Gang Stalking Program System Described by Anonymous Source

Below is a random comment from an anonymous source, which I found several years ago in the comment section of an older blog written by Lynnae Williams, a young, promising DIA and CIA employee.

According to this Daily Beast article (Lynne Williams Daily Beast Article), “Lynnae Williams: The CIA Spy Who Tweets”: (The CIA Spy Who Tweets):

“Williams’s main grievance with the agency revolves around her termination. Williams says that as a trainee in the agency’s national clandestine service, she was sent to Dominion Hospital, a public mental-health facility in northern Virginia.”

After getting out of the hospital and then leaving the CIA, Lynnae began getting stalked by groups of men who looked like former college and NFL football players, whom Lynnae believed were F.B.I. agents. (And I think she was right, as I saw many photos of them around her, all over the place, in her older blog.)

This comment describes the theoretical underpinnings of our harassment protocol(s) and how FBI’s InfraGard, DHS’s Citizen Corps, and local neighborhood watches could be mobilized with Multi-Jurisdictional Task Forces also helping to coordinate intelligence agencies, branches of the military, joint terrorism task forces (JTTFs), state and local law enforcement, private security/defense contractors, local private investigators, and private companies— with all of these ‘entities’ getting marching orders ultimately originating from the approximately 80 State Data Fusion Centers:

Information on Program from an Anonymous Source

“For folks who are interested in this subject, the strategy is actually kind of cool. (ETK comment: There is nothing “cool” about this evil program.)

TI barbara guillette’s (mailed Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 2:16 PM)

Any successful implementation relies on three key factors:

1) One linchpin, excuse the pun, is an old form of Japanese torture — death by a thousand cuts.
2) The second key component is plausible deniability.
3) The third is an effect that is known by many names in the psychological literature — grounding, stimulus /response, anchoring, where the idea is to associate an otherwise innocuous auditory or visual stimulus with stress. [NLP – Neuro-Linguistic Programming]

Stress triggers a release of a hormone called cortisol, which is associated with the ‘fight or flight’ reaction. It is an evolutionary mechanism that kicks in as a sort of last resort. Studies on rats and mice indicate that chronic stress, however, is detrimental to higher level cognitive function. The response bypasses the neocortex, and the release of cortisol enhances the creation of memories of short term emotional events, raises blood pressure, and has some interesting anti-inflammatory effects.

noun (plural neocortices | -ˈkôrtiˌsēz | ): a part of the cerebral cortex concerned with sight and hearing in mammals, regarded as the most recently evolved part of the cortex.

Long term exposure to cortisol damages nerve cells in the hippocampus, the elongated ridges on the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain, thought to be the center of emotion, memory, and the autonomic nervous system. resulting in impaired learning and memory retrieval of already stored information. The cumulative effect is to try to effect a psychological condition that is often referred to as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). The short term goal is to try to make the subject paranoid both to discredit her in the eyes of the public and more importantly undermine personal sense of center.

As with enhanced interrogation, the tactics all rely on bombarding the subject with stimuli that he or she can’t process, and at the same time, to limit normal stimuli and modes of activity.

Of course, knowing that stress can effect long term damage is not enough. From an implementation perspective, in a relatively open democratic society with laws against most obvious types of harassment, it is much more difficult to pull this off than in, say Soviet Russia. This is where the ‘death by a thousand cuts’ strategy comes into play. The goal is to expose the subject to a constant barrage of small nuisances that individually are perfectly legal and bearable, but over longer periods of times amount to psychological intimidation. Each of these smaller nuisances can be as something trivial as tailgating the subject, shouting at the subject for no apparent reason — and other various forms of street theater.

The “beauty” of this is:

1. Most of these nuisances can be easily executed in a manner suitable to plausible deniability.
2. If the subject actually tries to relate what is happening to her on an ongoing basis — she will be deemed paranoid, delusional, schizophrenic, etc.

The logistics for such an information operation appear prohibitively expensive at first blush. One would think it is pretty expensive to hire a group of goons who keep stalking the subject for a prolonged period of time. In practice, it is actually not that difficult.

For one, the strategy is to rely on an army of useful idiots – each of whom is told a suitably nasty story about the subject – and is told to keep their eyes open. Second — as with supply chain management, the implementation can be outsourced and automatized through some pretty simple software solutions. Again, one balks at the logistics of tracking the subject. In practice, the subject has helped the information operator solve that problem by carrying a cellphone in her pocket.

The overall implementation will then look as follows: Using a variety of means — gain access to cellphone/tower communication for the subject. Write a simple app that keeps track of a few dozen do-gooders who are either paid for this or provide their services for free, and the location of a subject. Every time that the subject comes within a radius of a mile or two of the operator, the server sends a message to the ‘good Samaritan’ with a picture of the subject and a choice of customized/personalized strategies for annoying the subject. Upon successful completion, the good Samaritan is able to submit feedback through his cellphone app back to the headquarters (hq). Each couple of days/weeks, a specialist back in hq sifts through the feedback and comes up with new personalized handling approaches which are put into the system.


