Neuroweapons, Havana Syndrome, “Dark Network Supply Chains,” “Man-Hunting Business” (aka GANGSTALKING) & “Hybrid Warfare;” Presentation By Dr. James Canton (Video, Transcription, and My Commentary)

2) Dr. James Canton

Presentation Title: “The NeuroFuture: Emerging Technologies, Actors, and Geopolitics”

Dr. James Canton is CEO and Chairman of Globalinc. He runs a think tank, Institute For Global Futures, founded in 1990; he advises Fortune 1000 companies and governments, Advanced S&T Futures, and he formerly worked at Apple.

ETK comment: It is interesting to note that Dr. Canton never expresses the slightest concern for the US diplomats at the Cuban and Chinese embassies whose lives and careers were destroyed in these neuroweapons attacks. Rather, he expresses his enthusiasm for the successful demonstration of the weapons’ capabilities. Furthermore, Canton never acknowledges that these neuroweapons and the attendant support system for their deployment, including “Dark Network Supply Chains” and the “Man-Hunting Business” were developed by the US and Soviet militaries in conjunction with corporate-medical-academic sectors over the past 70 years and that millions of innocent civilians have been secretly targeted and victimized in the development of these weapons.

In the following presentation, Canton is basically giving a sales pitch for neuroweapons and neurotech in general to his clients in the audience who include US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and private military subcontractors.

Dr. Canton: “Our Mission is to enhance future (military) readiness, involved in deterrence and strategic awareness.

In terms of these embassy attacks: What is the upside and for who? Who might be interested and why?

Lack of imagination is the enemy of future readiness and those who are involved in deterrence and strategic awareness know the implications of that. Is it possible that neurotechnology could contribute to a new threat domain where the only enemy is a lack of imagination? Many of our worldwide clients are in the audience today.

I’ll frame out for you the big picture of what neurotechnology looks like. We’ve been focusing on the incidents in Cuba. But we really want to know where has this technology been and where do we think it’s going? This is a model that came out of some work that was paid for by NSF over the past decade.

Neurotechnology: What are the top, exponential technologies that are game changer technologies for our civilization that affect everything from health care to defense to manufacturing? Our group identified these as: Nano, bio, IT, and neurotechnology, and later I added quantum as another strategic technology that would yield massive new opportunities….

These are game changer technologies that create massive opportunities; each has “dual use” (which here means, they have “light” and “dark” sides to help and to harm). We are talking about manipulation of atoms and neurons that will shape our future.

Manipulation of these emerging technologies will likely shape future decades and centuries of our civilization.

We can also use these to enhance human performance.

Neural nets at the core of AI involve over a trillion dollars of financial trading.

NSF (National Science Foundation) has been looking into 5 key technologies; the manipulation of genes, atoms, bits, qubits, neuro, and info…. In order to look at all these together, we have to change the way we look at science.

We’ve been looking at neural nets at the core of AI. How do we think of all these technologies together?

We are all living in “Moore’s Law”- Moore’s hypothesis is that computer technology doubles in power every 18 months. And the cost of that power is also being halved in that amount of time.

Now we all live in Neuro-Moore’s law. We have ever-shrinking, ever-more powerful devices. (Referring to the attacks on American diplomats at the Cuban and Chinese embassies) What are the diagnostics and devices we need to interdict and prevent these kinds of attacks? We need monitoring and sensing devices.

Sensors alert through the icloud…. Then we interdict it. That’s an operational deployment. We are looking at the proliferation of these 5 key technologies; nano, bio, IT, neuro, atomic.

Advanced neuro devices include “soft” (“nonlethal”) and “hard” (lethal) neuroweapons.

(By the way, Crisper is a technology for doing genetic engineering…. The skill set required is operating a video game.)

(ETK note: Likewise, according whistleblower and Targeted Individual, Bryan Kofron, the skill set required to track and target civilians (“TIs”) with these kinds of neuroweapons is operating a video game much like “The Sims.”)

We are living in the proliferation of 30 different technologies. These are all accelerated exponential technologies.

There are two parts of Neurotechology: The first is the “soft” or “nonlethal” dimension. This creates dysfunctionality and cognitive impairment, inability to make good decisions, dizziness, health effects. This is a weapons system to create cognitive impairment of individuals.

The second is the “hard” dimension, which refers to killing people.

The issue of non-lethality (as per “nonlethal weapons”) is associated with neurotechnology.

The American officials attacked in the embassies in Cuba and China were attacked to demonstrate a proof of concept, that is, to demonstrate an operational, deployed capability of soft, non-lethal neuroweapons that could and did “take them out of the game.”

Soft neurotech (these non-lethal weapons) have many possibilities in “hybrid conflicts”…. And these are now available. This is the new reality. These weapons have been deployed… these attacks were targeted and purposeful.

Now the issues are deterrence, prevention, diagnostics.

