“The (Inter)National Security Racketeering Network” and Georgetown University Neuroscientists Involved in Secret Remote Manipulation of Non-Consenting Americans (Dr. X Keyscore)

“The program,” which I refer to as the National Security Racketeering Network, is an extra-judicial political targeting and elimination program. This operation is a soft-kill operation. The expected outcome is self-harm, financial disruption, social disruption. They want to get rid of you via any means possible in a clandestine fashion and also have fun and generate a revenue while doing it. This is a style of parasitic crony capitalism because the Dept. of Jusice, Homeland Security, possibly DoD, are faraming out contracts on innocent Americans. So not only is this a political targeting operation, it also a revenue generation scheme that starts out within the Deep State Shadow Government and then profers people at every level.”

All 19 videos by Dr. X Keyscore:

“The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”

Dr. X On the (Targeted Individual-Gang Stalking) Program

Video 1: “The Program” – An Introduction by Dr. X – Video 1 – Gang Stalking

This is an introduction to the illegal, domestic targeting protocol, run in part thru Threat Fusion Centers by the federal government and US Military.

I will soon be opening a Patreon account, and attempting to dedicate more time to illuminating aspects of “The Program.”

Hopefully the videos will get better as time progresses.

Dr. X

Video 2:

Video 8: “The Program” – National Security Racketeering Network – Video 8

1h1 hour ago

This technology is available to most universities with advanced studies in neurology, and they are federally funded to run these illegal experiments.

That being said I have a special gift for “peeking behind the curtain,” which is one of the main reasons I am a targeted citizen.

Replying to @XKeyscore1
Oh Wow, How Do You Know About This?I Have Visited Georgetown! Somehow I Felt I Was Lured There and to The Exorcists Steps… I Have Strange Experiences and Sometimes End Up Going to Places Like by Guidance or Something…Do You Think That’s Them and Their “Program”?!

XKeyscore Retweeted Aware Truther Targeted Individual, Nano Slave ’04

If a university has a Department of Neurology and specializes in Stroke Rehabilitation and studies in Neuroplasicity – they are most likely involved in #RemoteNeuralMonitoring, Disruption of Cognitive Processes (Processing) and Synthetic Telepathy.

https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134A/en …

XKeyscore added,
Aware Truther Targeted Individual, Nano Slave ’04

Do tell….reading this @uoregon? https://twitter.com/XKeyscore1/status/1112525047745466368 …

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore

.@POTUS .@HouseIntel .@realDonaldTrump

So major universities like .@Georgetown can bring in foreign nationals to conduct highly-invasive & life-altering, non-consensual experimentation on innocent Americans???

How did she get a visa and security clearance???

.@POTUS This is Maryam Ghaleh – a Post-Doctoral researcher – from Iran – brought on-board by .@Georgetown University to conduct non-consensual, remote experimentation on innocent Americans, utilizing classified technology.


.@POTUS The non-consensual, #RemoteNeuralMonitoring protocol, run through .@Georgetown Neurology against innocent Americans, is not passive. The unknowing test-subjects can suffer severe psychological trauma and disruption of their cognitive processes.

‏ @XKeyscore1
2h2 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Abdiqani Hassan

He looks like a Southern Sudanese (tall) next to the US Ambassador

XKeyscore added,
Abdiqani Hassan
President Said Abdullahi Deni meets with #US Ambassador to Somalia Donald Yamamoto in Bosaso Airport discussing on the US security assistance to Puntland, economics and Humanitarians according to…
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
‏ @XKeyscore1
2h2 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Ann Coulter

I support .@POTUS most of the time, but Kushner needs to be kept out of the political arena.

He is a liability to the administration and appears as though he would be easy to compromise.

Bringing Kushner on-board has been one of .@realDonaldTrump’s biggest mistakes so far.

XKeyscore added,
Ann Coulter
Verified account @AnnCoulter
“Kushner was having secret meetings with Senators Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin about DACA [amnesty]”

Notice how quiet the Democrat outrage is when people like Joe Biden get accused of sexual harassment and misconduct?

There is more evidence of wrongdoing with Biden than there was with Kavanaugh

How will the media handle these growing accusations?

1,545 replies 9,667 retweets 27,467 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted

XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @SayMorePrayers
8 Feb 2018

Sometimes #praying is like walking on water. You have to forget about the impossibility, & have #faith that with God, All things are possible!
2 replies 91 retweets 173 likes
2h2 hours ago

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump .@HouseIntel .@ACLU .@DHSOIG

And even worse, they are funding foreign national Post-doctoral fellows – such as Iranian Maryam Ghaleh – to participate in these Nazi-styled experiments – without the consent of innocent Americans

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‏ @XKeyscore1
2h2 hours ago

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

Universities such as .@Georgetown use Department of Neurology Programs focusing on neuroplasicity and stroke rehabilitation as a guise for highly invasive & remote, non-consensual experimentation on innocent Americans.

https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134A/en …
1 reply 1 retweet 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
2h2 hours ago

And GU invites foreign national Post-Doctoral fellows into the USA, and funds them to remotely, psychologically gang-rape and traumatize innocent Americans as part of non-consensual experimentation, using classified technology?


https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134A/en …
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
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2h2 hours ago

.@POTUS .@HouseIntel

.@Georgetown Invasive & non-consensual #RemoteNeuralMonitoring of innocent Americans may constitute #DomesticTerrorism in addition to crimes against humanity.

But I guess the Department of Neurology was licking their collective chops at the federal funding
1 reply 1 retweet 0 likes
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2h2 hours ago

After my initial tweets regarding Iranian foreign national Maryam Ghaleh engaged in illegal, #Nazi-styled, non-consensual experimentation at .@Georgetown – the Department of Neurology shut down their twitter account

Non-consensual #RemoteNeuralMonitoring = #CrimesAgainstHumanity
0 replies 1 retweet 0 likes
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‏ @XKeyscore1
2h2 hours ago

The technology being abused by .@Georgetown Post-Doctorals has been around for 50+ years, & these people r engaged in acts which would make the #Nazis jealous.

They are targeting innocent Americans with classified tech.


https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134A/en …
1 reply 1 retweet 0 likes
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‏ @XKeyscore1
2h2 hours ago

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump As .@Georgetown Neurology is aware #RemoteNeuralMonitoring tech has been around for at least half a century, but individuals at that university r engaged in abusive & sadistic, non-consensual experimentation on innocent Americans

https://patents.google.com/patent/US3951134A/en …
XKeyscore Retweeted
Nunya Biznass
2h2 hours ago

We are more powerful than we remember!
#TheGreatAwakening #OneLove
0 replies 8 retweets 15 likes
2h2 hours ago

How does an Iranian such as Maryam Ghaleh get a visa & security clearance to engage in remote, Nazi-styled experimentation on unknowing US civilians .@Georgetown?