By virtue of crowd-sourcing, a bit of disinformation, and off-the-shelf cellphone tracking solutions you have yourself a pretty effective ‘cocoa puff,’ or ‘psychic bunny’ (an industry/IC term, actually) management solution that rivals the old school KGB, and that for a few hundred bucks tops maintenance per week.

On 2/27/18, Barbara Guillette wrote:

> there are (also) other aspects which are crucial to the AI link of that kind of cr@p:

* “Mapping”: Using sensors and drones, they are able to literally watch our every move, gait and mood. Everybody uses computers at public libraries without covering their cameras. I have used the slip they give you to cover it and after a week that I have come back I have noticed it. Most probably people don’t even notice and/or care to remove it.

* “Journaling”: They ongoingly keep streams of the many technological crumbs of bread you leave behind as you conduct your life without even being aware of them (including all you say and to whom, in relation to what, …), your DNA, your bio-psychological profile, what you have been eating lately (therefore what you have been sh!tting and peeing), all you have ever texted and said on the phone, your cell phone gives your position with centimetric precision, …)

* “Über surveillance”: Even if, say, they aren’t able to easily track you because you keep your phone most of the time in a Faraday cage, they can still track you using the many street cameras (all cameras even inside of private businesses are linked to those “agencies”/fusion centers) and if you live in a rural area they will use satellites and drones you can’t possibly see.

* “Patterns correlation”: They say “the truth is in the details”. I would say “the truth of the truths is in the correlation of those details”, this last aspect is the most crucial one when it comes to “predicting” behavior, which is ultimately where the “results” are demonstrated …

> Stress triggers a release of a hormone called cortisol …

> Long term exposure to cortisol, damages nerve cells in the hippocampus

Our brains/minds are the last bastion of freedom. They are also able to disassociate stress if you allow for them to do so. That is why they need to relentlessly give us sh!t. If they don’t or we are able to somehow take breaks, we start getting immune to their cr@p.

> (“The beauty of this is:

> 1. Most of these nuisances can be easily executed in a manner suitable to plausible deniability.
> 2. If the subject actually tries to relate what is happening to her on an ongoing basis — she will be deemed paranoid, delusional, schizophrenic, etc.”)

I keep saying that we have ways to prove we are not “paranoid, delusional, schizophrenic, etc. “. Tomo has been recording her back and forths with her perpetrators. We can and should get smart about it:

1) Technology is cheap for them and for us
2) There are current laws that could be put to good use (even the exposure and embarrassment will be too much for them to deal with)

> (“For one, the strategy is to rely on an army of useful idiots – each of whom is told a suitably nasty story about the subject – and is told to keep their eyes open.”)

You walk into a bookstore or a filthy bodega and they get an automatic alert telling them to watch out for that ‘niggah’ with a history of shop lifting incidents, you are simply walking on the streets and Neighborhood Watch are told to watch out for that ‘guy with a history of pedophilia’ (I have even noticed the peculiar face they put when the alert shows up on their cell phone and how they look around for your face/you in the way you are dressed at that very moment) … but I am curious as to what do they say when you for example, walk into a hospital or an University campus … Oh! Easy! you are a ‘drug smuggler,’ a ‘rapist’ …

> (“Second — as with supply chain management the implementation can be outsourced and automatized through some pretty simple software solutions. Again, one balks at the logistics of tracking the subject. In practice, the subject has helped the information operator solve that problem by carrying a cellphone in her pocket.”)

You can still buy a cell phone not registered to any service and use it to monitor gang stalkers.

> (“Okay, that’s it. I did a little searching, but I couldn’t find out what “cocoa puff,” or “psychic bunny” meant, but I’d love to know.”)

I have heard either those or very similar terms before. I think “cocoa puff” refers to dusting LSD on individuals which they can do from a distance and about “psychic bunny” I am less sure, but I think it means when they get you to the point that they own your psychological stability. You become quite neurotic about your surrounding reality, afraid, erratic.

2 Replies to “Gang Stalking Program System Described by Anonymous Source”

  1. Amazing to me. That they would do all of this simply because somebody submitted a report that “so and so” might be a terror risk when no other investigation has been done, including investigating the perp who made the recommendation for grudges, etc.

    I know that its real because I’ve lived it for decades, but I still find it unbelievable that this is my country. Land of the free, home of the brave.

    1. Unbelievable is an understatement. I can’t even read these reports and descriptions without being fully triggered. Decades, too. (And it doesn’t necessarily help when other TIs insist it hardly interferes with their lives. It is and has in fact murdered many more than we likely imagine). Thanks.

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