Mind Control Articles by the late Dr. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015)



by The New York Times By Dr Rauni Kilde

When The New York Times exposed the CIA-project of behavior modification in July 1977, the then General Director of the secret institution, Stanfield Turner, had to testify at the Senate hearings. On August 3, 1977, he gave an account of a CIA established network, including 80 medical universities, hospitals, and prisons – together with 185 high-ranking U.S. scientists, researchers and doctors. It was mentioned that the program had begun under the Director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, in 1953. This was something Professor John C. Lilly described in his memoirs, “The Scientist”. He said that the Director in 1953 proposed that he join the CIA and participate in experiments. But he refused and the reason he gave for this was also explained in his book: “Dr. Antoine Remond, using our technique in Paris, has demonstrated that stimulation of the brain can be applied to the human without the help of a neurosurgeon; he is doing it in his clinic. This means that anybody with the proper apparatus can carry this out on a person covertly, with no external signs that electrodes have been used on that person. I feel that if this technique gets into the hands of a secret agency, they could have a total control over a human being and be able to change his beliefs extremely quickly.” Today injectable biochips are being utilized in hospitals around the world and the issue has with increased levels of usage become even more shrouded by secrecy and a conspiracy of silence.

During the summer of 1977 The New York Times published 30 articles about the CIA and mind control. But ten years before they’d already published a first editorial demanding a public debate of the threat under the heading “Push-Button People”. As stated in their first editorial on mind control, 10th of April 1967, in relation to the possible political applications they mentioned: “It is quite conceivable that in some countries investigations may be under way into the possibility of using these techniques to control human beings…the mere existence of such a possibility is disturbing, and certainly merits wider public discussion and greater attention than it has received up to now.” Britain, Sweden and U.S. were among these nations. Three years later another editorial was published. On September 19th, 1970, The New York Times editorial “Brain Wave” about the dangers posed by mind control made the following point: “If George Orwell were writing a sequel to ‘1984’ today, he would probably reject as archaic the propaganda techniques for controlling people’s minds…” They suggested that: “Today, he might envisage a society in which a newborn baby’s first experience would be neurosurgery, an operation in which the child’s brain was fitted with miniaturized radio devices connected to every major center controlling reason and emotion.” They knew what was going on but had no success in bringing about a public debate on the issue. 25 years later the U.S. Senator John Glenn, in trying to regulate the abuse and said in a speech in the Senate: “I hope to be able to assure the people in my home state of Ohio, and those around the country, that their government is no longer conducting experiments unknown to the individual.” The situation in Europe is the same and the EU’s Ethical Board even published a declaration against mind control. In 2005 they wrote: “How far should we be subject to the control of such devices or by other people using these devices?” and ended with the words: “The Member States have a responsibility to create conditions for a constructive, well-informed debate in this area.” This is the most important subject in today’s world and mass media have a responsibility to open up that debate – so we must all show support for such action. Neither they nor the population in general would choose to live with state chips in their brains.


By Dr Rauni Kilde, Norway, 2014

The term generally associated with conspiracy theories is in fact a 50-years old ongoing techno-political project. It was with the development of the first supercomputers, that system for controlling the mind; brain and behavior were established. These were elements of the new science of cybernetics, which became public in 1948 when the American professor Norbert Wiener published his book with the same title. The researchers’ mind control project is most often classified as behavior or cognitive manipulation. From the very beginning, more than half a century ago, it was possible to intercept thoughts, memories, and sensory functions such as sight or hearing. Cybernetics was also the first science that could not only measure and analyze what it came in contact with, but also change these processes.

But the military took over and developed it secretly. They became innovator, made up the values and selected researchers partners. From the offset there was a debate on the issue. The scientific magazine Science ran 14-pages in their 1956 November issue under the heading “Some Issues Concerning the Control of Human Behavior”, and Professor Carl R Rogers said: “We can choose to use our growing knowledge to enslave people in ways never dreamed of before, controlling them by means so carefully selected that they will perhaps never be aware of their loss of personhood”. Adding the probability of political misuse in democratic countries with: “Of all the dictatorships espoused by utopists, this is the most profound, and incipient dictators might well find in this utopia a guidebook of political practice…”. This scared many. In the USA books were published, articles written and speeches made by leading people on the dangers. The threat of exploitation of humans via remote control technologies became apparent.