(ETK (Webmaster) Comment: Certainly, this is also true for “targeted individuals”. From my perspective as a TI, indeed, let’s bring on the detection, deterrence and prevention technologies! Or are these counter-measures going to be shared with the individuals they have extra-judicially selected as soft kill/torture unto death targets of these weapons? I doubt it.)

So neuro is likely a game changer, and it has much larger impact domains when it’s in the wild.

The (light side) implications of neurotech for our “Neurofutures” include: These can be used to create enhanced humans, enhanced minds (neuro-enhancements), avatars, and advances in medicine, education, quantum, defense, AI, Bio, smart networks, entertainment, media, virtual minds.

(ETK Comment: The “light side” is the sugar-coating to “sell” neurotechnology as a product line.)

It is a much larger phenomenon in terms of impact domains when it is in the wild.

We model neuronal interactions. There are tremendous opportunities.

There are a hundred companies working to defeat aging. These especially have to do with cognitive dysfunctionality and decline.

We’re in an era where cognitive fitness is a capability that we will all need. So neurotech can be a deliverable…. So we can enhance longevity and health, and these technologies can do that. The other (dark) side is they can also be weaponized, bio-nano-memetics…. parallel phenomenon, by modeling robotics on nature.

Neuronal self-assembly and nano-technology…. one of the factors of neuro-science – My company helped create the revolution of nano-technology in the 1990s. The dark side is the weaponization of these technologies.

I was the first private sector advisor to the “Interagency Working Group on Nanotechnology.” With NSF, we helped create the world of nano-tech under President Clinton and then under President Bush. We funded the formation of an entirely new domain. This creates a new market place and also, the dark side, the weaponization of neuroscience.

Neuro-reprogramming is the likely driver for defeating age-related diseases; to revitalize and rejuvenate even your brain.

(Again, back to the “dark side”): Neurotechnology will drive the next “hybrid war,” which has already started.

(ETK Comment: Let’s re-phrase that to make it more accurate: Neurotechnology is driving the present undeclared “hybrid war.”)

Hybrid Warfare: Includes use of regular military forces, Special Forces, Irregular Forces (i.e., civilians), Information warfare and propaganda, diplomacy, cyber attacks, economic warfare, and, of course, neurowarfare.

(ETK Comment: Other terms for “hybrid warfare,” according to Mark M. Rich’s “New World War: Revolutionary Methods For Political Control” (2011), include Fourth Generation Warfare, unconventional warfare, asymmetrical warfare, net-centric warfare, information warfare, military-operations other than war, low-intensity conflict, peace operations, psychological warfare, irregular warfare, the war on terrorism, weather warfare, environmental warfare, and civil-military operations. Imagine an entire nation clenched into a giant, authoritarian fist to protect the interests of the elite 1% and smash all competing interests…. this is America today.)

Neurotech can make leaders lose track of time…. I want leaders to lose track of time. Is this possible? He turns to other experts…. Yes.

(Webmaster comment: Here again, Canton appears to be pursuing a “limited hangout” strategy. Under Project MKULTRA, CIA “spychiatrists” had developed the technologies of RHIC (Radio-hypnotic Intra-cerebral Control) and EDOM (Electronic Dissolution of Memory) and they were operational in the early 1960s, if not earlier! This “limited hangout” strategy is also a “plausible deniability” strategy, I believe.)

Our greatest problem is lack of imagination. Most of our major threats are lack of imagination about what could happen. We need to think about what’s possible. Lack of imagination could be our biggest problem. There is an accelerated velocity of innovation. We are going to brief the Joint Chiefs of Staff command on this or that. Like planes flying into buildings.

(ETK comment: Another inside joke/lie: Planes did not strike the World Trade Center buildings or the Pentagon. See my website.)

We are creating an entire new market… the dark side has to do with weaponization. Neuro-reprogramming will help defeat age-related diseases (the light side)…. We have the ability to rejuvenate even your brain.

A Botnet- is like a virus propagating in real time…. It’s an activated silicon programmable neuronal agent….. It’s like ebola for networks.

Every technology has a “dual side”- with a dark and light sides…. We need to be forecasting and imagining these kinds of possibilities because someone has now already shot across our bow (with the embassy attacks)…. This is a clinical trial in the wild. We’ve now got two incidences, Cuba and China….

We don’t know of any other instances of this…. It’s a purposeful attack. OK, we got the message.

(ETK: Again, this is an incredible lie!!!!!!….. Governments, principally the US and the Soviet Union, in cooperation with their academic, corporate, and Congressional sectors, have been systematically testing and developing these weapons by targeting civilians for nearly 70 years! Researcher and lawyer, Cheryl Welsh, traces the first “targeted individual” back to 1955, the very same year that Dr. Norbert Wiener invented the “autocorrelator”…. Clearly, Canton is both lying and acting!!!! I guess that’s what he’s paid for.)

