TI James Walbert’s Lawsuits Against Jerimiah Redford (Jewish stalker, 2008) and Witchita Police (2011) Re: Directed Energy Weapon Attacks (10 related posts; 2 videos)

Epigraph Quote:

Former U.S. Marine Corps Criminal Investigator, Secret Service and FBI Intelligence contractor, Technical Surveillance and Counter Measures (TSCM) expert, and private investigator, William Taylor, advocating for secretly-forced, brain-implanted Targeted Individual, James Walbert, revealed: “The greatest” American civilians, in their homes and communities, are being remotely neutralized with military grade weaponry under guise of the “war on terror.” Taylor touches on the Nazi influence of this (Phoenix) program now implemented through the related Nazi-CIA non-consensual human experimentation in the U.S.

From: “Secretly Forced Brain Implants, Explosive Court Case” by Deborah Dupre

I. Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind! (Wired Magazine,

Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!

Late last year, James Walbert went to court, to stop his former business associate from blasting him with mind-altering electromagnetic radiation. Walbert told the Sedgwick County, Kansas panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with “jolts of radiation” after a disagreement over a business deal. Later, Walbert, said, he began feeling electric shock sensations, hearing electronically […]

Late last year, James Walbert went to court, to stop his former business associate from blasting him with mind-altering electromagnetic radiation. Walbert told the Sedgwick County, Kansas panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with “jolts of radiation” after a disagreement over a business deal. Later, Walbert, said, he began feeling electric shock sensations, hearing electronically generated tones, and getting popping and ringing sounds in his ears. On December 30th, the court decided in Walbert’s favor, and issued a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using “electronic means” to further harass Walbert. No, seriously.

I recently took part in a BBC Radio 4 program, which took a light-hearted look into the “the real Manchurian Candidate” — and examined whether there is any truth in stories of mind control. It gave me a chance to talk about exotic non-lethal weapon concepts like the so-called telepathic raygun, the system which beams sound directly into your skull, and the “voice of god” talking fireball. Most of these projects are just lab experiments, or examples of Powerpoint engineering. But in some legal, policy, and business circles, electromagnetic brain assaults are being taken seriously.

Walbert’s cause is supported by Jim Guest, a Republican member of the Missouri House of Representatives. He’s working on proposed legislation to addresses electronic harassment, including a bill against the forced implantation of RFID chips.

The U.N. is also now taking the possibility of electromagnetic terrorism against people seriously. And for the first time this year’s European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons included a session on the social implications of non-lethal weapons, with specific reference to “privacy-invasive remote interrogation and behavioral influence applications.” Those who believe they are being targeted are getting a bit of official recognition.

For some, this opens up a new business opportunity. There are already quite a few companies out there offering “Technical Surveillance Counter Measures,” or sweeps to determine if you are the victim of electronic harassment. As well detecting the usual bugging devices, they can check if you are being covertly bombarded by microwaves which may be the cause of “headache, eye irritation, dizziness, nausea, skin rash, facial swelling, weakness, fatigue, pain in joints and/or muscles, buzzing/ringing in ears.”

Much of this trade may come from people with symptoms caused by something less exotic than high-tech military hardware. But companies will no doubt be willing to sell them expensive protection measures, anyway. And as awareness of these developing technology projects increases, we are likely to be hearing a lot more about “electronic harassment,” “gang stalking” and the like over the next few years.

And there is also likely to be what folklorists call “Ostension,” or acting out. Now that there are so many websites explaining how easy it is to harass people by zapping them with a modified microwave oven, sooner or later someone is bound to try it.

[Photo: U.S. Army]


The Microwave Scream Inside Your Skull
Meet the MEDUSA Ray Gun
Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia …
The Voice of God Weapon Returns
Army Yanks ‘Voice-To-Skull Devices’ Site
U.N. Investigates Electromagnetic Terrorism

II. U.S. Government Harassment – Part 2

Brain Implants Used In Electronic Harassment

September 4. 2010

U.S. Government Harassment – Part 2 Brain Implants Used In Electronic Harassment

Just when you think the government can’t stoop any lower, they do. The U.S. Government is now using electronic harassment to terrorize outspoken citizens they seek to silence for political reasons. One method involves brain implants. You just can’t make this stuff up. Read the links below for confirmation, as even a U.S. member of Congress, Jim Guest, wrote a letter about the subject.

I read an interesting, yet disturbing case, about a man, James Walbert, that sued over a chip implanted in his brain, causing him distress. What is this world coming to. Before you write it off as a frivolous lawsuit, think about this, the Defendant, Jeremiah Redford, admitted they planted the chip in Walker’s brain and threatened to use it to send him distressing jolts and “Mind altering electromagnetic radiation.” Radiation, might I add, which in excessive doses can cause cancer.

C.I.A. Headquarters in Virginia

There exists evidence that indicates the C.I.A. and FBI have engaged in similar misconduct, which marks a new level of depravity for them. They have interfered in individuals medical care, in bids at harming and controlling them. Is this really the direction we want society to go in. The answer is no.


Congressional Letter On The Subject:


Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case:


Secretly forced brain implant Pt II: MRI scan image and reports of Target, James Walbert

In Secretly forced brain implants Part I, information was provided about Wichita, Kansas resident James Walbert, his winning his first court case evidencing being under surveillance and technologically abused, the court ordering the perpetrator to halt the abuse; the continuation of the abuse and subsequent continuation of his battle to survive, this time in federal court. The federal case is due to be equally explosive partially because Walbert will be presenting proof of being forcibly brain implanted and implanted elsewhere in his body for the purpose of technological abuse and slow-kill, part of a government program well hidden by media and others who are complicit.


Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind!

By David Hambling July 1, 2009 | 5:59 pm – Late last year, James Walbert went to court, to stop his former business associate from blasting him with mind-altering electromagnetic radiation. Walbert told the Sedgwick County, Kansas panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with “jolts of radiation” after a disagreement over a business deal. Later, Walbert, said, he began feeling electric shock sensations, hearing electronically generated tones, and getting popping and ringing sounds in his ears. On December 30th, the court decided in Walbert’s favor, and issued a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using “electronic means” to further harass Walbert. No, seriously…

Walbert’s cause is supported by Jim Guest, a Republican member of the Missouri House of Representatives. He’s working on proposed legislation to addresses electronic harassment, including a bill against the forced implantation of RFID chips.

The U.N. is also now taking the possibility of electromagnetic terrorism against people seriously. And for the first time this year’s European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons included a session on the social implications of non-lethal weapons, with specific reference to “privacy-invasive remote interrogation and behavioral influence applications.”…


III. Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case; Examiner, AUGUST 19, 2010 BY: DEBORAH DUPRE

(Webmaster Comment: Author and purported targeted individual (TI), Deborah Dupre threatens legal action against anyone who reproduces her article. However, it may be found online.)

Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case NEWS AUGUST 19, 2010 BY: DEBORAH DUPRE



Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case … Aug 19, 2010 … Please see the follow up article and add a comment after it: “Forced brain implant MRI scan image, medical and investigative reports. www.examiner.com/…/secretly-forced-bra­in-implants-explosive-court-case – Cached

Secretly forced brain implant Pt II: MRI scan image and reports of … In Secretly forced brain implants Part I, information was provided about .. .. www.examiner.com/…/forced-brain-implan­t-mri-scan-image-medical-and-investigati­ve-reports – Cached

Secretly forced brain implants Pt III: Ex-SS, FBI contractor … Aug 26, 2010 … Part II: Secretly forced brain implants: MRI scan image, mdical and investigative reports. Part III: Secretly forced brain implants: Top SS, www.examiner.com/…/top-ex-ss-fbi-agent­-shocking-war-on-terror-secret-implanted­-america-part-i

Secretly forced brain implants Pt IV: Intel expert on the doctors … Aug 26, 2010 … Part I: Secretly Forced brain implants: Explosive Court Case …. the fact that this was the means by which the 9/11 terrorists were funded. … www.examiner.com/…/ex-ss-fbi-agent-on-­rfid-implanted-walbert-and-many-others

“The RFID implantation done without people’s consent to any human completly violates everything our government is suppose to be about, what democracy is suppose to be about,” says the whistleblower..

A. Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case … Aug 19, 2010

Human Rights Examiner
Deborah Dupré

Note: James Walbert will be appearing on The Intel Hub Radio with Shepard Ambellas on Sunday December 19th at 6pm eastern on Oracle Broadcasting.

The Intel Hub will be running Deborah’s four part series on secret RFID implants during the run up to our interview with James. Deborah has been kind enough to give us special permission to run the series.

Copyright Deborah Dupré 2010. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, reposted or republished without consent of author.

Part I: This is Part I in a four-part series about the forced implantation of James Walbert, a Wichita Kansas resident and inventor.

Warning: The following article may trigger flashback. If the reader has experienced in-home or facility abuse involving possible forced RFID implanting, please read with care, preferably with a trusted significant other.


What I found…is there is no law on the books requiring that informed consent be obtained. More important, I believe there is a need for such a law, as there continue to be cases where this basic right–I do view it as a basic right–is abused. As I started out, I would like to put this on a personal level for everyone of my colleagues. You just think about your own family, your own son, your own daughter, or grandchildren who might be, the next time they go to a doctor, the subject of some medical experiment that they are not even told about. I do not think there can be many things more un-American than that. ~ Senator John Glenn, introducing failed Bill S. 193 to 105th Congress.


Among greatest human rights violations imaginable

Few American doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists will break rank or brave the new world of high-tech electronic abuse some of their patients report but evidence mounts that increasing numbers of innocent citizens targeted for U.S. state-sponsored terror are being secretly brain implanted with U.S. RFID chips without their consent for no-touch torture and mind control plus experimentation. One man evidenced this in court; won his case; and now prepares for a continuation in federal court, due to be equally explosive.

RFID is abbreviation for Radio-frequency Identification, a misnomer due to the device functions consisting of far more than ID. It is used for remote technological harassment, torture and even assassination. (See: www.us-government-torture.com and The Larson Report)

James Walbert, resident of Wichita, Kansas, proved his experience as a Targeted Individual under surveillance includes forcefully implanted RFID chips, including in his brain, and subsequent remote electronic abuse. Walbert told Sedgwick County, Kansas court panel that Jeremiah Redford threatened him with “jolts of radiation.”

On November 25, 2008, the court ordered the associated targeted stalking of Walbert to halt. Walbert then began suffering electric shock sensations and hearing electronically generated tones, including popping and ringing sounds.

On December 30th, Court decided in Walbert’s favor, issuing a first-of-its-kind order of protection, banning Redford from using “electronic means” to injure Walbert. That Order has been violated – including by police Walbert told the Examiner.

“Nothing to date has changed at all – not to say that they are not investigating. There just has been no change at all in this harassment despite this order of protection.”

RFID implants

A common misconception is that RFID implants are solely to track individuals 24/7. “Not so,” say scientists and investigators, including Paul Baird of Surveillance Issues. (www.surveillanceissues.com)

Surveillance Issues provides information about advanced satellite surveillance and “harassment” technologies that covert government agencies and organized crime syndicates are using on innocent people to neutralize them, suppression through mental torment and physical injury. These technologies are effectively used against RFID implanted persons.

Most RFID devices contain at least two parts: 1) An integrated circuit for storing and processing information, modulating and demodulating a radio-frequency (RF) signal; and 2) An antenna for receiving and transmitting signals.

With the second RFID part, the antenna, implanted subject can receive sounds, even verbal orders, and thus be subjected to control against his or her best interest, a method of mind control. With the antenna, the subject can also receive electronic pain and injury meeting torture criterion. The antenna has capacity to covertly assassinate the target by directing electric energy from hand-held devices or satellite to a vulnerable body or organ part. Thus, cause of death is attributed to the subject’s vulnerability as recorded in medical records and then viewed by most people as death by “natural cause.” (For information on NSA neural remote monitoring, see NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation, www.surveillanceissues.com/relatedwebsites.htm)

“Mankind has inalienable human rights that are absolute and can not be debased, nor perverted. Human life can not be degraded to a 16 digit RFID chip number embedded under your skin under any circumstance. By uniting on this common ground, we can send a strong message to the IBM funded Verichip that We The People Will Not Be Chipped,” is the mission statement of the group, We the People Will Not be Chipped.”

But what happens when unwitting, innocent persons are covertly chipped, after drugged or otherwise induced to unconsciousness in their homes after unforced break-ins? Not possible? This is being reported throughout communities in the U.S. and other nations – with growing hard evidence to prove it.

The largest deployment of active RFID is the U.S. Department of Defense. (Wikipedia)

Chipped for failure to comply with bullies

“In 2004, I became an inventor and was then threatened shortly afterwards by the party outlined in the protection order,” explained Walbert. “He had stated that I would give him this invention or he would further discredit me and just take it from me.”

Walbert says that’s when it all started.

“The FBI believes it to be close friends of mine who are executing this crime,” says Walbert. “Very soon after the threat for not giving away my invention, I started experiencing very odd things around me, mostly the way people were acting towards me.

Most Targeted Individuals report that friends and even family members begin treating the target differently, as though mentally ill or dangerous. Some of these family members have reported to the Examiner that they were secretly contacted by law enforcement, threatened to keep the contact secret, and told lies about their loved one. The average person perceives and treats the target with less respect or understanding of the state-sponsored crime against them – all due to “official” lies to discredit and isolate the target, making it easier to further persecute him or her since no support or protection exists.

This sworn secrecy part of the program has been reported so many times to the Examiner, it raises serious ethical questions such as: How many people in the fields of medicine and mental health including psychology are directly involved in this system of abuse and just following orders? (See APA CIA torture complicity charge: Is America ready for the whole truth?, Examiner, August 14, 2010)

After a consultation with Walbert, Clinical Psychologist Cathy Meadows, M.A. wrote:

“The techniques used against these targeted individuals are purposely designed to make the victim appear to have a mentally disorder in order to invalidate any claims of wrongdoing by the perpetrators. [The same tactic is presently being used in the Gulf Coast crime against humanity, with focus on mental injury, not physical injuries.] It is a highly organized and multi-faceted attack that is used by many political and religious extremists, by corporations and businesses, and even by organized crime.” (Also see: Dupre, Human Targets: KENS 5 reports on Texas TIs in house of horrors, Examiner, Feb. 19, 2010.)

