Rex 84: FEMA’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America

I. Rex 84 From Wikipedia

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of United States citizens deemed to be “national security threats”, in the event that the President declared a “State of National Emergency”. The plan was first revealed in detail in a major daily newspaper by reporter Alfonso Chardy in the July 5, 1987 edition of the Miami Herald. Possible reasons for such a roundup were reported to be widespread opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad, such as if the United States were to directly invade Central America.[1][2][3] To combat what the government perceived as “subversive activities”, the plan also authorized the military to direct ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, according to Professor Diana Reynolds.[4]

Existence of a master military contingency plans (of which REX-84 was a part), “Garden Plot” and a similar earlier exercise, “Lantern Spike”, were originally revealed by journalist Ron Ridenhour, who summarized his findings in an article in CounterSpy.[5]

Transcripts from the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987 record the following dialogue between Congressman Jack Brooks, Oliver North’s attorney Brendan Sullivan and Senator Daniel Inouye, the Democratic Chair of the joint Senate–House Committee:[6]

“ [Congressman Jack] Brooks: Colonel North, in your work at the N.S.C. were you not assigned, at one time, to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?

Brendan Sullivan [North’s counsel, agitatedly]: Mr. Chairman?

[Senator Daniel] Inouye: I believe that question touches upon a highly sensitive and classified area so may I request that you not touch upon that?

Brooks: I was particularly concerned, Mr. Chairman, because I read in Miami papers, and several others, that there had been a plan developed, by that same agency, a contingency plan in the event of emergency, that would suspend the American constitution. And I was deeply concerned about it and wondered if that was an area in which he had worked. I believe that it was and I wanted to get his confirmation.

Inouye: May I most respectfully request that that matter not be touched upon at this stage. If we wish to get into this, I’m certain arrangements can be made for an executive session.

Contingency plans by the US Government for rounding up people perceived by the government to be subversive or a threat to civil order have existed for many decades.[7] For example, from 1967 to 1971, the FBI kept a list of over 100,000 people to be rounded up as subversive, dubbed the “ADEX” list.[8]

See also

Main Core
Mariel boatlift
No Fly List
Non-Detention Act
Palmer Raids
Posse Comitatus Act
Terrorist Screening Database
Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007


Ross Gelbspan (1991). Break-ins, death threats and the FBI: the covert war against the central America movement. South End Press. p. 184. ISBN 978-0-89608-412-4.
Holly Sklar (1988). Washington’s war on Nicaragua. South End Press. pp. 357–359. ISBN 978-0-89608-295-3.
Ward Churchill; Jim Vander Wall (2002). The COINTELPRO papers: documents from the FBI’s secret wars against dissent in the United States. South End Press. pp. 410–411. ISBN 978-0-89608-648-7.
Ridenhour, Ron (1975). “Garden Plot and the New Action Army”. CounterSpy.
[Transcript from the House Select Committee to Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran, New York Times, July 14, 1987]
Diana Reynolds, “The Rise of the National Security State: FEMA and the NSC,” CovertAction Information Bulletin, issue #33 (Winter 1990).

Donner, Frank (1980). The Age of Surveillance: The Aims & Methods of America’s Political Intelligence System. New York: Alfred Knopf. p. 166. ISBN 0-394-74771-2.

II. Rex 84: FEMA’s Blueprint for Martial Law in America

By Allen L Roland

Global Research, January 20, 2019

This incisive article on the repeal of civil liberties first published by Global Research in August 2006, brings to forefront of debate the ongoing road map towards Police State in America. It of particular significance with regard to the nomination of William Barr to the position of Attorney General.

(M.Ch, GR Editor)

We are dangerously close to a situation where ~ if the American people took to the streets in righteous indignation or if there were another 9/11 ~ a mechanism for martial law could be quickly implemented and carried out under REX 84.

The Cheney/Bush administration has a plan which would accommodate the detention of large numbers of American citizens during times of emergency.

The plan is called REX 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984. Through Rex-84 an undisclosed number of concentration camps were set in operation throughout the United States, for internment of dissidents and others potentially harmful to the state.

The Rex 84 Program was originally established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA.

Existence of the Rex 84 plan was first revealed during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987, and subsequently reported by the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987

” These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.”

And there you have it ~ the real purpose of FEMA is to not only protect the government but to be its principal vehicle for martial law.

This is why FEMA could not respond immediately to the Hurricane Katrina disaster ~ humanitarian efforts were no longer part of its job description under the Department of Homeland Security.

It appears Hurricane Katrina also provided FEMA with an excuse to “dry run” its unconstitutional powers in New Orleans, rounding up “refugees” (now called “evacuees”) and “relocating” them in various camps. “Some evacuees are being treated as ‘internees’ by FEMA,” writes former NSA employee Wayne Madsen.

“Reports continue to come into WMR that evacuees from New Orleans and Acadiana [the traditional twenty-two parish Cajun homeland] who have been scattered across the United States are being treated as ‘internees’ and not dislocated American citizens from a catastrophe“

We are dangerously close to a situation where ~ if the American people took to the streets in righteous indignation or if there were another 9/11 ~ a mechanism for martial law could be quickly implemented and carried out under REX 84.

Be forewarned ~ the Cheney/Bush administration will stop at nothing to preserve their power and their ongoing neocon mis-adventure and they have currently proposed having executive control over all the states National Guard troops in a national emergency.

Governor Tom Vilsack of Iowa, called the proposal ” one step away from a complete takeover of the National Guard, the end of the Guard as a dual-function force that can respond to both state and national needs.”

The provision was tucked into the House version of the defense bill without notice to the states, something Vilsack said he resented as much as the proposal itself.

