EMScandal: “Electromagnetic Signals-monitoring and signals-assault scandal” website (Norman C. Rabin)

EMScandal HomePage Most recent update: July 30, 2018

I. EMScandal refers to the “Electromagnetic Signals-monitoring and signals-assault scandal”.

         Recent News or Quick-Links to recent items (updated: July 30, 2018):
                 http://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/June2012flyer ;
http://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/NPRM_subpart_Sept_2015_Call_For_Comments.html ;
http://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/Summary_re_Jan2017FinalRule_v2Sept2017.doc ; 

WebSite Note (last updated: June 26, 2012):

This WebSite will (hopefully) be updated during the coming months.
– Part of the function of this website is to report upon the status of the pending Federal Policy Change (ordered 3/27/97) to BAN Non-Consensual U.S. Classified Human Experimentation. 

As of mid-February 2012, the information at this website about the pending Federal Policy Change (ordered 3/27/97 by President Clinton) is still [I sadly report] up to date. The Bush Administration, for its 8 year duration, did not publicly take up continued action on this important government-wide Federal Policy Change, even though many other Clinton-initiated Policy Changes were publicly acted upon (on their relative merits [or so we hope]). The pending Policy Change has unquestionable merit (by all modern standards of human rights, and human behavior), and therefore ought to be completed immediately by the Obama Administration. I suggest that any U.S. citizen reading this who hasn’t written to our U.S. Government about this matter recently should do so. (For suggestions about what to write, see the Petition part of my “August-September 2004 Press Release with Petition” [click the first link below].) 

The purpose of this site is:

– to make available to any U.S. Citizen my May-August- 2000, and other, Press Release(s) and Petition(s), so that people can be informed of this WORTHY CAUSE, and can consider PETITIONING our U.S. Government from a position of knowledge. PLEASE HELP PETITION OUR U.S. GOVERNMENT TO STOP THIS CRIME!
– to inform the public; and, to inform victims of signals-monitoring and/or assault.

Topics covered by this site:
– Non-consensual electromagnetic signals-monitoring and signals-assault of the human body perpetrated by the U.S. Government, against 300 – 500 (or probably more) citizens across the U.S..
– Science and Technology related to the EMScandal –

Our U.S. Government is literally holding back 100’s of billions of dollars a year of Industry, in diverse areas, including: Brain-Computer Interfacing; Neurology (revolutionary neurological diagnosis, and some treatment, to the neural level!!); Psychology and Psychiatry (brain monitoring! and thought-monitoring!) [Billion dollar medical industries, where “best treatment” is an Ethical requirement]; criminal justice [truth monitoring! and thought and memory monitoring], including the Clearing of all wrongly-accused persons (whose memories of events would serve as physical evidence); and, recreational applications [such as ‘neuromuscular’ computer-guided sports training]; or, other applications, such as: search-and-rescue [including: firefighting]; ; .

– PETITIONING INFORMATION. Please Help Petition our Government to Stop this Crime!
My August-September 2004 Press Release with Petition is available at:
https://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/august04.html .
My July-August 2002 update of my July-August 2000 Press Release with Petition is available at:
https://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/july02.htm .
My July-August 2000 Press Release with Petition is available at:
https://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/july00.htm . (Versions of this Press Release and Petition were distributed from May 2000 to November 2000.)

(For older Press Releases of: Nov.-Dec. 1999; and, Oct.-Nov. 1999;, see:
https://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/oldfliers/index.htm .)

For the addresses of your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative, see:

http://www.vote-smart.org (at the top right side of the screen, in the search box at “Search By ..”, enter your 9-digit zipcode: this lists your Elected Officials, including President and Vice President, and your local officials; click on the type of official; click on your elected official’s name;  click on “See Full Biographical and Contact Information”; see “Contact Information”); or,

http://www.commoncause.org/FindElectedOfficials (enter your zipcode and then, to the right of the zipcode, click “GO”. Note: for searches by zipcode at commoncause.org, your full 9-digit zipcode may be required for accuracy).

