Is This (Response to Covid-19) Torture? (2 Amazing Polly videos (first transcribed), July 1 and 21, 2020)

Is This (Response to Covid-19) Torture? (transcribed Amazing Polly video, July 1, 2020)

Epigraph Quote:

“(Gangstalking is actually) a very cleverly disguised program of torture and murder.”

Mark M. Rich, The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population

Webmaster’s Comment: Right on, Amazing Polly! All this CIA no-touch torture/psyop-psychological warfare is also being applied to “targeted individuals,” of course, in a process commonly referred to as “organized stalkling/electronic torture.”

Now that we understand the scale and dimensions of the crime of mass torture being perpetrated against all citizens, it is incumbent upon us, the citizen researchers, to identify these perpetrators and see that they are punished for these crimes against humanity!

Transcription of parts of this video:

AmazingPolly: In this video I start off slow but pick up steam as I submit the evidence and examples. By comparing our situation to the study of torture & coercion on Prisoners of War, I believe it becomes clear that what we are being put through with the virus response is a near perfect parallel to the Amnesty International definition of torture & Bidermans ‘Chart of Coercion.’

Question: Does the handling of this virus amount to torture? Yes, And what methods have torturers used? No-touch torture, psychological torture.

The 1975 Amnesty International Report on Torture states on p. 34: The document identifies four elements of four torture..

1) At least two persons must be involved, the torturer and the victim, and the victim is under the control of the torturer.

2) Acute pain and suffering is inflicted on victim by torturer.

3) The intention of the torturer must be to make the victim submit, to break his will, and destroy his humanity.

4) Torture implies a systematic activity with a rational purpose.

Torture is a deliberate infliction of pain.

The goals and motives of torture: it is usually used to obtain confessions or information, for punishment, or for intimidation of victim and third persons.

This latter is in wide use today as a political weapon. It is intended to be a deterrent to others as well as the victim.

Definition of Torture: “The systematic and deliberate infliction of acute pain in any form by one person on another or on a third person in order to enfore the purpose of the former (torturer) against the will of the latter (victim).”

Torture is a stress. There is both physical and mental torture. Levels of stress include:

1) Acute: short-lived, shock-response type stress

2) Sub-acute: medium-term stress produces anxiety response but allows victim to maintain personal integrity.

3) chronic response to stress: long standing, includes depression, suicidal ideation, dissociation, de-realization, regression, becoming accident prone, loss of will to live, and possibly suicide.

Torturers want to move victims to the third phase. All this can be without touching the victim.

In chronic stress, people tend to give up, they lose their normal responses and desires, but giving up can take various forms.
In POW studies, for example, “men became susceptible to illnesses such as bronchial pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, coronary disease, TB, and cancer.”

Look how many of these are bronchial and what would a bronchial stress response look like today in the modern paradigm? They would make you suspect of having Covid. This would put you in their system more deeply.

It’s an evil genius of this type of torture that I say we are under right now that our stress responses themselves are used against us.

AI goes on to describe how people are manipulated and how they resist.

“It is the transition from the sub-acute to the stress response that the torturer seeks to orchestrate initially by by systematically weakening the subject. This forms part of the classic pattern Biderman.

The coercive psychological manipulation technique (or torture technique) used is called DDD: Induced “dependency, debility, and dread.”

1) Debility- physical weakness. Brought on by prolonged constraint, prolonged exertion, extremes of heat, cold, or moisture, and deprivation of sleep.

2) Manipulate the subject’s environment. Disrupt patterns. This is done to disorient the subject and destroy his capacity to resist.

(Nobody can deny that this is what has happened with lockdown, mask wearing, and social distancing.)

Once debility is achieved they can induce a dependency on the torturer. The victim is helplessly dependent on the torturer for the satisfaction of all basic needs. (It seems obvious how that applies to our present situation.)

Finally, once the final stage (chronic stress) is reached, the victim goes into a sense of dread, intense fear, and anxiety. Sustained long enough, an intense fear of anything vague or unknown induces regression.