Under the provision, the president would have authority to take control of the Guard in case of ” a serious natural or manmade disaster, accident or catastrophe” in the United States.

Do remember, to the Cheney/Bush administration ~ the Mob at the Gates that they truly fear is not terrorists but, instead, the people demanding the truth.


MINDFULLY, 2004 – There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. . . The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA.

Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.

Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government.

FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.

The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners.

Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold thousands of people.

The original source of this article is Blogs and Global Research

III. “Look It Up, Check It Out”: REX 84 and the History of an American Conspiracy

By Michael Grasso / March 13, 2017

Japanese residents from San Pedro, California, are shuttled to a temporary detention center on April 5, 1942. Photo: Clem Albers

On July 5, 1987, the day after Independence Day, a year and two days after President Reagan’s centennial rededication of the Statue of Liberty, and at the height of the Iran-Contra hearings, a monumental story appeared in the Miami Herald. Penned by investigative reporter Alfonso Chardy, the piece claimed to expose the workings of a “secret government” in place during the first six-and-a-half years of the Reagan Presidency, set up initially in 1980 to monitor then-President Carter’s efforts to release the Iran hostages. The clandestine operation, purportedly authorized by President Reagan himself after winning the 1980 presidential election, then metastasized into a cabal of troubleshooters even more powerful than President Nixon’s “Plumbers,” made up of Reagan advisors, intelligence veterans, and military liaisons like Oliver North.

What caused the most eye-raising among Herald readers was the account of a series of secret meetings between Oliver North and then-FEMA director Louis O. Giuffrida. FEMA, created by Jimmy Carter in 1979, had been given powers to aid in the aftermath of disasters that transcended the authority of local officials. Chardy reported that Reagan officials had gone to FEMA with plans to suspend the U.S. Constitution in the event of a devastating nuclear strike that destroyed American infrastructure, communications, and command and control. FEMA had in fact been practicing these “Readiness Exercises” since 1982, in conjunction with the Department of Defense. Diana Reynolds, affiliated with the Edward R. Murrow Center at Fletcher School for Public Policy at Tufts University, revealed the names of these joint exercises in a 1990 article in the CovertAction Information Bulletin: “Proud Saber/Rex-82,” “Pre-Nest,” and “Rex-84/Night Train.” REX 84 would eventually become an umbrella term for the entire series of Reagan-era acts and exercises.

The specifics of these plans in Chardy’s 1987 article were truly shocking:

North’s involvement with FEMA set off the first major clash between the official government and the advisers and led to the formal letter of protest in 1984 from then-Attorney General Smith… FEMA’s clash with Smith occurred over a secret contingency plan that called for suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the United States over to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and declaration of martial law during a national crisis… The martial law portions of the plan were outlined in a June 30, 1982, memo by Giuffrida’s deputy for national preparedness programs, John Brinkerhoff. A copy of the memo was obtained by The Herald. The scenario outlined in the Brinkerhoff memo resembled somewhat a paper Giuffrida had written in 1970 at the Army War College in Carlisle, Pa., in which he advocated martial law in case of a national uprising by black militants. The paper also advocated the roundup and transfer to “assembly centers or relocation camps” of at least 21 million “American Negroes.”

Outrage followed, of course. Not just the presumption that North was secretly working with elements of FEMA under the Attorney General’s nose, not just Giuffrida recycling a 15-year-old emergency plan concocted during the height of paranoia about black nationalism in white America, but the very concept of American concentration camps roiled the public’s conscience. Of course, American concentration camps were nothing new. The history of the forced relocation and imprisonment of Japanese-Americans during World War II was well-attested and even formally apologized for in 1988 by Reagan through signing of the 1988 Civil Liberties Act. Even further back, of course, lies America’s shameful ethnic cleansing of Native peoples and enslavement of Africans, both of which required vast populations to be corralled and controlled. The dual legacy of both Indian reservations and chattel slavery echoes down to today’s America in a myriad of monstrous ways.

President Reagan gestures to Attorney General Ed Meese during an Iran-Contra Affair briefing at the White House, 1986. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Reagan had fostered and acted as political mentor to Louis O. Giuffrida. Before being named FEMA head, Giuffrida had worked under then-Governor Reagan as the head of the California Specialized Training Institute, established in 1971. This was a governmental agency meant to train California authorities in emergency management tactics, one of which included a program to train police in paramilitary tactics during “civil disturbances.” Giuffrida’s Army War College paper obviously loomed large in Reagan’s decision to employ him, given Reagan’s historic paranoia over perceived black militancy. Giuffrida’s plan found its second life in these secret FEMA contingency plans uncovered by Chardy and others. Whistleblowers like Attorney General William Smith knew that the outlined domestic insurgency contingencies far outstripped FEMA’s disaster-planning mandate, even when put in the context of the decade’s fear of global nuclear conflict. FEMA’s secret expansion and exercises like REX 84 were ostensibly meant to protect the government from widespread popular rebellion if Reagan ordered U.S. troops to intervene directly in the Nicaraguan conflict—less than a decade after the painful and divisive Vietnam conflict.