“Fantastic futures” include artificial immune system, synthetic tissue, cellular systems, living cells as bio-foundries, proteomic targeting for cancer cells and other diseases, low cost designer drugs.

(ETK Comment: More sugar coating to sell the product.)

The “Dark side” includes Trojan Horse bioweapons, hyper-virulent proto-viruses, genetically selective pathogens. Also, you can apply the above (bio advancements) to neuro!

What (Neuroweapons) are “Apparently Legal”?

(This slide is 10 years old)

In terms of conflicts, the following are apparently legal: basically relating to psychological warfare, dysfunctionality stuff, rendering lack of capacity, acoustic weaponry, etc.

1) Microwave RF Anti-Functional and Anti-Personnel Weaponry
2) Chemical Anti-Functional Weaponry
3) Chemical Psychological Effects Via Sensory Organs Weaponry (i.e., smell)
4) Chemical Personnel Incapacitation Weaponry (Non-warfare, hostage/terrorism only)
6) Acoustic Weaponry
7) Mechanical Micro Dust

These devices are being carried around from various sources…. This is Moore’s Law operationalized (smaller, more portable, and cheaper devices). These devices are also used for crowd control and there are targeted uses.

These (embassy attacks) are examples of real-time deployment. So it’s not as if this has not been “fielded” as well.

Neuro-hacking includes the ability to create thoughts and blend it with AI. These devices that we think were used externally or possibly internally (in the embassy attacks). Or they are are tied to other sensors, or flyables, drones.

(ETK Comment: Here, Canton is referring to Remote Neural Monitoring/Manipulation, microwave hearing, etc., technologies which are well known to targeted individuals all over the world and which have been illegally deployed on innocent civilians since the middle 1950s!)

In an era when everything is hackable- health devices, routers, (and the mind) are all hackable.

Most devices that are networkable are hackable…. Neuro-hacking allows us to adjust memories at the nano-scale.

(ETK comment: The US and Soviet Union have been developing this kind of “information warfare” for generations. Yes, changing information and modifying memories in the brain is considered “information warfare” by the military.).

Everything that can be made can be hacked. Weaponized neuro-agents, in the era of nano-neuro-biology.

We’ve now had two events of use of neuro-toxins (again, Canton is referring to the attacks on American personnel at the Cuba and China embassies).…. They are clearly weapons….

This is the neuro-weapon supply chain:

Slide: NeuroWars: Near future to 25 years:

Progression: GPS Mining Predictive Analytics, Facial NeuroTech Genomic Targeting, Alert Avatars, Smart Swarms, RoboNets, Human Synthoids.

I came up with the concept of “Dark Networks” when I was advising SOCOM (Special Operations Command) on this concept of “Bad Guy Hunting-Targeting”…..

(ETK Comment: Please examine that statement carefully, as Canton here acknowledges that he advised the Special Operations Command (U.S. Army’s SOCOM) on the concept of “Bad-Guy Hunting-Targeting.” This means Canton has advised the US Army’s Special Forces on ganstalking operations! Special Operations Forces are an integral part of global ganstalking operations.
Here, Canton is admitting that he is an extremely high-level PERPETRATOR!

Furthermore, regarding “the idea” of “Dark Networks,” Daniel Sheehan, a lawyer with the Christic Institute, exposed the “Dark Networks” of terrorists, financiers, mafia, ex-military and ex-intelligence agents, Israelis and criminals behind the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980’s. So the idea and reality of “Dark Networks” is hardly new. Additionally, various brilliant TIs, including Dr. Rauni Kilde, Kay Griggs, Stephen O’Keefe, and others, have also identified the “Dark Network Supply Chain” behind global gangstalking operations as “The Organization,” “The Firm,” and “The Brotherhood.” Preston James, Ph.D. contributor to Veterans Today, refers to this network as the “International Zionist Criminal Syndicate” or IZCS.

Canton’s discussion of “Dark Network Supply Chains” and the “Man-Hunting Business” is interesting in the context of the embassy attacks, as these elements are not obviously related to those attacks. However, these elements.are critical components of global ganstalking operations (which I refer to as G5, “Global Government Gangstalking-Genocide GESTAPO). In global gangstalking operations, neuroweapons are used as a part of the “man-hunting business” and it is the “dark network supply chains,” including use of bit coin, etc. that support these black and black market operations.)

Slide: Global Dark Networks; Self-Organizing Systems

These include: Terrorists, Criminals, Predictive, Mobile, Human Trafficking, Cyber Crime, Arms, MNCs, Money Laundering, Distributive, Rogue States, Radicals, Drugs, Fraud…

In global Dark Networks, which have evolved, you’ve got mixtures of terrorists and sovereigns, a variety of actors, rogue states, radicals, non-states, criminals. You’ve got to have banking, logistics, you need to have things to trade that are not monetary, you need to have crypto-currencies, the ability to have monetary forms to support your operation that are not transferable or discoverable; you need to have a complete supply chain. Just like Wal-Mart has a supply chain, Dark Networks have supply chains. Their goal is to produce disruption and conflict. So if you are in the Bad-Guy Hunting Business, you’ve got to have a supply chain.