So ethics no longer play a role in the operation of your institution GU?

.@POTUS These are crimes against humanity
1 reply 0 retweets 1 like
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‏ @XKeyscore1
2h2 hours ago

.@Jim_Jordan .@FreeSpeechJim .@RonWyden .@TulsiPress .@HouseIntel .@replouiegohmert .@DevinNunes .@RandPaul

.@Georgetown These activities utilizing classified technology against innocent Americans constitute a threat to #NationalSecurity
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
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2h2 hours ago

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

How can .@Georgetown University allow foreign nationals such as Iranian Maryam Ghaleh to engage in non-consensual, #Nazi-style, brain-invasive experimentation on innocent Americans?

#RemoteNeuralMonitoring #SyntheticTelepathy r Crimes Against Humanity
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
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‏ @XKeyscore1
3h3 hours ago

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump .@GenFlynn

Every attorney I have attempted to retain to address the abuse at the hands of rogue #FBI #JTTF #DHS personnel has been threatened, coerced and warned off from representing me.

These agencies far, far surpass what the #Stasi perpetrated
0 replies 1 retweet 2 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
3h3 hours ago

.@SecNielsen .@POTUS

The extrajudicial targeting program run thru #ThreaatFusionCenters is the biggest #racketeering operation in the history of this country, in addition to constituting violent crimes against humanity.

.@realDonaldTrump Please #InvestigateFusionCenters
‏ @XKeyscore1
3h3 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore

.@steph2monaco There is a #SilentCoupInProgress Stephanie and tens of thousands of innocent Americans have been extrajudicially targeted.

This is my personal experience at the hands of the corrupt #FBI

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EFof_kH_y7o …

XKeyscore added,
The US diplomats who were targeted with sonic and millimeter-wave weapons have continued to be targeted in the USA.

There is a #SilentCoupInProgress coordinated in part through …
‏ @XKeyscore1
3h3 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Stephanie Parker

#FBI #DHS #JTTF and local LE employ gang-members or offer them early parole to assist on the targeting of anyone extrajudicially black-listed by the feds.

This protocol is referred to as #TheProgram in the IC & is coordinated thru #ThreatFusionCenters with #DOJ #DHS funding

XKeyscore added,
Stephanie Parker
Replying to @XKeyscore1 @Surfermom77 and 2 others
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
3h3 hours ago
Replying to @XKeyscore1

Wise of Israel to put their citizens first.
1 reply 1 retweet 2 likes
3h3 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Lamotte Wisdom Core

.@Georgetown University has a slew of foreign nationals – including Iranian Maryam Ghaleh – who are engaged in non-consensual, #Nazi-style #RemoteNeuralMonitoring & Synthetic Telepathy experimentation on innocent Americans.

.@POTUS .@HouseIntel .@DHSOIG .@MedStarGUH

XKeyscore added,
Lamotte Wisdom Core
Short Continuation:
When it comes to the “Brain Initiative” experimentation aka Nano Dust Particles in various forms, Interfacing telemetry, etc., I won’t named all of the Universities involved………………………today.
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0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
10h10 hours ago

My church did a full congregational prayer on my behalf today. Shown me lots of love and support. The word about the presentation is already spreading even though we haven’t even made a church wide announcement yet. God’s people are truly amazing!
0 replies 10 retweets 17 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
7h7 hours ago

At a friend’s house, Luciferian perps are trying to exercise their torture technology via satellite. Moments like this make me proud I am effectively doing my part to warned the public about these nefarious activities.
3 replies 6 retweets 11 likes
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‏ @XKeyscore1
3h3 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Lamotte Wisdom Core

Tower-mounted weapons platforms may also be to blame in some cases.

BTW – Israel refuses to deploy #5G

XKeyscore added,
Lamotte Wisdom Core
At a friend’s house, Luciferian perps are trying to exercise their torture technology via satellite. Moments like this make me proud I am effectively doing my part to warned the public about these nefarious activities.
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1 reply 0 retweets 1 like
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
7h7 hours ago

Quite a few people in the black community are suddenly sick without rational explanation. Many of their symptoms resemble radiation poisoning, similar symptoms I hear people who are targeted complain about often. Imperative that we all speak out offline! Protect your community!
4 replies 4 retweets 8 likes
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
6h6 hours ago

If sitting in someone else home technologically being assaulted, this is evidence anyone, any home, can immediately be covertly targeted technologically. Troubling conclusion? Every home is already susceptible to the grid, vulnerable to covert deception, torture, or depopulation.
2 replies 6 retweets 6 likes
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
6h6 hours ago

Lamotte Wisdom Core Retweeted UnbelievablyHacked

I am referring to my own particular observation in my particular community. I know civil rights violations are happening to people from different racial groups and I am in support of all people being targeted in this manner!

Lamotte Wisdom Core added,
Replying to @uclamotte
It isn’t just the black community, Lamotte. I’m a white chick. I don’t think this crime knows color, religion, politics… I think we’re all game to them.
1 reply 3 retweets 7 likes
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3h3 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Lamotte Wisdom Core

Spot on. These crimes know no color, race or ethnicity.

They target whom they please, and seem to take perverse and demonic pleasure while doing so.

These scumbags enjoy hurting and destroying people.

.@SecNielsen has to be aware of this #terrorism.

.@POTUS: #STASI is here

XKeyscore added,
Lamotte Wisdom Core
I am referring to my own particular observation in my particular community. I know civil rights violations are happening to people from different racial groups and I am in support of all people being targeted in this manner! https://twitter.com/hackertattler/status/1112462234863763457 …
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0 replies 1 retweet 2 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
6h6 hours ago

Nevertheless, legally, I am going to approach this matter as a violation of my civil rights, regardless if it is being called a “program” or anything else.
0 replies 2 retweets 6 likes
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XKeyscore Retweeted

Americans are growing tired of our ancestors being compared to the illegal migrants of today. Our families settled in an undeveloped land and built a great civilization. It’s not comparable to illegally storming our borders, demanding welfare, healthcare, and an education.
This media may contain sensitive material. Learn more
39 replies 335 retweets 473 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
3h3 hours ago


More “Sparks of Divinity” Nancy?
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
‏ @XKeyscore1
3h3 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted walter dellinger

Wishful thinking emanating from a socialist tool.