This Miami Herald article, while a blockbuster, was not the first press mention of REX 84 or its predecessor plans; it was simply the first time the mainstream press had addressed the subject. Journalists, activists, and insurgents on both sides of the political spectrum had been working on these stories since 1984 (and previously, in some cases) in the fringe and underground press. Moreover, this opposition to and publicizing of REX 84 appeared in extremist political circles one wouldn’t expect to be hostile to the Reagan administration’s plans to round up African-Americans. The far-right antisemitic Liberty Lobby published an article in April of 1984 in its Spotlight newspaper titled “Reagan Orders Concentration Camps,” where Spotlight‘s own whistleblowers, ostensibly U.S. armed forces officers who were followers of the Liberty Lobby’s extreme right-wing politics, had inside knowledge of REX 84 a mere week after the supposedly secret Executive Order had been signed by President Reagan. The Spotlight article listed the locations of these camps (mostly near or in U.S. Army forts, although notably there was supposedly one near Oakland, California; keep this in mind). Liberty Lobby’s concern was for its own extremist right-wing readership, not for left-wing opponents of a Central American war. In the article, author James Harrer says the camps might be reserved for “a citizen [who] subscribes to the wrong newsletter,” asserting that the government might use a list prepared by the Jewish Anti-Defamation League to identify right-wing “patriots” to intern. This concern among right-wing militants about domestic internment camps operating under FEMA auspices would mutate into conspiracy theories like the UN Black Helicopter urban legends of the 1990s.

However, stretching back into the 1970s, the alert in underground media over plans for concentration camps and internment was almost entirely a left-wing concern, given the federal government’s political alignment under Nixon. In 1973, as Watergate broke, a new magazine appeared in Washington, D.C., raising hackles among the intelligence community. It was called CounterSpy and it declared itself a watchdog to the out-of-control American intelligence establishment. After the resignation of President Nixon, CounterSpy editors found an opening to expose the corruption in the Nixon White House and the degree to which Nixon had co-opted America’s intelligence establishment, following the Church Committee investigations in the U.S. Senate. (In 1975, CounterSpy had openly advocated for the exposure of CIA agents working abroad; the December 1975 killing of CIA Athens Station Chief Richard Welch by Marxists was initially blamed on CounterSpy by the intelligence community, even though Welch had not been identified in that role and station in the magazine.)


Cover of CounterSpy, Winter 1976. Photo: The Harold Weisberg Archive

Ron Ridenhour, a GI who had served in Vietnam and was integral in exposing the My Lai Massacre, wrote an article in the Winter 1976 issue of CounterSpy titled “Garden Plot and S.W.A.T.: U.S. Police as New Action Army,” which detailed U.S. Army plans to handle widespread civil unrest in the aftermath of the riots of the mid-’60s. Ridenhour’s earlier 1975 article in New Times featured actual excerpts from Operation GARDEN PLOT documents, including an account of an exercise undertaken in 1969 called Operation CABLE SPLICER. This training exercise simulated a domestic military action designed to quell civil unrest in the Western states (California, Oregon, Washington). Governor Reagan gave an opening speech to the personnel involved in CABLE SPLICER, which featured the ominous opening “laugh lines” to the assembled military and police presence: “You know, there are people in the state who, if they could see this gathering right now and my presence here, would decide their worst fears and convictions had been realized—I was planning a military takeover.” Future Reagan White House eminence grise and second-term Attorney General Edwin Meese, then working for Governor Reagan as executive secretary, said of CABLE SPLICER: “This is an operation, this is an exercise, this is an objective which is going forward because in the long run… it is the only way that will be able to prevail.” Meese would later be implicated in a number of the Reagan White House’s more notorious ethical lapses, and would be forced to resign as Attorney General due to the Wedtech no-bid scandal.

These left-wing activists’ and journalists’ grand fantasies of concentration camps and military takeovers probably seemed outrageous to most of middle America. But it had only been a few years since COINTELPRO (the FBI’s domestic “Counter Intelligence Program”) had been exposed by ordinary citizen activists. COINTELPRO had been designed to discredit and scatter left-wing political organizing, the Civil Rights Movement, and various black empowerment organizations. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover even used post-McCarthyism fears of Communist-consorting to scare black civil rights leaders away from activism: classic divide-and-conquer. These sorts of abuses, going back 20 years or more, were one of the main factors that led to the Church Committee’s establishment. The combination of citizen action and government investigation demonstrated conclusively to the American people that their own government was both spying on them and working against their constitutional right to peaceably assemble.

Cover of WIN magazine, War Resisters League, March 1972

Chardy’s article had the impact it did because the mainstream media had been largely silent about such affairs for the first six years of Reagan’s presidency. One could certainly attribute this silence to Reagan’s ability as “the Great Communicator”—and his ability to charm an adversarial media. One could also attribute this silence to a concerted effort among corporate-controlled media to stick to the status quo, to ignore exposés that might cost them ratings, advertisers, or subscriptions. But some individuals had no such concerns about access or boat-rocking: artists, specifically authors of literature, who used REX 84 and its family of conspiracies in an effort to alert the American people to the possible curtailment of their freedoms. The “urban legend” quality of these tales of U.S. government concentration camps and military takeovers filtered through underground news, art, and fiction in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s and then, inevitably, into the 1980s mainstream and beyond.

Canadian author Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) is a speculative look at a future America, the Republic of Gilead, where religious fundamentalists have used a crisis in fertility to take over the U.S. government, strip women of all rights, and turn fertile women into forced breeders called “Handmaids.” The novel examines how the putsch created an oppressive patriarchal, white supremacist state with details that sound creepily familiar to GARDEN PLOT (leaving aside the forced “resettlement” of Handmaids into training camps located at commandeered public schools). On the night of the “Ceremony,” when the protagonist, Handmaid “Offred,” is compelled to submit to sex with her “Commander” to produce an heir for the elite, the entire household is permitted to watch television. The state broadcasting apparatus shows images of religious apostates and heretics like Baptists and Quakers being rounded up, but there’s also an update from Detroit:

Now we can see a city again, from the air. This used to be Detroit. Under the voice of the announcer there’s the thunk of artillery. From the skyline columns of smoke ascend.

‘Resettlement of the Children of Ham is continuing on schedule,’ says the reassuring pink face, back on the screen. ‘Three thousand have arrived this week in National Homeland One, with another two thousand in transit.’ How are they transporting that many people at once? Trains, buses? We are not shown any pictures of this. National Homeland One is in North Dakota. Lord knows what they’re supposed to do, once they get there. Farm, is the theory.