I’d like to give a shout out to someone from crypto-currency in the audience.

(ETK: Here, Canton is apparently describing the system that supports and actually carries out global gangstalking operations. BTW, he is also describing the mafia-government-terrorist-arms-drugs-human trafficking nexus behind the CIA’s activities for the past 70+ years!!!!! Indeed, that’s what they do and have done since they were formed in 1947. Many simply refer to this octopus as the “Deep State” and “Secret Government.”)

So these Dark Networks work together in a supply chain to plan, implement, and deliver.

To learn their identity, follow the money, follow the logistics, follow the customers, follow the producers….

Slide: “There is no longer any distinction between what is and is not a battlefield.”

Who are the potential bad actors that would do this? The Russian view of modern warfare is based on the worldview that the major battlespace is the mind, according to the National Defense Academy of Latvia Policy Paper. Subtler tools are information warfare, penetration of elections, fake news, fake elections, and non-attributable phenomenon, such as these attacks in Cuba and China. They are part of the same thing.

(ETK Comment: Use of neuroweapons are part of the same thing as information warfare, fake news and fake elections? Then these operations are all run by intelligence agencies, their private-sector cut-outs, corporate-partners, mafias, and the Pentagon- i.e., “Dark Networks”.)

These are supply chains and eco-systems of involvement..

Neuro-hacking- we don’t yet have people thinking about this but that’s where we are going.

(ETK: Again, this man is lying spectacularly here. Neuro-hacking has been going on since the 1940s and 1950s at least! Dr. Robert Duncan’s book “Project Soul Catcher” refers to “neuro-hacking.” And the “Dark Networks” and supply chains have also been operational since about that time. One of the first CIA operations after it was formed in 1947 was to manipulate national elections in Greece and Italy. In that clandestine venture, they partnered with major American and presumably local mafia leaders, and were successful.)

Slide: Bad Guy Hunting Business-Threat Analysis:

Here we are trying to address: Who, what, where, when, why?

1. Identity Analysis, agent, device, etc.
2. Benefits Matrix- Winners/Losers
3. Actor Capabilities
4. Vendor and Supply Chain Map
5. Ideologic, For Profit, Research- likely all of them, least is ideologic, probably. Ecosystems of interacting and related folks.
6. Geopolitical signaling/payback- what’s the short list of trade sanctions that have been imposed, against who? Four major countries.
7. Rogue, sovereign, dark network- maybe all of it. Maybe a carve out that doesn’t know. It’s likely a contractor looking for business and wants to prove up a capability.
8. After Action Media/Data
9. History of Comparable Events
10. Terrorist Product Line Extension

80% of the “bad guys” are doing it for some kind of profit. Isis is a commercial enterprise. It’s interested in the oil.

(ETK comment: Here, Canton “forgets” that ISIS is the creation of the US and Israeli governments, militaries, and intelligence services. But it is accurate to compare ISIS with the terrorist networks in the US and other nations that are carrying out gangstalking operations against civilians. In this case those terrorist groups include the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, Fusion Centers, local, state, and federal law enforcement, etc.)

Canton: I’m also working with other aspects of this Bad-Guy Hunting thing, one is sensing.

(ETK Comment: Yes, all “targeted individuals” are tracked and surveilled 24/7. Indeed, many are used as sensors themselves, as “the technology” allows the perpetrators to see through the eyes and hear through the ears and manipulate the behavior of TIs.)

These embassy attacks are directed, purposeful, and targeted at a particular population that is targeted and chosen…

So we ask: Who benefits?….

1) The perpetrators are demonstrating a capability set…. Who benefits from that? It’s useful to be able to determine what the impact is. And was the impact what was intended? Again, this was a clinical trial in the wild on humans….

2) The bad actors that targeted Americans…. maybe they are basically advertising.

What’s the short list of countries that have had trade sanctions placed on them? Four major countries. Might this be related to a political payback? Are these rogue, sovereign, or dark networks? Maybe it’s all of them. Maybe it’s a “carve out” and they don’t know. Who would benefit from China being embarrassed? (ETK: America!!!!) That’s a shorter list.

Or it could get more complicated if you have what I call a “fractured sovereign scenario.”

Think of the analogous deployments from “cyber.” Could “neuro” end up looking like “cyber”? Yes, “cyber” is a proven model. In fact, a product-line extension from “cyber” would be “neuro.”

(So the logic is:) “Hey, we’ve done great with cyber in terms of our profit center… AND we’ve got a new capability (neuro)…. Who wants to sign up to prove up the capability?”

The commercialization of weaponized technology is a key driver… more so than ideologic.

