Remote Neural Monitoring, Voice to Skull (V2K) Key Evidence/Proof- explanatory youtube and article

v2k Key Evidence article

Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), Voice to skull (V2K) Evidence Proof 2017

Updated On 23 January 2018

Some of the words used along with Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) are:

Voice to skull (V2K), Artificial telepathy, Synthetic telepathy, Voice of God, Targeted Individual, Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), Synthetic voice, Electronic harassment, Satellite harassment, Radiation targeting, MKUltra, Mind Control, Organized Gang Stalking, Microwave auditory effect, Microwave hearing, Hearing voices, Brain fingerprint, Brain hackers, Brain Computer Interface (BCI), brain to text technology.

I’m a Targeted Individual of Remote Neural Monitoring. When I browsed the internet I’ve seen people mentioning about implants when it is about Remote Neural Monitoring. I’ve had no implants so I’m sure that Remote Neural Monitoring doesn’t require any implants. My wife and my four year old son were also subjected to RNM cloned voice relay. Also see ‘According to Several Sources: No Implant Needed’ in Web link:

While working in a company I used to hear voice ‘F***’ word unable to see who said that mostly coming from a particular cubicle with a sitting person. As well as RNM cloned voice relay comments from employees like ‘mind reading’, ’asking questions’, was unable to see the person talking while commenting. I didn’t know then that actually it was a voice relay from RNM stalkers.

There was an eye checkup campaign near my house. It was more of a noise campaign, with cars, bikes honking and loud screeching (RNM sound relay) bike brakes when passing by near me. When I checked the eye check campaign someone took a photograph of me with an SLR camera. While returning from the eye check camp I heard someone say ‘Multilanguage’ and ‘dope’ behind my back, it was a RNM voice relay done by RNM stalkers.

I started hearing drumming sounds in my room which when I checked outside it was not heard. It was an RNM sound relay. After that I started hearing a woman voice saying ‘true’, ‘yes’ and ‘no’. Then often heard a word ‘yes’. The voice sounded like words coming from white noise whisper, only hearable to me.

RNM stalkers carefully plan the harassment and trick the targeted individual for make believe schizophrenia symptoms.

Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), Voice to skull (V2K) Evidence Audio Caught Recording:

Please find more Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), Voice to skull (V2K) Evidence videos at:

See and click on ‘Bioeffects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons’ in Web link:


Methods of Remote Neural Monitoring

1. Remote audio satellite surveillance: RNM stalkers listen to one’s speech and one’s surroundings.
2. Remote See through walls satellite surveillance: RNM stalkers can watch the targeted individual and also read the thoughts in words of the targeted individual in buildings and open area like roads and parks.
3. Remote Thought Surveillance: RNM stalkers can read the thoughts in words of the targeted individual. Web link:

4. Remote Voice/sound relay: Targeted individual alone hears a white noise whisper speech when no one is there or hears someone’s (synthetic voice) or a clone voice of known person clearly as someone is speaking. Also RNM stalkers can relay any sound only to you using microwave auditory effect. See ‘communication of the words from one to ten using “speech modulated” microwave energy was successfully demonstrated.’ in Web link:
See ‘Dr. Sharp proved that the correct modulation of microwave energy could result in the wireless and receiver less transmission of audible speech.’ in Web link:
Web link:
5. Remote Synthetic telepathy: RNM stalkers can read the words which targeted individuals think in their heads and either repeat targeted individual thoughts in words or respond by talking to you using white noise whisper speech.
6. Remote Human Motor control: They can control some of the human body motor control i.e. involuntarily eyelids open and close fast without any control.
7. Remote Visual relay: RNM stalkers can relay phospenes and augmented reality to targeted individual’s eyes vision.
8. Remote Olfactory and Smell memory Surveillance: RNM stalkers can access specific memory of smell or create a desired smell and one can smell it by electric stimulation.
9. Remote Electrical relay: RNM stalkers use satellite to zap you with electricity causing electrical shock, pin and prick, sharp pain and more often than usual itch on the skin.
10. Remote screen and computer surveillance: RNM stalkers can view mobile phone screen and computer monitor.

Some terms and their meanings:

1. ‘RNM white noise whisper voice relay’ means a spoken whisper like a white noise is heard. See ‘Speech and speaking’ in Web link:

Remote Neural Monitoring (articles and youtubes)

2. ‘RNM voice relay’ means you alone actually hear someone’s (synthetic voice) or a clone voice of known person clearly as someone is speaking. Web link:
3. ‘RNM sound relay’ means some sound/noise is relayed to you.
4. ‘RNM voiceless word relay’ means a voiceless word is relayed to you and you just know the word as the word is revealed to you.

RNM stalkers spy on you, using remote see through wall satellite technology and remote audio satellite surveillance on you i.e. where you go, what you say. They track you in real time and try to understand your weak and strong points. So that RNM stalkers can harass you.

Remote audio satellite surveillance:

1. Once brushing teeth, the RNM white noise whisper voice relay, commented saying I’m making a teeth brushing sound. RNM white noise whisper voice relayed a sound of man saying ‘You are making a kora kora sound’. This indicated that RNM stalkers are listening to my surroundings using audio satellite surveillance technology.
2. While listening to music from music system speaker, I heard RNM voice relay comment as if coming from speaker between the pauses of the music. RNM stalkers were listening to the music system speaker.
3. RNM stalkers can also spy on the mobile phone ear speaker and headphone.
a) While listening to movie using on the head headphone, I could hear RNM voice relay in the background as if hearing from headphone and movie. It means they were listening to my headphone and relaying those RNM voice at the exact time of the movie.
b) I heard the RNM voice relay the word ‘control’ while speaking to call center executive on phone similar to the background voices talking on phone. The RNM voice relay was heard as if coming from the phone ear speaker. It means RNM stalkers were listening to my phone ear speaker.
4. RNM stalkers can relay a cloned voice by picking up the voice of a person. This can be done only by first using the audio satellite surveillance technology which listens to ones surroundings.