Leaving aside Offred’s suspicion that there is in fact no resettlement, this passage requires a little bit of unpacking. In Christian exegesis from the Middle Ages onward, Noah’s three sons—Japheth, Ham, and Shem—were believed to be the ancestors of Europeans, Africans, and the Semitic peoples, respectively. The belief in a “Curse of Ham” as seen literally in the skin color of Africans was used as theological justification for the European enslavement of African peoples. In the Gilead of Atwood’s novel, this designation has returned as a way of Othering and eventually eliminating black Americans in the same Biblically-ordained way that Handmaids have been rendered into property and status symbols for the regime’s Commanders. In the far-future afterword, which takes place in a cheekily familiar academic conference in the year 2195, the scholars of Gileadean culture note that “[Gilead]’s racist policies… were firmly rooted in the pre-Gilead period, and racist fears provided some of the emotional fuel that allowed the Gilead takeover to succeed as well as it did.” The intimation among these far-future scholars is that it was intelligence and armed forces conspirators who orchestrated the Gileadean takeover of the U.S., and that they followed a plan they’d had all along.

Don DeLillo’s novel White Noise (also 1985) looks at the REX 84 family of stories from a slightly less fantastic (and consequently more disarming) perspective: that of the traditional government-run disaster management role of FEMA. During the novel’s central set piece, an “airborne toxic event” caused by a train derailment has led to the evacuation of a large part of the state, including the college town where our protagonist, Jack Gladney, teaches Hitler Studies. He is putting gas into the family station wagon when the event occurs, and he seeks aid at the evacuation point, a Boy Scout camp. There, technicians and aid workers have already established operations; computers and communications equipment are online. Gladney eyes the worker who’s interviewing him:

‘That’s quite an armband you’ve got there. What does SIMUVAC mean? Sounds important.’
‘Short for simulated evacuation. A new state program they’re still battling over funds for.’
‘But this evacuation isn’t simulated. It’s real.’
‘We know that. But we thought we could use it as a model.’
‘A form of practice? Are you saying you saw a chance to use the real event in order to rehearse the simulation?’
‘We took it right into the streets.’

Workers cleaning up after the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster, 1979. Photo: Report of The President’s Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island

All throughout White Noise, echoes of the actual events of the novel are found in the pages of supermarket tabloids, which, at the time, were one of the most popular delivery methods for outrageous urban legends. As Gladney’s wife Babette reads from a tabloid psychic’s predictions at their evacuation camp, Gladney notes to himself, “The tabloid future, with its mechanism of a hopeful twist to apocalyptic events, was perhaps not so very remote from our own immediate experience.” After the airborne toxic event, SIMUVAC remains behind, becoming part of the landscape of Gladney’s everyday life, performing drills at the town supermarket and investigating strange chemicals at the local school. Mysterious figures in environment suits pop up here and there throughout the remainder of the novel, investigating disasters both simulated and (possibly) real. After the airborne toxic event gives this shadowy state group license to walk the streets of College-on-the-Hill, SIMUVAC thus becomes a permanent part of the community’s landscape, right alongside consumers in their supermarkets, children in their schools. The tabloid future has come to live in the present. The specter of disaster and evacuation lingers, heralded by “Mylex”-suited SIMUVAC employees.

In terms of manmade disasters resonating in the public mind during this time, America was only six years removed from the Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown, which occurred on March 28, 1979. In one of those historical and pop culture coincidences that sometimes stretch credulity, Three Mile Island occurred fewer than two weeks after the wide release of the film The China Syndrome in American theaters. One of the last of the great 1970s political thrillers and whistleblower narratives, The China Syndrome is about dogged journalists (Jane Fonda and Michael Douglas) and a harried insider (Jack Lemmon) trying to expose the slipshod safety procedures of the owners of a southern California nuclear power plant. Lemmon’s character’s death at the hands of police at the end of the film reminds us of the militarization of local California law enforcement that began with CABLE SPLICER. In another bizarre coincidence, the Three Mile Island incident in Pennsylvania also occurred three days before FEMA was due to begin its operational life by statute (April 1, 1979). Continuing the pattern of fiction anticipating reality, DeLillo’s White Noise was written before, and subsequently released only a few months after, the Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, India, in December 1984, when industrial byproducts from a pesticide plant were released into the air from a Union Carbide factory, killing nearly 4,000 people and injuring over half a million.

In Thomas Pynchon’s Vineland (1990), his first novel after the epochal Gravity’s Rainbow (1973), the aftermath of 1960s activism is handled with a deft comic touch. The story is set in 1984 and examines how television has made the American public into “Thanatoids,” half-dead “tubefreex” who haunt the edges of the narrative, which dives back and forth between Reagan’s America in 1984 and Reagan’s California in 1968. Within the late ’60s portion of the fractured story, heroine Frenesi Gates is imprisoned in a CABLE SPLICER/GARDEN PLOT-like camp engineered by the antagonist, FBI agent Brock Vond. The relocation camp program that Vond initiates with the help of folks in Washington (“just about to be put in as a rider to what would be the Crime Control Act of 1970 by a not-so-neo-fascist congressman”) is called “PREP,” for “Political Re-Education Program.” Instead of relocation and internment, the PREP camps are meant to convert leftists into double agents using imprisonment and behavioral conditioning, echoing both the conceit of Room 101 at the Ministry of Love in 1984 (1948) and the widely-known series of real-life CIA mind control programs that fell under the umbrella of MKUltra. Vond believes that this political reeducation was well on its way already, as he sees an inherent desire for authority in the ’60s generation: “Brock saw the deep—if he’d allowed himself to feel it, the sometimes touching—need only to stay children forever, safe inside some extended national Family.” This extends into Vond’s overtly sexual relationship with Frenesi, Elektra overtones and all, as well as through the Thanatoids’ own relationship with television.