Meadows concludes stating that Walbert’s “reasons for the covert attack and details he gives about the attack are in sync with what we know about gang-staling and technological harassment and for this reason I can’t rule out his claims.”

Walbert now calmly describes the terrifying experiences hundreds of innocent targeted individuals report, a violation of their bodies and minds, often in their homes:

“I then woke up to bloody ears and lots of ringing and nervous system stimulations. Very soon after that, I went to the doctor and they had found something in my ears.”

Walbert had scars along with this foreign body in his ear according to doctor reports.

“The whole left side of me was damaged,” he told the Examiner.

“I had gone in for an MRI. They found something else in the trapezia area. I had it sent off to a few doctors that I know.” (See image online: mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=07d474d83e&view=att&th=12a81e1308f49269&attid=0.1&disp=inline&zw)

Dr. John Hall identified the foreign body as an RFID chip, consistent with what investigator William J. Taylor had stated.

Wanting to test his blood for any residues from the implant, the following year, Walbert saw the famous Industrial Toxicologist and Doctor of Integrative Medicine, Dr. Hildegarde Staninger with Integrated Health Services out of Los Angeles. After sending Walbert for 30 blood tests in search of damages, Staninger further confirmed existence of the foreign bodies.

“Well we found the damages – and other implants as well,” said Walbert.

He then had further tests run by another investigator to back up findings and confirmations by investigators at William J. Taylor’s Agencies. Again, the new investigations concurred with the old.

Walbert then turned to private detector Melinda Kidder who confirmed the findings, stating that what everyone involved in the investigation had all been saying to be truthful, factual and real.

“Very soon after this, I again turned to the State Rep Jim Guest.”

In 2006, when the U.S. Department of Defense awarded $1.6 million to Clemson University to develop an implantable biochip, WeThePeopleWillNotBeChipped.com’s Yelene Slattery stated, “Soldiers can’t choose not to get certain things done because they become government property once they sign up. When does it end? When does it become an infringement on a person’s privacy?”

Slattery expressed valid concerns that once the chip is in, soldiers can be put on surveillance, even when off-duty, according to CBS affiliate KUTV. (U.S. Military May Implant Chips In Troops’ Brains, Salt Lake City, Utah; Online: www.kutv.com/local_story_215001119.html; or see www.wanttoknow.info/a-us-military-may-implant-chips-troops-brains)

By 2008, due to Rep. Guest’s leadership in Missouri, it became illegal for businesses to require employees to be micro-chipped.

“When you’re forced to have a chip put in you as a condition of employment, that’s taking away your civil liberties and your freedom,” said Rep. Guest, a King City Republican who added the microchip language to a bill concerning overtime and disability benefits. A that time, Guest vowed to introduce a bill to prohibit all microchip implants in humans. (Chip implants can’t be required in Missouri, Kansas City Star, June 26, 2008-06-26, Online: www.kansascity.com/news/local/story/681409.html)

Guest had supported Walbert’s first case in which the first protection order of its kind was issued, a major win that offered a glimmer of hope to the hundreds if not thousands of targets having their lives ruined by a covert, sophisticated system of abuse operating at every level of society.

“This time around,” Walbert said, “I had solid evidence to present to Representative Guest’s offices. Once this issued to his offices, I then had him confirm this evidence as being truthful and accurate and asked for another letter of support per his offices. It was granted.”

Guest proceeded to introduce U.S. House Bill 550 against illegal chip implants.

“Rep Guest had came through again for all the victims, as we all knew he would and continues to do,” said Walbert.

Walbert finally then turned to the Medical Community. He, like other implanted survivors, wants the devices extracted – but that has not happened.

“I was and continue to be turned away out of fear.

“Several doctors stated that they see it on the MRI and agree with other doctors, but they are not going to help out fear that the government is involved and tear their offices apart for any records that are related to this extraction of this implanted device.” (Emphasis added)

Harassment continues

Walbert explains, “In the Order, there’s a request to the Courts to have the defendant withheld from the use of such devices, and that is what the order was issued under that request. That is why it was a hit in such a big way. It was and is still the only order of protection from this equipment and its effects that has ever been issued to date.

“I’m preparing to fight the local police. The Federal courts are the only courts I can fight them in considering this is a federal crime.”

The courts have waived the filing fee for Walbert and are serving the police via Federal Marshall office. They will deliver the suit to the police.

“That’s kinda kool to see happening to them,” said Walbert. “I have political support, investigatory support, medical support, psychological support as well for this case. If there are statement’s that have been made against my mental health then we will just add the defamation into the suit as well. I am trying to get local media involved with this case. Just to expose our police department into an negligent state.”

To date, Walbert’s first case rests on over 557,000 websites, was featured in a Wired Magazine article plus appeared in numerous mainstream media outlets.

Walbert’s next court case is due to be just as explosive as the first. This case impacts not only impacts the innocent citizens who silently suffer persecution, denied by those who could help. This goes further.

Baird told he Examiner yesterday that the system of which Walbert reports and fights also has to do with “exclusion of those with character/integrity from public life; a selection process now perfected with use of surveillance technology to ensure that no opposition exists.”

Baird stated:

“The Big Brother system of control that we now know about is both the essence of the problem and the reason that approaches to public figures fail to get the necessary result. You can find good and bad in most quarters but not in the mainstream media, politics etc. The good – and I’ve found quite a few – are on the outer; systematically excluded.”

To non-believers, including family, friends and professionals who choose to forsake loved ones or clients due to this seemingly unbelievable hidden system of persecution, including by media, medical and mental health professionals, Walbert says:

“Anyone who who wants more evidence, I have over 800 documents of solid irrefutable evidence to share.”


2010-03-22 Jim Guest Letter RE Implant of Foreign Device.pdf (See Part II of this series)

February 5 James Walbert Medical Necessity Letter Damages 2010.pdf. (See Part II)

Walbert Letter to the Court.pdf (See Part II)

Federal case filed 7-20-20110

We The People Will Not Be Chipped: www.WeThePeopleWillNotBeChipped.com

Representative Jim Guest (MO) Letter to Congress: www.freedomfchs.com/repjimguestltr.pdf

Spychips: How Major Corporations and Government Plan to Track Your Every Move with RFID

“Satellite Tyranny” by Paul Baird: www.surveillanceissues.com

Want to Know: www.WantToKnow.info/microchipimplants

American Cognitive Liberties Association: americancognitivelibertiesassoc.org/default.aspx

Monarch the New Pheonix Program: www.monarchnewphoenix.com/index.htm

Carole Smith, On The Need For New Criteria Of Diagnosis Of Psychosis In The Light Of Mind Invasive Technology, Journal Of Psycho-Social Studies , Vol 2(2) No 3 2003:

Wired Magazine: Court to Defendant: Stop Blasting That Man’s Mind! | Danger Room

Copyright © 2010 Deborah Dupre. All rights reserved.