(What they want from us is to regress to a childlike state. They don’t want anything from us. They just want to control us completely.)

This is called no-touch torture or coercion.

So we look at Biderman’s Chart of Coercion.

General Methods of Coercion

1. Isolation
2. Monopolization of Perception
3. Induced Debility- Exhaustion
4. Threats
5. Occasional Indulgences
6. Demonstrating “Omnipotence”
7. Degradation
8. Enforcing Trivial Demands

(Do you recognize any of these in what we are going through right now? Are they doing this to all of us? Yes.)

1. Isolation. They’ve got us in self-isolation.
2. Monopolization of perception. We have 24/7 news cycle and censorship of any opposing voices. They are using repeated phrases. There are troll armies on social media. Barren environments. Restricted movement. Monotonous food are accomplished with shutdowns of restaurants, businesses, gyms.
3. Induced Debility- semi-starvation, food shortages, not being able to get together with family. The outdoor lineups in the elements outside stores. Why aren’t they putting shelters anywhere? (After all this time, this fact alone gives the whole game away.)
4. Threats to cultivate anxiety and despair. Political and medical officials continually threaten us with death. Families are threatened with loss of children. All threatened with vaccines – with tracking chips. Threats of losing our liberties. Threats of endless isolation, contact tracing, etc.
5. Occasional indulgences. Corporations offered perks for people being good citizens. They give rewards for partial compliance. For social distancing. for taking the vaccines.
6. Demonstrating omnipotence. They’ve shut down the entire economy. Ex. war-criminal “Dr.” Tedro of WHO.
7. Degradation- reduces people to animal level concerns… stocking up on toilet paper. Only allowed to buy essential items. Masking and social distancing is degrading. Young people telling old people where to stand is degrading. Separation of ourselves from our loved ones.
8. Enforcing trivial demands. This develops in the victim a habit of compliance. Stand 6 feet apart. Follow the arrows. Or else, you will face social consequences.

It’s clear that the steps they are taking in the name of Covid-19 amount to coercion which amounts to torture.

Let’s go back to Amnesty International’s four elements of torture in their Report on Torture…

1) The first element involves at least two persons torturing a victim. The torturers are the public health officials using lackies in government, police and radicalized fellow citizens. The victims are all the citizens of our countries.

2) Victim is under physical control of victim by torturer. We are physically controlled by our tortures- forced self-isolation, quarantines of both sick and healthy, social distancing, isolation, separation of family members, mandatory masks, forced line-ups to get food, banking, travel-restrictions, limitations on purchases.

3) Public health wants the public to submit to many social and behavioral changes. The political response to concerns from the public is to step up the mandates… They are not listening to what the electorate wants.

They are bringing us all into the chronic stage-

4) Torture is systematic activity with a rational purpose. This is about systematically breaking our will.

There was immediate agreement by innumerable authority figures regarding what was going to be required. We had rapid production of signage. Rapid adoption of new protocols. Narrative homogeneity. Censorship and public shaming rituals against dissenters. Invasions into our smart phones for tracking.

Finally, the same responses have been enacted almost globally.

Is there a rational element to this torture? What is rational to globalists is not immediately obvious to regular citizens. Some authorities talk about Covid being an opportunity for the “great reset.” The mayor of Chicago stated they want to hire people who are on board with the New World Order.

They want to break our spirit and resistance to the great reset, 4th Industrial Revolution, New World Order, Green New Deal- because the elements of their new plan are so extreme and radical that they need to weaken us in advance through this Covid thing.

Break up families, overwork parents. Throw millions and millions of people out of work. And continue to dangle the threat that Covid will come back. This will demoralize the population. Then they can eliminate hard currency, they can put schooling online, they can change to tele-health, they can let corporations take over policing. All of this is happening.

So yes, the torture is systematic and rational. We are all being tortured and demoralized.

What they are doing to us is in violation of the spirit of the Geneva Convention.