The American professor of psychiatry Joost Meerloo, released his book “The Rape of the Mind” (1956) in which he said: “The tragic facts of political experiences in our age make it all too clear that applied psychological techniques can brainwash entire nations and reduce their citizens to a kind of mindless robotism which becomes for them a normal way of living.” In 1968 Dr. Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and social philosopher published his book “A Revolution of Hope” and in it wrote: “It is not the old ghost of communism or fascism; it is a completely mechanized society where man himself became a part of the machine. “

It took 9 years until “The New York Times” published the editorial “Control CIA Not Behavior” (5.8. 1977) and gave their opinion: “So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central Intelligence Agency. It was no secret that the agency once hunted desperately for means to control human behavior…” But mind control with behavior technology continued extensive with people in European nations implanted and exploited. The EU´s Ethical Board with the Swedish Professor Hermerén as chairman protested and wrote in their 2005-declaration to the EU-Commission: “Implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others should be forbidden”. But the Swedish military research (FOI) declared in a report on their activities that their aim was to direct the cognitive functions of people for a life time: “FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people and technology. The goal is that the systems be designed that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive, understand, and sorting information can be utilized for maximum system effect.” Nightmares of this kind will become permanent if not made public by mass media. Such developments can only continue as long as it takes place without public knowledge. Journalists, social activists and sensible politicians etc. would not want to live their lives with an electronic leash attached to their brain and be treated like a kind of cattle, any more than the rest of the population would. If we want to live as human beings, in freedom and protected by human rights in the 21st century here on Earth, it’s the responsibility of all of us to make this public.


By Dr Rauni Kilde, 2014

One of the reasons why remote control of the brain is unknown for the public is that it is listed among military secrets. It was something that the leading U.S. politician Dennis J. Kucinich experienced when he, in the Congress tried to regulate the U.S. international supercomputer control system. That which uses radiation to influence whole nations, both presidents and the man walking down the street, no matter where in the world he is. Congressman Kucinich presented the bill H.R. 2977 October 2, 2001 and stated: “By using land based, sea based and space based systems, with electromagnetic, psychotronic, sound, laser or other energies directed at individual persons or, targeted population for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control…” Any biological functions or brain processes can be directed. With these invisible systems anything from civil war to the modeling of individuals can be engineered. But Kucinich’s law proposal was scrutinized by the military and it wasn’t allowed to progress. What was called for military secrets could not be presented in a Bill in the Congress. One should also be aware that satellite systems can be used to change the weather, harvests and any other biological process in the nature or in human beings and that was also disclosed.

The bill included the notion “exotic weapon systems” and Kucinich described them as: “The term exotic weapon systems include weapons to damage the space or the natural eco system, the ionic sphere or the upper atmosphere, or the climate with the aim to induce destruction for an exposed population or a specific region on the earth, or space.” It might be a great surprise to learn that the U.S. is involved in an unseen war against nations and bringing about destruction in different regions on the Earth. These processes of destruction can influence a nation’s harvests, climate, the health of people, its mentality or mood or any other desired factor or variable. But there were further military secrets exposed forcing Kucinich to withdraw the bill. This was some years before the first big tsunami in our time and Kucinich mentioned that both earthquakes and tsunamis could be generated by ray weapons and suggested that it must be prohibited to affect the Earth’s tectonic system. It is when these ecosystems in the Earth’ crust weaken that the most damaging earthquakes and tsunamis occur.