Other topics covered by this website:

– U.S. Government action on:
– topic: Non-Consensual U.S. Classified Human Research – notably includes:
– Federal Policy Change ordered by President Clinton, but obstructed [as of mid-January 2009]; and, a proposed-Law in the 1997-98 U.S. Congress;
– partly covered by this website: a proposed-Law in the 2009-2010 U.S. Congress, H.R. 1715, proposes to ban funding of non-consensual U.S. classified human research. I believe that such a funding ban would be a helpful addition to, but not a substitute for, the types of laws which I have suggested at this web site. H.R. 1715 (2009-2010 U.S. Congress), proposed in March 2009, is an enhanced re-proposal of legislation first proposed in June 2000, as H.R. 4605 (1999-2000 U.S. Congress), and re-proposed in May 2002, as H.R. 4697 (2001-2002 U.S. Congress), and re-proposed in November 2003, as H.R. 3594 (2003-2004 U.S. Congress), and re-proposed in June 2006, as H.R. 5578 (2005-2006 U.S. Congress).

– not covered by this website, but here mentioned: a proposed-Law in the 2001-2002 U.S. Congress, H.R. 2977, of October 2001, specifically proposed to Ban the use of Space-Based Weapons by the U.S., and defines “weapons” to include: 

– “land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations”. ]

– topic: Executive Order 13107, of Dec. 10, 1998 “Implementation of Human Rights Treaties” [no news yet at this site on this topic];

– topic [June 26, 2012]:  http://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/June2012flyer ;
– topic [June 25, 2007]: temporary shadow website for JuneAction07 directory of www.Freedomfchs.com website; see: https://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/JuneAction07_tempshadow_ffchs .  

I, the author of this Website, am an innocent victim of yet-Ongoing electromagnetic-signals monitoring and assault, of my body and brain, day and night, for over 21 years (since October 1990), with my knowledge of it, and with my complaining about it. Prior to October 1990, I was a victim of serious covert electromagnetic signals-assault [without my knowledge, at the time], by the U.S. Government, in 1986, 1987, 1989, and 1990.

Via 1 or more telephone calls, letters, and/or meetings in person, I know of 80 – 90 or so other victims of various monitoring and/or assault. (As noted above, there are 300 – 500 (or probably more) victims across the U.S..)

I am a college graduate with a B.S. degree in Computer Science (with mathematics), May 1983, from Duke University. I first became a victim on Dec. 31, 1985, while working as a Software Engineer (computer programmer) at a biomedical electronics company in Farmingdale, Long Island, New York.

Please HELP PETITION our U.S. Government to Stop this Crime!

Topics: electromagnetic signals-monitoring and/or signals-assault, of the human body; Non-Consensual U.S. Classified Human Research; electromagnetic weapons; mind-control using electromagnetic signals upon the human body (and brain); non-lethal weapons; bio frequency science and technology; brain-reading; brain-monitoring, thought-monitoring, full-body monitoring; artificial dreams; bio frequency assault; multiple satellites’ monitoring and assault; satellite prisoner, satellite hostage; Illegal Human Experimentation; ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION, ONGOING CRIME BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT; ; 

This web site, now located at https://www.homestead.com/EMScandal , was originally located at: http://members1.visualcities.com/EMScandal , from November 1999 to January 2001.

II. This Webpage [in its most current version] supplements the June 2012 event (June 26, 2012) flyer .

[ web-links updated: January 2021 ]

[ This Webpage [ http://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/June2012flyer ] is an updated version of a webpage (http://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/JuneAction07_tempshadow_ffchs ) which functioned as a shadow website, for the most current version of the file www.freedomfchs.com/JuneAction07flyer , which supplemented a “2007 JuneAction” event (June 26, 2007) flyer . ]

This Webpage [in its most current version] supplements the June 2012 event (June 26, 2012) flyer .

Help to Free Victims of Day and Night Electromagnetic Weapons R+D/ ‘Testing’, Torture, and Assault
Did you know? – Did you know: Hundreds of Innocent Citizens (+ some experimented on in prisons, + others) are targeted by Ongoing Non-

Consensual ‘Testing’/Experimentation, using Electromagnetic [“EM”] Weapons and EM technology, on the human body and brain, typically day
and night ? – That: many are Harassed, Tormented, and/or (sometimes) Tortured, day + night!, every day, by this U.S. Gov’t
R+D [Research+Development] +Testing+Evaluation Program ?

– That: it’s censored (as a Defense/ Intelligence /Investigative Technology), with almost no publicity (exceptions: USNews+WR, 7/7/97, cover
story, “Wonder Weapons”; Wash. Post 1/14/07, Sunday Mag., cover story, “Mind Games”) ?

– That: A Federal Advisory Committee (“ACHRE”) recommended (10/95) to: enact Protections from Secret Experiments [Rec. # 15] ?

