Organized Stalking = Cognitive Warfare: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Program (August 18, 2022)

Organized Stalking = Cognitive Warfare: Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Jeff Rense Program (August 18, 2022)

In this program, we go over the 22 main points of the following NATO article on Cognitive Warfare:

Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries (by Ben Norton, October 8, 2021)

The following 21 statements provide a summary of the nature, scope, goals, technologies, perpetrators, and targets of “cognitive warfare” as outlined in Norton’s article.

1) Cognitive warfare, a new form of combat, is the 6th operational warfare domain, in addition to air, land, sea, space, cyberspace. As cognitive warfare involves “the human domain” (recall Jade Helm 2015 drill’s logo: “Mastering the Human Domain”), the human mind is now a new domain of war.

2) Most advances and research and development efforts of CW have been conducted by the United States Department of Defense (DoD), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA).”

3) (CW), the “Battle for your brain,” involves the “militarization of brain science;” the “brain is the battlefield of 21st century.”

4) “Cognitive warfare is a fight against what we think and the way we think and seeks to change how we act.”

5) The objectives of cognitive warfare are to sow dissonance, instigate conflicting narratives, polarize opinion, and radicalize groups. Cognitive warfare can motivate people to act in ways that can disrupt or fragment an otherwise cohesive society.

6) It involves “hacking the individual” and “exploiting vulnerabilities in the human brain” for “social engineering” purposes.

7) CW is the “art of using neuro S/T technologies to alter the cognition of human targets” in order “to harm the cognitive abilities of opponents,” “make everyone a weapon,” “harm societies as well as military,” and “capture the psycho-cultural as well as the geographical high ground”- at home and abroad.

8) The CW battlefield is global via the internet. Just as this new mode of battle has no geographic borders, it also has no time limit: With no beginning and no end, this conquest knows no respite anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”

9) Anyone and everyone can be a target of CW. “Any user of modern information technologies is a potential target. CW targets the whole of a nation’s human capital.” Everyone and anyone is considered an embedded fifth column (such as part of Russian or Chinese sleeper cells) who might do the bidding of our enemies, and therefore is considered an adversary.

10) “Today’s progresses in nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science (NBIC), boosted by the seemingly unstoppable march of a triumphant troika made of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and civilisational ‘digital addiction’ have created a much more ominous prospect: an embedded fifth column, where everyone, unbeknownst to him or her, is behaving according to the plans of one of our competitors.” (Again, for example, China and Russia).

(Webmaster comment: This is nonsense, of course, and is the very same smear and projection tactic and pretext perpetually used to demonize political opponents during the Cold War.)

11) CW is a part of “hybrid warfare” (aka “unconventional warfare”) against its self-declared adversaries (“targeted individuals, audiences, populations, nations”). Hybrid warfare also includes economic warfare, cyber warfare, information warfare, and psychological warfare.

12) “Neuroscientific methods and technologies” (neuroS/T) are to directly facilitate the performance of combatants (create supersoldiers), the integration of human-machine interfaces to optimise combat capabilities of semi-autonomous vehicles (e.g., drones), and development of biological and chemical weapons (i.e., neuroweapons).”

13) This new form of digital warfare will precede physical warfare in proximity to hubs of political and economic power.

14) All academic disciplines will be implicated in cognitive warfare and will be required to work closely with the military. These especially include the social and human sciences, including psychology, anthropology, ethnography, history; the hard sciences, the data sciences, and Systems Engineering. (“If kinetic power cannot defeat the enemy psychology and related behavioural and social sciences stand to fill the void.”)

15) NATO member states are already targeting domestic populations at an unprecedented rate (!!!!!!). (Webmaster: I.e., are now targeting “targeted individuals,” “target audiences”, and entire populations.) Figures in the NATO military cartel increasingly see their own domestic populations as a threat, fearing civilians to be potential Chinese or Russian sleeper cells, dastardly “fifth columns” (their pretext) that challenge the stability of “Western liberal democracies.”

16) Cognitive warfare will lead to the militarization of all aspects of human society and psychology, from the most intimate of social relationships to the mind itself.

17) “Cognitive warfare has universal reach, from starting with the individual to states and multinational organizations.” “Its field of action is global and its aim is to seize control of the human being, civilian as well as military,” and “capture the psycho-cultural in addition to the geographical high ground.”

18) This weaponization of neuroS/T can and will be fatal! CW can “be utilised to mitigate aggression and foster cognitions and emotions of affiliation or passivity; induce morbidity, disability or suffering; and ‘neutralise’ potential opponents or incur mortality” – in other words, to maim and kill people.

19) “Cognitive warfare is potentially endless since there can be no peace treaty or surrender for this type of conflict”…. “As well as the potential execution of a cognitive war to complement a military conflict, it can also be conducted alone, without any link to an engagement of the armed forces… ”

20) NATO military officers are calling on corporations to invest in NATO’s cognitive warfare research. Twice a year, NATO holds “pitch-style events” (“Innovation Challenge”) where they call on private companies, organizations, and researchers to help develop new tactics and technologies for them. The NATO innovation challenge indicates that all (corporate) innovators will maintain complete control of their intellectual property.

21) CW is attractive to politicians and society’s managers: “Cognitive warfare may well be the missing element that allows the transition from military victory on the battlefield to lasting political success. The human domain might well be the decisive domain, wherein multi-domain operations achieve the commander’s effect. The five first domains can give tactical and operational victories; only the human domain can achieve the final and full victory.”