Pynchon’s statement on the cultural trajectory of hippie-to-yuppie and the deep-seated Boomer desire for power notwithstanding, his characters also explicitly call out the specific elements of REX 84 in the book’s present-day setting of 1984, as Frenesi’s daughter Prairie hangs out with two of her mother’s former comrades as they discuss their fear of government raids:

‘In the olden days we called it the last roundup,’ DL explained. ‘Liked to scare each other with it, thought it was always real enough. The day they’d come and break into your house and put everybody in prison camps. Not fun or sitcom prison camps, more like feedlots where we’d all become official, nonhuman livestock.’
‘You’ve seen camps like this?’ At once there seeped into the cheery space a silence like a stain in the light. Ditzah, at her editing table trembling, seemed to turn her body from what DL would say, to present less of a target, but DL only answered evenly.
‘Yep, I’ve seen ’em, your mom was in one, you’ll recall, but better than us reminiscing and boring you, go to the library sometime and read about it. Nixon had machinery for mass detention all in place and set to go. Reagan’s got it for when he invades Nicaragua. Look it up, check it out.’

Page from The Invisibles, Vol. 1, No. 20, “How I Became Invisible”

Here Pynchon not only links his fictional PREP program to the actual historical Nixon-era plans that are now part of the historical record, but also links Nixon-era internment plans to the Reagan administration’s explicit desire to have camps on hand for social unrest in the face of another foreign war against Communism. Pynchon is clear to state that all of these plans are publicly available, perhaps only in the underground press of the time, but also hinting at the open history of right-wing oppression of left-wing activists. Just go to the library.

Into the 1990s, the REX 84 family of narratives was folded into the mythology of the nascent post-Cold War anti-UN/sovereign citizen/white separatist movement, but it was still being used by left-wing writers as shorthand for the dangers of authority ungoverned by the Constitution. Scottish comic creator Grant Morrison’s seminal series The Invisibles (1994-2000) features several plot points inspired by REX 84. Most notable of these concerns a former NYPD cop-turned-occult-terrorist Lucille Butler (Invisible code name “Boy”). In Boy’s origin issue (The Invisibles, Vol. 1, No. 20, 1996), REX 84 is explicitly called out as an element of the interdimensional Outer Church’s efforts to control humanity and imprison rebels who threaten global control. Boy’s older brother Martin, an NYPD detective, collaborates with the government agents who’ve been cleaning up gang activity, but balks when he finds out about the REX 84 plan. Later, elements of Morrison’s own personal Invisibles mythology interweave with REX 84, as Boy deals with the possibility that she may be an unconscious double or even triple agent thanks to her thirst for revenge over her older brother’s death or detention. As in Pynchon (and Orwell), the internment camp in The Invisibles looms as a place where individuals have their closely-held beliefs burned out of them. Any commentary on War on Terror-era black sites, psy-ops, and “enhanced interrogation” techniques is left to the reader.

Despite the fact that REX 84 and its predecessors and offshoots began and flourished under Republican Presidents as part of an explicit design to silence or even incarcerate left-wing activists and others who would threaten the status quo, it is today most frequently right-wing extremists who espouse conspiracy theories surrounding FEMA camps. It seems that the idea of mass internment, when it is perceived to threaten gun-enthusiastic white people, becomes an imminent national emergency that necessitates taking up arms. Mass relocation and internment have, however, as examined earlier, demonstrably threatened a quite different set of demographics throughout American history: people of color and left-wing activists. That practice continues today.

No matter which side of the political spectrum, the enduring life of REX 84 and related conspiracy narratives in American pop culture is a testament to the seeming alienness of political internment in “the land of the free.” To Americans, the liberators of concentration camps during World War II, the idea of ceding to fascist impulses to imprison and isolate the politically undesirable is a profound psychic wound to the nation’s self-image. But, in reality, Americans acquiesced to all of these plans, even after they were exposed to the public by both journalists and artists. All of them—GARDEN PLOT, REX 84, the George W. Bush administration’s National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive—are real. These documents, these plans, and the ambitions of men like Louis Giuffrida, remain acknowledged and archived by the government, and await rediscovery and reauthorization. If we do not remain vigilant now, if we cede the rightful suspicion of plans such as REX 84 to those on the extreme political margins, then those who resist the autocratic advances of the current administration may be in for much worse than Nixon or Reagan or Bush ever intended.

IV. REX ’84….. and FEMA

by Alex Christopher, 1993

extracted from “Pandora’s Box ‘The Ultimate Unseen Hand Behind the New World Order'”

The President now has the power, under secret arrangements already established, to seize total dictatorial control. Can he hold such power and not use it? If he has no intention of asserting this secret power, why did the White House go to the trouble of setting it up?

Unknown to virtually all Americans except for the tiny handful who make up his administration’s inner circle. Jimmy Carter promulgated a secret program to suspend the Constitution and to clamp executive dictatorship on the nation whenever, in his judgment, conditions warrant the declaration of “national emergency.”

A young policy analyst who helped draft the original directives have described the new program as a White House stratagem to replace the American Constitutional structure with a so-called “command system” in which you will be subject to total bureaucratic control.

The years since the inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 have been a history of relentless bureaucratic encroachment on the rights of American citizens, the sources acknowledge.

Yet these people, who are familiar with Carter’s design, described the new plan as,

“the most dangerous internal attack on our system since independence.”

It is a,

“quiet coup d’etat that will end up making the Soviet Union look mild and permissive by comparison,” they said.