Remote See through walls satellite surveillance:

1. RNM white noise whisper voice relayed my wife name to me, immediately I got a phone call from my wife from adjacent building. It means they are using technology to see through walls and stalk on the Targeted individual.
2. When I was sitting at the desk with face supported by my hand RNM voice relayed to keep my hands down. Also, RNM stalkers asked me ‘what are you doing’, when I was searching for an object.
3. In order to mind read the words which one thinks and white noise whisper voice relay with accuracy in a room, first RNM has to see through walls.
4. Once I had a hot phone in my pants pocket. When I looked down, RNM relayed a white noise whisper voice ‘hot’. This means that they knew that phone temperature was hot at that time and were watching me using some kind of thermal technology.
5. RNM stalkers track the targeted individual in buildings and open area.
6. There is a possibility that RNM stalkers track the targeted individuals using their unique Brain fingerprints. Web link:

Remote screen and computer surveillance:

1. RNM stalkers can view what is on the computer screen.
2. RNM stalkers can view the screen of mobile phone.
3. By using this surveillance RNM stalkers can hack your email and change the login password if you don’t have strong security measures i.e. 100 or more character password, two step sign in verification and recovery options.
4. They can jam the internet Wi-Fi signals and also stop the LAN internet connectivity of a laptop.

RNM stalkers use synthetic telepathy. Using satellite technology RNM can read words which you think in words, can control some of the motor control of human body. They relay words, sounds, mental visual images (Visualization) and Augmented Reality eyes vision.

RNM uses three types of Synthetic telepathy:

1. RNM White noise whisper voice relay is used
2. RNM voice relay is used
3. A voiceless word is relayed to you and you just know the word as the word is revealed to you.

If one is not alert RNM White noise whisper voice relay or voiceless relay a word from your own thought vocabulary, would result as if you thought that word yourself.

Evidenced by recording these RNM White noise whisper voice relay and RNM voice relay. Later the audio recordings started having static crackling noise indicating a protective mechanism for voice not to get recorded. These static crackling noise couldn’t be heard but got recorded.

Limitations of RNM technology:

1. During heavy rain white noise whisper relay voice volume reduces and stop.
2. RNM is unable to decipher the humming tune like ‘na na na’ when you think in your mind. They can only identify the phonetic sound of words and not the tune which you are singing in your mind.
3. While in car traveling 100 km/hr and above, RNM is unable to read the thoughts or repeat the word which one thought.
4. If you read a sentence from a book, fast enough in your mind RNM would not be able to comprehend what you read.

RNM stalkers mind read the words which one thought in one’s head and say back to you what you thought with a second of delay when you are newly stalked by RNM. After a while the words and phrases in which one thinks and talks to RNM stalkers including known person names is collected in a vocabulary database. Next time when you think a beginning phonetic sound of the word i.e. starting word’s vowel or consonant sound which you want to think they try to predict what the word and phrases might be, based on your vocabulary database. This way they would be faster in repeating back your thoughts in words by relaying the RNM white noise whisper voice. The predicted word/phrase or sentence may be right or might be wrong. See ‘database of patterns of neural signals that could now be matched to speech elements or ‘phones’.’ In Web link:

They repeat the word which you were thinking or say some other word/phrase (using RNM white noise whisper voice) to distract your thinking or delay your thinking of the word you wanted to say. If you were not alert you would completely think that you have thought that word (priming). It’s like they talk in mic and relay the words to you.

RNM stalkers play a very feeble white noise whisper voice to one’s ear. This way it becomes difficult to be detectable in audio recording. Also RNM stalkers do it so that when you listen to white noise whisper voice, you might think that word or guess some other word and add some more words and thoughts to it and keep you engaged in having a conversation with RNM in your mind. One has to know this or else if you have not slept/health is not good/angry, at one point one might think that these words are being thought by you, and you might start thinking excessively in your mind. It is basically a priming technique (psychology) used by RNM. Priming is an implicit memory effect in which exposure to one stimulus (i.e., perceptual pattern) influences the response to another stimulus.
Web link:

Getting angry/irritated would end up you talking nonsense to RNM. It’s a priming technique to keep you engaged in talking with them. They will play a psychological game with you, look for ways to make you emotional. One has to be very patient when RNM are relaying the sounds/voices to your ears.

This is how RNM psychological torture works, the more you talk and listen to RNM the more irritated and angry you become. And it might become a habit to talk to RNM which they encourage and wait for that to happen. RNM will pay sentimental game to provoke/irritate/anger, They would say angel then say f***. They would say f*** many times to you. They would play nice then they will play bad routine.

They use words like f*** to make you angry, and being angry due to listening to RNM white noise whisper voice is really a miserable thing. They may comment right before you are visiting someone/someplace. The Idea behind this is to make you angry. You will be not in your best mood and talk angrily to RNM stalkers in your mind. This is the whole point for them to try to make you angry and your life miserable. So one has to guard from becoming angry from the voice. One way out is to use mindfulness and meditation.