XKeyscore added,
walter dellinger
In the Wash Post Outlook section this Sunday I argue that the Mueller Report may be more damaging to Trump than we know. A version has now been posted online
https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/how-the-mueller-report-can-still-threaten-trumps-legitimacy/2019/03/29/839457b6-51a7-11e9-a3f7-78b7525a8d5f_story.html?utm_term=.700e4d2d8773 …
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
‏ @SandraTXAS
Mar 30

There is no #MyWhitePrivilege

But there is wealthy liberal privilege.

25 replies 340 retweets 462 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
3h3 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore

.@POTUS The real-time positions of innocent Americans are relayed from #ThreatFusionCenters to smart phones, where an app allows citizen vigilantes, parolees, illegal immigrants & #TerrorismLiaisonOfficers to stalk and assault the #FBI- & #DHS-designated “targets” 24/7


XKeyscore added,

.@uclamotte .@Ken_W_Peartree .@MichaelBarden8 .@RealJamesWoods .@Jim_Jordan .@FreeSpeechJim .@goyaeq .@spacecowbos .@CivilRights .@RonWyden .@replouiegohmert .@SecNielsen .@POTUS

0 replies 2 retweets 1 like
‏ @XKeyscore1
4h4 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore

The US diplomats who were targeted with sonic and millimeter-wave weapons have continued to be targeted in the USA.

There is a #SilentCoupInProgress coordinated in part through #ThreatFusionCenters with collusion of #FBI #JTTF #DHS #NSA #DOJ

This is domestic #Terrorism

XKeyscore added,
.@SecNielsen .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

This young LEO had just started on the job, when a man who had been attacked by the same type of weapons used against the diplomats in…
2 replies 4 retweets 3 likes
4h4 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore

.@uclamotte .@Ken_W_Peartree .@MichaelBarden8 .@RealJamesWoods .@Jim_Jordan .@FreeSpeechJim .@goyaeq .@spacecowbos .@CivilRights .@RonWyden .@replouiegohmert .@SecNielsen .@POTUS

#ThreatFusionCenter personnel #DHS #FBI #JTTF r engaged in domestic #terrorism

This has to stop!

.@SecNielsen .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

This young LEO had just started on the job, when a man who had been attacked by the same type of weapons used against the diplomats in…
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
‏ @XKeyscore1
4h4 hours ago

.@SecNielsen .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

This young LEO had just started on the job, when a man who had been attacked by the same type of weapons used against the diplomats in Cuba & China lashed out.


Stop this federal program now!
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
‏ @XKeyscore1
4h4 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore

The Fire, #EMS and County personnel involved in stalking and harassing innocent Americans are trained by .@SecNielsen’s #DHS and are referred to as #TerrorismLiaisonOfficers.

.@POTUS: while off-duty, they bring their children along on stalking operations as props.


XKeyscore added,
#FBI has rolled in and threatened every attorney I have attempted to retain and they have threatened and terrorized my family.

#DHS is also involved…
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
Mar 27
Replying to @uclamotte @zhilajones2 and

The Leftist proposed that by the time the citizens caught on to what they were doing, all of their plans would be in place for the takeover of the United States. Wake up people, told you all awhile back that a war has been declared against us and the country!
3 replies 5 retweets 6 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
Mar 27
Replying to @uclamotte @zhilajones2 and

Citizens are still in denial of what’s happening here. Obama, who’s not even a born citizen, became president, twice! In that time, technological weapons were disseminated throughout the nation to use in an attempt to control those who would not go along with this.
1 reply 1 retweet 3 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
Mar 27
Replying to @zhilajones2 @realDonaldTrump and

@realDonaldTrump was elected because the Leftist in this country is out of control. The Smollett situation and the treatment of the President should have made it clear to all targeted individuals that gang stalking and microwave assaults are part of a blatant takeover of the US.
1 reply 7 retweets 9 likes
4h4 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Lamotte Wisdom Core

#FBI has rolled in and threatened every attorney I have attempted to retain and they have threatened and terrorized my family.

#DHS is also involved

..@SecNielsen .@POTUS .@RealJamesWoods .@Jim_Jordan

XKeyscore added,
Lamotte Wisdom Core
Replying to @zhilajones2
People will just have to find ways to begin lawsuit procedures. This can’t continue to keep going on unchallenged. No everyone is intimidated by these fools. It may take awhile, but persistence do pay off!
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
4h4 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Lamotte Wisdom Core

.@SecNielsen Extrajudicial stalking is coordinated in part through #ThreatFusionCenters.

I hope .@POTUS commences an investigation into the #Stasi-styled #terrorism rin through these facilities – which operate with zero oversight.

MS13 are compensated to assist in these ops.

XKeyscore added,
Lamotte Wisdom Core
Replying to @uclamotte @zhilajones2 and 8 others
Look at the real picture! Human experimentation? 10% Might. Depopulation? 60% Maybe. Take Over of the United States? 99% Likely. Constitution ignored, talks of disarming citizens, Police, EMS, Fire Dept, & Medical, accused of gang stalking across the country. It’s a Takeover!
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
‏ @XKeyscore1
5h5 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore

.@SecNielsen Is .@POTUS aware that the real-time position of extrajudicially targeted Americans r relayed from #ThreatFusionCenters to civilians & illegal immigrants so that the citizen targets can b tracked, harangued & assaulted w/ full cooperation of #DHS #FBI #JTTF personnel?

XKeyscore added,
.@SecNielsen is .@POTUS aware that Americans are extrajudicially & warrantlessly tracked, targeted and harassed through #ThreatFusionCenters with collusion of #FBI & #DHS personnel, and that private contractors are also involved?…
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @buzzman888
10h10 hours ago

I don’t just want one……

I need one……?

Seref Sezgin
123 replies 541 retweets 932 likes
5h5 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore

.@SecNielsen is .@POTUS aware that Americans are extrajudicially & warrantlessly tracked, targeted and harassed through #ThreatFusionCenters with collusion of #FBI & #DHS personnel, and that private contractors are also involved?

These acts constitute #terrorism Kirstjen.

XKeyscore added,
.@SecNielsen Why are the US Diplomats who were attacked by sonic and millimeter-wave weapons in Cuba and China still under attack in the USA?

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

XKeyscore Retweeted Ron Ogletree
Ron, you come across as a bit immature for your age, and seem to be suffering from some type of liberal derangement syndrome.

Why not seek safe space, have a warm cookie and pet a puppy – or a gerbil if that is more to your liking.