Possible Scenarios (i.e., Possible Perps):

1) Fragmented Sovereign
2) Terrorist Clinical Trial
3) Rogue Actor Practice: I’d bet on this…. This is a messy clinical trial… because Americans will do the research for them for free… and publish it.
4) Asset For Hire/Adversary
5) Dark Network Show of Force- criminal/terrorist organization

This is a private sector bad actor who understands social media. Who is attacking a select group of state department officials? That’s a short list…. Do the math on that.

“Fragmented sovereign”… .Most countries have competing factions, or forces, within them. The fragmented sovereign scenario says: Your bad guys implemented this because they are trying to accomplish something else.

Likely, this event was done by a contractor looking for business. I guess this is a rogue network.

(ETK comment: Along these lines of speculation, much research indicates that large corporations such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are capable of carrying out these gangstalking operations independently.)

You have to assume we are at the beginning of neurotech being incorporated into the hybrid (warfare)… This test has been very effective. We are getting more data. What’s the next target? It’s not going away. It’s been an effective trial. This is not like super-sophisticated technology.

1) The Soft part- yields cognitive dysfunction to impact decision-making operations, communications, negotiations. The goal is to take parties out. It’s low-term impact.

2) The Hard part (direct killing); I’m less interested in that.

Could super drones deliver this? Yes.

Canton’s Summary:

1) NeuroTech is here to stay and will shape the future competitive advantage of nations, organizations and individuals, for good, bad, and ugly.

2) The attacks on American personnel at China/Cuba embassy’s appear purposeful and directed.

3) The target, US officials at the two embassies, is revealing. There are no other instances similar to this anywhere else. So some bad actor is sending a geopolitical message.

(ETK comment: Here again, Canton is lying or “prevaricating.” The Soviet Union used microwave weapons (the so-called “Moscow Signal”) to attack American personnel in the Moscow embassy from about 1955 to 1989. The blanket Soviet ‘Woodpecker Signal” was directed against Americans in America from the 1960s onward. And both governments and other governments have used these invisible weapons against their own citizens in the gangstalking/targeted individual phenomena since the middle 1950s. So basically, Canton is continuing the cover-up of these enormous government crimes.

A decade ago or more, Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, stated that this (ganstalking-neuroinvasive operations) was the main policy of the U.S. government!)

A new, neuro-kinetic weapon would be disruptive in an era of hybrid conflict. We have to assume we are in that new era.

So in that new era, we have to have a way to deter, prevent and detect. Thank you.

(ETK: Was this whole presentation a sales pitch for his company to get MORE Pentagon contracts to devise new ways to deter, prevent, and detect the attack weapons they have been instrumental in developing and deploying?! This is indeed the logic of the Cold War writ large. Think tanks and corporations are gifted with CIA-military technologies, paid for with taxpayer dollars, and they turn around and sell weapons systems back to the US government, again, paid for with taxpayer dollars. Huge private-sector defense contracts that beef up military capabilities are secured by over-exaggerating the capabilities of potential or invented competitors and adversaries.

I’ve never seen or heard such a blatant example of how the military-industrial system works. That said, I certainly agree with Canton to the extent that we (TIs and other civilians) “have to have a way to deter, prevent and detect” these invisible directed energy and neuroweapons. But will these “counter-measures” be available to American citizens?)

Webmaster’s Conclusions:

Apparently, the attacks on American diplomats at the Cuba and Chinese embassies were beta tests of neurotechnologies. The attacks deliberately focused national and international attention on the phenomenon of directed energy and neuroweapons in a way that could be “managed” by the very governmental entities that have been producing, testing, and deploying these very weapons systems against nonconsensual civilian test subjects for generations.

As per other major false-flag attacks against civilians, such as 9/11, we may posit that the most probable candidates for the entities that executed these attacks are the US “Interagency,” USA/CIA/NSA, Israel/Mossad, and Britain/MI6, their private-sector cutouts such as Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, and/or the International Zionist Criminal Syndicate (IZCS aka “The Organization,” “The Firm,” “The Brotherhood,” etc.). Indeed, these the entities that are fundamentally involved in the ongoing Global Gangstalking operations.

Based on Dr. Canton’s talk, we may further conclude that neuroweapons such as were deployed in these embassy attacks are already an important ingredient of modern “hybrid” warfare that also includes deployment of regular military forces, irregular (civilian) forces, information warfare, cyber warfare, unconventional warfare, and a host of other Fourth Generation Warfare strategies.

In this presentation, Canton is announcing that neurotech weapons systems, including the actual weapons as well as the associated supporting “Dark Network Supply Chains” and “Man-Hunting Business,” will be used more and more in future “hybrid” conflicts. And, of course, he emphasizes here the potential profits to be garnered from expansion of the “dark side” of the neurotechnology market. Again, a decade ago, Dr. Rauni Kilde stated that global ganstalking operations were “the main policy of the U.S. government.” So in this aspect as well, Canton is covering up the reality of the situation.

