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JR Servo
4 years ago
The globalists have a trump card which has been kept hidden from constitutionalists and freedom fighters. There is a world-wide army of unaware, innocent, wirelessly-controlled saboteurs. Thousands upon thousands of brain-chipped. patriotic. morally-just, good people who don’t know they are infiltrators that haven’t a clue they are directly connected to the shadow government’s supercomputers. It is hard to fathom (for example) that an awesome leader and organizer of, say, some patriotic group or militia is unknowingly transmitting everything he hears, sees, smells and thinks to his sworn enemy.
Not only is their human body turned into a multimedia wireless device their consciousness can be instantaneously turned off while still standing, walking, driving a vehicle where the nano super-computer installed into their brain takes over control almost seamlessly. The bio-robot can speak gibberish or address an audience with a Oscar-winning speech, commit an assassination, or self-inflict wounds. Then the brain-chip can bring that person back to a conscious state, seamlessly, or nearly so. This person will not feel any passage of time even hours later. There may be a hint of disorientation during the switching process, but this can feel as insignificant as the feeling of leaving a day-dream and back to the task at hand. Subliminal suggestions can also be injected into the brain while consciousness is regained. This will help make the consciousness transition feel more seamless. A robotic saboteur and an almost perfect spying tool.
This is a mostly over-looked yet huge tool that the globalist have been setting up for a decade. The people who figure out that they are not crazy after the nano chip is covertly installed may not think it is there (like Sean Stinn of USA); instead, thinks it comes from . But the rare person may automatically sense its presence and know their life will suddenly be difficult to live.
Digital Beat Music
Digital Beat Music
2 years ago
Made by NSA, National Satanist Agency
Shai Sum
Shai Sum
2 years ago (edited)
Anyone who doesnt believe this is crazy…i tried to convince myself i have a mental illness but deep inside i knew i didnt and kept on looking for an answer for what ive been going through and now i know…this is crazy!
James Michael
James Michael
2 years ago
Satanic bastards. You have got to hope that one day they will be stopped. And all their sick behaviour brought out into the open. These people are the low-lifes, and the victims are the real people.
Raymond Johnsen
Raymond Johnsen
2 years ago
tjek under “trgeted induvidual” on youtube and se the effekts of this! we are all living in the matrix all ready
Stephen O Neill
Stephen O Neill
3 years ago
Mainstream media ,I know its only RT but it is a start.
4 years ago
Take a look upon the future and weep.
2 years ago
my friend that smokes meth brought me here.
MKultraNeverStopped TorturedWithVoiceOfGodWapons
MKultraNeverStopped TorturedWithVoiceOfGodWapons
3 years ago
Great. Now this should be commons sense: Make and English version and put it on the mother fucking TV even if you have to do it illegally
João Batista Barbosa
João Batista Barbosa
9 months ago
Vejam os vídeos Papa Francisco matou Centenas de bebês em missas satânicas e Bomba Atômica explodindo denúncia contra a comunidade figueira de trigueirinho no blog do mauricaomuitahipocrisia.
Eli Zsia
Eli Zsia
1 year ago (edited)
their trying to transfer Consciousness with this technology, human to human possession.
think about this, David Rockerfeller is being Helped by Sarah Rockerfeller to try and Transfer David rockerfellers Consciousness Into another human being..
The Elites And 1% are trying to live forever, and they are doing it by trying with transhumanism technology, to create Avatars of their victims.
they are attacking me right now.
Eli Zsia
Eli Zsia
1 year ago (edited)
The Voices Are Created Using Ambient Low Volume Sounds On A Subconscious Level. They Pretend To Be God. They Are Also Trying to Create Drones Or Avatars Out Of Their Victims..
They Profile Their Targets And Write Scripts For Their Actors And Anyone Working With then during the attacks… They gave themselves away by pretending They were God, saying it’s been happening to me since I was 13 years old.. but i believe its been happening for longer since they have had this technology since Mk Ultra.
They are trying to convince me of being someone evil, they tried to put the mind of a psychopath into my mind, trying to replace my thoughts and memories with a psychopaths thoughts and memories….
Its mind control technology like seen in the Movie avatar but more advanced because you don’t need to wear a neuronal device..
They had me convinced that that I was the psychopath, trying to place his personality in my head.