The US, as well as other superpowers, started to develop these systems long before any satellite was launched. From the 1980s the U.S. Air Force’s satellites were radiating the entire Earth with the frequencies 137 and 138 MHz. This still goes on day and night, and even though the frequencies might have shifted to higher wavelengths it’s a type of brainwashing, an aggression generating stimuli all life on Earth is subjected to.

The U.S. Air Force published in 1996 a report with the title: “Information Operations – A New War Fighting Capability”. Brain system’s applications were discussed under the concept “human-computer systems” and it was declared that supercomputers and bio-technology offered an interaction where all desired information can be retrieved. ”The human-computer systems integration is a vital lead in the final technological area. Human systems and bio-technology offer the potential to create a seamless flow of information between human and computer…” Further down in the document it was mentioned that the controller could connect his brain to other people or sources regardless of geographic location. ”Mastering these technologies will allow users to select information for direct input into their brains.” All this is done via the most advanced surveillance system ever created and is challenging everyone’s integrity and security. Supercomputers can supersede people’s own right to live with their own brain functions, behavior or mood.


From The New York Times

In August 5, 1977 The New York Times published their third editorial concerning the most sensitive and serious project ever established by the C.I.A., which previous articles had disclosed. During the hot summer months of 1977 they challenged the C.I.A. in 30 disclosing articles. The last of the three editorials was entitled “Control C.I.A. Not Behavior”. Like the others, this covered the C.I.A.’s 24-year long brain project and was a strong warning of the dangers posed by mind control. They stated in the introduction:

“So we must add repugnant medical experimentation to the list of horror stories emerging from the Central Intelligence Agency”, and continued in saying it was no secret that the C.I.A. sought desperately to control human behavior. The threat wasn’t perceived as just emerging: “As early as 1957, the C.I.A.’s inspector general understood that some of the activities are considered to be professionally unethical and in some instances border on the illegal.” From 1953 a program creating mind controlled assassins existed: “One objective, for example, was to program individuals so that they might do the agency’s bidding even to the point of ignoring ‘such fundamental laws of nature as self preservation. ‘We are not sufficiently schooled in ethics to know how this differs from murder’.”

In concluding, they laid bare the charge of responsibility and suggested that the Government provide every victim with both medical treatment and compensation: “The C.I.A. and the entire government must pursue every victim, for treatment and compensation…and the Congress must turn again to the stubborn question of safeguards against future perversions of what still is dignified by the label of ‘intelligence’.” Introducing safeguards has not been done because the brain project is a part of a secret U.S. political agenda, being perpetrated not only against its own population, but against those of foreign nations as well.

Three days before, The New York Times had quoted a C.I.A. document saying: “Precautions must be taken, not only to protect the operation from exposure to enemy forces, but also to conceal these activities from the American public in general. It would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles and be detrimental to the accomplishment of C.I.A.´s mission.” The editorial ended with the claim: “Whatever formal structures are erected within Government to hold our most secret agencies accountable, there is no substitute for also holding their senior officials ethically and legally responsible as individuals for all activities…the country should be told who sanctioned such projects, and how.” Many years may have passed but the brain program is ever more extensive and expanding. It has been called the most un-American issue of our time by Senator John Glenn in 1997. He disclosed that medicines in the US contained brain chips, connecting people to the supercomputers for medical research, brain experiments, behavior modifications and mind control. This subject must be brought up for public debate. It is the most inhuman project ever to have been developed as a political development, intended to involve all and every one of us.


By Dr Rauni Kilde

During the 50 years since the brain program with behavior technology was initiated, a lot of protests have occurred, details of which have not yet been published in mass media. One of the best came a few years ago from the European Commission’s Ethical Board (EGE), chaired by Swedish professor Goran Hermerén. They issued “Ethical Aspects of ICT-implants in the Human Body”, 16 March 2005, (ICT stands for InformationCommunication-Technology and includes everything from electrodes to biochips, implanted by the Health services). The declaration took up the abuse of human beings in medical research, for behavioral manipulation, brain experiments and control of people. They asked what threat the military was against society, democracy, and human autonomy when these implants are in our brains and proceeded to give an idea of the intended scope:

“Brain-computer interface or direct brain control takes information from the brain and externalizes it… How far can such implants be a threat to human autonomy particularly when they are implanted in our brains?” The document asked: “How far can ICT implants give an individual, or a group, specific capabilities that could become a threat to society?” Under the heading “Implants for which special caution is necessary” they stated: “ICT implants influencing the nervous system and particularly the brain and thus influence the human identity as a species, as well as individual subjectivity and autonomy” and they requested the determining question that this changed our nature as human beings: “Contemporary society is confronted with changes that have to do with the anthropological essence of individuals,” and raised the matter of whether we are extinct when implanted and without free will: “Does a human being cease to be such a ’being’ in cases where some parts of his or her body – particularly the brain – are substituted and/or supplemented by ICT implants?” This is the most totalitarian project to have ever been developed anywhere on Earth.

A couple of years ago, the British magazine, The Economist, published the article “The Future of Mind Control” and said that the brain researchers and their uncontrolled projects were the greatest threat to humanity. “People already worry about genetics. They should worry about brain science too. Yet when it comes to neuroscience, no government or treaty stops anything…Ignoring a possibility does not make it go away. If asked to guess which group of scientists is most likely to be responsible, one day, for overturning the essential nature of humanity, most people might suggest geneticists. In fact, neuro technology poses a greater threat – and also a more immediate one…”

When thoughts, perceptions, and brain functions are no longer one’s own, we have left the essence of human beings and become a kind of biological component of the state and those with power over us: “The use of ICT implants in order to have a remote control over the will of people should be strictly prohibited…” The Swedish Defense Research Institution declares in their programs that their aim is to control people’s cognitive functions for a life time. The New York Times has published three political editorials about the
threat and demanded a public debate on the issue – editorials which most people have never heard of. In their latest one, “Control CIA Not Behavior,” they saw it necessary to hold these state institutions responsible for their actions.

European Council expressed the obvious: “The unlimited freedom for some can be a danger to others’ health and safety…The freedom to use implants in bodies that the principle of freedom, can collide with potentially negative social effects…” This is a state program that far exceeds racism and all forms of totalitarian development. It is a policy with cannibalistic overtones, designed to transform both people and society; a state program the European Commission is responsible for, where our national defense institutions and security police exploit people on a large scale. The EU Ethical Board argued that a public debate must occur and there is a need to neutralize the threat against our minds and lives.

The new flag of the EU. The people’s brain surrounded by the stars of power.

VI. SEE YOUR BRAIN By Dr Rauni Kilde

It may be the most important of all social and political matters of our time, but very few have any knowledge about it. There are two entirely different social models of what is called “the information society”. The present approach is the control state; it involves experts, brain chips, behavior modification, big business corporations and state agencies as drivers. Whilst the other is based on peoples wellbeing, equality and freedom. What the EU’s Ethics Council calling for a ”development-oriented Information Society” promoting cooperation and human rights. In the title “Infotopia” it’s written: “The first information society is based on material expansion, robot control, specialization, centralization, and where increased standard and power are key drivers. The development path also expresses values that competing is necessary…The second describes a society which in its most extreme form would liberate people …”What is meant by robot control, is far-reaching, and entails connectivity of citizens to brain systems. Thus, being used for all forms of non-consensual biomedical research, particularly in relation to behaviour modification. In such a society, we have merely the status of cattle or biological components. The American Professor Carl Rogers, quoted in Science stated that “…then this shows all too clearly that the great majority are only the slaves, no matter by what high-sounding name we call them… We can choose to use our growing knowledge to enslave people in ways never dreamed of before, depersonalizing them, controlling them by means so carefully selected that they will perhaps never be aware of their loss of personhood”. What he’s describing is the interaction between people’s brains and State super computers, without peoples own consent or understanding about of it.