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupre welcomes emails: [email protected] See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.

Take Action


Australians: Email your local government representative and tell them about the ‘Bodily Integrity Act‘ and encourage them to learn more about this insidious agenda. Click here to read about the “Bodily Integrity Act“. Contact numbers and email addresses for Australian representatives are at www.wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com/action. (Source: We the people will not be chipped!)
Learn more









































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Part III: Secretly forced brain implants: Top SS, FBI agent reveals chipped civilian casualties

Copyright Deborah Dupré 2010. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, reposted or republished without consent of author.

Former United States Marine Corps Criminal Investigator, Secret Service and FBI Intelligence contractor, recognized expert with assets in the field of Technical Surveillance and Counter Measures (TSCM), William (“Bill”) J. Taylor, private investigator is advocating for secretly forced brain implanted, Targeted Individual, James Walbert, featured in Part 1 and Part II of this series. In an exclusive Examiner 2-part interview this week with Taylor, he revealed the darkest of all the evil ‘war on terror” corners, the Phoenix Program come home to roost and resulting civilian casualties in the domestic terror campaign, Targeted Individuals. (See: What are the frequently asked questions and answers about Targeted Individuals?)

Within this Part III of the series, Taylor comments on how “the greatest” American civilians, in their homes and communities, are being remotely neutralized with military grade weaponry under guise of the “war on terror.”

(Also see: Dupre, D. Obama targeted individual assassination program includes Americans, Examiner, April 8, 2010) Taylor touches on the Nazi influence of this program now implemented in the U.S. through the related Nazi-CIA non-consensual human experimentation in the U.S.

Bill Taylor

Chief Investigator of the Karen Silkwood Targeted Individual case (see Youtube below), the Iran Contra and 3-Mile Island investigations, and before that, the Marine investigator who exposed and helped end the infamous Phoenix Program in Vietnam, among other major investigations he has led and leads, Bill Taylor’s cases have been depicted in books such as Who Killed Karen Silkwood?, The Phoenix Program and The Great American Mail Fraud Trial.

Among a wide range of investigatory, advisory and security consulting services, Taylor’s agency, The William J, Taylor Agency that operates out of a few location in th U.S., also investigates Targeted Individuals’ reports. These reports seem to the causal observer influenced by TV that has blacked-out this program, too bizarre to be real. In these cases, however, Taylor uncovers sophisticated surveillance equipment and other remote energy weapons assaulting the targets, defenseless against such technology.

“These are the finest of Americans. Most of the greatest people are being hurt the most,” were among Taylor’s first words during the interview with him.

Targeted Individuals are subjected to the shocking program used to spy, harass and torture the implanted victim through remote electroshock, burning of skin near postulated implant sites, radio broadcast voices into the skull involving insults and influences for self-destruction for up to twenty-four hours a day plus sexual harassment while the victim is at home, at work or elsewhere.

For fifty years, Taylor has been on the front lines of America’s secret under-belly where Nazi human experimentation, torture and energy weapons are applied to American targets to control and kill them through slow-kill or fast-kill means. For the past thirty years as a human rights defender, Taylor has had the professional background and technology to prove remotely applied technological cruel and unusual punishment used in the program to silence whistleblowers, other dissenters and others, mainly ordinary citizens but also some very high-profile persons.

“I started working for the Secret Service and FBI when I was 16 in Cape Canaveral,” Taylor said. “My neighbor was an undercover FBI agent, and they needed a young person to go into bars to get served alcohol so they could shut those bars down.

“In those days, so many Nazi scientists worked out of Cape Canaveral,” he said, referring to Operation Paperclip. “People thought of that area as having many rocket scientists but they had no idea how much human experimenting was going on there. That’s where plenty of the Nazis settled and worked.”

Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit Nazi Germany scientists for employment by the U.S. after World War II (1939–45). It was executed by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) by circumventing President Truman’s anti-Nazi order, and the Allied Potsdam and Yalta agreements. JIOA created false employment and political biographies for the scientists. (Wikipedia)

Stated in Dupre’s article, Censored Gulf news: State-sponsored terrorism targets Deep South for Agenda 21 (Pt II) is:

“According to Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins, co-authors of

The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century relatively few Nazi doctors and scientists responsible for German eugenic crimes were held accountable during Nuremberg Trials; only some found guilty. The U.S. government brought some 12,000 of those key Nazis to the U.S. in Operation Paperclip. They quickly merged with US intelligence to form the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA that covertly steers the same and worse crimes against Americans and others.”

Although only in his teens, Taylor sat next to Nazis in meetings. He sat at the table over dinner with Nazi scientists who spoke of performing experiments on Americans.

“We’d meet at the Mouse Trap Restaurant in Cape Canaveral. There was a lot of talk about their human experiments.”

Taylor, now 67 years old said, “I remember them talking about giving LSD to people without them knowing to document the effects.

“One or two of them had been up in Maryland experimenting on inmates. They discussed how much better it was to use non-voluntary subjects and watch how they reacted. When a person knows they’re in an experiment, they have more control over what’s happening then if they didn’t know.

“They’ve been looking for a way to put chemicals in water systems to control people for decades. Every country tries to find a way to incapacitate armies. They’d already tested LSD in Marine County’s water system back in the 50’ – 60’s. As I recall, that was part of the CIA’s Operation Chaos.

Operation Chaos aimed to squelch the student antiwar movement. (See: Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with respect to Intelligence Activities: United States Senate – CIA Intelligence Collection about Americans)

“When I was a kid, they’d just touched on microwave energy. Ten years later, people had microwave ovens in their homes.”

At age 17, in height of the “Cuban Crisis,“ Taylor joined the Marines, soon to be a Marine Corps criminal investigator.

“Like everyone else, I was wanting to be a good patriot and help save the world.”

For the next nine years, Taylor would witness the cruel and inhumane standard operative procedures conducted by the U.S. military and intelligence agencies, including in Vietnam.

Even as a child, Taylor’s inquiring mind “made people angry,” like the time he asked why a certain saint was not in the Bible. That inquiring mind and sense of morality later clashed with military intelligence duty, such as when his superiors ordered him to arrest innocent men so the world would think the perpetrators were caught as media portrayed.

“When someone would say to me, ‘This is getting too political. Go arrest this guy to take the heat off the operation,’ I said, ‘I can’t do that.’”

Seeing experimenting on inmates in Lexington was too much for Taylor.

“I saw inmates being experimented on and wanted to get out. I saw all kinds of things. A guy driven crazy with the experiments had scratched up his whole body, scratched up his whole face that was bleeding. And then they put him in a straight jacket and they were still experimenting on him.”

“I said, ‘You can’t do that,’ but they were experimenting on him when I left.

Taylor soon resigned from the Marine Corp.

“I left because I felt I could more as a civilian,” he stated.

“Men are always told it’s for the good of the nation and if we have to spare a few to save many, it’s justified. I know we are all created equal, so every life is important.”