Phoenix Gold
Phoenix Gold
11 months ago
I’m a TI receiving remote neural monitoring Gangstalking, DEWS, V2k and more.takeca look at my vids,going through hell.peace out.
Bernie is Dead
Bernie is Dead
1 year ago
merge Russia and China
3 years ago
by a brainscan the listenparts are activated [ like you are listening to someone ] so that is proof that the voices you hear are not your inner thoughts or inner dialog but something or somebody else is talking to you telepathic and they know everything about the brain and how to handle it to get a reaktion from you they have in their mind.
3 years ago
Would tin foil hats work to defeat this? loool
4 years ago
This explains the numerous perpetraitors who’ve pointed cellphones at me, some at my front door, others smiling enjoyable from their cars (groups, organized, gang stalkers) male, female, all ages. They have no shame, no souls, Godless as they are to do this to innocent, harmless, single victims for money.
Kavitha Eisha
Kavitha Eisha
1 year ago
Please help me .harassing me to much I need solution .
bastard alien
bastard alien
1 year ago
Hitler’s minions, nazi bastards, they torture innocent victims and once you catch them torturing you, they prove you psychotic or whatever to continue their evil and to avoid feeling guilty and being caught violating human rights. I feel like I live in a damn concentration camp, I feel like a zombie all day with brain fog. This is the work of nazi satanists.
Thomas O’Shaughnessy
Thomas O’Shaughnessy
1 year ago
There’s some illegal mind control reading and implanting of thoughts in #12 and #15 Wright Drive in East Dereham, Norfolk, England and it’s being used against people’s full awareness in such a way most people wouldn’t quite recognise what was going on… and they drug the tapwater to make everyone more suggestible and possibly controllable… People don’t know of the harm they’ve played on society yet with this stuff…
1 year ago
These scumbags will be outed. The truth will come out. You are making our lives hell!
Laila Majanoon
Laila Majanoon
4 years ago
I am a victim. Because I am Pro-Palestine, so I am political dissident. For my case, CIA,Mossad,NSA,local agents etc get involve with me. over 6 years,it has proofed me that Mind is our sub-conscious and we can control it. Brain is nerve. So they control my nerve only. I like to call this project,”brain-control”. I can ignore what they have tried to communicate with me through 4 senses by focusing my daily goal and less attention to what they saying. If they call me several names,I counter back by teaching them the moral or call them a several names either.
3 years ago (edited)
In America it is under the program called IARPA. The so called “research” of brain washing, modification, manipulation through torture is performed by Universities (University of Maryland and John Hopkins here in Maryland, USA) in coordinated with the FBI, police departments and whole communities. Obama’s Brain Initiative = IARPA the parasite to the body and brain. Probably became a global program by using military installations as well as the Universities around the world. And as a side comment, that BAM program – that’s bs that it PROTECTS. How the hell are you protecting society by TORTURING citizens on the street without their knowledge, consent or legitimate reason for safety? Since when does torturing citizens without reason equate to protection?
Nina Gonzales
Nina Gonzales
4 years ago
You can count on the Latin People to be more brutally honest about these kinds of government atrocities. Bravo for their strength and perceptibility!
Kevin Canada
Kevin Canada
4 years ago
akty de la luna
akty de la luna
8 months ago
chuiii atroz
2 years ago
Well I have no idea why he brought Magnus on since he hardly spoke to him! I wanted to know how Magnus was affected, how they implanted him, and why him?
Halvor Raknes
Halvor Raknes
4 years ago
I found this video through the article “Mind Control – Remote Neural Monitoring: Daniel Estulin and Magnus Olsson on Russia Today”. In it it reads “…complete disrespect, despise and underestimation of human beings, at least when it comes to their bodies, abilities and biological functions”
I don’t see anyone else either standing up for the body and biological functions among either lightworkers, the exopolitical crowd or New Age people in general. At least not against the attitudes …
Halvor Raknes
Halvor Raknes
4 years ago
… can (and should) do by oneself, without the need for contacting a therapist, is the modality which will overcome these nefarious, but mostly short-sighted, agendas.
I have now some nine years of experience doing this with complete dedication and integration into all aspects of my life, and I take on all the elites (basically) so I do get targetted in all sorts of ways. Working all these incongruent energies out, through my body, is a totally sustainable method. (I also bring the concept …
Halvor Raknes
Halvor Raknes
4 years ago
… of God into my work as a navigational implement as ethics need some immovable reference point as I venture into unchartered ontologies.)