Clearly, Dr. Canton and other war profiteers-military consultants will continue to make a lot of money in the future through their analysis and promotion of these kinds of “dual use” technologies. They are truly “the merchants of death.”

The “limited hangout” aspect of Canton’s presentation is that it protects the US and cooperating governments from being liable for having already secretly and illegally tested and deployed these weapons on unwitting civilians for generations. I agree with TI, Renee Pittman M., author of “Covert Technological Murder: Big Brother Approved” that THIS is the “Crime of the Century.” Pittman states:

So here we have the elite, creating wars to maintain themselves, and their armies, the secret services, both trapped in their own lies and deceit. And the horror for us, the people of the world, is that we will be taken from (created) threat to (created) war because that is the only way out for the (criminal) elite and (criminal) secret services.

To break this destructive cycle, it is imperative that the US government is forced to pay reparations to the (probably) millions of civilians it has tortured and killed over the past 70 years in nonconsensual human experimentation in order to develop neuroweapons and other weapons of war.

“Light side” and “dark side” (of “dual use”) are Illuminati and Masonic concepts. My speculation, based on the interesting admixture of facts he acknowledges and facts he conceals, is that Dr. James Canton, entrepreneur, consultant to governments, corporations, the Joint Chiefs, and SOCOM is a psychopath, most probably a CIA agent, and a Jew and/or a Mason. The interests he serves are certainly not those of the American people. Rather, he has made a fortune developing the technologies now used to wage war against and defeat the American people.

The Latter Two-Thirds of the Video: Connecting More Dots:

In its middle portion, the video shows clips of current operating examples of totalitarian surveillance (“uberveillance”) of civilians and entire cities. This kind of total 24/7 surveillance is also used to track non-consenting “targeted individuals,” such as myself.

The final part of the video shows clips of the Jewish Chabad Lubavitch and Masonic satanic “death cults,” highlighting their long-term goal to conquer the world and enslave and/or genocide non-Jews everywhere. The filmmaker implies but does not specifically state that these various programs are interconnected.

My impression is that while the film maker’s choice of video clips is very interesting, he does a rather poor job of connecting these dots. Thus, we must question whether the film itself, much like the lectures of the neuroscientists and their corporate partners in the first part of the video, might be a “limited hangout.” Regardless, I believe that the topics presented here ARE related and for that reason, the film is worth watching. This is why I have transcribed Canton’s important presentation and attempt to connect these dots here.

The powerful “fifth column” (hidden enemy) groups identified in the last third of the film are, in my opinion, mainly responsible for advancing the programs and technologies of enslavement described and shown in the first two thirds of the film. I posit that each of the neuro-scientist experts who spoke at the Sofwerx conference are jews or Masons. As such, their first goal and responsibility is to advance the interests of Israel and Judaism. There are innumerable examples in their own presentations of “Talmudic” thinking.

Furthermore, we can distinguish in Canton’s focus on three primarily jewish objectives:

1) securing profits for themselves
2) developing the technologies to enslave and/or genocide their enemies, the goyim (the dark side)
3) developing the technologies to enhance their own performance and longevity.

Jews themselves admit, even insist upon, their long-standing aspiration for world conquest, enslavement and/or murder of all non-Jews, and establishment of a Jewish utopia (the Anti-Christ kingdom on earth). Thus, the high-tech, global imposition of mind control and AR (artificial reality) sometimes described as a “neural net,” used in combination with AI, 5G, IoT, etc. seems designed to fulfill their doctrine of “Tikkun Olam” (Hebrew for “reinventing the world.”). The Book of Revelation names this end-times BEAST system as the “Synagogue of Satan.” In my opinion, the first third of the video reveals the neuroweapons and high technologies and some of the pre-eminent scholars behind this BEAST system.

The last part of the film also highlights jews’ radical racial superiority doctrine. Talmudic rabbis claim they are an entirely different species. I have come believe that this is true. Perhaps the best way to understand them and their destructive collective mission is to recognize they are both “Satan’s kids” AND predatory psychopaths. The two categories are not mutually exclusive. Jesus Christ referred to the jewish leaders of his day as a “generation of vipers” (or ‘race of serpents’; Matthew 12:34) and he stated that:

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” (John 844).

In a 1976 interview, Jewish Senate aide, Harold Rosenthal, explained:

Most Jews don’t like to admit it, but the god we worship is Lucifer. He is very much alive and we are his chosen people.”

Because this video identifies so many aspects of this end-times BEAST system definitively, it should be viewed and re-viewed by all Targeted Individuals and others until they fully understand it.

Herein, I would like to put forward the HYPOTHESIS that Jews, Masons, and other satanists are the “Master Cult” and the key architects and practitioners of gangstalking and directed energy torture assaults on innocent civilians and that their principle motive is to develop silent, covert weapons to ensure that they are able to remove anyone that could block implementation of their satanic New World Order/UN Agenda 2030/Antichrist kingdom/Jewish Universal Empire.