If you hear voices that is distinctly not your own thoughts, ignore and do not participate! Whatever accusations, cursing, filthiness, and nastiness the RNM stalkers relay using white noise whisper voice, do not engage with them with any arguments! Do not give them any attention. Remember they are already getting paid and you’re not getting anything back except the physical and psychological harm. Since they are forcing themselves into you, do not give them anything more but stare and silence which is more than enough. See ‘If you hear voices that is distinctly’ in Web link:

There is always a reason in what RNM does, so know the reason and have mindfulness or meditate.

RNM would white noise whisper voice relay the phrase ‘don’t be afraid’, they want you to keep engaged with RNM. Keep your mind in neutral emotion. Don’t speak or reply to RNM.

If you are talking with RNM stalkers in your mind, your focus is maintained with RNM stalkers and you may not be able to focus on other work.

The solution is keep your mind still. Watch your thoughts, see are they really yours? Have mindfulness.

The RNM white noise whisper voice relay, RNM voice relay and RNM sound relay is 3d positional like Dolby digital.

RNM white noise whisper voice sounds like a whispered voice.

This is how white noise whisper voice I heard

RNM white noise whisper voice relay examples:

1. RNM white noise whisper voice relay repeat the word which was thought in one’s mind, to torture the targeted individual. RNM stalkers might say some other words or talk to you, to try to keep you engaged with them.
2. The RNM white noise whisper voice relay claimed to be ‘terrorist’, ‘NGO’, ‘detective’, ’collecting information’, ‘investigating’, ‘international’, ‘power’ and ‘magician’. RNM stalkers also white noise whisper voice relayed the word ‘Synthetic telepathy‘, ‘satellite’, ‘imported’ and ‘digital(probably meant as technology)’. The crux is they are harassing the targeted individual.
3. Heard RNM white noise whisper voice relay while travelling in motor bike and car.
4. Its only when they reduce the volume of white noise whisper to nearly nil one could sleep because one becomes irritated and angry, they keep talking to you and it becomes difficult to sleep. Leading to sleep deprivation.
5. When I record the RNM white noise whisper voice relay, RNM stalkers reduce their volume saying ‘duck tails’. This means sometimes RNM voice relay is recordable.
6. While thinking they would add new word by relaying white noise whisper voice.
7. RNM stalkers would relay white noise whisper voice words, phrases and sentences from your own vocabulary of words which would make you think as if you thought that word or phrase.
8. A word is said before you think about a word (see precursor in RNM voiceless word relay examples) and can make you forget/distract what you wanted to say.
9. When a beginning phonetic sound of the word is thought a similar word is relayed to you matching to that beginning phonetic sound .i.e. if ‘hat’ is the thought word then RNM would white noise whisper relay ‘hair’. Here ‘h’ is the beginning consonant sound for both the words.
10. They would also relay a feeble white noise whisper voice just not understandable. If you thought of a word from that not understandable voice it means RNM has found out a word, your emotion and engaged you in talking with them.
11. If RNM stalkers white noise whisper voice relayed a particular angry word and you thought about it in words, then they would play that they are angry with you.
12. RNM stalkers will use words from newspaper which you read and relay the white noise whisper voice of those words. Making you think there is some link with newspaper which is not. It just an trick.
13. RNM white noise whisper voice relayed ‘pinjare mein band'(Hindi language) (locked in a cage), to encourage one to talk to RNM and make you realize that one is getting harassed by them.
14. RNM stalkers do a friendly talking to you and divert you to their usual priming technique to make you keep talking to them in your mind.

RNM voice relay when coming from other people are usually loud and clear (even while wearing helmet and riding). Loud enough to be noticed by others but people don’t seem to notice at all, because only targeted individual is hearing a RNM voice relay.

This is how RNM Voice relay I heard. Usually the RNM Voice relay would be loud and clear to the targeted individual.

RNM Voice relay examples:

1. RNM stalkers voice relay when one is not watching a person’s face. Also when a person’s face is partially visible, i.e. a person’s side face is visible sitting and talking. Between the pause of person’s speech (RNM can see the person’s lip movement while talking) RNM voice relays loud cloned voice of that person. It is loud because the overlap of speech might go undetected. They will measure the person speech loudness and play the cloned voice louder to keep the overlapping errors low as possible. To avoid the detection of RNM voice relay the voice would be a short phrase or a word.
Example1: My wife heard me saying about going to temple, she asked me that did I ask her to go to a temple? I didn’t say a word that means RNM relayed the cloned voice of me to my wife. One has to be careful and alert, because they can interfere with relationship this way. Tip: Ask whether the person commented or not.
Example2: I heard an angry voice comment of my wife, I didn’t watch her while I heard the voice. When I enquired she said she had not spoken at all. Tip: Watch the person face when they are talking.
If you don’t know this, it is possible that you would become angry, ruin the relationship with the person. You would think that the person is talking against you, cussing, swearing, etc., which is a synthetic cloned voice.
Example3: Wife was humming a loud tune. When I casually asked her whether she was humming a tune she replied she didn’t. RNM was relaying a cloned voice of my wife.
2. RNM stalkers voice relay when a by passer is passing by, in front, side or is at the back. Also synthetic voice is relayed from next room and from TV when not being seen by targeted individual.
3. I heard someone commenting about me in a motorcycle, and speaking, when I saw the rider he was not speaking at all. The RNM voice was relayed 3d positional, i.e. the RNM voice relay seemed to travel with the bike.
4. When someone is smiling, RNM will increase the loudness and relay a sinistrous laugh (ha ha or hee hee) trying to lip sync the person’s laugh.
5. RNM stalkers would relay a voice as if the voice is coming from speakers:
a) If there are speakers at places like temple RNM would relay a voice in real time, of the words which you are thinking in your head, as if it is being played by the public speaker.
b) At mosque prayer call speakers RNM would relay the voice comments to the targeted individual.
c) At gym when the music is played, RNM would voice relay music with singing comments. Singing voice comment is relayed to you in between the silence of the music. Also the comment was played at the end of the music.
d) From mobile vegetable or fruit seller speakers RNM would relay the voice comments.
e) All the sounds will be loud and clearly heard than usual normal volume by you alone as RNM voice is directed towards you.
6. RNM Voice relay comments coming from open terrace second floor (3d positional audio).
7. RNM stalkers select the places and sources of noise/sound where you travel, visit, to relay their noise/voice comment. I.e. RNM voice relay comment from TV from first floor, people from outside the room, crow bird saying F*** outside the room (Synthetic voice), speakers. These noise/sounds is only heard by you. Try recording theses relayed voice. If opportunity is not there they create their opportunity by sending their people acting/riding bike as if talking on phone, riding friends in a motorcycle or two riding friends in two motorcycles cussing each other one can hear RNM voice relay also, loud singing voice relay from bypassing motorcyclist.
8. In restaurant RNM stalkers will relay the voice from nearby sitting group, their favorite is a group of people sitting together. Then RNM stalkers will send their own new group of people in the restaurant nearby you and comment about you as if talking to each other.
9. They relay the words/comment and electrical relay pain in abdomen while traveling to distract you. Since you are traveling if you are thinking about what you heard, you may go on autopilot mode and take a wrong route.
10.a) While listening to movie using on the head headphone I could hear RNM voice relay in the background of the movie as if hearing from headphone. It means they were listening to my headphone and relaying those RNM voice at the exact time of the movie.
b) I heard the RNM voice relay the word ‘control’ while speaking to call center executive on phone similar to the background voices talking on phone. The RNM voice relay was heard as if coming from the phone ear speaker. It means RNM stalkers were listening to my phone ear speaker.

11. While saying a sentence I heard the last ending word changed to something else. By asking the other person it revealed I said the correct word which I spoke but not what I heard. What I heard was loud RNM cloned voice relay changing the last word of the sentence.
12. When people are standing at a distance and you are not looking (low light area) at them they would relay a mumbling sound which is not understandable when the other person is talking or they would repeat the said voice one more time.
13. RNM relays voice comments which talk about you or saying something which you don’t like.
14. Looking at your eyes/head, RNM is finding out your vision range and direction of where you are seeing. RNM stalkers calculate ones field of vision range, basically finding out where you are looking, then they relay the voice when appropriate ie, someone standing and talking using cloned voice relay, if you are not looking.
15. I heard f*** word when the running water forcefully came out from the solar water tap.
See ‘“Voices” on Running Water (Microwave hearing)’ in Web link:
16. While travelling in a car with my four year old son, he suddenly asked me whether I called his name. The car windows were rolled up and there was no noise from outside. At that time I didn’t call his name, it was a RNM cloned voice relayed to my son.

RNM sound relay could be any sound like a child screaming, flute music, etc.

RNM sound relay examples:

1. RNM stalkers sound relay Child screaming while travelling in motorbike. Tip: Once I started taking video recording the menace stopped. See ‘children yelling’ in Web link:
2. RNM stalkers sound relay crackling, popping or audible clicks sound in one of the ears. Web link:
3. RNM stalkers sound relay ringing in one of the ears or both ears like tinnitus.
4. When I said ‘mouse’ to RNM stalkers they relayed the ‘squeak’ sound. They have sound library of animal’s sound with them which they relay when required.
5. When I spoke and finished my talk and closed my lips, I heard an ‘ffff’ sound relayed by RNM. RNM has also relayed a breathing sound when I was not speaking.
6. Loud Screeching brake noise from car and bikes, if near, passing by or far away. The loud screeching brake noise is RNM sound relay. See ‘They will ‘screech’ their tires’ in Web link:
7. RNM stalkers sound relay flute music, guitar music, Star Wars III riding on the lizard sound effect (there was no music system or TV in the soundproof room.)

RNM voiceless word relay is a voiceless word which is relayed to you and you just know the word as the word is revealed to you.

RNM voiceless word relay examples:

1. RNM stalkers relay synthetic telepathy of cussing/angry words (voiceless) which symbolizes being angry. If you are not aware then you would think that you are angry and fighting with RNM stalkers. Keep your mind still, have mindfulness, see which words are your own and not of synthetic telepathy using voiceless word relay or white noise whisper voice relay.
2. RNM stalkers would say that they are dictating the words in one’s head. One can listen to the voiceless word relay but keeping the mind still or mindfulness you can find out whether they are relaying the thoughts or is it your own thoughts.
a. Precursors-When a word is about to be thought they will relay another word and make one forget or distract what one was thinking, using white noise whisper voice relay or voiceless word relay.
b. While thinking the starting letter phonetic sound of a word they would relay some other word with the same starting letter phonetic sound.
3. Since I found out about the RNM voiceless word relay they used the voiceless synthetic telepathy on me in the night distracting my sleep.
4. RNM stalkers relay voiceless word before you are going to see a word in front of a van, mini truck, while you are, While I was seeing and reading ‘drive carefully’ written in front of a mini truck they relayed a voiceless word ‘devil’ trying to replace the ‘drive’ word which I read. That means the vehicle was a setup they already knew what was written on the vehicle. RNM stalkers were watching me and at appropriate time they relayed the voiceless word.

