Key Document 2: NSA’s U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) SP0018: Legal Compliance and U.S. Persons Minimization Procedures (2011) › CLEANEDFinal USSID SP0018 › documents › ppd-28 › NSA

Webmaster’s Comment: In this 2011 NSA Document, entitled “U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive (USSID) SP0018: Legal Compliance and U.S. Persons Minimization Procedures” we learn that we TARGETED INDIVIDUALS are being “minimized.” Certainly, that sounds much better than being stalked, harassed, zapped with Directed Energy other invasive weapons, tortured and murdered.

Here is the document in which National Security AGency (NSA) officials have made it possible for the NSA to unleash their U.S. SIGINT System (USSS) and SIGINT Extended Enterprise” against innocent American civilians.

The following documents are cited in this report and are instrumental in justifying these illegal and completely unconstitutional activities:

(U) 50 U.S.C. 1801 (FISA) Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 1978 as amended.

Executive Order 12333. “United States Intelligence Activities” as amended July 30, 2008.

DOD Directive 5240.01 “DOD Intelligence Activities” as amended August 27, 2007.

NSA/CSS Policy No. 1-23, “Procedures Governing NSA/CSS Activities That Affect U.S. Persons” as revised May 29, 2009.

DOD Regulation 5240 I-R, “Procedures Governing DOD Activities That Affect U.S. Persons” dated December, 1982.