to Miranda via email (11/27/2018):
OK, so I put my thinking cap on…. And here’s one possible connection….
I’ll state it as a hypothetical. What if DARPA has many, many projects- and some of these require unwitting human test subjects for these kinds of “terminal” (unto death) neuroweapons testing experiments…. They need to find “viable targets” as neuroscientist, Dr. James Giordano, states in a youtube lecture I have transcribed on my website here: Dr. James Giordano lecture: Neuroscience/neuroweapons risks and realities.).
So do you think that when they award contracts to various businesses, universities, corporations, etc., they make kind of a verbal stipulation? …. “OK, we’ll hire you to do this work, but you have to provide us with the names of 1-2% of your employees that we can enroll in our TI program.” As part of that agreement, employees can moonlight and make extra money by participating in the stalking/harassment of the target/victim.
In that case, there might not be a written agreement that we could find. But we would have lots of smoking guns with all these other contracts. It sure would be nice if you could interview one of your co-worker harassers and get their worldview.
Let me know if you think that this is feasible. I have re-posted the article re: your situation (which really is OUR situation as a TI community) on my website.
If my idea resonates with you, I can add it to the post.
Best wishes,
Eric Karlstrom
Miranda to Dr. Eric Karlstrom via email (11/27/2018)
I Thank you so much, Dr. Karlstrom. I think that is exactly what occurred.
Miranda’s email to Dr. Eric Karlstrom:
Dr. Karlstrom, I Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. Your reference to Dr. James (Giordano) earlier led me to NANOPHARMACOLOGY. Which led me to this:
Department of Defense
Contracts valued at $7 million or more are announced each business day at 5 p.m.
11/208 and previous years CONTRACTS
Email to Miranda from Webmaster:
Great, based on our scenario that a deal was made under the table to provide DARPA and universities a number of “viable targets” for their research in “cyber warfare”/“neurowarfare”, you can kind of bank on the CIA playing an intermediary role in all this…. They would part of the “hidden hand” of operations- having themselves infiltrated all the institutions involved with their own people.
All best,
Eric Karlstrom
Comment from Webmaster to DOD and academic psychopaths that are the perpetrators of Miranda’s (and probably millions of others’) torture: We real Americans WILL take our nation back from you. It won’t be that tough really. All we need to do is to expose the truth….. Such devastatingly perverse and sadistic criminality cannot stand exposure to the light of day. Thus, the truth will set us free. And hopefully, it will also set you psychopaths in prison for the duration of your lives. BTW, God is watching us.
Webmaster: Here are some of the links to DARPA-University of Illinois contracts that Miranda discovered and sent to me.
Documents and Contracts:
1) DOD-Air Force 2016 Contract for $18.7 Million with University of Illinois for the University to Develop Software and Hardware Systems for CEER (Cyber-physical Experimentation Environment) and RADICS (Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation Characterization Systems).
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, has been awarded an $18,699,100 cost contract for Cyber-Physical Experimentation Environment (CEER) for Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation Characterization Systems (RADICS) software system and report. Contractor will provide research, development and demonstration of a CEER hardware and software system to enable RADICS research, development, testing and evaluation. Work will be performed at Champaign, Illinois, and is expected to be complete by Aug. 1, 2020. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition with 70 offers received. Fiscal 2016 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $2,774,714 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, New York, is the contracting activity (FA8750-16-C-0181).
3) Cyber-physical Experimentation Environment
4) DARPA’s RADICS for Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation, and Characterization Systems For Cyber Attacks on Power Grids
DARPA’s RADICS for Rapic Attack Detection, Isolation Characterization Systems
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Home / International Defence Security and Technology / Cyber / DARPA’s RADICS for Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems for cyber attacks on power grids
DARPA’s RADICS for Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems for cyber attacks on power grids
2 days ago Cyber, Industry 0 Comments 9 Views
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Across the United States, 3200 separate organizations own and operate electrical infrastructure. The widely dispersed nature of the nation’s electrical grid and associated control systems has a number of advantages, including a reduced risk that any single accident or attack could create a widespread failure from which it might take weeks to recover. Since the late 1990’s, however, cost pressures have driven the integration of conventional information technologies into these independent industrial control systems, resulting in a grid that is increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attack, either through direct connection to the Internet or via direct interfaces to utility IT systems.