A major White House directive, known as Presidential Review Memorandum 32 (PRM 32), inaugurated the new order last year as a “national administrative reorganization project” allegedly designed to help the country deal more effectively with disasters and mass emergencies. In a sharp break with tradition, PRM 32 has been hidden from the public under a high level of security classification.

It has never been published in full, even in the “Federal Register.”

Since the Roosevelt era, “executive orders” (EOs) presidential decrees which acquire the force of law have been utilized by the mushrooming bureaucracy to extend its control. The most pervasive and therefore potentially the most damaging executive order prior to 1977 was promulgated by President Richard M. Nixon on October 28, 1969.

Known as EO 11490, the so-called “omnibus” emergency preparedness decree, it incorporated 23 earlier EOs into a so-called “umbrella ukase” granting the national bureaucracy wide powers, in civil or military “crisis conditions,” to literally seize the entire country and every man, woman and child in it.

The following Executive Orders are some of the consolidated orders into EO 11490:

Executive Order 10995 provides for the takeover of the communications media.

Executive Order 10997 provides for the takeover of all electric, power, petroleum, gas, fuels and minerals this includes well water.

Executive Order 10988 provides for the takeover of food resources and farms.

Executive Order 10999 provides for the takeover of all modes of transportation, control of highways, seaports, etc.

Executive Order 11000 provides for mobilization of all civilians into work brigades under the Government supervision.

Executive Order 11001 Provides for Governmental takeover of all health, education and welfare functions.

Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

Executive Order 11003 provides for the Government to lake over airports and aircraft.

Executive Order 11004 provides for the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

Executive Order 11005 provides for the Government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

As the Liberty Lobby noted first in a 1965 pamphlet now seen as a classic prophecy:

“More frightening than all its contents if the omission of a definition of the phrase ‘national emergency.’ The decision as to what constitutes a ‘national emergency’ is left to the capricious whim of just one man: the president, whoever he might be.”

This feature has always been the most menacing aspect of government by bureaucratic order disguised as “emergency management.”

But past administrations have found it politically hazardous to invoke crisis conditions without being confronted by some sort of threat of disaster genuine or staged which alarmed large numbers of citizens.

“Any president can be sure of wielding political control only over his own appointees.”

“Since in the past the execution of EOs was the responsibility of long established departments and agencies, the Department of Justice, for instance, or the Federal Bank Supervisory Agencies, there were some built in limitations on just how far this presidential power grab could reach.”

With the advent of the Carter era, all this began to change.

The National Security Council in the executive branch was handed over to trusted academic henchmen of the Rockefeller dynasty, to “pragmatic professors” such as Zbigniew Brzezinski and Professor Samuel Huntington, who view the U.S. as a “technetronic society” in which the Constitution and its safeguards are no longer “relevant.”

Huntington, known as the author of a major Trilateral position paper arguing that jet-age America needed a “centralized,” bureaucratic government, was put in charge of drawing up the framework for it.

Appointed to the senior staff of the National Security Council soon after Carter’s election, Huntington came up with a study suggesting that the most effective road to a fully bureaucratized and “systems-managed” U.S. lay through a “total” approach to federal emergency management.

Critics have dubbed him Samuel “Mad Dog” Huntington for his zeal in promoting bureaucratic totalitarianism. But the Trilateral professor is a man of dangerous brilliance.

He saw that crisis management could be used to replace the Constitutional system if two main “flaws” were removed- its dependence on the traditional civil service for enforcement, and on some sort of visible, alarming disaster or dislocation for justification.

Secret Crisis Invented

Threats or catastrophes justifying the imposition of a state of national emergency by the president could be staged or arranged: the origins of World War II were a historic reminder of that.

But staging an upheaval which would appear credible to most citizens takes money, energy and time. Why not devise a “classified emergency,” a secret crisis, as it were, which existed solely on the say-so of the president?

Huntington knew that he had the makings of just such an invisible emergency in the space age menace of nuclear terrorism. On November 4, 1975, the chairman of the board of giant Union Oil Co., Fred Hartley, received an anonymous letter in his Los Angeles office threatening the detonation of a nuclear device unless Union Oil paid $1 million in ransom-small bills in two suitcases.

FBI experts flown in from Washington judged the letter to be a “credible” threat, that is, written by someone who may have actually assembled a “kitchen table” nuclear device. Six days later agents arrested Frank James, a 63-year old car salesman, and nothing like a bomb or its makings was found. James was charged only with a “threat to destroy property,” not with the far more serious crime of blackmail.

Although James was convicted in October, 1976 and sent to prison for about six months, the evidence in the case remained murky. James maintains to this day that he was innocent and the victim of a “federal set-up.”

Huntington concluded, was the ideal situation; a “national emergency” which could be triggered by a single nuclear blackmail note-a letter which could originate with a genuine terrorist or on a White House typewriter with equal facility enabling the president to assume command of the country.

To maximize the impact of such and event, as the official jargon has it, Huntington proposed the formation of a separate bureaucracy to deal with various aspects of the crisis.

From these suggestions there emerged, in the spring of 1979, a new staff organization called Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA.

As befits a brand new bureaucracy destined to manage the nation’s affairs. FEMA capitalized on the already existing 10 Regional Government Councils which were established during the administrations of Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon and set up a district office in each of them.

In Washington, its authority grew as on presidential orders it assumed control of a chain of older agencies:

the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration

the Federal Insurance Administration

the National Weather Service

the Federal Emergency Broadcast System

and a dozen others…

In the Justice Department, for instance, the senior FEMA officer will take charge and direct the imposition of,

“those restraints that the exigencies of a dire peacetime nuclear emergency might necessitate with respect to the free exercise of Constitutional and other basic rights and liberties.”