XKeyscore added,
Ron Ogletree
Replying to @XKeyscore1
Does Ferguson ring a bell? How about the “Police acted stupidly”? Good grief you are vapid. Name me an ambulance chaser that would not take this case in a heartbeat. DO IT!
‏ @XKeyscore1
5h5 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Ron Ogletree


Have you ever been on the receiving end of the blowback for reporting corrupt LE personnel? That is one reason right there.

The “Serpico Effect” sure ain’t hyperbole.

XKeyscore added,
Ron Ogletree
Replying to @XKeyscore1 @JimBovard
The entire media complex reports something and we have to take that as credibility? SPYGATE? Police stop shooting teachers? You think this is not hyperbole? Why have none of them filed assault charges let alone wreckless endangerment. THINK PEOPLE!
‏ @XKeyscore1
5h5 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore

.@SecNielsen Why are the US Diplomats who were attacked by sonic and millimeter-wave weapons in Cuba and China still under attack in the USA?

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

#FBI #JTTF #DHS are engaged in acts that constitute #terrorism – in the US and abroad.

XKeyscore added,

Kirstjen, how do you feel about #FBI #JTTF #DHS personnel using children as props and human shields during their extrajudicial #stalking operatio…
0 replies 4 retweets 4 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
5h5 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted XKeyscore


Kirstjen, how do you feel about #FBI #JTTF #DHS personnel using children as props and human shields during their extrajudicial #stalking operations that constitute Domestic #Terrorism.

What is the difference between them and psychotic imams?

If only .@POTUS knew.

XKeyscore added,
Replying to @SecNielsen @DHSgov
Why don’t you make a statement regarding activities coordinated through #ThreatFusionCenters by #DHS #FBI #JTTF #NSA, that target innocent Americans and constitute domestic #Terrorism & #racketeering Kirstjen?…
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
‏ @XKeyscore1
5h5 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Joe Biggs

Will this repel liberals and socialists as well?

XKeyscore added,
Joe Biggs
Verified account @Rambobiggs
It’s time to invest in one of these!
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
Joe Biggs
‏Verified account @Rambobiggs
Mar 30

Proud Meninist – Joe Biggs
5 replies 21 retweets 87 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @KMGGaryde
10h10 hours ago

Former NSA official turned whistleblower William Binney contended the Obama-era FISA warrant obtained to monitor the communications of Carter Page was most likely utilized as a gateway to spy on the rest of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.
11 replies 209 retweets 196 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @DESERTF26408683
6h6 hours ago

Outlaw nonconsensual human experiments now – Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
0 replies 1 retweet 2 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Rising serpent
‏ @rising_serpent
6h6 hours ago

It’s crucial to realize that Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Da Nang Reptilian Blumenthal & the ever increasing horde of Dem donkeys braying at the collusion blood moon are not delusional.
They engage in malevolent hoax propaganda because in a Trump economy they’ve nothing else left.
27 replies 386 retweets 911 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
6h6 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Q Slayer Frieda Schnell

#QAnon is a #PSYOP

A mechanism to placate #POTUS’ conservative base.



What #BravoSierra.

“10 Days of Darkness” is a line stolen from Blade Runner 2049

XKeyscore added,
Q Slayer Frieda Schnell
Another respected voice on Q and it’s authenticity.

Are ALL the well. respected voices wrong? Gorka. Scott Adams. are just 2 of MANY. https://twitter.com/GingerMcQueen/status/1112457587130281984 …
0 replies 1 retweet 2 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
6h6 hours ago


James are u aware that the diplomats who were attacked in Cuba & China with sonic & millimeter-wave weapons are still under attack in the USA; in addition to being victims of gaslighting, and home invasions, with no sign of forced entry?

#COINTELPRO is alive & well
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
‏ @XKeyscore1
6h6 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted James Bovard

And for the rank and file #FBI #JTTF.

They are engaged in domestic #Terrorism, coordinated in part through #ThreatFusionCenters, with collusion of #DOJ #DHS #NSA.

XKeyscore added,
James Bovard
FBI ex-boss @Comey sez in NYT oped he wants world to see that U.S. justice system “works.” Except for the lies & crimes of top FBI officials, right?

0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 21

James @Comey is yapping again in @NYT about the “rule of law.” Still waiting for @Comey to explain how FBI secret police was part of the “rule of law.”
0 replies 3 retweets 10 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 21

Kudos to the masterminds who decided that schools “active shooter drills” should include shooting teachers with pellet guns. Bet the kids enjoyed watching https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2019/03/21/active-shooter-training-for-schools-teachers-shot-with-plastic-pellets/3231103002/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter …
5 replies 6 retweets 25 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 21

James Bovard Retweeted Max Boot

Why rush to the barricades to defend a warmonger who did little more than combine bombing, wishful thinking, & bogus idealism? https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/09/05/john-mccain-moralism-militarism-failed-america-world-column/1186645002/ …

James Bovard added,
Max Boot
Verified account @MaxBoot
This is obscene. If Congress doesn’t pass a resolution censuring Trump and defending McCain, all Republican lawmakers are complicit in this sickening slander of one of America’s greatest heroes and senators. https://twitter.com/johnjharwood/status/1108823414045839360 …
4 replies 7 retweets 48 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 22

James Bovard Retweeted Indiana State Teachers Association

I’m usually skeptical of teacher unions but when they simply request that the police stop shooting teachers, they have a good point.

James Bovard added,
Indiana State Teachers Association
During active shooter drill, four teachers at a time were taken into a room, told to crouch down and were shot execution style with some sort of projectiles – resulting in injuries to the extent that welts appeared, and blood was drawn.
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8 replies 15 retweets 44 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 29

Trump dodged an interview with Mueller’s team in part because federal agents have the right to lie to you — and to put you in prison if you lie to them.
4 replies 6 retweets 13 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Carter Barrett
‏ @carter_barrett
Mar 20

An @ISTAmembers just testified to the Senate Education Committee that teachers have reported being shot with pellet guns during school safety training. Gail Zeharalis said teachers reported hearing “screaming” and the bullets resulted in welts and blood…
170 replies 696 retweets 1,469 likes
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XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 24

James Bovard Retweeted James Comey

Questions like – Why did the FBI and Comey rig the investigation of Hillary’s email abuses to exonerate her? The IG report made @Comey & FBI look like hell. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/06/15/inspector-general-report-clinton-emails-secrecy-column/704890002/ …

James Bovard added,
James Comey
Verified account @Comey
So many questions.
1 reply 10 retweets 22 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 25