Halvor Raknes
Halvor Raknes
4 years ago
…projected by the factions who promote and develop these kinds of things, which are also Malthusian. There is a perception of the human being which is terribly warped on the part of said faction, but even among the woefully passive groups that I also mentioned there is, in my opinion, lacking a consciousness about the body-as-a-whole. People who call themselves holistic are often mostly heady.
I think that integrative body work based on Wilhelm Reich’s seminal sex economy, work which one …
1 year ago
La mayoría de las personas desconoce de todo esto.
4 years ago
Sad but true. Lots of websites with items to protect you from EMF just google EMF protection
5 months ago
will this cause war or have no choice but to have war.
Musicistwowords Mu
Musicistwowords Mu
4 years ago
@5.10 “Yes, they can completely control the mind. Although it is a really difficult task when the victim, as in this case, is aware of the situation.”
I became aware of it at one point, but have no idea of how long these implants have been used on me. Probably throughout my life, since I was adopted (sold) into this sick program, in the late 1960s.
Against this kind of technology, the mind has no firewall.
Musicistwowords Mu
Musicistwowords Mu
4 years ago
Dr. Jose Delgado began his research in the 1950s & was able to make a cat lift its leg with brain stimulation, then, as the video says, he did his bull experiment in the 1960s.
I have implants in each ear. I haven’t been able to get any help & I am being tortured daily. I was born in the late 1960s… my RFID-sized implants (what I can feel & see) go thru the cartilage of each ear & I suspect they are connected to something going into my ear canals. They ruined my life, stole my freewill.
4 years ago
People need to understand how wrong and evil this agenda is and come to an agreement that Nazi-like atrocities are not acceptable in the 21st Century, for any reason, especially if it’s done in order to finish off what’s left of our collective humanity. We, the People, need to demand answers to what is really being done to further these aims behind the veil of secrecy and with our own money, while our society is collapsing around us. Enough with the conjecture and the guess work concerning the methods, we need serious investigations into these matters by calling those involved in this on to the carpet, under oath, to provide a long needed review into the activities of various agencies both national and international in scope. The perpetrators who have acted unethically, thinking that their unique positions puts them above the law, need to face Nuremberg type trials before more lives are destroyed and full on mental enslavement of the world’s population is complete. Shut it down.
Sevan El Bey
Sevan El Bey
1 year ago
Unfortunately, I feel the remainder of my life will be directed towards removing them from my mind.
Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice
Kavitha Eisha
Kavitha Eisha
1 year ago
I from India my husband harassing me to much I want stop it please help , e
Franziska Schimanski
Franziska Schimanski
3 years ago
Ich kann dies nur bestaetigen- leider!
4 years ago
El libro -y la película- “Los Hombres que Miraban Fijamente a las Cabras”; está basado en investigaciones sobre el tema del interés militar por el tema del control mental.
Andrej Kusnir
Andrej Kusnir
1 month ago
Jeg leser bare innleggene under videoene dine … Jeg vet nøyaktig hvordan denne teknologien fungerer, og jeg er fortsatt ufrivillig del av den … Som jeg fortsatt er i innleggene … ser jeg på deg heller jeg er heller ikke bor i Stavanger, Norge
inn i noen møter?
Andrej Kusnir
Andrej Kusnir
1 month ago
Hello Mr Olsson,
I just read the posts under your videos … I know exactly how this technology works and I’m still involuntarily part of it … Like I’m still in the posts … I look at you are from Norway, I’m staying in Stavanger in Norway too
Are doing some meetings about it?
Ted Huntington
Ted Huntington
3 years ago
its remote neuron reading and writing rnraw and direct to brain windows d2bw – many millions receive it – and all could but most are denied getting consensual d2bw.
Delta Foxtrot
Delta Foxtrot
2 months ago
Olor a vinagre vía ondas de fm?
Claro que si…..
4 years ago
I am an expert to recognize if it is “mind cotrol” with fMRI & PET tech.to STG auditory region was active by unclear outsides stimulation, but too expensive. I can teach victims to use opposte psycology test to confirm it.
mdm modem
mdm modem
4 years ago
Ellos son RATAS deshumanizados transformados físicamente en humanos, de ahí que se ensañen experimentando con seres humanos, sodomizándonos, RATAS, RATAS, DESTRUCTIVAS, son mucho peores de las pobres ratas literales.