A collectivist philosophy is being imposed on all society.

The good news is that once you see and name what’s happening to you, you can begin to recover your morale and your spirit. Once you see it, it can be a bit of a game. Let’s turn this around on them.


In this video I start off slow but pick up steam as I submit the evidence and examples.
By comparing our situation to the study of torture & coercion on Prisoners of War, I believe it becomes clear that what we are being put through with the virus response is a near perfect parallel to the Amnesty International definition of torture & Bidermans ‘Chart of Coercion.’

Amazing Polly:…

Mary Scales
1 week ago (edited)
My local health centre I’m in the UK have decided after all these torturous weeks to now insists we wear a mask to pick up prescriptions….they already have a Perspex screen with a hole so as not to get infected by the likes of me! I walk in without a mask everybody’s cowering behind the screen fully masked …like I’m walking in with the plague….to be met with a very aggressive NOOOO you can’t pick up without a mask….I said you have a screen? What are the masks for than if they aren’t protecting the wearer? How does that work…….My sister has spent weeks in hospital …close to death after a major operation….no visitors for the duration of her stay….eventually returns home …I move in for a long awaited hug of relief for her to step back in horror……I can’t she said….I said why I’m perfectly healthy ….I know she said but I might be carrying something…..what the heck…..I’m am so sick of this Polly your spot on….

Bill Lusby
1 week ago
don’t fall for it, just go about your daily life and keep praying, forget about the news when you ignore satan he will flee

betty davis
1 week ago
No shelters yet to stand in line, but those arrows for the floors at the stores, and all the plexi-glass sure came out quickly.

Lance Schulz
1 week ago
Question- If people test positive for Coronavirus then they don’t need a vaccine do they? By the time they come up with the vaccine, very few people will need the “vaccine”. SARS just disappeared.

Jamie Strickland
1 day ago
Ok, I will have to retract my last comment on a post, THIS ONE is the BEST VIDEO you made by far. It is incredible yet sick what is happening. The vast majority we see around do not believe this, and worst part is they do not go beyond the mainstream media to research! You did a phenomenal job exposing the stages and strategies of torture and you matched perfectly the things that have been done to us since the beginning of the nightmare in mid. March. Keep up the GREAT WORK! I will eventually share this on my FB, however I have had to deactivate it for now 3 weeks because mentally/anxiety of dealing with this was taking a toll on me. Hopefully I will feel better about getting on and start spreading my messages again. Thanks for your dedication and hard work…and help people like me realize , “I AM NOT CRAZY AFTER ALL!” 🙂 Take care of yourself.

Oh Fuq
1 week ago
It literally shows there is 1 comment even though there is more than that…wtf?

Mary Scales
1 week ago
Not allowing any comments Polly tried twice…..gone

Mary Scales
1 week ago
Brilliant video Polly spot on with your torturous theory…Thankyou 🙏… relevant to me I live in the UK…I went to my local health centre to pick up prescriptions…they’d sent out a message telling all patients masks had to be worn in the building “I won’t be masked for anybody”….I went to to the entrance where they have a table blocking people from walking into the reception area…with a massive Perspex screen to keep the staff safe from us the public….up until a few days ago no problem picking anything up….suddenly I walk up to the table no mask…. to be met with “you can’t pick up without a mask?” 3 or 4 people were milling around the reception all with masks on! I reply “ well you have this big screen protecting you all with a little hole to shove anything through…to get a truly aggressive reply ….noooo no prescriptions without a mask…..I said you have this screen!!! No prescriptions without a mask….I replied…in a load voice you aren’t going to give me my prescriptions than….no …,she made a quick exit from view…’d have thought I’d walked in with the plague….and if masks are so protective for the wearers what danger did I serve standing virtually outside behind a screen 🤨🤔🧐 insane or what……another story….my sister who was walking her dogs ended up in hospital ….no visitors….she returns home to than be admitted back into hospital a few weeks later and had to undergo major surgery….spent about 3 weeks again no visitors allowed….nearly died…..still told no visitors allowed….she barely made it out alive….I go in for a hug thankful to see her for her to reel back and announce you can’t touch me….To my utter horror I said why? I was already thankful a mask wasn’t insisted upon…. I said I have nothing wrong I’m perfectly well….she said “they the hospital said” she might have something…….I was incensed with rage…….sorry for the rant….but I’m truly enraged by not only the unquestionable compliance but people’s willingness to do anything that is asked of them without question….😡😡😡

