Dangers of 5G (Youtubes featuring Joe Imbriano, Mark Steele, Barry Trower, and Deborah Tavares)

I. I. 5G-WHAT THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW! watch the whole thing-

Joe Imbriano:

“The mm wave at 60 GHz are going to need a lot more than 10 Watts and they only travel about 500 feet. So how NASA can get 20,000 km out of 10 watts!?…. There are so many lies and so much disinformation about all of this.

It (5G) doesn’t travel far and it doesn’t penetrate well. There are ways that they can get these emissions into your home and through your walls with beam forming. There are ways that you can stop this. You see, these emissions are not only a kill grid but it’s a complete surveillance medium because they will be able to have 3-D imagery of everything once this is completely rolled out.

The new 5G is being sold to you as an incredibly rapid, download speed technological advancement. You are being fed a line to get you to accept what they want to sell you as a miracle. Always be suspicious. Because these people that are making these decisions are very evil and they know what this stuff does. They’ve studied this for decades.

I have also studied this stuff for decades. I have fought to keep the cell towers from being deployed in my town of Fullerton, CA. Most people in political office are extremely stupid and extremely corrupt. That’s why they’ve been chosen for those positions.

But God always provides a way out. There are ways you can shield your home and there are ways that you can shield your body. And I want to talk about how to protect your body from what’s coming.

The people that are implementing these technologies at the very top are eugenicists. And their goal is to herd everybody into the compact cities and slowly kill them off, make them sick, make them lazy, make them stupid, make them corrupt, and make them their own. That’s the plan. And it’s being accomplished already.

There’s also a war on your blood stream.. Forced vaccinations. It’s a two letter word, NO. Home school your children. None of the vaccines have been tested.

Microwave emissions:

Hard-wire all the connections in your home. It’s not that hard to do. Use aluminum screens on your windows. That blocks the signals from coming in. The low-e glass on some of the dual pane windows also blocks some of the signals. You can use RF-shielding on your home paint.

These signals that come through your home 24/7 are damaging your health. They affect fertility, the mitochondria in your cells, your DNA, your nervous system, your circadian rhythm, your heart, your heart rate, your mood, your ability to concentrate, your cognitive functions, your brainwaves and your brain. Your body is an electro-chemical creation. It must be treated as such and it must be protected from unnatural electromagnetic fields that we are being bombarded with.

The current microwave levels are trillions of times what our parents were exposed to as children. There were no microwave emissions 50 years ago in the environment. Now they are everywhere. What is coming is a new breed of radio frequency torture, radio frequency poisoning. They’re increasing the frequency. And they’re going to 60 GHz for the new Wifi. This new Wifi is called Wi-Gig (or Y-Gig) and it’s coming.

The goal is to continue with the towers in place and continue broadcasting on those frequencies. And they are also going to be utilizing a new type of communication system that will involve the placement of small cellular antennas all over the place…. on the public right of ways, on top of schools, light poles, telephone poles, power poles, public buildings… you’re going to see these little boxes. They’re going to come in different shapes and sizes. They will basically look like the top of a shoe box. They will be rectangular. And they will be connected to poles or buildings in your neighborhood, outside your home.

These frequencies they will be broadcasting on will be in the millimeter wave spectrum. These waves don’t travel very far, like I said, or penetrate well into the buildings. They’re going to force you to have some sort of relay system in your home to where you pick up the signal and rebroadcast it in your home. This is one of the ways you can defeat this. You don’t have to go wireless in your house. And you don’t have to have a relay system in your house. And you don’t have to have a Wi-Gig system in your home.

The 60 GHz frequency has been chosen for a specific reason…. It is the frequency of oxygen molecule absorption. It’s the oxygen molecule frequency. That is the frequency that the oxygen molecule absorbs the energy. Why is this significant? Because it is so demonic and so evil. The oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other. Oxygen is a diatomic molecule. What we breath is two oxygen atoms stuck together will electrons. When oxygen is hit with radio-frequency energy at 60 GHz, it affects the orbital properties of those shared electrons. It is those shared electrons that bind to the hemoglobin in our blood.

Hemoglobin is a magnetic compound in our bodies, in our blood cells. Hemoglobin is a very complex, ferro-magnetic compound. When you alter or interfere with the orbital spin properties of diatomic oxygen’s electrons, you interfere with the miraculous gaseous exchange in our lungs where the oxygen is absorbed into the bloodstream and at the same time the carbon dioxide and water vapor is being expelled from our bloodstream into our lungs and breathed out. It’s a miraculous function that we don’t even think about; it’s just happening constantly while we are alive.