Japanese Professor Yoneji Masuda, whom coined the term “The Information Society”, wrote in the book so entitled, that the expert dominated information society would create brutal abuses of peoples human rights, even in comparison to traditional dictatorships. The new cybernetics revolution is being directed by super computers and remote control of our central nervous systems – for good or for evil, depending on who ultimately secures control of the systems – the population or the State. Such constitutes as many wonderful dreams as terrible nightmares. Dr. Masuda did mention the possible positive applications, saying ‘that anyone can be healthy, creative and live an active life to an average of 90 years or more’. The British professor Malcolm Varner stated that an expert ruled information society would instigate a return to a feudal system, and expressed concern that it could create even more serious consequences than that of their predecessors in the 1930s. A State system based on abuse and exploitation of its citizens cannot bring any progress. The current Information Society is in direct contrast to a humane civilization.

The two information communities differ in that, as Leif Drambo, author of “Infotopia”, put it. “Nor the technology or its use is neutral…Computopia and the Robot State are just opposite information societies, one light and the other dark. If we choose Computopia says Masuda, we’re leaving the door open to a society full of boundless possibilities, but if we choose the second option, our society will become horrible and unbearably.” Because nobody would readily accept being incorporated into a brain system, the State Information Society has been developed beyond the population’s awareness. It has been implemented behind the secrecy veil of Military Departments and defense research and uses traditional methods to silence those who risk revealing it. But the EU’s Ethics Council stands opposed to implanted brain chips and technological behavior control with the declaration “Ethical Aspects of ICT Implants in the Human Body”. In this they wrote: “EGE provides strong support for the vision of an individual-centered and development-oriented Information Society, proclaimed in The Declaration of the World Summit on the Information Society.” Here we stand at a crossroads, and the outcome is as important as those of the most crucial battles fought in the human history.

This is an extract from Who is Who in the World, Who is Who in Science and Engineering, and Who is Who in Medicine and Health Care.


Public health and tropical medicine physican and social activist; born in Finland, November 15, 1939. Lived in Norway from 1991. Died in Finland, February 8, 2015. Bachelor of Medicine 1964, Medical Doctor 1967, University of Turku, Finland 1964. Diploma in tropical medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 1970, Certificate of social medicine, Nordic School of Public Health, Sweden, 1972. Diploma in Public Health (National Board of Health), Finland, 1974. Diploma in Health Administration, 1980. Intern and resident University Hospital at Turku and regional Hospital, Salo, Member of Staff at various hospitals, 1969-1975. Chief Physican, Pelkosenniemi -Savukoski Hospital, 1970-1972. Physician at United Christian Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan, 1968. Acting Director Environmental Health and Health Education, Finland, 1978. Chief Medical Officer, Lapland, 1975-1987. Chief Medical Advisor, International Red Cross in Malaysia and Indonesia, 1979. Chief delegate of Government of Finland, World Health Organization, tropical medicine, Geneva, Switzerland, 1978-1979. Member of Committee for Arctic Medical Research, Nordic Council, 1981-84. Member of Advisory Board for International Association for Near-death studies, Connecticut, USA, 1983. Vice-President Academy for Clinical Close Encounter Therapies, California, USA, International Bestseller: Author of “There is No Death” 1982, literary award 1983. Member of Security Council, Lapland, 1975-1987. Commodore, President Sailing Club, Lapland, 1976-1977. Member of the Board of Red Cross, Lapland, 1965-1979, President, Nursing College, Lapland, 1976-1987. Recipient Travel Grants, National Board of Health, Finland, 1979- 1981. Anniversary Medal, United Nations, Parapsychology Society, 1992. Medal with Gold Brosch for Civil Defence, Finland, 1991. Member of American Society for Psychical Research, 1983. President and founder of Parapsychological Association of Lapland, 1981-1986, Honorary President 2001- , Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1992-1994. Speaks 6 languages. Honorary diploma from CAHRA (Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse), USA, 1999. Member of the Finnish Medical Association and also member of the board of EUCACH – (EU Coalition Against Covert Harassment) 2013 until her death, 2015.