4 days ago (edited)
This is a brilliant illustration of the parallel situation regarding the current “crisis” and the brainwashing of American captives of the Chinese in the Korean War …

Lengre Sago
1 week ago
good morning Polly, you’re always giving proper information. Thank You and to your subscribers comments too.

Mary Scales
1 week ago (edited)
I put my comment on and it’s gone grrrrr try again…

Greg McLean
2 days ago (edited)
here is a way out idea .. lock up the at risk groups world wide.. ( everywhere around the world ) for 1 month … get everyone else to catch it really fast ( mist spray by air or something ) a few thousand will die maybe 50,000 and in 1 month its all over with just some thousand deaths …. game set match ( quick edit : the deaths i estimate are deaths world wide , i am in Australia .. we have 110 deaths or so …. but our country is stuffed , couldnt even visit mum on mothers day in my state without getting fined $1653 … the world needs to get moving again…. i dont know .. i give up ) oh gawd .. : me giving up was one of your tortures….

Cindi Sauer
4 days ago
Thank you, I will be sharing this!

Mona Lebon
6 days ago
Well done, my sister. God Bless you.

Kevin Kilgore
1 week ago
good luck with spreading the word, reposting is important

Edward Kelleher
1 week ago
Thanks Polly everyone needs to see this you are very inspiring

B1 Merry
3 days ago
Helping the sick is prevention… preventing the well is tyranny….

Lori Parr
5 days ago
Forced out of public gatherings.
Forced to stay out of certain nature areas
Forced to tolerate hysterical people everywhere.

Karen Sudjian
1 week ago
Amazing Polly…look onto Mireen Comey..she is part of the G Maxwell capture.

Lori Parr
5 days ago
Amazing Polly! Thanks

Greg McLean
2 days ago (edited)
Answering your question …. Nah .. it is not a NO .. just a NAH ……. It is just the left .. maybe wanting to get more power … I thought Trump was a joke when he ran for president .. but i was hoping he would win.. as Hillary was … well .. Her … Now Trump i feel fairly confident in what he has turned around in 3 years … this corona is going to destroy Australia … i honestly get concerned Trump may not help us … i am sure he will .. but.. if he doesnt .. i do not want to learn Chinese ( edit: i got side tracked … i do not think its torture… as such .. manipulation is what i think it is …. if the usa economy , schools , shops etc remain in bad shape till November… they think they heave a better chance of winning … I really feel for Trump coming up to election … 1.. China .. 2.. Corona .. oh and then there is Biden …. I really pray ( and i am not religious ) That Trump wins .. but more than that NY needs logical people .. and lots of other states that i see from OZ … NY sent covid infected elderly to nursing homes …. WTF … He needs to be charged……. oppss… rant over 🙂

David George
6 days ago
I hope President Trump has watched this video. My 1st. time watching, excellent.

Peter Zoeftig
4 days ago (edited)
This was the reason they have called it a “War”; they have a motive in declaring it as one. Since they have declared a war and people are not resisting, they – as psychopathic monsters – consider that they are the “winners” in their War. This is why they have declared one against us, They are that sick.

The real virus is their mental/psychic infection. Psychos and sociopaths do this. Collectivism is the mask that they wear to cover their own vile strategies and the insanity that infests the weird arguments they use to justify the worst atrocities that are deliberate at times and even enjoyed in their weird ways.