They are taking the axe to the trunk of the tree, ladies and gentlemen. Oxygen is life. They are going to be poisoning us with a frequency that affects the oxygen molecules. And this is by design. They tell us that these emissions don’t travel far and they don’t penetrate very well.

And that requires that they locate these antennas about every 500 feet in the cities. Because the air in the atmosphere will absorb and block that frequency. Why would they use that frequency? I’ll tell you why. It’s a weapon. It’s part of the agenda to kill us off and make us sick. And by the way, I believe that disease X that they’ve been talking about will be a direct result of exposure to the millimeter wave emissions that will be forced on the population.

What is really scary about the mm wave exposure is that there are no devices on the market to test for its presence or its power level. Right now you can get a pretty good RF meter for about $200. But not with this new stuff.

You need to find a way to shield your home. Don’t bring this into your phones. Don’t bring Wi-gig into your homes.

I have bachelors degrees in biology and chemistry. But they never taught us magneto-biology. I had to teach that to myself.

These systems will induce illnesses in the population… We are also being robbed of vitamin D. The chemical spraying of metallic nano-compounds is blocking Vitamin D. There is a war on vitamin D. We have to have UV-A and UV-B to survive. These enter through the eyes. You have have at least one hour of daylight in which you see through your eyes.

MM waves also destroy your body’s ability to produce Vitamin D. MM waves also affect your eyes’ ability to absorb UV-A and UV-B and your skins ability to produce melanin and Vitamin D.

Your defense against a radio-frequency attack on your body can be accomplished through the consumption of ferro-magnetic materials. You can consume a form of iron called carbonal iron. Carbonal iron is a microwave absorber. Your brain has ferro-magnetic compounds such as magnetite. It absorbs at one of the highest peaks at around 12 GHz- that’s the first that’s coming out. So we have to fight back with ample amounts of iron….

Your brain is the computer hard drive of your body; it is an electro-chemical system that is so complex that after all these years of studying it we still don’t fully understand how it works. But we do understand what’s in it, and what it’s comprised of. And it’s comprised mainly of cholesterol, so you should never take any cholesterol lowering drugs because it gives you alzheimers and actually shrinks your brain.

Chlorine inhalation from showers and municipal water causes pitting in the arteries. So get a shower filter.

Carbonal iron will prevent babies from developing autism. Most of the autism today is a direct result of electromagetic exposure. Children do not have enough iron in the brain to block the microwaves. Once microwaves hit the metals you have electrical discharges.

Wifi is a watt and a half. And there are all kinds of metallic nano-compounds being sprayed on us from the chemtrails. These are being concentrated and trapped in the brain because the microwave wifi systems are actually opening your blood-brain barrier and the metals are trapped in the brain, and they get zapped with these emissions, they arc and they cook and they overload the circuitry.

If you are pregnant you need to take carbonal iron as a supplement.

60 GHz assault is headed our way. Carbon-60, a fullerene compound, is a supplement you can take to get metals out of your body. It’s cheap and safe. It has remarkable electromagnetic properties. It is an electronic scepter. It will absorb and diffuse what is coming at it. Picture a soccer ball.

There is intentional placement of metals into our bodies. We can’t stop breathing the air, but we can stop putting metals in our bodies,. Stop drinking out of cans, using aluminum cookware, aluminum-based anti-perspirents, using baking powder that has aluminum in it. Read the labels and ingredients. Get microwave emissions out of your home by stopping wifi, etc.

Wifi opens up your blood-brain barrier, allows metals to get in there and get stuck in there. And they get hit with RF fields and they create voltage discharges inside your brain. So if you hold cell phones up to your head, you feel foggy.

You must pass this information to others. This information is not out there. It’s very complex and it’s been purposefully hidden.

Christians have hope…. God always provides us with hope. Without Jesus Christ we have no life. The people doing this worship Lucifer.

They want you in a compact city… They want total control over you. Ultimately, they want your soul. Protect your children. Ipad is a weapon. It sterilizes children.

II. 5G Will Bring A New Spectrum of Illness as it is a Weapon and a Surveillance Matrixstrong>

III. The Dangers of 5G- Mark Steele- D&V Party Conference 2018

Notes from Youtube:

Mark Steele: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7jiLPIADKY

“5G is genocide. 5G is unlawful and illegal. It’s not safe. It’s not regulated. All products have to be regulated. It is a crime. Don’t use social media. 5G will kill livestock. It is the greatest existential threat facing our country. Our leaders are criminal and stupid. This has been planned for many, many years. (5G) requires that trees be cut down…. Wet trees cause interference of signal.