Chad Allen
Chad Allen
1 year ago
Remote Neural Monitoring is a result of the National Security Agency.
bastard alien
bastard alien
1 year ago
I never did anything wrong, and my life has been made hell and ruined by the hands of these nazi satanists. I cannot explain to you the torture they have put me through.
Susan Littleton
Susan Littleton
4 years ago
Be sure to replace your nutrients with a good whole food multi-vitamin/mineral supplement and take extra essential fatty acid supplement such as fish oil or flax seed oil or both, take a lot of it, be generous with yourself. Drink only distilled or reverse osmosis filtered water.
The government is controlling our minds and behavior with the use of this nano tech. Refrain from allowing yourself to be shackled. Break free.
Susan Littleton
Susan Littleton
4 years ago
We are being infected with nanotech and parasites (as well as other poisons and heavy metals) from chemtrails. We are breathing it in, it is in our food and water. The nano tech attaches itself to the parasites which seek each other out. This enables the nanotech to collect together to make larger micro-nanochips.
Susan Littleton
Susan Littleton
4 years ago
Regular detox will be essential until infection of the populations ends. Take Wormwood Combination to kill the parasites and buy Bentonite Clay. It comes in fine powder form in a large canister. Take a tablespoon in a large glass of water. Bentonite Clay attracts and absorbs like a magnet heavy metals and radioactive particles and other impurities, pathogens and expels it. You will feel better the very first day of treatment.
Susan Littleton
Susan Littleton
4 years ago
Kevin, the fight against this is a collective effort. We must all help find ways to fight against it and then spread the news.
Susan Littleton
Susan Littleton
4 years ago
The continuous microwave frequency pollution then charges up the nanotech and causes us to feel tired, lethargic, irritable, anxious, depressed, confused, unable to concentrate, and also aggravates the slow microwave cooking of our bodies and causes the drying out of our bodies our muscles causing all kinds of problems including fibro symptoms.
8 months ago
muchas mentiras y fantasias mezcladas con verdades en este arti.culo…
Loyal Justice
Loyal Justice
4 years ago
Muy veridico
luciana sosa
luciana sosa
4 years ago
Hola.aqui en LaPlata,Argentina hay un médico que ofrece una terapia alternativa una inyección que va al torrente sanguíneo,supuestamente es un activador de la hormona de la felicidad que uno cuando padece depresion,supuestamente el cerebro no anda liberando.es muy costosa esta terapia asi como mágica y prometedora.
Thomas O’Shaughnessy
Thomas O’Shaughnessy
1 year ago (edited)
had some unusual occurences last night at cath kidston, what does the united nations or the european union even mean about human rights anyway or the uk… its not just me but what it does back to other people and most wouldnt know if people said things to them in their sleep and fed their subconsciousness with all kinds of negative thoughts and nasty or unwanted and or badly intended things, affecting mine, their own and everyone elses reality in a kind of negative feedback loop to reality that is unique and really quite interesting but also very serious… these are the sorts of things that once done knowingly, they have to be judged so severely, they’ll probably work it out when it gets too late…
Amy Tudor
Amy Tudor
3 years ago (edited)
Just seeing this for the first time..but wanted to share that they have done this through nano fibers= Morgellons…Sprayed on Everyone…Now everyone on the planet is plugged into the super computer….I am positive this is how they controlled the Aurora Colorado Movie Theater Shooter James Holmes..Above Is The Link…
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
The device that is used to trace you using satellite information looks like a cell phone and can be carried about and people around will never suspect that the device is a psychotronic weapon.
I believe the device to register brain signatures is just as small and looks like a cell phone, too, so people can be zapped by a person supposedly using a cell phone.
Psychotronic weapons can receive the picked brain evoked potencials already processed. They send V2K using cell phone antennas.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Susan, no implant is needed to target and trace you. Just your brain electronic signature.
Some people are spreading disinformation concerning implants. Where I live there are no chemtrails, but there are TI’s. Some of them believe they have been implanted with microchip.
It is hard for me to convince them that a chip is not needed. There is more about electronic brain signature in the electronics journal IEEEE. Only the abstract is free.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
There are satellites that can trace everybody non thermally, but people receiving information from those satellites can only identify the people they have registered, ie, those people whose electronic brain signatures they have picked.
No microchip is needed for people to be traced and spotted and no microchip is needed for people to be identified.