Out of Marine Intelligence, Taylor worked for an attorney’s firm but that inquiring mind and morality drew him to establishing his own PI business to investigate crime,

Targeted Individuals

“Some very high-profile people are being targeted with remote weapons,” Taylor said, adding, “I’ve told some of them that they should come forward and talk to help a lot of other people.”

“If you knew some of the people who are targets that I’ve proven their cases – you’d be surprised. They usually end up with a settlement and agreement to halt the surveillance and injuries.

“One guy, I can’t tell you his name, but you know who he is – everyone knows who he is – came to me and said, ‘I think satellites are following me.’”

When Taylor’s prompt matter of fact response was, “Ok,” the man asked, “Don’t you think I’m crazy?”

Taylor said “No. Let’s check it out.”

“As it turned out, in his case, it wasn’t a satellite. We found he was being tracked and monitored from an airplane platform. They’d spent a million dollars to build a system to track his every move. He was that important to them.”

“Many of them know if they come out and talk about targeting, they could lose credibility and bring huge financial deals down. People wouldn’t trust them anymore.”

How many bogus “Targeted individuals” have gone to Taylor?

“Very few,” he said. “Over all the years I’ve been taking these cases, only a handful were bogus. I can tell pretty quickly and let them go fast.”

Asked how many Targeted Individuals’ cases has Taylor taken, after a pause, he said, “Oh, through all these years in private practice, I’d say between 300 to 400.

“I have to turn people being targeted away every day. I just can’t take them all. There are too many. People just have no idea how many people are getting this.”

At one point, to try to better accommodate all the victims trying to survive this crime against Targeted Individuals, Taylor opened a Hotmail help line but found it too time consuming.

“There were so many legitimate cases, I couldn’t answer all the emails. I was spending all my time trying to answer the emails. My server quit working because the inbox was too full from people asking for help. I had to quit that.

“The saddest part of all this is that there are so many people being targeted who have no idea that’s what’s happening to them.”

In terms of mind control, the techniques can be subtle or obvious according to Taylor, but the effect is the same, behavior control.

“What if you were reading a book and someone kept coming up behind you and tapping you on the head. Every time you start to read and concentrate, they come up and start tapping you on your head. You wouldn’t be able to concentrate.

“That’s one way this works remotely and how it is controlling people’s minds.”

According to Taylor, “One of the worst things is people being targeted so they get sexually aroused. They begin to think they really are a sexual deviant.”

Taylor stated that one of the most tragic parts of the program is “watching its subjects self-destruct.”

To be continued. In Part IV, the reader will learn how and why American doctors, health staff and others are secretly and easily implanting children and adults.

Copyright 2010 Deborah Dupré. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, reposted or republished without consent of author.

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupre welcomes emails: [email protected] See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.


Part I: Secretly Forced brain implants: Explosive Court Case

Part II: Secretly Forced brain implants: MRI scan image, mdical and investigaive reports

Learn more: See “Karen Silkwood Bibliography” and videos.

Also see by this Examiner:

Human Target to President Obama: Ensure TI justice and accept our help letter

Human Targets: KENS 5 reports on Texan TIs tortured in houses of horrors
New evidence of Pentagon Nazi sins targeting innocent Americans and organizations

Shocking state secret: PATRIOT ACT illegal spy domestic terror campaign against Whistleblowing TIs

Framed TI political prisoner Paul Minor convictions overturned

Human Target

Chance for Congress to restore Constitution and protect innocent targeted individuals

Hit-listed Targeted Individuals call for Senate Judiciary Committee investigation

Big brother’s terrorizing stalking habit legal unless Patriot Act replaced

Top-level nationwide criminal racket targeting whistleblowers hits the skies

Targeted man wants investigation of corrupt ‘security’ program and hi-tech weapons

Holder at fusion center conf praises and cautions about domestic spying

Aug. 26, 2010

IV. COURT CASE: Official recognition of James Walbert’s Directed Energy Weapon Assault Case And Support from Missouri Rep. Jim Guest

COURT CASE: Official recognition of James Walbert’s case And Support from Missouri Rep. Jim Guest

V. Walbert v. Wichita Police Department

Walbert v. Wichita Police Department

V. Walbert V. Witchita Police Department

Walbert V. Witchita Police Department

VI. Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment: Protection Order for James Walbert December 30, 2008

Court Recognizes Electronic Harassment: Protection Order for James Walbert December 30, 2008

VII. Secretly Chipped Man Has Removal Surgery

version 12 years ago

Source: examiner.com

Secretly Chipped Man Has Removal Surgery

“The federal government has stood by as officials who approved torture and degrading treatment have stood above the law, escaping even investigation into their actions. This impunity for potential human rights abuses harms our national values, and our interests.” ~ People’s Campaign for the Constitution


Secretly and forcibly RFID implanted inventor James Walbert has found at least some relief upon learning that two days before Human Rights Day 2010, another inventor, Bob Boyce, successfully had a second secretly implanted RFID chip surgically removed, although the chip was embedded in a Verichip-induced cancerous tumor. An untold number of people, many of whom are Targeted Individuals, have been implanted without their knowledge or consent and suffer the resultant effects.

Wednesday, Bob Boyce had surgery in a hospital to remove his second implant. The operation was successful.

Walbert is the Wichita, Kansas man brain chipped without his consent that this writer reported in the 4-part series, “Secretly forced brain implanted man” including:

“Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case” (https://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/secretly-forced-brain-i…)
“Secretly forced brain implants Pt II: MRI scan image and reports” (https://www.examiner.com/tea-party-in-national/forced-brain-implant-mri-s…) *
“Secretly forced brain implants Pt III: Ex-SS, FBI contractor defends targets” (https://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/top-ex-ss-fbi-agent-sho…)
“Secretly forced brain implants Pt IV: Intel expert on doctors, children, military research” (https://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/ex-ss-fbi-agent-on-rfid…)

In today’s arena of political repression, it is tough for people like Boyce, Walbert and other Targeted Individuals to find legal representation, investigative support, and a surgeon to remove a chip and document its removal. Boyce accomplished the removal and pictorial documentation of the removal and the cancerous tumor in the same area. (See slide-show below.)

Walbert’s has achieved a court order for his perpetrator to halt the abuse, but the abuse continued and his suffering and health decline will continue until his chips are surgically removed.

Both Walbert and Boyce battle to survive ongoing, slow-kill injuries inflicted by RFID implants that are too often mistakenly thought to be for surveillance purposes, not for covert torture and murder.

Walbert heads to federal court with his case, likely to be equally explosive as his first court case, partially because Walbert will present proof of forcibly brain implanted and implanted elsewhere in his body for technological abuse and slow-kill.

No figment of imagination

Since law enforcement typically stands down from duty to protect victims of electronically abused victims, it is justifiably believed that this treatment of Targeted Individuals is part of the rogue U.S. government program, well hidden by media and other complicit bodies, a perfect crime, with CIA-Nazi origination. Many health professions, however, attribute the crime to a figment of the imagination, “delusion.”