Wifi is carcinogenic. (WHO classified microwave radiation as a IIb carcinogen in 2011 due to the increase in child brain cancers.) These microwaves have annihilated flying insects and birds. They are lethal. LED street lights.

The 2.5 GHz weapons system has been used against Americans in Moscow. Likewise, the Cuban embassy diplomats were attacked with microwave radiation weapons (not acoustic weapons). Mirowaves were used against the women (Peacepink protestors) at Greenham Common back in the 1980s, and this killed quite a few of them. Pulsing energy waves….. The antennas can scan you 24/7. The transmitter is put outside your window…. for surveillance purposes. Bar codes will be replaced by RF identity tags. In a smart city, local authorities will the sell information of what you have used to the highest bidder.

Read what Morton Pall says about microwave radiation. People committing suicide, everyone is sick. Central nervous system cancer is caused by this type of radiation.

This is in breach of the Nuremburg code, which says you can’t be experimented on without your knowledge.

5G can 3-d map your home and can target anyone. 5G emits an energy waveform which pollutes/charges the air in your room. They are pulse-modulated at your cellular system. Breathing charged air will kill you.

Smart meters are the biggest scam of all time.

60 GHz part of spectrum will be given away for free. This changes the orbital properties of oxygen molecules- and can break covalent bonds- creating O3 (ozone)- which will kill any biological structure at 50 ppm.

I went into the home of a lady who was getting persistent nosebleeds. There, I measured 4000 millivolts radiation.”

IV. Tech Officer Mark Steele: 5G Will Kill Our Kids

V. Danger! A 5G Compilation


Max Igan: “This IoT and smart grid is “Blanket control of everything and monitoring and controlling everyone. Microwave cannons and ADS. It amounts to the weaponization of the airwaves. 5G can see through walls, it can see what you’re wearing. It can target you with a mm wave if it wants. These can carry V2K (voice-to-skull/synthetic telepathy) and RNM (remote neural monitoring) frequencies.

You will pay every time you turn on an appliance… you’ll pay every time you flush your toilet. They will be moving all this into the google system. Govt. is looking at bitcoin digital currency and block chain.

Does this beast system summon Lucifer? Self-learning bots. The internet itself seems to be the Lucifer system and we are all acting as neural nodes for that system. Couple the 5G with the chemtrail spraying and the nano-technology. We will be hooked up online with the 5G grid. So this becomes the hive mind.”

VI. Barrie Trower 5G Will Devastate Humanity But Those Behind It Are Above The Law!

Webmaster notes re: Barry Trower’s youtube:

Millimeter waves- wavelength from 10 mm to 1 mm (0.4 to 0.04 inches). They are longer than IR or x-rays but shorter than radio waves or microwaves.

(corresponds to 30 to 300 GHz frequencies, the EHF- Extremely High Frequency range).

These waves and propagation characteristics (they change or interact with the atmosphere as they travel)- make them useful for a variety of applications- such as transmitting large amounts of computer data, cellular communications, and radar.

Wireless communication- radio, cell phone, satellite, TV…. Use specific range of wavelengths or frequencies. – so each application provider has a unique “channel” assignment. The channels have specific “bandwidths”- a telephone conversation requires about 6 kHz of bandwidth, a TV broadcast requires about 6MHz.


“There is an ongoing convergence of four key technologies that are poised to transform the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) ecosystem. Those technologies are Fifth Generation (5G) cellular, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analytics (Big Data), and the Internet of Things (IoT).”

5G: The Elephant in the Living Room? “The 5G Beast System” – “the New World order Lockdown Grid”

Self-driving cars, the language of a billion things, IoT, “connectivity’- everything talks to everything else, rolled out by 2022, these are military frequencies. Nonlethal program (puts the country in an ADS grid, about mass surveillance and weaponizing the air waves.) 100s of billions of microchips will be connected.

I. Tom Wheeler, ICC Chair: “If something can be connected it will be connected.” “The 5G revolution will touch all corners of our country.” “national priority.” $10s of billions in economic activity, “100s of billions of microchips will be connected.”