There is an article on the web you should read, “Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans?” It is about ex NSA staff Tice
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Cell phones can affect brains and the over use of cell phone can cause brain cancer, especially in children.
I don’t think they can register your brain signature using a cell phone call. I do believe that they have too be near you, maybe an upstair apartment or so.
Those people whose brain signatures have been registered don’t know exactly where or when it was done, at least most of them.
This registration opens the way to psychotronic attacks and satellite tracing.
Mônica Miranda
Mônica Miranda
4 years ago
Read the article “Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans?” They use psychotronic weapons that look like a cell phone to register your electronic brain signatures. These “cell phones” can trace people by receiving data from satellites. Those people who have been registered can be identified. They receive brain evoked potentials already processed from satellites and use cell phone antennas to send V2K.
More about electronic brain signatures on IEEEE, only the abstract is free.
Thomas O’Shaughnessy
Thomas O’Shaughnessy
1 year ago (edited)
There’s little speaker like devices I’ve seen in the hostel I was last in by a neighbour doing the same things so many people have done to me and whether you think it’s anti-Semitic to say so or not, there are jews involved and it does include powerful people and they’re not on the better side of humanity if you know what I mean… At #12 wright drive when I was listening to the recordings I sent to the police from the wall cavity (can hear what they say and do a bit better…) apart from throwing up, shitting (no doubt anal sex went too far too many times…), drugs and orgies and farting on the walls (apparently not the most decent of women or men…), there was a lot of electrical equipment being plugged in under the stairs in Martin George Boyce’s house, which does make me think a bit of the possibilities but they do it everywhere and people get killed for it… I hope people have the sense to wake up from what they’re doing to themselves and their countries as there’s something else going on against the countries that stood against something else, even inadvertently or by accident due to not believing or understanding (even the seriousness) of what was and still is going on. Other’s in blind ignorance, whatever part of the hierarchy they are in…
Wolfgang Trubshaw
Wolfgang Trubshaw
3 years ago
Just that none of this actually requires any such nanotech “implants”.
Javier Del Río
Javier Del Río
2 years ago
ciencia real
Sergio Martinelli
Sergio Martinelli
1 year ago
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
Emissions of signals intelligence NSA has developed a program to decipher waves EMF (electromagnetic frequency) present in the environment for non-invasive techniques (ie without implants, electromagnetically, by radio waves) recorded on computers currents power of bodies of people and track them.
Signals intelligence is based on the fact that everything in our environment with an electric current has a magnetic field around which emits EMF waves.
The NSA has developed the Advanced Digital Equipment that can remotely analyze all object or body having electrical or electrochemical activity.
4 years ago
For the real German Wunderwaffen, the wonder weapons see my videos:
German directed energy weapons of ww2: Lt. Hitts report
German directed energy weapon: The magnetic ray
German directed energy weapons of ww2: US countermeasures
Directed Energy Weapons of the 1930s: The Death Ray
German brainwashing equipment being used abroad
Galvanis Frog reacts to radiowaves
And with a real frog:
Galvanis Frosch: Radiowellen steuern Nerven und Muskeln
After ww2 Germany offered its services to other countries
divyesh rao
divyesh rao
2 years ago
You dont need brainimplant. Everybody can get mind control
1 year ago
Great video Magnus ! very explicative to understand ! Thank you !
4 years ago
I totally agree with Kevin.
4 years ago
Godspeed. I’m a victim, and most times left speechless.
Alejandra Covarrubias
Alejandra Covarrubias
5 years ago
These are those Pentagons International Nazi Projects under MK ULTRA, and all the UNCONVENTI0NAL WEAPONS in use.
De Pentagons Internationale nazi prosjektene startet IKKE med José Delgado.
De tortureksperimenteringene startet i Latin Amerika.
De skandinaviske tortureksperimenteringene satt i gang hva CIA hadde behov for.
Og sosialdemokratiet er en del av de hemmelige nazi prosjektene.
Agenda til de Pentagons Nazi Prosjektene er fram til 2025, som Obama legaliserer nå.