The presentation by Dr. James Canton provides insight into the deeply incestuous relationships between various aspects of the war-profiteering think tank-military-industrial- corporate complex system.

Dr. James Canton, entrepreneur, consultant to governments, corporations, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff states:

Neurotechnology will drive the next “hybrid war,” which has already started…. A new, neuro-kinetic weapon would be disruptive in an era of hybrid conflict. We have to assume we are in that new era.

The American officials attacked in the embassies in Cuba and China were attacked to demonstrate a proof of concept, that is, to demonstrate an operational, deployed capability of soft, non-lethal neuroweapons that could and did “take them out of the game.”

Soft neurotech (these non-lethal weapons) have many possibilities in “hybrid conflicts”…. And these are now available. This is the new reality. These weapons have been deployed… these attacks were targeted and purposeful.

The “Dark side” includes Trojan Horse bioweapons, hyper-virulent proto-viruses, genetically selective pathogens. Also, you can apply the above (bio advancements) to neuro!

10-Year Old Slide: What (Neuroweapons) are “Apparently Legal”?

In terms of conflicts, the following are apparently legal: basically relating to psychological warfare, dysfunctionality stuff, rendering lack of capacity, acoustic weaponry, etc.

1) Microwave RF Anti-Functional and Anti-Personnel Weaponry
2) Chemical Anti-Functional Weaponry
3) Chemical Psychological Effects Via Sensory Organs Weaponry (i.e., smell)
4) Chemical Personnel Incapacitation Weaponry (Non-warfare, hostage/terrorism only)
6) Acoustic Weaponry
7) Mechanical Micro Dust

These devices are being carried around from various sources…. This is Moore’s Law operationalized (smaller, more portable, and cheaper devices). These devices are also used for crowd control and there are targeted uses.

Neuro-hacking includes the ability to create thoughts and blend it with AI. These devices that we think were used externally or possibly internally (in the embassy attacks). Or they are are tied to other sensors, or flyables, drones.

Could “neuro” end up looking like “cyber”? Yes, “cyber” is a proven model. In fact, a product-line extension from “cyber” would be “neuro.”

Webmaster Comment: This post includes my transcribed notes of and commentary on an extremely important and informative presentation by Dr. James Canton, military contractor, CEO and Founder of Globalinc, advisor to governments, corporations, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and SOCOM (Special Operations Command) featured between 35:00 and 1:20:00 in the following video:


Webmaster’s Summary: Presentations at a “Sofwerx” Conference in the first part of the video by Dr. James Canton, Dr. James Giordano and two other experts focus on the neuroweapons and neurotechnologies deployed against U.S. State Department diplomats at the Cuba and China embassies in the past few years. While these experts identify and assess the neuroweapons used in these attacks, they do not acknowledge that the same weapons are being covertly deployed worldwide against “targeted individuals” in what Canton refers to as the “Man-Hunting Business.” Indeed, research by Cheryl Welsh and others prove that governments have been secretly testing and deploying these weapons against innocent, non-consenting civilians since at least 1955!

Talks by Drs. Canton and Giordano and two others at a Sofwerx conference, in my opinion, amount to “limited hangout” “confessions” which feature somewhat disingenuous, almost “tongue-in-cheek” analyses of the recent DEW (directed energy weapons) attacks on American diplomats in Cuba and China. I say “tongue-in-cheek” because these insiders must know what actually occurred and who carried out the attacks.

Again, based on the critical mass of research presented on this website, I surmise that these experts are aware of ongoing, illegal, global, stalking-targeting and NEUROWEAPONS TESTING AND DEPLOYMENT operations. Indeed, Giordano previously confessed to being involved in them! Yet these “experts” continue to play a double game; on the one hand admitting what has happened, and on the other hand, denying that governments and their subcontractors have carried out these kinds of global, secret weapons-testing and torture-murder operations on civilians for nearly 70 years!

Why the cover-up? Because these illegal operations comprise massive “crimes against humanity.” Indeed, this CRIME OF THE CENTURY violates innumerable laws and the constitutionally-guaranteed civil rights of innocent civilian “targets”/victims/lab rat/involuntary test subjects. If governments were to be held legally and financially liable for the harm they have inflicted on their own citizens, it could bankrupt them, both financially and in terms of their perceived legitimacy. This is the scale and severity of these despicable and cowardly crimes. For this reason, these experts (Canton, Giordano and others), who are complicit in profiting from these ongoing atrocities, continue to cover up these crimes and protect the guilty parties: the military-intelligence-corporate-industrial-academic-Congressional complex.

As a “targeted individual” myself, and a former university professor who has studied this phenomenon for years, I believe the exposure of these crimes and FULL financial restitution to victims is pre-requisite for the survival of the American Republic and Western civilization as we know it.