II. Max Igan: This IoT and smart grid is “Blanket control of everything and monitoring and controlling everyone. Microwave cannons and ADS. Weaponization of the airwaves. Microwave cannons and ADS. 5G can see through walls, it can see what you’re wearing. It can target you with a mm wave if it wants. V2K, RNM,

You pay every time you turn on an appliance… you’ll pay every time you flush your toilet. Moving it all into google system. Govt. is looking at bitcoin. Digital currency and block chain.

Does this beast system summon Lucifer? Self-learning bots. Internet itself seems to be the Lucifer system and we are all acting as neural nodes for that system. Couple the 5G with the chemtrail spraying and the nano-technology. We will be hooked up online with the 5G grid. So this becomes the hive mind.

III. Mark Steele: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7jiLPIADKY

Mark Steele: 5G is genocide. 5G is unlawful and illegal. (It’s not safe. It’s not regulated. All products have to be regulated.) It is a crime. Don’t use social media. 5G will kill livestock. It is the greatest existential threat facing our country. Our leaders are criminal and stupid. This has been planned for many, many years. Requires that trees be cut down…. Wet trees cause interference of signal.

Wifi is carcinogenic. (WHO classified microwave radiation as a IIb carcinogen in 2011 due to the increase in child brain cancers.) These microwaves have annihilated flying insects and birds. They are lethal. LED street lights.

2.5 GHz weapons system used against Americans in Moscow. Likewise, the Cuban embassy diplomats were attacked with microwave radiation weapons. (not acoustic weapons). Used against the women Peacepink protestors at Greenham Common back in the 1980s- and killed quite a few of them. Pulsing energy waves….. The antennas can scan you 24/7. Transmitter is put outside your window…. For surveillance. Bar codes will be replaced by RF identity tag. In a smart city, local authorities will sell information of what you have used to the highest bidder.

Read what Morton Pall says about microwave radiation. People committing suicide, everyone is sick. Central nervous system cancer is caused by this type of radiation.

This is in breach of the Nuremburg code, which says you can’t be experimented on without your knowledge.

5G can 3-d map your home and can target anyone. 5G emits energy waveform which pollutes/charges the air in your room. They are pulse modulated at your cellular system. Breathing charged air will kill you.

Smart meters are the biggest scam of all time.

60 GHz part of spectrum will be given away for free. This changes the orbital properties of oxygen molecule- and can break covalent bonds- creating O3 (ozone)- which will kill any biological structure at 50 ppm.

I went into home of a lady who was getting persistent nosebleeds. There I measured 4000 millivolts radiation.

IV. Barry Trower, March 31, 2018…. Interview with Richie Allen.

MM wave – 30 to 300 GHz (GHz – billion Hz) actually 5-6 to 90 GHz. = Extremely high frequency- lies between super high frequency and far infrared radiation.

Radio frequencies (radio waves) are from 104 to 1011 or 1012 (10 KHz to 1 THz) frequencies

Microwaves – frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz (includes millimeter waves)- travel by line of sight- limited to about 40 miles.

Radio waves =

Extremely Low Frequency in the 0.1 Hz range.

1) Hz = 1 Hz (1 cycle per second)
Brain runs on about 20 to 120 Hz. Is within spectrum of electrical grid…. Cancer clusters.
Lights in North America: 60 Hz.
—- 440 Hz (tuning fork) λ = 0.78 m

2) Khz = 1 thousanth (103) Hz λ =
—–AM (Amplitude Modulated) Medium wave AM radio (535 to 1605 khz)
—- FM (frequency modulated) radio (88 to 108 Mhz)

3) MHz = 1 million (106) Hz (cycles per second) λ = 300 m; 1 MHz = wavelength: 0.1 to 1 km

HAARP directs a 3.6 MW signal in the 2.8 – 10 MHz region of HF (high frequency) band into the ionosphere.

Since the 1980s, the US Air Force’s satellites have been radiating the entire earth with frequencies 137-138 MHz, a type of brainwashing, an aggression-generating stimuli all life on earth is subjected to. (Dr. R. K., Bright Light on Black Shadows)

4) GHz = 1 billion (109) Hz. λ = 30 cm

—-4G cell phone networks use 1.8 to 1.9 GHz
— Wifi = 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz and 60 GHz (coming)
— Microwave oven – 2.45 GHz (1000 Watts)
— 5G (millimeter wave = 5 – 100 GHz) = used in body scanners and Active Denial System (nonlethal weapons that make you feel like your skin is on fire) – supposed to be everywhere.

