CIA Invented AIDS to Kill Blacks (Letter From US Special Forces Officer)

ACT OF GENOCIDE: testimony letter of Tara Potter from the US Special Forces (ENGLISH, FRANCAIS, ESPAÑOL, ITALIAN)
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This is a copy of a signed and notarized letter from “Tara Potter” from the US Special Forces.

August 13, 2009.

To whom it may concern

In 1977 and 1978 I was sent with a team of Army Special Forces ostensibly topple the bloody Idi Amin regime. We lost the elements of surprise, and so, did not follow through on that part of our mission. While we were there, we were asked to distribute a new miracle lifesaving vaccine.

Our superiors were vague as to which disease (s) this vaccine was to prevent. The final protocol in testing we were told to vaccinate a small group of people, then wait 48 hours to observe any adverse reactions before distributing the vaccine widely.

In good faith, believing the vaccine was safe, we vaccinated the majority of our party, including myself. After 48 hours had passed, over a period of two days, I believe we vaccinated 2000-3000 people.
Eighteen months after we distributed the vaccine, we learned that 85% of the people we vaccinated were dying of a new disease soon to be called AIDS.

Most of our Caucasian party became HIV positive but are still surviving. It is my belief that the United States Central Intelligence Agency succeeded in its stated purpose, (in recent leaked classified documents), of creating a pathogen deadly primarily to people of color. I further believe that the Agency succeeded in using our team as unwitting pawns in an unholy unconscionable act of genocide against the innocent people of Africa.

I solemnly swear that the above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I am willing to be held accountable for the veracity of these statements under penalty of perjury in a court of law, before Congress, or the United Nations or before an International Court. This is a crime against humanity of unimaginable proportions and I demand justice.

“Tara Potter”
aka: Ariel Felice Phillips
aka: Suzanne Campbell

Diane K.Hendrickson
Notary Public, Minnesota
My commission expires Jan.31, 2010
August 17, 2009