One lesson of the #MuellerReport: Americans should distrust media outlets that blindly trust current & former FBI & CIA officials.
5 replies 40 retweets 111 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @catoletters
Mar 26

20 Years Ago: Bill Clinton Bombs Serbia, Killing Hundreds of Civilians
0 replies 8 retweets 5 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 27

The FBI “colluded” far more to help the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016 than the Trump campaign colluded with Russians – #MuellerReport vs. DOJ IG report
4 replies 14 retweets 24 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 27

In contrast to the Mueller investigation, FBI treated Hillary Clinton & her top aides like royalty who deserved deference & were permitted to destroy key evidence
0 replies 6 retweets 12 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 28

.@Comey is calling for “transparency” on Mueller investigation but Comey’s FBI perennially deceived America and covered up scandalous abuses
0 replies 12 retweets 16 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
James Bovard
‏ @JimBovard
Mar 28

.@Comey wants “transparency” on Mueller investigation. How ’bout Comey releases all his memos/emails/etc. on the Hillary Clinton investigation? Tall boy took a dive.
1 reply 6 retweets 16 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
6h6 hours ago

Yes, the FBI is America’s secret police – and they are now employing #Stasi tactics against tens of thousands of innocent Americans, hand-in-hand with #DHS personnel.

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump .@JamesOKeefeIII .@RealJamesWoods
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
6h6 hours ago

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

The #FBI provides the local police with fake dossiers on whistleblowers, which are then distributed to the community at large, in order to encourage extra judicial targeting and harassment.

These acts constitute domestic #Terrorism
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
7h7 hours ago

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

The US Diplomats who were attacked by Sonic Weapons and Millimeter Wave Weapons in Cuba and China are still under attack, here in the United States, like tens of thousands of innocent Americans.

The #FBI is engaged in #Terrorism
0 replies 2 retweets 2 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
7h7 hours ago

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump

The #FBI #JTTF is the most dangerous and evil criminal cartel in the US today.

#terrorism #murder #racketeering #assault #Antisemitism and #HateCrimes are their favorite tools.

0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
7h7 hours ago

I cannot wait for the treasonous behavior of the sadistic #FBI #JTTF and #DHS personnel to be revealed to the public.

.@POTUS They r engaged in hard-core domestic #terrorism.

Ask #FBI who targeted the diplomats in Cuba & China & why they are still targeted here in the US
0 replies 2 retweets 2 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @IEDhunter26
7h7 hours ago
Replying to @AnonWarrior247 @XKeyscore1

In fact Muslims cry Islamophobia when its actually they are suffering from Christophobia
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @mpg25mary
7h7 hours ago

?? MAGA ?? Retweeted Rev. Chief Censor


Exactly true. “We love fact that 60% of babies born in LA are born to illegals. Let’s make that 100% so we can be truly diverse!”


?? added,
Rev. Chief Censor
“Let’s give them all driver’s licenses, free college, and medical care while raising taxes on Americans who reside in California.’ –Gav https://twitter.com/GavinNewsom/status/1112064274489204737 …
0 replies 2 retweets 3 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Mark Young
‏ @MarkYoungTruth
8h8 hours ago

Mark Young Retweeted Tom Elliott

Excuse me @AOC would you mind if I just am embarrassed for you? You don’t seem to have that capacity. You make ignorance an art form.

Mark Young added,
Tom Elliott
According to AOC, Congress amended the Constitution to prevent FDR from being re-elected:

“They had to amend the Constitution of the United…
Show this thread
308 replies 559 retweets 1,888 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
7h7 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Matt Couch


If incestuous .@Ilhan returned to Somalia with her brother-husband, they would suffer the most dire of violent consequences.

She is a low-intelligence hypocrite.

XKeyscore added,
Matt Couch
Replying to @charliekirk11
Not one word from the left of the LGBTQ on this either Charlie..

https://thedcpatriot.com/omar-refuses-to-condemn-gays-being-stoned-to-death/ …
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Matt Couch
‏ @RealMattCouch
13h13 hours ago

Is Ilhan Omar a racist?

Omar Blames Border Crisis on ‘White Nationalism’
675 replies 752 retweets 1,140 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
8h8 hours ago

0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Good Boy
‏ @GoodBoy10204293
Mar 30

“This Is A System-Wide Collapse” – Texas Border City Overwhelmed By “Surge” Of Central American Migrants | Zero Hedge
0 replies 9 retweets 9 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Jessica Fletcher
‏Verified account @heckyessica
8h8 hours ago

“Y’all good in there? Cause I’m good. Just wanted to make sure y’all are good. K, good. Everyone is goood.”
Mindy Robinson ??
6 replies 20 retweets 109 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Justice Time
‏ @JustinTraver3
8h8 hours ago
Replying to @2runtherace @realDonaldTrump

0 replies 3 retweets 13 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lamotte Wisdom Core
‏ @uclamotte
Mar 29

I’ve successfully articulated covert stalking and deadly microwave assaults to the influential members of my community nationwide they are now having this conversation among themselves along with condemning the act of torture. In the event of not being to speak for myself,
5 replies 15 retweets 23 likes
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‏ @XKeyscore1
8h8 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted American Sōhei

Muslims are obviously not Christian – however Jesus is a respected profit in the Koran, which flies in the face of this woman’s statement.

Thus, even in Islam, her argument does not hold up.

XKeyscore added,
American Sōhei
Replying to @XKeyscore1
It doesn’t mean Muslims are by no means a Christian.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
Constitutional Ann
??#RecallGavinNewsom #2A
‏ @DeplorablAnnJoy
10h10 hours ago
Replying to @ExposingLibsBS @BillR @JoeBiden

.I will translate #CreepyJoeB’s statement from POLITICIAN to PLAIN ENGLISH:

“I know exactly what I did, & still do, to woman & very, very, young girls is perverted, lewd, disgusting & creepy as f#¢k. But, I know you will all give me a pass because I was obummer’s lapdog.”
16 replies 176 retweets 169 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
JamieR {
?} Army Girl
‏ @Jamierodr14
12h12 hours ago

.INSPIRING! Women across the Middle East are burning their hijabs in protest and solidarity. You are Courageous and Strong! My heart is with you! Retweet to show support!
Ashraf Sher?
455 replies 3,956 retweets 5,451 likes
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XKeyscore Retweeted
Fil de l’épée
‏ @yagchri
Mar 30

https://p.dw.com/p/3Fr1C?maca=en-Twitter-sharing … Germany extends ban on arms sales to Saudi Arabia
0 replies 4 retweets 5 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Daniel Baranowski
‏ @DFBHarvard
8h8 hours ago

Mexican & Central American ALIEN workers in the USA are sending back to their Countries more than $50 Billion in US Dollars each year! [Remittances]

We subsidize TENS of Millions of Illegal Aliens at a cost of $150 Billion/year!