Webmaster’s Summary/Transcriptions of Information Presented by Drs. James Giordano and James Canton at a Brainwave Science conference sponsored by SOFWERX,

1) Dr. James Giordano: Dept. of Neurology and Biochemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, DC., Center for Neurotechnology at the Potomac Institute, DARPA and U.S. Army Consultant, and self-proclaimed “neuro-ethicist.”

Title of Presentation: “Embassy Encephalopathy”: Induced Hearing Loss, Cognitive Dysfunction and Neuropathological Changes- Possible Causes, Mechanisms, and Effects”

Dr. James Giordano: “My work is in “neuroweaponology:” Back in 2006 and 2007 we developed a paradigm by which neuroscience could be weaponized and we assessed that on the world stage.

Our work in 2009 and 2010 demonstrated neuroscience was already being weaponized. By 2014, the National Research Council re-convened and announced that neuroscience was weaponized and being used globally.

These are “weapons of mass disruption”….. Disruption can be on level of the individual and wider. The embassy attacks were probably not an incidental event.”

In another lecture entitled: “Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield: The Realities – and Risks – of Neuroweapons” on Aug 29, 2017, Dr. James Giordano, admitted:

“Neuroscience captures $175 billion dollars annual market space…. The brain is the next battlespace….

We are targeting the brain…. We need to recon (the) target area (i.e., the domestic population) in order to: 1) acquire viable targets and 2) avoid collateral damage. Like (in) any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed… is real.

We are tracking neurological or brain signatures of key targeted individuals that are thought to represent whole groups. If I understand how his or her brain works and do this on a broad enough scale, I can develop patterns and I can use this in ways that informs my intelligence; this force multiplies and synergizes my human intelligence (HUMINT), my signals intelligence (SIGINT), and my communications intelligence (COMINT). NEURINT (Neuro intelligence) coupled with assessment and access gives me these capabilities….

I can utilize neuro-pharmacologics and various forms of brain stimulation to extract information from key intelligence targets.”

Dr. Giordano has served as Senior Science Advisory Fellow of the Strategic Multilayer Assessment Branch of the Joint Staff of the Pentagon and as an appointed member of the Neuroethics, Legal and Social Issues (NELSI) Advisory Panel of the Defense Advanced Research Projects’ Agency (DARPA)

(Webmaster comment: I have transcribed major parts of some of Dr. Giordano’s other presentations and they are posted on this website. Here, I simply point out that in this presentation, he:

1) was speaking awfully fast, as if perhaps, he was very nervous about the topic, and,

2) spoke of medicine in terms of its dual potential to harm and to heal. This worldview contradicts the over two millennia tradition of medical professionals who have taken the Hippocratic Oath not to do harm. However, this approach comports perfectly with the heinous “experiments” of the CIA “spychiatrists” in top-secret CIA mind control programs of the 1940s and 1950s onward, including MKULTRA. This same philosophy is also espoused in the Jewish Talmud and by Jewish rabbis such as Maimonides. Thus, here, Giordano employs standard Talmudic Jewish logic, that the life of non-Jews is no more valuable than that of insects and that medicine can be used to harm. So why not continue to use “goyim” as involuntary weapons-testing subjects?

Is it mere coincidence that Giordano admits he speaks with both Bavarian and New York City accents? Bavaria (Germany) is the birthplace of the Bavarian Illuminati, the historically most powerful Jewish (satanic) secret society. And of course, New York City is the American capital of world Jewry. Thus, we may securely speculate, I postulate, that Dr. Giordano is a Jewish psychopath. As latter parts of the above video demonstrate, Jewish rabbis teach that Jews are an altogether different species from we “goyim” (Hebrew word for “cattle” or “beasts”) who they espouse, are only fit to serve them as their slaves.)

In the following talk, Dr. James Canton acknowledges that he has worked closely with Dr. Giordano in the Center for Neurotechnology at the Potomac Institute. So they are working colleagues.

One Reply to “Neuroweapons, Havana Syndrome, “Dark Network Supply Chains,” “Man-Hunting Business” (aka GANGSTALKING) & “Hybrid Warfare;” Presentation By Dr. James Canton (Video, Transcription, and My Commentary)”

  1. Read down to “Fantastic Futures” – will finish later…

    Another profit center seems to be a creative way to murder via ascension to the afterlife via neuro-reprogramming tied to one of the seven deadly sins program narrative whereby the deep state actor engages a neuro punishment routine along with torture, electronic harassment and continual changes to the body’s dna, by “stalling” a separate neuro system via energy along the outside of the skin emanating from a laser pinpoint gun. Attached to the waves are psychologicals associated with religion, religious myth, deep state narratives of religion, your personal failure in morals and faith and your future without God…UNLESS, you follow our personal improvement agenda for you via Chakra crystal energies, prayer and more.

    One clincher here is the AI, of course, plays God.

    I know this because they’re doing it to me.

    It seems to have military, infra-guard, contractors and police actors.

    Imagine the profit; reducing the population and “saving” souls all at the same time.


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