They relay the words which you know form your vocabulary database, because
a. Make you think that you yourself were thinking about that word, if you are emotional/not alert.
b. You’ll not be able to identify the words which you thought in your head was relayed by white noise whisper voice or voiceless word relay, if you are emotional/not alert.
c. New words will make you realize those words are from RNM voice relay/voiceless synthetic telepathy

During RNM mind reading think of one word only, i.e. meditating, mindfulness. By doing this you can identify the new words which RNM is relaying to you either through voiceless word relay or voiced relay method.

While talking to RNM stalkers in words in your head keep your tongue pressed at bottom of your mouth or top of your mouth. So that your tongue does not respond when you think of words in your head and get fatigued. See ‘moves to partly form word shapes’ in Web link:

RNM Visual examples:

1. RNM can relay a new mental visual image (Visualization) to you.
2. RNM can see very few of targeted individual’s mental visual images (Visualization), I know this because RNM stalkers white noise whisper voice relayed me what I just visualized.
3. RNM can show you your own visual memory on your existing focus/awareness.
4. Once at bedtime when I lay on the bed and closed my eyes, I saw a faint white glowing infinity symbol (phospenes) being drawn. I opened my eyes immediately it vanished. Similarly I have seen a phospenes star and unclear changing white (phospenes) drawn images when my eyes were just closed at bedtime. I have also seen a phospenes star with open eyes which came and disappeared before my eyes. These are created by jolt to the occipital lobe, a portion of the brain associated with sight, which caused me to experience phospenes, the sensation of perceiving light when none is present.
Web link:
See ‘This second group of subjects’ in Web link:
5. Moving shadow on the ceiling. RNM would white noise whisper voice relay saying that they are ghost, devil, and relay sounds to try to make you afraid, another form of harassment.
6. Night glow Astronaut sticker (glow in the dark) on the ceiling became 3D and started moving, turning and floating on the ceiling in the night when the lights were off.
7. RNM changes vision like augmented reality, low lighted place is their favorite place, to create an illusion. These illusions are created by RNM stalkers for harassing the targeted individual.
8. They can in real time change the part of a vision:
a) Showing a person joining hands and saying Namaste for half a second in a room when the known family member, was just sitting at the table at home. No one in my family gestures Namaste at home.
b) A water jet shown slowly sparkling from the tap running water to make you think you are special for the first time, which is an illusion created by RNM stalkers. On second time RNM stalkers relayed white noise whisper voice saying that they have created this illusion.

RNM electrical relay examples:

1. Pin and pricking pain in left side of the upper abdomen (probably stomach).
2. Itching skin on places like hands, groin, legs, cheek, lower lips, head, nose, ears more often than usual. RNM uses an electrical relay to create the itches. These electrical relay seem to be 3D and can be pointed to any surface of the human body. See ‘GPS satellites provides precise three-dimensional position’ in Web link:
One’s hand goes to the itch automatically that’s because Spinal cord neurons control pain and itch. Web link:
A reflex response occurs within the spinal cord. Motor neurons are activated and the muscles of your arm contract, moving your hand. This occurs in a fraction of a second — before the signal has been relayed on to the brain — so you will have moved your arm towards the itch before even becoming conscious of the itch. Web link:
Sometimes hand doesn’t goes to the itch if you were aware of the itch. Electrical relay itch done on others also, i.e. by passers, standing near, person visible to you. They do it to others to show as if RNM stalkers are following you or known persons are harassing you. Which is not true.
3. Electrical relay on the eye, as if something touched the eye.
4. Electrical relay on the left side of the chest (probably heart).
5. Sharp pain in the left side of the upper abdomen (probably stomach).
6. Pain at left and right back between approximately the lowest rib and the buttock (probably kidney).
7. Electrical relay in the throat to make you cough.
8. Electrical relay on arms as if a rain drop has fallen on the arm. See ‘Electric shower’ in Web link:

Sometimes RNM stalkers would play dumb and will try to make you laugh. It becomes easier to make you laugh if you are already angry with RNM stalkers. To people it would seem that you are laughing alone and that would look weird.

They talk patiently to see if you are angry, and look for a chance to fight.

They would keep you engaged by cussing you using f** word. One has to control one’s emotion and meditate/have mindfulness.

RNM gang stalkers:

1. While traveling outside I would more often than usual listen people talking on phone and saying ‘where are you’
2. RNM gang stalkers play a same comical sound (poin poin poin) in the speaker phone at different places you visit. There is a possibility that it can be RNM sound relay. Sample sound is here. Web link:
3. RNM Gang stalking-raising arms and keeping hands behind neck, pointing with fingers and showing direction, raising elbow up and down like a chicken or raising arms like a flying bird while riding pillion in a motor bike .
4. RNM gang stalkers used look alike of four people from my previous employer, whom I saw once, on road while travelling, visiting to mall, ice cream parlor. There are agencies who provide look alike for politician’s campaign and film industry. It is another kind of harassment. Tip: Once I started taking video recording, photographs the menace stopped. Web link:
5. RNM gang stalkers come in bike near your residence, sit for a while and talk on phone and on the opportunity they comment about you while talking to the person on phone.
6. If you are not recording and you know about RNM voice relay methods and if you are alone walking then they would make their RNM stalker to laugh in front of you and comment on you for real or while bypassing say some mumbling words for real, just to hide their voice relay illusions.
7. More often than usual women adjusting their sandal or shoes. This is priming do not fall for these kind of priming.
8. Show the message ‘human rights’ near bullet Enfield motorcycle number plate. It is done to encourage you to talk to RNM stalkers in your head in words and make you realize that you are getting harassed by them.
9. The RNM team would set their stalkers standing, riding a bike at specific points where you take the road often and show a specific mono acting like playing flute for a few seconds (they stand strategically so that people don’t see them). A bike rider who was riding opposite to me showed his hanging hand down and elbow up like a puppet. RNM stalkers would relay white noise whisper voice that they are puppeteers.
10. RNM stalkers have stolen my camera when I traveled and also stole my external hard disk kept in home, containing RNM voice recording. Then RNM stalkers relayed white noise whisper voice to me claiming that they have stolen my camera and external hard disk.

They threatened and made me delete the video and audio evidence so far I have collected. Don’t delete the evidence.

RNM stalkers would relay white noise whisper voice that they are puppeteers. They can control some of the features of human body like motor control. While controlling the below mentioned features of human body, RNM stalkers would often relay white noise whisper voice to me claiming that they have the controlling abilities. See below list:

1. Control of one’s Feet and toe-While standing one’s body lifts up on toes all by itself, without thinking about moving.
2. Hip – swaying back all by itself, while standing and sitting
3. Jaw :
a) Clinching of jaw, making you think that you are angry.
b) Opening of jaw and mouth involuntarily.
4. Facial muscle control – Showing emotion sad and happy by control of eye brow, facial muscle and tears
5. Tears control, involuntarily tears in eyes without emotional thinking.
6. Smell memory and olfactory- RNM stalkers can access specific memory of smell or create a desired smell and one can smell it by electric stimulation. They are probably getting assistance from Artificial Intelligence or Analytics software to access those specific smell memory.
a) While I was sitting in my room I smelled cow dung.
b) While doing exercise in my room I could smell strong smell of urine. As if I had urinated in my pants which I didn’t.
c) When I closed my eyes to sleep, immediately I smelled fart which I didn’t fart and there was no one nearby me.
See the Abstract in Web Link:

7. Eye lids:
a) Eye lids blink fast without any control, involuntarily.
b) One of the eye lid partially getting closed forcefully.
8. Going blind for a half a second, blanking out the vision which one can see
9. Control of fingers – a) On phone display my index finger was zigzagging on its own.RNM stalkers claimed that they could control my index finger by relaying white noise whisper voice to me.
b) Thumb and index finger rubbing together indicating money gesture, RNM also white noise whisper voice relayed ‘money’ along with the gesture. My wife and son also did the same money gesture the next day.
c) Involuntary twitching of right hand index finger like a nervous tic. See ‘involuntarily moved his right index finger’ in Web link:
10. Electrical sensation like Goosebumps throughout the body, but without any hairs rising.
11. Tongue – Tongue twitch involuntarily at rest or when speaking.
12. Bladder – Involuntarily release of urine, RNM white noise whisper voice relayed ‘bladder control’
13. Make you cough.
14. First I heard RNM white noise whisper voice relay something about ‘brain mapping’, then my elbows twitched and knees twitched, then RNM whisper relayed ‘bladder control’ and involuntarily released my urine.
15. Wrist motor control, bending involuntarily like a twitch.

16. Make one faint. The faint started with feeling of heavy head as if my brain being under heavy magnetic field. RNM stalkers have done this to me two times. Then they white noise whisper voice relayed to me that I’m having a Brain tumor, which I don’t have it.

14 Replies to “Remote Neural Monitoring, Voice to Skull (V2K) Key Evidence/Proof- explanatory youtube and article”

  1. They are using the telephones. Switching the phone off at night makes a huge difference but they can still use your neighbors phone. How it works is the early prototype microwave ovens used shortwave radio of 60 MHz. They can target specific individuals or whole sectors of society at any one time and the whole thing is probably AI controlled. George Orwell was almost right in his 1984 with the Telescreens only it’s actually the telephones.

  2. The v2k/rnm voice sometimes can be heard to say the same phrase that is then said aloud by real people nearby. I suspect that these spoken aloud comments by others are promted by v2k mind control.the target can hear the v2k prompting just b4 it is spoken by the person.

  3. I have been subject to Remote Neural Monitoring for the last three-years. The reason is that I was suspected of multiple-crimes, while holding a position in Washington, D.C. as a reasonably high-level director of a non-governmental organization. The purpose of the monitoring was two-fold: to determine what I knew; and, to engage in a campaign of behavioral modification, through coercive means.

    Over the last three-years of RNM, I have been able to apply the scientific method to discern various Voice 2 Skull (V2K) communications, in order to discern facts about the agency engaging in the campaign. This discernment, brought me to the realization that I lack the facts necessary to establish the existence of RNM, and subsequently seek relief from the court for the surveillance, interrogation and coercive methods employed. I cannot be more clear — my direct resistance to the electronic interrogation is frequently met with an RNM EMF response: a high pitched, deafening noise is used to incapacitate me and cause me pain and harm. It is not possible to cover-my-ears to avoid the noise. It is surveillance that has been weaponized.