This is NUTS!
This is Democrats & RINOs!
14 replies 150 retweets 152 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
8h8 hours ago

0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Mark Lutchman
‏ @marklutchman
Mar 30

Democrats are furious that Trump just cut off US aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.

I say, good for him. Now cut off Mexico and sanctuary cities.

Who Agrees? ??‍♂️
2,738 replies 13,640 retweets 46,601 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Michael Anthony Meyers Sr.
‏ @mam65mam66
Mar 29

God bless this woman and God bless #Texas
823 replies 3,712 retweets 6,244 likes
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‏ @XKeyscore1
8h8 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Lynn Walsh

The door has already been opened by allowing .@IlhanMN and .@RashidaTlaib to swear into congress on Lorans, and by allowing incestuous Ilhan, who married her brother, to wear a hijab during congressional sessions.

It will be difficult to turn the tide.


XKeyscore added,
Lynn Walsh
Replying to @hamp2879 @DrNealHouston @mam65mam66
Yes it is. I’m NOT debating that. I’m encouraging ppl to stop being so lazy and accept the easy answers. Every story throughout history has a beginning. Trump/Slavery/race seem to occupy so many minds. I’d like to encourage ppl to go to the beginning.
1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Kevin R Bucklew
‏ @bucklew_r
Mar 29
Replying to @mam65mam66 @dc_maxx

God bless Texas!!!!!!
1 reply 14 retweets 104 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @gaye_gallops
11h11 hours ago


Hey Maverick have you seen my two boiled eggs for Breakfast?




Love this, have a smile on me!
This media may contain sensitive material. Learn more
67 replies 579 retweets 1,117 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Walter Whitten
‏ @bufsol1952
9h9 hours ago
Replying to @CavensRuben @CCTTruthChannel and

Oh, do I understand. Was invited to a law enforcement agency with a large population of Somalia immigrants. Saw first hand a different interpretation of law. Understand these people have been fighting for years. Met more educated and good Somali who wanted to change that image
1 reply 2 retweets 2 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Henry Makow
‏ @HenryMakow
14h14 hours ago

“So I can download a movie in a few seconds, but I won’t have any eyeballs to watch it with.”

“Israel who invented 5G refuses to install 5G but they want every other nation to install it. What does that tell you?”
14 replies 118 retweets 147 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
10h10 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Mike ‘Thomas Paine’ Moore

Someone needs to remind this mindless moron that Jesus is mentioned 26 times in the Koran, and that Mary is also revered as the mother of a profit.

XKeyscore added,
Mike ‘Thomas Paine’ Moore
First Muslim woman in Pennsylvania House says invoking Jesus is a ‘protest’ of her religion http://ow.ly/xGaQ30ogaeN
1 reply 1 retweet 3 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @WvTrump
12h12 hours ago


⭐️ Retweeted America First Investigations

How is this legal???
Who’s the real racists???


⭐️ added,
America First Investigations
White Reporters BANNED from Mayoral Race in Georgia https://thedcpatriot.com/white-reporters-banned-from-mayoral-race-in-georgia/ …
1 reply 11 retweets 7 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Diane Boyd
‏ @Boyd_2650
15h15 hours ago

#SundayBlessings The Lord is your strength! You can count on him!?”But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:30-31
?, debra steinman and 7 others
12 replies 203 retweets 247 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
DC McAllister
‏Verified account @McAllisterDen
22h22 hours ago

I was fired when I criticized a gay man who mocked my heterosexual relationship. Yet no one defended me when I stood for masculinity and God’s design for sexuality despite outlets saying they represent Judeo-Christian values about sexuality, identity and purpose. What is truth?
3,888 replies 2,460 retweets 9,020 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Mike Flippin
‏ @MikeFlipp
Mar 29
Replying to @RealSaavedra

2 replies 21 retweets 99 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
13h13 hours ago

24 people followed me and 7 people unfollowed me // automatically checked by
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @Adalicious_6237
Mar 26

Dear Jesus..
I just want to let you know that Nigerians are using your name to cut cake….
1 reply 2 retweets 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @Adalicious_6237
Mar 28

So after church this evening, immediately rain started falling, my blessings don land…
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
Riled Red Raven
‏ @RemakingUSA
16h16 hours ago

Riled Red Raven Retweeted ? ??? ???? ??????


EVERY country where the government controls healthcare uses it as a means to control their subjects! That’s what it’s all about! Total privatization with some regulations is what we need. @LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump

Riled Red Raven added,
? ??? ???? ??????
WOW! Venezuela Is Using HEALTHCARE As A Political Weapon Against Their People https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYxJ-9I58OM …
1 reply 5 retweets 7 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
14h14 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted BayerAnimalHealth US

Bayer owns Monsato. Are you killing our pets too?

XKeyscore added,
BayerAnimalHealth US
Nice catch! What could be better than 8 months of #baseball? 8 months of #flea and #tick protection that helps keep your #dog off the bench. Learn about Seresto® https://bit.ly/2X1Sszv
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
14h14 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted boo boo the fool

“50 shades of yipped.”


XKeyscore added,
boo boo the fool
Replying to @WeavingHouse @westhamster2
U kinda missed the point lmao she looks like she’s after going on a fucking wild pill-fueled bender, look at her eyes- and she’s definitely holding back a gurn. Nobody’s talking about her ability, just the fact that she looks 50 shades of yipped. Nothing wrong w that tho.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
14h14 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted paul killeen

Translation please ….

XKeyscore added,
paul killeen
Replying to @westhamster2 @MIKEYGEE110
Ones on wizz ones on spice
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
14h14 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted dj emotional support peacock

IMHO alcohol with a side of coke to wake her up

XKeyscore added,
dj emotional support peacock
Replying to @Rich_Downing @admwestbrook3 and 2 others
Lol it’s pills mates
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @cjdaly87
Mar 29
Replying to @Rtreatwilliams @westhamster2

High AF on drink or drugs.
0 replies 1 retweet 8 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @grumpyo15449879
Mar 29
Replying to @westhamster2 @Newsagentprovoc

It looks like she’s been on the Columbian marching powder ??
6 replies 7 retweets 257 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Stillness in the Storm
14h14 hours ago

Researchers: Hair Dyes Have a Direct Connection to Breast Cancer
1 reply 7 retweets 10 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
14h14 hours ago


Iran is not the real enemy.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
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‏ @XKeyscore1
14h14 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted OMOOBA DUBAI

Ask for me. In da west dem celebrate May

XKeyscore added,
Replying to @XKeyscore1
Ano know oo??
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @catturd2
Mar 30

Is anyone else suddenly getting a ton of these in their replies??
1,144 replies 517 retweets 2,260 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
14h14 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted OMOOBA DUBAI

Please educate me. Most Western countries celebrate Mother’s Day in May.