Webmaster comment: And I have given interviews on this topic as well:

All Under Mass Mind Control Psyop Now, COINTELPRO – Gang Stalked Now – Dr. Eric Karlstrom a TI himself, tortured & a Constitutionalist, Libertarian (Not Communist Democrat nor Zionist Republican)

>II. Your Body Is Their Weapon- We’re All Patients Now (July 21, 2020)

III. Homo Sorosensis; Soros’s Corruption of Judiciaries (Amazing Polly video, March 11, 2020

3 Replies to “Is This (Response to Covid-19) Torture? (2 Amazing Polly videos (first transcribed), July 1 and 21, 2020)”

  1. This is an excellent presentation. Lock down is essentially house arrest.

    I was shopping in a mall. A tall, young male was a door person in a store. He mentioned that he was very thirsty. It was obvious that he was suffering very much. I suggested that the coffee shop could do the rounds and sell their wares to these door people. A cafe employee said that this is not permitted, because the different outlets are in competition. I was also very thirsty and went to get an iced coffee. I did not have the heart to walk past this fellow with a thirst-quenching drink, so I purchased one for him, as well and delivered it to him. He was very appreciative.

    When we are not permitted to even meet our most basic needs and when staff do not even try to think of how to do this –it shows that total control and how people are being reduced.

    I personally have a very highly challenging situation and I have been under extreme duress for most of my life. So, I am somewhat used to reaching inside for resilience, even when it seems impossible.

    I am locked out of my email.

  2. I saw an interesting video on this site, by Amazing Polly.

    I realized the following, today. I once volunteered to tutor in a Federal Prison, called “The Prison for Women,” in Kingston. I did this several times a week for months. I was very idealistic at the time. I asked to go with an inmate to find teaching materials in the prison. We had to pass a check point and my prisoner was surly with the guard. When we got to the “library” area, I mentioned to my prisoner that the guard had even less freedom than she did, since she had to stay at a small desk, in one place. It was actually an elementary school sized desk. When we returned, my prisoner was much more pleasant toward the guard.

    It hit me that staff and security guards in stores and malls are aggressive and demanding toward ordinary customers in a way which I never once witnessed in the prison. Prison staff were never once aggressive and demanding in this manner toward inmates.

    However, sometimes organized criminals wish to end the life of an MKULTRA victim, in order to silence the person and gain life insurance policies. In this case, they will very aggressively target the victim. They would like to come up with a fabrication and prevent the victim from ever again shopping on the premises. They can literally starve the victim or prevent the victim from obtaining proper clothing. This is the route to medical or other forms of incarceration.

    The MKULTRA victim must simply welcome the most vicious abuse. The victim must say –Oh. I am so stupid. I did not walk exactly where the icons direct me. How totally stupid I am. I am so very sorry. I am an idiot.

    Of course, some MKULTRA victims may be too triggered by so much abuse.

    The positive aspect of this is that if an MKULTRA victim ends his or her life, the the parasite predators, will no longer get payed for swarming, stalking, trespassing, stealing, vandalizing the victim and doing some felonies that even the most vicious CIA never thought of.

  3. Your videos are very intelligently thought out. As well, your strength, vitality and other qualities can be most helpful to others. Perhaps, if people generally had a protocol of seeing a serious situation, such as Covid, as a survival training “opportunity,” we would have better outcomes. I am referring more to the general population, rather than those who are afflicted with the virus.

    On Hotel Dachau, James Lico, there are some interesting videos. A number have been on the site for some time and I did not get around to seeing them. One interesting point is that possibly the Corona tests are actually vaccines.

    As well, they show massive quantities of potatoes being disposed of.

    Why aren’t farmers freezing or freeze-drying foodstuffs, so that they can be saved and used? I cannot reach these farmers and distributers, to inquire. It would seem that this situation requires determination and innovation, so that foods are not wasted. Throwing out food seems like learned helplessness.

    These comments are not as directly related to the content of your video, but please utilize them, or pass them on, if possible.

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