A substantial and prolonged disruption of electric power would have profound economic and human costs for the United States. A prolonged outage across 15 states and Washington, D.C., according to the University of Cambridge and insurer Lloyd’s of London, would leave 93 million people in darkness, cost the economy hundreds of millions of dollars and cause a surge in fatalities at hospitals.
“If a well-coordinated cyberattack on the nation’s power grid were to occur today, the time it would take to restore power would pose daunting national security challenges,” said John Everett, DARPA program manager. “Beyond the severe domestic impacts, including economic and human costs, prolonged disruption of the grid would hamper military mobilization and logistics, impairing the government’s ability to project force or pursue solutions to international crises.”
Although utilities are increasingly focused on their cyber-defense needs, the process of identifying, purchasing and installing commercial host-defensive technologies across the industry may take many years. In an effort to address the cyber threat to the country’s electrical grid within a shorter time frame, DARPA released today a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) detailing research aims for the early detection of cyber-attacks to power-grid infrastructure and seeking ways to reduce the time required to restore power.
DARPA has launched the RADICS program with objective to develop technologies for detecting and responding to cyberattacks on critical U.S. infrastructure, with an ultimate goal of enabling cyber and power engineers to restore electrical service within seven days in the event of a major attack. RADICS research is developing technology that cybersecurity personnel, power engineers, and first responders can utilize to accelerate restoration of cyber-impacted electrical systems.
DARPA’s Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems (RADICS)
The goal of the RADICS program is to develop innovative technologies for detecting and responding to cyber-attacks on U.S. critical infrastructure, especially those parts essential to DoD mission effectiveness says Dr. John Everett. DARPA is interested, specifically, in early warning of impending attacks, situation awareness, network isolation and threat characterization in response to a widespread and persistent cyber-attack on the power grid and its dependent systems.
An early warning capability for power suppliers could prevent an attack entirely or blunt its effects, such as damage to equipment. But the vast scale of the nation’s electrical infrastructure means that some number of systems are likely to be in an abnormal state at any given time, and it can be difficult to distinguish between routine outages and actual attacks. RADICS looks to develop advanced anomaly-detection systems with high sensitivity and low false positive rates, based on analyses of the power grid’s dynamics.
Recognizing that in some locations Internet infrastructure may not be operational after an attack, or that hackers may have embedded malicious code in utilities’ IT systems during an attack, RADICS also calls for the design of a secure emergency network that could connect power suppliers in the critical period after an attack. The creation of such a network will require new research into advanced security measures, as well as innovative technologies to facilitate the rapid connection of key organizations, without relying on advance coordination among them.
An attacker may continue network-based attacks during recovery efforts to delay power restoration. RADICS technologies will enable the creation of isolated emergency networks that would permit secure responder coordination. “Isolating affected utilities from the Internet would enable recovery efforts to proceed without adversary surveillance and interference,” Everett said, “and providing an alternative means for online coordination would enable a more orderly restoration of power among affected organizations.”
Finally, the RADICS BAA calls for the research and development of systems that can localize and characterize malicious software that has gained access to critical utility systems. These systems will augment the abilities of skilled cyber first responders to triage impacted systems and assist utility engineers with the rapid and safe recovery of power. Cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure can take many forms, including the corruption of configuration files and introduction of malicious code. RADICS technologies will safely and automatically map and assess the state and configuration of electrical power networks and detect and characterize power grid malware.
Potentially relevant technologies include anomaly detection, planning and automated reasoning, mapping of conventional and industrial control systems networks, ad hoc network formation, analysis of industrial control systems protocols, and rapid forensic characterization of cyber threats in industrial control system devices.