The FEMA agents directing the machinery of the Department of Justice will also assist the FEMA officers who have taken charge of the Department of Health and Human Services in setting up “mental health centers’ where citizens considered deranged or overly upset may be confined at the pleasure of the president by administrative order.

FEMA controllers working with the Department of Agriculture staff will issue commands concerning the decontamination, safekeeping and distribution of food supplies. In the treasury, they will impose a moratorium on banks and administer the printing of money during the “emergency.”

What is foreseen is a system of government most closely resembling a state of martial law, but that is nothing new; what they are not telling you and the reason the government can write secret laws to enslave you and then not tell you that they are on the books, is because the martial law from the Civil War time when it was put into place then has never been rescinded.

Our civil liberties have simply been swept away one by one.

They have been boiling the frog (you) slowly for a very long time and they are just about ready to put the lid on the pot. The executive bureaucracy will have absolute power, and the duration of their rule will be determined wholly by the president’s personal view of the “emergency”.

American people, the time to wake up is today; you have been screwed by your government and the men that you vote to put in power to do the right things for you and your country and as long as they can keep you pacified and ignorant they will put the people of America into a “technotronic” dictatorship, and take all of you rights and liberties away from you and put you into total slavery if you don’t wake up and take the power back that you have for to long given away to people that don’t care for your well being, but only theirs.

Carter ordered into being an entire apparatus unprecedented in American history designed to seize and exercise all political, economic and military power in the United Slates, establishing the president as total dictator.

He did this with an executive order.

History of Executive Orders

Under the Constitution of the United States, the president is vested with the executive power of the government (Article II, Section 1, Clause 1), the power to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution” (Article II, Section 1, Clause 7), and the power to see that the laws are faithfully executed (Article II Section 3).

From these powers is implied the authority to issue “executive orders.”

An “executive order” has never been defined by Congress

The validity of executive orders has been questioned many times, but a ruling as to the extent or limit to which they may be used has never been determined by the courts or by Congress (Library of CONGRESS, Legislative Research Service #398/117-9)

The “Federal Register” contains the text of directives issued under the authority of the president. No congressional authorization is required. There is no review by the judiciary.

All executive orders (EOs) are laws made by one man-the president of the United States.

Through existing EOs, it is possible for one man to ignore the Constitution, Congress and the will of the people. A complete dictatorship can be imposed, under the veil of law, on the American people. During the Nixon presidency, an attempt was made to incorporate all of the “national emergency” powers of the presidency into an omnibus order which would cover most or ail of the situations requiring the use of the power.

This became known as Executive Order 11490.

Under the terms of EO 11490, the president of the United States could order that a national emergency exists.

In this list please, notice how many of these relate directly to the vast connections it has back to the December 15, 1865 covenant that was put into place with the formation of the United States Military Railroad for transportation and communication and public services, to be put into operations for the president and military to be seized in the time of national emergency or war, and was to remain in operation forever for the president.

Folks, this has been on the planning board for a very long time.

Taking over all communications media

Seize all sources of power (electric, nuclear, petroleum etc.)

Control all food resources

Seize all forms of transportation

Control all highways and seaports

Seize railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities

Commandeer all civilians to work under federal supervision

Control all activities relating to health, education and welfare

Register every man. woman and child in the U.S.

Shift any segment of the population from one location to another

Control all devices capable of emitting electro-magnetic radiation

Take over farms, ranches, or timberland properties so as to protect, manage, and utilize them effectively

Freeze all wages and prices

Demand emergency welfare services, (food, clothing, and lodging) in private homes, for those in need

Regulate the amount of your own money you can withdraw from your bank or savings and loan institution

Close the stock exchanges and freeze stock and bond prices

Institute EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES with respect to any facility, system, or service essential to national survival

All of these items listed, plus many others clearly enumerated on 32 pages incorporating nearly 200,000 words, pertain to every previous executive order ever issued unless specifically revoked.

When Carter look office, EO 11490 was incorporated into a new plan ordered into existence by Presidential Review Memorandum 32.

This gave the mantle of law to another executive order #12148, titled Federal Emergency Management. All prior EOs having anything to do with emergency planning have been incorporated into it. The order gives the president absolute power during any “emergency” so declared by him, to be kept by him until specifically revoked by action of the legislature.

Go to your local law library and look up in its entirety the Federal Emergency Management under Executive Orders 12148 dated July 20,1979.

V. REX 84: FEMA Camps and the Threat of Martial Law Didn’t Start With Obama…

February 6, 2013 Dean Garrison

In my mind the best chance for the American people to unite is to agree that both major political parties are responsible for the mess we are in. Yes, it is my belief that Barack Obama is a dangerous man. If you look at his history with an open mind you will find that Obama surrounded himself with those who hated America. He was mentored by known communists like Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers. These men and many others associated with Obama hated everything that America the Constitutional Republic stood for.

Now a large number of Conservative Patriots, like myself, live in fear that Martial Law is coming. We have seen our president issue executive orders within the last 12 months, in case of a National Security Emergency, to take control of all communications (including cell phones and internet) and all sources of utilities/energy (including gasoline, water, and electricity). We hear of FEMA camps and continually hear leaked news from DHS inside sources who claim that Martial Law is coming soon. Most recently the plans for drone attacks against American Citizens, on U.S. soil, has been leaked. There is no doubt that these are dangerous times.

I think it is very important to entertain the idea that Obama is just the latest pawn in a grand scheme. The groundwork has been laid for decades. Both the Republicans and Democrats have for many generations supported bigger government. Talk is cheap, you must look at the actions of those in office.

