Alison McDowell On Dystopian Great Reset

The Progressive Commentary Hour – Guest Alison McDowell (Dec. 23, 2020)

Alison McDowell is a mother and independent researcher currently investigating the background and specifics of the World Economic Forum’s strategies behind the Great Reset. She blogs about the intersection of race, technology, finance and nature. Alison has a strong history in educational activism and opposition to high-stakes testing and the standardized curriculum. Her research later expanded into the military origins of educational technology, blockchain identity and financing, and global poverty management.

Alison’s website is

Topics Covered:

– Global Investment Models and Data Analytics
– Poverty Management
– Pay-For-Success Contracting to Create New Innovative Debt Products
– SMART Environment; ubiquitous sensors
– Outcomes-Based Government Contracts
– Performance-Based Government Contracts
– Social Impact Bonds As Debt Instruments
– Public-Benefit Service
– Paper-Success Finance
– Interoperable Data
– Predictive Profiling
– Digital Identity System
– Social Innovation System
– Human Capital Bond Markets
– Share-holder capitalism (Per Milton Friedman)
– Stake-holder capitalism (Private-Public Partnerships)
– UN Sustainable Development Goals
– Global Impact Investment Network
– Fourth Industrial Revolution
– AI-Internet of Things-5G-Internet of Bodies-Digital ID
– Prison-Industrial Complex
– Global-Open-Air Prison Is Coming
– Human Capitol Bonds
– The Privatization of the Entire Social Welfare System as a – Private Investment Program
– Hedge Funds Gamble on People’s Lives in Contracts based on
– Digital Identity System based on Blockchain
– Impact Market
– Social Capitol Bonds
– Sustainable Development Goals
– Global Impact Investment Network
– Humans as Data Commodities
– Benefit Corporation Laws/B-Lab/Fourth Sector
– Blockchain SMART Contracts/Etherium Digital Ledger
– Blockchain Identity
– STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math)
– Digital World-Militarized-Virtual Realm
– Common Pass Project (WEF and Rockefeller Foundation)
– Mobility Pass
– Biometric Identity
– Wearable Technology
– People as Data Commodities
– IBM, Goldman Sachs,
– Geofencing
– Patient Compliance
– Biotechnology and Cloud-Based Computing
– Health Impact Bond
– University Participation (Harvard, Imperial College, )
– Tie-In With Early 20th Century Eugenics
– Digital Food Assistance
– Avatar
– Tele-medicine
– Nanotechnology Pills
– Capitalism is Expanding Into the Virtual Realm Via Military Technology