LDA Eldin Ramic
LDA Eldin Ramic
1 year ago
as they are using frequencies that actually causing depression artificially to sabotage and paradise one actuality antipsychotics might not be appropriate but antidepressants should somewhat help ; fMRI will depict improvement in mental state and might increase smear to reestablish depressed , suppressed state of mind but it still might help coping with it , if fMRI is set to attack anger , resentment and despise toward government , balancing ones mind with meds like Zolaft for PTSD that TI is in as state of shock might provide balanced mood fluctuations with reduced outrage and anger
Ahmad Howari
Ahmad Howari
3 months ago (edited)
I am victim of remote neural monitoring since 11/2013 i’v been harassed by them all that time and they still attacking me they say words in my mind swearing at me ,apply heat on my internal organs that look like laser 4 years and they always existed, they never stop even for seconds they stopped just 1 time in 8/2017 for 20 minutes then they came back to harass me again
4 years ago
El microchip ya lo tenemos implantado en nuestro cerebro, a través de la nanotecnología y por medio de las fumigaciones. Si has visto este video anteriormente merece la pena volverlo a ver. Control mental psicotronico de los seres humanos y cierra neuronal. Una realidad que parece ciencia ficción pero que se está aplicando desde 1950 o 1960.
Melissa S
Melissa S
4 years ago
Magnus, I think you are a brilliant star. You are helping so much to end these atrocities. Contact me if you can. I am no longer on facebook. Get my number from Derrick. My name is Melissa.
bedanta bora
bedanta bora
3 years ago
no implants is required for remote neural monitoring.faster people accept the facts and understand about rnm and organized gang stalking safer humanity is.have been a rnm & organized gang stalking from 2012 moreso in India we targeted individuals are getting no help at all with majority of people ignorant about remote neural monitoring and organized gang stalking.
The Sick Pelican
The Sick Pelican
4 years ago
This is real through smart dust and chemtrails.
4 years ago
Thank you for the info. I think I know someone who was a victim. But nobody believed him. He suffered very much. Even though he never showed any signs of mental disease before, he was brutaly handled by police after behaving strangely. He was drugged to unconsciouness and labelled a squizofrenic. He said he felt strange after an encounter with a man who had a kind of cell phone directed at him, and then his own cell phone had strange signals. I May God protect the good people of this earth.
Psychické obtěžování a gangstalking
Psychické obtěžování a gangstalking
4 years ago
Thanks for your support.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Monica, do you do if cell phones waves can affect brain waves or pick up electronic signatures? I had a strange experience and I am just wondering.
Rafael Oter
Rafael Oter
4 years ago
Mujeres femeninas que denuncian el “feminismo”
Buscad en “circulo Atenea” wordpress /jornadas-feministas-o-de-masturbaciones/
(Aquí no se me permite insertar el enlacd
Etienne Van Der Schyff
Etienne Van Der Schyff
1 month ago (edited)
Yo soy victima de esto. Vivo en Asuncion/Paraguay y la policia y el ejercito en conjuncion con agentes civiles, entre los cuales esta una de mis ex profesoras de sexto grado, estan usando esta tecnologia por mi persona. Mis vecinos tienen algo como un pequenho aparato spray con el que me chorrean en spray finas gotitas desde su balcon, sospecho que esas finas gotitas en spray son las nano que estan esparciendo sobre mi para poder tener acceso a mi cerebro y asi poder/intentar controlarme.
4 years ago
Sorry, I meant do you KNOW if cell phone can affect brains and pick up electronic signatures?
John Medes
John Medes
3 years ago
A man named Matthew Ryan Sloan who lives in Phoenix Arizona thinks he is a victim of remote neural monitoring. The voices asked him to do things like confess to a crime he didn’t commit. He ended up jumping off a bridge to try to kill himself after hearing these voices for over a year. He broke his face and legs. These voices still talk to him.
แมวแจว กับ มุดสังแย้ว
แมวแจว กับ มุดสังแย้ว
1 year ago
stop mind control Thailand
แมวแจว กับ มุดสังแย้ว
แมวแจว กับ มุดสังแย้ว
1 year ago
Use a compass to find it
chili jojo
chili jojo
4 years ago
mir wurde auch chip implantiert, die machen experiment, gedanken lesen, isolieren mich sozial, ich habe neuelich erfahren dass ich gefälschte oder ungültige e mail adresse habe. Ich bin ausländische Studenten an der TU Berlin.
antix beam
antix beam
4 years ago
Excellent show. It’s too late though.
amine amine
amine amine
9 months ago (edited)
Fck ?????????????? science technology all crazy strange brain talking to me? eux rôle game life