Is it possible that Mother’s Day in Nigeria, is based on an older religious festival, which does not run concurrent with the western holiday?

XKeyscore added,
As we celebrate Mother’s Day today without money in the pocket to give them the best of life, let’s grab the opportunity to make money right from the comfort of our homes, so as to make these mums proud in no time. They deserve it.

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1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
15h15 hours ago

Shari’a officially made its entrance into our nation when .@RashidaTlaib and .@IlhanMN swore into congress on the Koran, and when Ilhan was given the go-ahead to wear the hijab into congressional sessions.

Kiss the republic goodbye – it is crumbling before our very eyes.
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
‏ @XKeyscore1
15h15 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Zachary Enoch

20+ year old technology.

AI is now tied in to humanity via Remote Neural Monitoring, leeches every thought of humankind, and injects responsive suggestions via synthetic telepathy.

XKeyscore added,
Zachary Enoch
Replying to @BardsOfWar
Why does the movie I robot seem not so far-fetched right now? Or the movie eagle eye?
0 replies 2 retweets 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
15h15 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted WarWeary

Anytime something has been “rumored” it has been in existence for several decades.

XKeyscore added,
Replying to @BardsOfWar
It was Elon Musk that said the internet was the greatest AI library about mankind and our history. Two minutes after an internet facing AI passes the singularity test it all ready knows more than the smartest human. Think about that. Singularity rumored 2016… Skynet is here.
0 replies 1 retweet 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Bards Of War
‏ @BardsOfWar
Mar 29



Nope. AI is learning from social media and we are not doing a good job.

8 replies 45 retweets 61 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Paula Prodromou
‏ @ProdromouPaula
Mar 30
Replying to @Marita_1010

Geepas this man is like the devil himself… Sowing seeds of hatred in people’s minds and hearts… @Julius_S_Malema be careful, you can’t play with God, or God’s children… What you have been sowing you will reap terrible calamity on yourself and your family…
1 reply 2 retweets 4 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
❌ ?? ?? ??? (?) ????

‏ @RNinMI
Mar 30

““Trust God. Like the children of Israel, just stick your toes in the water, and watch God part the raging sea before you. His face is always toward you.” —MarySoutherland
1 reply 21 retweets 35 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @ImDeplorable16
19h19 hours ago

? #SaveTheChildren #AbortionIsMurder #SaveTheBabies @realDonaldTrump
1 reply 9 retweets 12 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
❌ ?? ?? ??? (?) ????

‏ @RNinMI
Mar 30

Worth pondering!! ?
4 replies 30 retweets 38 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Colin D
‏ @stuffed_krust
21h21 hours ago

Colin D Retweeted IgnorableMe

Been through the healthcare system lately? Wait times are at record highs and getting longer. Resources are thin and the govt plans on importing limitless elderly immigrants (who’ve never paid their share of taxes, yet reap the benefits). It sucks waiting in line to die.

Colin D added,
Name me one country that went from socialized medicine to privatized. I’ll wait. https://twitter.com/stuffed_krust/status/1112208922079870977 …
2 replies 10 retweets 10 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
❌ ?? ?? ??? (?) ????

‏ @RNinMI
Mar 30

YES!! Beautiful! @valorieburton
1 reply 23 retweets 19 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
19h19 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Sahra Abdi Ahmed

I agree with the ruling. Somalia gave up Xeer for Shari’a. What has Shari’a gotten Xamar?

Come to the west and assimilate, or stay at home in Somalia and wear hijab as women are mutilated by FGM.

If hijab, shari’a and FGM are so fantastic, why leave Xamar? Stay where you are.

XKeyscore added,
Sahra Abdi Ahmed
Verified account @SahraCabdi
Dreams of a future police officer halted by religious symbol https://montreal.citynews.ca/video/2019/03/29/dreams-of-a-future-police-officer-halted-by-religious-symbol/ …
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
Yellow Vest White Shark
‏ @DeeGR8whiteluvr
20h20 hours ago

Man, 24, arrested over the murder of South Carolina student https://mol.im/a/6868023 via @MailOnline Horrendous. At least South Carolina has the death penalty. #RIP
0 replies 3 retweets 2 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
20h20 hours ago

XKeyscore Retweeted Temi Cute



XKeyscore added,
Temi Cute
This babe raised her hands up to pack her hair and I went dizzy like I just came out coma ???

Ladies pls try and shave ur armpits regularly? this weather is too hot…
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏Verified account @CGTNOfficial
20h20 hours ago

Two rare white lion cubs born in #Crimea safari park
19 replies 192 retweets 997 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lhei Lhei
‏ @123pLheiful
Mar 28

Lhei Lhei Retweeted
?Tia Legato


Wow! ?

Lhei Lhei added,
?Tia Legato
? not Dance but She Bringing it @bob_kitt ?
0 replies 1 retweet 3 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Lhei Lhei
‏ @123pLheiful
Mar 29

Lhei Lhei Retweeted


Ohh… ?