– That: “Under current rule, and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent” for Secret Human Experiments [quote: U.S. Senator Glenn, Intro. Remarks (1/22/97) to S.193; bill did not pass; co-sponsors: Kennedy, Lieberman, + 3] ?

– That: President Clinton ordered (3/27/97) a change to a Protective Federal Policy (on classified human experiments), but it was ‘somehow’ blocked before he left office. [No action under Bush Admin.! (- surprised?)] ? – That: U.S. Rep. DeGette 5x (e.g., 3/2009) re-proposed a bill with a funding Ban on secret experiments without consent ? + – That: U.S. Rep. Kucinich dared to propose (10/01) a bill Banning space weapons, including “electromagnetic”, “psychotronic”, and, “mind control” weapons ?

Make a Difference – Complain Individually □ ; Bring your local Const. Rights/ HRts/ Anti-Torture org. to Petition □ + Speak Out

Against It □ , + for Protective Legislation! (+ Investigation). [ This flyer is supplemented by: www.homestead.com/EMScandal [/files/June2012flyer] ]

Help to Free Victims of Day and Night Electromagnetic Weapons R+D/ ‘Testing’, Torture, and Assault
Did you know? – Did you know: Hundreds of Innocent Citizens (+ some experimented on in prisons, + others) are targeted by Ongoing Non-

Consensual ‘Testing’/Experimentation, using Electromagnetic [“EM”] Weapons and EM technology, on the human body and brain, typically day and night ? – That: many are Harassed, Tormented, and/or (sometimes) Tortured, day + night!, every day, by this U.S. Gov’t
R+D [Research+Development] +Testing+Evaluation Program ?

– That: it’s censored (as a Defense/ Intelligence /Investigative Technology), with almost no publicity (exceptions: USNews+WR, 7/7/97, cover
story, “Wonder Weapons”; Wash. Post 1/14/07, Sunday Mag., cover story, “Mind Games”) ?
– That: A Federal Advisory Committee (“ACHRE”) recommended (10/95) to: enact Protections from Secret Experiments [Rec. # 15] ?
– That: “Under current rule, and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent” for Secret Human Experiments [quote: U.S. Senator Glenn, Intro. Remarks (1/22/97) to S.193; bill did not pass; co-sponsors: Kennedy, Lieberman, + 3] ?
– That: President Clinton ordered (3/27/97) a change to a Protective Federal Policy (on classified human experiments), but it was ‘somehow’ blocked before he left office. [No action under Bush Admin.! (- surprised?)] ? – That: U.S. Rep. DeGette 5x (e.g., 3/2009) re-proposed a bill with a funding Ban on secret experiments without consent ? + – That: U.S. Rep. Kucinich dared to propose (10/01) a bill Banning space weapons, including “electromagnetic”, “psychotronic”, and, “mind control” weapons ?

Make a Difference – Complain Individually □ ; Bring your local Const. Rights/ HRts/ Anti-Torture org. to Petition □ + Speak Out
Against It □ , + for Protective Legislation! (+ Investigation). [ This flyer is supplemented by: www.homestead.com/EMScandal [/files/June2012flyer] ]

Help to Free Victims of Day and Night Electromagnetic Weapons R+D/ ‘Testing’, Torture, and Assault
Did you know? – Did you know: Hundreds of Innocent Citizens (+ some experimented on in prisons, + others) are targeted by Ongoing Non-

Consensual ‘Testing’/Experimentation, using Electromagnetic [“EM”] Weapons and EM technology, on the human body and brain, typically day
and night ? – That: many are Harassed, Tormented, and/or (sometimes) Tortured, day + night!, every day, by this U.S. Gov’t
R+D [Research+Development] +Testing+Evaluation Program ?

– That: it’s censored (as a Defense/ Intelligence /Investigative Technology), with almost no publicity (exceptions: USNews+WR, 7/7/97, cover
story, “Wonder Weapons”; Wash. Post 1/14/07, Sunday Mag., cover story, “Mind Games”) ?
– That: A Federal Advisory Committee (“ACHRE”) recommended (10/95) to: enact Protections from Secret Experiments [Rec. # 15] ?
– That: “Under current rule, and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent” for Secret Human Experiments [quote: U.S. Senator Glenn, Intro. Remarks (1/22/97) to S.193; bill did not pass; co-sponsors: Kennedy, Lieberman, + 3] ?
– That: President Clinton ordered (3/27/97) a change to a Protective Federal Policy (on classified human experiments), but it was ‘somehow’ blocked before he left office. [No action under Bush Admin.! (- surprised?)] ? – That: U.S. Rep. DeGette 5x (e.g., 3/2009) re-proposed a bill with a funding Ban on secret experiments without consent ? + – That: U.S. Rep. Kucinich dared to propose (10/01) a bill Banning space weapons, including “electromagnetic”, “psychotronic”, and, “mind control” weapons ?

