Byran Kofron; Security Intelligence Services (SIS) Whistleblower and TI Tells All

Byron Kofron; Security Intelligence Services (SIS) Specialist Tells All

Byron Kofron (Security Intelligence Services Whistleblower and TI) Interviews

Message to TIs from Bryan Kofron:

Due to threats made against me and my loved ones, I am discontinuing The fake activist organization “PACTS International” is involved in a slow-kill domestic assassination program. They bragged to me that they have killed Targeted Individuals before and they said that I would also be killed if I didn’t stop my efforts to expose the Truth about what is being done to T.I.’s. I am NOT affiliated in any way with PACTS International and I never was. If you are a Targeted Individual and/or a whistleblower, stay away from PACTS International and DO NOT trust them or get involved with them in any way. They are liars, they are very dangerous, and they are loyal to the same people who are targeting all of us. They continue to downplay and cover up the use of frequency and etheric weapons against Targeted Individuals in accordance with the will of the people running this program against T.I.’s. The online T.I. community consists largely of fake activists and fake T.I.’s who are complicit in the psychological operation being run against T.I.’s. If you are a T.I., stay away from these controlled opposition groups and understand that T.I.’s are being used against other T.I.’s to perpetuate the negative effects of the psy-op being run against us. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and my efforts to expose the crimes being committed against T.I.’s and what is going on in Seattle, Washington. Stay Strong and never give up. – Bryan Kofron


Igor Mendonça Canga
1 year ago
I want to thank every human being around the world who has had the guts and humanity to expose these ugly agendas!

Noneya Business
1 year ago
I am so grateful to Bryan Kofron for having the courage and decency to try to help targeted individuals while our Congress remains mum and does nothing for the targets.

Mike Hoehn
1 year ago
This is as true as it gets. I’m being tortured every day. Horrible people.

9 months ago
I’ve been saying they were messing with the electronics around me for years. Before gang stalking was even a word. And it has completely fried my brain. I can hardly put together a complete chain of thoughts. I used to be really pretty smart. How do I protect myself from becoming a vegetable? I just want them to leave me alone. It’s a living nightmare

Targeted Truth Finder
1 year ago
Thank You so much! Whistleblower blower here. 20 years in the program!

Rosemarie Symns
1 month ago
This man is an Angel and this video one of the best Iv ever heard, he explains everything so well and I thank him from the bottom of my heart. GOD BLESS YOU BRYAN KOFRON

mon chaton
1 year ago
It’s not just in the US, it was and still is used here in Australia. I have witnessed it since 1996.

Matthew Hill
1 year ago
I’m being murdered slowly god bless all the real TIs we are the strongest people alive to take this worse than death killing machine

B Jacob
1 year ago
Thank you for your conscientiousness and care for the rights for others. People are being killed or rewired to cover this up –

Austin KL
1 month ago
Thanks for sharing 100%. I admire your courage and this has helped me… for now…

Kristyn Bramble
1 month ago
Whoever this gentleman is. You are so appreciated and loved for disclosing this. Thank you, thank you always and forever.

Moe F.
1 month ago
I don’t understand how or why they ever thought stalking people is right. Especially when they know the consequences will be even worse than Ancient Egypt was for them.

Sooners4christ Oklahoma
1 year ago
A true hero….

Spirit in the Sky
8 months ago
Would this be why I hear high pitched tones every once in awhile that happens only on one side of my head and I jump violently when I am about ready to sleep sometimes, often. I thought these were just normal…

laura stierheim
1 year ago
Thank you for your courage. They rape me with DEW and put voices in my daughters head. They torture me nightly. I am a grandmother a mom from Pennsylvania. Ive been hit everynight with Dew. Ive had dreams put in my head

1 month ago
He’s my Hero 💛

Rodovni Vrtičkar
5 months ago
God bless you Bryan Kofron. I translate your first video to SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE!

random person
9 months ago
I have this type of technology being used on me. I’m being mind controlled on a daily basis

1 year ago
Kind of sounds like the luciferase quantum dot tattoo. That will connect you to the A.I blockchain. Or the darpa hydrogel self assembling nanotechnology in the DNA changing vxxx.

4 weeks ago
Happening to me in Romania for almost 8 years and more. I believe greedy Narcisistic family members get involved as well. Contract killing.
May God (the True source) bless those involved and their blood made money, and their families with the peace and respect they give to us!! Amen 🙏

D. Dye
1 year ago
Glad to see you’re back… Missed your videos.

Annie Hurst
1 year ago
So individuals that are connected to these computers, are they considered transhuman? Wouldn’t this technology change or alter their DNA with a frequency? Why do they choose certain people to use this technology on? I have a lot of questions and no one to legitimately ask.

Deigo Corleone
8 months ago
I have been telling my mom that something is pushing thoughts into my head and nobody believes me

Nico Roc Production {New Channel}
4 months ago
I have been targeted for over 7 years 3 in prison…24/7 365. I lost everything bro… I would like to talk with you if possible

Spirit in the Sky
8 months ago
I suppose this has everything to do with the magnetic graphene oxide C19 va x

Partly SImpson
5 months ago
thanks! Are there also cult religions that are involved in this program?

The Ghost
3 weeks ago
How can this technology be detected on targeted individuals? Tri-field??

Vanity Styles
1 year ago
Look up Morgellons! It’s very real !

1 year ago
Now watch.. ‘There’s Something Wrong with Aunt Diane’ (2011)..

Carrie Espinoza
10 months ago
Thanks4sharing ❤️❤️❤️

Micheal Carter
9 months ago
How do we enact new laws to put this program out commission?