Former U.S. Marine Corps Criminal Investigator, Secret Service and FBI Intelligence contractor plus recognized expert with assets in Technical Surveillance and Counter Measures (TSCM), William (“Bill”) J. Taylor, private investigator is advocating for Walbert, as he has for hundreds of other Targeted Individuals.

Taylor has no time for figments of imagination. He has served as Chief Investigator of the Karen Silkwood Targeted Individual case (see Youtube below), the Iran Contra and 3-Mile Island investigations. Before those, he was the Marine investigator who exposed and helped end the infamous Phoenix Program in Vietnam to name only a few major investigations he led and leads, Taylor’s cases have been depicted in books such as “Who Killed Karen Silkwood?”, “The Phoenix Program,” and “The Great American Mail Fraud Trial.”

In this writer’s recent phone interview with Taylor, he revealed the darkest of all the evil ‘war on terror” corners: the Phoenix Program come home to roost and resulting civilian casualties in the U.S. domestic terror campaign, Targeted Individuals. (See: “What are the frequently asked questions and answers about Targeted Individuals?” Dupré, D., Examiner)

“The greatest” American civilians, in their homes and communities, are being remotely neutralized with military grade weaponry under guise of the “war on terror” according to Taylor. (Also see: Dupre, D. Obama targeted individual assassination program includes Americans, Examiner, April 8, 2010)

Taylor has highlighted the Nazi influence of this program implemented in the U.S. through related Nazi-CIA non-consensual human experimentation in the U.S., further referring this writer on Wednesday to the article, “Operation Paperclip – CIA’s Denial of Protecting Nazis is Blatant Lie” by Hank P. Albarelli Jr. (See:https://www.voltairenet.org/article167692.html)

For “Pure Energy Systems News,” Sterling Adam reports that Bob Boyce, inventor of ultra-efficient electrolysis systems and a self-charging battery circuit (harnessing energy from the environment, possibly from zero point energy), contracted terminal cancer originating from the implanted VeriChip microchip in his right shoulder without his knowledge or permission. (“Bob Boyce’s un-requested VeriChip and associated tumor removed,” Adam. S., Pure Energy Systems, Dec. 8, 2010, Online:https://pesn.com/2010/12/07/9501740_Bob_Boyce_verichip_removed/)

Boyce had one chip removed, an X-ray showed another one, deeper, that he’s lived with it for a year. Adam reports that Boyce finally had the second chip removed Wednesday at Fannin Regional Hospital in Blue Ridge, Georgia.

“The Fannin surgical staff took photos as the chip was removed from the tissue and placed in a specimen container, labeled “foreign body,”and sealed by the surgeon. The blue color of the tissue is from a dye that was injected to mark cancerous cells. Such chips have been documented to sometimes instigate tumors where they are implanted (ref), as was the case with Boyce (ref).” (Adam)

Boyce posted photos of the process on his website on which he sates, “Some have said that this VeriChip was a figment of my imagination. Well, this “imaginary” VeriChip removal was documented on film by surgical staff.”

Thursday, James Walbert stated, “Boyce’s case will validate my claims 100%.”

“Wow. That’s another inventor that has has the same crime happen to him. Now he has cancer and is dying due to the chips. Mine have been there for a very long time now,” Walbert told Dupré.

Boyce noticed his first chip early April, 2009 while working with former associate, Bob Potchen, of Precombustion Technologies Inc. (PTI), now “The Cell“ having met in July of 2008.

“Potchen, formerly with NSA, was implementing Boyce’s hydroxy gas booster technology into a product to take to market. Their relationship had been growing tense, and Boyce was preparing to depart,” writes Adam, describing a similar account to that of James Walbert, his business and his business colleague.

Walbert and most other secretly chipped Targeted Individuals contacting this writer, emailing their x-rays evidencing their RFID chips, report awakening in their beds with blood in the ear or on the forehead, later learning those were entry points for their covert in-home implant surgery. “Unless implanted voluntarily, micro-chipped subjects cannot recollect the implanting procedure according to Taylor.” (Dupré, Secretly forced brain implants, Part IV)

In Boyce’s case, Adam reports Boyce fell asleep at his office desk after drinking a “refreshment” his colleague, Potchen provided.

“When he awoke, his right shoulder felt like it had been numbed; and when he rubbed it, he noticed a small, hard lump there.”

Slow-kill cancer by radiation

In his own lab, Boyce noticed his shoulder “transmitting” RF radiation.

Walbert told Dupré on Friday, “Now three doctors are siting neurological and pathological damages to my body. I feel it, it’s damaging me more everyday. The nervous system seems really damaged.

As previously note by this author, the covert RFID implantation is a means to not only covertly harass, but also to covert torture in what is described as a virtual prison.

“I shake when the implants are stimulated,” Walbert explains as other Targeted Individuals do.

Because RFID chips electronically weaken the human immune system, “a common cold turns into a ridiculous onslaught to battle against,” Walbert stated Thursday.

Besides documented damages reported in the 4-Part series on Walbert, he says that after his devices are removed, he thinks he should be able to get back to a normal life.

“The greatest concern of course is cancer around the areas of placement, just as the victim, Bob Boyce has experienced,” said Walbert, also worried about his investors and their families.

“They’re private people and didn’t deserve this to happen to they’re private lives. They have children that have been violated as well as their lives invaded privacy destroyed. Intellectual investments have been delayed by over 5 years now.”

Walbert and his team of private investigators and health advocates are urgently seeking legal representation for his federal case.

* Author Note 1: Unlike the url suggests, this author is not an Examiner Tea-party-reporter nor associated with the Tea-party.
Note 2: If the reader finds technical difficulty in commenting to this article, please use the “Report” button directly below the article to advise the helpful Examiner technical staff.

Copyright 2010 by Deborah Dupré. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without written consent.

Deborah Dupré, B.Sci, MA. Sci, DipContEd, QMHP from U.S. and Australian universities, human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in U.S., S. Pacific Islands and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding only the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. [email protected]. Send targeting and Gulf illness news tips to her with name or anonymously. See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.

Obtain a Toxic Survival Kit or have one delivered to a Gulf Coast resident in need: See Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors online or email [email protected]. Learn to become a Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctor here. Supplies are not meeting demand. Please help.

Send aid to Gulf victims by visiting Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana, spearheaded by humanitarians Joannie Hughes and Kindra Arnesen. (See: chsl.webs.com/)

Sign Louisiana’s Petition to stop BP/NOAA PR campaign in Louisiana Schools teaching that oil and Corexit are safe.

Make Gulf incident reports and view the ongoing, rapidly increasing incidents at oilspill.labucketbrigade.org. Text or call in reports to (504) 27 27 OIL. Send reports [email protected] and Twitter with the hashtag #BPspillmap. If in danger or witness an emergency, contact your local emergency response agency immediately.

Copyright Deborah Dupré 2010. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, reposted or republished without consent of author.