Make a Difference – Complain Individually □ ; Bring your local Const. Rights/ HRts/ Anti-Torture org. to Petition □ + Speak Out
Against It □ , + for Protective Legislation! (+ Investigation). [ This flyer is supplemented by: www.homestead.com/EMScandal [/files/June2012flyer] ]

Help to Free Victims of Day and Night Electromagnetic Weapons R+D/ ‘Testing’, Torture, and Assault
Did you know? – Did you know: Hundreds of Innocent Citizens (+ some experimented on in prisons, + others) are targeted by Ongoing Non-

Consensual ‘Testing’/Experimentation, using Electromagnetic [“EM”] Weapons and EM technology, on the human body and brain, typically day
and night ? – That: many are Harassed, Tormented, and/or (sometimes) Tortured, day + night!, every day, by this U.S. Gov’t R+D [Research+Development] +Testing+Evaluation Program ?
– That: it’s censored (as a Defense/ Intelligence /Investigative Technology), with almost no publicity (exceptions: USNews+WR, 7/7/97, cover
story, “Wonder Weapons”; Wash. Post 1/14/07, Sunday Mag., cover story, “Mind Games”) ?
– That: A Federal Advisory Committee (“ACHRE”) recommended (10/95) to: enact Protections from Secret Experiments [Rec. # 15] ?
– That: “Under current rule, and executive order, it is possible to waive informed consent” for Secret Human Experiments [quote: U.S. Senator Glenn, Intro. Remarks (1/22/97) to S.193; bill did not pass; co-sponsors: Kennedy, Lieberman, + 3] ?
– That: President Clinton ordered (3/27/97) a change to a Protective Federal Policy (on classified human experiments), but it was ‘somehow’ blocked before he left office. [No action under Bush Admin.! (- surprised?)] ? – That: U.S. Rep. DeGette 5x (e.g., 3/2009) re-proposed a bill with a funding Ban on secret experiments without consent ? + – That: U.S. Rep. Kucinich dared to propose (10/01) a bill Banning space weapons, including “electromagnetic”, “psychotronic”, and, “mind control” weapons ?
Make a Difference – Complain Individually □ ; Bring your local Const. Rights/ HRts/ Anti-Torture org. to Petition □ + Speak Out
Against It □ , + for Protective Legislation! (+ Investigation). [ This flyer is supplemented by: www.homestead.com/EMScandal [/files/June2012flyer] ]

Supplementation to the above flyer:
– The July 7, 1997 U.S. News & Report, cover story article, on “Wonder Weapons”, appears at:

– The January 14, 2007, Washington Post, Sunday magazine, cover story article on “Mind Games” appears at [text only]:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/01/10/AR2007011001399_pf.html ;

[ Readers comments to that article (many are of victims) appear at:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/comments/display?contentID=AR2007011001399 ;
A January 16, 2007 online “live” discussion with the author of that article appears at:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2007/01/12/DI2007011201368.html ;

– U.S. Senator Glenn’s bill on Human Experimentation (S.193, 105th U.S. Congress), can be found at:
[ – U.S. Senator Glenn’s Introductory Remarks [of January 22, 1997] in proposing S.193 appear at:
[ or, at the website of the congressional record, e.g., at:
“https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/1997/01/22/senate-section/article/S634-2″; Search the browser page, or the pdf page, for “645”, and scroll down to “Human Research Subject Protection Act” ] ];

President Clinton’s March 27, 1997 Memorandum/ Administrative Order, “Strengthened Protections for Human Subjects of Classified Human Research”, [Federal Registger, May 13, 1997, pp. 26367-26372], which attempted to institute a governmentwide Ban on Non-Consensual U.S. Classified Human Research, appears at: 
http://fas.org/sgp/clinton/humexp.html .

