COVID Mandates are Experimental and Thus Illegal (Like Organized Stalking), Dave Martin, June 2, 2020

Dr. David Martin, retired professor of Economics, explains why all these mandates are against the law; the clinical trial the CDC is inflicting on the population is unethical

Governors do not have the authority in any state to conduct in experimentation on a population which is what all of these mandates are: mask wearing, social distancing and shelter in place

Jacobson vs. Mass. had nothing to do with “forced vaccination”. This case is being used incorrectly to support forced vaccination, but the case was really about Mr. Jacobson not wanting to pay the $5 fine for not taking the vaccine. He always had the option to opt out , but for a fine

If a product is safe, why would an industry need immunity from liability from their products? We talk about the 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which took ALL liability away from vaccine makers

Concerning the economy, we’ve only seen a tip of the iceberg as far as how devastating this will be

Question from a listener: For the business owners that have been crushed with the Unlawful shutdowns, how would we get information to our governors on what Dave is talking about? Are there specific documents that we can reference? hank you for having Dave back! Love this information.

Question from a listener: First, thank you for your work Mr Martin. This “global awareness monitoring board”, how did you become aware of this and how come most of us knew nothing about it? News never talked about it. All of my neighbors never heard about it. Why is there so little information of it?

Mr. Martin lays out why he says this is a planned experiment and so much more!