#goodvibes #goodvibesonly

Lhei Lhei added,
Urggh, no food in the oven??
0 replies 1 retweet 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
On Assignment with Richard Engel
‏Verified account @OARichardEngel
Mar 29

“This is going to be the most vitriolic period in American history since before the Civil War,” Steve Bannon predicts of the next few months. President Trump is “going to get off the chain…it’s going to be payback,” he tells @RichardEngel. “People better strap in and watch it.”
788 replies 4,254 retweets 8,089 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Akinwande oluwatosin
‏ @Horluwatocin
Mar 30

Never let your past experiences harm your future.Your past can’t be altered and your future doesn’t deserve the punishment.
Have a pleasant saturday
12 replies 157 retweets 268 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Charlie Kirk
‏Verified account @charliekirk11
Mar 30


Trump cuts off aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras


No more aid till they do everything they can to stop these illegal caravans!
3,728 replies 18,432 retweets 72,307 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Kevin Shipp
‏ @Kevin_Shipp
Mar 30

They are banning a popular, peaceful Christian restaurant, and they say someone else is practicing hate? Gay Mafia. Eat at Chick-Fil-A.
33 replies 320 retweets 620 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Michael Barden
‏ @MichaelBarden8
Mar 26

How do the people that take place in psychological warfare live with themselves? The answer. Narcissistic Supply. It keeps their motor running like a Ferrari. If you don’t know about this, I highly suggest you research it before you learn from experience.
2 replies 11 retweets 27 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Michael Barden
‏ @MichaelBarden8
Mar 28

Well everyone, it looks like my business isn’t going to make it much longer. It’s impossible to do this with all of this nonsense going on. I can’t even get any sleep with people pounding on my door at 2 am in the morning. I got video for proof.
8 replies 7 retweets 16 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @selahH6
Mar 30


This is used on my daughter and I in Orange County CA
Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers – The New York Times
0 replies 1 retweet 3 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Julian’s Rum
‏ @JuliansRum
Mar 30

“Test them to find out where they are sufficient and where they are lacking.”

– Sun Tzu

0 replies 10 retweets 25 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @skaldulfr
Mar 30

Forest cottage
0 replies 18 retweets 62 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
Mar 30

XKeyscore Retweeted jeff sekerak

The republic as we once knew it has fallen.

Other than divine intervention, nothing can stop our steep nosedive into a land besieged by communism and shari’a.

XKeyscore added,
jeff sekerak
You could be arrested! For growing vegetables, collecting rainwater, feeding the homeless, or selling a cup of lemonade from your front yard. Home of the free? Perhaps not. Land of the brave? I’m skeptical.
0 replies 2 retweets 2 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
Mar 30

XKeyscore Retweeted Arch Kennedy

.@ArchKennedy If .@Ilhan returned to Somalia with her husband/brother, she would also face the strictest of repercussions for her incestuous activities.

She is a mentally unbalanced hypocrite who could never behave in her own country, as she behaves here.

XKeyscore added,
Arch Kennedy
#IlhanOmar refuses to condemn the stoning of gays under #ShariaLaw, and jihad attacks against Israel by #Hamas.

Why does the Democrat party accept this kind of hate and not ask her…
0 replies 0 retweets 1 like
XKeyscore Retweeted
Steve T
‏ @stevet_140
Mar 30
Replying to @Evenings_Star

Not surprising. Why would anyone want to serve if they knew the Liberal government would not support them with equipment, protect them with medical care, and would take them to court if they complained. The best thing to do to protect the military, is to fire the government.
1 reply 1 retweet 2 likes
XKeyscore Retweeted
Tina Mucci
‏ @MucciTina
Mar 29

The system was designed to be this way…

“It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.”
~ George Carlin
13 replies 119 retweets 255 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
Mar 30

XKeyscore Retweeted sushant sagar


XKeyscore added,
sushant sagar
Replying to @yasirwattu @SameeraKhan
Imran khan supported taliban and saud it cime under islamic right
Besides terrorists may not one votes but they sure control the govt. Atif mian resignation proves that.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
‏ @XKeyscore1
Mar 30

XKeyscore Retweeted Iqra

Incorrect. Taliban belong to an extreme Sunni political ideology, based on a twisted interpretation of Islam.

To state the Taliban are apolitical or areligious is grossly incorrect.

Indeed, they epitomize the dangers of Sunni Political-Islamist ideology.

XKeyscore added,
Replying to @XKeyscore1 @SameeraKhan
Lady Bhutto was murdered by a faction of the Taliban- terrorists, not by any political group or religious order.
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XKeyscore Retweeted
‏ @Iqra72495889
Mar 12
Replying to @XKeyscore1 @SameeraKhan

No religious party has ever won In Pakistan. However, Pakistan didn’t do a very good job of reigning in the religious wackos.
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Steve Wingo
‏ @steve_wingo
Mar 30

Steve Wingo Retweeted Lauren G

Impeach , impeach

Steve Wingo added,
Lauren G
⚠️ Patriots PLEASE listen to what this woman is saying. What she is WARNING us about. Share her message. Every American needs to wake up to the fact that our country has been invaded, infiltrated, and threatened. It must be stopped NOW!!

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Lauren G
‏ @lbc360
Mar 1

Lauren G Retweeted Katie Hopkins

⚠️ Patriots PLEASE listen to what this woman is saying. What she is WARNING us about. Share her message. Every American needs to wake up to the fact that our country has been invaded, infiltrated, and threatened. It must be stopped NOW!!
#ImpeachIlhanOmar #ImpeachRashidaTlaib

Lauren G added,
Katie Hopkins
Verified account @KTHopkins
America needs to WAKE UP to #IlhanOmar
210 replies 1,961 retweets 2,134 likes
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Katie Hopkins
‏Verified account @KTHopkins
Mar 1

America needs to WAKE UP to #IlhanOmar
1,971 replies 10,667 retweets 17,694 likes
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I’mJustABiLL Eph 5:11
‏ @bchapman151
Mar 30
Replying to @AOC

Oh. So this guy gets no police protection? No protection from the fire department? Doesn’t drive on roads? Doesn’t get a free ride at the ER if he shows up with a life threatening situation?

How does he pay anything other than sales tax WITHOUT a SSN or and EIN?

Answer me pls
3 replies 10 retweets 35 likes
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‏ @inthecopa
Mar 29

Never really cared for Sen Rand Paul until now?
Today, he blocked a resolution by Dems for the release of the Mueller Rept. Paul wants communications released of Crooked Obama officials who spied on Trump including: John Brennan, Peter Strzok, Loretta Lynch & Bruce Ohr.
4 replies 65 retweets 99 likes
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ɳαɳ૮ყ ن
‏ @LVNancy
Mar 30

? The Alphabet soup of ‘Intelligence’ agencies have unlimited power to FALSIFY and narrate the overthrow a U.S. President

They Not only spied on but planted people inside @realDonaldTrump camp in pursuit of entrapment


https://pjmedia.com/rogerlsimon/trump-was-not-just-spied-upon-but-entrapped/ …
Deplorable Linda G. {
⭐}, Betty Ann, MB and 7 others
13 replies 203 retweets 175 likes
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jeff sekerak
‏ @jeffsekerak
Mar 30

Plagued by distractions.
Your life’s full of holes.
Dump beer, drugs, & TV.
Write down your goals.
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AI Killer
‏ @sara8smiles
Mar 30

We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto, and quite frankly, I’m wondering if w