5) THz = 1 trillion (1012) Hz. λ= 30 microns (μ)

Visible light: 430 to 770 THZ λ = 0.4 to 0.7 μ

1G = (1) first (G)eneration wireless phone 1979; 1980s to early 1990s, 800 MHz; λ= 37.5 cm (uses analog radio signals), 2.4 kbps
2G = launched in 1991 in Finland, (uses digital radio signals), max speed is 50 kbps to 64 Kbps based on GSM,
3G = (smart phone technology) introduced 2001; 144 kbps-2 mbps- uses universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) as core network architecture.
4G = 1-4 GHz. 100 Mbps- 1 Gbps- based on LTE technology.
5G- will use 24 to 100+ GHz (sometimes its said it’s 5-90 GHz). It is under development- faster data rates, higher connection density, device to device communication, over 35 times faster than 4G- up to 35 Gbps. Uses Massive MIMO (Millimeter Wave Mobile Connections) could be speeds up to 10Gpbs. Allow connections for at least 100 billion devices. Should be rolled out by 2020.

Eventually, robots and every other sort of device will connect to 5G.

Active Denial System (ADS)of military uses 95 GHz…. Creates almost intolerable sensation of heat on the surface of the skin. (1/64th inch into human skin).

Active Denial is the weapon used on 9/11 that caused the people in the towers strange behavior such as attempting to remove their clothes even while they were hanging on ledges OUTSIDE of the buildings by windows with no fire/smoke coming out. It’s what made the people jump. So scary; we in the USA are in so much trouble (and most are blissfully unaware and even vigorously support those who would kill us in a second if it would help them even one tiny bit)._

Would need to have relays every 2 to 10 homes.

5G will be used in combination with 2G (900 MHz; λ= 8.33 cm), 3G (800 and 1900 MHz, λ = ), 4G (1.8 to 1.9 GHz), and Wifi- 2.4-2.5 GHz.

Conexus X181 week ago
5g has already been deployed in Sweden. We’ve had it for a few years now. There was a tower close to my apartment building. I remember when they put it up and I asked them what it was. They told me it was a 5g tower. Immediately after they put it up I started having headaches, pain in my abdomen and joints, insomnia, skin rashes, neurological symptoms and other health issues. The doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me despite taking numerous blood tests, MRI, neurological tests and bunch of other tests. I had these issues for a couple years until I moved to another apartment across town, where there isn’t a tower near me. My symptoms disappeared within a week and I could finally sleep at night. I am certain my symptoms were caused by the powerful microwave radiation from the 5g towers._

cell phones use 1850 – 1900 and 800 MHz.

With 5G, toxic EMF load will be greatly amplified.

Wifi – exposure effects = oxidative stress, sperm testicular damage, EEG changes, cell death, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, calcium overload, lowering of melatonin levels disrupting sleep, disruption of micro-RNA expression in the brain, abnormal post-natal development, disrupts development of teeth, cardiac changes, blood pressure disruption, erythrocyte damage, can stimulate the growth of adipose stem cells- i.e., can make you fat, harms stem cells and stem cell development.

EMFs are pulsed- polarized, effects are cumulative and irreversible.

SAR- Specific Absorption Rating: what they look at with cell phones.

Visible light- wavelength = 0.4 – 0.7 microns (millionths of a meter)

Human skin is a sub-THz receiver, with 5G, your sweat glands act as an antennae… Like Active Denial

TeleCommunications: Est. $17 trillion dollar industry. They can buy governments and scientists.

In US, $56 B will be spent on development up until 2025.

Barry Trower: Now 750 different frequencies have been identified that can cause neurological and physiological harm. But effectively it is 750 factoral. 5G will encompass what the other Gs, 2 G, 3G, 4G do.

Top scientists in 40 countries are cautioning against going ahead with 5G.

The people putting this out are above the law.

His data shows that in 3 generations (60 years) only 1 in 8 humans will be born healthy- will crash the species. And in 5 generations, some animals will become extinct. Bacteria and viruses thrive and become more deadly in microwaves..

Numerous scientists declare that this is genocide. Some 200,000 scientific experts have expressed major concern.

With audio hallucinations and directed energy, people can be controlled to do things against their will in 30 hours.

Truth about 5G: Dr. Graham Downing

Frequency bands available for 5G are up to 100 GHz, 90 GHz is free to anyone.

Microwave hearing- pulsed EMFs may cause tinnitus- involves this VGCC activity.