Related article titles by this Examiner:

Human Target to President Obama: Ensure TI justice and accept our help letter

Human Targets: KENS 5 reports on Texan TIs tortured in houses of horrors

New evidence of Pentagon Nazi sins targeting innocent Americans and organizations

Shocking state secret: PATRIOT ACT illegal spy domestic terror campaign against Whistleblowing TIs

Framed TI political prisoner Paul Minor convictions overturned

Human Target

Chance for Congress to restore Constitution and protect innocent targeted individuals

Hit-listed Targeted Individuals call for Senate Judiciary Committee investigation

Big brother’s terrorizing stalking habit legal unless Patriot Act replaced

Top-level nationwide criminal racket targeting whistleblowers hits the skies

Targeted man wants investigation of corrupt ‘security’ program and hi-tech weapons

Holder at fusion center conf praises and cautions about domestic spying


IX. Dateline NBC Psyop: Microchip Everything 2017

September 2, 2013 Agenda 21, Civil Liberties


Dateline NBC Psyop: Microchip Everything 2017


The following is commentary from the video’s YouTube page

Secret human RFID implanting how and why (video) * October 19th, 2010 7:52 pm ET

Among greatest violations of human rights and everything the United States stands for is secretly forcing RFID chips into humans without their knowledge or consent as James Walbert and an untold number of American children and adults are experiencing. In the Majestic Picture Productions documentary trailer below, a whistleblower explains how and why he was covertly implanted by a dentist.

The retired Sacramento, California firefighter paramedic whistleblower’s filmed testimony reinforces the 4-Part Examiner series, “Secretly forced brain implants,” including dentistry involvement in the new wave of criminal activity targeting innocent people of integrity:

Secretly forced brain implants Pt 1: Explosive court case … Aug 19, 2010 … Please see the follow up article and add a comment after it: “Forced brain implant MRI scan image, medical and investigative reports. www.examiner.com/…/secretly-forced-bra­in-implants-explosive-court-case – Cached

Secretly forced brain implant Pt II: MRI scan image and reports of … In Secretly forced brain implants Part I, information was provided about .. .. www.examiner.com/…/forced-brain-implan­t-mri-scan-image-medical-and-investigati­ve-reports – Cached

Secretly forced brain implants Pt III: Ex-SS, FBI contractor … Aug 26, 2010 … Part II: Secretly forced brain implants: MRI scan image, mdical and investigative reports. Part III: Secretly forced brain implants: Top SS, www.examiner.com/…/top-ex-ss-fbi-agent­-shocking-war-on-terror-secret-implanted­-america-part-i

Secretly forced brain implants Pt IV: Intel expert on the doctors … Aug 26, 2010 … Part I: Secretly Forced brain implants: Explosive Court Case …. the fact that this was the means by which the 9/11 terrorists were funded. … www.examiner.com/…/ex-ss-fbi-agent-on-­rfid-implanted-walbert-and-many-others

“The RFID implantation done without people’s consent to any human completely violates everything our government is suppose to be about, what democracy is suppose to be about,” says the whistleblower..

“What this RFID technology does is — it completely stalemates everything.”

Highlighted in the 4-Part series is that the covertly forced RFID human implantation is the start of a life of mind control and torture-to-death of Targeted Individuals.

Any man, woman or child can be targeted for what is nothing less than Satanic motives, such as covering up human trafficking, as the whistleblower in the film opposed.

X. Russia Exposes U.S. Secretly Forced Brain-Chip Mind Control Weapon

Posted by truther on December 6, 2014, filed in: Featured, Latest News, Star Wars, Strange, Unknown History, Videos

Deborah Dupre

Russia Exposes U.S. Secretly Forced Brain-Chip Mind Control Weapon

Secretly forced human brain implants connected to computers for mind control is a reality today, one that has shattered lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims globally. It is today’s most hidden human rights abuse and Russia has taken the lead to expose it in a TV news program that the host called a “profound” interview with a leading Targeted Individual advocate from Sweden.

Russia Exposes U.S. Secretly Forced Brain-Chip Mind Control Weapon

Recently, a California woman and an expert in the field provided evidence to won the first court case involving today’s mind control cell tower weapon system.

Russia Today has broadcast (below) what experts call the best coverage of today’s mind control crime, the old MKUltra on steroids. In the RT program, produced by Daniel Estulin, Deste La Sombra (From the Shadows) Magnus Olsson, a Targeted Individual, explains that today’s secretly forced human chips are as tiny as a few nonometers – and many more shocking details that make Edward Snowden’s disclosures seem sophomoric.

With the original title, Control mental. El sueño dorado de los dueños del mundo, (Mind control. The golden dream of the world’s masters) — broadcasted to some 10 million people — was one of the biggest victories for victims of implant technologies so far, thanks to Magnus Olsson.

Olsson, despite victimized himself, worked several years to expose this crime. He agrees with Dupré that this is the “biggest human rights abuses of our times:” connecting people against their will and knowledge to computers via implants of the size of a few nanometers – leading to complete destruction of not only the victims’ lives and health, but also their personalities and identities.

“Very few people are aware of the actual link between neuroscience, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, neuro-chips, transhumanism, the science fiction’s cyborg, robotics, somatic surveillance, behavior control, the thought police and human enhancement,” Olsson says. “They all go hand in hand, and never in our history before, has this issue been as important as it is now.”

This secret technology, that began developing in the early 1950s is now extremely advanced. The public is unaware of it – and/or in denial – and it goes completely unregulated, despite thousands of victims reporting it to news outlets and government officials, including the United Nations.

There is complete amnesia about its early development, according to Olsson. The CIA funded experiments on people without consent through leading universities and by hiring prominent neuroscientists of that time. These experiments have since the 50s been brutal, destroying every aspect of a person’s life, while hiding behind curtains of National Security and secrecy but also behind psychiatry diagnosis.

The results of today’s mind control — mind reading, thought police, surveillance, pre-crime, behavior modification, control of citizen’s behavior; tastes, dreams, feelings and wishes; identities; personalities and not to mention the ability to torture and kill anyone from a distance — are completely ignored, dismissed, often even mocked by professionals.

All the important ethical issues regarding the most special aspects of being a free human being living a full human life are dismissed.

“The praise of the machine in these discourses dealing with not only transhumanism ideals but also neuroscience today has a cost and that is complete disrespect, despise and underestimation of human beings, at least when it comes to their bodies, abilities and biological functions,” Olsson says. “The brain is seen as the only valuable thing; not just because of its complexity and mysteries, but also because it can create consciousness and awareness.

“We’re prone to diseases, we die, we make irrational decisions, we’re inconsistent, and we need someone to look up to. In a radio interview on Swedish ‘Filosofiska rummet’ entitled “Me and my new brain” (Jag och min nya hjärna), neuroscientist Martin Ingvar referred to the human body as a “bad frame for the brain.”

Individual free will and personal identity have been discussed and the point of view of Martin Ingvar was alligned with José Delgado’s some 60 years ago – a buried history of mind control: We don’t really have any choice, we’re not really having a free will or for that matter any consistent personality.

Olsson says that would be enough reason to change humans to whatever “someone else” wishes. For example, an elite.

Brain implants are obviously important, according to Olsson, giving evidence both in the US and the EU.