Program technologies will seek to accelerate recovery by maintaining situational awareness, enabling network isolation, and rapidly characterizing cyber-attacks:
Enhanced situational awareness may enable operators to thwart an attack or blunt its effects and thereby minimize physical damage to electrical equipment that would otherwise take significant time to repair. RADICS technologies will improve situational awareness by providing accurate and timely information about grid state before, during, and after an attack.
and power systems communication.
DARPA, has awarded Raytheon for early warning of impending cyber attacks
The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, better known as DARPA, has awarded Raytheon multiple contracts to research and develop technologies that will detect and respond to cyber attacks on the U.S. power grid infrastructure. The contracts, which total $9 million, were awarded under DARPA’s Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems (RADICS) program.
“During the last two decades, industrial control systems have evolved so that most are now connected to the Internet, making them vulnerable to cyber attack,” said Jason Redi, vice president for the Raytheon BBN Technologies Networking and Communications unit. “A significant power disruption would have profound economic and human costs in the U.S, so our goals are to prevent attacks and to reduce the time required to restore power after an attack.”
Raytheon BBN will create technologies to enhance situational awareness by providing early warning of an impending attack and detecting adversary spoofing of power grid data collection and communication. These technologies will also maintain situational awareness in the immediate aftermath of an attack.
The company will also examine methods to maintain secure emergency communication networks in the aftermath of an attack. Raytheon BBN’s approach seeks to isolate affected organizations from the internet and establish a secure emergency network to coordinate power restoration without depending on external networks.
VENCORE LABS to-assist-darpa-in-protecting-the-nations-electrical-grid
Vencore Labs, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Vencore, Inc., announced today that it has been awarded two prime contracts for the Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems (RADICS) program led by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The contracts have a total value of $17M and work is slated to begin in August of this year.
The objective of the RADICS program is to develop technologies for detecting and responding to cyberattacks on critical U.S. infrastructure, with an ultimate goal of enabling cyber and power engineers to restore electrical service within seven days in the event of a major attack.
Vencore Labs, a leader in smart grid security and monitoring, will conduct research and deliver technologies in three of five technical areas (TA). This new work draws on Vencore Labs’ expertise transitioning cybersecurity research technology to commercial use, as well as the company’s experience working with utilities to secure their networks through its first-of-its kind infrastructure monitoring solution, SecureSmart™.
Under TA-1, Vencore Labs intends to research, develop, demonstrate and deliver a system known as MANTESSA (Machine-Intelligence for Advance Notification of Threats and Energy-Grid Survivable Situational Awareness). the other participants include Princeton University and Carnegie Mellon University. The co-PIs within Columbia are Professors Dan Bienstock, Dan Rubenstein, and Vishal Misra.
The MANTESSA system aims to address the problem of early detection of cyber-attacks on the North American power grid. Specifically, the MANTESSA system intends to provide early warnings, spoofing detection and situational awareness, by means of continuously executing anomaly detection algorithms. WiMNet Lab’s contribution to the project will build on our previous work in the area of power grid and communication networks resilience.
Under TA-3, Vencore Labs plans to research, develop, demonstrate and deliver a Scalable and Holistic Energy CybeR-weapon Localization and Characterization (SHERLOC) system which is intended to rapidly localize and characterize cyber-weapons that have gained access to power grid infrastructure. The SHERLOC system aims to map Industrial Control Systems (ICS), gather and analyze configuration data, determine which devices are behaving incorrectly, and discover and characterize malware to help with restart operations.
BAE Systems developing tech to restore electric grid quickly after cyber attack
British company BAE Systems has secured an $8.6m contract from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop a technology for quick restoration of power after cyber attacks. The technology rapidly isolates both enterprise IT and power infrastructure networks from all channels of malicious attack. It also helps establish a secure emergency network (SEN) among trusted organisations to facilitate the coordination necessary to restore power to the complex electric grid.