Mark Rufener
10 months ago
Can FARADAY CAGE clothing and devices help counter measure this technology?
Mark in Seattle

Ian Ward
1 month ago
This is what doesnt make sense to me mr.Kofron…you claim to have worked with this tech and can describe its effects and the motivations (more or less) behind its use but you cannot and do not explain in any detail what it is made up of, what kind of power is required to run it or where such devices are manufactured or assembled or even if there is a single unit for each person or a system of them. Does it plug into a wall outlet, run on batteries?

What’s more, if you did indeed work with this tech and have working knowledge of it, how come you never thought to look into how to guard against it or how is there no defense against it that is mentioned? I’m getting disinformation vibes big time from you

1 year ago
Deployed Worldwide, Through My AI Research Library… Call Anytime

Farhana Ahmad
1 year ago
A while ago, it showed as if WSJ was giving this video. Then it changed.

juliano shimizu
1 month ago
Hi mate, I hope everything’s ok with you. I am Brazilian and it’s being used hardly in a Br people… something plus I have to tell that the device they operating Can fuck all our past but you may ask how it’s working like that… when you are pressured remembering things of your past in the meantime you instantly connecting you present moment in a present moment but in the past in another way to say you just calling some point of your past the point you are remembering like s telephone call and talk to people there but that’s the big problem cause you in pressure you may be agressive and saying things that people hate on you and they start to fuck your life from there… that’s the huge problem, you may go with your memory in the time when you was s as lithe kid and someone are watching you there.. your whole life are fuckt than…

evaD eibmoZ
1 month ago
He talks about the cake but not about how it’s made. I need to know HOW they are doing this to individual people. It doesn’t make sense to me.

WaKeNuPmOrEeVERyDaY John
1 year ago
They deleted his videos on gangstalkerwars

Angela Rac
4 months ago
Are u going to give my tears back?! Iftge Smile îs not in the list

8 months ago
Is there anything you can do to debug yourself?

Ecstatically Extreme
1 year ago
So do drugs like Prozac hinder this technology?

Angela Rac
4 months ago
Human genom :)))) a Dating site lolll

James Owens
1 year ago
I believe it

1 year ago
Project Bluebeam

8 months ago
Please help me, I am a girl from a poor family and I have no ability to protect myself

Primal Eater
3 months ago
Body snatchers

xerxes A
5 months ago
Give their fucking names n addresses!!!

White Hat
1 year ago
19 commercials?

Micheal Carter
9 months ago

Ecstatically Extreme
1 year ago
Paused 31:31(=8) at 8:18 2.2k views

That Gang Stalking Show
1 year ago
I don’t believe anything this guys says. I remember when he put this out in 2017.

candy substance
5 months ago
People have some over active imaginations.

Evan Almighty
8 months ago
yall need to take ur pills fr omg bruh yall going crazy

xerxes A
5 months ago
We can get u on the list…

1 month ago
Why is this crazy? The technology exists.

1 month ago
You have to understand something.

Your phone tracks you. You know this. I know this. We all know this. But you will dismiss the magnitude of this because you think it’s funny for a company to waste money watching you walk to the bathroom and drive to work.

That’s not why they do it and you’d be right – they don’t care about you. It’s not about you. It’s about everyone.

Experimentation is always dependant on data and what better pool than the 5.31 billion active phones used every day?

You lack the imagination of what someone with billions can do. To provide power and control over a single individual, let alone, a whole civilization.

I bet you’re fool enough to be convinced the devil doesn’t exist.

Ben Palmer
1 year ago (edited)
I did not have insight into the reality and extent of developments already made with these technologies. I’m completely wrong and it was rude for me to write the post I originally made and I’ll leave below. I was wrong and that’s a fact I’ve now proven to myself. >>> Complete BS if anyone Missed the fact of no facts presented. What is said matches reading a book or watching tv sooooooo prove me wrong with specificity. No conjecture or guessing need apply. BS Fake story. <<<<< I was Wrong to be Specific . Regards for anyone targeted, I'll keep informing others and help end these assaults on humankind however I can . Matthew Hill 1 year ago That’s your opinion it is hard to believe but there is plenty of proof Ben Palmer 1 year ago @Matthew Hill Display any. jeffrey john wilson jeffrey john wilson 1 year ago It's happening to me, Big Time! And you don't want this......ignorance will lay prey to you and whom you influence jeffrey john wilson 1 year ago (edited) I sat not in the assembly of mockers and jesters, I sat alone, because of the indignation of the Lord Ben Palmer 1 year ago @jeffrey john wilson Well put. I am wrong entirely about these advancements already being a reality and in use. I was familiar with some things invented like the Nero phone by Patrick Flanagan and some other mind control stuff out there Nick Begich wrote about. I wasn't thinking about how extensive things are being pushed with all the possibilities available off the shelf and inventions I don't have a clue about. Corporations or governments you name it could do a great deal of healing with humanity or not in the least. It appears that technically some people or ET can create and control DNA human minds emotions actions.. . Another film I just watched also gets into unknown biologicals and mind control, distance influencing. Similar to what I heard on this show. I do apologies for being dismissive and rude about what is indeed true and concerning. You may like that video, its intense in similar ways. Peace, Happy New Year. <^>

jeffrey john wilson
1 year ago
Great humility…God is now gathering us together, just as in the days of Nehemiah..For us who are escaped from Babylon, you see the distress that we are in! We will work together to rebuild Jeruselum..thank appreciate you

Ben Palmer
1 year ago
@jeffrey john wilson I’m appreciative of you as well. Truth will always stand the tests of time ~<^>~

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