U.S. Representative Kucinich’s bill to Ban Space Weapons (H.R.2977, 107th U.S. Congress), can be found at:
“https://www.congress.gov/bill/107th-congress/house-bill/2977 “;

U.S. Representative DeGette most recent: bill concerning Human Experimentation (H.R. 1715, 111th U.S. Congress), which includes a proposed Ban on federal funding of classified human research;, can be found at: 
“https://www.congress.gov/bill/111th-congress/house-bill/1715 “;
[ Bill H.R. 1715 [of March 2009], 111th U.S. Congress, is U.S. Representative Diana DeGette’s most recent proposal of her bill concerning Human Research Subject Protections [which, in 2007, had been: H.R. 5578, 109th U.S. Congress [of June 2006]]. ]
At that webpage for the “Bill Text”, go to bill text, and search the browser page, or the pdf page, for text: “Classified Human Subject Research” ]

[ The October 1995 final Report of the federal Advisory Committee on Human Radiations Experiments [ACHRE], which is cited in each of: Senator Glenn’s S.193, and, President Clinton’s March 27, 1997 Administrative Order;, including Recommendation 15 (which includes their recommending “the adoption of a federal policy requiring the informed consent of all human subjects of classified research and that this requirement not be subject to exemption or waiver”), appears at: 
https://ehss.energy.gov/ohre/roadmap/achre/report.html , with Recommendation 15 appearing at:
https://ehss.energy.gov/ohre/roadmap/achre/chap18_3.html .]

– There are a number of websites which report upon this Crime for victims, and for concerned citizens:
– www.mindjustice.org , includes scholarly articles on the matter;
– A large website, formerly at www.mindcontrolforums.com, contains much information about this Crime, including a “Victims” sections, with victimization stories of over 100 victims; It remained available on the Internet as an archive, at:
          http://web.archive.org/web/20040822074218/http://www.raven1.net/ravindex.htm [under “MindControlForum”],
          and is web surfable via: http://www.randomcollection.info/mcf/restofsite.htm .
– www.freedomfchs.com , is an informative victims’ website;

– The follow are example Petitions to use or modify, and to send:
– PetitionExample1_0607.htm ;
– PetitionExample2_0607.htm [see last page for Petition];

This Webpage [in its most current version] supplements the June 2012 event (June 26, 2012) flyer .
[ This Webpage [ http://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/June2012flyer ] is an updated version of a webpage (http://www.homestead.com/EMScandal/files/JuneAction07_tempshadow_ffchs ) which functioned as a shadow website, of the most current version of the file www.freedomfchs.com/JuneAction07flyer , which supplemented a “2007 JuneAction” event (June 26, 2007) flyer . ]
This Webpage [in its most current version] supplements the June 2012 event (June 26, 2012) flyer . 

On September 13, 2010, I presented a spoken Public Comment to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. The subject of my July/September 2010 Public Comment to PCSBI was: “I am here to urge you, the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, to put on your agenda, for a very-near future meeting, the subject of: the need to re-continue and complete a governmentwide federal Policy Change [[ordered, attempted by President Clinton]] to Protect Citizens .. from Non-Consensual U.S. Classified Human Research/ Experimentation. …”.

My spoken Public Comment to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, of September 13, 2010 [submitted in writing, with elaboration, at their 1st meeting, in July 2010], appears online at: https://bioethicsarchive.georgetown.edu/pcsbi/ .
To read a transcript of my spoken Public Comment, go to: https://bioethicsarchive.georgetown.edu/pcsbi/node/173.html [if available],
                                                                                          or else, go to: https://bioethicsarchive.georgetown.edu/pcsbi/, go to Meetings, find and select Meeting September 13-14, 2010; go to Transcripts, select Transcript for: September 13, 2010, session 3 [ “Knowledge Sharing, Innovation and Translating Research for the Public Good” ];,
         at that Transcript, search for “experimentation” [or “”Unidentified Speaker”, or “cruel and inhumane” ]. [[There are a few transcription ‘errors’, but they are minor.]]

[[ To see the video of my spoken Public Comment, go to: https://bioethicsarchive.georgetown.edu/pcsbi/, go to Meetings, then under Past Meetings, under “Sept. 13-14, 2010, in Philadelphia, Penn.”, at “Watch the archived video.”, select “archived video”.
Then, using the slider on the Right side of the webpage, advance the screen to see text: “Session 3: Knowledge Sharing, Innovation and Translating Research for the Public Good”. Under that, select “Play Flash Video”. [ Or, that video file may be directly available at: http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/bioethics/100913/ ; select :”Session 3 …”]
To see the video of my Public Comment, use the slider below the video to conveniently advance the video to shortly before 63:50 [63 minutes and 50 seconds].” ]]