The technology detects and disconnects unauthorised internal and external users from local networks within minutes after activation. It creates a hybrid network of data links secured by multiple layers of encryption and user authentication. The system depends on advances in network traffic control and analysis, which will allow utilities to establish and maintain emergency communications.
They also establish the SEN by utilising advances in broadcast, satellite, and wireless technologies developed for agile communications in contested environments. Designed to function in the absence of prior coordination among affected organisations, BAE Systems’ technology operates regardless of power availability, internet connectivity, disparate IT networks and grid infrastructure technology.
BAE Systems’ communications and networking senior principal engineer and manager Victor Firoiu said: “Getting the power back on quickly after a cyber attack is critical to national defence. “Given the scale and complexity of the US power grid, and the chaos following a coordinated, large-scale attack, this is no easy task. Our work with DARPA is intended to stop ongoing attacks and minimise downtime.”
BAE Systems’ RADICS technology is designed to operate in the absence of prior coordination among affected organizations and regardless of power availability, Internet connectivity, disparate IT networks and grid infrastructure technology, situational awareness, and ongoing disruption efforts by adversaries. Work on the RADICS project will be performed in Burlington, Massachusetts; Merrimack, New Hampshire; and Arlington, Virginia.
SRI International to Lead Program to Develop Technology for Restoring Power to a Grid Facing a Cyberattack
Researchers from SRI International are leading a collaborative team to develop cutting-edge technology that can be used by utilities and cyber first responders to restore power to an electric grid that has come under a cyberattack. The Threat Intelligence for Grid Recovery (TIGR) project aims to provide new tools that enable power engineers to restore and protect electrical service within seven days of an attack that overwhelms the recovery capabilities of utilities and subsystems.
Funded by a $7.3 million award from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for the Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems (RADICS) program, SRI International leads a team of expert organizations that includes Con Edison, Dartmouth College, New York University (NYU), Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), and Narf Industries. Together, the team will develop threat analysis and characterization technology for localizing and containing malware – malicious software such as a computer virus – that has breached industrial control systems (ICS) power grid equipment and networks.
Currently, utility companies in North America have procedures and capacity to handle localized power outages caused by events such as extreme weather and high usage on hot days. However, there aren’t any tools available to resolve the type of widespread outages that can be caused using malware.
The goal of the TIGR project is to develop tools that can be rapidly deployed after an attack has occurred. The tools will support resilient power recovery within three days and full restoration after seven days. Today’s generators have limited ability to supply power beyond seven days, making this timeframe critical for ensuring minimal disruption to the civilian power infrastructure.
“Reacting to a power crisis caused by a cyberattack requires a rapid, reliable and resilient response that presents complex challenges,” said Michael Locasto, Ph.D., senior computer scientist at SRI International and principal investigator for the project. “Our team’s combined expertise makes us uniquely qualified to develop tools that support rapid and trustworthy power restoration. Through the combination of domain experience, agility, and research expertise, the team’s goal is to provide tools that significantly strengthen power grid resilience over the next decade.”
Additionally, the Vencore Labs team will serve as a sub-contractor under TA-2.
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Home / International Defence Security and Technology / Cyber / DARPA’s RADICS for Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems for cyber attacks on power grids
DARPA’s RADICS for Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems for cyber attacks on power grids
2 days ago Cyber, Industry 0 Comments 9 Views
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Hello Dr. karlstrom,
Do you by any chance know Dr. Bruce Allan of WA with his wife Rashima?
I believe I may have met you at a conference in Spokanne several years ago.
I became aware of being stalked in Summer of 2016 during litigation of an MVA
Hello Dr. karlstrom,
Do you by any chance know Dr. Bruce Allan of WA with his wife Rashima?
I believe I may have met you at a conference in Spokanne several years ago.
I became aware of being stalkerd in Summer of 2016 during litigation of an MVA
posted here – https://flyingcuttlefish.wordpress.com/2018/08/16/mkultra/