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femamapToday I want to talk about FEMA camps and give you a clue as to where this all started, because developments are developments and these talks did not start with the election of Obama in 2008 or with the passage of HR 645 in 2009. Would it surprise you to know that the current model for FEMA camps was established 25 years prior to the passage of this bill, during the Reagan Administration? And that particular framework was adopted from another plan written in 1970?

I was 15 years old in 1984, and to me Ronald Reagan walked on water. He was one of my first heroes. I have since learned that I can accept a man’s good ideas and incorporate them into my own personality without having to put him on a pedestal. There were things that happened from 1981 through 1989 that should be viewed as crimes against the American people, and until we can take an objective view at history we will never learn from it.

Have you ever heard of Rex 84? Rex 84 was short for “Readiness Exercise 1984.” Allow me to digress for just a minute, because I happened to have two years of Latin in high school. Rex is also the Latin word for “King” which may be coincidence or it may not. I do find it interesting.

Rex 84 was prepared by Oliver North. Wikipedia, which happens to be my favorite source for unbiased history, can sum it up much better than I can:

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the United States federal government to suspend the United States ollienorthConstitution, declare martial law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens who are deemed to be “national security threats”, in the event that the President declares a “State of National Emergency”. The plan states events causing such a declaration would be widespread U.S. opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad, such as if the United States were to directly invade Central America.[1][2][3][4][5] To combat what the government perceived as “subversive activities”, the plan also authorized the military to direct ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels.[6]

Rex 84 was written by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who was both National Security Council White House Aide, and NSC liaison to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of “national preparedness” programs for the FEMA. They patterned the plan on a 1970 report written by FEMA chief Louis Giuffrida, at the Army War College, which proposed the detention of up to 21 million “American Negroes”, if there were a black militant uprising in the United States.[1][7]Existence of a master military contingency plan (of which REX-84 was a part), “Garden Plot” and a similar earlier exercise, “Lantern Spike”, were originally revealed by journalist Ron Ridenhour, who summarized his findings in an article in CounterSpy.[8]

You can see the full Wikipedia entry here.

What I want everyone to understand is that the American people are partially at fault, due to apathy, for letting things get to this point. When our candidate wins an election it normally means that we enter a state of apathetic contentment and put the blinders on for four years. Shame on us for not watching what has been really going on. We share in the blame and we will have to fix it. Yes, it will take a revolution of sorts, whether it be with our ballots or our guns. The people must fix this. The politicians will not fix what they do not want to fix.

Let me explain myself because this is one of those posts that has the potential to make everyone who reads it angry. Many liberals know and understand that the provisions for Martial Law are in place, they just don’t believe that Obama will call for it.

Many conservatives in previous administrations knew that provisions were in place for Martial Law, but they didn’t think that a Republican president would call for it. Let me quote an interesting article written in 2006.

We are dangerously close to a situation where ~ if the American people took to the streets in righteous indignation or if there were another 9/11 ~ a mechanism for martial law could be quickly implemented and carried out under REX 84.

bushcheneyThe Cheney/Bush administration has a plan which would accommodate the detention of large numbers of American citizens during times of emergency.

The plan is called REX 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984. Through Rex-84 an undisclosed number of concentration camps were set in operation throughout the United States, for internment of dissidents and others potentially harmful to the state.

The Rex 84 Program was originally established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA.

Existence of the Rex 84 plan was first revealed during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987, and subsequently reported by the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987

” These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.”

And there you have it ~ the real purpose of FEMA is to not only protect the government but to be its principal vehicle for martial law.

This is why FEMA could not respond immediately to the Hurricane Katrina disaster ~ humanitarian efforts were no longer part of its job description under the Department of Homeland Security. Source:

Does this excerpt remind you of anything? It reminds me very much of the debate we are having today. Is Martial Law coming? Yes I believe it is. There are too many leaks coming out and too many signs that point to it.

But, if I am wrong, and it would not be the first time, I think that we need to learn from history. Obama did not snap his fingers and make all of this appear. Our republic has created the potential for a corrupt President to rise to the level of pseudo-dictator by giving the office too much power. If someone who hates America ever comes into power then it is not the actions of this one individual who will have brought the end of America as we know it. It is generations of both Democrats and Republicans.

Lawmakers continually use things that were put in place by previous administrations and legislatures and they twist provisions to suit the needs of the current day. They are all about big government but they are about the big government that suits them. Without fail they leave behind tools that future lawmakers can work with. Laws get amended and interpreted to suit the goals of those currently in power.

Many generations of public servants share in the blame. If a corrupt individual claims the top seat in the land they have been handed the keys to a tyrannical dictatorship, on a silver platter.

Our only chance as a nation is for the people to start to agree that there is plenty of blame for both sides, and to make both sides accountable. We have stooped so low as a nation that a known Marxist theorist is sitting in the White House because people viewed him as the lesser of two evils.

If people don’t wake up soon it will be too late. Make no mistake, there are conspiracies in place to bring America to its knees and you can trust no one in Washington D.C. and I do mean no one.

The system is broken and someday people will have to make a choice whether to submit to a tyrannical government or to rise up against it. I believe that day is very close.

But even if the day is not here, will you forget about these things in 2016 if Rand Paul is elected president? Or will you finally start to believe in the honesty and caring of your fellow man more than the words of polished speakers who are trained to make us think that they care? Power and greed are their only mistresses. They care nothing about you and I. Honest people do not make it to the top offices in this country very often. It is so rare that I would rather distrust them all then put blind faith in the 1% or 2% who may be pure of heart. I have been fooled before.

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Make no mistake. The powers that be love to see the American people divided. That is how they maintain and gather more power. They are able to do this only because we let them.

Just something to think about. I will leave you today with a short video of what may very well be one of these FEMA camps.