From RLighthouse Diagram: How the U.S. Air Force Tracks Eveyone:

Satellite tracking hist the top-back part of your head. Frequency = 3600 – 3750 MHz. (3.6 to 3.75 GHz)
Microwave bullets from cell tower. Frequency = 2300-2600 MHz (or 2.3 – 2.6 GHz) (5G = 28-41 GHz).

Ex-UN employee, Claire Edwards: on 5G is War on Humanity

43 scientific appeals to stop this.

Laser-like beams of EMR are being shot from banks of thousands of tiny antennas.

Will likely make people electro-hypersensitive (EHS).

Beaming 5G from space from 20,000+ commercial 5G satellites. Nowhere to run or hide.

5G is being rolled out in Austria. People are reporting symptoms of EMR poisoning…. Nose bleeds, headaches, eye pains, chest pains, nausia, fatigue, tinnitus, dizziness, flu-like symptoms, cardiac pain.

5G’s health impacts have never been tested.

But a Swedish professor, Olle Johannson, estimates that public exposure levels to EMR are one quintillion times (that’s 18 zeros) above natural background radiation.

But 10s of thousands of scientific research papers demonstrate the damaging non-thermal health effects of this microwave radiation.

5G would concentrate and focus EMR over 100 times current levels in the same way as directed energy weapons do.

Stop 5G Space Appeal…. Elon Musk is set to launch the first 4,425 5G satellites in June 2019 and “blanket the earth with 5G, in violation of countless treaties.

There is an international appeal signed by 237 EMF scientists from 41 nations urging the UN and WHO to exert strong leadership in fostering the development of more protective EMF guidelines,

Some claim that 5G is really the new skynet….. surveillance mesh network designed to track everyone’s movements. $100 B secret project-

Lowers sperm concentration. Across all demographics- pesticides,

Nouki Blue3 months ago
5G was developed as a MILITARY WEAPON to control people! 5G technology can be used to put people to sleep, or Mind Control the target by producing a desired brain state, or by pulsative manipulation of the nervous system that can render the target over sexual, confused, tired, affect their skin, interfere with DNA strands and cause cancer._

Richie from Boston: 5G will allow our elite to read our thoughts, put thoughts in your head, shut down your nervous system.

Brain can produce 1 Tbps. How to control others through frequencies.


Justme Okay6 months ago (edited)
Put the electronic devices down. Stop working, paying for things with money. Grow our own food and live simple. The planet will heal itself and the rich won’t exist without money! We need to make EMP generator’s and fight back._

Veronica Bolanos7 months ago
Our weapon should be a standoff. Don’t use or buy cell phones. No wifi. When will people come together?_
View 163 replies

Dave R6 months ago
They put them up… people should tear them down_
View 5 replies

Andrea6 months ago
Move out of the cities and get back to living amongst nature._

Hilda Page5 months ago
So…THIS is WHY JESUS WILL RETURN TO RESCUE HIS OWN out of this world! PEOPLE GET IN THE ARK! HE IS the only SAFE PLACE in this world! ASK AND RECEIVE HIM…”Whosoever will may come.” – Jesus_

Dan h: I have my degree in computer robotics, and have a full understanding what 5G is, and how dangerous it is. Here is a simple explanation, and I hope people will read it all. Most people have a Microwave in their kitchen, the home microwave uses high frequency radio wave energy to heat food by exciting the water molecules. The standard cell phone also uses microwave energy to communicate with cell towers. 4G is low power microwave energy & has a greater range of contact with towers. 5G is high power Nano wave energy, and has less range of contact with towers. 5G needs more, and closer towers to work effectively. If it takes your common microwave oven kitchen five minutes to cook something, it would take a nano wave oven less than 30 seconds to cook the same food. If you stand in front of an open microwave oven for 30 seconds you WILL suffer severe tissue damage. Being close to a 5G transmitter is like standing in front of an open microwave oven for ten minutes or more. Demand the FCC and Cell companies stop this deadly technology._
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VII. KILL GRID 5G Networks And Frequency Warfare (Deborah Tavares, 3/12/2018)

VIII. Deborah Tavares: 5G Nightmare and Planned Genocide

2 Replies to “Dangers of 5G (Youtubes featuring Joe Imbriano, Mark Steele, Barry Trower, and Deborah Tavares)”

  1. Dear Gangstalking Mind Control Cults,

    I am an attorney and an investigative journalist.

    You publish the claims of Deborah Tavares on this site.

    Below is an explanation of the documents that Deborah Tavares uses to support her claims.

    I thought that you should know the truth about these documents, given that they are the sole foundation for all of her claims.


    Best Regards,


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