    I have a theory on how to reveal that this is taking place — Alter Ego, an MIT system used to measure brain-waves and thought patterns can be used to decipher which voice comes from a subjects’ brain waves, and which comes from a remote source on the basis of the brain’s activity.

    The largest hurdle that subjects undergoing RNM must overcome, is what I refer to as, the evidence hurdle. Without proof that the behavior is happening, there is no recourse because no court can grant relief on the basis of a claim that is not supported by a reasonable belief that their claim should have evidentiary support. Distinguishing cerebral activity is the key to laying a foundation of evidence with which a claim can be substantiated.

    I can go on and on about this, but you get the drift. Here is a link to a YouTube video of MIT’s Alter Ego technology. I will monitor responses to this post, and proceed as instructed by other individuals with more technical expertise — I am only a professional with respect to the law itself, and not with regard to technology.

  4. I have a chip implant in my tooth, I live in Salzburg, Austria. All began with cybermobbing on Facebook. These pigs began to tell stories About me bacuse I was beeing watched at the Bleckmanns , a Family who also knew About this but did not tell anything…Today I am beeing harrased with Voices 24/7..these criminals are female and male..old People who speak only spanisch and Keep saying I will soon be out, Facebook is not Germany, not milo haas…a pig who schould have slandered me on this fucking social media….since 2017 began the attacks with women hispanic…telling mean Things About me and other People….making intriguis…dann I heard a guy saying austrian women fuck with13 years old…I schould be Right,,,About their promiscuty…and so j´kind of Things…really stupid Things of These proletarians or Stalkers…who have been engaged for a reason…they want me to believe I am Radio..all People are repeting your thoghts…ask someone…you are Radio. What I see is that they are cloning Voices…and let me well know of this Technology..they use REMOTE NEURAl MONITORING through a chip Implant THAT I got at a smbulatorium in salzburg- dental Office. About knew lots of People who paticipated on this horribkle crime against humam Rights….it is awfull!!! What Kind of People do that to a foreign…? wherever I go they jkeep playing the Voices of People …clones…to make me believe they all know About this…someone investigates the case…
    and you pig women…er lutscht euch eure muschis!!!




  6. Yes im being attacked with this i know the person doing this he has same equipment hooked up to anttena and computer i have told the police they think your on drugs when you report it to them are you have mental peoblems the real problem is when you tell them he uses that on the cops to so u cant do anuthing about it its wrong he gets away with murder and controling human life to torture i want something done im fighting for justice he killed my friend wiithi this im going to fight to get him off the streets for me my family my friend and so this doesnt happen to other people

  7. This is surely interesting subject matter because if it is ongoing without judicial or legislative review, it means that the nation state claim has to go away. It is silly content received by me for nearly a decade directly into the brain and it is not the king of me. Americans are seemingly a demon cult of dog people that do the opposite of most of the stated aims and stated claims daily. I am Joseph Daniel Patrick Wright in Hammond, IN and I am thinking that if the US armed forces consolidated are not interested in identifying domestic enemy conduct to resurrect the Federal law’s prime tyranny avoidance intent and subsequent additional sprawl, then the democracy should immolate in my face with a plump farcical old fart clown show of insouciance. The address torture pod is 3832 Grover Avenue Hammond, IN. The problem with warring on citizens in this fashion for no reason is that there does not appear to be a viable and articulable counter-party to start an assault based fully criminal retarded government of the Beast. JFK to you if you do not speak it true. I am a patient of Dr. Paniotte at the VA Adam Benjamin in Indiana and this topic has led to poverty for no reason without a direct response from the Dr. in regard to hallucinations versus a constant stream of violation for the last 8-10 years. USA Federal leadership is a stink dog arrangement that has managed to agree that someone is messing with the black people and very little else. MLK. Also, nothing criminal has been done over this whole period to rule that out. My prodigal youth was not tight, but this is artificial blight creation in the land of Satan. Right. RFK. There are not any sound human or animal reasons to do this. It is a criminal nation state!

  8. How come everyone seems to state the same useless information and do not address
    The losses they suffered and how angry and violent thoughts of revenge that typically occur while being targeted
    I have yet to read a TI recommending a
    Countering tactic to block disrupt or even
    return some kind of threat of there own what
    Is wrong with targets individuals?
    I have tried many types of verbal and mental
    Strategies some are better then others
    People should think on what would disrupt
    Them and put fear back to them

  9. Well, a really great rd. Thank you for the information. Each thing mentioned here has and is happening to me for a full year now. Mine seem to be living closer to me than I’d like. They have cloned my devices. Sabatoged my 9 year relationship, held my calls and messages for weeks at a time causing a loss of 49k thus far. My reputation is shot 5o my family and my friends…..and yet they want more. I’m depressed but trying to fight the good no longer fear this and now challenge them often to make good on the daily threats of murder and rape. In the beginning they’d loop my girl’s name over and over “- l”- – – is a Mother f”””ing whore. Then proclaiming how they were on their way to her place to rape her. This of course is gaslighting and I fell for it enough times to where I’d looked lime a fool and someone who needed mental help.. I’ve been to a hospital this year and also seen the inside of jail for the first time in my 54 years. And yes they were there with me the whole time broadcasting sad old country and western songs about prison. Plus voices that were talking about taking me out at 3 am to a rape room. And how all the jailers were into it like sport. One had brought this kind of booze or these chips and what were they going to dress me in.. . All because I tried to warn my ex girlfriend that someone was constantly speaking to me about raping her. And the name James Gillispie, over ND over. Like he was this carasmatic guy who raped everyone everywhere he went. And Laura was about to go on a first date with this “rapewolf” ( yeah, you heard me…) These guys are straight up prices. Did the police thing. Still am unable to speak to my ex( restraining order) I’m out on bond since Nov awaiting a court date still. I explained this now to so many people that I think 8 am beginning to tell it no as insanely as I was. But here is a nice recording 5rick that I have picked up. I’ve 4ecorded since almost day one.. download something like Audioslave or any sound app that t has a karaoke feature on it. Now run your recording with the pitch all the way up and now bring down the tempo only to where you hear ,,,,spoken voice that isn’t just a whisper anymore.What a difference it makes. I then try and clean them up as much as 8bcan. The voices as slightly out of phase but you can tell what’s going on. Thanks folks