“Both the US and the EU pour billions of dollars and euros in brain research every single year, a brain research very focused on not only understanding the brain, but also highly focused on merging human beings with machines; using neuro-implants to correct behavior and enhance intelligence; creating robots and other machines that think and make autonomous intelligent decisions — just like humans do.“

In a Before It’s News Exclusive, Dupré wrote about Nicholas West’s shocking new article, Wireless Microchip Implant Set For Human Trials and a Targeted Individual, who had reached out to Deborah and an Australian surveillance expert.

Ray Kurzweil predictions about future technological developments have been correct thusfar. Now, he claims that in only 20 years, implant-technology will have advanced to the point that it will completely transform humanity.

“We cannot know right now whether [Kurzweil’s] prediction is right or wrong, but we have the right to decide on the kind of future we want,” says Olsson. “I do not know if eradicating humanity as we know it is the best future or the only alternative. Today, we might still have a choice.”

Tags: 666, 9/11, Adolph Hitler, Afghanistan, al-Qaeda, Albert Pike, America, ancient Israel, Anti-Christ, Apocalypse, Armageddon, Barack Obama, beastiality, Bible, Biblical prophecies, Biometrics, BioWeapon, Book of Revelation, brainwash, brainwashed, Britain, China, CIA, Colin Powell, Dajjal, Dajjal Illuminati, Dick Chaney, Dick Cheney, dinar banker, DNA, documentary, dollar collapse, Donald Rumsfeld, Doomsday, economic collapse, economic crisis, Europe, evidence, Facial recognition, false flag, false flag attack, false flag operation, false flag terror, FBI, George Bush, George W. Bush, Giordano Bruno, global link, Gog, Gog & Magog, Gog and Magog, Gordon Duff, GPS, Great Britain, Hollywood, Illuminati Dajjal, Illuminati media, Imran Hosein, Imran Nazar Hosein, India, influenza mutation, Internet, Iran, Iraq, Islamic prophecies, Israel, James Eagen Holmes, Judaism, Latest News, Lies, m.m.r vaccine, Magog, Mark of the Beast, Masonic conspiracy, mass media, Media, Messiah, microchipping, Microchips, Middle East, mind control, MKUltra mind control, Mobile Web Tracking, Mossad, Napoleon, NATO, New World Order, newsletter, Nostradamus, Nuclear Attack, nuclear attacks, nuclear war, nuclear weapons, nuke, NWO, OnStar, operation fast and furious, Pakistan, Palestine, Pentagon, Phase 3, Philippines, privacy, propaganda, remotely killing, RFID, Rothschilds, Russia, satellites, Saudi, sheep symbolism, Sheikh Imran Hosein, Signs of the Last Day, social network white label, spy, spying, surveillance, Survivalism, survivalist, swiss bank, Symbolism, Taliban, Technological Revolution, terrorism, terrorist organization, Tesla Technology, Traffic cameras, UFO, UFO Phenomena, UK, United Kingdom, United States, US Dollar, US military, USA, Video, Wake up!, war crime, war on terror, war propaganda, world economy, World War 3, world war 3 predictions, Zionist

IX. Nocturnal Vaults – James Walbert (Season 2)

Frank Triggs
10 months ago (edited)

I did lots of research on Directed Energy Weapons. Have you seen the UK’s MOD developments? Their latest jet is a generation ahead of the F-35 fighter. It generates electric power to use for flight, stealth and DEW, microwave, sound, laser weapons etc. When the F-35 was announced, they already tested the 6th generation, which is at least 20 years ahead in technology. They use advanced AI, can be flown with a pilot, without any mechanical controls, also can perform missions without any human interaction with its advanced AI. UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle).
I have a friend who’s high up in BAE Systems, he designed the heads up display and remote controls for the F-35.

Ric Hawdon
10 months ago
Great show.

X. James Walbert Case 10-1234-EFM-GLR


9 years ago
You and me are in the sam ecatagory. I would LOVE to talk to you because I have some questions for you. I have marks on me, I have woken up with blood on my face, been attacked in various places and suffered what seems like gangstalking.
Love to you, man. Prevail and keep fighting the good fight.

jerico caballero
8 months ago
Hi james. I’m a recent victim of electronic harassment. My case is similar to yours where I’ve experienced similar symptoms described in one of your videos. Shaking, nerve stimulation, etc. I’d love to have the chance to talk to you in private. If you’re interested, just msg me through youtube.

black spartan
10 years ago
All I can say to anyone about this is to document everything. This is doing harm and will be stopped.

Musicistwowords Mu
9 years ago
I was also implanted… They are in each ear, & can be felt with a slight touch. They are the size of RFIDs, yet no one is willing to help me either. Please update us if you ever do get any help. I dont know how long my implants have been there, but since I was adopted, I have a feeling that I mightve been sold into thisprogram at birth (late 1960s).
Good luck, & peace.

frank.J Alleyne
2 years ago
Radio frequency identification material (RFIM) technology are advanced bio composite research materials engineered to interact with the implanted subject through the use of radio frequency signals(RF). These engineered materials are composited with semi sensory conductive properties and when introduced to the subjects body, allows different radio frequency signals or waves to influence not just ” near feeling stimuli” but also converts RF Signals into artificial electrical impulses when directed at the central nervous system and brain. These artificial impulses are then recorded with the natural impulses to a computer or machine for brain to computer interphasing, bio medical data collection, and behavior data collection. It is also used for government torture programs against targeted individuals. How they get this into your nervous system is through your air by inhalation and because of its nano meter size(nm) it passes through the blood brain barrier and set up shop by attaching to your cells. Some deep shit mane.

Bárbara Mendes Tavares
4 years ago
I have been a TI since 2013 I now have x- rays that show the microchip implanted in my body. I had to leave Portugal because the gang stalking was unbearable I’m now in Sao Paulo, Brazil and I m still under extreme, severe surveillance. I HAVEN ‘T GOT A CLUE ABOUT HOW TI GO ABOUT DEALING WITH THIS. I know who the stalker might be and I have a HD with his identity which was given to the Portuguese police for investigation but I have doubts about the investigation. The guy stalking me has strong links in the US he might have a criminal record , I need some help. Anyone can give me some information? Thanks Bárbara

Musicistwowords Mu
9 years ago
They already ARE killing me. I am in constant pain, can’t breathe, feels like my chest is on fire. Had pain since 2008, but about a year ago, what felt like a hot poker went through my back, into my chest, & now my breathing has gotten really bad all of a sudden. You see? Even when I stayed quiet, they still attacked me.

5 years ago (edited)
GOD Bless James walbert! Having the same thing done! In the state of Ga Is corrupt as HELL!

Herman Winston
8 years ago
i have same thing you got a gps implant in my teeth being gang stalked.the us army and my federal job on base put this device on me.i got videos on you tube with my story. i would love to talk to you.

ashoka Jairam
5 years ago
Sir I am harrased in india how to stop this

Berean Call
2 years ago
Revelation 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

emerson smith008
7 years ago
where on planet earth can i go to get this things removed???