  10. I am a ti as well

    I’m addressing the commenters who seem so angry at this (understandably as I have been since adjusting to this new thing), and to the one commenter who said there were complaints offered but not many solutions. I agree and when it first happened til a few weeks ago I couldn’t find the solution. But there is one.
    Only thing that helps me is total calm and strength by following “the rules”. “They” trained me to maintain composure as a way of silencing the mind. The mind does silence itself once you have your composure and find gratitude and composure within. The program is made to bow to a virtuous heart. The demon people have rules. To them thinking and complaining are sins. Being stupid, fearful, foolish or wasteful is a sin. These laws are also in the bible. It says guard your heart and mind. Look to the bright side especially when you have nothing. Do not be afraid. Dont complain. Show respect and compassion for life. Have dignity and protect yourself and your family. Have faith in God and your birthright to live well. Accept the justice God puts on the planet, dont blame, accept your lingsuffering, and be strong. Give to caesar what is Caesars and to the Lord what is the Lorda. By your patience, possess your souls. The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control. Against these things there is no law. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. I can do anything through Chriat who strengthens me.

    Psalms, Proverbs and the new testament (especially the words of jesus, which you can find on youtube) got me through a heap of shit! Especially when they had me believing perverted things my husband was doing behind my back. I woke up in the pit of hell and had to slap a positive attitude on even though I wanted to die, and as a result I ended up with a silent mind, faith in God, and solitude away from the ones who were causing me trouble.

    Obviously I didnt agree with all their rules but the good ones that i agreed with, i followed. They dont believe in kindness and compassion, and they may make fun of you for the principle, but they dont mind being on the receiving end either. They know they’re going to hell. It’s a cult their brainwashed into and they go from humble and gracious to arrogant and cruel same as anyone. I believe when Jesus says pray for those who persecute you. That’s exactly what this is, the bloodline of Cain, and the demonic presence in the world, exercising its power over us and persecuting the “saints” as they call us.

    Good luck everyone. Google some scripture when you can and keep faith. Oh one of my favorites:
    God has given you a spirit not of fear but of a sound mind

  11. I am a targeted individual as well.

    I’m addressing the commenters who seem so angry at this (understandably as I have been since adjusting to this new thing), and to the one commenter who said there were complaints offered but not many solutions. I agree and when it first happened til a few weeks ago I couldn’t find the solution. But there is one.
    Only thing that helps me is total calm and strength by following “the rules”. “They” trained me to maintain composure as a way of silencing the mind. The mind does silence itself once you have your composure and find gratitude and composure within. The program is made to bow to a virtuous heart. The demon people have rules. To them thinking and complaining are sins. Being stupid, fearful, foolish or wasteful is a sin. These laws are also in the bible. It says guard your heart and mind. Look to the bright side especially when you have nothing. Do not be afraid. Dont complain. Show respect and compassion for life. Have dignity and protect yourself and your family. Have faith in God and your birthright to live well. Accept the justice God puts on the planet, dont blame, accept your lingsuffering, and be strong. Give to caesar what is Caesars and to the Lord what is the Lords. By your patience, possess your souls. The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self control. Against these things there is no law. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. I can do anything through Chriat who strengthens me.

    Psalms, Proverbs and the new testament (especially the words of jesus, which you can find on youtube) got me through a heap of shit! Especially when they had me believing perverted things my husband was doing behind my back. I woke up in the pit of hell and had to slap a positive attitude on even though I wanted to die, and as a result I ended up with a silent mind, faith in God, and solitude away from the ones who were causing me trouble.

    Obviously I didnt agree with all their rules like cruelty and perversion, but the good ones that i agreed with, i followed. Such as composure, self preservation, intelligence, self advocacy, respect, grace, humility etc. They are big on that. And they punish you for getting wound up.

    Good luck everyone. I hope this helps you all. Google some scripture when you can and keep faith. Oh one of my favorites:
    God has given you a spirit not of fear but of a sound mind

  12. I’m friends with the ones doing it me now I’ve inviting them over for dinner lunch whatever. I’m not even mad anymore thier waiting thier time. I just them to pay my ass back. I’m pretty sure that people can pay to have this done to you. So I pretty sure they can get over it and pay me to stay away from thier girlfriend lol or whatever anyhow I’ve figured out how to do a lot of things I think not totally sure cuz these buttheads try to make you believe stupid stuff so I get them thinking I’m going that way then flip back like I believe a different thing it’s been over 3 years they haven’t stopped talking not 1 fun second im used to it. I’ve busted them and caught people that it’s so obvious thier involved I just smile and wave boys now lol its hilarious

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